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NL3D Namespace Reference

This namespace contains all 3D class. More...


struct  NL3D::CAdvance1616Iterator
 Class that manage iterator progression with a step of 16:16 in fixed point We assume that T::value_type gives the operator * return type T is the type of the iterator This iterator is READ-ONLY NOTE: this iterator is not intended to serves with STL algo, it doesn't support all the needed features, ++ and * operator are provided as syntaxic sugars.. More...

struct  NL3D::CAdvance1Iterator
 Class that manage iterator progression with a step of 1 We assume that T::value_type gives the operator * return type T is the type of the iterator. More...

class  NL3D::CCalcLightableShapeRunnable
class  NL3D::CCalcRunnable
struct  NL3D::CZoneTgtSmoother::CVertexInfo
struct  NL3D::CZoneTgtSmoother::CTangentId
struct  NL3D::CZoneTgtSmoother::CPatchId
class  NL3D::CZoneSymmetrisation::CError
 Error structure. More...

class  NL3D::CFillStackNode
struct  NL3D::CZoneSmoother::CZoneInfo
class  NL3D::CZoneLoadingTask
 CZoneLoadingTask implement run methode for loading a zone for TaskManager. More...

struct  NL3D::CZoneManager::SZoneManagerWork
 A Work is a removed zone or a loaded zone. More...

struct  NL3D::CZoneLighter::CPatchForPL
 A patch with UnCompressed TileInfluences. More...

struct  NL3D::CZoneLighter::CTileLightInfUnpack
 An UnCompressed TileLightInfluence. More...

struct  NL3D::CZoneLighter::CPredPointLightToPoint
 For sort(). More...

struct  NL3D::CZoneLighter::CPointLightRT
 A PointLight struct to test raytracing. More...

struct  NL3D::CZoneLighter::CShapeInfo
 Struct describing the position of a lightable shape. More...

class  NL3D::CZoneLighter::CHeightField
class  NL3D::CZoneLighter::CLumelDescriptor
class  NL3D::CZoneLighter::CMultiShape
class  NL3D::CZoneLighter::CShape
class  NL3D::CZoneLighter::CTriangleList
class  NL3D::CZoneLighter::CTriangle
class  NL3D::CZoneLighter::CLightDesc
struct  NL3D::CZoneCornerSmoother::CVertexSmoothInfo
struct  NL3D::CZone::CTessBaseVertex
struct  NL3D::CZone::CPatchConnect
struct  NL3D::CPatchInfo::CBindInfo
 A bind Info on a edge of a patch. More...

struct  NL3D::CBorderVertex
 The struct for connectivity of zone vertices. More...

struct  NL3D::CPaletteSkin
 Describe index for palette skinning. More...

struct  NL3D::CPatchInfo
 The struct for building a patch. More...

struct  NL3D::CSortTri
class  NL3D::CSortVSB
class  NL3D::CTrackSampledQuat::CQuatPack
class  NL3D::CTCBTools
 TCB Track tools (for both normal TCB, and quat TCB). More...

class  NL3D::CTileLumel::CStreamBit
 Stream bit class used to compress the shadow map of the patch. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureFileUser
 UTextureFile implementation. More...

struct  NL3D::CTextureFont::SLetterKey
struct  NL3D::CTextureFont::SLetterInfo
struct  NL3D::CTextureFar::CPatchIdent
 Patch identifier. More...

struct  NL3D::CTextureDLM::CBlock
 A block descriptor. More...

class  NL3D::CParamCoord
 The parametric coordinates of the patch. More...

class  NL3D::CTessFace
 A Landscape Triangle. More...

class  NL3D::CTessFacePriorityList::CRollingTable
 A single rolling table <=> HTable. More...

struct  NL3D::CSurfaceLightGrid::CCellCorner
struct  NL3D::CCornerNode
struct  NL3D::COrderFace
class  NL3D::CStaticQuadGrid::CQuadNode
class  NL3D::CSkeletonWeight::CNode
 An element of the template. A pair of node name / node weight. More...

struct  NL3D::CSkeletonShape::CLod
 This is a lod for skeleton. More...

struct  NL3D::CSkeletonModel::CBoneCompute
struct  NL3D::CSkeletonModel::CBoneUsage
class  NL3D::CInstanceGroup::CInstance
 An element of the group. More...

class  NL3D::CInstanceGroup
 A CInstanceGroup is a group of mesh instance and so composed by A reference to a mesh (refered by the name) The transformations to get it to the world The parent. More...

class  NL3D::CQuadGrid::CIterator
class  NL3D::CQuadGrid::const_iterator
class  NL3D::CQuadGrid::CNode
class  NL3D::CQuadGrid::CBaseNode
struct  NL3D::CDummy2DAngle
struct  NL3D::CEdge
struct  NL3D::CPlaneBasis
 A basis for plane object, used by particle by face and shockwaves It's a like a 2x3 matrix, (with only the X and Y vector defined). More...

class  NL3D::CPSBasisSpinner
 this is a spinner : this compute a basis by applying a rotation over the given axis. More...

class  NL3D::CPSColoredParticle
 this class adds tunable color to a particle. Can be added using public multiple inheritance. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::CGlobalTexAnims
 Infos for global texture animation. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::CPlaneBasisPair
struct  NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplayShare::CKey
class  NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplayShare
 This class manage sharing between several mesh displays. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplay
 a set of rendering pass, and the associated vertex buffer. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::CGlobalTexAnim
 Properties of global texture animation. More...

class  NL3D::CIsotropicForceT
 a helper class to create isotropic force : they are independant of the basis, and have no position (fluid friction for example) To use this class you should provide to it a functor class that define the () operator with 3 parameters param1 = a const reference to the position of the particle param2 = a reference to the position, that must be updated param3 = a float giving the inverse of the mass param4 = the ellapsed time, in second (has the TAnimationTime type). More...

class  NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh
 This class is for mesh that have very simple geometry. More...

class  NL3D::CPSConstraintMeshHelper
 Well, we could have put a method template in CPSConstraintMesh, but some compilers want the definition of the methods in the header, and some compilers don't want friend with function template, so we use a static method template of a friend class instead, which gives us the same result :). More...

struct  NL3D::CPSHintParticleRotateTheSame
 This add a hint to rotated particle : only a few one are rotated, and the other are duplcated. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSLocated::CPostNewElementRequestInfo
 used internally to record the request of creation of new posted located. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSLocated::CParametricInfo
 WARNING : private use by forces only. More...

class  NL3D::CPSBrownianForce
 A Brownian motion. More...

class  NL3D::CPSCentralGravity
 a central gravity class. Mass is taken in account here. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSCollisionInfo
 This structure helps to perform the collision step, by telling which collisionner is the nearest if there are several candidate a distance of -1 indicates that no collisions occured. More...

class  NL3D::CPSCylindricVortex
 a cylindric vortex. More...

class  NL3D::CPSDirectionnalForce
 a force that has the same direction everywhere. More...

class  NL3D::CPSFloatCurve
struct  NL3D::CPSFloatCurveFunctor::CCtrlPoint
struct  NL3D::CDecalIterator
 this iterator just return the same value. More...

struct  NL3D::CDistIterator
 iterator that use dist to compute the value. More...

struct  NL3D::CFClampDot3AddIterator
 this iterator perform a dot prod with a vector, add an offset. If it is negatif it return MaxInputValue, and take the abs of the result. More...

struct  NL3D::CFClampSquareDot3AddIterator
 this iterator perform a dot prod with a vector, add an offset. If it is negatif it return MaxInputValue, and take the square of the result. More...

struct  NL3D::CFDot3AddIterator
 this iterator perform a dot prod with a vector, add an offset and take the fabs of the result. More...

struct  NL3D::CFSquareDot3AddIterator
 this iterator perform a dot prod with a vector, add an offset and take the square of the result. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSFace::CPlaneBasisPair
class  NL3D::CPSAttribMaker
 This is a base class for any attrib maker. More...

class  NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBase
 this is the base for attribute makers. More...

class  NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBinOp
 An attribute maker that compute an attribute in a particle system. More...

class  NL3D::CPSAttribMakerMemory
 This class is an attribute maker that has memory, all what is does is to duplicate its mem when 'make' is called It own an attribute maker that tells how to produce the attribute from its emiter date, speed and so on ... More...

class  NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT
 This template generate an attrib maker by defining the methods of the CPSCAttribMaker class. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSBaseIterator
 We define a set of iterator object that can advance with a fixed point step in the source container We have 2 version for each iterator : iterators that advance with a step of 1, and iterators that advance with a fixed point (16 : 16). More...

struct  NL3D::CPSBinOp
 this struct has an enumeration of various binary operators available with CPSAttribMakerBinOp. More...

class  NL3D::CPSColorBinOp
 An attribute maker whose output if the result of a binary op on colors. More...

class  NL3D::CPSColorBlender
class  NL3D::CPSColorBlenderExact
 these are some attribute makers for colors This is a int blender class. It just blend between 2 values. The blending is exact, and thus slow... More...

class  NL3D::CPSColorGradient
 This is a color gradient class. More...

class  NL3D::CPSColorMemory
 this memorize value by applying some function on the emitter. More...

class  NL3D::CPSDirection
 This class is an interface for object for a particle system that need a direction (forces, emitter...) Some of these object support global value as a direction (see CParticleSystem::setGlobalVectorValue), so calls to setDir then have no effect. More...

class  NL3D::CPSDot
 this is just a coloured dot. More...

class  NL3D::CPSEmitter
 Base class for all emitters in a particle system. More...

class  NL3D::CPSEmitterConic
 The same as a directionnel emitter, but you can also specify the radius for emission. More...

class  NL3D::CPSEmitterDirectionnal
 Emit in one direction. This can be the 0, 0, 0 vector. More...

class  NL3D::CPSEmitterOmni
 Emit randomly in all direction. More...

class  NL3D::CPSEmitterRectangle
 Emit directionnally in a rectangle (useful to produce snow, drop of water ...). More...

class  NL3D::CPSFace
 A face particle Unlike FaceLookAt, these particle can have an orientation in space. More...

class  NL3D::CPSFaceHelper
 Well, we could have put a method template in CPSFace, but some compilers want the definition of the methods in the header, and some compilers don't want friend with function template, so we use a static method template of a friend class instead, which gives us the same result :). More...

class  NL3D::CPSFaceLookAt
 A FaceLookAt particle These particles can have 2 different size (width and height) when activated. More...

class  NL3D::CPSFaceLookAtHelper
 Well, we could have put a method template in CPSFaceLookAt, but some compilers want the definition of the methods in the header, and some compilers don't want friend with function template, so we use a static method template of a friend class instead, which gives us the same result :). More...

class  NL3D::CPSFanLight
 A fan light particle. More...

class  NL3D::CPSFanLightHelper
 Well, we could have put a method template in CPSFanLight, but some compilers want the definition of the methods in the header, and some compilers don't want friend with function template, so we use a static method template of a friend class instead, which gives us the same result :). More...

class  NL3D::CPSFloatBinOp
 An attribute maker whose output if the result of a binary op on floats. More...

class  NL3D::CPSFloatBlender
 these are some attribute makers for float This is a float blender class. It just blend between 2 values. More...

class  NL3D::CPSFloatCurveFunctor
 this functor produce float based on a hermite curve. More...

class  NL3D::CPSFloatGradient
 This is a float gradient class. More...

class  NL3D::CPSFloatMemory
 this memorize float by applying some function on the emitter. More...

class  NL3D::CPSFluidFriction
 the fluid friction force. More...

class  NL3D::CPSFluidFrictionFunctor
 a fluid friction functor, it is used by the fluid friction class. More...

class  NL3D::CPSForce
 All forces in the system derive from this class It has a list with all located on which the force can apply. More...

class  NL3D::CPSForceIntensity
 this is a class to set force instensity (acceleration for gravity, k coefficient for springs...). More...

class  NL3D::CPSForceIntensityHelper
 this class defines the newElement, deleteElement, and resize method of a class that derives from CPSForceIntensity And that don't add per paerticle attribute. More...

class  NL3D::CPSGravity
 a gravity class. Mass isn't taken in account (true with a uniform gravity model, near earth ). More...

struct  NL3D::CPlayListManager::CNode
struct  NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::CCluster
 A clip cluster, for quadTree of clusters. More...

struct  NL3D::CPatch::CBindInfo
class  NL3D::CParticleSystem::CGlobalVectorValueHandle
struct  NL3D::CMRMMeshFinal::CMRMBlendShapeFinal
struct  NL3D::CMRMMeshFinal::CLod
struct  NL3D::CMRMMeshFinal::CFace
struct  NL3D::CLinearEquation::Element
struct  NL3D::CLinearEquation
class  NL3D::CMRMBlendShape
 An internal mesh representation for MRM. More...

struct  NL3D::CMRMCorner
 An internal mesh corner Index representation for MRM. More...

struct  NL3D::CMRMFace
 An internal mesh face representation for MRM. More...

class  NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail
 Degradation Control for MRM. More...

class  NL3D::CMRMMesh
 An internal mesh representation for MRM. More...

class  NL3D::CMRMMeshFinal
 An internal MRM mesh representation for MRM, with All lods information. More...

class  NL3D::CMRMMeshGeom
 An internal mesh representation for MRM, with geomoprh information. More...

class  NL3D::CMRMParameters
 This class is to be used with CMRMBuilder. More...

struct  NL3D::CMRMSewingMesh::CLod
struct  NL3D::CMRMAttribute
 An internal mesh vertex attribute (UV, color, normal...) representation for MRM building. More...

struct  NL3D::CMRMBuilder::CAttributeKey
 Temp map Attribute/AttributeId . More...

class  NL3D::CBlendShape
struct  NL3D::CMRMBuilder::CGeomPred
struct  NL3D::CMiniCol::CFace
class  NL3D::CMeshMultiLod::CMeshMultiLodBuild::CBuildSlot
 A slot of mesh for the build. More...

class  NL3D::CMatrix3x4SSEArray
 A CMatrix3x4SSE array correctly aligned. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshMRM
 An instanciable MRM mesh. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::CLodInfo
 A LOD of the MRM. More...

struct  NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::CMeshBuildMRM
 A mesh information. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::CLod
 A LOD of the MRM. More...

struct  NL3D::CMeshBlockManager::CInstanceInfo
struct  NL3D::CMeshBase::CLightInfoMapList
struct  NL3D::CMeshBase::CMatStage
class  NL3D::CMeshBase
 A base mesh with just material manipulation. More...

struct  NL3D::CMeshBase::CMeshBaseBuild
 A mesh material information. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance
 An base class for instance of CMesh and CMeshMRM (which derive from CMeshBase). More...

class  NL3D::CMeshBaseInstanceAnimDetailObs
 This observer: leave the notification system to DO NOTHING. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshBlender
 A tool class used for Alpha Blending of Meshes. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshBlockManager
 A class used to render instances sorted by MeshGeom first, then per material, where possible. More...

class  NL3D::IMeshGeom
 Interface for MeshGeom. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshGeom::CCornerPred
class  NL3D::CMeshGeom::CMatrixBlockRemap
 Just for build process. More...

struct  NL3D::CMeshGeom::CFaceTmp
 Just for build process. More...

struct  NL3D::CMeshGeom::CBoneTmp
 Just for build process. More...

struct  NL3D::CMeshGeom::CCornerTmp
 Just for build process. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshGeom::CMatrixBlock
 A block of RdrPasses, sorted by matrix use. More...

struct  NL3D::CMesh::CInterfaceLink
 For each vertex. More...

struct  NL3D::CMesh::CInterface
struct  NL3D::CMesh::CInterfaceVertex
 Mesh Interface System for MRM. More...

struct  NL3D::CMesh::CFace
 A Triangle face. More...

struct  NL3D::CMesh::CCorner
 A corner of a face. More...

struct  NL3D::CMaterial::CLightMap
struct  NL3D::IAddRemoveInstance
 Callback to know when an instance group is added / removed from the scene. More...

struct  NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::CBoneInfluence
 A Bone influence: list of all vertices to influence. More...

struct  NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::CAnim
 A lod Animation. More...

class  NL3D::IAnimatable
 An animatable object. More...

class  NL3D::CAnimatedLightmap
 An animated lightmap. More...

class  NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial
 An animated material Instance of CMaterialBase NB: formated for 3ds Max :). More...

class  NL3D::CAnimatedMorph
 An animated morph (blend shape). More...

class  NL3D::IAnimatedValue
 A value handled by the animation system. More...

class  NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable
 A template implementation of IAnimatedValue. More...

class  NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< NLMISC::CQuat >
 A QUATERNION implementation of IAnimatedValue. More...

class  NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< NLMISC::CRGBA >
 A CRGBA implementation of IAnimatedValue. More...

class  NL3D::CAnimatedValueNotBlendable
 A template implementation of IAnimatedValue not blendable. More...

class  NL3D::CAnimation
 This class describes animations for several tracks. More...

class  NL3D::CAnimationOptimizer
 Purpose of this class is to optimize for memory and speed a CAnimation. More...

class  NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist
 This class. More...

class  NL3D::CAnimationSet
 An CAnimationSet is set of CAnimation. More...

class  NL3D::CAnimationSetUser
 UAnimationSet implementation. More...

struct  NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::CAnimBuild
 A lod Animation Build information. More...

class  NL3D::CAsyncFileManager3D
 CAsyncFileManager is a class that manage file loading in a seperate thread. More...

class  NL3D::CAsyncFileManager3D::CIGLoad
class  NL3D::CAsyncFileManager3D::CIGLoadUser
class  NL3D::CAsyncTextureBlock
 Descriptor of TextureFile Names. More...

class  NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager
 Async Loader of textures and Texture Load Balancer. More...

class  NL3D::IBaseAnimDetailObs
 The base interface for AnimDetail traversal. More...

class  NL3D::IBaseClipObs
 The base interface for clip traversal. More...

class  NL3D::IBaseHrcObs
 The base interface for hierarchy traversal. More...

class  NL3D::IBaseLightObs
 The base interface for clip traversal. More...

class  NL3D::IBaseLoadBalancingObs
 The base interface for LoadBalancing traversal. More...

class  NL3D::IBaseRenderObs
 The base interface for render observers. More...

struct  NL3D::CBezierPatch::CBezierCurve
class  NL3D::CBezierPatch
 A standard bezier patch of float. More...

class  NL3D::CDefaultLoadBalancingObs
 The default LoadBalancing observer, used by unspecified models. More...

struct  NL3D::CLightInfluenceInterpolator::CCorner
class  NL3D::CFarVertexBufferInfo
 Info for the current Far VertexBuffer setuped (iether normal or hard). More...

struct  NL3D::CLandscape::CHeightField
struct  NL3D::CLandscape::CBezierPatchZ
 A Bezier patch of One value only. More...

struct  NL3D::EBadBind::CBindError
struct  NL3D::EBadBind
 A landscape bind exception. More...

struct  NL3D::CIGSurfaceLightBuild::CCellCorner
 A surface cell corner Information. More...

class  NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::CBitmapDesc
class  NL3D::CBone
 This is a bone, for skeleton animation, with information for result WorldMatrix. More...

class  NL3D::CBoneBase
 This is a bone default value. More...

class  NL3D::CBoneUser
 UTransform implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CBSPTree::CBSPNode
class  NL3D::CBSPTree
 class: CBSPTree. More...

class  NL3D::CCamera
 A Camera node, based on a CTransform node. More...

class  NL3D::CCameraUser
 UCamera implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CChannelMixer::CChannel
 An animated channel of the CChannelMixer. More...

class  NL3D::IChannel
 An animated channel. More...

class  NL3D::CChannelBlendable
 An animated template channel. More...

class  NL3D::CChannelMixer
 A channel mixer. More...

class  NL3D::CChannelNotBlendable
 An animated template channel. More...

class  NL3D::CClipTrav
 The clip traversal. More...

class  NL3D::CCloud
class  NL3D::CCloudScape
class  NL3D::CCloudScapeUser
 implementation of UWaterInstance methods. More...

class  NL3D::CCluster
 CCluster. More...

class  NL3D::CClusterClipObs
 CClusterClipObs. More...

class  NL3D::CClusterHrcObs
 CClusterHrcObs. More...

class  NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild
 Class used to build the coarse meshes. More...

class  NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::CCoarseMeshDesc
 Coarse mesh descriptor. More...

class  NL3D::CCoarseMeshClipObs
 This observer: return false at clip. More...

class  NL3D::CCoarseMeshManager
 Management of coarse meshes. More...

struct  NL3D::CComputedString
 CComputedString A CComputedString is a structure which permits to render a string in a driver. More...

class  NL3D::CCubeGrid
 Class used to classify elements in space around a point (good for pointlight raytracing) Elements are copied at insertion, and are duplicated at compilation along the grids. More...

struct  NL3D::ICubeMapFunctor
 A cube map functor should return a color from a vector (with each coordinate ranging from [-1..1]. More...

class  NL3D::CDefaultAnimDetailObs
 The default AnimDetail observer, used by unspecified models. More...

class  NL3D::CDefaultClipObs
 The default clip observer, used by unspecified models. More...

class  NL3D::CDefaultHrcObs
 The default hierarchy observer, used by unspecified models. More...

class  NL3D::CDefaultLightObs
 The base interface for clip traversal. More...

class  NL3D::CDefaultRenderObs
 The default render observer, used by unspecified models. More...

class  NL3D::CDeform2d
 This perform a 2d deformation effect on the frame buffer, by using the given function and surface. More...

class  NL3D::IDriver
class  NL3D::CDriverGL
class  NL3D::CDriverGLStates
 Class for optimizing calls to openGL states, by caching old ones. More...

class  NL3D::CDriverUser
 UDriver implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CDRU
 The driver Utilities class of static. More...

struct  NL3D::EBadDisplay
struct  NL3D::EDru
 Exception thrown by CDru::createGlDriver. More...

struct  NL3D::EDruOpenglDriverCantCreateDriver
struct  NL3D::EDruOpenglDriverCorrupted
struct  NL3D::EDruOpenglDriverNotFound
struct  NL3D::EDruOpenglDriverOldVersion
struct  NL3D::EDruOpenglDriverUnknownVersion
class  NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener
 CEvent3dMouseListener is a listener that handle a 3d matrix with mouse events. More...

class  NL3D::CFastHLSModifier
 Singleton. More...

class  NL3D::CFlareModel
 <Class description>. More...

class  NL3D::CFlareRenderObs
class  NL3D::CFlareShape
 shape for a flare. More...

class  NL3D::CFontGenerator
 Generate bitmap based on a true type font (using freetype2). More...

class  NL3D::CFontManager
 Font manager The font manager manages CMaterial pointers through a list of CSmartPtr. More...

class  NL3D::GfxMode
 A Graphic Mode descriptor. More...

struct  NL3D::CGlExtensions
 The extensions used by NL3D. More...

struct  NL3D::CFastHLSModifier::CHLSA
class  NL3D::CHeatHaze
 This perform a heat haze effect at the horizon of the scene. More...

class  NL3D::CHLSColorDelta
class  NL3D::CHLSColorTexture
 A colorisable texture. More...

class  NL3D::CHLSTextureBank
 A bank of HLS colorisable textures. More...

class  NL3D::CHLSTextureManager
 This is a list of banks of colorisable textures. More...

class  NL3D::CHrcTrav
 The hierarchy traversal. More...

class  NL3D::CIGSurfaceLight
 Class owned by CInstanceGroup to get StaticLightSetup for dynamic models. More...

class  NL3D::CIGSurfaceLightBuild
 Class used by NL3D::CInstanceLighter to build CIGSurfaceLight with PACS surfaces. More...

class  NL3D::CInsertedBitmap
class  NL3D::CInstanceGroupUser
 Implementation of the user interface managing instance groups. More...

struct  NL3D::CInstanceLighter::CInstanceInfo
class  NL3D::CInstanceLighter
 A class to precompute "StaticSetup" lighting for instances in an InstanceGroup. More...

class  NL3D::CInstanceLighter::CLightDesc
class  NL3D::CInstanceMaterialUser
 UInstanceMaterial implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CInstanceUser
 UInstance implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CKey
 Interface for a key of a keyframer. More...

class  NL3D::CKeyBezier
 Implementation of CKey for Bezier keyframer. More...

class  NL3D::CKeyBezier< NLMISC::CQuat >
 Implementation of CKeyBezier for rotation. More...

class  NL3D::CKeyTCB
 Implementation of CKey for TCB keyframer. More...

class  NL3D::CKeyTCB< NLMISC::CAngleAxis >
 Implementation of CKeyTCB for rotation. More...

class  NL3D::CLandscape
 A landscape. More...

class  NL3D::CLandscapeClipObs
 Landscape Clip observer. More...

class  NL3D::CLandscapeCollisionGrid
 A grid of Tiles Id. More...

class  NL3D::CLandscapeFaceVector
 Fast Allocate blocks of faces, according to the size of the block. More...

class  NL3D::CLandscapeFaceVectorManager
 Fast Allocate blocks of faces, according to the size of the block. More...

class  NL3D::CLandscapeGlobals
class  NL3D::CLandscapeModel
 The model for MOT. More...

class  NL3D::CLandscapeRenderObs
 Landscape Render observer. More...

class  NL3D::CLandscapeUser
 ULandscape Implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CLandscapeVBAllocator
 A class to easily allocate vertices for Landscape Far / Tile faces. More...

class  NL3D::CLandscapeVegetableBlock
 A block of vegetable IG (one IG per distance type). More...

class  NL3D::CLandscapeVegetableBlockCreateContext
 Information for instanciation of vegetable IG. More...

class  NL3D::CLayeredOrderingTable
 The same as an ordering table, but it allows to have several layers for the display. More...

class  NL3D::CLight
 Light class to work with driver. More...

class  NL3D::CLightContribution
 light contribution on a model. More...

class  NL3D::CLightInfluenceInterpolator
 This class is used by CLandscape and IG/Pacs to compute interpolated influence of lights (biLinear-like) on a square. More...

class  NL3D::CLightingManager
 Owned by CLightingTrav. More...

class  NL3D::CLightTrav
 The light traversal. More...

class  NL3D::CLightUser
 ULight implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CLoadBalancingGroup
 A LoadBalancing Group. More...

class  NL3D::CLoadBalancingTrav
 The LoadBalancing traversal. More...

class  NL3D::CLoadMeshCancel
class  NL3D::CLoadTextureCancel
struct  NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::CMask
class  NL3D::CLodCharacterBuilder
 A tool class used to build a CLodCharacterShape Use it by first calling setShape(), then add animations to it, and finally get result with getLodShape. More...

class  NL3D::CLodCharacterInstance
 An instance of a lodCharacter (stored in CSkeletonModel). More...

class  NL3D::CLodCharacterManager
 A Manager used to display CLodCharacter instances. More...

class  NL3D::CLodCharacterShape
 A very Small Shape with anims encoded as Key Meshes. More...

class  NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBank
 A Bank of CLodCharacterShape. More...

class  NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBuild
 A build structure information for building a CLodCharacterShape This is the structure exported from the 3D editor. More...

class  NL3D::CLodCharacterTexture
 This describe Texturing information for CLods. More...

class  NL3D::CLodCharacterTmpBitmap
 This bitmap is builded in the Instance texturing build process of CLodCharacterManager. More...

class  NL3D::CLVBSqrDistLUT
struct  NL3D::CMaskInfo
class  NL3D::CMaterial
 A material represent ALL the states relatives to the aspect of a primitive. More...

struct  NL3D::CMaterialBase::CAnimatedTexture
class  NL3D::CAnimDetailTrav
 The AnimDetail traversal. More...

struct  NL3D::IIGAddBegin
 Callback to know when an instance group begin to be added. More...

class  NL3D::CMaterialBase
 An material Reference for Animated reference. More...

class  NL3D::CAsyncFileManager3D::CMeshLoad
class  NL3D::CCoarseMeshManager::CRenderPass::CPrimitiveBlockInfo::CMeshInfo
 The mesh info in the block. More...

struct  NL3D::CDriverUser::CMatrixContext
class  NL3D::CMaterialUser
 UMaterial implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CMatrix3x4
 For fast vector/point multiplication. More...

class  NL3D::CMatrix3x4SSE
 dummy CMatrix3x4SSE for non windows platform. More...

class  NL3D::CMesh
 An instanciable mesh. More...

struct  NL3D::CMesh::CMeshBuild
 A mesh information. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshGeom
 A mesh geometry. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshGeomRenderContext
 A render Context used to render MeshGeom. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshInstance
 An instance of CMesh. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshMorpher
 Utility to blend shapes. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom
 An MRM mesh geometry, with no materials information. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance
 An instance of CMeshMRM. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshMultiLod
 Mesh with several LOD meshes. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshMultiLod::CMeshMultiLodBuild
 Class used to build a multi lod mesh. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshMultiLod::CMeshSlot
 This is a slot of the mesh base list. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshMultiLodBalancingObs
 This observer: leave the notification system to DO NOTHING. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshMultiLodClipObs
 This observer: leave the notification system to DO NOTHING. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshMultiLodInstance
 An instance of CMeshMulitLod. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshSkinManager
 A class used to render Skins in a VBHard, grouped by their skeleton This allow optimisation because less VBuffer swap is needed Also, only 2 Big VBHard is created for all the skins, which improves use of AGP space. More...

class  NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram
 Interface to a CMeshGeom/CMeshMRMGeom Special VertexProgram Effect. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshVPPerPixelLight
 This vertex program is used to perform perpixel lighting with meshs. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree
 VertexProgram for an effect of Wind on Tree meshes. More...

class  NL3D::CMiniCol
 This is a TEMPORARY collision "system". More...

class  NL3D::IModel
 A base model. More...

struct  NL3D::CMOT::CModelEntry
class  NL3D::CMorphBase
 An animated morph (blend shape) base. More...

class  NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::CPredTextLod
class  NL3D::CCoarseMeshManager::CRenderPass::CPrimitiveBlockInfo
 Primitive block info. More...

struct  NL3D::CDeform2d::IPerturbUV
 an interface to compute the u,v perturbations at a given point (x and and y range from 0 to 1). More...

struct  NL3D::CInstanceLighter::CPointLightRT
 A PointLight struct to test raytracing. More...

struct  NL3D::CInstanceLighter::CPredPointLightToPoint
 For sort(). More...

struct  NL3D::CLandscape::CPatchIdentEx
class  NL3D::CMOT
 A composant server, and a traversal container. More...

class  NL3D::CMotionBlur
 This class help perfoming motion blur on a portion of the screen. More...

class  NL3D::CMRMBuilder
 The class for building MRMs. More...

struct  NL3D::CMRMEdge
 An internal mesh edge Index representation for MRM building. More...

struct  NL3D::CMRMEdgeFace
 A tuple Edge/Face. More...

struct  NL3D::CMRMFaceBuild
 An internal mesh extended face representation for MRM building. More...

class  NL3D::CMRMSewingMesh
 An internal polygon with LOD information for Interface system. More...

struct  NL3D::CMRMVertex
 An internal mesh vertex representation for MRM building. More...

struct  NL3D::CMRMWedgeGeom
 A geomoprh information. More...

class  NL3D::CNearVertexBufferInfo
 Info for the current Far VertexBuffer setuped (iether normal or hard). More...

struct  NL3D::CLightingManager::CPointLightInfo
class  NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBuild::CPixelInfo
struct  NL3D::CMiniCol::CPatchIdent
struct  NL3D::CMOT::CObsEntry
class  NL3D::CNELU
 3d Engine Utilities. More...

struct  NL3D::COrderingTable::CNode
class  NL3D::CNoise3d
class  NL3D::CNoiseColorGradient
 A noisy color generator. More...

class  NL3D::CNoiseValue
 A class which generate noisy value, according to a position. More...

class  NL3D::IObs
 A base observer. More...

class  NL3D::COrderingTable
class  NL3D::CParticleSystem
 This class holds a particle system. More...

class  NL3D::CParticleSystemClipObs
 a clip observer for a particle system. More...

class  NL3D::CParticleSystemDetailObs
 Detail animation observer for a particle system. More...

class  NL3D::CParticleSystemInstanceUser
 This is the implementation of the user class UParticleSystemInstance. More...

class  NL3D::CParticleSystemManager
 This class list all the particle systems that have resources allocated at a given time, so that we can remove the resource of those who are too far from the viewer. More...

class  NL3D::CParticleSystemModel
 A particle system model : it is built using a CParticleSystemShape. More...

struct  NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::IPSModelObserver
 interface for object that observe this model. They will be notified when it becomes invalid. More...

class  NL3D::CParticleSystemProcess
 A system particle process; A process is anything that can be called at each update of the system. More...

class  NL3D::CParticleSystemRenderObs
 a render observer for a particle system. More...

class  NL3D::CParticleSystemShape
 This class helps to instanciate a particle system (the shape contains a particle system prototype stored as a memory stream) Use the createInstance method to insert the system in a scene To load the shape from a file, use a shape stream. More...

class  NL3D::CPatch
 A landscape patch. More...

class  NL3D::CPatchBlockIdent
 An descriptor of a group of tiles in a patch. More...

class  NL3D::CPatchDLMContext
 A Dynamic LightMap (DLM) context for a patch. More...

class  NL3D::CPatchDLMContextList
 A List of CPatchDLMContext. More...

class  NL3D::CPatchDLMPointLight
 A PointLight for Dynamic LightMap (DLM) context for a patch. More...

struct  NL3D::CPatchIdent
 A landscape patch identifier (zone/patch). More...

class  NL3D::CPatchQuadBlock
 A group of tiles faces in a patch. More...

class  NL3D::CPatchRdrPass
 A render pass for a landscape material (tile or texture far). More...

class  NL3D::CPatchUVLocator
 From a patch and UV coordinate in [0,OrderS], [0,OrderT], retrieve the appropriate coordinate in neighborhood. More...

class  NL3D::CPlayListManager
 This class handles a list of pair PlayList/ChannelMixer RefPointer. More...

class  NL3D::CPlayListManagerUser
 UPlayListManager implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CPlayListUser
 UPlayList implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CPointLight
 Description of a light. More...

struct  NL3D::CPointLightNamedArray::CPointLightGroup
 LightGroupName mgt. More...

class  NL3D::CPointLightModel
 This model is a dynamic light. More...

class  NL3D::CPointLightModelLightObs
class  NL3D::CPointLightNamed
 A pointLight with a name, and a default color setup. More...

class  NL3D::CPointLightNamedArray
 A class used bi CInstanceGroup and CZone. More...

struct  NL3D::CPointLightNamedSort
class  NL3D::CPointLightUser
 UPointLight implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CPortal
 CPortal. More...

class  NL3D::CPrimitiveBlock
 Class CPrimitiveBlock. More...

class  NL3D::CPSAttrib
 This class is intended to store an attribute list in a located or in a located bindable such as speed, color and so on. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSInputType
 this struct only contains an enum that tell chat the input of an attribute maker is. More...

class  NL3D::CPSIntBinOp
 An attribute maker whose output if the result of a binary op on uint32. More...

class  NL3D::CPSIntBlender
 these are some attribute makers for int This is a int blender class. It just blend between 2 values. More...

class  NL3D::CPSIntGradient
 This is a int gradient class. More...

class  NL3D::CPSIntMemory
 this memorize value by applying some function on the emitter. More...

class  NL3D::CPSLocated
 this class is a located : it belongs to a particle system, and it represents any kind of object that has a position in the world. More...

class  NL3D::CPSLocatedBindable
 an instance of these class can be bound to a particle system located this include forces, particle, and so on... More...

class  NL3D::CPSMagneticForce
 a magnetic field that has the given direction. More...

class  NL3D::CPSMaterial
 this contains material of a particle, this doesn't initiliaze anything, this just give the abylity to change the blending mode. More...

class  NL3D::CPSMesh
 This class is for mesh handling. More...

class  NL3D::CPSModulatedEmitter
 This class helps tuning the emission strenght. More...

struct  NL3D::IPSMover
 This interface allow to move a particle system element given its index in a located. More...

class  NL3D::CPSMultiTexturedParticle
 This class add multitexturing support to particles. More...

class  NL3D::CPSParticle
 This is the base class for all particles. More...

class  NL3D::CPSPlaneBasisBinOp
 An attribute maker whose output if the result of a binary op on plane basis. More...

class  NL3D::CPSPlaneBasisBlender
 these are some attribute makers for plane_basis This is a plane basis class. More...

class  NL3D::CPSPlaneBasisFollowSpeed
 this is a 'follow direction' plane basis maker It set the plane basis to have its normal in the same direction than speed of the located The cycle param has no effect o the direction. More...

class  NL3D::CPSPlaneBasisGradient
 This is a PlaneBasis gradient class. More...

class  NL3D::CPSPlaneBasisMemory
 this memorize value by applying some function based on the emitter. More...

class  NL3D::CPSQuad
 This abstract class holds what is needed with quad particles (CPSFaceLookAt, CPSFace) e.g Index and vertex buffer and method to setup them Material, and method to setup them. More...

class  NL3D::CPSRadialEmitter
 A radial emitter. The direction gives the normal to the plane of emission. More...

class  NL3D::CPSRibbon
 'Ribbon' particle : a shape is extruded while it follows the particle. More...

class  NL3D::CPSRibbonBase
 Base class for ribbons. More...

class  NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt
 A ribbon look at particle. More...

class  NL3D::CPSRotated2DParticle
 this class adds tunable 2D rotation to a particle, it can be used by public multiple inheritance. More...

class  NL3D::CPSRotated3DPlaneParticle
 this class adds tunable 3D rotation to a PLANE particle, it can be used by public multiple inheritance It must just produce 2 vectors that give the x and y vector of the local basis. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSShapeParticle
 base struct for particles that can have a shape (e.g mesh...). More...

class  NL3D::CPSShockWave
class  NL3D::CPSShockWaveHelper
 Well, we could have put a method template in CPSShockWave, but some compilers want the definition of the methods in the header, and some compilers don't want friend with function template, so we use a static method template of a friend class instead, which gives us the same result :). More...

class  NL3D::CPSSizedParticle
 this class adds tunable size to a particle. Can be added using public multiple inheritance. More...

class  NL3D::CPSSound
 This is a goup of sound instances sound instance. More...

class  NL3D::CPSSoundInstanceImpl
 This class implement a sound instance (a sound source). More...

class  NL3D::CPSSoundServImpl
 This class implements PS sound server. More...

class  NL3D::CChannelMixer::CSlot
 An animation slot. More...

struct  NL3D::CClipTrav::CSkeletonKey
struct  NL3D::CCloudScape::SCloudSchedulerEntry
struct  NL3D::CCloudScape::SCloudSchedulerAccel
class  NL3D::CCoarseMeshManager::CRenderPass
struct  NL3D::CIGSurfaceLight::CRetrieverLightGrid
struct  NL3D::CIGSurfaceLightBuild::CRetrieverLightGrid
 A LocalRetriever Lighting Information. More...

struct  NL3D::CLightingManager::CQGItLightedModel
 An iterator on a model inserted in the ObjectQuadGrid. An id used for eraseStaticLightedModel(). More...

class  NL3D::CMeshGeom::CRdrPass
 A block of primitives, sorted by material used. More...

class  NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::CRdrPass
 A block of primitives, sorted by material use. More...

class  NL3D::CPSSphericalEmitter
class  NL3D::CPSSpring
 a spring class. More...

class  NL3D::CPSTailDot
 These particle are like dot, but a tail is following them. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSTailParticle
 base struct for particle that have a tail. More...

class  NL3D::CPSTargetLocatedBindable
 This class is a located bindable that can focus on several target Can be inherited by bindable like forces or collision zones. More...

class  NL3D::CPSTexturedParticle
 this class adds a texture to a particle. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSTexturedParticleNoAnim
 this class is an interface for particles that have unanimated textures. More...

class  NL3D::CPSTurbul
struct  NL3D::CPSTurbulForceFunc
 a turbulence force functor. More...

class  NL3D::CPSUIntBinOp
 An attribute maker whose output if the result of a binary op on uint32. More...

class  NL3D::CPSUIntBlender
class  NL3D::CPSUIntGradient
class  NL3D::CPSUIntMemory
 this memorize value by applying some function on the emitter. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSUtil
 This struct contains utility functions used by the particle system. More...

class  NL3D::CPSValueBlender
 This is a Value blender class. More...

class  NL3D::CPSValueBlenderSample
 This is a Values blender (sampled version, with n sample) class, that operate on value of type T To use this, just derive a class from a specialization of this template , create a ctor, and declare it to the class registry in the ctor, you should call _F.setValue to init the functor object. More...

class  NL3D::CPSValueBlendFunc
 This temlate functor blend exactly between 2 value (no samples) To accomplish blending, it use the template function PSValueBlend It is used by CPSValueBlend. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSValueBlendFuncBase
 Base struct for blending function (exact or sampled). More...

class  NL3D::CPSValueBlendSampleFunc
 This temlate functor blend between 2 values by performing n samples (n = template parameter) It may be faster that the CPSValueBlendFunc in some cases. More...

class  NL3D::CPSValueGradient
 This is a Values gradient class To use this, just derive a class from a specialization of this template , create a ctor, and declare it to the class registry in the ctor, you should call _F.setValue to init the functor object. More...

class  NL3D::CPSValueGradientFunc
 This functor blend between several Value. More...

class  NL3D::CPSZone
 This class hold any entity that has an effect over located : a sink , a bouncing zone etc This is a kind a specialized force, and it has an attached list of the targets Not sharable accross systems. More...

class  NL3D::CPSZoneCylinder
 a caped cylinder. More...

class  NL3D::CPSZoneDisc
 a disc. More...

class  NL3D::CPSZonePlane
 A plane over which particles bounce It has an interface to move each plane individually. More...

class  NL3D::CPSZoneRectangle
 The same as a plane, but with a rectangle. More...

class  NL3D::CPSZoneSphere
 A sphere. More...

class  NL3D::CPtrSet
 This is a Tool class. More...

class  NL3D::CQuadEffect
 This class allow to create a sequence of small quads that tesselate a poly. More...

class  NL3D::CQuadGrid
 This container is a simple grid, used to quickly find elements. More...

class  NL3D::CQuadGrid::CQuadNode
class  NL3D::CQuadGridClipCluster
 A cluster of object for fast BBox clip. More...

class  NL3D::CQuadGridClipClusterClipObs
 This observer: leave the notification system to do nothing implement the traverse() method. More...

class  NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager
 A quadgrix of QuadGridCluster. More...

struct  NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager::CQuadGridClusterCase
struct  NL3D::CRadiusPair
 a radius and its suare in the same struct. More...

class  NL3D::CRadixSort
 A class which sort elements T with radix sort algorithm. More...

class  NL3D::CRandomGrid3D
 A static 3D array of random value + other infos for noise. More...

struct  NL3D::CRandomIterator
 This special iterator return random values every time it is read It is for private use only, and it has not all the functionnalities of an iterator. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::CRdrPass
 A rendering pass. More...

class  NL3D::CRawSkinNormalCache
 The array per lod. More...

class  NL3D::CRawVertexNormalSkin1
 Vertices influenced by 1 matrix only. More...

class  NL3D::CRawVertexNormalSkin2
 Vertices influenced by 2 matrix only. More...

class  NL3D::CRawVertexNormalSkin4
 Vertices influenced by 3 or 4 matrix only. (simpler and rare). More...

struct  NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache::CRdrPass
class  NL3D::CRdrPatchId
class  NL3D::CRdrTileId
class  NL3D::CRenderTrav
 The Render traversal. More...

class  NL3D::CSegRemanence::CRibbon
class  NL3D::CRootModel
 The purpose of this model is to have Observers which do nothing in traverse, but "traverseSons". More...

class  NL3D::CRootModelAnimDetailObs
class  NL3D::CRootModelClipObs
class  NL3D::CRootModelHrcObs
class  NL3D::CRootModelLightObs
class  NL3D::CRootModelLoadBalancingObs
class  NL3D::CRootModelRenderObs
struct  NL3D::CSegRemanence::CSampledPos
class  NL3D::CScene
 A CScene, which own a list of Render Traversals, and a render() method. More...

class  NL3D::CSceneUser
 <Class description>. More...

struct  NL3D::SCloudTexture3D
struct  NL3D::SCloudTextureClamp
struct  NL3D::CCloudScape::SSortedCloudEntry
class  NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::CStats
 Statistics about the build process. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSFaceLookAt::CSecondSize
class  NL3D::CSegRemanence
 A segment (or a more complicated shape) that let a 'trace' when it is moved. More...

class  NL3D::CSegRemanenceAnimDetailObs
 Detail ani observer (for texture animation). More...

class  NL3D::CSegRemanenceShape
 Shape for the remanence of a segment (sword stroke ..). More...

class  NL3D::IShader
class  NL3D::CShaderGL
class  NL3D::IShape
 The basic interface for shapes. More...

class  NL3D::CShapeBank
 A CShapeBank handle all the instance of the shapes and the cache management system. More...

struct  NL3D::CShapeBank::CShapeCache
struct  NL3D::CShapeBank::CShapeInfo
class  NL3D::CShapeBankUser
 Implementation of the user interface managing shape bank. More...

class  NL3D::CShapeStream
 This class is used to serialize a shape. More...

class  NL3D::CShiftedTriangleCache
 This is a cache of indices which are the copy of CMesh/CMeshMRM indices, but shifted according to a value. More...

struct  NL3D::CSinWave
struct  NL3D::CMesh::CSkinWeight
 Skinning: A skin weight for a vertex. More...

class  NL3D::CSkeletonModel
 A Skeleton model, instance of CSkeletonShape. More...

class  NL3D::CSkeletonModelAnimDetailObs
 This observer: leave the notification system to DO NOTHING. More...

class  NL3D::CSkeletonModelRenderObs
 This observer: leave the notification system to DO NOTHING. More...

class  NL3D::CSkeletonShape
 a definition of a skeleton. More...

class  NL3D::CSkeletonUser
 USkeleton implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CSkeletonWeight
 A skeleton template is a set of couple value_name / float. More...

class  NL3D::CSkipModel
 The purpose of this model is to have Observers which do nothing in traverse, even not "traverseSons". More...

class  NL3D::CSkipModelAnimDetailObs
class  NL3D::CSkipModelClipObs
class  NL3D::CSkipModelHrcObs
class  NL3D::CSkipModelLightObs
class  NL3D::CSkipModelLoadBalancingObs
class  NL3D::CSkipModelRenderObs
class  NL3D::CSnappedVector
 a container that is like a vector, but snapped to (1<<snapPower) byte memory pages. More...

struct  NL3D::CRadixSort::CSortDigit
struct  NL3D::CSortLight
struct  NL3D::CSpecCubeMapFunctor
struct  NL3D::CIGSurfaceLightBuild::CSurface
 A surface Lighting Information. More...

class  NL3D::CSpinnerFunctor
class  NL3D::CStaticQuadGrid
 This class is builded from a CQuadGrid, and is to be used when: sizeof(T) is small (ie a pointer) no dynamic insertion are made (builded from a CQuadGrid) selection is made with a point, not a BBox. More...

class  NL3D::CStripifier
 Wrapper to NVidia(tm) Stripifier. More...

struct  NL3D::CSurfaceInfo
 Surface data information structure. More...

struct  NL3D::CMaterialBase::CTexAnimTracks
struct  NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial::CTexAnimatedMatValues
class  NL3D::CAsyncFileManager3D::CTextureLoad
class  NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::CTextureBase
class  NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::CTextureLod
class  NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::CTextureEntry
struct  NL3D::CMaterial::CTexEnv
class  NL3D::CSurfaceLightGrid
 Dynamic objects lighted by IG's Static Lights lookup into this grid. More...

class  NL3D::CTessBlock
 A block of 2*2 tiles, for accurate clipping. More...

class  NL3D::CTessFacePListNode
 A chain link node for PriorityList. More...

class  NL3D::CTessFacePriorityList
 This class manage a Priority list of elements, inserted with a "distance". More...

struct  NL3D::CTessFarVertex
class  NL3D::CTessList
 A basic speed list gestion, to add/remove already created Object. More...

struct  NL3D::CTessNearVertex
class  NL3D::CTessNodeList
 A basic list node. More...

class  NL3D::CTessVertex
 A Landscape Vertex. More...

class  NL3D::CTextContext
 CTextContext. More...

class  NL3D::CTextContextUser
 UTextContext implementation. More...

class  NL3D::ITexture
 Interface for textures. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureBlank
 This texture does generate nothing, and it is releasable. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureBlend
 This is a helper texture that helps to blend between 2 others textures. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureBump
 This texture is a helper to build a DsDt texture from a height map (provided it is supported by hardware) The height map should be convertible to a RGBA bitmap. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureCross
class  NL3D::CTextureCube
 CTextureCube. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureDLM
 This texture is used by landscape to perform Dynamic LightMap (DLM). More...

class  NL3D::ITextureDrvInfos
class  NL3D::CTextureDrvInfosGL
class  NL3D::CHLSTextureBank::CTextureInstance
class  NL3D::CHLSTextureBank::CTextureInstanceHandle
class  NL3D::CInstanceLighter::CTriangle
struct  NL3D::CLandscape::CTileInfo
struct  NL3D::CLodCharacterTexture::CTUVQ
 The Texture UV Quality info per pixel. More...

struct  NL3D::CMaterial::CUserTexMat
struct  NL3D::CMOT::CTravEntry
struct  NL3D::CParticleSystemManager::TModelHandle
class  NL3D::CTextureDrvShare
class  NL3D::CTextureFar
 A CTextureFar is a set of NL_NUM_FAR_PATCHES_BY_TEXTURE texture used to map a whole patch when it is in far Mode. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureFile
 CTextureFile. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureFont
 CTextureFont. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureGrouped
 This kind texture is used for grouping several other textures. More...

struct  NL3D::CTextureGrouped::TFourUV
 a group of 4 uvs. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureMem
 CTextureMem. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureMultiFile
 This kind of texture is like a texture file except that it can encode several texture at once. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureNear
 A texture container for lot of little lightmap. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureRawUser
 UTextureRaw implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CTextureUser
 UTexture implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CTile
 Tiles. More...

class  NL3D::CTileBank
 This class manage tile texture. More...

class  NL3D::CTileBorder
 This class is a tile set. More...

class  NL3D::CTileColor
 A basic color Element for CPatchTexture. More...

class  NL3D::CTileColorOldPatchVersion6
 Old version of TileColors for correct serialising. More...

class  NL3D::CTileElement
 An Element for CPatchTexture. More...

struct  NL3D::CTileFace
 A tileface. More...

class  NL3D::CTileFarBank::CTileFar
class  NL3D::CTileFarBank
 A bank for the far textures. More...

class  NL3D::CTileLand
 Set of tiles for a land. More...

class  NL3D::CTileLightInfluence
 For landscape. More...

class  NL3D::CTileLumel
 This class describe an uncompressed lumel for tiles. More...

struct  NL3D::CTileMaterial
class  NL3D::CTileNoise
 This class manage tile noise. More...

class  NL3D::CTileNoiseMap
 A Noise Map for landscape. More...

class  NL3D::CTileSet
 This class is a tile set. More...

class  NL3D::CTileSetTransition
 This class manage a transition tile. More...

struct  NL3D::CTileBank::CTileXRef
class  NL3D::CTileVegetableDesc
 A descriptor of vegetables for a tile. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackSampledCommon::CTimeBlock
struct  NL3D::CTmpVertexWeight
class  NL3D::ITrack
 The track store an animation of an animated value. More...

class  NL3D::ITrackDefault
 ITrack interface for default tracks. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackDefaultBlendable
 ITrackDefault implementation for blendable values. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackDefaultBool
class  NL3D::CTrackDefaultFloat
class  NL3D::CTrackDefaultInt
class  NL3D::CTrackDefaultNotBlendable
 ITrackDefault implementation for blendable values. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackDefaultQuat
class  NL3D::CTrackDefaultRGBA
class  NL3D::CTrackDefaultString
class  NL3D::CTrackDefaultVector
class  NL3D::ITrackKeyFramer
 ITrack interface for keyframer. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerBezier
 ITrack implementation for Bezier keyframer. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerBezier< CKeyBezierQuat, CQuat >
 ITrack implementation for Bezier Quaternion keyframer. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerBezierFloat
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerBezierInt
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerBezierQuat
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerBezierRGBA
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerBezierVector
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstBlendable
 ITrack implementation for Constant keyframer. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstBool
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstFloat
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstInt
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstNotBlendable
 ITrack implementation for Constant keyframer. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstQuat
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstRGBA
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstString
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstVector
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinear
 ITrack implementation for linear keyframer. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinear< CKeyQuat, CQuat >
 Quaternions special implementation for linear keyframer. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinear< CKeyRGBA, NLMISC::CRGBA >
 ITrack implementation for linear CRGBA keyframer. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinearFloat
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinearInt
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinearQuat
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinearRGBA
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinearVector
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerTCB
 ITrack implementation for TCB keyframer. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerTCB< CKeyTCBQuat, NLMISC::CAngleAxis >
 ITrack implementation for CQuat TCB keyframer. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerTCBFloat
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerTCBInt
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerTCBQuat
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerTCBRGBA
class  NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerTCBVector
class  NL3D::CTrackSampledCommon
 Abstract Base class for CTrackSampledQuat and CTrackSampledVector. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackSampledQuat
 This track is supposed to be Lighter in memory than CTrackKeyFramerTCBQuat, and also is maybe faster. More...

class  NL3D::CTrackSampledVector
 This track is supposed to be Lighter in memory than CTrackKeyFramerTCBVector, and also is maybe faster. More...

class  NL3D::CTransform
 A basic node which provide an animatable matrix (ITransformable). More...

class  NL3D::ITransformable
 Something which can be transformed in 3D space / animated. More...

class  NL3D::CTransformableUser
 UTransformable implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CTransformAnimDetailObs
 This observer: leave the notification system to DO NOTHING. More...

class  NL3D::CTransformClipObs
 This observer: leave the notification system to DO NOTHING. More...

class  NL3D::CTransformHrcObs
 This observer: implement the notification system (just the update() method). More...

class  NL3D::CTransformLightObs
class  NL3D::CTransformRenderObs
class  NL3D::CTransformShape
 A transform which "is an instance of"/"point to" a IShape. More...

class  NL3D::CTransformShapeClipObs
 This observer: leave the notification system to DO NOTHING. More...

class  NL3D::CTransformShapeLoadBalancingObs
 This observer: leave the notification system to DO NOTHING. More...

class  NL3D::CTransformShapeRenderObs
 This observer: leave the notification system to DO NOTHING. More...

class  NL3D::CTransformUser
 UTransform implementation. More...

class  NL3D::ITrav
 A base Traversal. More...

class  NL3D::ITravCameraScene
 A ITravScene traversal, with camera setup (common to CRenderTrav and CClipTrav). More...

class  NL3D::ITravScene
 A Traversal which may be renderable in a CScene. More...

struct  NL3D::CTrianglePatch
 A triangle from a patch identifier. More...

class  NL3D::TTexDrvInfoPtrMap
struct  NL3D::UTextContext::CStringInfo
 The render size of a string. More...

struct  NL3D::UParticleSystemInstance::IPSObserver
 This is a struct is used by observers that want to be notified of the invalidation of the system. More...

class  NL3D::ITransformName
 Callback class used at instancegroup loading. More...

class  NL3D::UDriver::CMode
 A Graphic Mode descriptor. More...

struct  NL3D::CMonitorColorProperties
 Monitor color properties. More...

class  NL3D::CQuadTree::CIterator
class  NL3D::CQuadTree::const_iterator
class  NL3D::CQuadTree::CQuadNode
class  NL3D::CQuadTree::CNode
class  NL3D::CQuadTree::CBaseNode
class  NL3D::CFrustum
 A Screen frustum, perspective or orthogonal. More...

class  NL3D::CHeightMap
 A HeightMap. More...

struct  NL3D::CLandscapeIGManager::CInstanceGroupElement
class  NL3D::CLandscapeIGManager
 This class is used to load and unload IG of landscape. More...

class  NL3D::ILogicInfo
 An interface for UScene to retrieve client information for a specified UTransform ( see UTransfrom::setLogicInfo() ). More...

class  NL3D::CPointLightInfluence
 A pointLight Influence. More...

class  NL3D::CPrimitiveProfile
 A Primitive counter. More...

class  NL3D::CQuadTree
 class: CQuadTree. More...

class  NL3D::CScissor
 A scissor, used for IDriver rendering. More...

struct  NL3D::SCloudScapeSetup
class  NL3D::U3dMouseListener
 3d mouse listener. More...

class  NL3D::UAnimation
 Give manual access to the animation functions. More...

class  NL3D::UAnimationSet
 An animation Set is a set of animation, loaded from file. More...

class  NL3D::UBone
 Base interface for manipulating Bones. More...

class  NL3D::UCamera
 Game interface for manipulating Camera. More...

class  NL3D::UCloudScape
class  NL3D::UDriver
 Game Interface for window Driver, first object to create. More...

class  NL3D::UInstance
 Game interface for manipulating Objects, animations etc... More...

class  NL3D::UInstanceGroup
 Game interface for managing group instance. More...

class  NL3D::UInstanceMaterial
 Base interface for manipulating Material retrieved from UInstance. More...

class  NL3D::ULandscape
 Game Interface for manipulate Landscape. More...

class  NL3D::ULight
 ULight implementation. More...

class  NL3D::UMaterial
 Game Interface for Material. More...

class  NL3D::UParticleSystemInstance
 Interface to manipulate a particle system. More...

class  NL3D::UParticleSystemSound
 This init the sound for particle systems. More...

class  NL3D::UPlayList
 A playlist/channelmixer, from which you setup your mix of animations (blend, skeleton template weight...). More...

class  NL3D::UPlayListManager
 A manager of playlist. More...

class  NL3D::UPointLight
 Game interface for manipulating Dynamic Lights. More...

struct  NL3D::UPSSoundInstance
 This is an interface between the particle system and a sound instance. More...

struct  NL3D::UPSSoundServer
 This class is an interface which allow the particle system to create a sound. More...

class  NL3D::UScene
 Game Interface for Scene. More...

class  NL3D::UShapeBank
 Game interface for managing shape bank. More...

class  NL3D::USkeleton
 Game interface for manipulating Skeleton. More...

class  NL3D::UTextContext
 A game interface to render string. More...

class  NL3D::UTexture
 Game interface for manipulating Basic texture. More...

class  NL3D::UTextureFile
 Game interface for manipulating texture File. More...

class  NL3D::UTextureRaw
 Game interface for manipulating texture RAW. More...

class  NL3D::UTrack
 A track is a fonction that interpolate a value over the time. More...

class  NL3D::UTrackKeyframer
 This is a keyframer track interface. More...

class  NL3D::UTransform
 Base interface for manipulating Movable Objects in the scene: camera, lights, instances etc... More...

class  NL3D::UTransformable
 Base interface for manipulating Movable Objects: camera, bones, lights, instances etc... More...

struct  NL3D::CPatchUVLocator::CUVBasis
class  NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity
 Interface to visual collision entity. More...

class  NL3D::UVisualCollisionManager
 Interface to visual collision manager. More...

class  NL3D::UWaterHeightMap
 Interface to water height maps. More...

class  NL3D::UWaterHeightMapManager
 Interface to the water height map manager. More...

class  NL3D::UWaterInstance
 Helps to get infos about a water model You can get this interface by using a dynamic_cast on a UInstance that is a water instance. More...

class  NL3D::IVBDrvInfos
class  NL3D::CVBDrvInfosGL
struct  NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::CVectorInt
struct  NL3D::CMeshBlockManager::CVBHeapBlock
struct  NL3D::CPSRibbon::CVBnPB
 a struct containing a vertex buffer and the matching primitive block The number of slice is encoded in the upper word of the vb index (the int used to lookup in the map) The number of vertices per slices is encoded in the lower word. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt::CVBnPB
 a struct containing a vertex buffer and a primitive block. More...

struct  NL3D::CPSTailDot::CVBnPB
 a struct containing a vertex buffer and the matching a primitive block. More...

struct  NL3D::CVectInfo
struct  NL3D::CVectNormIterator
 This special iterator on a vector attributes enables to convert the speed to its norm It is for private use only, and it has not all the functionnalities of an iterator. More...

struct  NL3D::CVector2i
struct  NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::CVector3s
 A compressed vector information. More...

class  NL3D::CVector3s
struct  NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::CVertex
class  NL3D::CVegetable
 A vegetable descriptor. More...

class  NL3D::CVegetableBlendLayerClipObs
class  NL3D::CVegetableBlendLayerModel
 A CVegetableBlendLayerModel does not have to be created by user. More...

class  NL3D::CVegetableBlendLayerRenderObs
class  NL3D::CVegetableClipBlock
 A block of vegetable instance groups (via sortBlocks) which are clipped in frustum together Internal to VegetableManager. More...

class  NL3D::CVegetableInstanceGroup
 A block of vegetable instances. More...

struct  NL3D::CVegetableInstanceGroup::CVegetableLightedInstance
 a reference to an instance which is lighted (precomputed or not). More...

struct  NL3D::CVegetableInstanceGroup::CVegetableRdrPass
class  NL3D::CVegetableInstanceGroupReserve
 Mirror struct of CVegetableInstanceGroup, for reserveIg system in CVegetableManager. More...

struct  NL3D::CVegetableInstanceGroupReserve::CVegetableRdrPass
class  NL3D::CVegetableLightEx
 Additional information to light Vegetables. More...

class  NL3D::CVegetableManager
 Manager of vegetable. More...

class  NL3D::CVegetableQuadrant
 Static Quadrant direction for Vegetable ZSort rdrPass. More...

class  NL3D::CVegetableShape
 A vegetable shape. More...

class  NL3D::CVegetableShapeBuild
 A vegetable shape. More...

class  NL3D::CVegetableSortBlock
 A block of vegetable instance groups. More...

class  NL3D::CVegetableUV8
 A simple tuple UV in 8 bits, for Dynamic Lightmap encoding in Alpha components of colors. More...

class  NL3D::CVegetableVBAllocator
 A VB allocator (landscape like). More...

class  NL3D::IVertexArrayRange
 Interface to a Big block of AGP memory either throurgh NVVertexArrayRange or ATIVertexObject. More...

class  NL3D::CVertexArrayRangeATI
 Work only if ATIVertexArrayObject is enabled. More...

class  NL3D::CVertexArrayRangeNVidia
 Work only if ARRAY_RANGE_NV is enabled. More...

struct  NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::CVertexBlock
 A block of vertices descriptor. More...

class  NL3D::CVertexBuffer
 A vertex buffer to work with the driver. More...

class  NL3D::IVertexBufferHard
 This a vertex buffer created by Driver. More...

class  NL3D::IVertexBufferHardGL
 Common interface for both NVidia and ATI extenstion. More...

class  NL3D::CVertexBufferHardGLATI
 Work only if ARRAY_RANGE_NV is enabled. More...

class  NL3D::CVertexBufferHardGLNVidia
 Work only if ARRAY_RANGE_NV is enabled. More...

class  NL3D::CVertexBufferHeap
 A vertex buffer used to group lot of static VB in it. More...

class  NL3D::CVertexBufferInfo
 Info for the last VertexBuffer setuped (iether normal or hard). More...

struct  NL3D::CLandscapeVBAllocator::CVertexInfo
struct  NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::CVertexInf
struct  NL3D::CVertexCache
struct  NL3D::CVegetableVBAllocator::CVertexInfo
class  NL3D::CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL
struct  NL3D::CMesh::CVertLink
class  NL3D::CVertexProgram
 This class is a vertex program. More...

class  NL3D::IVertexProgramDrvInfos
class  NL3D::CViewport
 CViewport is the description of the viewport used to render with a driver. More...

struct  NL3D::CMiniCol::CZoneIdent
struct  NL3D::CMRMMeshFinal::CWedge
struct  NL3D::CSceneUser::CWaitingIG
struct  NL3D::CShapeBank::CWaitingShape
class  NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntity
 An entity created by CVisualCollisionManager. More...

class  NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntityUser
 UVisualCollisionEntity implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CVisualCollisionManager
 Server to Client collision manager. More...

class  NL3D::CVisualCollisionManagerUser
 UVisualCollisionManager implementation. More...

class  NL3D::CVisualTileDescNode
 Server to Client collision manager. More...

class  NL3D::CWaterHeightMap
class  NL3D::CWaterInstanceUser
 implementation of UWaterInstance methods. More...

struct  NL3D::CWaterPoolManager::CWaterHeightMapBuild
 this struct is used to specify a water pool parameter's. More...

class  NL3D::CWaterModel
 A water quad. More...

class  NL3D::CWaterPoolManager
 This class helps managing various waters pools. More...

class  NL3D::CWaterRenderObs
class  NL3D::CWaterShape
 A water shape. More...

class  NL3D::CWaveMakerDetailObs
class  NL3D::CWaveMakerModel
 This model can create wave where it is located. It has no display... More...

class  NL3D::CWaveMakerShape
 A wave maker. It can generate waves where it is located. More...

class  NL3D::CZone
 A landscape zone. More...

class  NL3D::CZoneCornerSmoother
 A class used to setup CornerSmoothFlag in CPatch. More...

struct  NL3D::CZoneInfo
 The struct for building a zone. More...

class  NL3D::CZoneLighter
class  NL3D::CZoneManager
 CZoneManager is a class that manage zone loading around of player. More...

class  NL3D::CZoneSearch
 CZoneSearch is a class that determine which zone cooresponding to a coordinate and zones are around a position. More...

class  NL3D::CZoneSmoother
 A class used to make Bezier patch of zones G1. More...

class  NL3D::CZoneSymmetrisation
 Environnement used to symmetrise zones. More...

class  NL3D::CZoneTgtSmoother
 A class used to make Vertices coplanar IN or/and across zones. More...


typedef float CAnimationTime
 Animation time in second. More...

typedef float TAnimationTime
typedef double TGlobalAnimationTime
typedef CAnimatedValueNotBlendable<
bool > 
typedef CAnimatedValueBlendable<
typedef CAnimatedValueBlendable<
float > 
typedef CAnimatedValueBlendable<
typedef CAnimatedValueNotBlendable<
std::string > 
typedef CAnimatedValueBlendable<
typedef CAnimatedValueBlendable<
typedef CChannelNotBlendable<
bool > 
typedef CChannelBlendable<
int > 
typedef CChannelBlendable<
float > 
typedef CChannelBlendable<
typedef CChannelBlendable<
typedef CChannelNotBlendable<
std::string > 
typedef std::vector< GfxModeModeList
typedef void(* emptyProc )(void)
typedef IDriver *(* IDRV_CREATE_PROC )(void)
typedef uint32(* IDRV_VERSION_PROC )(void)
typedef CKey< std::string > CKeyString
typedef CKey< bool > CKeyBool
typedef CKey< float > CKeyFloat
typedef CKey< NLMISC::CVectorCKeyVector
typedef CKey< NLMISC::CQuatCKeyQuat
typedef CKey< sint32CKeyInt
typedef CKeyTCB< float > CKeyTCBFloat
typedef CKeyTCB< NLMISC::CVectorCKeyTCBVector
typedef CKeyTCB< NLMISC::CAngleAxisCKeyTCBQuat
typedef CKeyBezier< float > CKeyBezierFloat
typedef CKeyBezier< NLMISC::CVectorCKeyBezierVector
typedef CKeyBezier< NLMISC::CQuatCKeyBezierQuat
typedef std::multimap< float,
 The map of edge collapses. More...

typedef TEdgeMap::iterator ItEdgeMap
typedef CPSAttrib< NLMISC::CVectorTPSAttribVector
typedef CPSAttrib< float > TPSAttribFloat
typedef CPSAttrib< uint32TPSAttribUInt
typedef CPSAttrib< uint8TPSAttribUInt8
typedef CPSAttrib< TAnimationTimeTPSAttribTime
typedef CAdvance1Iterator<
float > 
 Some typedefs. More...

typedef CAdvance1Iterator<
typedef CAdvance1616Iterator<
float > 
typedef CAdvance1616Iterator<
typedef CAdvance1616Iterator<
typedef CPSAttrib< CPSCollisionInfoTPSAttribCollisionInfo
 a container of collision infos. More...

typedef std::vector< CVectInfoTRibbonVect
typedef CPSAttrib< CRadiusPairTPSAttribRadiusPair
typedef std::deque< CEdgeTEdgeList
typedef std::list< IShader * > TShaderPtrList
typedef TShaderPtrList::iterator ItShaderPtrList
typedef std::list< CTextureDrvShare * > TTexDrvSharePtrList
typedef TTexDrvInfoPtrMap::iterator ItTexDrvInfoPtrMap
typedef TTexDrvSharePtrList::iterator ItTexDrvSharePtrList
typedef std::list< IVBDrvInfos * > TVBDrvInfoPtrList
typedef TVBDrvInfoPtrList::iterator ItVBDrvInfoPtrList
typedef std::list< IVertexProgramDrvInfos * > TVtxPrgDrvInfoPtrList
typedef TVtxPrgDrvInfoPtrList::iterator ItVtxPrgDrvInfoPtrList
typedef std::map< uint16,
CZone * > 
typedef std::map< uint16,
CZone * >::iterator 
typedef volatile CZoneTVolatileZonePtr


enum  TPSProcessPass {
  PSEmit, PSCollision, PSMotion, PSSolidRender,
  PSBlendRender, PSToolRender
 rendering and process passes for a particle system. More...

enum  TPSLod { PSLod1n2 = 0, PSLod1, PSLod2 }
 lod for located bindables. (see ps_located.h). More...


void assignSoundServerToPS (UPSSoundServer *soundServer)
 for private use only.. More...

void SpawnedSourceEndedCallback (NLSOUND::USource *source, void *userParam)
 this callback is called when a spawned source has ended, so that we know that the pointer to it is invalid... More...

void mulAdd (CVector &tgt, const CVector &src, float f)
void mulAddD (CVectorD &tgt, const CVector &src, double f)
uint8BuildCubeMapTex (const NLMISC::CVector &start, const NLMISC::CVector &uDir, const NLMISC::CVector &vDir, uint size, ICubeMapFunctor &f)
uint8BuildCubeMapTexLuminance (const NLMISC::CVector &start, const NLMISC::CVector &uDir, const NLMISC::CVector &vDir, uint size, ICubeMapFunctor &f)
CTextureCubeBuildCubeMap (sint mapSize, ICubeMapFunctor &f, bool luminanceOnly, const std::string &shareName)
 Build a cube map by using the given functor. More...

void computePerturbation (const float x, const float y, float &dx, float &dy)
 compute the UV perturbation at one position of the screen (with screen mapped to 0..1, 0..1). More...

bool setupARBMultiTexture (const char *glext)
bool setupEXTTextureEnvCombine (const char *glext)
bool setupARBTextureCompression (const char *glext)
bool setupNVVertexArrayRange (const char *glext)
bool setupEXTTextureCompressionS3TC (const char *glext)
bool setupEXTVertexWeighting (const char *glext)
bool setupEXTSeparateSpecularColor (const char *glext)
bool setupNVTextureEnvCombine4 (const char *glext)
bool setupATIXTextureEnvCombine3 (const char *glext)
bool setupATIEnvMapBumpMap (const char *glext)
bool setupARBTextureCubeMap (const char *glext)
bool setupNVVertexProgram (const char *glext)
bool setupEXTVertexShader (const char *glext)
bool setupEXTSecondaryColor (const char *glext)
bool setupWGLARBPBuffer (const char *glext)
bool setupNVTextureShader (const char *glext)
bool setupEXTBlendColor (const char *glext)
bool setupNVVertexArrayRange2 (const char *glext)
bool setupATIVertexArrayObject (const char *glext)
void registerGlExtensions (CGlExtensions &ext)
 This function test and register the extensions for the current GL context. More...

void convBlend (CMaterial::TBlend blend, GLenum &glenum)
void convZFunction (CMaterial::ZFunc zfunc, GLenum &glenum)
void convColor (CRGBA col, GLfloat glcol[4])
void convTexAddr (ITexture *tex, CMaterial::TTexAddressingMode mode, GLenum &glenum)
CTextureDrvInfosGLgetTextureGl (ITexture &tex)
GLint getGlSrcTextureFormat (ITexture &tex, GLint glfmt)
GLenum getGlSrcTextureComponentType (GLint texSrcFormat)
GLenum translateWrapToGl (ITexture::TWrapMode mode, const CGlExtensions &extensions)
GLenum translateMagFilterToGl (ITexture::TMagFilter mode)
GLenum translateMinFilterToGl (ITexture::TMinFilter mode)
bool sameDXTCFormat (ITexture &tex, GLint glfmt)
bool isDXTCFormat (GLint glfmt)
GLenum convSwizzleToGLFormat (CVPSwizzle::EComp comp, bool negate)
 Check with our parser if the program will works with other implemented extensions, too. More...

GLuint convOutputRegisterToEXTVertexShader (CVPOperand::EOutputRegister r)
 Convert an output register to a EXTVertexShader register. More...

uint convInputRegisterToVBFlag (uint index)
 Convert an input register to a vertex buffer flag. More...

void doSwizzle (GLuint res, GLuint in, GLenum outX, GLenum outY, GLenum outZ, GLenum outW)
void doWriteMask (GLuint res, GLuint in, GLenum outX, GLenum outY, GLenum outZ, GLenum outW)
void OptFastFloorBegin ()
void OptFastFloorEnd ()
sint OptFastFloor (float x)
float OptFastFractionnalPart (float x)
void OptFastFloorBegin24 ()
void OptFastFloorEnd24 ()
uint32 OptFastFloor24 (float x)
void getBitPack (uint32 *bitPtr, uint32 &bitMask)
void init3d ()
 Startup initialisation. More...

void NEL3DCalcBase (CVector &direction, CMatrix &matrix)
void initPassTriArray (CPatchRdrPass &pass)
void drawPassTriArray (CMaterial &mat)
void fastFloorBegin ()
void fastFloorEnd ()
sint fastFloor (float x)
CRGBA computeLodLighting (const CVector &lightObjectSpace, const CVector &normalPtr, CRGBA ambient, CRGBA diffuse)
NLMISC::CAABBoxExt makeBBox (const std::vector< CVector > &Vertices)
template<class TMatrixArray> void computeBoneMatrixes3x4 (TMatrixArray &boneMat3x4, const vector< uint32 > &matInfs, const CSkeletonModel *skeleton)
void applyArraySkinNormalT (uint numMatrixes, uint32 *infPtr, CMesh::CSkinWeight *srcSkinPtr, CVector *srcVertexPtr, CVector *srcNormalPtr, uint normalOff, uint8 *destVertexPtr, vector< CMatrix3x4 > &boneMat3x4, uint vertexSize, uint nInf)
void applyArraySkinTangentSpaceT (uint numMatrixes, uint32 *infPtr, CMesh::CSkinWeight *srcSkinPtr, CVector *srcVertexPtr, CVector *srcNormalPtr, CVector *tgSpacePtr, uint normalOff, uint tgSpaceOff, uint8 *destVertexPtr, vector< CMatrix3x4 > &boneMat3x4, uint vertexSize, uint nInf)
void applyArraySkinNormalT (uint numMatrixes, uint32 *infPtr, CMesh::CSkinWeight *srcSkinPtr, CVector *srcVertexPtr, CVector *srcNormalPtr, uint normalOff, uint8 *destVertexPtr, CMatrix3x4SSEArray &boneMat3x4, uint vertexSize, uint nInf)
void applyArraySkinTangentSpaceT (uint numMatrixes, uint32 *infPtr, CMesh::CSkinWeight *srcSkinPtr, CVector *srcVertexPtr, CVector *srcNormalPtr, CVector *tgSpacePtr, uint normalOff, uint tgSpaceOff, uint8 *destVertexPtr, CMatrix3x4SSEArray &boneMat3x4, uint vertexSize, uint nInf)
void SetupForMaterial (const CMaterial &mat, CScene *scene)
bool findElement (vector< sint > &array, sint elt)
bool deleteElement (vector< sint > &array, sint elt)
uint32 IDToLittleEndian (uint32 input)
uint8 getUnpackLumelBlock (const uint8 *src, uint pixel)
void bilinearColor (CRGBA corners[4], uint x, uint y, uint &R, uint &G, uint &B)
void bilinearColorAndModulate (CRGBA corners[4], uint x, uint y, CRGBA &res)
void bilinearColorAndAdd (CRGBA corners[4], uint x, uint y, CRGBA &res)
void NL3D_bilinearTileLightMap (CRGBA *tex)
float noiseFloorF (float f)
float noiseCeilF (float f)
sint noiseFloor (float f)
sint noiseCeil (float f)
void computeDisplaceBilinear (float sTile, float tTile, float &sInc, float &tInc, float &sa, float &ta, float &sa1, float &ta1)
void renderFaceVector (CLandscapeFaceVector *fv)
void fastClamp01 (float &x)
void MakePrivate (uint8 *dest, const NLMISC::CRGBA *src1, const NLMISC::CRGBA *src2, uint32 stride, uint32 numAttrib, CPSBinOp::BinOp op)
void Make4Private (uint8 *dest, const NLMISC::CRGBA *src1, const NLMISC::CRGBA *src2, uint32 stride, uint32 numAttrib, CPSBinOp::BinOp op)
 init the tab used for computations. More...

void MakeNPrivate (uint8 *dest, const NLMISC::CRGBA *src1, const NLMISC::CRGBA *src2, uint32 stride, uint32 numAttrib, CPSBinOp::BinOp op, uint nbReplicate)
 init the tab used for computations. More...

template<class T> T PSBinOpModulate (T arg1, T arg2)
 Some template functions and some specialization for binary operations We don't override the usual operators, because we may want behaviour such as saturation, and this may be misleading with usual operators. More...

template<class T> T PSBinOpAdd (T arg1, T arg2)
template<class T> T PSBinOpSubtract (T arg1, T arg2)
template<> CPlaneBasis PSBinOpModulate (CPlaneBasis p1, CPlaneBasis p2)
template<> CPlaneBasis PSBinOpAdd (CPlaneBasis p1, CPlaneBasis p2)
template<> CPlaneBasis PSBinOpSubtract (CPlaneBasis p1, CPlaneBasis p2)
template<> NLMISC::CRGBA PSBinOpModulate (NLMISC::CRGBA t1, NLMISC::CRGBA t2)
template<> NLMISC::CRGBA PSBinOpSubtract (NLMISC::CRGBA t1, NLMISC::CRGBA t2)
template<class T> void MakePrivate (uint8 *dest, const T *src1, const T *src2, uint32 stride, uint32 numAttrib, CPSBinOp::BinOp op)
template<class T> void Make4Private (uint8 *dest, const T *src1, const T *src2, uint32 stride, uint32 numAttrib, CPSBinOp::BinOp op)
template<class T> void MakeNPrivate (uint8 *dest, const T *src1, const T *src2, uint32 stride, uint32 numAttrib, CPSBinOp::BinOp op, uint nbReplicate, uint32 srcStep=(1<< 16))
template<typename T> T PSValueBlend (const T &t1, const T &t2, float alpha)
 a blending function it blends between t1 and t2 by the alpha amount specializing this function may help with some types of data that don't have the needed operator (NLMISC::CRGBA). More...

template<> NLMISC::CRGBA PSValueBlend (const NLMISC::CRGBA &t1, const NLMISC::CRGBA &t2, float alpha)
 NLMISC::CRGBA specialization of the PSValueBlend function. More...

template<> CPlaneBasis PSValueBlend (const CPlaneBasis &t1, const CPlaneBasis &t2, float alpha)
 CPlaneBasis specilization of the PSValueBlend function. More...

void PSRegisterColorAttribs ()
 Register attribute makers based on colors (used in particle systems). More...

const char * CPSAttribMaker< NLMISC::CRGBA >::getType ()
template<class T> void DrawDot (T it, CVertexBuffer &vb, const CPSAttribMaker< NLMISC::CRGBA > *colorScheme, uint leftToDo, CPSLocated *owner, CMaterial &mat, IDriver *driver, uint32 srcStep)
 ===================================================================. More...

void CompensateEmission (CPSLocated *emittedType, uint emittedIndex, TAnimationTime deltaT, TAnimationTime ellapsedTime, float realEllapsedTimeRatio)
 Compensate particle position and age by using the given deltaT. More...

uint GenEmitterPositions (CPSLocated *emitter, CPSLocated *emittee, uint emitterIndex, uint numStep, TAnimationTime deltaT, TAnimationTime step, std::vector< NLMISC::CVector > &dest)
 private : generate the various position of an emitter in the given tab for the given slice of time,. More...

CVector MakeRandomUnitVect (void)
 ====================================================================================== this produce a random unit vector. More...

void BlurBytesTab (const uint8 *src, uint8 *dest, uint size)
 ====================================================================================. More...

void PSRegisterFloatAttribs ()
 Register attribute makers based on floats (used in particle systems). More...

bool operator< (const CPSFloatCurveFunctor::CCtrlPoint &lhs, const CPSFloatCurveFunctor::CCtrlPoint &rhs)
void PSRegisterIntAttribs ()
 Register attribute makers based on int (used in particle systems). More...

void IntegrateSpeed (uint count, float *src1, const float *src2,float ellapsedTime)
bool operator< (const CPSLocatedBindable &lhs, const CPSLocatedBindable &rhs)
 less operator on located bindable. More...

const std::string DummyShapeName ("dummy mesh shape")
CMeshCreateDummyShape (void)
 a private function that create a dummy mesh :a cube with dummy textures. More...

uint getMeshNumTri (const CMesh &m)
 private : eval the number of triangles in a mesh. More...

void CheckForOpaqueAndTransparentFacesInMesh (const CMesh &m, bool &hasTransparentFaces, bool &hasOpaqueFaces)
 private use : check if there are transparent and / or opaque faces in a mesh. More...

IShapeGetDummyShapeFromBank (CShapeBank &sb)
void ForceMaterialModulation (CMaterial &destMat, CMaterial &srcMat, uint8 modulatedStages)
void DuplicatePrimitiveBlock (const CPrimitiveBlock &srcBlock, CPrimitiveBlock &destBlock, uint nbReplicate, uint vertOffset)
 This duplicate a primitive block n time in the destination primitive block This is used to draw several mesh at once For each duplication, vertices indices are shifted from the given offset (number of vertices in the mesh). More...

uint ScaleFloatGE (float f, float deltaT, float clampValue, uint numStep)
 Find a quantity to add to a float f such as f + deltaT * numStep, be >= than a given float (endValue). More...

NLMISC::CVectorFillBufUsingSubdiv (const NLMISC::CVector &value, float clampValue, float &startValue, float deltaT, uint &maxNumStep, NLMISC::CVector *destPos, uint32 stride)
 Private function used to fill a buffer with the same value by using the given subdivision. More...

void ConvertToBumpMap (NLMISC::CSmartPtr< ITexture > &ptr)
void ConvertFromBumpMap (NLMISC::CSmartPtr< ITexture > &ptr)
void SetupModulatedStage (CMaterial &m, uint stage, CMaterial::TTexSource src1, CMaterial::TTexSource src2)
 setup a stage as modulate, by specifying the source and destination. More...

bool operator< (const CPlaneBasis &p1, const CPlaneBasis &p2)
void PSRegisterPlaneBasisAttribs ()
 Register attribute makers based on colors (used in particle systems). More...

void SetupQuadVBTexCoords (CVertexBuffer &vb, uint texCoordSet)
 ================================================================================== fill textures coordinates for a quad vb. More...

void FillQuadCoords (uint8 *dest, uint stride, const NLMISC::CVector2f &speed, float time, uint num)
void FillQuadCoordsLocalTime (uint8 *dest, uint stride, const NLMISC::CVector2f &speed, CPSLocated &srcLoc, uint startIndex, uint num, uint32 srcStep)
ITextureCreateGradientTexture ()
 private use : this create a gradient texture that goew from black to white. More...

uint8BuildRibbonFirstSlice (const NLMISC::CVector &pos, uint numVerts, uint8 *dest, uint vertexSize)
 =========================================================================. More...

uint8ComputeRibbonSlice (const NLMISC::CVector &prev, const NLMISC::CVector &next, const NLMISC::CVector *shape, uint numVerts, uint8 *dest, uint vertexSize, float size)
 =========================================================================. More...

uint8ComputeUntexturedRibbonMesh (uint8 *destVb, uint vertexSize, const NLMISC::CVector *curve, const NLMISC::CVector *shape, uint numSegs, uint numVerticesInShape, float sizeIncrement, float size)
 =========================================================================. More...

uint8ComputeTexturedRibbonMesh (uint8 *destVb, uint vertexSize, const NLMISC::CVector *curve, const NLMISC::CVector *shape, uint numSegs, uint numVerticesInShape, float sizeIncrement, float size)
 =========================================================================. More...

void BuildHermiteVector (const NLMISC::CVector &P0, const NLMISC::CVector &P1, const NLMISC::CVector &T0, const NLMISC::CVector &T1, NLMISC::CVector &dest, float lambda)
 build some hermite spline value, with the given points and tangents. More...

void BuildLinearVector (const NLMISC::CVector &P0, const NLMISC::CVector &P1, NLMISC::CVector &dest, float lambda, float oneMinusLambda)
 for test. More...

void MakeProj (NLMISC::CVector &dest, const NLMISC::CVector &src)
void BuildSlice (const NLMISC::CMatrix &mat, CVertexBuffer &vb, uint8 *currVert, uint32 vertexSize, const NLMISC::CVector &I, const NLMISC::CVector &K, TRibbonVect::iterator pos, TRibbonVect::iterator prev, TRibbonVect::iterator next, float ribSize)
 TODO: some optimisation to get a better speed. More...

bool operator< (const CEdge &e1, const CEdge &e2)
void registerSerial3d ()
 This global function register all Serialisable Polymorphic 3D classes. More...

void strReplaceAll (string &strInOut, const string &tokenSrc, const string &tokenDst)
const NLMISC::CClassId SegRemanenceShapeId (0x4ef83d8d, 0x14d018f7)
uint DuplicateMBAndAddTexCoord (CMesh::CMeshBuild &outMeshBuild, const CMesh::CMeshBuild &inMeshBuild)
 private func : duplicate a mesh build It returns the index of the new texture coordinate or 0 if the conversion couldn't occur.. More...

void BuildTGSpaceVect (const NLMISC::CVector &normal, const NLMISC::CVector &sGrad, NLMISC::CUVW &result)
void BuildTriFromMB (const CMesh::CMeshBuild &mb, const uint index[3], NLMISC::CTriangle &tri)
bool BuildTangentSpace (CMesh::CMeshBuild &outMeshBuild, const CMesh::CMeshBuild &inMeshBuild)
 This add tangent space information to a vertex buffer. More...

bool matchEdge (const CVector2f &uv0, const CVector2f &uv1, const CVector2f &uva, const CVector2f &uvb)
void BuildDsDt (uint32 *src, sint width, sint height, uint16 *dest, bool absolute)
 create a DsDt texture from a height map (red component of a rgba bitmap). More...

float NormalizeDsDt (uint16 *src, sint width, sint height, bool absolute)
 Normalize a DsDt texture after it has been built, and return the normalization factor. More...

void GetTextureSize (ITexture *tex, uint &width, uint &height)
 ===================================================================================================== This is used to get the size of a texture, with an optimisation in the case of texture files. More...

NLMISC::CRGBA WhitePix (255, 255, 255, 255)
std::string DummyTexName ("CTextureMultiFile:Dummy")
void TroncFileName (char *sDest, const char *sSrc)
template<class T, class TKeyVal> void copyToValue (T &value, const TKeyVal &keyval)
void copyToValue (NLMISC::CRGBA &col, const CVector &v)
void copyToValue (sint32 &value, const float &f)
CNoiseValue RandomGenerator (0, 1, 7.68f)
void computeVegetVertexLighting (const CVector &rotNormal, bool instanceDoubleSided, const CVector &sunDir, CRGBA primaryRGBA, CRGBA secondaryRGBA, CVegetableLightEx &vegetLex, CRGBA diffusePL[2], CRGBA *dstFront, CRGBA *dstBack)
void computeVegetVertexLightingForceBestSided (const CVector &rotNormal, bool instanceDoubleSided, const CVector &sunDir, CRGBA primaryRGBA, CRGBA secondaryRGBA, CVegetableLightEx &vegetLex, CRGBA diffusePL[2], CRGBA *dstFront, CRGBA *dstBack)
float BilinFilter (float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3, float u, float v)
void FillWaterVB (uint8 *&vbPointer, float x, float y, float z, float nx, float ny)
 store a value in a water vertex buffer, and increment the pointer. More...

void SetupWaterVertex (sint qLeft, sint qRight, sint qUp, sint qDown, sint qSubLeft, sint qSubDown, const NLMISC::CVector &inter, float invWaterRatio, sint doubleWaterHeightMapSize, CWaterHeightMap &whm, uint8 *&vbPointer, float offsetX, float offsetY)
 this inline function setup one WaterPrev vertex. More...

void ComputeUpMatrix (const NLMISC::CVector &J, NLMISC::CMatrix &dest, const NLMISC::CMatrix &defaultMat)
void DrawPoly2D (CVertexBuffer &vb, IDriver *drv, const NLMISC::CMatrix &mat, const NLMISC::CPolygon &p)
CWaterPoolManagerGetWaterPoolManager ()
CVertexProgramBuildWaterVP (bool diffuseMap, bool bumpMap, bool use2BumpMap)
 Build a vertex program for water depending on requirements. More...

CVector2f st2uv (sint s, sint t, const CPatchInfo &patch)
void uv2st (const CVector2f &in, sint &s, sint &t, const CPatchInfo &patch)


const NLMISC::CClassId AnimDetailTravId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x373f6772, 0x3f562fa3)
CAnimatedValueBool atoto1
CAnimatedValueInt atoto2
CAnimatedValueFloat atoto3
CAnimatedValueVector atoto4
CAnimatedValueString atoto5
CAnimatedValueQuat atoto6
CAnimatedValueRGBA atoto7
const NLMISC::CClassId CameraId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x5752634c, 0x6abe76f5)
const NLMISC::CClassId ClipTravId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x135208fe, 0x225334fc)
const NLMISC::CClassId ClusterId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x13f37e46, 0x3e880780)
const NLMISC::CClassId CoarseMeshManagerId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x77554f87, 0x5bb373d8)
const char * IDRV_CREATE_PROC_NAME = "NL3D_createIDriverInstance"
const char * IDRV_VERSION_PROC_NAME = "NL3D_interfaceVersion"
double OptFastFloorMagicConst = pow(2,52) + pow(2,51)
int OptFastFloorBkupCW
float OptFastFloorMagicConst24 = (float)pow(2,23)
int OptFastFloorBkupCW24
const NLMISC::CClassId FlareModelClassId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x6d674c32, 0x53b961a0)
const uint MaxFlareNum = 10
NL3D::CSinWave _SinWave
const NLMISC::CClassId HrcTravId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x5ad56382, 0x2a711530)
CKeyTCBFloat ktoto0
CKeyTCBVector ktoto1
CKeyTCBQuat ktoto2
CKeyBezierFloat ktoto4
CKeyBezierVector ktoto5
CKeyBezierQuat ktoto6
CKeyString ktoto8
CKeyBool ktoto9
CKeyFloat ktoto10
CKeyVector ktoto11
CKeyQuat ktoto12
const sint NbTilesMax = 65536
const sint TextureNearSize = 512
const sint NbTileLightMapByLine = TextureNearSize/NL_TILE_LIGHTMAP_SIZE
const sint NbTileLightMapByTexture = NbTileLightMapByLine*NbTileLightMapByLine
uint NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassNTri = 0
uint32NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr = NULL
const NLMISC::CClassId LandscapeModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x5a573b55, 0x6b395829)
sint ProfNTessFace = 0
sint ProfNRdrFar0 = 0
sint ProfNRdrFar1 = 0
sint ProfNRdrTile [NL3D_MAX_TILE_PASS]
sint ProfNRefineFaces
sint ProfNRefineComputeFaces
sint ProfNRefineLeaves
sint ProfNSplits
sint ProfNMerges
sint ProfNRefineInTileTransition
sint ProfNRefineWithLowDistance
sint ProfNSplitsPass
const char * NL3D_LandscapeCommonStartProgram
const string NL3D_LandscapeTestSpeedProgram
const char * NL3D_LandscapeFar0EndProgram
const char * NL3D_LandscapeFar1EndProgram
const char * NL3D_LandscapeTileEndProgram
const char * NL3D_LandscapeTileLightMapEndProgram
 Same version but write Tex0 to take uv2, ie v[13], for lightmap pass. More...

const NLMISC::CClassId LightTravId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x328f500a, 0x57600db9)
const NLMISC::CClassId LoadBalancingTravId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x7181548, 0x36ad3c10)
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES = 4
const uint32 IDRV_TOUCHED_BLENDFUNC = 0x00000001
const uint32 IDRV_TOUCHED_BLEND = 0x00000002
const uint32 IDRV_TOUCHED_SHADER = 0x00000004
const uint32 IDRV_TOUCHED_ZFUNC = 0x00000008
const uint32 IDRV_TOUCHED_ZBIAS = 0x00000010
const uint32 IDRV_TOUCHED_COLOR = 0x00000020
const uint32 IDRV_TOUCHED_LIGHTING = 0x00000040
const uint32 IDRV_TOUCHED_DEFMAT = 0x00000080
const uint32 IDRV_TOUCHED_ZWRITE = 0x00000100
const uint32 IDRV_TOUCHED_DOUBLE_SIDED = 0x00000200
const uint32 IDRV_TOUCHED_LIGHTMAP = 0x00000400
const uint32 IDRV_TOUCHED_ALPHA_TEST = 0x00000800
const uint32 IDRV_TOUCHED_ALPHA_TEST_THRE = 0x00001000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_HIDE = 0x00000001
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_TSP = 0x00000002
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_ZWRITE = 0x00000004
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_ZLIST = 0x00000008
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_LIGHTING = 0x00000010
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_SPECULAR = 0x00000020
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_DEFMAT = 0x00000040
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_BLEND = 0x00000080
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_DOUBLE_SIDED = 0x00000100
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_ALPHA_TEST = 0x00000200
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_TEX_ADDR = 0x00000400
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_LIGHTED_VERTEX_COLOR = 0x00000800
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_0 = 0x00001000
 automatic texture coordinate generation. More...

const uint32 IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_1 = 0x00002000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_2 = 0x00004000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_3 = 0x00008000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_4 = 0x00010000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_5 = 0x00020000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_6 = 0x00040000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_7 = 0x00080000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_0_MAT = 0x00100000
 user texture matrix. More...

const uint32 IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_1_MAT = 0x00200000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_2_MAT = 0x00400000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_3_MAT = 0x00800000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_4_MAT = 0x01000000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_5_MAT = 0x02000000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_6_MAT = 0x04000000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_7_MAT = 0x08000000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_MAT_ALL = 0x0FF00000
const uint32 IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_FIRST_BIT = 20
const NLMISC::CClassId MeshBaseInstanceId = NLMISC::CClassId(0xef44331, 0x739f6bcf)
const NLMISC::CClassId MeshInstanceId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x6bfe0a34, 0x23b26dc9)
const NLMISC::CClassId MeshMRMInstanceId = NLMISC::CClassId(0xec608f3, 0x1111c33)
const uint NL_BlockByteL1 = 4096
const NLMISC::CClassId MeshMultiLodInstanceId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x1ade6ef8, 0x75c5a84)
const uint VPLightConstantStart = 24
const char * PPLightingVPCodeBegin
 We store the first tangent vector of the tangent space in v[8]. More...

const char * PPLightingVPNormalizeCodeBegin
 The same as above, but for skin / MRM : This normalize the tangent basis. More...

const char * PPLightingNoSpecVPCodeBegin
const char * PPLightingVPNormalizeNoSpecCodeBegin
 Omni light with normalization and no specular. More...

const char * PPLightingDirectionnalVPCodeBegin
 We store the direction of the light rather than its position The direction must be normalized and expressed in model space. More...

const char * PPLightingDirectionnalVPNormalizeCodeBegin
const char * PPLightingDirectionnalNoSpecVPCodeBegin
const char * PPLightingDirectionnalNoSpecVPNormalizeCodeBegin
const char * PPLightingVPCodeEnd
const char * WindTreeVPCodeWave
const char * WindTreeVPCodeEnd
const sint QuadDepth = 10
const sint GridSize = 512
const float GridEltSize = 2
const float NL3D_OO255 = 1.0f / 255
CRandomGrid3D NL3D_RandomGrid3D
const float PSDefaultMaxViewDist = 300.f
 the default max distance of view for particle systems. More...

const uint MaxPSUserParam = 4
 number user params for a particle system. More...

const NLMISC::CClassId ParticleSystemModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x3a9b1dc3, 0x49627ff0)
const uint NL3DDecompressLumelFactor0Case0 [8]
const uint NL3DDecompressLumelFactor1Case0 [8]
const uint NL3DDecompressLumelFactor0Case1 [6]
const uint NL3DDecompressLumelFactor1Case1 [6]
uint NL3DPixelStartLumel [4] = {0, 4*3, 3, 0}
uint NL3DDeltaLumel [4] = {4, 1, 4, 1}
const NLMISC::CClassId PointLightModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x7e842eba, 0x140b6c69)
const float MaxInputValue = 1.0f
 Here we define attribute maker, that is object that can produce an attribute following some rule. More...

const uint PSBinOpBufSize = 1024
 The size of the buffer use for intermediate operations with a binary operator. More...

const uint dotBufSize = 1024
const uint emitterBuffSize = 512
const uint FanLightBufSize = 128
const uint NumVertsInBuffer = 4 * FanLightBufSize
const uint BFNumPredefinedPos = 8192
 Brownian force implementation. More...

const uint BFPredefinedNumInterp = 256
const uint BFNumPrecomputedImpulsions = 1024
 this should divide BFNumPredefinedPos. More...

const uint32 DefaultMaxLocatedInstance = 1
const uint32 PSForce = 0
const uint32 PSParticle = 1
const uint32 PSEmitter = 2
const uint32 PSLight = 3
const uint32 PSZone = 4
const uint32 PSSound = 5
const uint ConstraintMeshMaxNumVerts = 512
const uint ConstraintMeshBufSize = 64
const uint ConstraintMeshMaxNumPrerotatedModels = 32
NLMISC::CRGBA GradientB2W [] = {NLMISC::CRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), NLMISC::CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255) }
const uint EndRibbonStorage = 1
const float ZEpsilon = 10E-3f
const float NormEpsilon = 10E-8f
const uint ShockWaveBufSize = 128
const uint SoundBufSize = 1024
const float PSCollideEpsilon = 10E-3f
 This epsilon is in meter and give a thickness to surfaces for tests. More...

const NLMISC::CClassId QuadGridClipClusterId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x31d517aa, 0x2c4357a0)
const char * LightingVPFragmentNormalize
const char * LightingVPFragmentNoSpecular_Begin
const char * LightingVPFragmentNoSpecular_PL []
const char * LightingVPFragmentNoSpecular_End
const char * LightingVPFragmentSpecular_Begin
const char * LightingVPFragmentSpecular_PL []
const char * LightingVPFragmentSpecular_End
const NLMISC::CClassId RenderTravId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x572456ee, 0x3db55f23)
const NLMISC::CClassId RootModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x25f0505d, 0x75c69f9)
const NLMISC::CClassId SkeletonModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x7d4703b4, 0x43ad6ab1)
const NLMISC::CClassId SkipModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x143f5849, 0x2847496e)
const uint8 TileUvFmtNormal1 = 0
const uint8 TileUvFmtNormal2 = 1
const uint8 TileUvFmtNormal3 = 2
const uint8 TileUvFmtNormal4 = 3
const uint8 TileUvFmtNormal5 = 4
const float TileSize = 128
const float OO32768 = 1.0f/0x8000
const int TextureSizeX = 1024
const int TextureSizeY = 1024
const int Categories [TEXTUREFONT_NBCATEGORY] = { 8, 16, 24, 32, 64 }
const int NbLine [TEXTUREFONT_NBCATEGORY] = { 8, 24, 16, 4, 1 }
CTrackKeyFramerTCBFloat ttoto0
CTrackKeyFramerTCBVector ttoto1
CTrackKeyFramerTCBQuat ttoto2
CTrackKeyFramerTCBInt ttoto3
CTrackKeyFramerTCBRGBA ttoto8
CTrackKeyFramerBezierFloat ttoto4
CTrackKeyFramerBezierVector ttoto5
CTrackKeyFramerBezierQuat ttoto6
CTrackKeyFramerBezierInt ttoto7
CTrackKeyFramerBezierRGBA ttoto9
CTrackKeyFramerLinearFloat lattoto10
CTrackKeyFramerLinearVector lattoto11
CTrackKeyFramerLinearQuat lattoto12
CTrackKeyFramerLinearInt lattoto13
CTrackKeyFramerLinearRGBA lattoto14
CTrackKeyFramerConstFloat attoto10
CTrackKeyFramerConstVector attoto11
CTrackKeyFramerConstQuat attoto12
CTrackKeyFramerConstInt attoto13
CTrackKeyFramerConstRGBA attoto16
CTrackKeyFramerConstString attoto14
CTrackKeyFramerConstBool attoto15
const double NL3D_OO32767 = 1.0f/32767
const double NL3D_OO65535 = 1.0f/65535
const NLMISC::CClassId TransformId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x174750cb, 0xf952024)
const NLMISC::CClassId TransformShapeId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x1e6115e6, 0x63502517)
const NLMISC::CClassId VegetableBlendLayerModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x77375163, 0x2fca1003)
const char * NL3D_FastBendProgram
const char * NL3D_BendProgramP0
const char * NL3D_BendProgramP1
const string NL3D_BendProgram = string(NL3D_BendProgramP0) + string(NL3D_BendProgramP1)
const char * NL3D_LightedStartVegetableProgram
const char * NL3D_LightedMiddle1SidedVegetableProgram
const char * NL3D_LightedMiddle2SidedVegetableProgram
const char * NL3D_UnlitStartVegetableProgram
const char * NL3D_UnlitMiddle1SidedVegetableProgram
const char * NL3D_UnlitMiddle2SidedVegetableProgram
const char * NL3D_UnlitMiddle2SidedAlphaBlendVegetableProgram
const char * NL3D_UnlitMiddle1SidedAlphaBlendVegetableProgram
const char * NL3D_CommonEndVegetableProgram
const char * NL3D_SimpleStartVegetableProgram
CVegetableQuadrant InitVegetableQuadrant
const uint TileDescNodeAllocatorBlockSize = 40000
const uint PatchQuadBlockAllocatorBlockSize = 160
const uint NumWaterMap = 3
 This class is a portion of water, it encodes its height, and simulates its propagation. More...

const char * WaterVPStartCode
 The first part of the program does the following : Compute linear distance to eye Attenuate height with distance Attenuate normal with distance (e.g at max distance, the normal is (0, 0, 1) Transform vertex pos into view space compute fog coordinate At the end of the program we got : R1 = (eye - vertex).normed() R0 = Attenuated normal at vertex R4 = position of point with attenuated height. More...

const char * WaterVpBump2LayersCode
 This part of vertex program compute 2 layers of bump (for use with texture shaders). More...

const char * WaterVpBump1LayersCode
 Version with one bump map only (Texture shaders support chaining of offset textures, EMBM does not). More...

const char * WaterVpDiffuseMapStage3Code
 Optionnal diffuse texture in stage 3. More...

const char * WaterVpDiffuseMapStage2Code
 Optionnal diffuse texture in stage 2. More...

const char * WaterVpDiffuseMapStage1Code
 Optionnal diffuse texture in stage 1. More...

const char * WaterVpNoBumpCode
const CVertexBuffer::TValue WATER_VB_POS = CVertexBuffer::Position
const CVertexBuffer::TValue WATER_VB_DX = CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0
const NLMISC::CClassId WaterModelClassId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x41a0732e, 0x6c664506)
const NLMISC::CClassId WaveMakerModelClassId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x16da3356, 0x7dec65fd)

Detailed Description

This namespace contains all 3D class.

Typedef Documentation

typedef CAnimatedValueNotBlendable<bool> NL3D::CAnimatedValueBool

Definition at line 258 of file animated_value.h.

Referenced by NL3D::ITrack::interpolate.

typedef CAnimatedValueBlendable<float> NL3D::CAnimatedValueFloat

Definition at line 260 of file animated_value.h.

Referenced by NL3D::ITrack::interpolate.

typedef CAnimatedValueBlendable<sint32> NL3D::CAnimatedValueInt

Definition at line 259 of file animated_value.h.

Referenced by NL3D::ITrack::interpolate.

typedef CAnimatedValueBlendable<NLMISC::CQuat> NL3D::CAnimatedValueQuat

Definition at line 263 of file animated_value.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CBone::CBone, NL3D::CWaterShape::createInstance, NL3D::CParticleSystemShape::createInstance, NL3D::CWaterShape::getShapeInWorldSpace, NL3D::CMeshBase::instanciateMeshBase, and NL3D::ITrack::interpolate.

typedef CAnimatedValueBlendable<NLMISC::CRGBA> NL3D::CAnimatedValueRGBA

Definition at line 264 of file animated_value.h.

Referenced by NL3D::ITrack::interpolate.

typedef CAnimatedValueNotBlendable<std::string> NL3D::CAnimatedValueString

Definition at line 262 of file animated_value.h.

Referenced by NL3D::ITrack::interpolate.

typedef CAnimatedValueBlendable<NLMISC::CVector> NL3D::CAnimatedValueVector

Definition at line 261 of file animated_value.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CBone::CBone, NL3D::CWaveMakerShape::createInstance, NL3D::CWaterShape::createInstance, NL3D::CParticleSystemShape::createInstance, NL3D::CFlareShape::createInstance, NL3D::CWaterShape::getShapeInWorldSpace, NL3D::CMeshBase::instanciateMeshBase, and NL3D::ITrack::interpolate.

typedef float NL3D::CAnimationTime

Animation time in second.

Cyril 'Hulud' Corvazier , Nevrax France

Definition at line 43 of file animation_time.h.

typedef CChannelNotBlendable<bool> NL3D::CChannelBool

Definition at line 180 of file channel.h.

typedef CChannelBlendable<float> NL3D::CChannelFloat

Definition at line 182 of file channel.h.

typedef CChannelBlendable<int> NL3D::CChannelInt

Definition at line 181 of file channel.h.

typedef CChannelBlendable<NLMISC::CQuat> NL3D::CChannelQuat

Definition at line 184 of file channel.h.

typedef CChannelNotBlendable<std::string> NL3D::CChannelString

Definition at line 185 of file channel.h.

typedef CChannelBlendable<NLMISC::CVector> NL3D::CChannelVector

Definition at line 183 of file channel.h.

typedef CKeyBezier<float> NL3D::CKeyBezierFloat

Definition at line 280 of file key.h.

typedef CKeyBezier<NLMISC::CQuat> NL3D::CKeyBezierQuat

Definition at line 282 of file key.h.

typedef CKeyBezier<NLMISC::CVector> NL3D::CKeyBezierVector

Definition at line 281 of file key.h.

typedef CKey<bool> NL3D::CKeyBool

Definition at line 264 of file key.h.

typedef CKey<float> NL3D::CKeyFloat

Definition at line 265 of file key.h.

typedef CKey<sint32> NL3D::CKeyInt

Definition at line 269 of file key.h.

typedef CKey<NLMISC::CQuat> NL3D::CKeyQuat

Definition at line 267 of file key.h.


Definition at line 268 of file key.h.

typedef CKey<std::string> NL3D::CKeyString

Definition at line 263 of file key.h.

typedef CKeyTCB<float> NL3D::CKeyTCBFloat

Definition at line 274 of file key.h.

typedef CKeyTCB<NLMISC::CAngleAxis> NL3D::CKeyTCBQuat

Definition at line 276 of file key.h.

typedef CKeyTCB<NLMISC::CVector> NL3D::CKeyTCBVector

Definition at line 275 of file key.h.

typedef CKey<NLMISC::CVector> NL3D::CKeyVector

Definition at line 266 of file key.h.

typedef void(* NL3D::emptyProc)(void)

Definition at line 112 of file driver.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::getWindowProc.

typedef IDriver*(* NL3D::IDRV_CREATE_PROC)(void)

Definition at line 51 of file dru.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDRU::createGlDriver.

typedef uint32(* NL3D::IDRV_VERSION_PROC)(void)

Definition at line 54 of file dru.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDRU::createGlDriver.

typedef TEdgeMap::iterator NL3D::ItEdgeMap

Definition at line 207 of file mrm_internal.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMRMBuilder::collapseEdges.

typedef TShaderPtrList::iterator NL3D::ItShaderPtrList

Definition at line 56 of file shader.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CShaderGL::CShaderGL, NL3D::IShader::IShader, NL3D::IDriver::release, NL3D::IDriver::removeShaderPtr, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial.

typedef TTexDrvInfoPtrMap::iterator NL3D::ItTexDrvInfoPtrMap

Definition at line 56 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureDrvInfosGL::CTextureDrvInfosGL, NL3D::ITextureDrvInfos::ITextureDrvInfos, NL3D::IDriver::removeTextureDrvInfoPtr, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx.

typedef TTexDrvSharePtrList::iterator NL3D::ItTexDrvSharePtrList

Definition at line 57 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureDrvShare::CTextureDrvShare, NL3D::IDriver::release, NL3D::IDriver::removeTextureDrvSharePtr, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx.

typedef TVBDrvInfoPtrList::iterator NL3D::ItVBDrvInfoPtrList

Definition at line 64 of file vertex_buffer.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CVBDrvInfosGL::CVBDrvInfosGL, NL3D::IVBDrvInfos::IVBDrvInfos, NL3D::IDriver::release, NL3D::IDriver::removeVBDrvInfoPtr, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupVertexBuffer.

typedef TVtxPrgDrvInfoPtrList::iterator NL3D::ItVtxPrgDrvInfoPtrList

Definition at line 41 of file vertex_program.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::activeEXTVertexShader, NL3D::CDriverGL::activeNVVertexProgram, NL3D::CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL::CVertexProgamDrvInfosGL, NL3D::IVertexProgramDrvInfos::IVertexProgramDrvInfos, NL3D::IDriver::release, and NL3D::IDriver::removeVtxPrgDrvInfoPtr.

typedef std::map<uint16, CZone*>::iterator NL3D::ItZoneMap

Definition at line 57 of file src/3d/zone.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::averageTesselationVertices, NL3D::CLandscape::buildCollideFaces, NL3D::CLandscape::checkBinds, NL3D::CLandscape::clip, NL3D::CZone::compile, NL3D::CLandscape::enableVegetable, NL3D::CLandscape::excludePatchFromRefineAll, NL3D::CLandscape::forceMergeAtTileLevel, NL3D::CLandscape::refineAll, NL3D::CZone::release, NL3D::CLandscape::removeAllPointLights, NL3D::CLandscape::render, NL3D::CLandscape::resetRenderFarAndDeleteVBFV, and NL3D::CLandscape::setPointLightFactor.

typedef std::vector<GfxMode> NL3D::ModeList

Definition at line 101 of file driver.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverUser::enumModes, and NL3D::CDriverGL::enumModes.

typedef float NL3D::TAnimationTime

Definition at line 44 of file animation_time.h.

Referenced by NL3D::ITrackKeyFramer< CKeyBezierQuat >::addKey, NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::draw, NL3D::CPSConstraintMeshHelper::drawPrerotatedMeshs, NL3D::CTrackSampledVector::eval, NL3D::CTrackSampledQuat::eval, NL3D::ITrackKeyFramer< CKeyBezierQuat >::eval, NL3D::ITrackDefault::eval, CTrackKeyFramerTCB< CKeyTCBQuat, NLMISC::CAngleAxis >::evalKey, CTrackKeyFramerTCB::evalKey, NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinear< CKeyRGBA, NLMISC::CRGBA >::evalKey, NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinear< CKeyQuat, CQuat >::evalKey, NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinear< CKeyFloat, float >::evalKey, NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstBlendable< CKeyQuat, CQuat >::evalKey, NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstNotBlendable< CKeyString, std::string >::evalKey, CTrackKeyFramerBezier< CKeyBezierQuat, CQuat >::evalKey, CTrackKeyFramerBezier::evalKey, NL3D::CTrackSampledCommon::evalTime, NL3D::CParticleSystem::getAccurateIntegrationParams, NL3D::CTrackSampledCommon::getBeginTime, NL3D::ITrackKeyFramer< CKeyBezierQuat >::getBeginTime, NL3D::ITrackDefault::getBeginTime, NL3D::CAnimation::getBeginTime, NL3D::CParticleSystem::getDelayBeforeDeathConditionTest, NL3D::CScene::getEllapsedTime, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::getEllapsedTime, NL3D::CTrackSampledCommon::getEndTime, NL3D::ITrackKeyFramer< CKeyBezierQuat >::getEndTime, NL3D::ITrackDefault::getEndTime, NL3D::CAnimation::getEndTime, NL3D::CPSLocated::getInitialLife, NL3D::ITrackKeyFramer::getKeysInRange, NL3D::CPlayListUser::getLocalTime, NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::getLocalTime, NL3D::CWaveMakerShape::getPeriod, NL3D::CFlareShape::getPersistence, NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::getPropagationTime, NL3D::ITrackKeyFramer< CKeyBezierQuat >::getRangeDelta, NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::getSegDuration, NL3D::CParticleSystem::getSystemDate, NL3D::ITrack::interpolate, NL3D::CParticleSystem::interpolatePosDelta, NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::makePrerotatedVb, NL3D::CPSLocated::newElement, NL3D::CPSTurbulForceFunc::operator(), NL3D::CPSFluidFrictionFunctor::operator(), NL3D::CPSFloatCurveFunctor::operator(), NL3D::CPSValueGradientFunc< sint32 >::operator(), NL3D::CPSValueBlendSampleFunc< NLMISC::CRGBA, n >::operator(), NL3D::CPSValueBlendFunc< sint32 >::operator(), NL3D::CIsotropicForceT::performDynamic, NL3D::CPSBrownianForce::performDynamic, NL3D::CPSMagneticForce::performDynamic, NL3D::CPSCylindricVortex::performDynamic, NL3D::CPSSpring::performDynamic, NL3D::CPSCentralGravity::performDynamic, NL3D::CPSGravity::performDynamic, NL3D::CPSDirectionnalForce::performDynamic, NL3D::CPSZoneRectangle::performMotion, NL3D::CPSZoneCylinder::performMotion, NL3D::CPSZoneDisc::performMotion, NL3D::CPSZoneSphere::performMotion, NL3D::CPSZonePlane::performMotion, NL3D::CPSLocated::performParametricMotion, NL3D::CParticleSystemProcess::performParametricMotion, NL3D::CParticleSystemManager::processAnimate, NL3D::CPSEmitter::processEmitConsistent, NL3D::CPSEmitter::processRegularEmission, NL3D::CPSEmitter::processRegularEmissionConsistent, NL3D::CParticleSystemShape::render, NL3D::CParticleSystem::setAccurateIntegrationParams, NL3D::CParticleSystem::setDelayBeforeDeathConditionTest, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::setEllapsedTime, NL3D::CPSLocated::setInitialLife, NL3D::CAnimation::setMinEndTime, NL3D::CWaveMakerShape::setPeriod, NL3D::CFlareShape::setPersistence, NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::setSegDuration, NL3D::CChannelMixer::setSlotTime, NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::setupMixer, NL3D::CPSZoneRectangle::show, NL3D::CPSZoneCylinder::show, NL3D::CPSZoneDisc::show, NL3D::CPSZoneSphere::show, NL3D::CPSZonePlane::show, NL3D::CPSBrownianForce::show, NL3D::CIsotropicForceT< CPSFluidFrictionFunctor >::show, NL3D::CPSCylindricVortex::show, NL3D::CPSSpring::show, NL3D::CPSCentralGravity::show, NL3D::CPSGravity::show, NL3D::CPSDirectionnalForce::show, NL3D::CPSZone::step, NL3D::CPSTailDot::step, NL3D::CPSSound::step, NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt::step, NL3D::CPSRibbon::step, NL3D::CPSParticle::step, NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::step, NL3D::CPSMesh::step, NL3D::CPSLocated::step, NL3D::CPSForce::step, NL3D::CPSFace::step, NL3D::CPSEmitter::step, NL3D::CParticleSystem::step, NL3D::CParticleSystem::stepLocated, NL3D::CWaveMakerDetailObs::traverse, NL3D::CParticleSystemDetailObs::traverse, NL3D::ITrackKeyFramer< CKeyBezierQuat >::unlockRange, NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::updateGlobals, and NL3D::CPSLocated::updateLife.

typedef std::deque<CEdge> NL3D::TEdgeList

Definition at line 58 of file quad_effect.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CQuadEffect::makeRasters.

typedef std::multimap<float, CMRMEdgeFace> NL3D::TEdgeMap

The map of edge collapses.

Lionel Berenguier , Nevrax France

Definition at line 206 of file mrm_internal.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMRMFaceBuild::invalidAllIts, and NL3D::CMRMFaceBuild::invalidEdgeIt.

typedef double NL3D::TGlobalAnimationTime

Definition at line 45 of file animation_time.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CSceneUser::animate, NL3D::CScene::animate, NL3D::CPlayListManagerUser::animate, NL3D::CPlayListManager::animate, NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::getAnimKey, NL3D::CScene::getCurrentTime, NL3D::CPlayListUser::getEndWeight, NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::getEndWeight, NL3D::CPlayListUser::getLocalTime, NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::getLocalTime, NL3D::CPlayListUser::getLocalWeight, NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::getLocalWeight, NL3D::CSkeletonUser::getLodCharacterAnimTime, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::getLodCharacterAnimTime, NL3D::CPlayListUser::getStartWeight, NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::getStartWeight, NL3D::CPlayListUser::getTimeOrigin, NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::getTimeOrigin, NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::getWeightValue, NL3D::CPlayListUser::setEndWeight, NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::setEndWeight, NL3D::CSkeletonUser::setLodCharacterAnimTime, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::setLodCharacterAnimTime, NL3D::CPlayListUser::setStartWeight, NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::setStartWeight, NL3D::CPlayListUser::setTimeOrigin, NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::setTimeOrigin, and NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::setupMixer.

typedef CAdvance1Iterator< TPSAttribFloat::const_iterator, TAnimationTime > NL3D::TIteratorFloatStep1

Some typedefs.

Definition at line 144 of file ps_iterator.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make4, and NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::makeN.

typedef CAdvance1616Iterator<TPSAttribFloat::const_iterator, float> NL3D::TIteratorFloatStep1616

Definition at line 147 of file ps_iterator.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make4, and NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::makeN.

typedef CAdvance1616Iterator<TPSAttribFloat::const_iterator, TAnimationTime> NL3D::TIteratorTimeStep1616

Definition at line 148 of file ps_iterator.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSFanLight::draw.

typedef CAdvance1Iterator<TPSAttribVector::const_iterator, NLMISC::CVector> NL3D::TIteratorVectStep1

Definition at line 146 of file ps_iterator.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make4, and NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::makeN.

typedef CAdvance1616Iterator<TPSAttribVector::const_iterator, NLMISC::CVector> NL3D::TIteratorVectStep1616

Definition at line 149 of file ps_iterator.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSShockWave::draw, NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::draw, NL3D::CPSFanLight::draw, NL3D::CPSFaceLookAt::draw, NL3D::CPSDot::draw, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make4, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::makeN, and NL3D::CPSFace::step.

typedef CPSAttrib<CPSCollisionInfo> NL3D::TPSAttribCollisionInfo

a container of collision infos.

Definition at line 112 of file ps_located.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSLocated::getCollisionInfo, and NL3D::CPSLocated::queryCollisionInfo.

typedef CPSAttrib<float> NL3D::TPSAttribFloat

Definition at line 479 of file ps_attrib.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSLocated::getInvMass.

typedef CPSAttrib<CRadiusPair> NL3D::TPSAttribRadiusPair

Definition at line 193 of file ps_zone.h.

typedef CPSAttrib<NLMISC::CRGBA> NL3D::TPSAttribRGBA

Definition at line 478 of file ps_attrib.h.

typedef CPSAttrib<TAnimationTime> NL3D::TPSAttribTime

Definition at line 482 of file ps_attrib.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSLocated::getTime, and NL3D::CPSLocated::getTimeIncrement.

typedef CPSAttrib<uint32> NL3D::TPSAttribUInt

Definition at line 480 of file ps_attrib.h.

typedef CPSAttrib<uint8> NL3D::TPSAttribUInt8

Definition at line 481 of file ps_attrib.h.

typedef CPSAttrib<NLMISC::CVector> NL3D::TPSAttribVector

Definition at line 477 of file ps_attrib.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSLocated::getPos, NL3D::CPSLocated::getSpeed, NL3D::CPSZoneRectangle::performMotion, NL3D::CPSZoneCylinder::performMotion, NL3D::CPSZoneDisc::performMotion, NL3D::CPSZoneSphere::performMotion, and NL3D::CPSZonePlane::performMotion.

typedef std::vector<CVectInfo> NL3D::TRibbonVect

Definition at line 49 of file ps_ribbon_look_at.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt::displayRibbons.

typedef std::list<IShader*> NL3D::TShaderPtrList

Definition at line 55 of file shader.h.

typedef std::list<CTextureDrvShare*> NL3D::TTexDrvSharePtrList

Definition at line 55 of file texture.h.

typedef std::list<IVBDrvInfos*> NL3D::TVBDrvInfoPtrList

Definition at line 63 of file vertex_buffer.h.

typedef volatile CZone* NL3D::TVolatileZonePtr

Definition at line 43 of file zone_manager.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CZoneLoadingTask::CZoneLoadingTask.

typedef std::list<IVertexProgramDrvInfos*> NL3D::TVtxPrgDrvInfoPtrList

Definition at line 40 of file vertex_program.h.

typedef std::map<uint16, CZone*> NL3D::TZoneMap

Definition at line 56 of file src/3d/zone.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CZone::bindPatch, NL3D::CZone::compile, NL3D::CZone::getZonePatch, NL3D::CZone::rebindBorder, and NL3D::CZone::release.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum NL3D::TPSLod

lod for located bindables. (see ps_located.h).

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 36 of file ps_lod.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSLocatedBindable::getLOD, NL3D::CParticleSystem::getLOD, and NL3D::CPSLocatedBindable::setLOD.

enum NL3D::TPSProcessPass

rendering and process passes for a particle system.

PSCollision : collisions with collision zones (see CPSZone) PSMotion : motion computation PSSolidRender : render particle that can modify z-buffer PSBlendRender : render transparency (no z-buffer write) PSToolRender : for edition purpose, show representations for forces, emitters...

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 53 of file particle_system_process.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSZone::step, NL3D::CPSTailDot::step, NL3D::CPSSound::step, NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt::step, NL3D::CPSRibbon::step, NL3D::CPSParticle::step, NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::step, NL3D::CPSMesh::step, NL3D::CPSLocated::step, NL3D::CPSForce::step, NL3D::CPSFace::step, NL3D::CPSEmitter::step, and NL3D::CParticleSystem::stepLocated.

Function Documentation

void applyArraySkinNormalT uint    numMatrixes,
uint32   infPtr,
CMesh::CSkinWeight   srcSkinPtr,
CVector *    srcVertexPtr,
CVector *    srcNormalPtr,
uint    normalOff,
uint8   destVertexPtr,
CMatrix3x4SSEArray   boneMat3x4,
uint    vertexSize,
uint    nInf

Definition at line 1156 of file mesh_mrm_skin.cpp.

void applyArraySkinNormalT uint    numMatrixes,
uint32   infPtr,
CMesh::CSkinWeight   srcSkinPtr,
CVector *    srcVertexPtr,
CVector *    srcNormalPtr,
uint    normalOff,
uint8   destVertexPtr,
vector< CMatrix3x4 > &    boneMat3x4,
uint    vertexSize,
uint    nInf

Definition at line 396 of file mesh_mrm_skin.cpp.

void applyArraySkinTangentSpaceT uint    numMatrixes,
uint32   infPtr,
CMesh::CSkinWeight   srcSkinPtr,
CVector *    srcVertexPtr,
CVector *    srcNormalPtr,
CVector *    tgSpacePtr,
uint    normalOff,
uint    tgSpaceOff,
uint8   destVertexPtr,
CMatrix3x4SSEArray   boneMat3x4,
uint    vertexSize,
uint    nInf

Definition at line 1299 of file mesh_mrm_skin.cpp.

void applyArraySkinTangentSpaceT uint    numMatrixes,
uint32   infPtr,
CMesh::CSkinWeight   srcSkinPtr,
CVector *    srcVertexPtr,
CVector *    srcNormalPtr,
CVector *    tgSpacePtr,
uint    normalOff,
uint    tgSpaceOff,
uint8   destVertexPtr,
vector< CMatrix3x4 > &    boneMat3x4,
uint    vertexSize,
uint    nInf

Definition at line 539 of file mesh_mrm_skin.cpp.

void NL3D::assignSoundServerToPS UPSSoundServer   soundServer

for private use only..

Definition at line 39 of file particle_system_sound_user.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::UParticleSystemSound::setPSSound.

void bilinearColor CRGBA    corners[4],
uint    x,
uint    y,
uint   R,
uint   G,
uint   B

Definition at line 358 of file patch_lightmap.cpp.

void bilinearColorAndAdd CRGBA    corners[4],
uint    x,
uint    y,
CRGBA &    res

Definition at line 419 of file patch_lightmap.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::addTileLightmapEdgeWithTLI, NL3D::CPatch::addTileLightmapPixelWithTLI, and NL3D::CPatch::addTileLightmapWithTLI.

void bilinearColorAndModulate CRGBA    corners[4],
uint    x,
uint    y,
CRGBA &    res

Definition at line 400 of file patch_lightmap.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::modulateTileLightmapEdgeWithTileColors, NL3D::CPatch::modulateTileLightmapPixelWithTileColors, and NL3D::CPatch::modulateTileLightmapWithTileColors.

float BilinFilter float    v0,
float    v1,
float    v2,
float    v3,
float    u,
float    v
[inline, static]

Definition at line 715 of file water_height_map.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::getHeight.

void BlurBytesTab const uint8   src,
uint8   dest,
uint    size


Definition at line 204 of file ps_fan_light.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSFanLight::initFanLightPrecalc.

CTextureCube * NL3D::BuildCubeMap sint    mapSize,
ICubeMapFunctor   f,
bool    luminanceOnly = false,
const std::string &    shareName = ""

Build a cube map by using the given functor.

This also avoid headaches :) Each face is encoded in a memory texture

mapSize  the size of each tface of the cube map
f  a functor that helps to build the cube map.
luminanceOnly  When set to true, a luminance cube map is build. The luminance is taken from the alpha component of the color produced by the functor. Warning : this isn't supported anywhere.
shareName  a prefix for sharename. If not empty this allow each face of the cube map to be sharable (a number is append to the given string)

Definition at line 99 of file cube_map_builder.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::getSpecularCubeMap.

uint8* BuildCubeMapTex const NLMISC::CVector   start,
const NLMISC::CVector   uDir,
const NLMISC::CVector   vDir,
uint    size,
ICubeMapFunctor   f

Definition at line 44 of file cube_map_builder.cpp.

uint8* BuildCubeMapTexLuminance const NLMISC::CVector   start,
const NLMISC::CVector   uDir,
const NLMISC::CVector   vDir,
uint    size,
ICubeMapFunctor   f

Definition at line 71 of file cube_map_builder.cpp.

void BuildDsDt uint32   src,
sint    width,
sint    height,
uint16   dest,
bool    absolute

create a DsDt texture from a height map (red component of a rgba bitmap).

Definition at line 35 of file texture_bump.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureBump::doGenerate.

void BuildHermiteVector const NLMISC::CVector   P0,
const NLMISC::CVector   P1,
const NLMISC::CVector   T0,
const NLMISC::CVector   T1,
NLMISC::CVector   dest,
float    lambda
[inline, static]

build some hermite spline value, with the given points and tangents.

Definition at line 40 of file ps_ribbon_base.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::computeHermitteCstSizeRibbon, NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::computeHermitteRibbon, and NL3D::CSegRemanence::CRibbon::fillVB.

void BuildLinearVector const NLMISC::CVector   P0,
const NLMISC::CVector   P1,
NLMISC::CVector   dest,
float    lambda,
float    oneMinusLambda
[inline, static]

for test.

Definition at line 62 of file ps_ribbon_base.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::computeLinearCstSizeRibbon, and NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::computeLinearRibbon.

uint8* BuildRibbonFirstSlice const NLMISC::CVector   pos,
uint    numVerts,
uint8   dest,
uint    vertexSize
[inline, static]


Definition at line 336 of file ps_ribbon.cpp.

void BuildSlice const NLMISC::CMatrix   mat,
CVertexBuffer   vb,
uint8   currVert,
uint32    vertexSize,
const NLMISC::CVector   I,
const NLMISC::CVector   K,
TRibbonVect::iterator    pos,
TRibbonVect::iterator    prev,
TRibbonVect::iterator    next,
float    ribSize
[inline, static]

TODO: some optimisation to get a better speed.

Definition at line 202 of file ps_ribbon_look_at.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt::displayRibbons.

bool NL3D::BuildTangentSpace CMesh::CMeshBuild   outMeshBuild,
const CMesh::CMeshBuild   inMeshBuild

This add tangent space information to a vertex buffer.

The result is an added 3d texture coordinate that contains the T vector of the tangent space basis (T is oriented toward increasing s coordinates). The binormal can be computed in a vertex program by doing B = N ^ T. The input mesh build must provide a normal component. Moreover it must have at least one texture coordinate applied (this is needed to build coherent tangent space basis)

true if the conversion was possible

Definition at line 78 of file tangent_space_build.cpp.

void BuildTGSpaceVect const NLMISC::CVector   normal,
const NLMISC::CVector   sGrad,
NLMISC::CUVW   result

Definition at line 59 of file tangent_space_build.cpp.

void BuildTriFromMB const CMesh::CMeshBuild   mb,
const uint    index[3],
NLMISC::CTriangle   tri

Definition at line 69 of file tangent_space_build.cpp.

CVertexProgram* BuildWaterVP bool    diffuseMap,
bool    bumpMap,
bool    use2BumpMap

Build a vertex program for water depending on requirements.

Definition at line 188 of file water_shape.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CWaterShape::initVertexProgram.

void CheckForOpaqueAndTransparentFacesInMesh const CMesh   m,
bool &    hasTransparentFaces,
bool &    hasOpaqueFaces

private use : check if there are transparent and / or opaque faces in a mesh.

Definition at line 449 of file ps_mesh.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::update.

void CompensateEmission CPSLocated   emittedType,
uint    emittedIndex,
TAnimationTime    deltaT,
TAnimationTime    ellapsedTime,
float    realEllapsedTimeRatio
[inline, static]

Compensate particle position and age by using the given deltaT.

We need this in the case of low-framerate to get correct behaviour. Note that this can be deactivated (speed-quality tradeoff)

Definition at line 152 of file ps_emitter.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSEmitter::processEmitConsistent.

template<class TMatrixArray>
void computeBoneMatrixes3x4 TMatrixArray &    boneMat3x4,
const vector< uint32 > &    matInfs,
const CSkeletonModel   skeleton

Definition at line 177 of file mesh_mrm_skin.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::applySkin.

void computeDisplaceBilinear float    sTile,
float    tTile,
float &    sInc,
float &    tInc,
float &    sa,
float &    ta,
float &    sa1,
float &    ta1
[inline, static]

Definition at line 226 of file patch_noise.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::computeDisplaceCornerSmooth, NL3D::CPatch::computeDisplaceEdgeSmooth, and NL3D::CPatch::computeDisplaceInteriorSmooth.

CRGBA computeLodLighting const CVector &    lightObjectSpace,
const CVector &    normalPtr,
CRGBA    ambient,
CRGBA    diffuse
[inline, static]

Definition at line 370 of file lod_character_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLodCharacterManager::addRenderCharacterKey.

void computePerturbation const float    x,
const float    y,
float &    dx,
float &    dy
[inline, static]

compute the UV perturbation at one position of the screen (with screen mapped to 0..1, 0..1).

Definition at line 76 of file deform_2d.cpp.

uint8* ComputeRibbonSlice const NLMISC::CVector   prev,
const NLMISC::CVector   next,
const NLMISC::CVector   shape,
uint    numVerts,
uint8   dest,
uint    vertexSize,
float    size
[inline, static]


Definition at line 354 of file ps_ribbon.cpp.

uint8* ComputeTexturedRibbonMesh uint8   destVb,
uint    vertexSize,
const NLMISC::CVector   curve,
const NLMISC::CVector   shape,
uint    numSegs,
uint    numVerticesInShape,
float    sizeIncrement,
float    size
[inline, static]


Definition at line 415 of file ps_ribbon.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSRibbon::displayRibbons.

uint8* ComputeUntexturedRibbonMesh uint8   destVb,
uint    vertexSize,
const NLMISC::CVector   curve,
const NLMISC::CVector   shape,
uint    numSegs,
uint    numVerticesInShape,
float    sizeIncrement,
float    size
[inline, static]


Definition at line 386 of file ps_ribbon.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSRibbon::displayRibbons.

void ComputeUpMatrix const NLMISC::CVector   J,
NLMISC::CMatrix   dest,
const NLMISC::CMatrix   defaultMat

Definition at line 322 of file water_model.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CWaterRenderObs::traverse.

void computeVegetVertexLighting const CVector &    rotNormal,
bool    instanceDoubleSided,
const CVector &    sunDir,
CRGBA    primaryRGBA,
CRGBA    secondaryRGBA,
CVegetableLightEx   vegetLex,
CRGBA    diffusePL[2],
CRGBA *    dstFront,
CRGBA *    dstBack

Definition at line 1004 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::addInstance, and NL3D::CVegetableManager::updateInstanceLighting.

void computeVegetVertexLightingForceBestSided const CVector &    rotNormal,
bool    instanceDoubleSided,
const CVector &    sunDir,
CRGBA    primaryRGBA,
CRGBA    secondaryRGBA,
CVegetableLightEx   vegetLex,
CRGBA    diffusePL[2],
CRGBA *    dstFront,
CRGBA *    dstBack

Definition at line 1086 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::addInstance, and NL3D::CVegetableManager::updateInstanceLighting.

void convBlend CMaterial::TBlend    blend,
GLenum &    glenum

Definition at line 33 of file driver_opengl_material.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial.

void convColor CRGBA    col,
GLfloat    glcol[4]

Definition at line 68 of file driver_opengl_material.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial, and NL3D::CDriverGLStates::setVertexColorLighted.

void ConvertFromBumpMap NLMISC::CSmartPtr< ITexture > &    ptr [static]

Definition at line 843 of file ps_particle_basic.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSMultiTexturedParticle::setAlternateTexOp, NL3D::CPSMultiTexturedParticle::setMainTexOp, NL3D::CPSMultiTexturedParticle::setTexture2, and NL3D::CPSMultiTexturedParticle::setTexture2Alternate.

void ConvertToBumpMap NLMISC::CSmartPtr< ITexture > &    ptr [static]

Definition at line 830 of file ps_particle_basic.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSMultiTexturedParticle::setAlternateTexOp, NL3D::CPSMultiTexturedParticle::setMainTexOp, NL3D::CPSMultiTexturedParticle::setTexture2, and NL3D::CPSMultiTexturedParticle::setTexture2Alternate.

uint convInputRegisterToVBFlag uint    index [static]

Convert an input register to a vertex buffer flag.

Definition at line 264 of file driver_opengl_vertex_program.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupEXTVertexShader.

GLuint convOutputRegisterToEXTVertexShader CVPOperand::EOutputRegister    r [static]

Convert an output register to a EXTVertexShader register.

Definition at line 229 of file driver_opengl_vertex_program.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupEXTVertexShader.

GLenum convSwizzleToGLFormat CVPSwizzle::EComp    comp,
bool    negate
[inline, static]

Check with our parser if the program will works with other implemented extensions, too.

(EXT_vertex_shader ..). There are some incompatibilities.

Definition at line 194 of file driver_opengl_vertex_program.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupEXTVertexShader.

void convTexAddr ITexture   tex,
CMaterial::TTexAddressingMode    mode,
GLenum &    glenum
[inline, static]

Definition at line 77 of file driver_opengl_material.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial.

void convZFunction CMaterial::ZFunc    zfunc,
GLenum &    glenum

Definition at line 52 of file driver_opengl_material.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial.

void copyToValue sint32   value,
const float &    f

Definition at line 411 of file track_keyframer.h.

void copyToValue NLMISC::CRGBA   col,
const CVector &    v

Definition at line 399 of file track_keyframer.h.

template<class T, class TKeyVal>
void copyToValue T &    value,
const TKeyVal &    keyval

Definition at line 392 of file track_keyframer.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinear< CKeyFloat, float >::evalKey, NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstBlendable< CKeyQuat, CQuat >::evalKey, and NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerConstNotBlendable< CKeyString, std::string >::evalKey.

const char* CPSAttribMaker< NLMISC::CRGBA >::getType  

Definition at line 44 of file ps_color.h.

CMesh* CreateDummyShape void    [static]

a private function that create a dummy mesh :a cube with dummy textures.

Definition at line 92 of file ps_mesh.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSMesh::newElement.

ITexture* CreateGradientTexture   [static]

private use : this create a gradient texture that goew from black to white.

Definition at line 42 of file ps_ribbon.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSTailDot::updateMaterial, NL3D::CPSRibbon::updateTexturedMaterial, and NL3D::CPSRibbon::updateUntexturedMaterial.

bool deleteElement vector< sint > &    array,
sint    elt

Definition at line 51 of file mrm_builder.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMRMBuilder::collapseEdge.

void doSwizzle GLuint    res,
GLuint    in,
GLenum    outX,
GLenum    outY,
GLenum    outZ,
GLenum    outW

Definition at line 306 of file driver_opengl_vertex_program.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupEXTVertexShader.

void doWriteMask GLuint    res,
GLuint    in,
GLenum    outX,
GLenum    outY,
GLenum    outZ,
GLenum    outW

Definition at line 355 of file driver_opengl_vertex_program.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupEXTVertexShader.

template<class T>
void DrawDot   it,
CVertexBuffer   vb,
const CPSAttribMaker< NLMISC::CRGBA > *    colorScheme,
uint    leftToDo,
CPSLocated   owner,
CMaterial   mat,
IDriver   driver,
uint32    srcStep


Definition at line 52 of file ps_dot.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSDot::draw.

void drawPassTriArray CMaterial   mat [inline, static]

Definition at line 933 of file landscape.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::render.

void DrawPoly2D CVertexBuffer   vb,
IDriver   drv,
const NLMISC::CMatrix   mat,
const NLMISC::CPolygon   p

Definition at line 340 of file water_model.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CWaterRenderObs::traverse.

const std::string DummyShapeName "dummy mesh shape"   

Referenced by NL3D::CPSMesh::newElement, and NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::update.

std::string DummyTexName "CTextureMultiFile:Dummy"    [static]

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureMultiFile::getTexNameByIndex.

uint DuplicateMBAndAddTexCoord CMesh::CMeshBuild   outMeshBuild,
const CMesh::CMeshBuild   inMeshBuild

private func : duplicate a mesh build It returns the index of the new texture coordinate or 0 if the conversion couldn't occur..

Definition at line 44 of file tangent_space_build.cpp.

void DuplicatePrimitiveBlock const CPrimitiveBlock   srcBlock,
CPrimitiveBlock   destBlock,
uint    nbReplicate,
uint    vertOffset

This duplicate a primitive block n time in the destination primitive block This is used to draw several mesh at once For each duplication, vertices indices are shifted from the given offset (number of vertices in the mesh).

Definition at line 1792 of file ps_mesh.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplayShare::buildRdrPassSet.

void fastClamp01 float &    x [inline]

Definition at line 641 of file patchdlm_context.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::addPointLightInfluence.

sint fastFloor float    x [inline, static]

Definition at line 138 of file landscape_collision_grid.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscapeCollisionGrid::build.

void fastFloorBegin   [inline, static]

Definition at line 136 of file landscape_collision_grid.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscapeCollisionGrid::build.

void fastFloorEnd   [inline, static]

Definition at line 137 of file landscape_collision_grid.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscapeCollisionGrid::build.

NLMISC::CVector* FillBufUsingSubdiv const NLMISC::CVector   value,
float    clampValue,
float &    startValue,
float    deltaT,
uint   maxNumStep,
NLMISC::CVector   destPos,
uint32    stride

Private function used to fill a buffer with the same value by using the given subdivision.

NumStep and startValue are modified to give the steps that are above or equal to clampValue.

value  The value to fill the buffer with.
clampValue  A float such as startValue + n * deltaT < clampValue, where n is the number of value to fill.
startValue  The start value, used to get the number of steps, see clampValue.
deltaT  The step between values
maxNumStep  The max number of steps that can be filled. It is modified to
destPos  The destination, that will be filled with the given value
stride  Number of byte between each value to be copied

Definition at line 61 of file ps_misc.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSLocated::integrateSingle, NL3D::CPSBrownianForce::integrateSingle, and NL3D::CPSGravity::integrateSingle.

void FillQuadCoords uint8   dest,
uint    stride,
const NLMISC::CVector2f   speed,
float    time,
uint    num

Definition at line 311 of file ps_quad.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSQuad::updateVbColNUVForRender.

void FillQuadCoordsLocalTime uint8   dest,
uint    stride,
const NLMISC::CVector2f   speed,
CPSLocated   srcLoc,
uint    startIndex,
uint    num,
uint32    srcStep

Definition at line 335 of file ps_quad.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSQuad::updateVbColNUVForRender.

void FillWaterVB uint8 *&    vbPointer,
float    x,
float    y,
float    z,
float    nx,
float    ny
[inline, static]

store a value in a water vertex buffer, and increment the pointer.

Definition at line 150 of file water_model.cpp.

bool findElement vector< sint > &    array,
sint    elt

Definition at line 46 of file mrm_builder.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMRMBuilder::collapseEdge.

void ForceMaterialModulation CMaterial   destMat,
CMaterial   srcMat,
uint8    modulatedStages
[inline, static]

Definition at line 1571 of file ps_mesh.cpp.

uint GenEmitterPositions CPSLocated   emitter,
CPSLocated   emittee,
uint    emitterIndex,
uint    numStep,
TAnimationTime    deltaT,
TAnimationTime    step,
std::vector< NLMISC::CVector > &    dest
[inline, static]

private : generate the various position of an emitter in the given tab for the given slice of time,.

Definition at line 553 of file ps_emitter.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSEmitter::processRegularEmissionConsistent.

void getBitPack uint32   bitPtr,
uint32   bitMask
[inline, static]

Definition at line 324 of file hls_color_texture.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::buildColorVersion.

IShape* GetDummyShapeFromBank CShapeBank   sb [static]

Definition at line 1027 of file ps_mesh.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::update.

GLenum getGlSrcTextureComponentType GLint    texSrcFormat [static]

Definition at line 184 of file driver_opengl_texture.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx, and NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture.

GLint getGlSrcTextureFormat ITexture   tex,
GLint    glfmt

Definition at line 155 of file driver_opengl_texture.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx, and NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture.

uint getMeshNumTri const CMesh   m [static]

private : eval the number of triangles in a mesh.

Definition at line 431 of file ps_mesh.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::update.

CTextureDrvInfosGL* getTextureGl ITexture   tex [inline, static]

Definition at line 74 of file driver_opengl_texture.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::activateTexture, NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx, NL3D::CDriverGL::swapTextureHandle, and NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture.

void GetTextureSize ITexture   tex,
uint   width,
uint   height
[inline, static]

===================================================================================================== This is used to get the size of a texture, with an optimisation in the case of texture files.

Definition at line 39 of file texture_grouped.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureGrouped::setTextures.

uint8 getUnpackLumelBlock const uint8   src,
uint    pixel

Definition at line 134 of file patch_lightmap.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::computeTileLightmapEdgePrecomputed, NL3D::CPatch::computeTileLightmapPixelPrecomputed, and NL3D::CPatch::getTileLumelmapPixelPrecomputed.

CWaterPoolManager & NL3D::GetWaterPoolManager  

Definition at line 78 of file water_pool_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CWaveMakerShape::clip, NL3D::CWaterShape::envMapUpdate, NL3D::CWaterModel::getAttenuatedHeight, NL3D::CWaterModel::getHeight, NL3D::UWaterHeightMapManager::getWaterHeightMapFromID, NL3D::UWaterHeightMapManager::setBlendFactor, NL3D::CWaveMakerDetailObs::traverse, NL3D::CWaterRenderObs::traverse, and NL3D::CWaterShape::~CWaterShape.

uint32 IDToLittleEndian uint32    input [inline, static]

Definition at line 176 of file particle_system_instance_user.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSLocated::deleteElement, NL3D::CParticleSystemInstanceUser::emit, NL3D::CParticleSystemInstanceUser::removeByID, and NL3D::CParticleSystemInstanceUser::setActive.

void NL3D::init3d  

Startup initialisation.

Cyril Corvazier , Nevrax France

Definition at line 35 of file init_3d.cpp.

void initPassTriArray CPatchRdrPass   pass [inline, static]

Definition at line 921 of file landscape.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::render.

void IntegrateSpeed uint    count,
float *    src1,
const float *    src2,
float    ellapsedTime

Definition at line 955 of file ps_located.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSLocated::step.

bool isDXTCFormat GLint    glfmt [inline, static]

Definition at line 296 of file driver_opengl_texture.cpp.

template<class T>
void Make4Private uint8   dest,
const T *    src1,
const T *    src2,
uint32    stride,
uint32    numAttrib,
CPSBinOp::BinOp    op

Definition at line 297 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op_inline.h.

void NL3D::Make4Private uint8   dest,
const NLMISC::CRGBA   src1,
const NLMISC::CRGBA   src2,
uint32    stride,
uint32    numAttrib,
CPSBinOp::BinOp    op

init the tab used for computations.

we use a trick to avoid ctor calls, but they may be used for some types in the future , so a specilization of this method could be added in these case.

Definition at line 60 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBinOp::make4Private.

NLMISC::CAABBoxExt makeBBox const std::vector< CVector > &    Vertices [static]

Definition at line 58 of file mesh.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::build, and NL3D::CMeshGeom::build.

template<class T>
void MakeNPrivate uint8   dest,
const T *    src1,
const T *    src2,
uint32    stride,
uint32    numAttrib,
CPSBinOp::BinOp    op,
uint    nbReplicate,
uint32    srcStep = (1 << 16)

Definition at line 410 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op_inline.h.

void NL3D::MakeNPrivate uint8   dest,
const NLMISC::CRGBA   src1,
const NLMISC::CRGBA   src2,
uint32    stride,
uint32    numAttrib,
CPSBinOp::BinOp    op,
uint    nbReplicate

init the tab used for computations.

we use a trick to avoid ctor calls, but they may be used for some types in the future , so a specilization of this method could be added in these case.

Definition at line 87 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBinOp::makeNPrivate.

template<class T>
void MakePrivate uint8   dest,
const T *    src1,
const T *    src2,
uint32    stride,
uint32    numAttrib,
CPSBinOp::BinOp    op

Definition at line 194 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op_inline.h.

void NL3D::MakePrivate uint8   dest,
const NLMISC::CRGBA   src1,
const NLMISC::CRGBA   src2,
uint32    stride,
uint32    numAttrib,
CPSBinOp::BinOp    op

Definition at line 34 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBinOp::makePrivate.

void MakeProj NLMISC::CVector   dest,
const NLMISC::CVector   src
[inline, static]

Definition at line 192 of file ps_ribbon_look_at.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt::displayRibbons.

CVector MakeRandomUnitVect void    [static]

====================================================================================== this produce a random unit vector.

Definition at line 316 of file ps_face.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::hintRotateTheSame, and NL3D::CPSFace::hintRotateTheSame.

bool matchEdge const CVector2f &    uv0,
const CVector2f &    uv1,
const CVector2f &    uva,
const CVector2f &    uvb
[inline, static]

Definition at line 2889 of file tessellation.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CTessFace::linkTessFaceWithEdge.

void mulAdd CVector &    tgt,
const CVector &    src,
float    f
[inline, static]

Definition at line 87 of file bezier_patch.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CBezierPatch::eval, NL3D::CBezierPatch::evalNormal, NL3D::CBezierPatch::evalTangentS, and NL3D::CBezierPatch::evalTangentT.

void mulAddD CVectorD &    tgt,
const CVector &    src,
double    f
[inline, static]

Definition at line 96 of file bezier_patch.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CBezierPatch::evalDouble.

void NEL3DCalcBase CVector &    direction,
CMatrix &    matrix

Definition at line 617 of file instance_lighter.cpp.

void NL3D_bilinearTileLightMap CRGBA *    tex

Definition at line 1402 of file patch_lightmap.cpp.

sint noiseCeil float    f [inline]

Definition at line 126 of file patch_noise.cpp.

float noiseCeilF float    f [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file patch_noise.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::computeNormalCornerSmooth, and NL3D::CPatch::computeNormalEdgeSmooth.

sint noiseFloor float    f [inline]

Definition at line 122 of file patch_noise.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::computeDisplaceCornerSmooth, NL3D::CPatch::computeDisplaceEdgeSmooth, and NL3D::CPatch::computeDisplaceRawCoordinates.

float noiseFloorF float    f [inline]

Definition at line 113 of file patch_noise.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::computeNormalCornerSmooth, and NL3D::CPatch::computeNormalEdgeSmooth.

float NormalizeDsDt uint16   src,
sint    width,
sint    height,
bool    absolute

Normalize a DsDt texture after it has been built, and return the normalization factor.

Definition at line 61 of file texture_bump.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureBump::doGenerate.

bool operator< const CEdge   e1,
const CEdge   e2

Definition at line 56 of file quad_effect.cpp.

bool operator< const CPlaneBasis   p1,
const CPlaneBasis   p2

Definition at line 85 of file ps_plane_basis.h.

bool operator< const CPSLocatedBindable   lhs,
const CPSLocatedBindable   rhs

less operator on located bindable.

They're sorted in decreasing priority order

Definition at line 996 of file ps_located.h.

bool operator< const CPSFloatCurveFunctor::CCtrlPoint   lhs,
const CPSFloatCurveFunctor::CCtrlPoint   rhs

Definition at line 185 of file ps_float.h.

sint OptFastFloor float    x [inline]

Definition at line 125 of file fast_floor.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::addInstance, NL3D::CPatch::appendTileLightInfluences, NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::compressBlockRGB, NL3D::CLightingManager::computeModelLightContributions, NL3D::CFastHLSModifier::convertRGBABitmap, NL3D::CPSFaceLookAtHelper::drawLookAt, NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::endBoneColor, NL3D::CNoiseColorGradient::eval, NL3D::CRandomGrid3D::evalBiLinear, NL3D::CRandomGrid3D::evalNearest, NL3D::CVegetable::generateGroupEx, NL3D::CPatch::generateTileVegetable, NL3D::CPatch::getLumel, NL3D::CSurfaceLightGrid::getStaticLightSetup, NL3D::CPatch::getTileElement, NL3D::CTessFacePriorityList::insert, NL3D::CClipTrav::loadBalanceSkeletonCLod, NL3D::CSpinnerFunctor::operator(), NL3D::CPSFloatCurveFunctor::operator(), NL3D::CPSValueGradientFunc< sint32 >::operator(), NL3D::CPSValueBlendSampleFunc< NLMISC::CRGBA, n >::operator(), NL3D::CMeshBlender::prepareRenderForGlobalAlphaCoarseMesh, NL3D::CVegetableManager::render, NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::render, NL3D::CMeshGeom::render, NL3D::CTransformLightObs::traverse, and NL3D::CRenderTrav::traverse.

uint32 OptFastFloor24 float    x [inline]

Definition at line 138 of file fast_floor.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::addPointLightInfluence.

void OptFastFloorBegin   [inline]

Definition at line 123 of file fast_floor.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSFaceLookAtHelper::drawLookAt, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT::get, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::get, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make4, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::makeN, NL3D::CLandscape::refine, NL3D::CRenderTrav::traverse, and NL3D::CLandscape::updateLightingAll.

void OptFastFloorBegin24   [inline]

Definition at line 136 of file fast_floor.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::addPointLightInfluence.

void OptFastFloorEnd   [inline]

Definition at line 124 of file fast_floor.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSFaceLookAtHelper::drawLookAt, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT::get, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::get, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make4, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::makeN, NL3D::CLandscape::refine, NL3D::CRenderTrav::traverse, and NL3D::CLandscape::updateLightingAll.

void OptFastFloorEnd24   [inline]

Definition at line 137 of file fast_floor.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::addPointLightInfluence.

float OptFastFractionnalPart float    x [inline]

Definition at line 130 of file fast_floor.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT::get, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make4ByIterator, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::makeByIterator, and NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::makeNByIterator.


Definition at line 92 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op_inline.h.

CPlaneBasis PSBinOpAdd CPlaneBasis    p1,
CPlaneBasis    p2

Definition at line 69 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op_inline.h.

template<class T>
T PSBinOpAdd   arg1,

Definition at line 47 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op_inline.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBinOp::get.


Definition at line 85 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op_inline.h.

CPlaneBasis PSBinOpModulate CPlaneBasis    p1,
CPlaneBasis    p2

Definition at line 52 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op_inline.h.

template<class T>
T PSBinOpModulate   arg1,

Some template functions and some specialization for binary operations We don't override the usual operators, because we may want behaviour such as saturation, and this may be misleading with usual operators.

Definition at line 45 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op_inline.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBinOp::get.


Definition at line 101 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op_inline.h.

CPlaneBasis PSBinOpSubtract CPlaneBasis    p1,
CPlaneBasis    p2

Definition at line 75 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op_inline.h.

template<class T>
T PSBinOpSubtract   arg1,

Definition at line 49 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op_inline.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBinOp::get.

void NL3D::PSRegisterColorAttribs  

Register attribute makers based on colors (used in particle systems).

Definition at line 47 of file ps_color.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSUtil::registerAttribs.

void NL3D::PSRegisterFloatAttribs  

Register attribute makers based on floats (used in particle systems).

Definition at line 199 of file ps_float.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSUtil::registerAttribs.

void NL3D::PSRegisterIntAttribs  

Register attribute makers based on int (used in particle systems).

Definition at line 54 of file ps_int.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSUtil::registerAttribs.

void NL3D::PSRegisterPlaneBasisAttribs  

Register attribute makers based on colors (used in particle systems).

Definition at line 253 of file ps_plane_basis_maker.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSUtil::registerAttribs.

CPlaneBasis PSValueBlend const CPlaneBasis   t1,
const CPlaneBasis   t2,
float    alpha

CPlaneBasis specilization of the PSValueBlend function.

Definition at line 69 of file ps_attrib_maker_template.h.

NLMISC::CRGBA PSValueBlend const NLMISC::CRGBA   t1,
const NLMISC::CRGBA   t2,
float    alpha

NLMISC::CRGBA specialization of the PSValueBlend function.

Definition at line 59 of file ps_attrib_maker_template.h.

template<typename T>
T PSValueBlend const T &    t1,
const T &    t2,
float    alpha

a blending function it blends between t1 and t2 by the alpha amount specializing this function may help with some types of data that don't have the needed operator (NLMISC::CRGBA).

Definition at line 51 of file ps_attrib_maker_template.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSValueBlendFunc< sint32 >::operator(), NL3D::CPSValueGradientFunc::setValues, and NL3D::CPSValueBlendSampleFunc< NLMISC::CRGBA, n >::setValues.

CNoiseValue RandomGenerator  ,
7.    68f

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetable::generateGroupBiLinear, and NL3D::CVegetable::generateGroupEx.

void NL3D::registerGlExtensions CGlExtensions   ext

This function test and register the extensions for the current GL context.

Definition at line 773 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setDisplay.

void NL3D::registerSerial3d  

This global function register all Serialisable Polymorphic 3D classes.

Lionel Berenguier , Nevrax France

Definition at line 62 of file register_3d.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverUser::CDriverUser, and NL3D::CNELU::init.

void renderFaceVector CLandscapeFaceVector   fv [inline, static]

Definition at line 469 of file patch_render.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::renderFar0, NL3D::CPatch::renderFar1, NL3D::CTileMaterial::renderTile, NL3D::CTileMaterial::renderTilePassLightmap, and NL3D::CTileMaterial::renderTilePassRGB0.

bool sameDXTCFormat ITexture   tex,
GLint    glfmt
[inline, static]

Definition at line 280 of file driver_opengl_texture.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx, and NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture.

uint ScaleFloatGE float    f,
float    deltaT,
float    clampValue,
uint    numStep

Find a quantity to add to a float f such as f + deltaT * numStep, be >= than a given float (endValue).

numStep is an integer,. It gives the number of steps used. If the number of steps is equal or greater than numStep, it is clamped to numStep

f  the start value.
The number of steps.

Definition at line 41 of file ps_misc.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSBrownianForce::integrateSingle, and NL3D::CPSGravity::integrateSingle.

const NLMISC::CClassId SegRemanenceShapeId 0x4ef83d8d   ,

Referenced by NL3D::CSegRemanence::registerBasic.

bool setupARBMultiTexture const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 323 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupARBTextureCompression const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 380 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupARBTextureCubeMap const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 503 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupATIEnvMapBumpMap const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 490 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupATIVertexArrayObject const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 747 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupATIXTextureEnvCombine3 const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 481 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupEXTBlendColor const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 725 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupEXTSecondaryColor const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 654 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupEXTSeparateSpecularColor const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 462 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupEXTTextureCompressionS3TC const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 437 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupEXTTextureEnvCombine const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 370 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupEXTVertexShader const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 588 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupEXTVertexWeighting const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 447 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

void SetupForMaterial const CMaterial   mat,
CScene   scene
[inline, static]

Definition at line 317 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::setupForMaterial.

void SetupModulatedStage CMaterial   m,
uint    stage,
CMaterial::TTexSource    src1,
CMaterial::TTexSource    src2

setup a stage as modulate, by specifying the source and destination.

Definition at line 814 of file ps_particle_basic.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSDot::draw, NL3D::CPSFanLight::setupMaterial, NL3D::CPSTailDot::updateMaterial, NL3D::CPSRibbon::updateTexturedMaterial, and NL3D::CPSRibbon::updateUntexturedMaterial.

bool setupNVTextureEnvCombine4 const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 472 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupNVTextureShader const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 715 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupNVVertexArrayRange const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 398 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupNVVertexArrayRange2 const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 737 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

bool setupNVVertexProgram const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 513 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

void SetupQuadVBTexCoords CVertexBuffer   vb,
uint    texCoordSet

================================================================================== fill textures coordinates for a quad vb.

Definition at line 98 of file ps_quad.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSQuad::initVertexBuffers.

void SetupWaterVertex sint    qLeft,
sint    qRight,
sint    qUp,
sint    qDown,
sint    qSubLeft,
sint    qSubDown,
const NLMISC::CVector   inter,
float    invWaterRatio,
sint    doubleWaterHeightMapSize,
CWaterHeightMap   whm,
uint8 *&    vbPointer,
float    offsetX,
float    offsetY

this inline function setup one WaterPrev vertex.

Definition at line 167 of file water_model.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CWaterRenderObs::traverse.

bool setupWGLARBPBuffer const char *    glext [static]

Definition at line 683 of file driver_opengl_extension.cpp.

void NL3D::SpawnedSourceEndedCallback NLSOUND::USource   source,
void *    userParam

this callback is called when a spawned source has ended, so that we know that the pointer to it is invalid...

Definition at line 193 of file u_ps_sound_impl.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSSoundServImpl::createSound.

CVector2f st2uv sint    s,
sint    t,
const CPatchInfo   patch

Definition at line 629 of file zone_symmetrisation.cpp.

void strReplaceAll string &    strInOut,
const string &    tokenSrc,
const string &    tokenDst

Definition at line 921 of file render_trav.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CRenderTrav::getLightVPFragment.

GLenum translateMagFilterToGl ITexture::TMagFilter    mode [inline, static]

Definition at line 246 of file driver_opengl_texture.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::activateTexture, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx.

GLenum translateMinFilterToGl ITexture::TMinFilter    mode [inline, static]

Definition at line 261 of file driver_opengl_texture.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::activateTexture, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx.

GLenum translateWrapToGl ITexture::TWrapMode    mode,
const CGlExtensions   extensions
[inline, static]

Definition at line 231 of file driver_opengl_texture.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::activateTexture, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx.

void TroncFileName char *    sDest,
const char *    sSrc

Definition at line 335 of file tile_bank.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CTileBank::makeAllPathRelative.

void uv2st const CVector2f &    in,
sint   s,
sint   t,
const CPatchInfo   patch

Definition at line 636 of file zone_symmetrisation.cpp.

NLMISC::CRGBA WhitePix 255   ,
255   ,
255   ,

Variable Documentation

NL3D::CSinWave NL3D::_SinWave

Referenced by NL3D::CHeatHaze::performHeatHaze.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::AnimDetailTravId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x373f6772, 0x3f562fa3)

Definition at line 50 of file anim_detail_trav.h.

Referenced by NL3D::IBaseHrcObs::init, NL3D::IBaseClipObs::init, NL3D::CWaveMakerModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CTransform::registerBasic, NL3D::CSkipModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CSegRemanence::registerBasic, NL3D::CRootModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::registerBasic, and NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::registerBasic.

CAnimatedValueBool NL3D::atoto1

Definition at line 34 of file animated_value.cpp.

CAnimatedValueInt NL3D::atoto2

Definition at line 35 of file animated_value.cpp.

CAnimatedValueFloat NL3D::atoto3

Definition at line 36 of file animated_value.cpp.

CAnimatedValueVector NL3D::atoto4

Definition at line 37 of file animated_value.cpp.

CAnimatedValueString NL3D::atoto5

Definition at line 38 of file animated_value.cpp.

CAnimatedValueQuat NL3D::atoto6

Definition at line 39 of file animated_value.cpp.

CAnimatedValueRGBA NL3D::atoto7

Definition at line 40 of file animated_value.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerConstFloat NL3D::attoto10

Definition at line 74 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerConstVector NL3D::attoto11

Definition at line 75 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerConstQuat NL3D::attoto12

Definition at line 76 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerConstInt NL3D::attoto13

Definition at line 77 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerConstString NL3D::attoto14

Definition at line 79 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerConstBool NL3D::attoto15

Definition at line 80 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerConstRGBA NL3D::attoto16

Definition at line 78 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

const uint NL3D::BFNumPrecomputedImpulsions = 1024

this should divide BFNumPredefinedPos.

This define the number of values used to interpolate between 2 position of the npose (because we don't filter values when we access them)

Definition at line 1035 of file ps_force.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSBrownianForce::initPrecalc, and NL3D::CPSBrownianForce::performDynamic.

const uint NL3D::BFNumPredefinedPos = 8192

Brownian force implementation.

Definition at line 1030 of file ps_force.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSBrownianForce::initPrecalc, NL3D::CPSBrownianForce::integrate, and NL3D::CPSBrownianForce::integrateSingle.

const uint NL3D::BFPredefinedNumInterp = 256

Definition at line 1031 of file ps_force.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSBrownianForce::initPrecalc, and NL3D::CPSBrownianForce::integrateSingle.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::CameraId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x5752634c, 0x6abe76f5)

Definition at line 39 of file camera.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CCameraUser::CCameraUser, and NL3D::CCamera::registerBasic.

const int NL3D::Categories[TEXTUREFONT_NBCATEGORY] = { 8, 16, 24, 32, 64 }

Definition at line 46 of file texture_font.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureFont::CTextureFont, NL3D::CTextureFont::doGenerate, NL3D::CTextureFont::getLetterInfo, and NL3D::CTextureFont::rebuildLetter.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::ClipTravId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x135208fe, 0x225334fc)

Definition at line 70 of file clip_trav.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceGroup::addToSceneWhenAllShapesLoaded, NL3D::CCluster::getClipObs, NL3D::IBaseLoadBalancingObs::init, NL3D::IBaseHrcObs::init, NL3D::IBaseRenderObs::init, NL3D::IBaseLightObs::init, NL3D::IBaseAnimDetailObs::init, NL3D::CScene::initGlobalnstanceGroup, NL3D::CTransform::initModel, NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager::newCaseModels, NL3D::CVegetableBlendLayerModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CTransformShape::registerBasic, NL3D::CTransform::registerBasic, NL3D::CSkipModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CRootModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CQuadGridClipCluster::registerBasic, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CMeshMultiLodInstance::registerBasic, NL3D::CLandscapeModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CCoarseMeshManager::registerBasic, NL3D::CCluster::registerBasic, NL3D::CInstanceGroup::removeFromScene, and NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager::reset.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::ClusterId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x13f37e46, 0x3e880780)

Definition at line 51 of file cluster.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceGroup::addToSceneWhenAllShapesLoaded, NL3D::CScene::initGlobalnstanceGroup, and NL3D::CCluster::registerBasic.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::CoarseMeshManagerId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x77554f87, 0x5bb373d8)

Definition at line 60 of file coarse_mesh_manager.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CScene::initCoarseMeshManager, and NL3D::CCoarseMeshManager::registerBasic.

const uint NL3D::ConstraintMeshBufSize = 64

Definition at line 63 of file ps_mesh.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplayShare::buildRdrPassSet, NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::CMeshDisplayShare::buildVB, NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::doRenderPasses, NL3D::CPSConstraintMeshHelper::drawMeshs, and NL3D::CPSConstraintMeshHelper::drawPrerotatedMeshs.

const uint NL3D::ConstraintMeshMaxNumPrerotatedModels = 32

Definition at line 64 of file ps_mesh.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::hintRotateTheSame, and NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::initPrerotVB.

const uint NL3D::ConstraintMeshMaxNumVerts = 512

Definition at line 62 of file ps_mesh.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::initPrerotVB, and NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::update.

const uint32 NL3D::DefaultMaxLocatedInstance = 1

Definition at line 67 of file ps_located.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSAttrib::CPSAttrib, NL3D::CPSLocated::CPSLocated, and NL3D::CPSAttrib::insert.

const uint NL3D::dotBufSize = 1024 [static]

Definition at line 46 of file ps_quad.cpp.

const uint NL3D::emitterBuffSize = 512

Definition at line 40 of file ps_emitter.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSEmitter::processRegularEmission, and NL3D::CPSEmitter::processRegularEmissionConsistent.

const uint NL3D::EndRibbonStorage = 1

Definition at line 75 of file ps_ribbon_base.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::computeHermitteCstSizeRibbon, NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::computeHermitteRibbon, NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::computeLinearCstSizeRibbon, NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::computeLinearRibbon, NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::dupRibbon, NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::initDateVect, NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::resetSingleRibbon, NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::resize, and NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::updateGlobals.

const uint NL3D::FanLightBufSize = 128 [static]

Definition at line 57 of file ps_fan_light.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSFanLightHelper::drawFanLight.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::FlareModelClassId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x6d674c32, 0x53b961a0)

Definition at line 42 of file flare_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CFlareShape::createInstance, and NL3D::CFlareModel::registerBasic.

NLMISC::CRGBA NL3D::GradientB2W[] = {NLMISC::CRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), NLMISC::CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255) } [static]

Definition at line 39 of file ps_tail_dot.cpp.

const float NL3D::GridEltSize = 2 [static]

Definition at line 43 of file mini_col.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMiniCol::CMiniCol.

const sint NL3D::GridSize = 512 [static]

Definition at line 42 of file mini_col.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMiniCol::CMiniCol.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::HrcTravId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x5ad56382, 0x2a711530)

Definition at line 50 of file hrc_trav.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceGroup::addToSceneWhenAllShapesLoaded, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::getWorldMatrix, NL3D::IBaseLoadBalancingObs::init, NL3D::IBaseRenderObs::init, NL3D::IBaseLightObs::init, NL3D::IBaseClipObs::init, NL3D::IBaseAnimDetailObs::init, NL3D::CVegetableBlendLayerModel::initModel, NL3D::CTransform::initModel, NL3D::CInstanceGroup::linkRoot, NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager::newCaseModels, NL3D::CTransform::registerBasic, NL3D::CSkipModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CRootModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CCluster::registerBasic, NL3D::CScene::render, and NL3D::CSegRemanence::samplePos.

const char* NL3D::IDRV_CREATE_PROC_NAME = "NL3D_createIDriverInstance"

Definition at line 52 of file dru.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDRU::createGlDriver.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_ALPHA_TEST = 0x00000200

Definition at line 79 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::getAlphaTest, NL3D::CMaterial::setAlphaTest, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_BLEND = 0x00000080

Definition at line 77 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::getBlend, NL3D::CMaterial::setBlend, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_DEFMAT = 0x00000040

Definition at line 76 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::serial.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_DOUBLE_SIDED = 0x00000100

Definition at line 78 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::getDoubleSided, NL3D::CMaterial::setDoubleSided, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_0 = 0x00001000

automatic texture coordinate generation.

Definition at line 83 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::getTexCoordGen, and NL3D::CMaterial::setTexCoordGen.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_1 = 0x00002000

Definition at line 84 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_2 = 0x00004000

Definition at line 85 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_3 = 0x00008000

Definition at line 86 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_4 = 0x00010000

Definition at line 87 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_5 = 0x00020000

Definition at line 88 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_6 = 0x00040000

Definition at line 89 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_GEN_TEX_7 = 0x00080000

Definition at line 90 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_HIDE = 0x00000001

Definition at line 70 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_LIGHTED_VERTEX_COLOR = 0x00000800

Definition at line 81 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::getLightedVertexColor, NL3D::CMaterial::isLightedVertexColor, and NL3D::CMaterial::setLightedVertexColor.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_LIGHTING = 0x00000010

Definition at line 74 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::isLighted, NL3D::CMaterial::setLighting, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES = 4

Definition at line 47 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial::CAnimatedMaterial, NL3D::CDriverGL::CDriverGL, NL3D::CMaterialBase::CMaterialBase, NL3D::CMaterialBase::copyFromMaterial, NL3D::CMaterial::decompUserTexMat, NL3D::CInstanceMaterialUser::emptyTexture, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::enableAsyncTextureMode, NL3D::CMaterial::enableTexAddrMode, NL3D::CInstanceMaterialUser::enableUserTexMat, NL3D::CMaterial::enableUserTexMat, NL3D::CMaterial::flushTextures, NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::forceStageModulationByColor, NL3D::CPSMaterial::forceTexturedMaterialStages, NL3D::CInstanceMaterialUser::getConstantColor, NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::getGlobalTexAnim, NL3D::CInstanceMaterialUser::getLastTextureStage, NL3D::CMaterial::getTexAddressingMode, NL3D::CMaterial::getTexConstantColor, NL3D::CMaterial::getTexCoordGen, NL3D::CMaterial::getTexEnvMode, NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial::getTexMatUScaleName, NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial::getTexMatUTransName, NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial::getTexMatVScaleName, NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial::getTexMatVTransName, NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial::getTexMatWRotName, NL3D::CMaterial::getTexture, NL3D::CInstanceMaterialUser::getTextureFileName, NL3D::CInstanceMaterialUser::getUserTexMat, NL3D::CDriverGLStates::init, NL3D::CDriverGL::initEMBM, NL3D::CMaterial::initUnlit, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::isAsyncTextureReady, NL3D::CDriverGL::isEMBMSupportedAtStage, NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::isStageModulationForced, NL3D::CInstanceMaterialUser::isTextureFile, NL3D::CInstanceMaterialUser::isUserTexMatEnabled, NL3D::CMaterial::isUserTexMatEnabled, NL3D::CMaterial::operator=, NL3D::CShapeBank::processWaitingShapes, NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial::registerToChannelMixer, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::releaseCurrentAsyncTextures, NL3D::CAsyncFileManager3D::CMeshLoad::run, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::selectTextureSet, NL3D::CMaterial::selectTextureSet, NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::CGlobalTexAnims::serial, NL3D::CMaterial::serial, NL3D::CMaterialBase::serial, NL3D::CInstanceMaterialUser::setConstantColor, NL3D::CDriverGL::setEMBMMatrix, NL3D::CPSConstraintMesh::setGlobalTexAnim, NL3D::CMaterial::setShader, NL3D::CMaterial::setTexAddressingMode, NL3D::CMaterial::setTexCoordGen, NL3D::CMaterial::setTexEnvMode, NL3D::CMaterial::setTexture, NL3D::CInstanceMaterialUser::setTextureFileName, NL3D::CInstanceMaterialUser::setUserTexMat, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::startAsyncTextureLoading, NL3D::CMaterial::texConstantColor, NL3D::CMaterial::texEnvArg0Alpha, NL3D::CMaterial::texEnvArg0RGB, NL3D::CMaterial::texEnvArg1Alpha, NL3D::CMaterial::texEnvArg1RGB, NL3D::CMaterial::texEnvOpAlpha, NL3D::CMaterial::texEnvOpRGB, NL3D::CMaterial::texturePresent, and NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial::update.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_SPECULAR = 0x00000020

Definition at line 75 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_TEX_ADDR = 0x00000400

Definition at line 80 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::enableTexAddrMode, NL3D::CMaterial::getTexAddressingMode, NL3D::CMaterial::serial, NL3D::CMaterial::setTexAddressingMode, NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial, and NL3D::CMaterial::texAddrEnabled.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_TSP = 0x00000002

Definition at line 71 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_0_MAT = 0x00100000

user texture matrix.

Definition at line 92 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::enableUserTexMat, and NL3D::CMaterial::isUserTexMatEnabled.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_1_MAT = 0x00200000

Definition at line 93 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_2_MAT = 0x00400000

Definition at line 94 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_3_MAT = 0x00800000

Definition at line 95 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_4_MAT = 0x01000000

Definition at line 96 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_5_MAT = 0x02000000

Definition at line 97 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_6_MAT = 0x04000000

Definition at line 98 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_7_MAT = 0x08000000

Definition at line 99 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_FIRST_BIT = 20

Definition at line 102 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupUserTextureMatrix.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_USER_TEX_MAT_ALL = 0x0FF00000

Definition at line 100 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::enableUserTexMat, NL3D::CMaterial::serial, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupUserTextureMatrix.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_ZLIST = 0x00000008

Definition at line 73 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_MAT_ZWRITE = 0x00000004

Definition at line 72 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::CMaterial, NL3D::CMaterial::getZWrite, NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial, and NL3D::CMaterial::setZWrite.


Definition at line 67 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::operator=, NL3D::CMaterial::serial, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_TOUCHED_ALPHA_TEST = 0x00000800

Definition at line 60 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::setAlphaTest.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_TOUCHED_ALPHA_TEST_THRE = 0x00001000

Definition at line 61 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::setAlphaTestThreshold.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_TOUCHED_BLEND = 0x00000002

Definition at line 50 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::setBlend.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_TOUCHED_BLENDFUNC = 0x00000001

Definition at line 49 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::setBlendFunc, NL3D::CMaterial::setDstBlend, NL3D::CMaterial::setSrcBlend, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_TOUCHED_COLOR = 0x00000020

Definition at line 54 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::setColor.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_TOUCHED_DEFMAT = 0x00000080

Definition at line 56 of file material.h.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_TOUCHED_DOUBLE_SIDED = 0x00000200

Definition at line 58 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::setDoubleSided.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_TOUCHED_LIGHTING = 0x00000040

Definition at line 55 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::setAmbient, NL3D::CMaterial::setDiffuse, NL3D::CMaterial::setEmissive, NL3D::CMaterial::setLightedVertexColor, NL3D::CMaterial::setLighting, NL3D::CMaterial::setOpacity, NL3D::CMaterial::setShininess, NL3D::CMaterial::setSpecular, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_TOUCHED_LIGHTMAP = 0x00000400

Definition at line 59 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::setLightMap, and NL3D::CMaterial::setLightMapFactor.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_TOUCHED_SHADER = 0x00000004

Definition at line 51 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::setShader, and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial.


Initial value:

        {0x00010000, 0x00020000, 0x00040000, 0x00080000}

Definition at line 65 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::CDriverGL, and NL3D::CMaterial::setTexture.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_TOUCHED_ZBIAS = 0x00000010

Definition at line 53 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::setZBias.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_TOUCHED_ZFUNC = 0x00000008

Definition at line 52 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupMaterial, and NL3D::CMaterial::setZFunc.

const uint32 NL3D::IDRV_TOUCHED_ZWRITE = 0x00000100

Definition at line 57 of file material.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::setZWrite.

const char* NL3D::IDRV_VERSION_PROC_NAME = "NL3D_interfaceVersion"

Definition at line 55 of file dru.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CDRU::createGlDriver.

CVegetableQuadrant NL3D::InitVegetableQuadrant [static]

Definition at line 56 of file vegetable_quadrant.cpp.

CKeyTCBFloat NL3D::ktoto0

Definition at line 35 of file key.cpp.

CKeyTCBVector NL3D::ktoto1

Definition at line 36 of file key.cpp.

CKeyFloat NL3D::ktoto10

Definition at line 45 of file key.cpp.

CKeyVector NL3D::ktoto11

Definition at line 46 of file key.cpp.

CKeyQuat NL3D::ktoto12

Definition at line 47 of file key.cpp.

CKeyTCBQuat NL3D::ktoto2

Definition at line 37 of file key.cpp.

CKeyBezierFloat NL3D::ktoto4

Definition at line 39 of file key.cpp.

CKeyBezierVector NL3D::ktoto5

Definition at line 40 of file key.cpp.

CKeyBezierQuat NL3D::ktoto6

Definition at line 41 of file key.cpp.

CKeyString NL3D::ktoto8

Definition at line 43 of file key.cpp.

CKeyBool NL3D::ktoto9

Definition at line 44 of file key.cpp.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::LandscapeModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x5a573b55, 0x6b395829)

Definition at line 41 of file landscape_model.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscapeUser::CLandscapeUser, and NL3D::CLandscapeModel::registerBasic.

CTrackKeyFramerLinearFloat NL3D::lattoto10

Definition at line 67 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerLinearVector NL3D::lattoto11

Definition at line 68 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerLinearQuat NL3D::lattoto12

Definition at line 69 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerLinearInt NL3D::lattoto13

Definition at line 70 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerLinearRGBA NL3D::lattoto14

Definition at line 71 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

const char* NL3D::LightingVPFragmentNormalize [static]

Initial value:

"       # normalize normal                                                                                                                                      \n\
        DP3     R6.w, R6, R6;                                                                                                                                   \n\
        RSQ     R6.w, R6.w;                                                                                                                                             \n\
        MUL     R6, R6, R6.w;                                                                                                                                   \n\

Definition at line 762 of file render_trav.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CRenderTrav::getLightVPFragment.

const char* NL3D::LightingVPFragmentNoSpecular_Begin [static]

Initial value:

"                                                                                                                                                                               \n\
        # Global Ambient.                                                                                                                                       \n\
        MOV     R2, c[CTS+0];                                                                                                                                   \n\
        # Diffuse Sun                                                                                                                                           \n\
        DP3     R0.x, R6, c[CTS+5];                     # R0.x= normal*-lightDir                                                        \n\
        LIT     R0.y, R0.xxxx;                          # R0.y= R0.x clamped                                                            \n\
        MAD     R2, R0.y, c[CTS+1], R2;         # R2= summed vertex color.                                                      \n\

Definition at line 772 of file render_trav.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CRenderTrav::getLightVPFragment.

const char* NL3D::LightingVPFragmentNoSpecular_End [static]

Initial value:

"       # output to o[COL0] only, replacing alpha with material alpha.                                          \n\
        MAD     o[COL0], R2, c[CTS+9].zzzx, c[CTS+9].xxxw;                                                                              \n\

Definition at line 816 of file render_trav.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CRenderTrav::getLightVPFragment.

const char* NL3D::LightingVPFragmentNoSpecular_PL[] [static]

Initial value:

"       # Diffuse PointLight 0.                                                                                                                         \n\
        ADD     R0, c[CTS+6], -R5;                      # R0= lightPos-vertex                                                           \n\
        DP3     R0.w, R0, R0;                           # normalize R0.                                                                         \n\
        RSQ     R0.w, R0.w;                                                                                                                                             \n\
        MUL     R0, R0, R0.w;                                                                                                                                   \n\
        DP3     R0.x, R6, R0;                           # R0.x= normal*lightDir                                                         \n\
        LIT     R0.y, R0.xxxx;                          # R0.y= R0.x clamped                                                            \n\
        MAD     R2, R0.y, c[CTS+2], R2;         # R2= summed vertex color.                                                      \n\
"       # Diffuse PointLight 1.                                                                                                                         \n\
        ADD     R0, c[CTS+7], -R5;                      # R0= lightPos-vertex                                                           \n\
        DP3     R0.w, R0, R0;                           # normalize R0.                                                                         \n\
        RSQ     R0.w, R0.w;                                                                                                                                             \n\
        MUL     R0, R0, R0.w;                                                                                                                                   \n\
        DP3     R0.x, R6, R0;                           # R0.x= normal*lightDir                                                         \n\
        LIT     R0.y, R0;                                       # R0.y= R0.x clamped                                                            \n\
        MAD     R2, R0.y, c[CTS+3], R2;         # R2= summed vertex color.                                                      \n\
"       # Diffuse PointLight 2.                                                                                                                         \n\
        ADD     R0, c[CTS+8], -R5;                      # R0= lightPos-vertex                                                           \n\
        DP3     R0.w, R0, R0;                           # normalize R0.                                                                         \n\
        RSQ     R0.w, R0.w;                                                                                                                                             \n\
        MUL     R0, R0, R0.w;                                                                                                                                   \n\
        DP3     R0.x, R6, R0;                           # R0.x= normal*lightDir                                                         \n\
        LIT     R0.y, R0;                                       # R0.y= R0.x clamped                                                            \n\
        MAD     R2, R0.y, c[CTS+4], R2;         # R2= summed vertex color.                                                      \n\

Definition at line 784 of file render_trav.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CRenderTrav::getLightVPFragment.

const char* NL3D::LightingVPFragmentSpecular_Begin [static]

Initial value:

"                                                                                                                                                                               \n\
        # Global Ambient.                                                                                                                                       \n\
        MOV     R2, c[CTS+0];                                                                                                                                   \n\
        # Always keep Specular exponent in R0.w                                                                                         \n\
        MOV     R0.w, c[CTS+5].w;                                                                                                                               \n\
        # Compute vertex-to-eye vector normed.                                                                                          \n\
        ADD     R4, c[CTS+11], -R5;                                                                                                                             \n\
        DP3     R4.w, R4, R4;                                                                                                                                   \n\
        RSQ     R4.w, R4.w;                                                                                                                                             \n\
        MUL R4, R4, R4.w;                                                                                                                                       \n\
        # Diffuse-Specular Sun                                                                                                                          \n\
        # Compute R1= halfAngleVector= (lightDir+R4).normed().                                                          \n\
        ADD     R1.xyz, c[CTS+9], R4;           # R1= halfAngleVector                                                           \n\
        DP3     R1.w, R1, R1;                           # normalize R1.                                                                         \n\
        RSQ     R1.w, R1.w;                                                                                                                                             \n\
        MUL     R1.xyz, R1, R1.w;                                                                                                                               \n\
        # Compute Factors and colors.                                                                                                           \n\
        DP3     R0.x, R6, c[CTS+9];                     # R0.x= normal*-lightDir                                                        \n\
        DP3     R0.yz, R6, R1;                          # R0.yz= normal*halfAngleVector                                         \n\
        LIT     R0.yz, R0;                                      # R0.y= R0.x clamped, R0.z= pow(spec, R0.w) clamp       \n\
        MAD     R2, R0.y, c[CTS+1], R2;         # R2= summed vertex color.                                                      \n\
        MUL     R3, R0.z, c[CTS+5];                     # R3= specular color.                                                           \n\

Definition at line 824 of file render_trav.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CRenderTrav::getLightVPFragment.

const char* NL3D::LightingVPFragmentSpecular_End [static]

Initial value:

"       # output directly to secondary color.                                                                                           \n\
        MAD     o[COL1], R0.z, c[CTS+8], R3;    # final summed specular color.                                  \n\
        # output diffuse to o[COL0], replacing alpha with material alpha.                                       \n\
        MAD     o[COL0], R2, c[CTS+10].zzzx, c[CTS+10].xxxw;                                                                    \n\

Definition at line 912 of file render_trav.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CRenderTrav::getLightVPFragment.

const char* NL3D::LightingVPFragmentSpecular_PL[] [static]

Definition at line 853 of file render_trav.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CRenderTrav::getLightVPFragment.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::LightTravId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x328f500a, 0x57600db9)

Definition at line 49 of file light_trav.h.

Referenced by NL3D::IBaseRenderObs::init, NL3D::CTransform::initModel, NL3D::CPointLightModel::initModel, NL3D::CTransform::registerBasic, NL3D::CSkipModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CRootModel::registerBasic, and NL3D::CPointLightModel::registerBasic.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::LoadBalancingTravId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x7181548, 0x36ad3c10)

Definition at line 54 of file load_balancing_trav.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::getLoadBalancingGroup, NL3D::IBaseClipObs::init, NL3D::CTransformShape::registerBasic, NL3D::CSkipModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CRootModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CMeshMultiLodInstance::registerBasic, and NL3D::CTransform::setLoadBalancingGroup.

const uint NL3D::MaxFlareNum = 10

Definition at line 45 of file flare_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CFlareShape::CFlareShape, NL3D::CFlareShape::flushTextures, NL3D::CFlareShape::getNumTriangles, NL3D::CFlareShape::getRelativePos, NL3D::CFlareShape::getTexture, NL3D::CFlareShape::serial, NL3D::CFlareShape::setRelativePos, NL3D::CFlareShape::setSize, NL3D::CFlareShape::setTexture, and NL3D::CFlareRenderObs::traverse.

const float NL3D::MaxInputValue = 1.0f

Here we define attribute maker, that is object that can produce an attribute following some rule.

This allow, for example, creation of a color gradient, or color flicker, size strectching and so on... See also particle_system.h and ps_located.h.

Definition at line 96 of file ps_attrib_maker.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CFClampSquareDot3AddIterator::get, NL3D::CFClampDot3AddIterator::get, NL3D::CFSquareDot3AddIterator::get, NL3D::CFDot3AddIterator::get, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT::get, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::make4ByIterator, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::makeByIterator, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT< uint32, CPSValueBlendFunc< uint32 > >::makeNByIterator, and NL3D::CParticleSystem::setUserParam.

const uint NL3D::MaxPSUserParam = 4

number user params for a particle system.

Definition at line 61 of file particle_system.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CParticleSystem::bindGlobalValueToUserParam, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::bypassGlobalUserParamValue, NL3D::CParticleSystemInstanceUser::bypassGlobalUserParamValue, NL3D::CParticleSystem::CParticleSystem, NL3D::CParticleSystem::getGlobalValueName, NL3D::CParticleSystemInstanceUser::getUserParam, NL3D::CParticleSystem::getUserParam, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::isGlobalUserParamValueBypassed, NL3D::CParticleSystemInstanceUser::isGlobalUserParamValueBypassed, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::reallocRsc, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::releasePSPointer, NL3D::CParticleSystem::serial, NL3D::CParticleSystemInstanceUser::setUserParam, NL3D::CParticleSystem::setUserParam, NL3D::CParticleSystem::step, and NL3D::CParticleSystemDetailObs::traverse.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::MeshBaseInstanceId = NLMISC::CClassId(0xef44331, 0x739f6bcf)

Definition at line 52 of file mesh_base_instance.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMultiLodInstance::registerBasic, NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance::registerBasic, NL3D::CMeshInstance::registerBasic, and NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::registerBasic.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::MeshInstanceId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x6bfe0a34, 0x23b26dc9)

Definition at line 44 of file mesh_instance.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshInstance::registerBasic.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::MeshMRMInstanceId = NLMISC::CClassId(0xec608f3, 0x1111c33)

Definition at line 47 of file mesh_mrm_instance.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance::registerBasic.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::MeshMultiLodInstanceId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x1ade6ef8, 0x75c5a84)

Definition at line 40 of file mesh_multi_lod_instance.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMultiLodInstance::registerBasic.

const int NL3D::NbLine[TEXTUREFONT_NBCATEGORY] = { 8, 24, 16, 4, 1 }

Definition at line 47 of file texture_font.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureFont::CTextureFont, NL3D::CTextureFont::doGenerate, NL3D::CTextureFont::getLetterInfo, and NL3D::CTextureFont::rebuildLetter.

const sint NL3D::NbTileLightMapByLine = TextureNearSize/NL_TILE_LIGHTMAP_SIZE

Definition at line 79 of file landscape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::getTileLightMapUvInfo.

const sint NL3D::NbTileLightMapByTexture = NbTileLightMapByLine*NbTileLightMapByLine

Definition at line 80 of file landscape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::getTileLightMap, NL3D::CLandscape::getTileLightMapUvInfo, NL3D::CLandscape::refillTileLightMap, and NL3D::CLandscape::releaseTileLightMap.

const sint NL3D::NbTilesMax = 65536

Definition at line 75 of file landscape.h.

const string NL3D::NL3D_BendProgram = string(NL3D_BendProgramP0) + string(NL3D_BendProgramP1)

Definition at line 460 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::initVertexProgram.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_BendProgramP0

Initial value:

"!!VP1.0                                                                                                                                                                \n\
        # compute time of animation: time*freqfactor + phase.                                                           \n\
        MAD     R0.x, c[17].x, v[9].z, v[9].y;  # R0.x= time of animation                                                       \n\
        # animation: f(x)= cos(x). compute a high precision cosinus                                                     \n\
        EXP     R0.y, R0.x;                                             # fract part=> R0.y= [0,1] <=> [-Pi, Pi]                \n\
        MAD     R0.x, R0.y, c[22].z, -c[22].y;  # R0.x= a= [-Pi, Pi]                                                    \n\
        # R0 must get a2, a4, a6, a8                                                                                                            \n\
        MUL     R0.x, R0.x, R0.x;                               # R0.x= a2                                                                              \n\
        MUL     R0.y, R0.x, R0.x;                               # R0= a2, a4                                                                    \n\
        MUL     R0.zw, R0.y, R0.xxxy;                   # R0= a2, a4, a6, a8                                                    \n\
        # Taylor serie: cos(x)= 1 - (1/2) a2 + (1/24) a4 - (1/720) a6 + (1/40320) a8.           \n\
        DP4     R0.x, R0, c[18];                                # R0.x= cos(x) - 1.                                                             \n\
        # R0.x= [-2, 0]. And we want a result in BendWeight/2*WindPower*[WindBendMin, 1]        \n\
        MAD     R0.x, R0.x, c[17].z, c[17].y;   # R0.x= WindPower*[WindBendMin, 1]                              \n\
        MUL     R0.x, R0.x, v[9].x;                             # R0.x= angle= BendWeight/2*WindPower*[WindBendMin, 1]  \n\
        # compute good precision sinus and cosinus, in R0.xy.                                                           \n\
        # suppose that BendWeightMax/2== 2Pi/3 => do not need to fmod() nor                                     \n\
        # to have high order taylor serie                                                                                                       \n\
        DST     R1.xy, R0.x, R0.x;                              # R1= 1, a2                                                                             \n\
        MUL     R1.z, R1.y, R1.y;                               # R1= 1, a2, a4                                                                 \n\
        MUL     R1.w, R1.y, R1.z;                               # R1= 1, a2, a4, a6 (cos serie)                                 \n\
        MUL     R2, R1, R0.x;                                   # R2= a, a3, a5, a7 (sin serie)                                 \n\
        DP4 R0.x, R1, c[19];                            # R0.x= cos(a)                                                                  \n\
        DP4 R0.y, R2, c[20];                            # R0.y= sin(a)                                                                  \n\

Definition at line 386 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_BendProgramP1

Definition at line 415 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_CommonEndVegetableProgram

Initial value:

"       # compute in Projection space                                                                                                           \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].x, c[0], R5;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].y, c[1], R5;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].z, c[2], R5;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].w, c[3], R5;                                                                                                                        \n\
        # copy Dynamic lightmap UV in stage0, from colors Alpha part.                                           \n\
        MOV o[TEX0].x, v[3].w;                                                                                                                          \n\
        MOV o[TEX0].y, v[4].w;                                                                                                                          \n\
        # copy diffuse texture uv to stage 1.                                                                                           \n\
        MOV o[TEX1].xy, v[8];                                                                                                                           \n\
        END                                                                                                                                                                     \n\

Definition at line 577 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::initVertexProgram.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_FastBendProgram

Initial value:

"!!VP1.0                                                                                                                                                                \n\
        # compute time of animation: time*freqfactor + phase.                                                           \n\
        MAD     R0.x, c[17].x, v[9].z, v[9].y;  # R0.x= time of animation                                                       \n\
        # animation: use the 64 LUT entries                                                                                                     \n\
        EXP     R0.y, R0.x;                                             # fract part=> R0.y= [0,1[                                              \n\
        MUL     R0,  R0.y, c[23].xyyy;                  # R0.x= [0,64[                                                                  \n\
        ARL     A0.x, R0.x;                                             # A0.x= index in the LUT                                                \n\
        EXP     R0.y, R0.x;                                             # R0.y= R0.x-A0.x= fp (fract part)                              \n\
        # lookup and lerp in one it: R0= value + fp * dv.                                                                       \n\
        MAD     R0.xy, R0.y, c[A0.x+32].zwww, c[A0.x+32].xyww;                                                                  \n\
        # The direction and power of the wind is encoded in the LUT.                                            \n\
        # Scale now by vertex BendFactor (stored in v[0].w)                                                                     \n\
        MAD     R5, R0, v[0].w, v[0].xyzw;                                                                                                      \n\
        # compute 1/norm, and multiply by original norm stored in v[9].x                                        \n\
        DP3     R0.x, R5, R5;                                                                                                                                   \n\
        RSQ     R0.x, R0.x;                                                                                                                                             \n\
        MUL     R0.x, R0.x, v[9].x;                                                                                                                             \n\
        # mul by this factor, and add to center                                                                                         \n\
        MAD     R5, R0.xxxw, R5, v[10];                                                                                                                 \n\
        # make local to camera pos. Important for ZBuffer precision                                                     \n\
        ADD R5, R5, -c[10];                                                                                                                                     \n\

Definition at line 316 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::initVertexProgram.


Definition at line 66 of file landscape_vegetable_block.cpp.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_LandscapeCommonStartProgram

Definition at line 508 of file landscapevb_allocator.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscapeVBAllocator::setupVBFormatAndVertexProgram.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_LandscapeFar0EndProgram

Initial value:

"       # compute in Projection space                                                                                                           \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].x, c[0], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].y, c[1], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].z, c[2], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].w, c[3], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        MOV o[TEX0].xy, v[8];                                                                                                                           \n\
        MOV o[TEX1].xy, v[9];                                                                                                                           \n\
        DP4     o[FOGC].x, c[10], -R1;          # fogc>0 => fogc= - (ModelView*R1).z                            \n\
        END                                                                                                                                                                     \n\

Definition at line 568 of file landscapevb_allocator.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscapeVBAllocator::setupVBFormatAndVertexProgram.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_LandscapeFar1EndProgram

Initial value:

"       # compute Alpha Transition                                                                                                                      \n\
        ADD R0.x, R2.x, -v[12].x;               # R0.x= sqrDist-TransitionSqrMin                                        \n\
        MUL     R0.x, R0.x, v[12].y;            # R0.x= (sqrDist-TransitionSqrMin) * OOTransitionSqrDelta       \n\
        MAX R0.x, R0.x, c[4].x;                                                                                                                         \n\
        MIN o[COL0].w, R0.x, c[4].y;    # col.A= clamp(R0.x, 0, 1);                                                     \n\
        # compute in Projection space                                                                                                           \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].x, c[0], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].y, c[1], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].z, c[2], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].w, c[3], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        MOV o[TEX0].xy, v[8];                                                                                                                           \n\
        MOV o[TEX1].xy, v[9];                                                                                                                           \n\
        DP4     o[FOGC].x, c[10], -R1;          # fogc>0 => fogc= - (ModelView*R1).z                            \n\
        END                                                                                                                                                                     \n\

Definition at line 589 of file landscapevb_allocator.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscapeVBAllocator::setupVBFormatAndVertexProgram.

uint NL3D::NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassNTri = 0

Definition at line 81 of file landscape_def.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::render.

uint32 * NL3D::NL3D_LandscapeGlobals_PassTriCurPtr = NULL

Definition at line 82 of file landscape_def.cpp.

const string NL3D::NL3D_LandscapeTestSpeedProgram

Initial value:

"       MOV R1, R1; \n  MOV R1, R1; \n  MOV R1, R1; \n  MOV R1, R1; \n  MOV R1, R1; \n\
        MOV R1, R1; \n  MOV R1, R1; \n  MOV R1, R1; \n  MOV R1, R1; \n  MOV R1, R1; \n\

Definition at line 555 of file landscapevb_allocator.cpp.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_LandscapeTileEndProgram

Initial value:

"       # compute in Projection space                                                                                                           \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].x, c[0], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].y, c[1], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].z, c[2], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].w, c[3], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        MOV o[TEX0].xy, v[8];                                                                                                                           \n\
        MOV o[TEX1].xy, v[9];                                                                                                                           \n\
        DP4     o[FOGC].x, c[10], -R1;          # fogc>0 => fogc= - (ModelView*R1).z                            \n\
        END                                                                                                                                                                     \n\

Definition at line 615 of file landscapevb_allocator.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscapeVBAllocator::setupVBFormatAndVertexProgram.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_LandscapeTileLightMapEndProgram

Initial value:

"       # compute in Projection space                                                                                                           \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].x, c[0], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].y, c[1], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].z, c[2], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].w, c[3], R1;                                                                                                                        \n\
        MOV o[TEX0].xy, v[13];                                                                                                                          \n\
        MOV o[TEX1].xy, v[9];                                                                                                                           \n\
        DP4     o[FOGC].x, c[10], -R1;          # fogc>0 => fogc= - (ModelView*R1).z                            \n\
        END                                                                                                                                                                     \n\
Same version but write Tex0 to take uv2, ie v[13], for lightmap pass.

Definition at line 628 of file landscapevb_allocator.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscapeVBAllocator::setupVBFormatAndVertexProgram.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_LightedMiddle1SidedVegetableProgram

Initial value:

"       #FrontFacing                                                                                                                                            \n\
        MAX     R0.y, -R0.x, c[8].x;            # R0.y= diffFactor= max(0, -R6*LightDir)                        \n\
        MUL     R1.xyz, R0.y, v[3];                     # R7= diffFactor*DiffuseColor                                           \n\
        ADD     o[COL0].xyz, R1, v[4];          # col0.RGB= AmbientColor + diffFactor*DiffuseColor      \n\

Definition at line 492 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::initVertexProgram.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_LightedMiddle2SidedVegetableProgram

Initial value:

"       #FrontFacing                                                                                                                                            \n\
        MAX     R0.y, -R0.x, c[8].x;            # R0.y= diffFactor= max(0, -R6*LightDir)                        \n\
        MUL     R1.xyz, R0.y, v[3];                     # R7= diffFactor*DiffuseColor                                           \n\
        ADD     o[COL0].xyz, R1, v[4];          # col0.RGB= AmbientColor + diffFactor*DiffuseColor      \n\
        # BackFacing.                                                                                                                                           \n\
        MAX     R0.y, R0.x, c[8].x;                     # R0.y= diffFactor= max(0, -(-R6)*LightDir)                     \n\
        MUL     R1.xyz, R0.y, v[3];                     # R7= diffFactor*DiffuseColor                                           \n\
        ADD     o[BFC0].xyz, R1, v[4];          # bfc0.RGB= AmbientColor + diffFactor*DiffuseColor      \n\

Definition at line 501 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::initVertexProgram.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_LightedStartVegetableProgram

Initial value:

"                                                                                                                                                                               \n\
        # bend Pos into R5. Now do it for normal                                                                                        \n\
        DP3     R0.x, R7, v[2];                                                                                                                                 \n\
        DP3     R0.y, R8, v[2];                                                                                                                                 \n\
        DP3     R0.z, R9, v[2];                         # R0= matRot * normal.                                                          \n\
        # Do the rot 2 times for normal (works fine)                                                                            \n\
        DP3     R6.x, R7, R0;                                                                                                                                   \n\
        DP3     R6.y, R8, R0;                                                                                                                                   \n\
        DP3     R6.z, R9, R0;                           # R6= bended normal.                                                            \n\
        # Normalize normal, and dot product, into R0.x                                                                          \n\
        # w hasn't been written                                                             \n\
        DP3     R0.x, R6.xyzz, R6.xyzz;         # R0.x= R6.sqrnorm()                                                            \n\
        RSQ R0.x, R0.x;                                 # R0.x= 1/norm()                                                                        \n\
        MUL     R6, R6.xyzz, R0.x;                              # R6= R6.normed()                                                               \n\
        DP3     R0.x, R6, c[9];                                                                                                                                 \n\

Definition at line 471 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::initVertexProgram.

const float NL3D::NL3D_OO255 = 1.0f / 255 [static]

Definition at line 41 of file noise_value.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CRandomGrid3D::evalBiLinear, and NL3D::CRandomGrid3D::evalNearest.

const double NL3D::NL3D_OO32767 = 1.0f/32767

Definition at line 45 of file track_sampled_quat.cpp.

const double NL3D::NL3D_OO65535 = 1.0f/65535

Definition at line 46 of file track_sampled_quat.cpp.

CRandomGrid3D NL3D::NL3D_RandomGrid3D [static]

Definition at line 207 of file noise_value.cpp.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_SimpleStartVegetableProgram

Initial value:

"!!VP1.0                                                                                                                                                                \n\
        # compute in Projection space                                                                                                           \n\
        MOV     R5, v[0];       \n\
        ADD     R5.xyz, R5, v[10];      \n\
        # make local to camera pos                                                                                                                      \n\
        ADD R5, R5, -c[10];                                                                                                                                     \n\
        MOV o[COL0], c[8].yyyy; \n\
        MOV o[BFC0], c[8].xxyy; \n\

Definition at line 597 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_UnlitMiddle1SidedAlphaBlendVegetableProgram

Initial value:

"       MOV o[COL0].xyz, v[3];                  # col.RGBA= vertex color                                                        \n\
        #Blend transition. NB: in R5, we already have the position relative to the camera       \n\
        DP3     R0.x, R5, R5;                           # R0.x= sqr(dist to viewer).                                            \n\
        RSQ R0.y, R0.x;                                                                                                                                         \n\
        MUL R0.x, R0.x, R0.y;                   # R0.x= dist to viewer                                                          \n\
        # setup alpha Blending. Distance of appartition is encoded in the vertex.                       \n\
        MAD o[COL0].w, R0.x, c[11].x, v[9].w;                                                                                           \n\

Definition at line 558 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::initVertexProgram.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_UnlitMiddle1SidedVegetableProgram

Initial value:

"       MOV o[COL0].xyz, v[3];                  # col.RGBA= vertex color                                                        \n\

Definition at line 528 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::initVertexProgram.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_UnlitMiddle2SidedAlphaBlendVegetableProgram

Initial value:

"       MOV o[COL0].xyz, v[3];                  # col.RGBA= vertex color                                                        \n\
        MOV o[BFC0].xyz, v[4];                  # bfc0.RGBA= bcf color                                                          \n\
        #Blend transition. NB: in R5, we already have the position relative to the camera       \n\
        DP3     R0.x, R5, R5;                           # R0.x= sqr(dist to viewer).                                            \n\
        RSQ R0.y, R0.x;                                                                                                                                         \n\
        MUL R0.x, R0.x, R0.y;                   # R0.x= dist to viewer                                                          \n\
        # setup alpha Blending. Distance of appartition is encoded in the vertex.                       \n\
        MAD o[COL0].w, R0.x, c[11].x, v[9].w;                                                                                           \n\
        MAD o[BFC0].w, R0.x, c[11].x, v[9].w;                                                                                           \n\

Definition at line 543 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::initVertexProgram.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_UnlitMiddle2SidedVegetableProgram

Initial value:

"       MOV o[COL0].xyz, v[3];                  # col.RGBA= vertex color                                                        \n\
        MOV o[BFC0].xyz, v[4];                  # bfc0.RGBA= bcf color                                                          \n\

Definition at line 535 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::initVertexProgram.

const char* NL3D::NL3D_UnlitStartVegetableProgram

Initial value:


Definition at line 523 of file vegetable_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::initVertexProgram.

const uint NL3D::NL3DDecompressLumelFactor0Case0[8] [static]

Initial value:

        7, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Definition at line 53 of file patch_lightmap.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::packLumelBlock.

const uint NL3D::NL3DDecompressLumelFactor0Case1[6] [static]

Initial value:

        5, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1,

Definition at line 61 of file patch_lightmap.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::packLumelBlock.

const uint NL3D::NL3DDecompressLumelFactor1Case0[8] [static]

Initial value:

        0, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Definition at line 57 of file patch_lightmap.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::packLumelBlock.

const uint NL3D::NL3DDecompressLumelFactor1Case1[6] [static]

Initial value:

        0, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4,

Definition at line 65 of file patch_lightmap.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::packLumelBlock.

uint NL3D::NL3DDeltaLumel[4] = {4, 1, 4, 1} [static]

Definition at line 654 of file patch_lightmap.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::computeTileLightmapEdgePrecomputed.

uint NL3D::NL3DPixelStartLumel[4] = {0, 4*3, 3, 0} [static]

Definition at line 653 of file patch_lightmap.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::computeTileLightmapEdgePrecomputed.

const uint NL3D::NL_BlockByteL1 = 4096

Definition at line 339 of file mesh_mrm_skin.cpp.

const float NL3D::NormEpsilon = 10E-8f

Definition at line 41 of file ps_ribbon_look_at.cpp.

const uint NL3D::NumVertsInBuffer = 4 * FanLightBufSize [static]

Definition at line 47 of file ps_shockwave.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSShockWave::getNumShockWavesInVB.

const uint NL3D::NumWaterMap = 3

This class is a portion of water, it encodes its height, and simulates its propagation.

It contains datas about the eight around the user position

size x 2 |--------| s| (x,y) | i| |---|| z| | || e| |---|| x| | 2|--------|

Definition at line 65 of file water_height_map.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::clearZone, NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::filter, NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::getPrevPointer, NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::perturbate, NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::perturbatePoint, NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::propagate, NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::setPropagationTime, NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::setSize, NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::swapBuffers, and NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::updateUserPos.

const float NL3D::OO32768 = 1.0f/0x8000

Definition at line 56 of file tessellation.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CParamCoord::getS, and NL3D::CParamCoord::getT.

int NL3D::OptFastFloorBkupCW

Definition at line 34 of file fast_floor.cpp.

int NL3D::OptFastFloorBkupCW24

Definition at line 36 of file fast_floor.cpp.

double NL3D::OptFastFloorMagicConst = pow(2,52) + pow(2,51)

Definition at line 33 of file fast_floor.cpp.

float NL3D::OptFastFloorMagicConst24 = (float)pow(2,23)

Definition at line 35 of file fast_floor.cpp.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::ParticleSystemModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x3a9b1dc3, 0x49627ff0)

Definition at line 46 of file particle_system_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::registerBasic.

const uint NL3D::PatchQuadBlockAllocatorBlockSize = 160

Definition at line 41 of file visual_collision_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVisualCollisionManager::CVisualCollisionManager.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::PointLightModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x7e842eba, 0x140b6c69)

Definition at line 41 of file point_light_model.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CSceneUser::createPointLight, and NL3D::CPointLightModel::registerBasic.

const char* NL3D::PPLightingDirectionnalNoSpecVPCodeBegin [static]

Initial value:

"!!VP1.0                                                                                                                                                                \n\
#compute B = N ^ T                                                                                                                                              \n\
MOV R6, v[2];                                                                                                                                                   \n\
MUL R1, R6.yzxw, v[9].zxyw;                                                                                                                             \n\
MAD R1, v[9].yzxw, -R6.zxyw, R1;                                                                                                                \n\
#vector in tangent space = [ T B N ] * L                                                                                                \n\
DP3 o[TEX0].x, v[9], -c[4];                # get x of light vector in tangent space             \n\
DP3 o[TEX0].y, R1, -c[4];           # get y                                                                                             \n\
DP3 o[TEX0].z, R6, -c[4];                  # get z                                                                                              \n\
# Normal is in R6 for additionnal lighting                                                                                              \n\
# Position in R5 for additionnal lighting                                               \n\
MOV R5, v[0];                                                                                                                                                   \n\

Definition at line 293 of file meshvp_per_pixel_light.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshVPPerPixelLight::initInstance.

const char* NL3D::PPLightingDirectionnalNoSpecVPNormalizeCodeBegin [static]

Initial value:

"!!VP1.0                                                                                                                                                                \n\
#normalize the normal                                                                                                                                   \n\
DP3 R1, v[2], v[2];                                                                                                                                             \n\
RSQ R1, R1.x;                                                                                                                                                   \n\
MUL R6, v[2], R1;                                                                                                                                               \n\
#normalize the second vector                                                                                                                    \n\
DP3     R1, R6, v[9];                                                                                                                                           \n\
MAD     R1, R6, -R1, v[9]; #subtract the normal component                                                                       \n\
DP3 R2, R1, R1;                                                                                                                                                 \n\
RSQ     R2, R2.x;                                                                                                                                                       \n\
MUL R5, R1, R2; #second basis vector in R5                                                                                              \n\
#compute B = N ^ T                                                                                                                                              \n\
MUL R1, R6.yzxw, R5.zxyw;                                                                                                                               \n\
MAD R1, R5.yzxw, -R6.zxyw, R1; #third basis vector in R1                                                                \n\
#vector in tangent space = [ T B N ] * L                                                                                                \n\
DP3 o[TEX0].x, R5, -c[4];                          # get x of light vector in tangent space                     \n\
DP3 o[TEX0].y, R1, -c[4];               # get y                                                                                 \n\
DP3 o[TEX0].z, R6, -c[4];                          # get z                                                                                      \n\
# Normal is in R6 for additionnal lighting                                                                                              \n\
# Position in R5 for additionnal lighting                                               \n\
MOV R5, v[0];                                                                                                                                                   \n\

Definition at line 310 of file meshvp_per_pixel_light.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshVPPerPixelLight::initInstance.

const char* NL3D::PPLightingDirectionnalVPCodeBegin [static]

We store the direction of the light rather than its position The direction must be normalized and expressed in model space.

Definition at line 213 of file meshvp_per_pixel_light.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshVPPerPixelLight::initInstance.

const char* NL3D::PPLightingDirectionnalVPNormalizeCodeBegin [static]

Definition at line 248 of file meshvp_per_pixel_light.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshVPPerPixelLight::initInstance.

const char* NL3D::PPLightingNoSpecVPCodeBegin [static]

Initial value:

"!!VP1.0                                                                                                                                                                \n\
#compute B = N ^ T                                                                                                                                              \n\
MOV R6, v[2];                                                                                                                                                   \n\
MUL R1, R6.yzxw, v[9].zxyw;                                                                                                                             \n\
MAD R1, v[9].yzxw, -R6.zxyw, R1;                                                                                                                \n\
#vector in tangent space = [ T B N ] * L                                                                                                \n\
ADD R2, c[4], -v[0];                       # compute L                                                                                  \n\
DP3 R3, R2, R2;                                    # get L normalized                                                                   \n\
RSQ R3, R3.x;                                                                                                                                                   \n\
MUL R2, R3, R2;                                                                                                                                                 \n\
DP3 o[TEX0].x, v[9], R2;                   # get x of light vector in tangent space             \n\
DP3 o[TEX0].y, R1, R2;             # get y                                                                                              \n\
DP3 o[TEX0].z, R6, R2;                     # get z                                                                                              \n\
# Normal is in R6 for additionnal lighting                                                                                              \n\
# Position in R5 for additionnal lighting                                               \n\
MOV R5, v[0];                                                                                                                                                   \n\

Definition at line 150 of file meshvp_per_pixel_light.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshVPPerPixelLight::initInstance.

const char* NL3D::PPLightingVPCodeBegin [static]

We store the first tangent vector of the tangent space in v[8].

The third vector can be computed using a cross product. We assume that normal and tangent are normalized. The position of light must be expressed in object space, and is stored in c[4]

Definition at line 65 of file meshvp_per_pixel_light.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshVPPerPixelLight::initInstance.

const char* NL3D::PPLightingVPCodeEnd [static]

Initial value:

"       # compute in Projection space                                                                                                           \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].x, c[0], v[0];                                                                                                                      \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].y, c[1], v[0];                                                                                                                      \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].z, c[2], v[0];                                                                                                                      \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].w, c[3], v[0];                                                                                                                      \n\
        MOV o[TEX1].xy, v[8];                                                                                                                           \n\
        END                                                                                                                                                                     \n\

Definition at line 340 of file meshvp_per_pixel_light.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshVPPerPixelLight::initInstance.

const char* NL3D::PPLightingVPNormalizeCodeBegin [static]

The same as above, but for skin / MRM : This normalize the tangent basis.

Definition at line 101 of file meshvp_per_pixel_light.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshVPPerPixelLight::initInstance.

const char* NL3D::PPLightingVPNormalizeNoSpecCodeBegin [static]

Initial value:

"!!VP1.0                                                                                                                                                                \n\
#normalize the normal                                                                                                                                   \n\
DP3 R1, v[2], v[2];                                                                                                                                             \n\
RSQ R1, R1.x;                                                                                                                                                   \n\
MUL R6, v[2], R1;                                                                                                                                                       \n\
#normalize the second vector                                                                                                                    \n\
DP3     R1, R6, v[9];                                                                                                                                           \n\
MAD     R1, R6, -R1, v[9]; #subtract the normal component                                                                       \n\
DP3 R2, R1, R1;                                                                                                                                                 \n\
RSQ     R2, R2.x;                                                                                                                                                       \n\
MUL R5, R1, R2; #second basis vector in R5                                                                                              \n\
#compute B = N ^ T                                                                                                                                              \n\
MUL R1, R6.yzxw, R5.zxyw;                                                                                                                               \n\
MAD R1, R5.yzxw, -R6.zxyw, R1; #third basis vector in R1                                                                \n\
#vector in tangent space = [ T B N ] * L                                                                                                \n\
ADD R2, c[4], -v[0];                       # compute L                                                                                  \n\
DP3 R3, R2, R2;                                    # get L normalized                                                                   \n\
RSQ R3, R3.x;                                                                                                                                                   \n\
MUL R2, R3, R2;                                                                                                                                                 \n\
DP3 o[TEX0].x, R5, R2;                     # get x of light vector in tangent space                             \n\
DP3 o[TEX0].y, R1, R2;             # get y                                                                                              \n\
DP3 o[TEX0].z, R6, R2;                     # get z                                                                                              \n\
# Normal is in R6 for additionnal lighting                                                                                              \n\
# Position in R5 for additionnal lighting                                               \n\
MOV R5, v[0];                                                                                                                                                   \n\
Omni light with normalization and no specular.

Definition at line 173 of file meshvp_per_pixel_light.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshVPPerPixelLight::initInstance.

sint NL3D::ProfNMerges

Definition at line 44 of file landscape_profile.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CTessFace::merge, and NL3D::CLandscape::refine.

sint NL3D::ProfNRdrFar0 = 0

Definition at line 37 of file landscape_profile.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::render, and NL3D::CPatch::renderFar0.

sint NL3D::ProfNRdrFar1 = 0

Definition at line 38 of file landscape_profile.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::render, and NL3D::CPatch::renderFar1.

sint NL3D::ProfNRdrTile

Definition at line 39 of file landscape_profile.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::render, NL3D::CTileMaterial::renderTile, NL3D::CTileMaterial::renderTilePassLightmap, and NL3D::CTileMaterial::renderTilePassRGB0.

sint NL3D::ProfNRefineComputeFaces

Definition at line 41 of file landscape_profile.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::refine, and NL3D::CTessFace::refineAll.

sint NL3D::ProfNRefineFaces

Definition at line 40 of file landscape_profile.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::refine, NL3D::CTessFace::refineAll, NL3D::CTessFace::updateRefineMerge, and NL3D::CTessFace::updateRefineSplit.

sint NL3D::ProfNRefineInTileTransition

Definition at line 46 of file landscape_profile.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::refine, NL3D::CTessFace::updateRefineMerge, and NL3D::CTessFace::updateRefineSplit.

sint NL3D::ProfNRefineLeaves

Definition at line 42 of file landscape_profile.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::refine, and NL3D::CTessFace::refineAll.

sint NL3D::ProfNRefineWithLowDistance

Definition at line 47 of file landscape_profile.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::refine, and NL3D::CTessFace::updateRefineSplit.

sint NL3D::ProfNSplits

Definition at line 43 of file landscape_profile.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::refine, and NL3D::CTessFace::split.

sint NL3D::ProfNSplitsPass

Definition at line 48 of file landscape_profile.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::refine.

sint NL3D::ProfNTessFace = 0

Definition at line 36 of file landscape_profile.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CTessFace::CTessFace, and NL3D::CTessFace::~CTessFace.

const uint NL3D::PSBinOpBufSize = 1024

The size of the buffer use for intermediate operations with a binary operator.

Definition at line 53 of file ps_attrib_maker_bin_op.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBinOp::make, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBinOp::make4, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBinOp::make4Private, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBinOp::makeN, NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBinOp::makeNPrivate, and NL3D::CPSAttribMakerBinOp::makePrivate.

const float NL3D::PSCollideEpsilon = 10E-3f

This epsilon is in meter and give a thickness to surfaces for tests.

It must be above above 0 for the system to work correctly

Definition at line 42 of file ps_zone.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSZoneRectangle::performMotion, NL3D::CPSZoneCylinder::performMotion, NL3D::CPSZoneDisc::performMotion, NL3D::CPSZoneSphere::performMotion, and NL3D::CPSZonePlane::performMotion.

const float NL3D::PSDefaultMaxViewDist = 300.f

the default max distance of view for particle systems.

Definition at line 61 of file particle_system.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CParticleSystem::CParticleSystem.

const uint32 NL3D::PSEmitter = 2

Definition at line 770 of file ps_located.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CParticleSystemInstanceUser::activateEmitters, NL3D::CPSLocated::deleteElement, NL3D::CParticleSystemInstanceUser::emit, NL3D::CPSEmitter::getType, and NL3D::CPSLocated::hasEmitters.

const uint32 NL3D::PSForce = 0

Definition at line 768 of file ps_located.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSForce::getType.

const uint32 NL3D::PSLight = 3

Definition at line 771 of file ps_located.h.

const uint32 NL3D::PSParticle = 1

Definition at line 769 of file ps_located.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSParticle::getType, NL3D::CParticleSystem::hasOpaqueObjects, NL3D::CPSLocated::hasParticles, NL3D::CParticleSystem::hasTransparentObjects, and NL3D::CPSLocated::notifyMaxNumFacesChanged.

const uint32 NL3D::PSSound = 5

Definition at line 773 of file ps_located.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSSound::getType, and NL3D::CParticleSystem::stopSound.

const uint32 NL3D::PSZone = 4

Definition at line 772 of file ps_located.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSZone::getType.

const sint NL3D::QuadDepth = 10 [static]

Definition at line 38 of file mini_col.cpp.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::QuadGridClipClusterId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x31d517aa, 0x2c4357a0)

Definition at line 41 of file quad_grid_clip_cluster.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager::newCaseModels, and NL3D::CQuadGridClipCluster::registerBasic.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::RenderTravId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x572456ee, 0x3db55f23)

Definition at line 64 of file render_trav.h.

Referenced by NL3D::IBaseClipObs::init, NL3D::CWaterModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CVegetableBlendLayerModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CTransformShape::registerBasic, NL3D::CTransform::registerBasic, NL3D::CSkipModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CRootModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CLandscapeModel::registerBasic, and NL3D::CFlareModel::registerBasic.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::RootModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x25f0505d, 0x75c69f9)

Definition at line 44 of file root_model.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CScene::initDefaultRoots, and NL3D::CRootModel::registerBasic.

const uint NL3D::ShockWaveBufSize = 128 [static]

Definition at line 44 of file ps_shockwave.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSShockWaveHelper::drawShockWave, and NL3D::CPSShockWave::updateVbColNUVForRender.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::SkeletonModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x7d4703b4, 0x43ad6ab1)

Definition at line 51 of file skeleton_model.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::registerBasic.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::SkipModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x143f5849, 0x2847496e)

Definition at line 44 of file skip_model.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CScene::initDefaultRoots, and NL3D::CSkipModel::registerBasic.

const uint NL3D::SoundBufSize = 1024 [static]

Definition at line 39 of file ps_sound.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSSound::step.

const sint NL3D::TextureNearSize = 512

Definition at line 78 of file landscape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::getTileLightMap, and NL3D::CLandscape::getTileLightMapUvInfo.

const int NL3D::TextureSizeX = 1024

Definition at line 44 of file texture_font.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureFont::CTextureFont, NL3D::CTextureFont::doGenerate, NL3D::CTextureFont::dumpTextureFont, NL3D::CTextureFont::getLetterInfo, and NL3D::CTextureFont::rebuildLetter.

const int NL3D::TextureSizeY = 1024

Definition at line 45 of file texture_font.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureFont::CTextureFont, NL3D::CTextureFont::dumpTextureFont, and NL3D::CTextureFont::rebuildLetter.

const uint NL3D::TileDescNodeAllocatorBlockSize = 40000

Definition at line 40 of file visual_collision_manager.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CVisualCollisionManager::CVisualCollisionManager.

const float NL3D::TileSize = 128

Definition at line 59 of file tessellation.cpp.

const uint8 NL3D::TileUvFmtNormal1 = 0

Definition at line 50 of file tessellation.cpp.

const uint8 NL3D::TileUvFmtNormal2 = 1

Definition at line 51 of file tessellation.cpp.

const uint8 NL3D::TileUvFmtNormal3 = 2

Definition at line 52 of file tessellation.cpp.

const uint8 NL3D::TileUvFmtNormal4 = 3

Definition at line 53 of file tessellation.cpp.

const uint8 NL3D::TileUvFmtNormal5 = 4

Definition at line 54 of file tessellation.cpp.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::TransformId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x174750cb, 0xf952024)

Definition at line 75 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceGroup::createRoot, NL3D::CSceneUser::createTransform, NL3D::CScene::initDefaultRoots, NL3D::CVegetableBlendLayerModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CTransformShape::registerBasic, NL3D::CTransform::registerBasic, NL3D::CPointLightModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CLandscapeModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CCoarseMeshManager::registerBasic, and NL3D::CCamera::registerBasic.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::TransformShapeId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x1e6115e6, 0x63502517)

Definition at line 55 of file transform_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CWaveMakerModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CWaterModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CTransformShape::registerBasic, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CSegRemanence::registerBasic, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::registerBasic, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::registerBasic, and NL3D::CFlareModel::registerBasic.

CTrackKeyFramerTCBFloat NL3D::ttoto0

Definition at line 53 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerTCBVector NL3D::ttoto1

Definition at line 54 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerTCBQuat NL3D::ttoto2

Definition at line 55 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerTCBInt NL3D::ttoto3

Definition at line 56 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerBezierFloat NL3D::ttoto4

Definition at line 60 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerBezierVector NL3D::ttoto5

Definition at line 61 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerBezierQuat NL3D::ttoto6

Definition at line 62 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerBezierInt NL3D::ttoto7

Definition at line 63 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerTCBRGBA NL3D::ttoto8

Definition at line 57 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

CTrackKeyFramerBezierRGBA NL3D::ttoto9

Definition at line 64 of file track_keyframer.cpp.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::VegetableBlendLayerModelId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x77375163, 0x2fca1003)

Definition at line 45 of file vegetable_blend_layer_model.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::createVegetableBlendLayersModels, and NL3D::CVegetableBlendLayerModel::registerBasic.

const uint NL3D::VPLightConstantStart = 24 [static]

Definition at line 47 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::initInstance, and NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::setupLighting.

const CVertexBuffer::TValue NL3D::WATER_VB_DX = CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0

Definition at line 54 of file water_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CWaterShape::setupVertexBuffer.

const CVertexBuffer::TValue NL3D::WATER_VB_POS = CVertexBuffer::Position

Definition at line 53 of file water_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CWaterShape::setupVertexBuffer.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::WaterModelClassId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x41a0732e, 0x6c664506)

Definition at line 59 of file water_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CWaterShape::createInstance, and NL3D::CWaterModel::registerBasic.

const char* NL3D::WaterVpBump1LayersCode

Initial value:

 "MUL R3, v[0], c[12];                  #compute bump 1 uv's                            \n\
                                                                          ADD o[TEX0].xy, R3, c[11];                                                                            \n\
                                                                          DP3 R2.x, R1, R0;                                                                                                     \n\
                                                                          MUL R0, R0, R2.x;                                                                                                     \n\
                                                                          ADD R2, R0, R0;                                                                                                       \n\
                                                                          ADD R0, R2, -R1;                              #compute reflection vector                      \n\
                                                                          MAD o[TEX1].xy, R0, c[8], c[8];                                                                       \n\
Version with one bump map only (Texture shaders support chaining of offset textures, EMBM does not).

Definition at line 127 of file water_shape.cpp.

const char* NL3D::WaterVpBump2LayersCode

Initial value:

 "MUL R3, v[0], c[10];                  #compute bump 0 uv's                    \n\
                                                   ADD o[TEX0].xy, R3, c[9];                                                                                            \n\
                                                   MUL R3, v[0], c[12];                 #compute bump 1 uv's                                            \n\
                                                   ADD o[TEX1].xy, R3, c[11];                                                                                           \n\
                                                   DP3 R2.x, R1, R0;                                                                                                            \n\
                                                   MUL R0, R0, R2.x;                                                                                                            \n\
                                                   ADD R2, R0, R0;                                                                                                                      \n\
                                                   ADD R0, R2, -R1;                             #compute reflection vector                                      \n\
                                                   MAD o[TEX2].xy, R0, c[8], c[8];                                                                                      \n\
This part of vertex program compute 2 layers of bump (for use with texture shaders).

Definition at line 114 of file water_shape.cpp.

const char* NL3D::WaterVpDiffuseMapStage1Code

Initial value:

 "DP4 o[TEX1].x, R4, c[13]; #compute uv for diffuse texture                                     \n\
                                                                               DP4 o[TEX1].y, R4, c[14];                                                                                                        \n\
Optionnal diffuse texture in stage 1.

Definition at line 150 of file water_shape.cpp.

const char* NL3D::WaterVpDiffuseMapStage2Code

Initial value:

 "DP4 o[TEX2].x, R4, c[13]; #compute uv for diffuse texture                                     \n\
                                                                               DP4 o[TEX2].y, R4, c[14];                                                                                                        \n\
Optionnal diffuse texture in stage 2.

Definition at line 144 of file water_shape.cpp.

const char* NL3D::WaterVpDiffuseMapStage3Code

Initial value:

 "DP4 o[TEX3].x, R4, c[13]; #compute uv for diffuse texture                                     \n\
                                                                               DP4 o[TEX3].y, R4, c[14];                                                                                                        \n\
Optionnal diffuse texture in stage 3.

Definition at line 138 of file water_shape.cpp.

const char* NL3D::WaterVpNoBumpCode

Initial value:

 "  DP3 R2.x, R1, R0;                           #project view vector on normal for symetry      \n\
                                                                                  MUL R0, R0, R2.x;                                                                                                                     \n\
                                                                                  ADD R2, R0, R0;                                                                                                                       \n\
                                                                                  ADD R0, R2, -R1;                              #compute reflection vector                                      \n\
                                                                                  MAD o[TEX0].xy, R0, c[8], c[8];                                                                                       \n\
                                                                                  DP4 o[FOGC].x, c[2], -R4;     #setup fog                                                                          \n\

Definition at line 157 of file water_shape.cpp.

const char* NL3D::WaterVPStartCode

Initial value:

        ADD R1, c[7], -v[0];                    #r1 = eye - vertex                                                      \n\
        DP3 R2, R1, R1;                             #r1 = eye - vertex, r2 = (eye - vertex)²    \n\
        MAX R2, R2, c[16];              # avoid imprecision around 0                            \n\
        RSQ R2, R2.x;                                   #r1 = eye - vertex, r2 = 1/d(eye, vertex)       \n\
        RCP R3, R2.x;                                                                                                                           \n\
        MAD R3, c[6].xxxx, -R3, c[6].yyyy;                                                                                      \n\
        MAX R3, c[5],   R3;                                                                                                                     \n\
        MUL R0, R3, v[8];                       #attenuate normal with distance                                 \n\
        MUL R4.z,   R3, v[0];                   #attenuate height with distance                         \n\
        MOV R4.xyw, v[0];                                                                                                                       \n\
        MOV R0.z,  c[4].x;                      #set normal z to 1                                                              \n\
        DP3 R3.x, R0, R0;                                                                                                                       \n\
        RSQ R3.x,  R3.x;                                #normalize normal in R3                                         \n\
        MUL R0,  R0, R3.x;                                                                                                                      \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].x, c[0], R4;        #transform vertex in view space                             \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].y, c[1], R4;                                                                                                    \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].z, c[2], R4;                                                                                                    \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].w, c[3], R4;                                                                                                    \n\
        MUL R1, R1, R2.x;                       #normalize r1, r1 = (eye - vertex).normed   \n\
        DP4 o[FOGC].x, c[2], R4;            #setup fog                                                              \n\
The first part of the program does the following : Compute linear distance to eye Attenuate height with distance Attenuate normal with distance (e.g at max distance, the normal is (0, 0, 1) Transform vertex pos into view space compute fog coordinate At the end of the program we got : R1 = (eye - vertex).normed() R0 = Attenuated normal at vertex R4 = position of point with attenuated height.

  • * - * - * - * -

Definition at line 61 of file water_shape.cpp.

const NLMISC::CClassId NL3D::WaveMakerModelClassId = NLMISC::CClassId(0x16da3356, 0x7dec65fd)

Definition at line 62 of file water_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CWaveMakerShape::createInstance, and NL3D::CWaveMakerModel::registerBasic.

const char* NL3D::WindTreeVPCodeEnd [static]

Initial value:

"       # compute in Projection space                                                                                                           \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].x, c[0], R5;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].y, c[1], R5;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].z, c[2], R5;                                                                                                                        \n\
        DP4 o[HPOS].w, c[3], R5;                                                                                                                        \n\
        MOV o[TEX0].xy, v[8];                                                                                                                           \n\
        MOV o[TEX1].xy, v[9];                                                                                                                           \n\
        DP4     o[FOGC].x, c[6], -R5;           # fogc>0 => fogc= - (ModelView*R1).z                            \n\
        END                                                                                                                                                                     \n\

Definition at line 78 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::initInstance.

const char* NL3D::WindTreeVPCodeWave [static]

Initial value:

"!!VP1.0                                                                                                                                                                \n\
        # extract from color.R the 3 factors into R0.xyz                                                                        \n\
        MAD     R0, v[3].x, c[9].x, c[9].yzww;  # col.R*3                                                                               \n\
        MIN     R0, R0, c[8].yyyy;                              # clamp each to 0,1                                                             \n\
        MAX     R0, R0, c[8].xxxx;                                                                                                                              \n\
        # Add influence of Bone Level1                                                                                                          \n\
        MAD     R5, c[15], R0.x, v[0];                                                                                                                  \n\
        # Sample LevelPhase into R7.yz: 0 to 3.                                                                                         \n\
        MUL     R7, v[3].xyzw, c[10].x;                                                                                                                 \n\
        # Add influence of Bone Level2                                                                                                          \n\
        ARL     A0.x, R7.y;                                                                                                                                             \n\
        MAD     R5, c[A0.x+16], R0.y, R5;                                                                                                               \n\
        # Add influence of Bone Level3                                                                                                          \n\
        ARL     A0.x, R7.z;                                                                                                                                             \n\
        MAD     R5, c[A0.x+20], R0.z, R5;                                                                                                               \n\
        # Get normal in R6 for lighting.                                                                                                        \n\
        MOV     R6, v[2];                                                                                                                                               \n\

Definition at line 53 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::initInstance.

const float NL3D::ZEpsilon = 10E-3f

Definition at line 40 of file ps_ribbon_look_at.cpp.