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NLMISC Namespace Reference

This namespace contains all miscellaneous class used by other module. More...


class  NLMISC::CBSPNode2v
class  NLMISC::CCategoryMap
class  NLMISC::CConcavePolygonsVertexDesc
struct  NLMISC::EAllocationFailure
struct  NLMISC::EDDSBadHeader
struct  NLMISC::EInvalidDataStream
struct  NLMISC::EmitterEqualPred
struct  NLMISC::ENewerStream
struct  NLMISC::EOlderStream
struct  NLMISC::ESeekFailed
struct  NLMISC::ESeekNotSupported
struct  NLMISC::EStream
 Stream Exception. More...

struct  NLMISC::EThread
struct  NLMISC::CFileEntry
struct  NLMISC::CInputDeviceEventLess
struct  NLMISC::CLeak
class  NLMISC::CUpdateThread
struct  NLMISC::CWindowDisplayer::CLabelEntry
class  NLMISC::IProcess
 Process base interface, must be implemented for all OS. More...

struct  NLMISC::CRefCount::CPtrInfo
class  NLMISC::CRefCount
 To use CSmartPtr or CRefPtr, derive from this class. More...

class  NLMISC::CRefPtr
 CRefPtr: an handle on a ptr. More...

class  NLMISC::IRunnable
 Thread callback interface. More...

struct  NLMISC::CAngleAxis
 An AngleAxis. More...

 Class pixel BGRA, Windows style pixel. More...

struct  NLMISC::EPathNotFound
 Exception throwed when a find is not found in a lookup() call. More...

struct  NLMISC::EReallocationFailed
 Exception raised when a reallocation fails. More...

class  NLMISC::CFairSynchronized::CAccessor
 This class give you a thread safe access to the CFairSynchronized Value. More...

class  NLMISC::CFairSynchronized
 This class is similar to CUnfairSynchronized, but it ensures that the threads are woken-up in the same order as they were put to sleep. More...

struct  NLMISC::CFile
 Utility class for file manipulation. More...

struct  NLMISC::CPath::CFileEntry
class  NLMISC::CObjectVector
 The purpose of this class is to copy most (but not all) of stl vector<> features, without some of the speed/memory problems involved: size of a vector<T> is 16 bytes typically. More...

class  NLMISC::COXml
 Output xml stream. More...

class  NLMISC::CPath
 Utility class for searching files in differents paths. More...

class  NLMISC::CPlane
 Class CPlane. More...

class  NLMISC::CPolygon
 A polygon, with an unlimited size of vertices. More...

class  NLMISC::CPolygon2D
 A 2d convex polygon. More...

class  NLMISC::CPoolMemory
 Pool memory allocation. More...

class  NLMISC::CQuad
 A simple quad of vertex. More...

class  NLMISC::CQuat
 A float quaternion. More...

class  NLMISC::CQuatD
 A double quaternion. More...

class  NLMISC::CQuatT
 A Template quaternion. More...

class  NLMISC::CRandom
 A simple, os-independant random generator. More...

class  NLMISC::CRect
 This class describe an integer 2d rectangle. More...

 Class pixel RGBA. More...

 Class pixel float RGBA. More...

class  NLMISC::CRWSynchronized::CReadAccessor
class  NLMISC::CReaderWriter
 This class allows a reader/writer ressource usage policy. More...

class  NLMISC::CRWSynchronized
 This class uses a CReaderWriter object to implement a synchronized object (see mutex.h for standard CSynchronized.). More...

class  NLMISC::CSharedMemory
 Encapsulation of shared memory APIs. More...

class  NLMISC::CSheetId
 CSheetId. More...

union  NLMISC::CSheetId::TSheetId
 sheet id. More...

class  NLMISC::CSmartPtr
 Standard SmartPtr class. More...

class  NLMISC::CSTLBlockAllocator
class  NLMISC::CSTLBlockList
 This class is a list<> which use CSTLBlockAllocator. More...

class  NLMISC::CStopWatch
 Stopwatch class used for performance measurements and statistics. More...

class  NLMISC::IStream
 A IO stream interface. More...

class  NLMISC::IStreamable
 An Object Streamable interface. More...

class  NLMISC::CStringIdArray
 The goal of this class is to associate number and string. More...

class  NLMISC::CStringStream
 Memory stream that is serialized from/to plain text (human-readable). More...

class  NLMISC::CSystemInfo
 <Class description>. More...

class  NLMISC::CTaskManager
 CTaskManager is a class that manage a list of Task with one Thread. More...

 Thread dependant storage class. More...

class  NLMISC::IThread
 Thread base interface, must be implemented for all OS. More...

class  NLMISC::CTime
 This class provide a independant local time system. More...

class  NLMISC::CTriangle
 A simple triangles of 3 points. More...

class  NLMISC::CUnfairSynchronized::CAccessor
 This class give you a thread safe access to the CSynchronized Value. More...

class  NLMISC::CAutoTimer
 An automatic measuring timer. More...

struct  NLMISC::EInputDevice
struct  NLMISC::EMemStream
 Exception class for CMemStream. More...

struct  NLMISC::EStreamOverflow
 This exception is raised when someone tries to serialize in more than there is. More...

struct  NLMISC::EXmlParsingError
class  NLMISC::CFairMutex
 Kind of "fair" mutex. More...

struct  NLMISC::CHTimer::CExamStackEntry
 For Hierarchical + sorted display. More...

struct  NLMISC::CHeapMemory::CEmptySpace
struct  NLMISC::CHeapAllocator::CCategory
struct  NLMISC::EFile
 File Exception. More...

struct  NLMISC::EFileNotOpened
class  NLMISC::CAABBox
 An Axis Aligned Bouding Box. More...

class  NLMISC::CAABBoxExt
 An Extended Axis Aligned Bouding Box. More...

class  NLMISC::CAsyncFileManager
 CAsyncFileManager is a class that manage file loading in a seperate thread. More...

class  NLMISC::CAsyncFileManager::ICancelCallback
 CCancelCallback is an interface that is used in call to CAsyncFileManager::cancelLoad. More...

class  NLMISC::CAsyncFileManager::CFileLoad
class  NLMISC::CAsyncFileManager::CMultipleFileLoad
class  NLMISC::CAsyncFileManager::CSignal
class  NLMISC::CBigFile
struct  NLMISC::CBigFile::CHandleFile
class  NLMISC::CBigFile::CThreadFileArray
struct  NLMISC::CBigFile::BNPFile
struct  NLMISC::CBigFile::BNP
class  NLMISC::CBitmap
 Class Bitmap. More...

class  NLMISC::CBitMemStream
 Bit-oriented memory stream. More...

class  NLMISC::CBitSet
 A BitSet, to test / set flags quickly. More...

struct  NLMISC::CBlockMemory::CBlock
 a block. More...

class  NLMISC::CBlockMemory
 Block memory allocation. More...

class  NLMISC::CBSphere
 A bounding Sphere. More...

 This class is a dynamic size FIFO that contains variable size uint8 buffer. More...

class  NLMISC::IClassable
 An Object Streamable interface. More...

class  NLMISC::CClassId
 A unique id to specify Object by a uint64. More...

struct  NLMISC::CClassRegistry::CClassNode
class  NLMISC::CClassRegistry
 The Class registry where we can instanciate IClassable objects from their names. More...

class  NLMISC::ICommand
 Create a function that can be call in realtime. More...

class  NLMISC::CConfigFile
 CConfigFile class. More...

struct  NLMISC::CCpuInfo___
 This helps to know wether cpu has some features such as mmx, sse ... More...

class  NLMISC::IDisplayer
 Displayer interface. More...

struct  NLMISC::EBadSize
struct  NLMISC::EBadType
struct  NLMISC::EConfigFile
struct  NLMISC::EFatalError
struct  NLMISC::EFileNotFound
struct  NLMISC::CEntityId
 TODO. More...

struct  NLMISC::EParseError
struct  NLMISC::EReadError
struct  NLMISC::ERegisteredClass
struct  NLMISC::ERegistry
 Class Registry Exception. More...

class  NLMISC::ETrapDebug
struct  NLMISC::EUnknownVar
struct  NLMISC::EUnregisteredClass
class  NLMISC::CEvalNumExpr
 This class preforms numerical expression parsing. More...

class  NLMISC::CEvent
 CEvent. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventActivate
 CEventActivate. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventChar
 CEventChar. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventDestroyWindow
 CEventDestroyWindow. More...

class  NLMISC::IEventEmitter
 CEventEmitter Send events to the event server. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventEmitterMulti
 The composite pattern applied to events emmitters. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventKey
 CEventKey. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventKeyDown
 CEventKeyDown Send when a key is push down. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventKeyUp
 CEventKeyUp. More...

class  NLMISC::IEventListener
 Interface for event listener. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync
 CEventListenerAsync. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventMouse
 CEventMouse. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventMouseDblClk
 CEventMouseDblClk Send when a single mouse button is double clicked. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventMouseDown
 CEventMouseDown Send when a single mouse button is pushed down. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventMouseMove
 CEventMouseMove Button have the state of the three mouse and SHIFT CTRL and ALT system keys. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventMouseUp
 CEventMouseUp Send when a single mouse button is pushed down. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventMouseWheel
 CEventMouseWheel Send when the mouse wheel is actioned. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventServer
 CEventServer. More...

class  NLMISC::CEventSetFocus
 CEventSetFocus. More...

struct  NLMISC::EWriteError
class  NLMISC::Exception
 Base class for all NeL exception. More...

class  NLMISC::CFastMem
 Functions for Fast Memory manipulation with Pentium-class processors. More...

class  NLMISC::CFileDisplayer
 File displayer. More...

struct  NLMISC::CHeapAllocator::CFreeNode
struct  NLMISC::IGameDevice
 This abstract a joystick or gamepad. More...

struct  NLMISC::CGameDeviceDesc
 Describe a game device. More...

class  NLMISC::CGameDeviceEvent
 An event from a game device (joystick, joypad ...). More...

class  NLMISC::CGDAxisMoved
 An axis has moved. More...

class  NLMISC::CGDButton
 A button state has changed. More...

class  NLMISC::CGDButtonDown
 A button has been pushed. More...

class  NLMISC::CGDButtonUp
 A button has been released. More...

class  NLMISC::CGDMouseMove
 A raw mouse move message, expressed in mickeys (absolute values). More...

class  NLMISC::CGDPOVChanged
 A point of view control changed. More...

class  NLMISC::CGDSliderMoved
 A slider position has changed. More...

class  NLMISC::CHeapAllocator
class  NLMISC::CHeapMemory
 A Heap manager. More...

class  NLMISC::CHTimer
 Hierarchical timing system. More...

class  NLMISC::CI18N
 Class for the internationalisation. More...

class  NLMISC::CIFile
 Input File. More...

struct  NLMISC::IInputDevice
 Base class that wrap to a device. More...

struct  NLMISC::IInputDeviceEvent
 An event from an input device. More...

struct  NLMISC::IInputDeviceManager
 Interface for objects that give low level access access to devices (mouse, keyboard, joypads and joysticks). More...

class  NLMISC::CInputDeviceServer
 Base class for an input device server. More...

struct  NLMISC::IKeyboardDevice
 Gives access to low level keyboard parameters 'Shift' messages are replaced by RShift and LShift msg. More...

class  NLMISC::CLine
 A simple couple of vertex. More...

class  NLMISC::CLineColor
 A line with 2 color. More...

class  NLMISC::CLineColorUV
 A line with 2 color and 2 uvs. More...

class  NLMISC::CLineUV
 A line with 2 uvs. More...

struct  NLMISC::CHeapAllocator::CMemoryLeakBlock
struct  NLMISC::CHeapAllocator::CMainBlock
class  NLMISC::CLog
 When display() is called, the logger builds a string a sends it to its attached displayers. More...

class  NLMISC::CMatrix
 A 4*4 Homogenous Matrix. More...

class  NLMISC::CMemDisplayer
 <Class description>. More...

class  NLMISC::CMemStream
 MemStream memory stream (see also NLNET::CMessage). More...

struct  NLMISC::IMouseDevice
 An interface to a low level mouse device. More...

class  NLMISC::CMsgBoxDisplayer
 Message Box displayer. More...

struct  NLMISC::CHeapAllocator::CNodeBegin
struct  NLMISC::CHeapAllocator::CNodeEnd
struct  NLMISC::CHeapAllocator::CNullNode
struct  NLMISC::CHTimer::CNode
 a node in an execution path. More...

struct  NLMISC::CHTimer::CNodeStat
class  NLMISC::COFile
 Output File. More...

class  NLMISC::CQuadColor
 A quad with 4 color. More...

class  NLMISC::CQuadColorUV
 A quad with 4 color and 4 uvs. More...

class  NLMISC::CQuadUV
 A quad with 4 uvs. More...

struct  NLMISC::CSerialCommand
 This class is only used to serialize easily a command for the admin service for example. More...

struct  NLMISC::CConfigFile::CVar
 CVar class. More...

struct  NLMISC::CHeapAllocator::CSmallBlockPool
class  NLMISC::CSharedMutex
 Windows: uses Mutex, the handle can't be shared among processes, but the mutex still can be be shared by passing a common object name to createByName() / createByKey(). More...

class  NLMISC::CSimpleClock
 A simple clock to measure ticks. More...

struct  NLMISC::CHTimer::CStats
 Some statistics They can be build from a set of nodes. More...

struct  NLMISC::CHTimer::CStatSorter
 A statistics sorter, based on some criterion. More...

class  NLMISC::CStdDisplayer
 Std displayer. More...

struct  NLMISC::TDisplayInfo
struct  NLMISC::CHTimer::CTimerStat
class  NLMISC::CTriangleColor
 A triangle with 3 color. More...

class  NLMISC::CTriangleColorUV
 A triangle with 3 color and 3 uvs. More...

class  NLMISC::CTriangleUV
 A triangle with 3 uvs. More...

class  NLMISC::CUnfairMutex
 Classic mutex implementation (not necessarly fair) Don't assume the mutex are recursive (ie don't call enter() several times on the same mutex from the same thread without having called leave()) ; and don't assume either the threads are woken-up in the same order as they were put to sleep ! More...

class  NLMISC::CUnfairSynchronized
 This class ensure that the Value is accessed by only one thread. More...

class  NLMISC::CUV
 2d UV. More...

 3d UV. More...

class  NLMISC::CValueSmoother
 A smoother of values. More...

class  NLMISC::CVariable
 Create a variable that can be modify in realtime. More...

class  NLMISC::CRWSynchronized::CWriteAccessor
class  NLMISC::CVector
 A 3D vector of float. More...

class  NLMISC::CVector2d
 A 2D vector of double. More...

class  NLMISC::CVector2f
 A 2D vector of float. More...

class  NLMISC::CVectorD
 A 3D vector of double. More...

class  NLMISC::CVectorH
 Homogeneus vector. More...

class  NLMISC::CWindowDisplayer
 this displayer displays on a win32 windows. More...

Quaternions functions.

template<class T> CQuatT< T > operator * (T f, const CQuatT< T > &o)
 f*quat operator. More...


typedef std::multimap< CClassId,
IEventListener * > 
typedef std::vector< CGameDeviceDescTDeviceDescVect
typedef CFastMutex CAllocatorMutex
typedef key_t TSharedMemId
typedef uint32 TTickDuration
typedef uint32 TMsDuration
typedef double TGameTime
 New time types. More...

typedef uint32 TGameCycle
typedef double TLocalTime
typedef sint64 TCPUCycle
typedef sint64 TTime
 Old time type. More...

typedef sint64 TTicks
typedef void *(* memcpyPtr )(void *dts, const void *src, size_t nbytes)
typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef std::map< float, CConcavePolygonsVertexDescTCConcavePolygonsVertexMap
typedef bool(* TEmailFunction )(const std::string &smtpServer, const std::string &from, const std::string &to, const std::string &subject, const std::string &body, const std::string &attachedFile="", bool onlyCheck=false)


enum  TKey {
  Key0 = '0', Key1 = '1', Key2 = '2', Key3 = '3',
  Key4 = '4', Key5 = '5', Key6 = '6', Key7 = '7',
  Key8 = '8', Key9 = '9', KeyA = 'A', KeyB = 'B',
  KeyC = 'C', KeyD = 'D', KeyE = 'E', KeyF = 'F',
  KeyG = 'G', KeyH = 'H', KeyI = 'I', KeyJ = 'J',
  KeyK = 'K', KeyL = 'L', KeyM = 'M', KeyN = 'N',
  KeyO = 'O', KeyP = 'P', KeyQ = 'Q', KeyR = 'R',
  KeyS = 'S', KeyT = 'T', KeyU = 'U', KeyV = 'V',
  KeyW = 'W', KeyX = 'X', KeyY = 'Y', KeyZ = 'Z',
  KeyLBUTTON = 0x01, KeyRBUTTON = 0x02, KeyCANCEL = 0x03, KeyMBUTTON = 0x04,
  KeyBACK = 0x08, KeyTAB = 0x09, KeyCLEAR = 0x0C, KeyRETURN = 0x0D,
  KeySHIFT = 0x10, KeyCONTROL = 0x11, KeyMENU = 0x12, KeyPAUSE = 0x13,
  KeyCAPITAL = 0x14, KeyKANA = 0x15, KeyHANGEUL = 0x15, KeyHANGUL = 0x15,
  KeyJUNJA = 0x17, KeyFINAL = 0x18, KeyHANJA = 0x19, KeyKANJI = 0x19,
  KeyESCAPE = 0x1B, KeyCONVERT = 0x1C, KeyNONCONVERT = 0x1D, KeyACCEPT = 0x1E,
  KeyMODECHANGE = 0x1F, KeySPACE = 0x20, KeyPRIOR = 0x21, KeyNEXT = 0x22,
  KeyEND = 0x23, KeyHOME = 0x24, KeyLEFT = 0x25, KeyUP = 0x26,
  KeyRIGHT = 0x27, KeyDOWN = 0x28, KeySELECT = 0x29, KeyPRINT = 0x2A,
  KeyEXECUTE = 0x2B, KeySNAPSHOT = 0x2C, KeyINSERT = 0x2D, KeyDELETE = 0x2E,
  KeyHELP = 0x2F, KeyLWIN = 0x5B, KeyRWIN = 0x5C, KeyAPPS = 0x5D,
  KeyNUMPAD0 = 0x60, KeyNUMPAD1 = 0x61, KeyNUMPAD2 = 0x62, KeyNUMPAD3 = 0x63,
  KeyNUMPAD4 = 0x64, KeyNUMPAD5 = 0x65, KeyNUMPAD6 = 0x66, KeyNUMPAD7 = 0x67,
  KeyNUMPAD8 = 0x68, KeyNUMPAD9 = 0x69, KeyMULTIPLY = 0x6A, KeyADD = 0x6B,
  KeySEPARATOR = 0x6C, KeySUBTRACT = 0x6D, KeyDECIMAL = 0x6E, KeyDIVIDE = 0x6F,
  KeyF1 = 0x70, KeyF2 = 0x71, KeyF3 = 0x72, KeyF4 = 0x73,
  KeyF5 = 0x74, KeyF6 = 0x75, KeyF7 = 0x76, KeyF8 = 0x77,
  KeyF9 = 0x78, KeyF10 = 0x79, KeyF11 = 0x7A, KeyF12 = 0x7B,
  KeyF13 = 0x7C, KeyF14 = 0x7D, KeyF15 = 0x7E, KeyF16 = 0x7F,
  KeyF17 = 0x80, KeyF18 = 0x81, KeyF19 = 0x82, KeyF20 = 0x83,
  KeyF21 = 0x84, KeyF22 = 0x85, KeyF23 = 0x86, KeyF24 = 0x87,
  KeyNUMLOCK = 0x90, KeySCROLL = 0x91, KeyLSHIFT = 0xA0, KeyRSHIFT = 0xA1,
  KeyLCONTROL = 0xA2, KeyRCONTROL = 0xA3, KeyLMENU = 0xA4, KeyRMENU = 0xA5,
  KeyPROCESSKEY = 0xE5, KeyATTN = 0xF6, KeyCRSEL = 0xF7, KeyEXSEL = 0xF8,
  KeyEREOF = 0xF9, KeyPLAY = 0xFA, KeyZOOM = 0xFB, KeyNONAME = 0xFC,
  KeyPA1 = 0xFD, KeyOEM_CLEAR = 0xFE, KeyCount = 0xFF
enum  TMouseButton {
  noButton = 0x0, leftButton = 0x1, middleButton = 0x2, rightButton = 0x4,
  ctrlButton = 0x8, shiftButton = 0x10, altButton = 0x20
enum  TKeyButton { noKeyButton = 0x0, ctrlKeyButton = 0x8, shiftKeyButton = 0x10, altKeyButton = 0x20 }
enum  TReportResult { ReportDebug, ReportIgnore, ReportQuit, ReportError }
 Display a custom message box. More...


template<class T, class U> T computeBilinear (const T &v0, const T &v1, const T &v2, const T &v3, const U &s, const U &t)
 bilinear of 4 values v3 v2 +-----+ | | | | +-----+ v0 v1. More...

template<class T> uint searchLowerBound (const T *array, uint arraySize, const T &key)
 Search the lower_bound in a sorted array of Value, in growing order (0, 1, 2....). More...

template<class T> uint searchLowerBound (const std::vector< T > &array, const T &key)
 Search the lower_bound in a sorted array of Value, in growing order (0, 1, 2....). More...

void fastClamp8 (sint &v)
 Clamp a sint in 0..255. More...

bool testWildCard (const char *strIn, const char *wildCard)
 return true if the string strIn verify the wildcard string wildCard. More...

void splitString (const std::string &str, const std::string &separator, std::vector< std::string > &retList)
 From a string with some separator, build a vector of string. More...

sint smprintf (char *buffer, size_t count, const char *format,...)
 sMart sprintf function. More...

float frand (float mod)
 Return a float random inside the interval [0,mod]. More...

sint fsgn (double f)
 Return -1 if f<0, 0 if f==0, 1 if f>1. More...

template<class T> T sqr (const T &v)
 Return the square of a number. More...

template<class T, class U, class V> void clamp (T &v, const U &min, const V &max)
 Force v to be inside the interval [min,max]. More...

template<class T> T minof (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c)
 MIN/MAX extended functions. More...

template<class T> T minof (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c, const T &d)
template<class T> T minof (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c, const T &d, const T &e)
template<class T> T maxof (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c)
template<class T> T maxof (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c, const T &d)
template<class T> T maxof (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c, const T &d, const T &e)
template<class T> void contReset (T &a)
 contReset take a container like std::vector or std::deque and put his size to 0 like clear() but free all buffers. More...

uint raiseToNextPowerOf2 (uint v)
 Return the value maximized to the next power of 2 of v. More...

uint getPowerOf2 (uint v)
 Return the power of 2 of v. More...

bool isPowerOf2 (sint32 v)
 Return true if the value is a power of 2. More...

float degToRad (float deg)
 Converts from degrees to radians. More...

float radToDeg (float rad)
 Converts from radians to degrees. More...

double isValidDouble (double v)
 Return true if double is a valid value (not inf nor nan). More...

std::string & strlwr (std::string &str)
 Convert a string in lower case. More...

std::string strlwr (const std::string &str)
char * strlwr (char *str)
 Convert a string in lower case. More...

std::string & strupr (std::string &str)
 Convert a string in upper case. More...

char * strupr (char *str)
 Convert a string in upper case. More...

sint nlstricmp (const char *lhs, const char *rhs)
 Compare 2 C-Style strings without regard to case. More...

sint nlstricmp (const std::string &lhs, const std::string &rhs)
 Compare 2 strings without regard to case. More...

void nlSleep (uint32 ms)
 Portable Sleep() function that suspends the execution of the calling thread for a number of milliseconds. More...

uint getThreadId ()
 Returns Process Id (note: on Linux, Process Id is the same as the Thread Id) Returns Thread Id (note: on Linux, Process Id is the same as the Thread Id). More...

std::string stringFromVector (const std::vector< uint8 > &v, bool limited=true)
 Returns a readable string from a vector of bytes. unprintable char are replaced by '?'. More...

sint64 atoiInt64 (const char *ident, sint64 base=10)
 Convert a string into an sint64 (same as atoi() function but for 64 bits intergers). More...

void itoaInt64 (sint64 number, char *str, sint64 base=10)
 Convert an sint64 into a string (same as itoa() function but for 64 bits intergers). More...

std::string bytesToHumanReadable (uint32 bytes)
 Convert a number in bytes into a string that is easily readable by an human, for example 105123 -> "102.66kb". More...

bool launchProgram (const std::string &programName, const std::string &arguments)
 This function execute a program in the background and returns instantly (used for example to launch services in AES). The program will be launch in the current directory. More...

template<class T> std::string toString (const T &t)
 Returns a string corresponding to the class T in string format. More...

std::string toString (const char *format,...)
 Returns a string corresponding to the format and parameter (like printf). More...

void nlFatalError (const char *format,...)
 Never use this function (internal use only). More...

void nlError (const char *format,...)
 Never use this function but call the nlerror macro (internal use only). More...

void createDebug (const char *logPath=NULL, bool logInFile=true)
void enterBreakpoint (const char *message)
void getCallStackAndLog (std::string &result, sint skipNFirst=0)
 Get the call stack and set it with result. More...

template<class T, class U> T safe_cast (U o)
 safe_cast<>: this is a function which nlassert() a dynamic_cast in Debug, and just do a static_cast in release. More...

std::stringstream & operator<< (std::stringstream &__os, const CEntityId &__t)
const CClassId EventKeyDownId (0x3c2643da, 0x43f802a1)
const CClassId EventKeyUpId (0x1e62e85, 0x68a35d46)
const CClassId EventCharId (0x552255fe, 0x75a2373f)
const CClassId EventActivateId (0x7da66b0a, 0x1ef74519)
const CClassId EventSetFocusId (0x17650fac, 0x19f85dde)
const CClassId EventDestroyWindowId (0x69be73fe, 0x4b07603b)
const CClassId EventMouseMoveId (0x3dd12fdb, 0x472f548b)
const CClassId EventMouseDownId (0x35b7878, 0x5d4a0f86)
const CClassId EventMouseUpId (0xcce1f7e, 0x7ed344d7)
const CClassId EventMouseDblClkId (0x55a94cb3, 0x3e641517)
const CClassId EventMouseWheelId (0x73ac4321, 0x4c273150)
bool operator== (const CGameDeviceDesc &lhs, const CGameDeviceDesc &rhs)
 for devices comparison. The 'Connected' field is ignored. More...

bool operator!= (const CGameDeviceDesc &lhs, const CGameDeviceDesc &rhs)
const CClassId EventGDMouseMove (0x12142bc4, 0x43c73e74)
const CClassId EventGDButtonDownId (0x57141957, 0x3efb143a)
const CClassId EventGDButtonUpId (0x16105e06, 0x302536b2)
const CClassId EventGDAxisMovedId (0x073306, 0x41173626)
const CClassId EventGDSliderMovedId (0x68776586, 0x394a6916)
const CClassId EventGDPOVChanged (0x362851b9, 0x395c4d61)
int atoihex (const char *ident)
uint32 atoui (const char *ident)
TReportResult report (const std::string &title, const std::string &header, const std::string &subject, const std::string &body, bool enableCheckIgnore, uint debugButton, bool ignoreButton, sint quitButton, bool sendReportButton, bool &ignoreNextTime)
void setReportEmailFunction (void *emailFunction)
 call this in the main of your appli to enable email: setReportEmailFunction (sendEmail);. More...

CRGBAF operator * (float f, const CRGBAF &c)
 Mul float operator. More...

std::stringstream & operator<< (std::stringstream &__os, const CSheetId &__t)
CUV operator * (float f, const CUV &uv)
CUV operator * (const CUV &uv, float f)
CVector2d operator * (double f, const CVector2d &v)
CVector2f operator * (float f, const CVector2f &v)
bool operator< (const CVector2f &lhs, const CVector2f &rhs)
CVector operator * (float f, const CVector &v)
CVectorD operator * (double f, const CVectorD &v)
void blendFromui (NLMISC::CRGBA &c0, NLMISC::CRGBA &c1, uint coef)
uint32 blend (uint32 &n0, uint32 &n1, uint32 coef0)
template<class T> void rotateCCW (const T *src, T *dst, uint srcWidth, uint srcHeight)
 NLMISC_COMMAND (help,"display help on a specific variable/commands or on all variables and commands","[< variable >|< command >]")
string stringFromVector (const vector< uint8 > &v, bool limited)
 NLMISC_COMMAND (bthr,"Convert a bytes number into an human readable","< int >")
bool DetectMMX (void)
bool DetectSSE (void)
void initDebug2 (bool logInFile)
uint32 toto (FILE *fp)
memcpyPtr findBestmemcpy ()
void CHeapAllocatorOutputError (const char *str)
void fprintf_int (uint value)
char * skipWS (const char *p)
char * skipToken (const char *p)
void xmlGenericErrorFuncForNeL (void *ctx, const char *msg,...)
CPlane operator * (const CPlane &p, const CMatrix &m)
void displayCallStack (CLog *log)
int xmlOutputWriteCallbackForNeL (void *context, const char *buffer, int len)
int xmlOutputCloseCallbackForNeL (void *context)
bool isdirectory (dirent *de)
bool isfile (dirent *de)
string getname (dirent *de)
bool CopyMoveFile (const char *dest, const char *src, bool copyFile, bool failIfExists=false)
void ScanEdge (CPolygon2D::TRasterVect &outputVect, sint topY, const CVector2f &v1, const CVector2f &v2, bool rightEdge=true)
 ***************************************************************************************. More...

CPolygon2D::TVec2fVect::const_iterator Next (const CPolygon2D::TVec2fVect::const_iterator &it, const CPolygon2D::TVec2fVect &cont)
CPolygon2D::TVec2fVect::const_iterator Prev (const CPolygon2D::TVec2fVect::const_iterator &it, const CPolygon2D::TVec2fVect &cont)
void report ()
float HLSValue (float h, float v1, float v2)
 Used by buildFromHLS. More...

 NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE (uint32, AvailablePhysicalMemory,"Physical memory available on this computer in bytes")
 NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE (uint32, TotalPhysicalMemory,"Total physical memory on this computer in bytes")
 NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE (uint32, ProcessUsedMemory,"Memory used by this process in bytes")


const uint32 BF_ALWAYS_OPENED = 0x00000001
 Big file management. More...

const uint32 BF_CACHE_FILE_ON_OPEN = 0x00000002
const uint32 DDS = NL_MAKEFOURCC('D', 'D', 'S', ' ')
const uint32 DXT_ = NL_MAKEFOURCC('D','X', 'T', '\0')
const uint8 MAX_MIPMAP = 16
bool NL3D_BlockMemoryAssertOnPurge = true
 See CBlockMemory::Purge. More...

const int MaxCStringSize = 1024*2
const double Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
 Pi constant in double format. More...

CLogErrorLog = NULL
CLogWarningLog = NULL
CLogInfoLog = NULL
CLogDebugLog = NULL
CLogAssertLog = NULL
CMemDisplayerDefaultMemDisplayer = NULL
CMsgBoxDisplayerDefaultMsgBoxDisplayer = NULL
bool DebugNeedAssert = false
const char SEPARATOR = ' '
const int SEP_SIZE = 1
const double QuatEpsilon = 0.000001
const uint32 JPGBufferSize = 1000
char JPGBuffer [JPGBufferSize]
bool HasMMX = DetectMMX()
bool HasSSE = DetectSSE()
CStdDisplayersd = NULL
CFileDisplayerfd = NULL
char * LogTypeToString [][8]
string TempString
TDisplayInfo TempArgs
string BasePathgetPathContent
vector< CFileEntryFileToCheck
TEmailFunction EmailFunction = NULL
map< TSharedMemId, int > SharedMemIdsToShmids
bool HaveMMX = DetectMMX ()
bool HaveSSE = DetectSSE ()

Detailed Description

This namespace contains all miscellaneous class used by other module.

Typedef Documentation

typedef CFastMutex NLMISC::CAllocatorMutex

Definition at line 56 of file include/nel/misc/heap_allocator.h.

typedef std::multimap<CClassId, IEventListener*> NLMISC::mapListener

Definition at line 43 of file event_server.h.

typedef void*(* NLMISC::memcpyPtr)(void *dts, const void *src, size_t nbytes)

Definition at line 225 of file fast_mem.cpp.

typedef std::map<float, CConcavePolygonsVertexDesc> NLMISC::TCConcavePolygonsVertexMap

Definition at line 173 of file polygon.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CPolygon::toConvexPolygonsLocalAndBSP.

typedef sint64 NLMISC::TCPUCycle

Definition at line 44 of file time_nl.h.

typedef std::vector<CGameDeviceDesc> NLMISC::TDeviceDescVect

Definition at line 52 of file game_device.h.

typedef bool(* NLMISC::TEmailFunction)(const std::string &smtpServer, const std::string &from, const std::string &to, const std::string &subject, const std::string &body, const std::string &attachedFile = "", bool onlyCheck = false)

Definition at line 59 of file report.cpp.

typedef uint32 NLMISC::TGameCycle

Definition at line 42 of file time_nl.h.

typedef double NLMISC::TGameTime

New time types.

Definition at line 41 of file time_nl.h.

typedef std::map<std::string, CLeak> NLMISC::TLinkMap

Definition at line 1908 of file misc/heap_allocator.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CHeapAllocator::debugReportMemoryLeak.

typedef double NLMISC::TLocalTime

Definition at line 43 of file time_nl.h.

typedef uint32 NLMISC::TMsDuration

Definition at line 38 of file stop_watch.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CStopWatch::getAverageDuration, NLMISC::CStopWatch::getDuration, and NLMISC::CStopWatch::getPartialAverage.

typedef key_t NLMISC::TSharedMemId

Definition at line 41 of file shared_memory.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CSharedMemory::accessSharedMemory, NLMISC::CSharedMemory::createSharedMemory, and NLMISC::CSharedMemory::destroySharedMemory.

typedef uint32 NLMISC::TTickDuration

Definition at line 37 of file stop_watch.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CStopWatch::addMeasurement, NLMISC::CStopWatch::addTime, and NLMISC::CStopWatch::sumTicks.

typedef sint64 NLMISC::TTicks

Definition at line 48 of file time_nl.h.

Referenced by NLSOUND::CAudioMixerUser::createSource, NLPACS::CGlobalRetriever::findPath, NLMISC::CBufFIFO::front, NLMISC::CTime::getPerformanceTime, NLMISC::CBufFIFO::push, NLMISC::CBufFIFO::resize, NLMISC::CTime::ticksToSecond, NLSOUND::CSoundDriverDSound::update, and NLSOUND::CAudioMixerUser::update.

typedef sint64 NLMISC::TTime

Old time type.

Definition at line 47 of file time_nl.h.

Referenced by NLNET::CCallbackNetBase::baseUpdate, NLSOUND::CAmbiantSource::calcPosInCycle, NLMISC::CFile::checkFileChange, NLNET::CUdpSimSock::dataAvailable, NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime, NLNET::_CUniTime::getStringUniTime, NLSOUND::CComplexSource::getTime, NLNET::_CUniTime::getUniTime, NLNET::IService::main, NLSOUND::CBackgroundSource::onEvent, NLSOUND::CComplexSource::onUpdate, NLSOUND::CBackgroundSource::onUpdate, NLNET::CUdpSimSock::sendUDP, NLMISC::CTime::ticksToSecond, NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::update, NLNET::CNetManager::update, NLNET::CBufSock::update, NLSOUND::CAudioMixerUser::update, NLSOUND::CAmbiantSource::update, and NLNET::CUdpSimSock::updateBufferizedPackets.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum NLMISC::TKey

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 78 of file events.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CEventKeyDown::CEventKeyDown, NLMISC::CEventKeyUp::CEventKeyUp, NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::isKeyDown, and NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::isKeyPushed.

enum NLMISC::TKeyButton

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 232 of file events.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CEventChar::CEventChar, NLMISC::CEventKey::CEventKey, NLMISC::CEventKeyDown::CEventKeyDown, and NLMISC::CEventKeyUp::CEventKeyUp.

enum NLMISC::TMouseButton

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 221 of file events.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CEventMouse::CEventMouse, NLMISC::CEventMouseDblClk::CEventMouseDblClk, NLMISC::CEventMouseDown::CEventMouseDown, NLMISC::CEventMouseMove::CEventMouseMove, NLMISC::CEventMouseUp::CEventMouseUp, and NLMISC::CEventMouseWheel::CEventMouseWheel.

enum NLMISC::TReportResult

Display a custom message box.

title  set the title of the report. If empty, it'll display "NeL report".
header  message displayed before the edit text box. If empty, it displays the default message.
body  message displayed in the edit text box. This string will be sent by email.
debugButton  0 for disabling it, 1 for enable with default behaviors (generate a breakpoint), 2 for enable with no behavior
the button clicked or error
Enumeration values:

Definition at line 46 of file report.h.

Function Documentation

int NLMISC::atoihex const char *    ident [inline]

cado: NLMISC::CStringStream: Use strtoul() functions instead of atoi(), to handle conversion errors

Definition at line 437 of file mem_stream.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CStringStream::serialHex, and NLMISC::CMemStream::serialHex.

sint64 NLMISC::atoiInt64 const char *    ident,
sint64    base = 10

Convert a string into an sint64 (same as atoi() function but for 64 bits intergers).

Definition at line 170 of file common.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CEntityId::CEntityId.

uint32 NLMISC::atoui const char *    ident [inline]

Definition at line 444 of file mem_stream.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CStringStream::serial, and NLMISC::CMemStream::serial.

uint32 blend uint32   n0,
uint32   n1,
uint32    coef0

Referenced by NL3D::CDRU::drawBitmap, NL3D::CDriverUser::drawBitmap, and NL3D::CChannelMixer::eval.

void blendFromui NLMISC::CRGBA   c0,
uint    coef

string NLMISC::bytesToHumanReadable uint32    bytes

Convert a number in bytes into a string that is easily readable by an human, for example 105123 -> "102.66kb".

Definition at line 380 of file common.cpp.

void CHeapAllocatorOutputError const char *    str

Definition at line 58 of file misc/heap_allocator.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CHeapAllocator::debugReportMemoryLeak.

template<class T, class U, class V>
void clamp T &    v,
const U &    min,
const V &    max

Force v to be inside the interval [min,max].

Warning: implicit cast are made if T,U or V are different.

Definition at line 151 of file common.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::addAnim, NLSOUND::CBackgroundSoundManager::addSound, NL3D::CPatch::appendTileLightInfluences, NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::applyGeomorphWithVBHardPtr, NL3D::CMRMBuilder::attToColor, NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::begin, NL3D::CTextureFile::buildBitmapFromFile, NLMISC::CRGBA::buildFromHLS, NL3D::CZoneLighter::calcSkyContribution, NLMISC::CVectorD::cartesianToSpheric, NLMISC::CVector::cartesianToSpheric, NL3D::CFastHLSModifier::CFastHLSModifier, NL3D::CDriverGL::clipRect, NL3D::CPatch::computeDisplaceRawInteger, NL3D::CPatch::computeGeomorphAlphaFar1VertexListVB, NL3D::CTessVertex::computeGeomPos, NL3D::CPointLight::computeLinearAttenuation, NL3D::CLightingManager::computeModelLightContributions, NL3D::CLoadBalancingGroup::computeRatioAndSmooth, NL3D::CPSParticle::computeSrcStep, NL3D::CPatch::computeTileLightmapPixelAutomatic, NL3D::CFastHLSModifier::convertRGBABitmap, NLGEORGES::CFormElm::convertValue, NL3D::CRadixSort::CRadixSort, NL3D::CTileLumel::createUncompressed, NLPACS::CGlobalRetriever::doMove, NL3D::CNoiseColorGradient::eval, CTrackKeyFramerTCB< CKeyTCBQuat, NLMISC::CAngleAxis >::evalKey, CTrackKeyFramerTCB::evalKey, NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinear< CKeyRGBA, NLMISC::CRGBA >::evalKey, NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinear< CKeyQuat, CQuat >::evalKey, NL3D::CTrackKeyFramerLinear< CKeyFloat, float >::evalKey, CTrackKeyFramerBezier< CKeyBezierQuat, CQuat >::evalKey, CTrackKeyFramerBezier::evalKey, NL3D::CTrackSampledCommon::evalTime, NL3D::CDriverGL::forceTextureResize, NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::generate, NL3D::CPatch::generateTileVegetable, NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::getAnimKey, NLMISC::CBitmap::getColorInterp, NL3D::CMRMLevelDetail::getLevelDetailFromPolyCount, NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::getLocalTime, NL3D::CPatch::getLumel, NL3D::CZoneLighter::getMaxPhi, NL3D::CDriverGL::getSpecularCubeMap, NL3D::CSurfaceLightGrid::getStaticLightSetup, NL3D::CPatch::getTesselatedPos, NL3D::CPatch::getTileElement, NL3D::CPSFloatCurveFunctor::getValue, NL3D::CViewport::init, NL3D::CTessFacePriorityList::init, NL3D::CZoneLighter::lightWater, NL3D::CInstanceLighter::CPredPointLightToPoint::operator(), NL3D::CVector3s::pack, NL3D::CZoneLighter::processCalc, NL3D::CZoneLighter::processZonePointLightRT, NLPACS::CPrimitiveWorldImage::reaction, NLLIGO::IPrimitive::read, NL3D::CVegetableManager::render, NL3D::CScene::render, NL3D::CPatchUVLocator::selectPatch, NL3D::UWaterHeightMapManager::setBlendFactor, NLSOUND::CSourceDSound::setGain, NL3D::CParticleSystem::setGlobalValue, NL3D::CLightingManager::setLightTransitionThreshold, NL3D::CVisualCollisionManager::setSunContributionPower, NL3D::CDriverGL::setupScissor, NL3D::CPointLight::setupSpotAngle, NL3D::CLandscape::setupStaticLight, NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx, NL3D::CDriverGL::setupViewport, NL3D::CParticleSystem::setUserParam, NL3D::CVegetableManager::setWind, NL3D::CSkeletonModelAnimDetailObs::traverse, NL3D::CMeshMorpher::update, NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial::update, NLSOUND::CBackgroundSoundManager::updateBackgroundStatus, NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::updateLOD, NL3D::CParticleSystem::updateLODRatio, NL3D::CMeshMorpher::updateSkinned, NLSOUND::CSourceDSound::updateVolume, and NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture.

template<class T, class U>
T computeBilinear const T &    v0,
const T &    v1,
const T &    v2,
const T &    v3,
const U &    s,
const U &    t

bilinear of 4 values v3 v2 +-----+ | | | | +-----+ v0 v1.

T ^ | | +---> S

Definition at line 54 of file algo.h.

template<class T>
void contReset T &    a [inline]

contReset take a container like std::vector or std::deque and put his size to 0 like clear() but free all buffers.

This function is useful because resize(), clear(), erase() or reserve() methods never realloc when the array size come down.

a  is the container to reset.

Definition at line 177 of file common.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::alphaLuminanceToAlpha, NLMISC::CBitmap::alphaLuminanceToLuminance, NL3D::CMeshGeom::bkupOriginalSkinVertices, NL3D::CStaticQuadGrid::build, NLPACS::CEdgeQuad::build, NLPACS::CChainQuad::build, NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::buildMesh, NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::CLod::buildSkinVertexBlocks, NL3D::CIGSurfaceLightBuild::buildSunDebugMesh, NL3D::CLinearEquation::clear, NL3D::CPatch::clearTessBlocks, NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBank::compile, NL3D::CLodCharacterManager::compile, NL3D::CCubeGrid::compile, NL3D::CZoneLighter::computeTileFlagsForPositionTowardWater, NL3D::CVertexBuffer::deleteAllVertices, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::enableAsyncTextureMode, NL3D::CTileFarBank::CTileFar::erasePixels, NL3D::CPatch::generateTileVegetable, NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::loadHeader, NL3D::CZoneLighter::makeQuadGridFromWaterShapes, NL3D::CPSRibbonBase::motionTypeChanged, NL3D::CAnimationOptimizer::optimize, NL3D::CVertexBufferHeap::release, NL3D::CLodCharacterManager::releaseInstance, NLMISC::CBitmap::releaseMipMaps, NL3D::CPSLocated::releaseParametricInfos, NL3D::CMeshBlockManager::releaseVBHeaps, NLMISC::CBitmap::resample, NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBank::reset, NL3D::CLodCharacterManager::reset, NL3D::CHLSTextureManager::reset, NL3D::CHLSTextureBank::reset, NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::reset, NLMISC::CHTimer::CNode::reset, NLMISC::CBitmap::reset, NLMISC::CBitmap::resizeMipMap, NLMISC::CBitmap::rgbaToAlpha, NLMISC::CBitmap::rgbaToAlphaLuminance, NLMISC::CBitmap::rgbaToLuminance, NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CCW, NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CW, NLMISC::CObjectVector< CVertex >::serial, NLPACS::CEdgeQuad::serial, NLPACS::CChainQuad::serial, NLMISC::CStringStream::serialCont, NLMISC::CBitMemStream::serialCont, NLMISC::IStream::serialVector, NLMISC::IStream::serialVectorPolyPtr, NLMISC::IStream::serialVectorPtr, NL3D::CTextureFar::setSizeOfFarPatch, NL3D::CCluster::unlinkSons, and NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::unloadNextLod.

bool CopyMoveFile const char *    dest,
const char *    src,
bool    copyFile,
bool    failIfExists = false

Definition at line 1178 of file path.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CFile::copyFile, and NLMISC::CFile::moveFile.

void NLMISC::createDebug const char *    logPath = NULL,
bool    logInFile = true

Definition at line 774 of file debug.cpp.

Referenced by NLNET::IService::main, and NLMISC::CConfigFile::print.

float degToRad float    deg [inline]

Converts from degrees to radians.

Definition at line 206 of file common.h.

Referenced by NLSOUND::CSourceAL::getCone.

bool DetectMMX void    [static]

Definition at line 34 of file cpu_info.cpp.

bool DetectSSE void    [static]

Definition at line 60 of file cpu_info.cpp.

void displayCallStack CLog   log [static]

Definition at line 306 of file mem_displayer.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CMemDisplayer::write.

void enterBreakpoint const char *    message

const CClassId EventActivateId 0x7da66b0a   ,

Referenced by NLMISC::CEventActivate::CEventActivate.

const CClassId EventCharId 0x552255fe   ,

Referenced by NLMISC::CEventChar::CEventChar.

const CClassId EventDestroyWindowId 0x69be73fe   ,

Referenced by NLMISC::CEventDestroyWindow::CEventDestroyWindow.

const CClassId EventGDAxisMovedId 0x073306   ,

Referenced by NLMISC::CGDAxisMoved::CGDAxisMoved.

const CClassId EventGDButtonDownId 0x57141957   ,

Referenced by NLMISC::CGDButtonDown::CGDButtonDown.

const CClassId EventGDButtonUpId 0x16105e06   ,

Referenced by NLMISC::CGDButtonUp::CGDButtonUp.

const CClassId EventGDMouseMove 0x12142bc4   ,

Referenced by NLMISC::CGDMouseMove::CGDMouseMove.

const CClassId EventGDPOVChanged 0x362851b9   ,

Referenced by NLMISC::CGDPOVChanged::CGDPOVChanged.

const CClassId EventGDSliderMovedId 0x68776586   ,

Referenced by NLMISC::CGDSliderMoved::CGDSliderMoved.

const CClassId EventKeyDownId 0x3c2643da   ,

Referenced by NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::addToServer, NLMISC::CEventKeyDown::CEventKeyDown, NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::operator(), and NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::removeFromServer.

const CClassId EventKeyUpId 0x1e62e85   ,

Referenced by NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::addToServer, NLMISC::CEventKeyUp::CEventKeyUp, NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::operator(), and NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::removeFromServer.

const CClassId EventMouseDblClkId 0x55a94cb3   ,

Referenced by NLMISC::CEventMouseDblClk::CEventMouseDblClk.

const CClassId EventMouseDownId 0x35b7878   ,

Referenced by NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener::addToServer, NLMISC::CEventMouseDown::CEventMouseDown, NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener::operator(), and NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener::removeFromServer.

const CClassId EventMouseMoveId 0x3dd12fdb   ,

Referenced by NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener::addToServer, NLMISC::CEventMouseMove::CEventMouseMove, NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener::operator(), and NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener::removeFromServer.

const CClassId EventMouseUpId 0xcce1f7e   ,

Referenced by NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener::addToServer, NLMISC::CEventMouseUp::CEventMouseUp, NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener::operator(), and NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener::removeFromServer.

const CClassId EventMouseWheelId 0x73ac4321   ,

Referenced by NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener::addToServer, NLMISC::CEventMouseWheel::CEventMouseWheel, NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener::operator(), and NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener::removeFromServer.

const CClassId EventSetFocusId 0x17650fac   ,

Referenced by NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::addToServer, NLMISC::CEventSetFocus::CEventSetFocus, NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::operator(), and NLMISC::CEventListenerAsync::removeFromServer.

void fastClamp8 sint   v [inline, static]

Clamp a sint in 0..255.

Avoid cond jump.

Definition at line 109 of file algo.h.

memcpyPtr findBestmemcpy   [static]

Definition at line 227 of file fast_mem.cpp.

void fprintf_int uint    value

Definition at line 1362 of file misc/heap_allocator.cpp.

float frand float    mod [inline]

Return a float random inside the interval [0,mod].

Definition at line 120 of file common.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CRandomGrid3D::CRandomGrid3D, and NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::initInstance.

sint fsgn double    f [inline]

Return -1 if f<0, 0 if f==0, 1 if f>1.

Definition at line 130 of file common.h.

Referenced by NLPACS::CEdgeCollide::testPointMove.

void NLMISC::getCallStackAndLog std::string &    result,
sint    skipNFirst = 0

Get the call stack and set it with result.

Definition at line 753 of file debug.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CLog::displayRawString, and NLMISC::CLog::displayString.

string getname dirent *    de

Definition at line 513 of file path.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CPath::getPathContent.

uint NLMISC::getPowerOf2 uint    v

Return the power of 2 of v.

Example: getPowerOf2(8) is 3 getPowerOf2(5) is 3

Definition at line 350 of file common.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CStaticQuadGrid::build, NL3D::CLodCharacterTmpBitmap::build, NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::buildBitmap, NL3D::CZoneLighter::buildZoneInformation, NL3D::CLandscapeCollisionGrid::CLandscapeCollisionGrid, NL3D::CPatch::compile, NLPACS::CQuadGrid::create, NL3D::CQuadGrid::create, NLPACS::CFaceGrid::create, NL3D::CLandscapeFaceVectorManager::createFaceVector, NL3D::CDriverGL::forceTextureResize, NL3D::CTextureDLM::getTypeForSize, NL3D::CNoise3d::init, NL3D::SCloudTextureClamp::init, NL3D::SCloudTexture3D::init, NL3D::CCloud::init, and NLMISC::CBitmap::readDDS.

uint NLMISC::getThreadId  

Returns Process Id (note: on Linux, Process Id is the same as the Thread Id) Returns Thread Id (note: on Linux, Process Id is the same as the Thread Id).

Definition at line 85 of file common.cpp.

Referenced by NLNET::CNamingClient::checkThreadId, NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::connect, NLMISC::CLog::displayString, NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::getNetBase, NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::release, NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::send, and NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::update.

float HLSValue float    h,
float    v1,
float    v2

Used by buildFromHLS.

Definition at line 657 of file rgba.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CRGBA::buildFromHLS.

void initDebug2 bool    logInFile

Definition at line 135 of file debug.cpp.

bool isdirectory dirent *    de

Definition at line 484 of file path.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CPath::getPathContent.

bool isfile dirent *    de

Definition at line 499 of file path.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CPath::getPathContent.

bool NLMISC::isPowerOf2 sint32    v

Return true if the value is a power of 2.

Definition at line 363 of file common.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::buildMipMaps, NL3D::CZoneLighter::buildZoneInformation, NL3D::CLandscapeCollisionGrid::CLandscapeCollisionGrid, NLPACS::CQuadGrid::create, and NL3D::CTessFacePriorityList::init.

double isValidDouble double    v [inline]

Return true if double is a valid value (not inf nor nan).

Definition at line 222 of file common.h.

void NLMISC::itoaInt64 sint64    number,
char *    str,
sint64    base = 10

Convert an sint64 into a string (same as itoa() function but for 64 bits intergers).

Definition at line 300 of file common.cpp.

bool NLMISC::launchProgram const std::string &    programName,
const std::string &    arguments

This function execute a program in the background and returns instantly (used for example to launch services in AES). The program will be launch in the current directory.

Definition at line 536 of file common.cpp.

template<class T>
T maxof const T &    a,
const T &    b,
const T &    c,
const T &    d,
const T &    e

Definition at line 170 of file common.h.

template<class T>
T maxof const T &    a,
const T &    b,
const T &    c,
const T &    d

Definition at line 168 of file common.h.

template<class T>
T maxof const T &    a,
const T &    b,
const T &    c

Definition at line 166 of file common.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CRGBA::convertToHLS.

template<class T>
T minof const T &    a,
const T &    b,
const T &    c,
const T &    d,
const T &    e

Definition at line 164 of file common.h.

template<class T>
T minof const T &    a,
const T &    b,
const T &    c,
const T &    d

Definition at line 162 of file common.h.

template<class T>
T minof const T &    a,
const T &    b,
const T &    c

MIN/MAX extended functions.

Definition at line 160 of file common.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CRGBA::convertToHLS, and NLMISC::CAABBoxExt::updateRadius.

CPolygon2D::TVec2fVect::const_iterator Next const CPolygon2D::TVec2fVect::const_iterator &    it,
const CPolygon2D::TVec2fVect   cont
[inline, static]

Definition at line 1057 of file polygon.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CPolygon2D::computeBorders.

void NLMISC::nlError const char *    format,

Never use this function but call the nlerror macro (internal use only).

Definition at line 116 of file debug.cpp.

void NLMISC::nlFatalError const char *    format,

Never use this function (internal use only).

Definition at line 98 of file debug.cpp.

"Convert a bytes number into an human readable"   ,
"< int >"   

Definition at line 401 of file common.cpp.

"display help on a specific variable/commands or on all variables and commands"   ,
""   [< variable >|< command >]

Definition at line 359 of file command.cpp.

ProcessUsedMemory   ,
"Memory used by this process in bytes"   

Definition at line 473 of file system_info.cpp.

TotalPhysicalMemory   ,
"Total physical memory on this computer in bytes"   

Definition at line 468 of file system_info.cpp.

AvailablePhysicalMemory   ,
"Physical memory available on this computer in bytes"   

Definition at line 463 of file system_info.cpp.

void NLMISC::nlSleep uint32    ms

Portable Sleep() function that suspends the execution of the calling thread for a number of milliseconds.

Note: the resolution of the timer is system-dependant and may be more than 1 millisecond.

Definition at line 65 of file common.cpp.

Referenced by NLNET::CCallbackNetBase::baseUpdate, NLNET::CLoginClient::connectToShard, NL3D::CZoneLighter::light, NL3D::CZoneLighter::lightShapes, NL3D::CLandscapeUser::loadAllZonesAround, NLMISC::CIFile::loadIntoCache, NLNET::IService::main, NLNET::CNamingClient::queryServicePort, NLNET::CNamingClient::registerService, NLNET::CNamingClient::registerServiceWithSId, NLNET::CServerReceiveTask::run, NLMISC::CAsyncFileManager::CMultipleFileLoad::run, NLMISC::CAsyncFileManager::CFileLoad::run, NLAIAGENT::CAgentManagerTimer::CRunTimer::run, NLMISC::CIFile::serialBuffer, NLMISC::CTaskManager::sleepTask, NL3D::UInstanceGroup::stopCreateInstanceGroupAsync, NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::update, NLNET::CNetManager::update, NLSOUND::CSampleBank::~CSampleBank, and NLMISC::CTaskManager::~CTaskManager.

sint NLMISC::nlstricmp const std::string &    lhs,
const std::string &    rhs

Compare 2 strings without regard to case.

Definition at line 504 of file common.cpp.

sint NLMISC::nlstricmp const char *    lhs,
const char *    rhs

Compare 2 C-Style strings without regard to case.

0 if strings are equal, < 0 if lhs < rhs, > 0 if lhs > rhs

Definition at line 486 of file common.cpp.

CPlane operator * const CPlane   p,
const CMatrix   m

Definition at line 1385 of file matrix.cpp.

CVectorD operator * double    f,
const CVectorD   v

Definition at line 88 of file vectord_inline.h.

CVector operator * float    f,
const CVector   v

Definition at line 88 of file vector_inline.h.

CVector2f operator * float    f,
const CVector2f   v

Definition at line 140 of file vector_2f.h.

CVector2d operator * double    f,
const CVector2d   v

Definition at line 134 of file vector_2d.h.

CUV operator * const CUV   uv,
float    f

Definition at line 92 of file uv.h.

CUV operator * float    f,
const CUV   uv

Definition at line 86 of file uv.h.

CRGBAF operator * float    f,
const CRGBAF   c

Mul float operator.

Multiplate each component by f.

f  Float factor.
Return the result

Definition at line 658 of file rgba.h.

template<class T>
CQuatT<T> operator *   f,
const CQuatT< T > &    o

f*quat operator.

Definition at line 211 of file quat.h.

bool operator!= const CGameDeviceDesc   lhs,
const CGameDeviceDesc   rhs

Definition at line 60 of file game_device.h.

bool operator< const CVector2f   lhs,
const CVector2f   rhs

Definition at line 146 of file vector_2f.h.

std::stringstream& operator<< std::stringstream &    __os,
const CSheetId   __t

Definition at line 186 of file sheet_id.h.

std::stringstream& operator<< std::stringstream &    __os,
const CEntityId   __t

Definition at line 543 of file entity_id.h.

bool operator== const CGameDeviceDesc   lhs,
const CGameDeviceDesc   rhs

for devices comparison. The 'Connected' field is ignored.

Definition at line 55 of file game_device.h.

CPolygon2D::TVec2fVect::const_iterator Prev const CPolygon2D::TVec2fVect::const_iterator &    it,
const CPolygon2D::TVec2fVect   cont
[inline, static]

Definition at line 1067 of file polygon.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CPolygon2D::computeBorders.

float radToDeg float    rad [inline]

Converts from radians to degrees.

Definition at line 214 of file common.h.

Referenced by NLSOUND::CSourceAL::setCone.

uint NLMISC::raiseToNextPowerOf2 uint    v

Return the value maximized to the next power of 2 of v.

Example: raiseToNextPowerOf2(8) is 8 raiseToNextPowerOf2(5) is 8

Definition at line 341 of file common.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::buildBitmap, NL3D::CDeform2d::doDeform, NL3D::CTextureGrouped::doGenerate, NL3D::CNoise3d::init, NL3D::SCloudTextureClamp::init, NL3D::SCloudTexture3D::init, NL3D::CCloud::init, NL3D::CCloudScape::makeHalfCloud, NL3D::CMotionBlur::performMotionBlur, NL3D::CTextureGrouped::setTextures, and NL3D::CDeform2d::setupBuffer.

void report  

Definition at line 78 of file report.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CMsgBoxDisplayer::doDisplay.

TReportResult report const std::string &    title,
const std::string &    header,
const std::string &    subject,
const std::string &    body,
bool    enableCheckIgnore,
uint    debugButton,
bool    ignoreButton,
sint    quitButton,
bool    sendReportButton,
bool &    ignoreNextTime

template<class T>
void rotateCCW const T *    src,
T *    dst,
uint    srcWidth,
uint    srcHeight

Definition at line 2218 of file bitmap.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::rotateCCW.

template<class T, class U>
T safe_cast   o [inline]

safe_cast<>: this is a function which nlassert() a dynamic_cast in Debug, and just do a static_cast in release.

So slow check is made in debug, but only fast cast is made in release.

Definition at line 483 of file debug.h.

void ScanEdge CPolygon2D::TRasterVect   outputVect,
sint    topY,
const CVector2f   v1,
const CVector2f   v2,
bool    rightEdge = true


Definition at line 1003 of file polygon.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CPolygon2D::computeBorders.

template<class T>
uint searchLowerBound const std::vector< T > &    array,
const T &    key

Search the lower_bound in a sorted array of Value, in growing order (0, 1, 2....).

operator<= is used to perform the comparison. It return the first element such that array[id]<=key If not possible, 0 is returned NB: but 0 may still be a good value, so you must check wether or not 0 means "Not found", or "Id 0".

Definition at line 96 of file algo.h.

template<class T>
uint searchLowerBound const T *    array,
uint    arraySize,
const T &    key

Search the lower_bound in a sorted array of Value, in growing order (0, 1, 2....).

operator<= is used to perform the comparison. It return the first element such that array[id]<=key If not possible, 0 is returned NB: but 0 may still be a good value, so you must check wether or not 0 means "Not found", or "Id 0".

Definition at line 69 of file algo.h.

void NLMISC::setReportEmailFunction void *    emailFunction

call this in the main of your appli to enable email: setReportEmailFunction (sendEmail);.

Definition at line 65 of file report.cpp.

Referenced by NLNET::IService::main.

char* skipToken const char *    p [inline, static]

Definition at line 2253 of file misc/heap_allocator.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CHeapAllocator::getAllocatedSystemMemory.

char* skipWS const char *    p [inline, static]

Definition at line 2247 of file misc/heap_allocator.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CHeapAllocator::getAllocatedSystemMemory.

sint NLMISC::smprintf char *    buffer,
size_t    count,
const char *    format,

sMart sprintf function.

This function do a sprintf and add a zero at the end of the buffer if there no enough room in the buffer.

buffer  a C string
count  Size of the buffer
format  of the string, it must be the last argument before the '...'

Definition at line 153 of file common.cpp.

Referenced by NLSOUND::CContextSoundContainer::addSound, NLMISC::IDisplayer::dateToComputerString, NLMISC::CHeapAllocator::debugReportMemoryLeak, NLMISC::CHTimer::display, NLMISC::CBufFIFO::display, NLMISC::CHTimer::displayByExecutionPath, NLMISC::EBadSize::EBadSize, NLMISC::EBadType::EBadType, NLMISC::EFileNotFound::EFileNotFound, NLMISC::EParseError::EParseError, NLMISC::EUnknownVar::EUnknownVar, NLMISC::CFile::findNewFile, NLGEORGES::CFormElmArray::getFormName, NL3D::CFontGenerator::getFT2Error, NLGEORGES::CFormElm::getIternalNodeByName, NLMISC::CSystemInfo::getMem, NLMISC::CSystemInfo::getOS, NL3D::CTextureBlend::getShareName, NL3D::CDriverGL::getSpecularCubeMap, NLMISC::CHTimer::CStats::getStats, NLNET::_CUniTime::getStringUniTime, NL3D::IDriver::getTextureShareName, NL3D::CDriverGL::getVideocardInformation, NLMISC::IDisplayer::HeaderString, NLSOUND::CSoundAnimation::save, NLNET::CLoginCookie::setToString, NLGEORGES::CFormElm::setValueByName, and NLGEORGES::CFileHeader::write.

void NLMISC::splitString const std::string &    str,
const std::string &    separator,
std::vector< std::string > &    retList

From a string with some separator, build a vector of string.

eg: splitString("hello|bye|||bee", "|", list) return 3 string into list: "hello", "bye" and "bee".

Definition at line 117 of file algo.cpp.

template<class T>
T sqr const T &    v [inline]

Return the square of a number.

Definition at line 143 of file common.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CHTimer::CStats::buildFromNodes, NL3D::CLVBSqrDistLUT::CLVBSqrDistLUT, NL3D::CPatchDLMPointLight::compile, NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBuild::compile, NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::compressBlockRGB, NL3D::CTessVertex::computeGeomPos, NL3D::CPointLight::computeLinearAttenuation, NL3D::CPatch::computeNewFar, NL3D::CTessFace::computeTileEMForUpdateRefine, NL3D::CTessFace::computeTileErrorMetric, NL3D::CVegetable::generateGroupEx, NLPACS::CSurfaceQuadTree::getInterpZ, NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntity::getPatchTriangleUnderUs, NL3D::CLandscape::getTesselatedPos, NL3D::CPSFloatCurveFunctor::getValue, NLMISC::CBSphere::include, NLMISC::CBSphere::intersect, NL3D::CTessFace::updateErrorMetric, and NL3D::CLandscape::updateGlobalsAndLockBuffers.

string stringFromVector const vector< uint8 > &    v,
bool    limited

Definition at line 99 of file common.cpp.

std::string stringFromVector const std::vector< uint8 > &    v,
bool    limited = true

Returns a readable string from a vector of bytes. unprintable char are replaced by '?'.

char * NLMISC::strlwr char *    str

Convert a string in lower case.

a  pointer to char to transform to lower case

Definition at line 439 of file common.cpp.

std::string NLMISC::strlwr const std::string &    str

Definition at line 411 of file common.cpp.

std::string & NLMISC::strlwr std::string &    str

Convert a string in lower case.

a  string to transform to lower case

Definition at line 426 of file common.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBigFile::add, NLMISC::CPath::addSearchBigFile, NLMISC::CPath::addSearchFile, NLMISC::CSheetId::build, NLGEORGES::CFormElm::convertValue, NLMISC::CPath::exists, NLMISC::ICommand::expand, NLMISC::CBigFile::getFile, NL3D::CTileBank::getNumBitmap, NLMISC::CPath::insertFileInMap, NLMISC::CBigFile::list, NLMISC::CSheetId::loadSheetId, NLMISC::CPath::lookup, NLMISC::CSheetId::operator=, NLMISC::CPath::remapExtension, and NLMISC::CSheetId::typeFromFileExtension.

char * NLMISC::strupr char *    str

Convert a string in upper case.

a  pointer to char to transform to upper case

Definition at line 469 of file common.cpp.

std::string & NLMISC::strupr std::string &    str

Convert a string in upper case.

a  string to transform to upper case

Definition at line 456 of file common.cpp.

bool NLMISC::testWildCard const char *    strIn,
const char *    wildCard

return true if the string strIn verify the wildcard string wildCard.

eg: testWildCard("azert", "*")== true testWildCard("azert", "??er*")== true testWildCard("azert", "*er*")== true testWildCard("azert", "azert*")== true Undefined result if s has some '*', return false if wildcard has some "**" or "*?" NB: case-sensitive

Definition at line 40 of file algo.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CShapeBank::preLoadShapes.

std::string toString const char *    format,

Returns a string corresponding to the format and parameter (like printf).

Example: string hexnum = toString ("x", 255); // hexnum = "ff";

Definition at line 335 of file common.h.

template<class T>
std::string toString const T &    t

Returns a string corresponding to the class T in string format.

Example: string num = toString (1234); // num = "1234";

Definition at line 323 of file common.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CHTimer::display, NLMISC::CHTimer::displayByExecutionPath, NLMISC::CMsgBoxDisplayer::doDisplay, dumpOperand, NLAINIMAT::CMotivationEnergy::getDebugString, NLAINIMAT::CClassifierSystem::getDebugString, NLMISC::CHTimer::CStats::getStats, CVPParser::parse, NLMISC::CBitMemStream::serial, NLMISC::CSheetId::toString, and NLNET::CLoginCookie::toString.

uint32 toto FILE *    fp

Definition at line 325 of file displayer.cpp.

Referenced by NLGEORGES::CFormLoader::loadType, NLMISC::CBitmap::readTGA, and NLGEORGES::CType::~CType.

void xmlGenericErrorFuncForNeL void *    ctx,
const char *    msg,

Definition at line 110 of file i_xml.cpp.

int xmlOutputCloseCallbackForNeL void *    context

Definition at line 643 of file o_xml.cpp.

int xmlOutputWriteCallbackForNeL void *    context,
const char *    buffer,
int    len

Definition at line 629 of file o_xml.cpp.

Variable Documentation

CLog * NLMISC::AssertLog = NULL

Definition at line 90 of file debug.cpp.

Referenced by NLNET::IService::main.

string NLMISC::BasePathgetPathContent

Definition at line 481 of file path.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CPath::getPathContent.

const uint32 NLMISC::BF_ALWAYS_OPENED = 0x00000001

Big file management.

Matthieu Besson , Nevrax France

Definition at line 42 of file big_file.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBigFile::add, and NLMISC::CPath::addSearchBigFile.

const uint32 NLMISC::BF_CACHE_FILE_ON_OPEN = 0x00000002

Definition at line 43 of file big_file.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBigFile::add, and NLMISC::CPath::addSearchBigFile.

const uint32 NLMISC::DDS = NL_MAKEFOURCC('D', 'D', 'S', ' ')

Definition at line 58 of file bitmap.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::EDDSBadHeader::EDDSBadHeader, NLMISC::CBitmap::load, and NLMISC::CBitmap::loadSize.

CLog * NLMISC::DebugLog = NULL

Definition at line 89 of file debug.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBufFIFO::display, NLNET::CTransportClass::init, and NLNET::IService::main.

bool NLMISC::DebugNeedAssert = false

Definition at line 84 of file debug.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CMsgBoxDisplayer::doDisplay.

CMemDisplayer * NLMISC::DefaultMemDisplayer = NULL

Definition at line 92 of file debug.cpp.

CMsgBoxDisplayer * NLMISC::DefaultMsgBoxDisplayer = NULL

Definition at line 93 of file debug.cpp.

const uint32 NLMISC::DXT_ = NL_MAKEFOURCC('D','X', 'T', '\0')

Definition at line 59 of file bitmap.h.

TEmailFunction NLMISC::EmailFunction = NULL [static]

Definition at line 63 of file report.cpp.

CLog * NLMISC::ErrorLog = NULL

Definition at line 86 of file debug.cpp.

Referenced by NLNET::IService::main.

CFileDisplayer* NLMISC::fd = NULL [static]

Definition at line 96 of file debug.cpp.

vector<CFileEntry> NLMISC::FileToCheck [static]

Definition at line 1146 of file path.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CFile::addFileChangeCallback, and NLMISC::CFile::checkFileChange.

bool NLMISC::HasMMX = DetectMMX()

Definition at line 105 of file cpu_info.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CCpuInfo___::hasMMX.

bool NLMISC::HasSSE = DetectSSE()

Definition at line 106 of file cpu_info.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CCpuInfo___::hasSSE.

bool NLMISC::HaveMMX = DetectMMX () [static]

Definition at line 321 of file system_info.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CSystemInfo::hasMMX.

bool NLMISC::HaveSSE = DetectSSE () [static]

Definition at line 322 of file system_info.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CSystemInfo::hasSSE.

CLog * NLMISC::InfoLog = NULL

Definition at line 88 of file debug.cpp.

Referenced by NLNET::IService::main, NLMISC::CConfigFile::print, NLMISC::CWindowDisplayer::update, and NLMISC::CMemDisplayer::write.

char NLMISC::JPGBuffer[JPGBufferSize]

Definition at line 88 of file bitmap.cpp.

const uint32 NLMISC::JPGBufferSize = 1000

Definition at line 87 of file bitmap.cpp.


Definition at line 86 of file bitmap.cpp.

char* NLMISC::LogTypeToString[][8] [static]

Initial value:

        { "", "ERR", "WRN", "INF", "DBG", "STT", "AST", "UKN" },
        { "", "Error", "Warning", "Information", "Debug", "Statistic", "Assert", "Unknown" },
        { "", "A fatal error occurs. The program must quit", "", "", "", "", "A failed assertion occurs", "" },

Definition at line 69 of file displayer.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CMsgBoxDisplayer::doDisplay, and NLMISC::IDisplayer::logTypeToString.

const uint8 NLMISC::MAX_MIPMAP = 16

Definition at line 69 of file bitmap.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::decompressDXT1, NLMISC::CBitmap::decompressDXT3, NLMISC::CBitmap::decompressDXT5, NLMISC::CBitmap::releaseMipMaps, and NLMISC::CBitmap::resizeMipMap.

const int NLMISC::MaxCStringSize = 1024*2

Definition at line 66 of file common.h.

bool NLMISC::NL3D_BlockMemoryAssertOnPurge = true

See CBlockMemory::Purge.

Definition at line 35 of file block_memory.cpp.

const double NLMISC::Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

Pi constant in double format.

Definition at line 71 of file common.h.

Referenced by NLPACS::CMoveContainer::addCollisionnablePrimitiveBlock, NLLIGO::CZoneTemplate::build, NLLIGO::CZoneEdge::buildMatrix, NL3D::CZoneLighter::calcSkyContribution, NL3D::CLodCharacterManager::CLodCharacterManager, NL3D::CVegetableManager::CVegetableManager, NL3D::CVegetableQuadrant::CVegetableQuadrant, NLSOUND::CSourceDSound::getCone, NL3D::CZoneLighter::getMaxPhi, NLSOUND::CSound::importForm, NL3D::CZoneLighter::init, NL3D::CTessFacePriorityList::init, NL3D::CZoneLighter::light, NL3D::CEvent3dMouseListener::operator(), NLSOUND::CSourceDSound::setCone, NLSOUND::CSimpleSource::setDirection, NL3D::CPointLight::setupSpotAngle, NL3D::CVegetableManager::setupVertexProgramConstants, NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::speedCos, NLMISC::CQuatT::squadrev, and NL3D::CMiniCol::testMove.

const double NLMISC::QuatEpsilon = 0.000001

Definition at line 39 of file quat.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CQuatT::exp, NLMISC::CQuatT::log, and NLMISC::CQuatT::squadrev.

CStdDisplayer* NLMISC::sd = NULL [static]

Definition at line 95 of file debug.cpp.

const int NLMISC::SEP_SIZE = 1

Definition at line 34 of file string_stream.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CStringStream::serialSeparatedBufferIn, NLMISC::CMemStream::serialSeparatedBufferIn, NLMISC::CStringStream::serialSeparatedBufferOut, and NLMISC::CMemStream::serialSeparatedBufferOut.

const char NLMISC::SEPARATOR = ' '

Definition at line 33 of file string_stream.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CStringStream::serial, NLMISC::CMemStream::serial, NLMISC::CStringStream::serialSeparatedBufferIn, NLMISC::CMemStream::serialSeparatedBufferIn, NLMISC::CStringStream::serialSeparatedBufferOut, NLMISC::COXml::serialSeparatedBufferOut, and NLMISC::CMemStream::serialSeparatedBufferOut.

map<TSharedMemId, int> NLMISC::SharedMemIdsToShmids

Definition at line 48 of file shared_memory.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CSharedMemory::createSharedMemory, and NLMISC::CSharedMemory::destroySharedMemory.

TDisplayInfo NLMISC::TempArgs [static]

Definition at line 234 of file log.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CLog::displayRawString, and NLMISC::CLog::displayString.

string NLMISC::TempString [static]

Definition at line 233 of file log.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CLog::displayRawString, and NLMISC::CLog::displayString.

CLog * NLMISC::WarningLog = NULL

Definition at line 87 of file debug.cpp.

Referenced by loadForm, and NLNET::IService::main.