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NL3D::CDriverUser Class ReferenceUDriver implementation.
#include <driver_user.h>
Inheritance diagram for NL3D::CDriverUser:
List of all members.
Public Methods |
| CDriverUser () |
virtual | ~CDriverUser () |
virtual TModeList | enumModes () |
| Enum All Fullscreen modes. More...
virtual void | disableHardwareVertexProgram () |
virtual void | disableHardwareVertexArrayAGP () |
virtual void | disableHardwareTextureShader () |
virtual void | setDisplay (const CMode &mode) |
| create the window. More...
virtual void | release () |
| Release the window. More...
virtual bool | activate (void) |
| Before rendering via a driver in a thread, must activate() (per thread). More...
virtual bool | isActive () |
| Return true if driver is still active. Return false else. If he user close the window, must return false. More...
virtual void | clearRGBABuffer (CRGBA col=CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255)) |
| This clear only the RGBA back buffer. More...
virtual void | clearZBuffer () |
| This clear only the RGBA back buffer. More...
virtual void | clearBuffers (CRGBA col=CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255)) |
| This clear the buffers (ALL the buffer :) ). More...
virtual void | swapBuffers () |
| This swap the back and front buffer (ALL the buffer :) ). More...
virtual bool | fogEnabled () |
virtual void | enableFog (bool enable) |
virtual void | setupFog (float start, float end, CRGBA color) |
| setup fog parameters. fog must enabled to see result. start and end are in [0,1] range. More...
virtual void | setLight (uint8 num, const ULight &light) |
virtual void | enableLight (uint8 num, bool enable=true) |
virtual void | setAmbientColor (CRGBA color) |
virtual UScene * | createScene () |
| Create a new scene. More...
virtual void | deleteScene (UScene *scene) |
| Delete a scene. More...
virtual UTextContext * | createTextContext (const std::string fontFileName, const std::string fontExFileName="") |
| create a new TextContext, for a given font. More...
virtual void | deleteTextContext (UTextContext *textContext) |
| delete a TextContext. More...
virtual void | setFontManagerMaxMemory (uint maxMem) |
| Set the maxMemory used for the FontManager. More...
virtual std::string | getFontManagerCacheInformation () const |
| get cahce information. More...
virtual UTextureFile * | createTextureFile (const std::string &file) |
| Create a new texture file, searching in CPath. More...
virtual void | deleteTextureFile (UTextureFile *textfile) |
| Delete a texture file. This one will be really deleted in memory when no material point to it. More...
virtual UTextureRaw * | createTextureRaw () |
| Create a new Raw texture, to be filled by user. More...
virtual void | deleteTextureRaw (UTextureRaw *textraw) |
| Delete a Raw texture. This one will be really deleted in memory when no material point to it. More...
virtual UMaterial * | createMaterial () |
| Create a new Material, to be filled by user. More...
virtual void | deleteMaterial (UMaterial *mat) |
| Delete a Material. More...
virtual void | setScissor (const CScissor &) |
| Set the active scissor for rendering. More...
virtual CScissor | getScissor () |
virtual void | setViewport (const CViewport &) |
| Set the active viewport for rendering. More...
virtual CViewport | getViewport () |
virtual void | setFrustum (const CFrustum &frust) |
| Set the active Frustum for rendering. More...
virtual CFrustum | getFrustum () |
virtual void | setViewMatrix (const CMatrix &mat) |
| Set the active ViewMatrix for rendering. More...
virtual CMatrix | getViewMatrix () |
virtual void | setModelMatrix (const CMatrix &mat) |
| Set the active ModelMatrix for rendering. More...
virtual CMatrix | getModelMatrix () |
virtual void | setMatrixMode2D (const CFrustum &frust) |
| Tool function: Setup frustum/viewmatrix/modelmatrix for 2D. More...
virtual void | setMatrixMode3D (UCamera &camera) |
| Tool function: Setup frustum/viewmatrix/modelmatrix for 3D, using parameters of a UCamera. More...
virtual void | drawLine (const NLMISC::CLine &tri, UMaterial &mat) |
| Draw the Line, taking color from material. More...
virtual void | drawLine (const NLMISC::CLineColor &tri, UMaterial &mat) |
| Draw the Line, taking color from primitive. More...
virtual void | drawLine (const NLMISC::CLineUV &tri, UMaterial &mat) |
| Draw the Line, taking color from material. With UV for texture. More...
virtual void | drawLine (const NLMISC::CLineColorUV &tri, UMaterial &mat) |
| Draw the Line, taking color from primitive. With UV for texture. More...
virtual void | drawTriangle (const NLMISC::CTriangle &tri, UMaterial &mat) |
| Draw the Triangle, taking color from material. More...
virtual void | drawTriangle (const NLMISC::CTriangleColor &tri, UMaterial &mat) |
| Draw the Triangle, taking color from primitive. More...
virtual void | drawTriangle (const NLMISC::CTriangleUV &tri, UMaterial &mat) |
| Draw the Triangle, taking color from material. With UV for texture. More...
virtual void | drawTriangle (const NLMISC::CTriangleColorUV &tri, UMaterial &mat) |
| Draw the Triangle, taking color from primitive. With UV for texture. More...
virtual void | drawQuad (const NLMISC::CQuad &tri, UMaterial &mat) |
| Draw the Quad, taking color from material. More...
virtual void | drawQuad (const NLMISC::CQuadColor &tri, UMaterial &mat) |
| Draw the Quad, taking color from primitive. More...
virtual void | drawQuad (const NLMISC::CQuadUV &tri, UMaterial &mat) |
| Draw the Quad, taking color from material. With UV for texture. More...
virtual void | drawQuad (const NLMISC::CQuadColorUV &tri, UMaterial &mat) |
| Draw the Quad, taking color from primitive. With UV for texture. More...
virtual void | drawQuads (const std::vector< NLMISC::CQuadColorUV > &tri, UMaterial &mat) |
virtual void | drawQuads (const NLMISC::CQuadColorUV *quads, uint32 nbQuads, UMaterial &mat) |
virtual void | drawBitmap (float x, float y, float width, float height, class UTexture &texture, bool blend=true, CRGBA col=CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255)) |
| Draw a bitmap 2D. Warning: this is slow... More...
virtual void | drawLine (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, CRGBA col=CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255)) |
| Draw a line in 2D. Warning: this is slow... More...
virtual void | drawTriangle (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, CRGBA col) |
| Draw a Triangle in 2D. Warning: this is slow... More...
virtual void | drawQuad (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, CRGBA col) |
| Draw a Quad in 2D. Warning: this is slow... More...
virtual void | drawQuad (float xcenter, float ycenter, float radius, CRGBA col) |
| Draw a Quad in 2D. Warning: this is slow... More...
virtual void | drawWiredQuad (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, CRGBA col) |
| Draw a Quad in 2D. Warning: this is slow... More...
virtual void | drawWiredQuad (float xcenter, float ycenter, float radius, CRGBA col) |
| Draw a Quad in 2D. Warning: this is slow... More...
virtual uint32 | getImplementationVersion () const |
| Driver information/Queries. More...
virtual const char * | getDriverInformation () |
| Get driver informations. More...
virtual const char * | getVideocardInformation () |
| Get videocard informations. More...
virtual sint | getNbTextureStages () |
| Get the number of texture stage avaliable, for multitexturing (Normal material shaders). Valid only after setDisplay(). More...
virtual void | getWindowSize (uint32 &width, uint32 &height) |
| Get the width and the height of the window. More...
virtual uint | getWindowWidth () |
| Get the width of the window. More...
virtual uint | getWindowHeight () |
| Get the height of the window. More...
virtual void | getBuffer (CBitmap &bitmap) |
| get the RGBA back buffer. More...
virtual void | getZBuffer (std::vector< float > &zbuffer) |
| get the ZBuffer (back buffer). More...
virtual void | getBufferPart (CBitmap &bitmap, NLMISC::CRect &rect) |
| get a part of the RGBA back buffer NB: 0,0 is the bottom left corner of the screen. More...
virtual void | getZBufferPart (std::vector< float > &zbuffer, NLMISC::CRect &rect) |
| get a part of the ZBuffer (back buffer). More...
virtual bool | fillBuffer (CBitmap &bitmap) |
| fill the RGBA back buffer. More...
virtual NLMISC::IMouseDevice * | enableLowLevelMouse (bool enable) |
| Enable / disable low level mouse. More...
virtual NLMISC::IKeyboardDevice * | enableLowLevelKeyboard (bool enable) |
| Enable / disable a low level keyboard. More...
virtual NLMISC::IInputDeviceManager * | getLowLevelInputDeviceManager () |
| Check wether there is a low level device manager available, and get its interface. More...
virtual void | showCursor (bool b) |
| show cursor if b is true, or hide it if b is false. More...
virtual void | setMousePos (float x, float y) |
| x and y must be between 0.0 and 1.0. More...
virtual void | setCapture (bool b) |
| If true, capture the mouse to force it to stay under the window. More...
virtual TMessageBoxId | systemMessageBox (const char *message, const char *title, TMessageBoxType type=okType, TMessageBoxIcon icon=noIcon) |
| Output a system message box and print a message with an icon. More...
virtual void | setPolygonMode (TPolygonMode mode) |
| Set the global polygon mode. More...
virtual U3dMouseListener * | create3dMouseListener () |
| Create a 3d mouse listener. More...
virtual void | delete3dMouseListener (U3dMouseListener *listener) |
| Delete a 3d mouse listener. More...
virtual TPolygonMode | getPolygonMode () |
| Get the global polygon mode. More...
virtual void | forceDXTCCompression (bool dxtcComp) |
| if true force all the uncompressed RGBA 32 bits and RGBA 24 bits texture to be DXTC5 compressed. More...
virtual void | forceTextureResize (uint divisor) |
| if !=1, force mostly all the textures (but TextureFonts lightmaps, interfaces etc..) to be divided by Divisor (2, 4, 8...) Default is 1. More...
virtual bool | setMonitorColorProperties (const CMonitorColorProperties &properties) |
| Setup monitor color properties. More...
virtual UShapeBank * | getShapeBank () |
| Get the global shape bank. More...
virtual void | profileRenderedPrimitives (CPrimitiveProfile &pIn, CPrimitiveProfile &pOut) |
| Get the number of primitives rendered from the last swapBuffers() call. More...
virtual uint32 | profileAllocatedTextureMemory () |
| Return the amount of Texture memory requested. More...
virtual uint32 | profileSetupedMaterials () const |
| Get the number of material setuped from the last swapBuffers() call. More...
virtual uint32 | profileSetupedModelMatrix () const |
| Get the number of matrix setuped from the last swapBuffers() call. More...
virtual void | enableUsedTextureMemorySum (bool enable) |
| Enable the sum of texture memory used since last swapBuffers() call. More...
virtual uint32 | getUsedTextureMemory () const |
| Return the amount of texture video memory used since last swapBuffers() call. More...
virtual void | setupAsyncTextureLod (uint baseLevel, uint maxLevel) |
| setup the mipMap levels. More...
virtual void | setupAsyncTextureMaxUploadPerFrame (uint maxup) |
| Setup max texture upload in driver per updateAsyncTexture() call. More...
virtual void | setupMaxTotalAsyncTextureSize (uint maxText) |
| Setup max total texture size allowed. Default is 10Mo. More...
virtual void | setupMaxHLSColoringPerFrame (uint maxCol) |
| Setup max texture HLS Coloring per update() call (in bytes). Default to 20K. More...
virtual void | updateAsyncTexture () |
| update the manager. More...
virtual uint | getTotalAsyncTextureSizeAsked () const |
| get the async texture Size asked (ie maybe bigger than MaxTotalTextureSize). More...
virtual uint | getLastAsyncTextureSizeGot () const |
| get what the system really allows. More...
virtual void | loadHLSBank (const std::string &fileName) |
| Load a .hlsBank, add it to the HLSManager of the AsyncTextureManager. More...
IDriver * | getDriver () |
void | restoreMatrixContext () |
Protected Types |
typedef CPtrSet< CTextureUser > | TTextureSet |
typedef CPtrSet< CMaterialUser > | TMaterialSet |
typedef CPtrSet< CTextContextUser > | TTextContextSet |
typedef CPtrSet< CSceneUser > | TSceneSet |
Protected Methods |
void | setupMatrixContext () |
CMaterial & | convMat (UMaterial &mat) |
Protected Attributes |
IDriver * | _Driver |
bool | _WindowInit |
CMatrixContext | _CurrentMatrixContext |
CFontManager | _FontManager |
TTextureSet | _Textures |
TMaterialSet | _Materials |
TTextContextSet | _TextContexts |
TSceneSet | _Scenes |
CShapeBankUser | _ShapeBank |
CMeshSkinManager | _MeshSkinManager |
CAsyncTextureManager | _AsyncTextureManager |
CLodCharacterManager | _LodCharacterManager |
CVertexBuffer | _VBFlat |
CVertexBuffer | _VBColor |
CVertexBuffer | _VBUv |
CVertexBuffer | _VBColorUv |
CPrimitiveBlock | _PBLine |
CPrimitiveBlock | _PBTri |
CPrimitiveBlock | _PBQuad |
CVertexBuffer | _VBQuadsColUv |
CMaterialUser | _MatFlat |
CMaterialUser | _MatText |
Static Protected Attributes |
bool | _StaticInit = false |
Detailed Description
UDriver implementation.
Lionel Berenguier , Nevrax France
Definition at line 63 of file driver_user.h.
Member Typedef Documentation
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
NL3D::CDriverUser::CDriverUser |
( |
) |
Definition at line 114 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _PBLine, _PBQuad, _PBTri, _StaticInit, _VBColor, _VBColorUv, _VBFlat, _VBQuadsColUv, _VBUv, _WindowInit, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, nlassert, and NL3D::registerSerial3d. |
NL3D::CDriverUser::~CDriverUser |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
Member Function Documentation
bool NL3D::CDriverUser::activate |
( |
void |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::clearBuffers |
( |
col = CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255) |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::clearRGBABuffer |
( |
col = CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255) |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::clearZBuffer |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
UMaterial * NL3D::CDriverUser::createMaterial |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
UScene * NL3D::CDriverUser::createScene |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
UTextContext * NL3D::CDriverUser::createTextContext |
( |
const std::string |
fontFileName, |
const std::string |
fontExFileName = "" |
) |
[virtual] |
UTextureFile * NL3D::CDriverUser::createTextureFile |
( |
const std::string & |
file |
) |
[virtual] |
UTextureRaw * NL3D::CDriverUser::createTextureRaw |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::delete3dMouseListener |
( |
U3dMouseListener * |
listener |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::deleteMaterial |
( |
UMaterial * |
mat |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::deleteScene |
( |
UScene * |
scene |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::deleteTextContext |
( |
UTextContext * |
textContext |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::deleteTextureFile |
( |
UTextureFile * |
textfile |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::deleteTextureRaw |
( |
UTextureRaw * |
textraw |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::disableHardwareTextureShader |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::disableHardwareVertexArrayAGP |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::disableHardwareVertexProgram |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::drawBitmap |
( |
float |
x, |
float |
y, |
float |
width, |
float |
height, |
class UTexture & |
texture, |
bool |
blend = true, |
col = CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255) |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::drawLine |
( |
float |
x0, |
float |
y0, |
float |
x1, |
float |
y1, |
col = CRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255) |
) |
[virtual] |
Draw the Line, taking color from primitive. With UV for texture.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 489 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _PBLine, _VBColorUv, NLMISC::CLineColorUV::Color0, NLMISC::CLineColorUV::Color1, convMat, NL3D_HAUTO_DRAW_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NLMISC::CLineColorUV::Uv0, NLMISC::CLineColorUV::Uv1, NLMISC::CLine::V0, and NLMISC::CLine::V1. |
Draw the Line, taking color from material. With UV for texture.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 472 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _PBLine, _VBUv, convMat, NL3D_HAUTO_DRAW_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NLMISC::CLineUV::Uv0, NLMISC::CLineUV::Uv1, NLMISC::CLine::V0, and NLMISC::CLine::V1. |
Draw the Line, taking color from primitive.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 455 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _PBLine, _VBColor, NLMISC::CLineColor::Color0, NLMISC::CLineColor::Color1, convMat, NL3D_HAUTO_DRAW_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NLMISC::CLine::V0, and NLMISC::CLine::V1. |
Draw the Line, taking color from material.
NB: If you set a texture to your material, the primitives are textured, even if no Uvs are provided.
NB: All rendering are done in current viewport / current matrix context.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 440 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _PBLine, _VBFlat, convMat, NL3D_HAUTO_DRAW_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NLMISC::CLine::V0, and NLMISC::CLine::V1.
Referenced by drawLine, and drawWiredQuad. |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::drawQuad |
( |
float |
xcenter, |
float |
ycenter, |
float |
radius, |
col |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::drawQuad |
( |
float |
x0, |
float |
y0, |
float |
x1, |
float |
y1, |
col |
) |
[virtual] |
Draw the Quad, taking color from primitive. With UV for texture.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 649 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _PBQuad, _VBColorUv, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Color0, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Color1, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Color2, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Color3, convMat, NL3D_HAUTO_DRAW_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Uv0, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Uv1, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Uv2, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Uv3, NLMISC::CQuad::V0, NLMISC::CQuad::V1, NLMISC::CQuad::V2, and NLMISC::CQuad::V3. |
Draw the Quad, taking color from material. With UV for texture.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 628 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _PBQuad, _VBUv, convMat, NL3D_HAUTO_DRAW_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NLMISC::CQuadUV::Uv0, NLMISC::CQuadUV::Uv1, NLMISC::CQuadUV::Uv2, NLMISC::CQuadUV::Uv3, NLMISC::CQuad::V0, NLMISC::CQuad::V1, NLMISC::CQuad::V2, and NLMISC::CQuad::V3. |
Draw the Quad, taking color from primitive.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 607 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _PBQuad, _VBColor, NLMISC::CQuadColor::Color0, NLMISC::CQuadColor::Color1, NLMISC::CQuadColor::Color2, NLMISC::CQuadColor::Color3, convMat, NL3D_HAUTO_DRAW_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NLMISC::CQuad::V0, NLMISC::CQuad::V1, NLMISC::CQuad::V2, and NLMISC::CQuad::V3. |
Draw the Quad, taking color from material.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 590 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _PBQuad, _VBFlat, convMat, NL3D_HAUTO_DRAW_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NLMISC::CQuad::V0, NLMISC::CQuad::V1, NLMISC::CQuad::V2, and NLMISC::CQuad::V3.
Referenced by drawBitmap, and drawQuad. |
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 683 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _VBQuadsColUv, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Color0, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Color1, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Color2, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Color3, convMat, NL3D_HAUTO_DRAW_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Uv0, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Uv1, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Uv2, NLMISC::CQuadColorUV::Uv3, NLMISC::CQuad::V0, NLMISC::CQuad::V1, NLMISC::CQuad::V2, and NLMISC::CQuad::V3. |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::drawTriangle |
( |
float |
x0, |
float |
y0, |
float |
x1, |
float |
y1, |
float |
x2, |
float |
y2, |
col |
) |
[virtual] |
Draw the Triangle, taking color from primitive. With UV for texture.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 565 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _PBTri, _VBColorUv, NLMISC::CTriangleColorUV::Color0, NLMISC::CTriangleColorUV::Color1, NLMISC::CTriangleColorUV::Color2, convMat, NL3D_HAUTO_DRAW_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NLMISC::CTriangleColorUV::Uv0, NLMISC::CTriangleColorUV::Uv1, NLMISC::CTriangleColorUV::Uv2, NLMISC::CTriangle::V0, NLMISC::CTriangle::V1, and NLMISC::CTriangle::V2. |
Draw the Triangle, taking color from material. With UV for texture.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 546 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _PBTri, _VBUv, convMat, NL3D_HAUTO_DRAW_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NLMISC::CTriangleUV::Uv0, NLMISC::CTriangleUV::Uv1, NLMISC::CTriangleUV::Uv2, NLMISC::CTriangle::V0, NLMISC::CTriangle::V1, and NLMISC::CTriangle::V2. |
Draw the Triangle, taking color from primitive.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 527 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _PBTri, _VBColor, NLMISC::CTriangleColor::Color0, NLMISC::CTriangleColor::Color1, NLMISC::CTriangleColor::Color2, convMat, NL3D_HAUTO_DRAW_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NLMISC::CTriangle::V0, NLMISC::CTriangle::V1, and NLMISC::CTriangle::V2. |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::drawWiredQuad |
( |
float |
xcenter, |
float |
ycenter, |
float |
radius, |
col |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::drawWiredQuad |
( |
float |
x0, |
float |
y0, |
float |
x1, |
float |
y1, |
col |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::enableFog |
( |
bool |
enable |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::enableLight |
( |
uint8 |
num, |
bool |
enable = true |
) |
[virtual] |
Enable / disable a low level keyboard.
This returns a interface to some parameters when it is supported, or NULL otherwise. The interface pointer is valid as long as the low level keyboard is enabled. A call to disable the keyboard returns NULL, and restore the default keyboard behaviour.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 1134 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, NL3D_HAUTO_UI_DRIVER, and NL3D_MEM_DRIVER. |
Enable / disable low level mouse.
This allow to take advantage of some options (speed of the mouse, automatic wrapping) It returns a interface to these parameters when it is supported, or NULL otherwise The interface pointer is valid as long as the low level mouse is enabled. A call to disable the mouse returns NULL, and restore the default mouse behaviour NB : - In this mode the mouse cursor isn't drawn.
- Calls to showCursor have no effects
- Calls to setCapture have no effects
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 1127 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, NL3D_HAUTO_UI_DRIVER, and NL3D_MEM_DRIVER. |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::enableUsedTextureMemorySum |
( |
bool |
enable |
) |
[virtual] |
bool NL3D::CDriverUser::fillBuffer |
( |
CBitmap & |
bitmap |
) |
[virtual] |
bool NL3D::CDriverUser::fogEnabled |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::forceDXTCCompression |
( |
bool |
dxtcComp |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::forceTextureResize |
( |
uint |
divisor |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::getBuffer |
( |
CBitmap & |
bitmap |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::getBufferPart |
( |
CBitmap & |
bitmap, |
NLMISC::CRect & |
rect |
) |
[virtual] |
IDriver* NL3D::CDriverUser::getDriver |
( |
) |
[inline] |
const char * NL3D::CDriverUser::getDriverInformation |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
std::string NL3D::CDriverUser::getFontManagerCacheInformation |
( |
) |
const [virtual] |
CFrustum NL3D::CDriverUser::getFrustum |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
uint32 NL3D::CDriverUser::getImplementationVersion |
( |
) |
const [virtual] |
uint NL3D::CDriverUser::getLastAsyncTextureSizeGot |
( |
) |
const [virtual] |
Check wether there is a low level device manager available, and get its interface.
Return NULL if not available. From this interface you can deal with mouse and keyboard as above, but you can also manage game devices (joysticks, joypads ...)
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 1141 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, NL3D_HAUTO_UI_DRIVER, and NL3D_MEM_DRIVER. |
CMatrix NL3D::CDriverUser::getModelMatrix |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
sint NL3D::CDriverUser::getNbTextureStages |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
CScissor NL3D::CDriverUser::getScissor |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
virtual UShapeBank* NL3D::CDriverUser::getShapeBank |
( |
) |
[inline, virtual] |
uint NL3D::CDriverUser::getTotalAsyncTextureSizeAsked |
( |
) |
const [virtual] |
uint32 NL3D::CDriverUser::getUsedTextureMemory |
( |
) |
const [virtual] |
const char * NL3D::CDriverUser::getVideocardInformation |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
CMatrix NL3D::CDriverUser::getViewMatrix |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
CViewport NL3D::CDriverUser::getViewport |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
uint NL3D::CDriverUser::getWindowHeight |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::getWindowSize |
( |
uint32 & |
width, |
uint32 & |
height |
) |
[virtual] |
uint NL3D::CDriverUser::getWindowWidth |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::getZBuffer |
( |
std::vector< float > & |
zbuffer |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::getZBufferPart |
( |
std::vector< float > & |
zbuffer, |
NLMISC::CRect & |
rect |
) |
[virtual] |
bool NL3D::CDriverUser::isActive |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::loadHLSBank |
( |
const std::string & |
fileName |
) |
[virtual] |
uint32 NL3D::CDriverUser::profileAllocatedTextureMemory |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
Return the amount of Texture memory requested.
taking mipmap, compression, texture format, etc... into account. NB: because of GeForce*, RGB888 is considered to be 32 bits. So it may be false for others cards :).
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 188 of file driver_user2.cpp.
References _Driver, and NL3D_MEM_DRIVER. |
Get the number of primitives rendered from the last swapBuffers() call.
pIn |
the number of requested rendered primitive. |
pOut |
the number of effective rendered primitive. pOut==pIn if no multi-pass material is used (Lightmap, Specular ...). |
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 179 of file driver_user2.cpp.
References _Driver, and NL3D_MEM_DRIVER. |
uint32 NL3D::CDriverUser::profileSetupedMaterials |
( |
) |
const [virtual] |
uint32 NL3D::CDriverUser::profileSetupedModelMatrix |
( |
) |
const [virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::release |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
Release the window.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 244 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, _Materials, _MatFlat, _MatText, _Scenes, _TextContexts, _Textures, _WindowInit, NL3D::UDriver::AsyncListener, NL3D::UDriver::EventServer, NL3D_HAUTO_UI_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NLMISC::CEventServer::removeEmitter, and NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::removeFromServer.
Referenced by ~CDriverUser. |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::restoreMatrixContext |
( |
) |
[inline] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setAmbientColor |
( |
color |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setCapture |
( |
bool |
b |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setDisplay |
( |
const CMode & |
mode |
) |
[virtual] |
create the window.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 214 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _CurrentMatrixContext, _Driver, _MatFlat, _MatText, _WindowInit, activate, NLMISC::CEventServer::addEmitter, NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::addToServer, NL3D::UDriver::AsyncListener, NL3D::UDriver::EventServer, NL3D_HAUTO_UI_DRIVER, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, nlverify, NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::reset, NL3D::CDriverUser::CMatrixContext::Scissor, NL3D::UDriver::setMatrixMode2D11, and NL3D::CDriverUser::CMatrixContext::Viewport. |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setFontManagerMaxMemory |
( |
uint |
maxMem |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setFrustum |
( |
const CFrustum & |
frust |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setLight |
( |
uint8 |
num, |
const ULight & |
light |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setMatrixMode2D |
( |
const CFrustum & |
frust |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setMatrixMode3D |
( |
UCamera & |
camera |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setModelMatrix |
( |
const CMatrix & |
mat |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setMousePos |
( |
float |
x, |
float |
y |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setPolygonMode |
( |
TPolygonMode |
mode |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setScissor |
( |
const CScissor & |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setupAsyncTextureLod |
( |
uint |
baseLevel, |
uint |
maxLevel |
) |
[virtual] |
setup the mipMap levels.
\baseLevel When the texture is first added, it is loaded skipping the baseLevel first mipmap \maxLevel During time, furhter mipmap are loaded, according to instance position etc... maxLevel tells where to stop. If 0, the texture will finally be entirely uploaded. Default is 3,1.
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 1179 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _AsyncTextureManager. |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setupAsyncTextureMaxUploadPerFrame |
( |
uint |
maxup |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setupFog |
( |
float |
start, |
float |
end, |
color |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setupMatrixContext |
( |
) |
[protected] |
Definition at line 300 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _CurrentMatrixContext, _Driver, NL3D::CDriverUser::CMatrixContext::Frustum, NL3D::CDriverUser::CMatrixContext::ModelMatrix, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, NL3D::CDriverUser::CMatrixContext::Scissor, NL3D::CDriverUser::CMatrixContext::ViewMatrix, and NL3D::CDriverUser::CMatrixContext::Viewport.
Referenced by restoreMatrixContext, setFrustum, setMatrixMode2D, setModelMatrix, setScissor, setViewMatrix, and setViewport. |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setupMaxHLSColoringPerFrame |
( |
uint |
maxCol |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setupMaxTotalAsyncTextureSize |
( |
uint |
maxText |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setViewMatrix |
( |
const CMatrix & |
mat |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::setViewport |
( |
const CViewport & |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::showCursor |
( |
bool |
b |
) |
[virtual] |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::swapBuffers |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
Output a system message box and print a message with an icon.
This method can be call even if the driver is not initialized. This method is used to return internal driver problem when string can't be displayed in the driver window. If the driver can't open a messageBox, it should not override this method and let the IDriver class manage it with the ASCII console. -
message |
This is the message to display in the message box. |
title |
This is the title of the message box. |
type |
This is the type of the message box, ie number of button and label of buttons. |
icon |
This is the icon of the message box should use like warning, error etc... |
Implements NL3D::UDriver.
Definition at line 833 of file driver_user.cpp.
References _Driver, NL3D_MEM_DRIVER, and type. |
void NL3D::CDriverUser::updateAsyncTexture |
( |
) |
[virtual] |
Member Data Documentation
Definition at line 80 of file driver_user.h.
Referenced by getFrustum, getModelMatrix, getScissor, getViewMatrix, getViewport, setDisplay, setFrustum, setMatrixMode2D, setModelMatrix, setScissor, setupMatrixContext, setViewMatrix, and setViewport. |
IDriver* NL3D::CDriverUser::_Driver [protected]
Definition at line 78 of file driver_user.h.
Referenced by activate, CDriverUser, clearBuffers, clearRGBABuffer, clearZBuffer, disableHardwareTextureShader, disableHardwareVertexArrayAGP, disableHardwareVertexProgram, drawLine, drawQuad, drawQuads, drawTriangle, enableFog, enableLight, enableLowLevelKeyboard, enableLowLevelMouse, enableUsedTextureMemorySum, enumModes, fillBuffer, fogEnabled, forceDXTCCompression, forceTextureResize, getBuffer, getBufferPart, getDriver, getDriverInformation, getImplementationVersion, getLowLevelInputDeviceManager, getNbTextureStages, getPolygonMode, getUsedTextureMemory, getVideocardInformation, getWindowHeight, getWindowSize, getWindowWidth, getZBuffer, getZBufferPart, isActive, profileAllocatedTextureMemory, profileRenderedPrimitives, profileSetupedMaterials, profileSetupedModelMatrix, release, setAmbientColor, setCapture, setDisplay, setLight, setMonitorColorProperties, setMousePos, setPolygonMode, setupFog, setupMatrixContext, showCursor, swapBuffers, systemMessageBox, and ~CDriverUser. |
TSceneSet NL3D::CDriverUser::_Scenes [protected]
bool NL3D::CDriverUser::_StaticInit = false [static, protected]
bool NL3D::CDriverUser::_WindowInit [protected]
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