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NL3D::UScene Class Reference

Game Interface for Scene. More...

#include <u_scene.h>

Inheritance diagram for NL3D::UScene:

NL3D::CSceneUser List of all members.

LoadBalancing mgt.

enum  TPolygonBalancingMode { PolygonBalancingOff = 0, PolygonBalancingOn, PolygonBalancingClamp, CountPolygonBalancing }
 The mode of polygon balancing. More...

virtual void setPolygonBalancingMode (TPolygonBalancingMode polBalMode)=0
 Set the PolygonBalancingMode. More...

virtual TPolygonBalancingMode getPolygonBalancingMode () const=0
 Get the PolygonBalancingMode. More...

virtual float getNbFaceAsked () const=0
 Get the last face count asked from the instances before reduction. More...

virtual void setGroupLoadMaxPolygon (const std::string &group, uint nFaces)=0
 Set the number of faces wanted for a LoadBlancingGroup. More...

virtual uint getGroupLoadMaxPolygon (const std::string &group)=0
 Get the number of faces wanted for a LoadBlancingGroup. More...

virtual float getGroupNbFaceAsked (const std::string &group) const=0
 Get the last face count asked from the instances before reduction. More...

virtual void setMaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm (uint m)=0
 LoadBalancing for CLod and Skeletons. More...

virtual uint getMaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm () const=0
 see setMaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm(). More...

Public Types

Public Methods

virtual void render ()=0
 Render the scene from the CurrentCamera view (setCam()), and the current Viewport. More...

virtual void updateWaitingInstances (double systemTimeEllapsed)=0
 Update waiting instances and igs that are loaded asynchronously NB: this is called by render(). More...

virtual void animate (TGlobalAnimationTime time)=0
 Set the animation time for lightmap and Particle System animation. More...

virtual void setCam (UCamera *cam)=0
 Set the current camera for this scene. nlError if NULL, or if the camera was not created by this UScene. More...

virtual UCameragetCam ()=0
 Get the current camera. More...

virtual void setViewport (const class CViewport &viewport)=0
 Set the current Viewport. More...

virtual CViewport getViewport ()=0
 Get the current Viewport. More...

Component Mgt.
virtual UCameracreateCamera ()=0
 Create a camera. Usefull for this scene only. More...

virtual void deleteCamera (UCamera *cam)=0
 Delete a camera. More...

virtual UInstancecreateInstance (const std::string &shapeName)=0
 Create an instance of the shape "shapename". More...

virtual void createInstanceAsync (const std::string &shapeName, UInstance **ppInstance)=0
 Same as createInstance but the instance is loaded asynchronously. More...

virtual void deleteInstance (UInstance *inst)=0
 Delete an instance via his pointer. More...

virtual void createInstanceGroupAndAddToSceneAsync (const std::string &instanceGroup, UInstanceGroup **pIG, const NLMISC::CVector &offset)=0
 create an instance group asynchronously, and add it to a scene asynchronously once it has been loaded. More...

virtual void stopCreatingAndAddingIG (UInstanceGroup **pIG)=0
 Stop loading and adding an ig to the scene. More...

virtual UTransformcreateTransform ()=0
 Create a dummy object. More...

virtual void deleteTransform (UTransform *tr)=0
 Delete a dummy object. More...

virtual USkeletoncreateSkeleton (const std::string &shapeName)=0
 Create a skeleton instance of the skeleton shape "shapename". More...

virtual void deleteSkeleton (USkeleton *skel)=0
 Delete a skeleton instance via his pointer. More...

virtual ULandscapecreateLandscape ()=0
 Create a landscape. There could be many Landscape per Scene (Driver? :). But never tested :). More...

virtual void deleteLandscape (ULandscape *land)=0
 delete a landscape. More...

virtual UCloudScapecreateCloudScape ()=0
 Create a landscape. There could be many Landscape per Scene (Driver? :). But never tested :). More...

virtual void deleteCloudScape (UCloudScape *cs)=0
 delete a landscape. More...

virtual void setToGlobalInstanceGroup (UInstanceGroup *pIGU)=0
 Assign the Instance Group to the root cluster. More...

virtual UPointLightcreatePointLight ()=0
 Create a dynamic PointLight. Usefull for this scene only. More...

virtual void deletePointLight (UPointLight *light)=0
 Delete a dynamic PointLight. More...

Animation gestion.
virtual UAnimationSetcreateAnimationSet ()=0
 Create an empty AnimationSet. More...

virtual UAnimationSetcreateAnimationSet (const std::string &animationSetFile)=0
 Create a new AnimationSet, load it from a file. Use CPath to search the animation set. exception EPathNotFound if not found. More...

virtual void deleteAnimationSet (UAnimationSet *animationSet)=0
 Delete a AnimationSet. NB: actually, this animation set is internally deleted only when no more UPlayList use it. More...

virtual UPlayListManagercreatePlayListManager ()=0
 Create a new PlayListManager. More...

virtual void deletePlayListManager (UPlayListManager *playListManager)=0
 Delete a PlayListManager. More...

virtual void setAutomaticAnimationSet (UAnimationSet *as)=0
 Set the automatic animation set used by the scene. More...

Visual Collision manager.
virtual UVisualCollisionManagercreateVisualCollisionManager ()=0
virtual void deleteVisualCollisionManager (UVisualCollisionManager *mgr)=0
Coarse meshes mgt.
virtual void setStaticCoarseMeshManagerTexture (const char *sPath)=0
 Set the static coarse meshes's common texture. More...

virtual void setDynamicCoarseMeshManagerTexture (const char *sPath)=0
 Set the dynamic coarse meshes's common texture. More...

virtual void setCoarseMeshLightingUpdate (uint8 period)=0
 Each coarseMesh lighting will be updated every "period" frame. More...

virtual uint8 getCoarseMeshLightingUpdate () const=0
 see setCoarseMeshLightingUpdate(). More...

Global light setup.
virtual void enableLightingSystem (bool enable)=0
 Enable Scene Lighting system. More...

virtual void setAmbientGlobal (NLMISC::CRGBA ambient)=0
 set the global Ambient used for the scene. Default to (50, 50, 50). More...

virtual void setSunAmbient (NLMISC::CRGBA ambient)=0
 set the Ambient of the Sun used for the scene. More...

virtual void setSunDiffuse (NLMISC::CRGBA diffuse)=0
 set the Diffuse of the Sun used for the scene. More...

virtual void setSunSpecular (NLMISC::CRGBA specular)=0
 set the Specular of the Sun used for the scene. More...

virtual void setSunDirection (const NLMISC::CVector &direction)=0
 set the Direction of the Sun used for the scene. More...

virtual NLMISC::CRGBA getAmbientGlobal () const=0
 get the global Ambient used for the scene. Default to (50, 50, 50). More...

virtual NLMISC::CRGBA getSunAmbient () const=0
 get the Ambient of the Sun used for the scene. More...

virtual NLMISC::CRGBA getSunDiffuse () const=0
 get the Diffuse of the Sun used for the scene. More...

virtual NLMISC::CRGBA getSunSpecular () const=0
 get the Specular of the Sun used for the scene. More...

virtual NLMISC::CVector getSunDirection () const=0
 get the Direction of the Sun used for the scene. More...

virtual void setMaxLightContribution (uint nlights)=0
 setup the max number of point light that can influence a model. More...

virtual uint getMaxLightContribution () const=0
See also:

virtual void setLightTransitionThreshold (float lightTransitionThreshold)=0
 Advanced. More...

virtual float getLightTransitionThreshold () const=0
See also:

transparent Layers mgt
virtual void setLayersRenderingOrder (bool directOrder=true)=0
 Set the order or rendering of layers containing transparent objects. More...

virtual bool getLayersRenderingOrder () const=0
Weather mgt
virtual void setGlobalWindPower (float gwp)=0
 Set the current windPower for all the scene. 0-1. More...

virtual float getGlobalWindPower () const=0
 get the current windPower. More...

virtual void setGlobalWindDirection (const NLMISC::CVector &gwd)=0
 Set the current windDirection for all the scene. dir.z set to 0 and vector normalized. More...

virtual const NLMISC::CVectorgetGlobalWindDirection () const=0
 get the current windDirection. More...

CLod / Character Lod mgt
virtual void resetCLodManager ()=0
 reset the manager. More...

virtual uint32 loadCLodShapeBank (const std::string &fileName)=0
 Load a Shape Bank. More...

virtual void deleteCLodShapeBank (uint32 bankId)=0
 delete a Shape Bank. No-op if bad id. More...

virtual sint32 getCLodShapeIdByName (const std::string &name) const=0
 Get a shapeId by its name. More...

virtual sint32 getCLodAnimIdByName (uint32 shapeId, const std::string &name) const=0
 Get a AnimId of a shape by its name. More...

Protected Methods

 UScene ()
virtual ~UScene ()

Detailed Description

Game Interface for Scene.

A UScene create instances, camera lights etc... Those objects are not sharable through different scenes. You cannot use a camera create with Scene1, for viewing Scene2.

The scene is created with a default camera that you can retrieve with getCam().

Lionel Berenguier , Nevrax France

Definition at line 68 of file u_scene.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum NL3D::UScene::TPolygonBalancingMode

The mode of polygon balancing.

NB: this apply to All LoadBalancingGroups, but the "Default" group which is always considered as PolygonBalancingOff PolygonBalancingOff => Models will be rendered with the number of faces they want to render. PolygonBalancingOn => Models will be rendered with the number of faces the LoadBalancing want. PolygonBalancingClamp => Same as PolygonBalancingOn, but factor <= 1, ie models won't be rendered with more face they want to render.

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 234 of file u_scene.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NL3D::UScene::UScene   [inline, protected]

Definition at line 74 of file u_scene.h.

virtual NL3D::UScene::~UScene   [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 75 of file u_scene.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void NL3D::UScene::animate TGlobalAnimationTime    time [pure virtual]

Set the animation time for lightmap and Particle System animation.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual UAnimationSet* NL3D::UScene::createAnimationSet const std::string &    animationSetFile [pure virtual]

Create a new AnimationSet, load it from a file. Use CPath to search the animation set. exception EPathNotFound if not found.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual UAnimationSet* NL3D::UScene::createAnimationSet   [pure virtual]

Create an empty AnimationSet.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual UCamera* NL3D::UScene::createCamera   [pure virtual]

Create a camera. Usefull for this scene only.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual UCloudScape* NL3D::UScene::createCloudScape   [pure virtual]

Create a landscape. There could be many Landscape per Scene (Driver? :). But never tested :).

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual UInstance* NL3D::UScene::createInstance const std::string &    shapeName [pure virtual]

Create an instance of the shape "shapename".

If not present, try to load "shapename" via CPath. If fails (file not found), return NULL. nlerror if the file is not a mesh file.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::createInstanceAsync const std::string &    shapeName,
UInstance **    ppInstance
[pure virtual]

Same as createInstance but the instance is loaded asynchronously.

You must poll to know if the instance if created by calling render()

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::createInstanceGroupAndAddToSceneAsync const std::string &    instanceGroup,
UInstanceGroup **    pIG,
const NLMISC::CVector   offset
[pure virtual]

create an instance group asynchronously, and add it to a scene asynchronously once it has been loaded.

The instance groups that must be added to the scene are checked at each render. The pIG pointer is filled once the instance group has been loaded and add to the scene

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual ULandscape* NL3D::UScene::createLandscape   [pure virtual]

Create a landscape. There could be many Landscape per Scene (Driver? :). But never tested :).

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual UPlayListManager* NL3D::UScene::createPlayListManager   [pure virtual]

Create a new PlayListManager.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual UPointLight* NL3D::UScene::createPointLight   [pure virtual]

Create a dynamic PointLight. Usefull for this scene only.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual USkeleton* NL3D::UScene::createSkeleton const std::string &    shapeName [pure virtual]

Create a skeleton instance of the skeleton shape "shapename".

If not present, try to load "shapename" via CPath. If fails (file not found), return NULL. nlerror if the file is not a skeleton shape file.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual UTransform* NL3D::UScene::createTransform   [pure virtual]

Create a dummy object.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual UVisualCollisionManager* NL3D::UScene::createVisualCollisionManager   [pure virtual]

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::deleteAnimationSet UAnimationSet   animationSet [pure virtual]

Delete a AnimationSet. NB: actually, this animation set is internally deleted only when no more UPlayList use it.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::deleteCamera UCamera   cam [pure virtual]

Delete a camera.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::deleteCLodShapeBank uint32    bankId [pure virtual]

delete a Shape Bank. No-op if bad id.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::deleteCloudScape UCloudScape   cs [pure virtual]

delete a landscape.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::deleteInstance UInstance   inst [pure virtual]

Delete an instance via his pointer.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::deleteLandscape ULandscape   land [pure virtual]

delete a landscape.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::deletePlayListManager UPlayListManager   playListManager [pure virtual]

Delete a PlayListManager.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::deletePointLight UPointLight   light [pure virtual]

Delete a dynamic PointLight.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::deleteSkeleton USkeleton   skel [pure virtual]

Delete a skeleton instance via his pointer.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::deleteTransform UTransform   tr [pure virtual]

Delete a dummy object.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::deleteVisualCollisionManager UVisualCollisionManager   mgr [pure virtual]

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::enableLightingSystem bool    enable [pure virtual]

Enable Scene Lighting system.

For backward compatibility, false by default. If false, all objects will take last driver 's light setup

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual NLMISC::CRGBA NL3D::UScene::getAmbientGlobal   const [pure virtual]

get the global Ambient used for the scene. Default to (50, 50, 50).

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual UCamera* NL3D::UScene::getCam   [pure virtual]

Get the current camera.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual sint32 NL3D::UScene::getCLodAnimIdByName uint32    shapeId,
const std::string &    name
const [pure virtual]

Get a AnimId of a shape by its name.

-1 if not found.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual sint32 NL3D::UScene::getCLodShapeIdByName const std::string &    name const [pure virtual]

Get a shapeId by its name.

-1 if not found.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual uint8 NL3D::UScene::getCoarseMeshLightingUpdate   const [pure virtual]

see setCoarseMeshLightingUpdate().

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual const NLMISC::CVector& NL3D::UScene::getGlobalWindDirection   const [pure virtual]

get the current windDirection.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual float NL3D::UScene::getGlobalWindPower   const [pure virtual]

get the current windPower.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual uint NL3D::UScene::getGroupLoadMaxPolygon const std::string &    group [pure virtual]

Get the number of faces wanted for a LoadBlancingGroup.

The Group is created if did not exist.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual float NL3D::UScene::getGroupNbFaceAsked const std::string &    group const [pure virtual]

Get the last face count asked from the instances before reduction.

only for the given group return 0 if the Group does not exist.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual bool NL3D::UScene::getLayersRenderingOrder   const [pure virtual]

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual float NL3D::UScene::getLightTransitionThreshold   const [pure virtual]

See also:

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual uint NL3D::UScene::getMaxLightContribution   const [pure virtual]

See also:

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual uint NL3D::UScene::getMaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm   const [pure virtual]

see setMaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm().

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual float NL3D::UScene::getNbFaceAsked   const [pure virtual]

Get the last face count asked from the instances before reduction.

It gets the sum of All groups.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual TPolygonBalancingMode NL3D::UScene::getPolygonBalancingMode   const [pure virtual]

Get the PolygonBalancingMode.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual NLMISC::CRGBA NL3D::UScene::getSunAmbient   const [pure virtual]

get the Ambient of the Sun used for the scene.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual NLMISC::CRGBA NL3D::UScene::getSunDiffuse   const [pure virtual]

get the Diffuse of the Sun used for the scene.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual NLMISC::CVector NL3D::UScene::getSunDirection   const [pure virtual]

get the Direction of the Sun used for the scene.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual NLMISC::CRGBA NL3D::UScene::getSunSpecular   const [pure virtual]

get the Specular of the Sun used for the scene.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual CViewport NL3D::UScene::getViewport   [pure virtual]

Get the current Viewport.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual uint32 NL3D::UScene::loadCLodShapeBank const std::string &    fileName [pure virtual]

Load a Shape Bank.

The ShapeMap is rebuilded. Hence slow call. NB: a vector of ShapeBank is maintained internally, hence, not so many shapeBank should be created at same Time. trhow exception if failed to load the file

fileName  is a .clodbank file, to be loaded. CPath::lookup is used.
id of the shape Bank.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::render   [pure virtual]

Render the scene from the CurrentCamera view (setCam()), and the current Viewport.

nlError if no current camera. NB: no Driver clear buffers (color or ZBuffer) are done....
NB: The UDriver Matrix/Viewport context for 2D/3D interface is restored after this render. NB: nlerror if the current camera has been deleted. NB: the UDriver Light setup (see UDriver::setLight() / UDriver::setAmbientColor()) is modified. At the exit of render(), all UDriver lights are disabled.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::resetCLodManager   [pure virtual]

reset the manager.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setAmbientGlobal NLMISC::CRGBA    ambient [pure virtual]

set the global Ambient used for the scene. Default to (50, 50, 50).

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setAutomaticAnimationSet UAnimationSet   as [pure virtual]

Set the automatic animation set used by the scene.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setCam UCamera   cam [pure virtual]

Set the current camera for this scene. nlError if NULL, or if the camera was not created by this UScene.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setCoarseMeshLightingUpdate uint8    period [pure virtual]

Each coarseMesh lighting will be updated every "period" frame.

clamped to 1,255

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setDynamicCoarseMeshManagerTexture const char *    sPath [pure virtual]

Set the dynamic coarse meshes's common texture.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setGlobalWindDirection const NLMISC::CVector   gwd [pure virtual]

Set the current windDirection for all the scene. dir.z set to 0 and vector normalized.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setGlobalWindPower float    gwp [pure virtual]

Set the current windPower for all the scene. 0-1.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setGroupLoadMaxPolygon const std::string &    group,
uint    nFaces
[pure virtual]

Set the number of faces wanted for a LoadBlancingGroup.

The Group is created if did not exist.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setLayersRenderingOrder bool    directOrder = true [pure virtual]

Set the order or rendering of layers containing transparent objects.

In real case, with direct order, we have:

  • Underwater is rendered.
  • Water is rendered.
  • Objects above water are rendered.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setLightTransitionThreshold float    lightTransitionThreshold [pure virtual]


When a model is influenced by more light than allowed, or when it reach the limits of the light (attenuationEnd), the light can be darkened according to some threshold. The resultLightColor begin to fade when distModelToLight== attEnd- threshold*(attEnd-attBegin). when distModelToLight== 0, resultLightColor==Black. By default, this value is 0.1f. Setting higher values will smooth transition but will generally darken the global effects of lights. NB: clamp(value, 0, 1);

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setMaxLightContribution uint    nlights [pure virtual]

setup the max number of point light that can influence a model.

NB: clamped by NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION Default is 3. NB: the sun contribution is not taken into account

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setMaxSkeletonsInNotCLodForm uint    m [pure virtual]

LoadBalancing for CLod and Skeletons.

Setup the max number of skeletons displayed in std way (ie not CLod). Default is 20.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setPolygonBalancingMode TPolygonBalancingMode    polBalMode [pure virtual]

Set the PolygonBalancingMode.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setStaticCoarseMeshManagerTexture const char *    sPath [pure virtual]

Set the static coarse meshes's common texture.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setSunAmbient NLMISC::CRGBA    ambient [pure virtual]

set the Ambient of the Sun used for the scene.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setSunDiffuse NLMISC::CRGBA    diffuse [pure virtual]

set the Diffuse of the Sun used for the scene.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setSunDirection const NLMISC::CVector   direction [pure virtual]

set the Direction of the Sun used for the scene.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setSunSpecular NLMISC::CRGBA    specular [pure virtual]

set the Specular of the Sun used for the scene.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setToGlobalInstanceGroup UInstanceGroup   pIGU [pure virtual]

Assign the Instance Group to the root cluster.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::setViewport const class CViewport   viewport [pure virtual]

Set the current Viewport.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::stopCreatingAndAddingIG UInstanceGroup **    pIG [pure virtual]

Stop loading and adding an ig to the scene.

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

virtual void NL3D::UScene::updateWaitingInstances double    systemTimeEllapsed [pure virtual]

Update waiting instances and igs that are loaded asynchronously NB: this is called by render().

systemTimeEllapsed  : the time between 2 calls to updateWaitingInstances, in seconds

Implemented in NL3D::CSceneUser.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: