NL3D::CTextureFar Class Reference

#include <texture_far.h>

Inheritance diagram for NL3D::CTextureFar:

NL3D::ITexture NLMISC::CBitmap NLMISC::CRefCount NLMISC::IStreamable NLMISC::IClassable

Detailed Description

A CTextureFar is a set of texture used to map a whole patch when it is in far Mode. (ie not in tile mode). A CTextureFar handle several patch texture.\

TODO: keeping the far texture level1 alive when the tile pass in level0 (tile mode), don't erase it. TODO: add an hysteresis to avoid swap of far texture on boundaries of levels TODO: set the upload format in rgba565

Cyril Corvazier - Lionel Berenguier

Nevrax France


Definition at line 85 of file texture_far.h.

Public Types

enum  TMagFilter { Nearest = 0, Linear, MagFilterCount }
enum  TMinFilter {
  NearestMipMapOff = 0, NearestMipMapNearest, NearestMipMapLinear, LinearMipMapOff,
  LinearMipMapNearest, LinearMipMapLinear, MinFilterCount
enum  TType {
  RGBA = 0, Luminance, Alpha, AlphaLuminance,
  DXTC1, DXTC1Alpha, DXTC3, DXTC5,
  DsDt, ModeCount, DonTKnow = 0xffffffff
enum  TUploadFormat {
  Auto = 0, RGBA8888, RGBA4444, RGBA5551,
  RGB888, RGB565, DXTC1, DXTC1Alpha,
  DXTC3, DXTC5, Luminance, Alpha,
  AlphaLuminance, DsDt, UploadFormatCount
enum  TWrapMode { Repeat = 0, Clamp, WrapModeCount }

Public Member Functions

void allocatePatch (CPatch *pPatch, uint farIndex, float &farUScale, float &farVScale, float &farUBias, float &farVBias, bool &bRot)
virtual bool allowDegradation () const
 Does this texture allow the driver to degrade.

void blend (CBitmap &Bm0, CBitmap &Bm1, uint16 factor, bool inputBitmapIsMutable=false)
bool blit (const CBitmap *src, sint32 x, sint32 y)
void buildMipMaps ()
virtual ITexturebuildNonSelectableVersion (uint index)
void clearTouched (void)
bool convertToType (TType type)
 CTextureFar ()

virtual void doGenerate (bool async=false)
bool endPatchULTouch () const
void flipH ()
void flipV ()
void generate (bool async=false)
virtual std::string getClassName ()=0
CRGBAF getColor (float x, float y) const
virtual uint32 getHeight (uint32 numMipMap=0) const
uint32 getMipMapCount () const
CTextureFargetNextUL () const
 For lighting update, get Next (CiruclarList). If ==this, then list is empty.

CRGBA getPixelColor (sint x, sint y, uint32 numMipMap=0) const
TType getPixelFormat () const
const sintgetRefCount () const
bool getReleasable () const
virtual std::string getShareName () const
uint32 getSize (uint32 numMipMap=0) const
virtual uint32 getWidth (uint32 numMipMap=0) const
bool isAllInvalidated () const
virtual bool isBumpMap () const
bool isGrayscaleAsAlpha () const
virtual bool isSelectable () const
 Test wether this texture is selectable.

void linkBeforeUL (CTextureFar *textNext)
 For lighting update, insert this before textNext (CiruclarList). textNext must be !NULL.

uint8 load (NLMISC::IStream &f, uint mipMapSkip=0)
void loadGrayscaleAsAlpha (bool loadAsAlpha)
void makeDummy ()
virtual void release ()
void releaseDriverSetup ()
 Release the Driver info for this texture (if any). Call it with care.

void releaseMipMaps ()
void removePatch (CPatch *pPatch, uint farIndex)
void resample (sint32 nNewWidth, sint32 nNewHeight)
void reset (TType type=RGBA)
void resize (sint32 nNewWidth, sint32 nNewHeight, TType newType=DonTKnow, bool resetTo0=true)
void resizeMipMap (uint32 numMipMap, sint32 nNewWidth, sint32 nNewHeight, bool resetTo0=true)
void rot90CCW ()
void rot90CW ()
void rotateCCW ()
virtual void selectTexture (uint index)
void setMipMapCount (uint32 mmc)
void setReleasable (bool r)
bool setupedIntoDriver () const
void startPatchULTouch ()
virtual bool supportSharing () const
void touch ()
bool touched (void)
uint touchPatchULAndNext ()
void touchRect (const NLMISC::CRect &rect)
sint tryAllocatePatch (CPatch *pPatch, uint farIndex)
void unlinkUL ()
 For lighting update, unlink (CiruclarList).

void validateGenerateFlag ()
bool writeJPG (NLMISC::IStream &f, uint8 quality=80)
bool writeTGA (NLMISC::IStream &f, uint32 d, bool upsideDown=false)
virtual ~CTextureFar ()

Static Public Member Functions

void loadSize (const std::string &path, uint32 &retWidth, uint32 &retHeight)
void loadSize (NLMISC::IStream &f, uint32 &width, uint32 &height)

Data Fields

 A pointer on the far bank.

std::list< NLMISC::CRect_ListInvalidRect
sint crefs
CPtrInfo * pinfo
enum NLMISC::CBitmap::TType PixelFormat
NLMISC::CRefPtr< CTextureDrvShareTextureDrvShare

Static Public Attributes

const uint32 bitPerPixels [ModeCount]
const uint32 DXTC1HEADER = NL_MAKEFOURCC('D','X', 'T', '1')
const uint32 DXTC3HEADER = NL_MAKEFOURCC('D','X', 'T', '3')
const uint32 DXTC5HEADER = NL_MAKEFOURCC('D','X', 'T', '5')
CPtrInfo NullPtrInfo

Protected Attributes

CObjectVector< uint8_Data [MAX_MIPMAP]
uint32 _Height
bool _LoadGrayscaleAsAlpha
uint8 _MipMapCount
bool _Touched
uint32 _Width

Private Types

typedef std::map< CPatchIdent,
typedef std::map< CVector2s,

Private Member Functions

uint getFreeListId (uint width, uint height)
bool getUpperSize (uint &width, uint &height)
void rebuildPatch (const CVector2s texturePos, const CPatchIdent &pid)
void recursSplitNext (uint width, uint height)
virtual void serial (NLMISC::IStream &f) throw (NLMISC::EStream)
 From IStreamable.

Private Attributes

std::list< CVector2s_FreeSpaces [(4+NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE_SHIFT)*4]
TPatchToPosMap::iterator _ItULPatch
TPatchToPosMap _PatchToPosMap
TPosToPatchMap _PosToPatchMap
 UpdateLighting. CiruclarList.

Static Private Attributes

NLMISC::CRGBA _LightmapExpanded []
uint8 _LumelExpanded []


struct CPtrInfo

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<CPatchIdent, CVector2s> NL3D::CTextureFar::TPatchToPosMap [private]

Map of Patchs stored in this texture Far. Should be == to _WidthPatches*_HeightPatches

Definition at line 176 of file texture_far.h.

typedef std::map<CVector2s, CPatchIdent> NL3D::CTextureFar::TPosToPatchMap [private]

Definition at line 177 of file texture_far.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum NL3D::ITexture::TMagFilter [inherited]

Magnification mode. Same behavior as OpenGL.

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 148 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::ITexture::getMagFilter().

00149         {
00150                 Nearest=0,
00151                 Linear,
00153                 MagFilterCount
00154         };

enum NL3D::ITexture::TMinFilter [inherited]

Minifying mode. Same behavior as OpenGL. If the bitmap has no mipmap, and mipmap is required, then mipmaps are computed.

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 159 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::ITexture::getMinFilter().

enum NLMISC::CBitmap::TType [inherited]

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 234 of file bitmap.h.

00235         { 
00236                 RGBA=0,
00237                 Luminance,
00238                 Alpha,
00239                 AlphaLuminance,
00240                 DXTC1,
00241                 DXTC1Alpha,
00242                 DXTC3,
00243                 DXTC5,
00244                 DsDt,
00245                 ModeCount,
00246                 DonTKnow=0xffffffff
00247         } PixelFormat;

enum NL3D::ITexture::TUploadFormat [inherited]

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 125 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::ITexture::getUploadFormat().

00126         {
00127                 Auto= 0,
00128                 RGBA8888,
00129                 RGBA4444,
00130                 RGBA5551,
00131                 RGB888,
00132                 RGB565,
00133                 DXTC1,
00134                 DXTC1Alpha,
00135                 DXTC3,
00136                 DXTC5,
00137                 Luminance,
00138                 Alpha,
00139                 AlphaLuminance,
00140                 DsDt,
00141                 UploadFormatCount
00142         };

enum NL3D::ITexture::TWrapMode [inherited]

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 117 of file texture.h.

00118         {
00119                 Repeat= 0,
00120                 Clamp,
00122                 WrapModeCount
00123         };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NL3D::CTextureFar::CTextureFar  ) 


Definition at line 48 of file texture_far.cpp.

References _FreeSpaces, _ItULPatch, _PatchToPosMap, _ULNext, _ULPrec, getFreeListId(), NL_MAX_FAR_PATCH_EDGE, NL_MAX_TILES_BY_PATCH_EDGE, NL_NUM_FAR_BIGGEST_PATCH_PER_EDGE, nlctassert, NL3D::ITexture::setFilterMode(), NL3D::ITexture::setReleasable(), NL3D::ITexture::setUploadFormat(), NL3D::ITexture::setWrapS(), NL3D::ITexture::setWrapT(), uint, NL3D::CTextureFar::CVector2s::x, and NL3D::CTextureFar::CVector2s::y.

00049 {
00050         /* NB: define Values work only if NL_MAX_TILES_BY_PATCH_EDGE is 16.
00051                 Else must change NL_MAX_FAR_EDGE and NL_NUM_RECTANGLE_RATIO
00052         */
00053         nlctassert(NL_MAX_TILES_BY_PATCH_EDGE==16);
00055         // This texture is releasable. It doesn't stays in standard memory after been uploaded into video memory.
00056         setReleasable (true);
00058         // Init upload format 16 bits
00059         setUploadFormat(RGB565);
00061         // Set filter mode. No mipmap!
00062         setFilterMode (Linear, LinearMipMapOff);
00064         // Wrap
00065         setWrapS (Clamp);
00066         setWrapT (Clamp);
00068         // init update Lighting
00069         _ULPrec= this;
00070         _ULNext= this;
00072         // Start With All Patch of Max Far (64x64) Frees!
00073         uint    freeListId= getFreeListId(NL_MAX_FAR_PATCH_EDGE, NL_MAX_FAR_PATCH_EDGE);
00074         for(uint i=0;i<NL_NUM_FAR_BIGGEST_PATCH_PER_EDGE;i++)
00075         {
00076                 for(uint j=0;j<NL_NUM_FAR_BIGGEST_PATCH_PER_EDGE;j++)
00077                 {
00078                         CVector2s       pos;
00079                         pos.x= i*NL_MAX_FAR_PATCH_EDGE;
00080                         pos.y= j*NL_MAX_FAR_PATCH_EDGE;
00082                         // add this place to the free list.
00083                         _FreeSpaces[freeListId].push_back(pos);
00084                 }
00085         }
00087         // reset
00088         _ItULPatch= _PatchToPosMap.end();
00089 }

NL3D::CTextureFar::~CTextureFar  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 92 of file texture_far.cpp.

References _ULNext, _ULPrec, and nlassert.

00093 {
00094         // verify the textureFar is correctly unlinked from any ciruclar list.
00095         nlassert(_ULPrec==this && _ULNext==this);
00096 }

Member Function Documentation

void NL3D::CTextureFar::allocatePatch CPatch pPatch,
uint  farIndex,
float &  farUScale,
float &  farVScale,
float &  farUBias,
float &  farVBias,
bool &  bRot

Allocate a patch in the CTextureFar, according to its size. nlstop if fails. Must call before tryAllocate()

pPatch is the pointer to the patch to add in the landscape
farUVScale will receive the scale to use to compute the UV coordinates
farUBias will receive the U Bias to use to compute the UV coordinates
farVBias will receive the V Bias to use to compute the UV coordinates
bRot will receive true if the texture is rotated of 90deg to the left or false. You should take care of this value to compute UV coordinates.

Definition at line 276 of file texture_far.cpp.

References _FreeSpaces, _PatchToPosMap, _PosToPatchMap, NL3D::CTextureFar::CPatchIdent::FarIndex, getFreeListId(), NL3D::CPatch::getOrderS(), NL3D::CPatch::getOrderT(), height, NL_FAR_TEXTURE_EDGE_SIZE, NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE, nlassert, NL3D::CTextureFar::CPatchIdent::Patch, recursSplitNext(), uint, and width.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::getFarRenderPass().

00277 {
00278         // get the size of the subtexture to allocate
00279         uint width=(pPatch->getOrderS ()*NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE)>>(farIndex-1);
00280         uint height=(pPatch->getOrderT ()*NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE)>>(farIndex-1);
00282         // make width the biggest
00283         if(width<height)
00284                 swap(width, height);
00286         // get where to find a subtexture
00287         uint    freeListId= getFreeListId(width, height);
00289         // if free list is empty, must split bigger patch...
00290         if(_FreeSpaces[freeListId].empty())
00291         {
00292                 // try to get a bigger subtexture and split it.
00293                 recursSplitNext(width, height);
00294         }
00296         // now the list should have som free space.
00297         nlassert( !_FreeSpaces[freeListId].empty() );
00298         CVector2s       pos= _FreeSpaces[freeListId].front();
00300         // Allocate. Add this entry to the maps
00301         CPatchIdent     pid;
00302         pid.Patch= pPatch;
00303         pid.FarIndex= farIndex;
00304         // verify not already here.
00305         nlassert( _PatchToPosMap.find(pid) == _PatchToPosMap.end() );
00306         _PatchToPosMap[pid]= pos;
00307         _PosToPatchMap[pos]= pid;
00309         // remove from free list.
00310         _FreeSpaces[freeListId].pop_front();
00312         // Invalidate the rectangle
00313         CRect rect (pos.x, pos.y, width, height);
00314         ITexture::touchRect (rect);
00316         // ** Return some values
00318         // Rotation flag
00319         bRot = ( pPatch->getOrderS() < pPatch->getOrderT() );
00321         // Scale is the same for all
00322         farUScale=(float)(width-1)/(float)NL_FAR_TEXTURE_EDGE_SIZE;
00323         farVScale=(float)(height-1)/(float)NL_FAR_TEXTURE_EDGE_SIZE;
00325         // UBias is the same for all
00326         farUBias=((float)pos.x+0.5f)/(float)NL_FAR_TEXTURE_EDGE_SIZE;
00328         // UBias is the same for all
00329         farVBias=((float)pos.y+0.5f)/(float)NL_FAR_TEXTURE_EDGE_SIZE;
00330 }

virtual bool NL3D::ITexture::allowDegradation  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Does this texture allow the driver to degrade.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CTextureFile, and NL3D::CTextureMem.

Definition at line 352 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::getGlTextureFormat(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture().

00352 { return false; }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::blend CBitmap Bm0,
CBitmap Bm1,
uint16  factor,
bool  inputBitmapIsMutable = false

Set this bitmap as the result of the blend bewteen 2 bitmap REQUIRE : - Bm0 and Bm1 should have the same size.

  • Both bitmap should be convertible to RGBA pixel format. The result is a RGBA bitmap. NB: this just works with the first mipmaps
    factor The blend factor. 0 means the result is equal to Bm0, 256 means the result is equal to Bm1
    inputBitmapIsMutable when true, bitmap can be converted in place when needed (no copy done)

Definition at line 2817 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_Data, NLMISC::CBitmap::_Height, NLMISC::CBitmap::_Width, NLMISC::CBitmap::convertToRGBA(), nlassert, NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CBitmap::resize(), NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA, uint, uint16, uint64, and uint8.

02818 {
02819         nlassert(factor <= 256);
02821         nlassert(Bm0._Width != 0 && Bm0._Height != 0
02822                          && Bm1._Width != 0 && Bm1._Height != 0);
02824         nlassert(Bm0._Width  == Bm1._Width);    // the bitmap should have the same size
02825         nlassert(Bm0._Height == Bm1._Height);
02827         const CBitmap *nBm0, *nBm1; // pointer to the bitmap that is used for blending, or to a copy is a conversion wa required
02829         CBitmap cp0, cp1; // these bitmap are copies of Bm1 and Bm0 if a conversion was needed
02831         if (Bm0.PixelFormat != RGBA)
02832         {
02833                 if (inputBitmapIsMutable)
02834                 {
02835                         Bm0.convertToRGBA();
02836                         nBm0 = &Bm0;
02837                 }
02838                 else
02839                 {               
02840                         cp0 = Bm0;
02841                         cp0.convertToRGBA();
02842                         nBm0 = &cp0;
02843                 }
02844         }
02845         else
02846         {
02847                 nBm0 = &Bm0;
02848         }
02851         if (Bm1.PixelFormat != RGBA)
02852         {
02853                 if (inputBitmapIsMutable)
02854                 {
02855                         Bm1.convertToRGBA();
02856                         nBm1 = &Bm1;
02857                 }
02858                 else
02859                 {
02860                         cp1 = Bm1;
02861                         cp1.convertToRGBA();
02862                         nBm1 = &cp1;
02863                 }
02864         }
02865         else
02866         {
02867                 nBm1 = &Bm1;
02868         }
02870         this->resize(Bm0._Width, Bm0._Height, RGBA);
02872         uint numPix = _Width * _Height; // 4 component per pixels
02875         const uint8 *src0               = &(nBm0->_Data[0][0]);
02876         const uint8 *src1               = &(nBm1->_Data[0][0]);
02877         uint8 *dest                             = &(this->_Data[0][0]);
02880         #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS                    
02881         if (CSystemInfo::hasMMX())              
02882         {
02883                 // On a P4 2GHz, with a 256x256 texture, I got the following results :
02884                 // without mmx : 5.2 ms
02885         // with mmx    : 1.7 ms
02886                 // I'm sure this can be further optimized..
02888                 uint numPixLeft = numPix & 1; // process 2 pixels at once, so special case for odd number
02889                 numPix = numPix & ~1;
02890                 // do fast blend with mmx
02891                 uint64 blendFactor0;
02892                 uint64 blendFactor1;
02893                 uint16 *bf0 = (uint16 *) &blendFactor0;
02894                 uint16 *bf1 = (uint16 *) &blendFactor1;
02895                 bf0[0] = bf0[1] = bf0[2] = bf0[3] = factor;
02896                 bf1[0] = bf1[1] = bf1[2] = bf1[3] = 256 - factor;
02897                 __asm
02898                 {                       
02899                         mov esi, src0
02900                         mov eax, src1
02901                         mov edi, dest
02902                         mov ebx, -8
02903                         mov ecx, numPix
02904                         shr ecx, 1 // process pixels 2 by 2
02905                         movq mm1, blendFactor0
02906                         movq mm0, blendFactor1 
02908                 myLoop:
02909                         pxor mm6, mm6
02910                         lea  ebx, [ebx + 8] // points next location
02911                         pxor mm7, mm7                   
02912                         movq mm2, [esi + ebx]
02913                         movq mm3, [eax + ebx]                   
02914                         // do blend 
02915                         punpckhbw mm7, mm2  // mm7 contains src0 color 0 in high bytes
02916                         punpckhbw mm6, mm3  // mm6 contains src1 color 0 in high bytes
02917                         psrl      mm7, 1
02918                         pxor mm4, mm4       // mm4 = 0                  
02919                         psrl      mm6, 1
02920                         pmulhw mm7, mm0     // src0 = src0 * blendFactor
02921                         pxor mm5, mm5       // mm5 = 0
02922                         pmulhw mm6, mm1     // src1 = src1 * (1 - blendfactor)
02923                         punpcklbw mm4, mm2  // mm4 contains src0 color 1 in high bytes
02924                         paddusw mm6, mm7    // mm6 = src0[0] blended with src1[0]
02925                         psrl      mm4, 1
02926                         punpcklbw mm5, mm3  // mm4 contains src1 color 1 in high bytes
02927                         psll      mm6, 1
02928                         psrl      mm5, 1
02929                         pmulhw    mm4, mm0     // src0 = src0 * blendFactor
02930                         pmulhw    mm5, mm1     // src1 = src1 * (1 - blendfactor)
02931                         paddusw   mm4, mm5    // mm6 = src0[1] blended with src1[1]
02932                         psll      mm4, 1
02933                         // pack result
02934                         packuswb  mm4, mm6
02935                         dec               ecx
02936                         movq      [edi + ebx], mm4  // store result
02937                         jne myLoop
02938                         emms
02939                 }
02940                 if (numPixLeft)
02941                 {
02942                         // case of odd number of pixels
02943                         src0 += 4 * numPix;
02944                         src1 += 4 * numPix;
02945                         dest += 4 * numPix;
02946                         uint blendFact    = (uint) factor;
02947                         uint invblendFact = 256 - blendFact;                    
02948                         *dest = (uint8) (((blendFact * *src1)           + (invblendFact * *src0)) >> 8);
02949                         *(dest + 1) = (uint8) (((blendFact * *(src1 + 1)) + (invblendFact * *(src0 + 1))) >> 8);
02950                         *(dest + 2) = (uint8) (((blendFact * *(src1 + 2)) + (invblendFact * *(src0 + 2))) >> 8);
02951                         *(dest + 3)  = (uint8) (((blendFact * *(src1 + 3)) + (invblendFact * *(src0 + 3))) >> 8);
02952                 }
02953         }       
02954         else    
02955         #endif //#ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS   
02956         {       
02957                 uint8 *endPix                   = dest + (numPix << 2);
02958                 // no mmx version
02959                 uint blendFact    = (uint) factor;
02960                 uint invblendFact = 256 - blendFact;
02961                 do
02962                 {
02964                         *dest = (uint8) (((blendFact * *src1)           + (invblendFact * *src0)) >> 8);
02965                         *(dest + 1) = (uint8) (((blendFact * *(src1 + 1)) + (invblendFact * *(src0 + 1))) >> 8);
02966                         *(dest + 2) = (uint8) (((blendFact * *(src1 + 2)) + (invblendFact * *(src0 + 2))) >> 8);
02967                         *(dest + 3)  = (uint8) (((blendFact * *(src1 + 3)) + (invblendFact * *(src0 + 3))) >> 8);
02969                         src0 = src0 + 4;
02970                         src1 = src1 + 4;
02971                         dest = dest + 4;        
02972                 }
02973                 while (dest != endPix);
02974         }
02975 }

bool NLMISC::CBitmap::blit const CBitmap src,
sint32  x,
sint32  y

Perform a simple blit from the source to this bitmap at the (x, y) pos The dimension of the original bitmap are preserved For now, this texture and the source must have the same format With DXTC format, the dest coordinates must be a multiple of 4 mipmap are not rebuild when present

true if the params were corrects and if the blit occures. In debug build there's an assertion

Definition at line 2332 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::bitPerPixels, NLMISC::CBitmap::DonTKnow, height, nlassert, NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, sint, sint32, src, uint, uint8, width, x, and y.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureGrouped::doGenerate(), and NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::expand().

02333 {
02335         nlassert(this->PixelFormat == src->PixelFormat);
02336         if (this->PixelFormat != src->PixelFormat)
02337         {
02338                 return false;
02339         }
02342         // check for dxtc use
02344         const bool useDXTC   =  PixelFormat == DXTC1 || PixelFormat == DXTC1Alpha || PixelFormat == DXTC3 || PixelFormat ==     DXTC5;
02346         // number of bits for a 4x4 pix block
02347         const uint dxtcNumBits  =  PixelFormat == DXTC1 || PixelFormat == DXTC1Alpha ? 64 : 128;
02350         if (useDXTC)
02351         {
02352                 // blit pos must be multiple of 4
02354                 nlassert(! (x & 3 || y & 3) );
02355                 if (x & 3 || y & 3) return false;
02357         }
02359         nlassert(PixelFormat != DonTKnow);
02361         // the width to copy
02362         sint width = src->_Width;
02363         // the height to copy
02364         sint height = src->_Height;
02366         uint destStartX, destStartY;
02367         uint srcStartX, srcStartY;
02370         // clip against left
02371         if (x < 0)
02372         {
02373                 width += x;
02374                 if (width <= 0) return true;
02375                 destStartX = 0;
02376                 srcStartX = -x;
02377         }
02378         else
02379         {
02380                 destStartX = x;
02381                 srcStartX = 0;
02382         }
02384         // clip against top
02385         if (y < 0)
02386         {
02387                 height += y;
02388                 if (height <= 0) return true;
02389                 srcStartY = -y;
02390                 destStartY = 0;
02391         }
02392         else
02393         {
02394                 destStartY = y;
02395                 srcStartY = 0;
02396         }
02398         // clip against right
02399         if ((destStartX + width - 1) >= _Width)
02400         {
02401                 width = _Width - destStartX;
02402                 if (width <= 0) return true;
02403         }
02405         // clip against bottom
02406         if ((destStartY + height - 1) >= _Height)
02407         {
02408                 height = _Height - destStartY;
02409                 if (width <= 0) return true;
02410         }
02413         // divide all distance by 4 when using DXTC
02414         if (useDXTC)
02415         {
02416                 destStartX >>= 2;
02417                 destStartY >>= 2;
02418                 srcStartX >>= 2;
02419                 srcStartY >>= 2;
02420                 width >>= 2;
02421                 height >>= 2;
02422         }
02425         // bytes per pixs is for either one pixel or 16 (a 4x4 block in DXTC)
02426         const uint bytePerPixs = ( useDXTC ? dxtcNumBits : bitPerPixels[PixelFormat] ) >> 3 /* divide by 8 to get the number of bytes */;
02429         const uint destRealWidth = useDXTC ? (_Width >> 2) : _Width;
02430         const uint srcRealWidth = useDXTC ? (src->_Width >> 2) : src->_Width;
02433         // size to go to the next line in the destination
02434         const uint destStride = destRealWidth * bytePerPixs;
02436         // size to go to the next line in the source
02437         const uint srcStride = srcRealWidth * bytePerPixs;
02439         // length in bytes of a line to copy
02440         const uint lineLength = width * bytePerPixs;
02443         uint8  *destPos = &(_Data[0][0]) + destStride * destStartY + bytePerPixs * destStartX;
02444         const uint8 *srcPos = &(src->_Data[0][0]) + srcStride * srcStartY + bytePerPixs * srcStartX;
02446         // copy each hline
02447         for (sint k = 0; k < height; ++k)
02448         {
02449                 ::memcpy(destPos, srcPos, lineLength);
02450                 destPos += destStride;
02451                 srcPos += srcStride;
02452         }
02455         return true;
02456 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::buildMipMaps  )  [inherited]

Build the mipmaps of the bitmap if they don't exist. Work only in RGBA mode...

See also:

Definition at line 1422 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_MipMapCount, NLMISC::CRGBA::A, NLMISC::CRGBA::B, NLMISC::CRGBA::G, NLMISC::isPowerOf2(), NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CRGBA::R, NLMISC::CObjectVector< uint8 >::resize(), NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA, sint, uint32, and w.

Referenced by NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::addMask(), NL3D::CTextureMem::doGenerate(), NLMISC::CBitmap::flipH(), NLMISC::CBitmap::flipV(), NLMISC::CBitmap::resample(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CCW(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CW(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx().

01423 {
01424         uint32 i,j;
01426         if(PixelFormat!=RGBA) return;
01427         if(_MipMapCount!=1) return;
01428         if(!NLMISC::isPowerOf2(_Width)) return;
01429         if(!NLMISC::isPowerOf2(_Height)) return;
01431         uint32 w = _Width;
01432         uint32 h = _Height;
01434         while(w>1 || h>1)
01435         {
01436                 uint32 precw = w;
01437                 uint32 prech = h;
01438                 w = (w+1)/2;
01439                 h = (h+1)/2;
01440                 uint32  mulw= precw/w;
01441                 uint32  mulh= prech/h;
01443                 _Data[_MipMapCount].resize(w*h*4);
01446                 NLMISC::CRGBA *pRgba = (NLMISC::CRGBA*)&_Data[_MipMapCount][0];
01447                 NLMISC::CRGBA *pRgbaPrev = (NLMISC::CRGBA*)&_Data[_MipMapCount-1][0];
01448                 for(i=0; i<h; i++)
01449                 {
01450                         sint    i0= mulh*i;
01451                         sint    i1= mulh*i+1;
01452                         if(mulh==1)
01453                                 i1=i0;
01454                         i0*=precw;
01455                         i1*=precw;
01456                         for(j=0; j<w; j++)
01457                         {
01458                                 sint    j0= mulw*j;
01459                                 sint    j1= mulw*j+1;
01460                                 if(mulh==1)
01461                                         j1=j0;
01462                                 CRGBA   &c0= pRgbaPrev[i0+j0];
01463                                 CRGBA   &c1= pRgbaPrev[i0+j1];
01464                                 CRGBA   &c2= pRgbaPrev[i1+j0];
01465                                 CRGBA   &c3= pRgbaPrev[i1+j1];
01466                                 pRgba[i*w + j].R = (c0.R +
01467                                                                         c1.R +
01468                                                                         c2.R +
01469                                                                         c3.R + 2 ) /4;
01470                                 pRgba[i*w + j].G = (c0.G +
01471                                                                         c1.G +
01472                                                                         c2.G +
01473                                                                         c3.G + 2 ) /4;
01474                                 pRgba[i*w + j].B = (c0.B +
01475                                                                         c1.B +
01476                                                                         c2.B +
01477                                                                         c3.B + 2 ) /4;
01478                                 pRgba[i*w + j].A = (c0.A +
01479                                                                         c1.A +
01480                                                                         c2.A +
01481                                                                         c3.A + 2 ) /4;
01482                         }
01483                 }
01485                 _MipMapCount++;
01486         }
01487 }

virtual ITexture* NL3D::ITexture::buildNonSelectableVersion uint  index  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

If this texture is selectable, build a non selectable version of this texture that is setupped with the given slot. NB : If this texture is selectable, you are ensured that the return pointer is not 'this'

Reimplemented in NL3D::CTextureCube, and NL3D::CTextureMultiFile.

Definition at line 368 of file texture.h.

References index, and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::selectTextureSet().

00368 { return this; }

void NL3D::ITexture::clearTouched void   )  [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 448 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_ListInvalidRect.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx().

00449         { 
00450                 _Touched=false; 
00451                 _ListInvalidRect.clear();
00452         }

bool NLMISC::CBitmap::convertToType TType  type  )  [inherited]

Convert bitmap to another type conversion to rgba always work. No-op if already rgba.

type new type for the bitmap
true if conversion succeeded, false else

Definition at line 926 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::convertToAlpha(), NLMISC::CBitmap::convertToAlphaLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::convertToDXTC5(), NLMISC::CBitmap::convertToLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::convertToRGBA(), NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA, and type.

Referenced by NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::addMask(), NL3D::CLodCharacterTmpBitmap::build(), NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::buildBitmap(), NL3D::CTextureFile::buildBitmapFromFile(), NL3D::CHeightMap::buildFromBitmap(), NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::CTextureEntry::createCoarseBitmap(), NL3D::CZoneLighter::getTexture(), NL3D::CTileBank::getTileNoiseMap(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx().

00927 {
00928         if(PixelFormat==type) return true;
00930         switch(type)
00931         {
00932                 case RGBA :
00933                         return convertToRGBA();
00934                         break;
00936                 case DXTC5 :
00937                         return convertToDXTC5();                
00938                         break;
00940                 case Luminance :
00941                         return convertToLuminance();
00942                         break;
00944                 case Alpha :
00945                         return convertToAlpha();
00946                         break;
00948                 case AlphaLuminance :
00949                         return convertToAlphaLuminance();
00950                         break;
00952                 default:
00953                         break;
00954         }
00956         return false;
00957 }

void NL3D::CTextureFar::doGenerate bool  async = false  )  [virtual]

Generate the texture. See ITexture::doGenerate().

See also:

Implements NL3D::ITexture.

Definition at line 420 of file texture_far.cpp.

References _PosToPatchMap, NL_FAR_TEXTURE_EDGE_SIZE, rebuildPatch(), and uint16.

00421 {
00422         // Resize. But don't need to fill with 0!!
00423         CBitmap::resize (NL_FAR_TEXTURE_EDGE_SIZE, NL_FAR_TEXTURE_EDGE_SIZE, RGBA, false);
00425         // Rectangle invalidate ?
00426         if (_ListInvalidRect.begin()!=_ListInvalidRect.end())
00427         {
00428                 // Yes, rebuild only those rectangles.
00430                 // For each rectangle to compute
00431                 std::list<NLMISC::CRect>::iterator ite=_ListInvalidRect.begin();
00432                 while (ite!=_ListInvalidRect.end())
00433                 {
00434                         // Get the PatchIdent.
00435                         CVector2s       pos((uint16)ite->left(), (uint16)ite->top());
00436                         TPosToPatchMap::iterator        itPosToPid= _PosToPatchMap.find( pos );
00437                         // If the patch is still here...
00438                         if( itPosToPid!=_PosToPatchMap.end() )
00439                         {
00440                                 // ReBuild the rectangle.
00441                                 rebuildPatch (pos, itPosToPid->second);
00442                         }
00444                         // Next rectangle
00445                         ite++;
00446                 }
00447         }
00448         else
00449         {
00450                 // Parse all existing Patchs.
00451                 TPosToPatchMap::iterator        itPosToPid= _PosToPatchMap.begin();
00452                 while( itPosToPid!= _PosToPatchMap.end() )
00453                 {
00454                         // ReBuild the rectangle.
00455                         rebuildPatch (itPosToPid->first, itPosToPid->second);
00457                         itPosToPid++;
00458                 }
00459         }
00460 }

bool NL3D::CTextureFar::endPatchULTouch  )  const

Definition at line 411 of file texture_far.cpp.

References _ItULPatch, and _PatchToPosMap.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::updateLightingTextureFar().

00412 {
00413         return _ItULPatch == _PatchToPosMap.end();
00414 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::flipH  )  [inherited]

Horizontal flip (all the columns are flipped)

Definition at line 2682 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_MipMapCount, NLMISC::CBitmap::buildMipMaps(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getHeight(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getWidth(), NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CBitmap::releaseMipMaps(), NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA, and sint32.

02683 {
02684         if (PixelFormat != RGBA)
02685                 return;
02687         sint32 nWidth = getWidth(0);
02688         sint32 nHeight = getHeight(0);
02689         sint32 i, j;
02690         NLMISC::CRGBA *pBitmap = (NLMISC::CRGBA*)&_Data[0][0];
02691         bool needRebuild = false;
02692         CRGBA temp;
02694         if(_MipMapCount>1)
02695                 needRebuild = true;
02696         releaseMipMaps();
02698         for( i = 0; i < nHeight; ++i )
02699                 for( j = 0; j < nWidth/2; ++j )
02700                 {
02701                         temp = pBitmap[i*nWidth+j];
02702                         pBitmap[i*nWidth+j] = pBitmap[i*nWidth+nWidth-j-1];
02703                         pBitmap[i*nWidth+nWidth-j-1] = temp;
02704                 }
02706         // Rebuilding mipmaps
02707         if(needRebuild)
02708         {
02709                 buildMipMaps();
02710         }
02711 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::flipV  )  [inherited]

Vertical flip (all the rows are flipped)

Definition at line 2714 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_MipMapCount, NLMISC::CBitmap::buildMipMaps(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getHeight(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getWidth(), NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CBitmap::releaseMipMaps(), NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA, and sint32.

02715 {
02716         if (PixelFormat != RGBA)
02717                 return;
02719         sint32 nWidth = getWidth(0);
02720         sint32 nHeight = getHeight(0);
02721         sint32 i, j;
02722         NLMISC::CRGBA *pBitmap = (NLMISC::CRGBA*)&_Data[0][0];
02723         bool needRebuild = false;
02724         CRGBA temp;
02726         if(_MipMapCount>1)
02727                 needRebuild = true;
02728         releaseMipMaps();
02730         for( j = 0; j < nHeight/2; ++j )
02731                 for( i = 0; i < nWidth; ++i )
02732                 {
02733                         temp = pBitmap[j*nWidth+i];
02734                         pBitmap[j*nWidth+i] = pBitmap[(nHeight-j-1)*nWidth+i];
02735                         pBitmap[(nHeight-j-1)*nWidth+i] = temp;
02736                 }
02738         // Rebuilding mipmaps
02739         if(needRebuild)
02740         {
02741                 buildMipMaps();
02742         }
02743 }

void NL3D::ITexture::generate bool  async = false  )  [inline, inherited]

Generate the texture pixels.

This method is called by the driver when it needs to generate pixels of the texture. If the texture is used for the first time or if it is touched, the driver will call this method. For exemple, a texture file will load the bitmap in this method.

If the invalidate rect list is empty, generate() rebuild all the texture. If the invalidate rect list is not empty, generate() rebuilds only the invalidate rectangles in the list.

Don't clear the touch flag or the invalid rectangle list until updating the texture in generate(). It's the generate()'s caller jobs.

After generation, if the texture is releasable, the driver will release the texture by calling release().

NB: a flag is maintained to see if the generated bitmap is coherent with texture description (see touch*()). So if you do {generate(); generate();}, you only get 1 real bitmap generation...

If, after the doGenerate, the bitmap format is compressed (DXTC) and no mipmaps have been generated, the mipmap are disabled beacause the user probably don't want the driver to unpacks the texture, generates the mipmaps and repacks the dxtc texture (that takes a lot of CPU time).

async tells the texture if the call is made asynchronously or not.
See also:
isAllInvalidated(), touch(), touched(), touchRect(), clearTouched(), _ListInvalidRect

getReleasable(), setReleasable()

Definition at line 309 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_GoodGenerate, and NL3D::ITexture::doGenerate().

Referenced by NL3D::CShadowMapManager::allocateTexture(), NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::buildBitmap(), NL3D::CTextureCube::doGenerate(), NL3D::CZoneLighter::getTexture(), NL3D::GetTextureSize(), NL3D::CTileBank::getTileNoiseMap(), NL3D::CZoneLighter::lightWater(), NL3D::CAsyncFileManager3D::CTextureLoad::run(), NL3D::CAsyncFileManager3D::CMeshLoad::run(), NL3D::CPSMultiTexturedParticle::setupMaterial(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx().

00310         {
00311                 if(!_GoodGenerate)
00312                 {
00313                         doGenerate(async);
00314                         _GoodGenerate=true;
00315                 }
00316         }

virtual std::string NLMISC::IClassable::getClassName  )  [pure virtual, inherited]

Implemented in NLAIAGENT::CNumericIndex, NLAIC::IPointerGestion, NLAIC::CIdentType, and CAutomataDesc.

Referenced by NLMISC::CClassRegistry::checkObject(), and NL3D::GetTextureSize().

CRGBAF NLMISC::CBitmap::getColor float  x,
float  y
const [inherited]

Get the color in the bitmap given a pixel size The mipmaps must be built. If not just return the bilinear at the given point. The input x and y must be clamped between 0 and 1

Definition at line 2470 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CRGBAF::A, NLMISC::CRGBAF::B, NLMISC::CRGBAF::G, NLMISC::CBitmap::getColorInterp(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getHeight(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getPixelColor(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getPixels(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getWidth(), nlassert, NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CRGBAF::R, NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA, sint32, uint32, x, and y.

02471 {
02472         if (x < 0.0f) x = 0.0f;
02473         if (x > 1.0f) x = 1.0f;
02474         if (y < 0.0f) y = 0.0f;
02475         if (y > 1.0f) y = 1.0f;
02477         sint32 nWidth = getWidth(0);
02478         sint32 nHeight = getHeight(0);
02480         if (nWidth == 0 || nHeight == 0) return CRGBAF(0, 0, 0, 0);
02482         const CObjectVector<uint8> &rBitmap = getPixels(0);
02483         sint32 nX[4], nY[4];
02485         x *= nWidth-1;
02486         y *= nHeight-1;
02488         // Integer part of (x,y)
02489         //nX[0] = ((sint32)floor(x-0.5f));
02490         //nY[0] = ((sint32)floor(y-0.5f));
02491         nX[0] = ((sint32)floor(x));
02492         nY[0] = ((sint32)floor(y));
02494         nX[1] = (nX[0] < (nWidth-1) ? nX[0]+1 : nX[0]);
02495         nY[1] = nY[0];
02497         nX[2] = nX[0];
02498         nY[2] = (nY[0] < (nHeight-1) ? nY[0]+1 : nY[0]);
02500         nX[3] = nX[1];
02501         nY[3] = nY[2];
02503         uint32 i;
02505         for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
02506         {
02507                 nlassert (nX[i] >= 0);
02508                 nlassert (nY[i] >= 0 );
02509                 nlassert (nX[i] < nWidth);
02510                 nlassert (nY[i] < nHeight);
02511         }
02513         // Decimal part of (x,y)
02514         x = x - (float)nX[0]; 
02515         y = y - (float)nY[0];
02517         switch (this->PixelFormat)
02518         {
02519                 case RGBA:
02520                 case DXTC1:
02521                 case DXTC1Alpha:
02522                 case DXTC3:
02523                 case DXTC5:
02524                 {                                                                       
02525                         CRGBAF finalVal;
02526                         CRGBA val[4];
02528                         if (this->PixelFormat == RGBA)
02529                         {
02530                                 for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
02531                                 {
02532                                         val[i] = CRGBA (rBitmap[(nX[i]+nY[i]*nWidth)*4+0],
02533                                                                         rBitmap[(nX[i]+nY[i]*nWidth)*4+1],
02534                                                                         rBitmap[(nX[i]+nY[i]*nWidth)*4+2],
02535                                                                         rBitmap[(nX[i]+nY[i]*nWidth)*4+3]);
02536                                 }
02537                         }
02538                         else
02539                         {
02540                                 // slower version : get from DXT
02541                                 for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
02542                                 {
02543                                         val[i] = getPixelColor(nX[i], nY[i]);
02544                                 }
02545                         }
02547                         finalVal.R = getColorInterp (x, y, val[0].R, val[1].R, val[2].R, val[3].R);
02548                         finalVal.G = getColorInterp (x, y, val[0].G, val[1].G, val[2].G, val[3].G);
02549                         finalVal.B = getColorInterp (x, y, val[0].B, val[1].B, val[2].B, val[3].B);
02550                         finalVal.A = getColorInterp (x, y, val[0].A, val[1].A, val[2].A, val[3].A);
02551                         finalVal /= 255.f;
02553                         return finalVal;                        
02554                 }
02555                 break;
02556                 case Alpha:
02557                 case Luminance:
02558                 {
02560                         float finalVal;
02561                         float val[4];
02563                         for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
02564                                 val[i] = rBitmap[(nX[i]+nY[i]*nWidth)];
02566                         finalVal = getColorInterp (x, y, val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3]);
02567                         finalVal /= 255.f;
02569                         if (this->PixelFormat == Alpha)
02570                                 return CRGBAF (1.f, 1.f, 1.f, finalVal);
02571                         else // Luminance
02572                                 return CRGBAF (finalVal, finalVal, finalVal, 1.f);
02573                 }
02574                 break;
02575                 default: break;
02576         }
02578         return CRGBAF (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
02579 }

uint NL3D::CTextureFar::getFreeListId uint  width,
uint  height

Definition at line 128 of file texture_far.cpp.

References NLMISC::getPowerOf2(), height, NLMISC::isPowerOf2(), NL_MAX_FAR_PATCH_EDGE, NL_NUM_FAR_PATCH_EDGE_LEVEL, NL_NUM_FAR_RECTANGLE_RATIO, nlassert, uint, and width.

Referenced by allocatePatch(), CTextureFar(), recursSplitNext(), removePatch(), and tryAllocatePatch().

00129 {
00130         nlassert(width>=height);
00131         nlassert(isPowerOf2(width));
00132         nlassert(isPowerOf2(height));
00133         nlassert(width<=NL_MAX_FAR_PATCH_EDGE);
00135         // compute the level index
00136         uint    sizeIndex= getPowerOf2(NL_MAX_FAR_PATCH_EDGE / width);
00137         nlassert(sizeIndex < NL_NUM_FAR_PATCH_EDGE_LEVEL);
00139         // Compute the aspect ratio index.
00140         uint    aspectRatioIndex= getPowerOf2(width/height);
00141         nlassert(aspectRatioIndex < NL_NUM_FAR_RECTANGLE_RATIO );
00143         return sizeIndex*NL_NUM_FAR_RECTANGLE_RATIO + aspectRatioIndex;
00144 }

uint32 NLMISC::CBitmap::getHeight uint32  numMipMap = 0  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Return the image height, or a mipmap height.

mipMap mipmap level
image height (0 if mipmap not found)

Definition at line 1388 of file bitmap.cpp.

References uint32, and w.

Referenced by NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::addMask(), NL3D::CLodCharacterTmpBitmap::build(), NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::buildBitmap(), NL3D::CTextureFile::buildBitmapFromFile(), NL3D::CFontManager::computeString(), NL3D::CFastHLSModifier::convertDDSBitmap(), draw2dLine(), NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::expand(), NL3D::CDriverGL::fillBuffer(), NLMISC::CBitmap::flipH(), NLMISC::CBitmap::flipV(), NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::generate(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getColor(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getDXTC1Texel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getDXTC3Texel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getDXTC5Texel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getRGBAPixel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getSize(), NL3D::GetTextureSize(), NL3D::CTileBank::getTileNoiseMap(), NL3D::CZoneLighter::lightWater(), NL3D::CShapeBank::processWSUploadTexture(), RenderTriangle(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CCW(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CW(), NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::setBitmap(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture(), and NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::uploadTexturePart().

01389 {
01390         if(mipMap==0) return _Height;
01392         uint32 w = _Width;
01393         uint32 h = _Height;
01394         uint32 m = 0;
01396         do
01397         {
01398                 m++;
01399                 w = (w+1)/2;
01400                 h = (h+1)/2;
01401                 if(m==mipMap) return h;
01402         }
01403         while(w!=1 || h!=1);
01405         return 0;
01406 }

TMagFilter NL3D::ITexture::getMagFilter  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 214 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_MagFilter, and NL3D::ITexture::TMagFilter.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::activateTexture(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx().

00214 {return _MagFilter;}

TMinFilter NL3D::ITexture::getMinFilter  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 215 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_MinFilter, and NL3D::ITexture::TMinFilter.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::activateTexture(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx().

00215 {return _MinFilter;}

uint32 NLMISC::CBitmap::getMipMapCount  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return the number of mipmaps. Level0 is a mipmap...

number of mipmaps. 0 if no image at all. 1 if no mipmaping (for the base level).

Definition at line 369 of file bitmap.h.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_MipMapCount, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::addMask(), NL3D::CShapeBank::processWSUploadTexture(), NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::setBitmap(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture(), NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::uploadTexturePart(), and NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::validDXTCMipMap().

00370         {
00371                 return _MipMapCount; 
00372         }

CTextureFar* NL3D::CTextureFar::getNextUL  )  const [inline]

For lighting update, get Next (CiruclarList). If ==this, then list is empty.

Definition at line 139 of file texture_far.h.

References _ULNext.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::clearFarRenderPass(), and NL3D::CLandscape::updateLightingTextureFar().

00139 {return _ULNext;}

CRGBA NLMISC::CBitmap::getPixelColor sint  x,
sint  y,
uint32  numMipMap = 0
const [inherited]

Get the pixel at the given coorrdinate. Works in RGBA and DXTC modes. Outside of the bitmap it returns Black (or if mipmap is not found)

Definition at line 3134 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::getDXTC1Texel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getDXTC3Texel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getDXTC5Texel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getRGBAPixel(), nlstop, NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA, sint, uint32, x, and y.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::getColor().

03135 {
03137         switch (PixelFormat)
03138         {
03139                 case RGBA:      
03140                         return getRGBAPixel(x, y, numMipMap);           
03141                 case DXTC1:
03142                 case DXTC1Alpha: 
03143                         return getDXTC1Texel(x, y, numMipMap);
03144                 case DXTC3:
03145                         return getDXTC3Texel(x, y, numMipMap);
03146                 case DXTC5:
03147                         return getDXTC5Texel(x, y, numMipMap);
03148                 default:
03149                         nlstop;
03150                 break;
03151         }
03152         return CRGBA::Black;
03153 }

TType NLMISC::CBitmap::getPixelFormat  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return the format of pixels stored at the present time in the object buffer.

Pixel format (rgba luminance alpha alphaLuminance dxtc1 dxtc1Alpha dxtc3 dxtc5)

Definition at line 335 of file bitmap.h.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat.

Referenced by NL3D::CFastHLSModifier::convertDDSBitmap(), NL3D::CFastHLSModifier::convertRGBABitmap(), NL3D::CTextureGrouped::doGenerate(), NL3D::CDriverGL::fillBuffer(), NL3D::getGlSrcTextureFormat(), NL3D::CDriverGL::getGlTextureFormat(), NL3D::CShapeBank::processWSUploadTexture(), rebuildPatch(), NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::setBitmap(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::update(), NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture(), NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::uploadTexturePart(), and NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::validDXTCMipMap().

00336         {
00337                 return PixelFormat; 
00338         }

const CObjectVector<uint8>& NLMISC::CBitmap::getPixels uint32  numMipMap = 0  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 313 of file bitmap.h.

References uint32.

00314         {
00315                 //nlassert (numMipMap<=_MipMapCount);
00316                 return _Data[numMipMap]; 
00317         }

CObjectVector<uint8>& NLMISC::CBitmap::getPixels uint32  numMipMap = 0  )  [inline, inherited]

Return the pixels buffer of the image, or of one of its mipmap. Return a reference of an array in pixel format get with getPixelFormat().

CObjectVector<uint8>& RGBA pixels

Definition at line 308 of file bitmap.h.

References uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::addMask(), NL3D::CLodCharacterTmpBitmap::build(), NL3D::CTextureFile::buildBitmapFromFile(), NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::buildColorVersion(), NL3D::CFastHLSModifier::convertDDSBitmapDXTC1Or1A(), NL3D::CFastHLSModifier::convertDDSBitmapDXTC3Or5(), NL3D::CFastHLSModifier::convertRGBABitmap(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::copyRect(), NL3D::CTextureFont::CTextureFont(), NL3D::CTextureMem::doGenerate(), NL3D::CTextureEmboss::doGenerate(), NL3D::CTextureBump::doGenerate(), draw2dLine(), NL3D::CTextureFont::dumpTextureFont(), NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::expand(), NL3D::CDriverGL::fillBuffer(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::fillRect(), NL3D::CDriverGL::getBufferPart(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getColor(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getDXTC1Texel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getDXTC3Texel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getDXTC5Texel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getRGBAPixel(), NL3D::CTileBank::getTileNoiseMap(), NL3D::CZoneLighter::lightWater(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::modulateAndfillRect565(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::modulateAndfillRect8888(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::modulateConstantAndfillRect(), rebuildPatch(), RenderTriangle(), NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::setBitmap(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture().

00309         { 
00310                 //nlassert (numMipMap<=_MipMapCount);
00311                 return _Data[numMipMap];
00312         }

const sint& NLMISC::CRefCount::getRefCount  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 70 of file smart_ptr.h.

References NLMISC::CRefCount::crefs, and sint.

00071         {
00072                 return  crefs;
00073         }

bool NL3D::ITexture::getReleasable  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return whether texture can be released. If it returns true, the driver will release the texture after generate it and upload it into the videomemory by calling release(). If it returns false, the driver won't release the texture.

true if texture can be released, false else
See also:
setReleasable(), generate()

Definition at line 267 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_Releasable.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureBump::getNormalizationFactor(), NL3D::GetTextureSize(), NL3D::CShapeBank::processWSUploadTexture(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), and NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::uploadTexturePart().

00267 { return _Releasable; }

virtual std::string NL3D::ITexture::getShareName  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Return the Unique ident/name of the texture, used for Driver sharing caps. Deriver should add a prefix for their texture type. eg "file::pipoland", "noise::4-4-2" etc....

Reimplemented in NL3D::CTextureBlend, NL3D::CTextureBump, NL3D::CTextureCube, NL3D::CTextureEmboss, NL3D::CTextureFile, NL3D::CTextureGrouped, NL3D::CTextureMem, and NL3D::CTextureMultiFile.

Definition at line 338 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::buildBitmap(), NL3D::CZoneLighter::getTexture(), NL3D::IDriver::getTextureShareName(), NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::remapCoordinates(), and NL3D::CAsyncFileManager3D::CMeshLoad::run().

00338 {return std::string();}

uint32 NLMISC::CBitmap::getSize uint32  numMipMap = 0  )  const [inherited]

Return the size (in pixels) of the image: <=> getHeight()*getWidth().

mipMap mipmap level
image size (0 if mipmap not found)

Definition at line 1412 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::getHeight(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getWidth(), and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CShapeBank::processWSUploadTexture(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::update(), and NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::uploadTexturePart().

01413 {
01414         return getHeight(numMipMap)*getWidth(numMipMap);
01415 }

TUploadFormat NL3D::ITexture::getUploadFormat  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 212 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_UploadFormat, and NL3D::ITexture::TUploadFormat.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureBump::doGenerate(), NL3D::CDriverGL::getGlTextureFormat(), and NL3D::IDriver::getTextureShareName().

00212 {return _UploadFormat;}

bool NL3D::CTextureFar::getUpperSize uint width,
uint height

Definition at line 148 of file texture_far.cpp.

References height, NLMISC::isPowerOf2(), NL_MAX_FAR_PATCH_EDGE, nlassert, uint, and width.

Referenced by recursSplitNext(), and tryAllocatePatch().

00149 {
00150         nlassert(width>=height);
00151         nlassert(isPowerOf2(width));
00152         nlassert(isPowerOf2(height));
00154         // if height is smaller than widht, then reduce the ratio
00155         if(width>height)
00156         {
00157                 height*= 2;
00158                 return true;
00159         }
00160         else
00161         {
00162                 // else raise up to the next square level, if possible
00163                 if(width<NL_MAX_FAR_PATCH_EDGE)
00164                 {
00165                         width*= 2;
00166                         height*= 2;
00167                         return true;
00168                 }
00169                 else
00170                         return false;
00171         }
00172 }

uint32 NLMISC::CBitmap::getWidth uint32  numMipMap = 0  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Return the image width, or a mipmap width.

mipMap mipmap level
image width (0 if mipmap not found)

Definition at line 1363 of file bitmap.cpp.

References uint32, and w.

Referenced by NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::addMask(), NL3D::CShadowMapManager::allocateTexture(), NL3D::CLodCharacterTmpBitmap::build(), NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::buildBitmap(), NL3D::CTextureFile::buildBitmapFromFile(), NL3D::CFontManager::computeString(), NL3D::CFastHLSModifier::convertDDSBitmap(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::copyRect(), draw2dLine(), NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::expand(), NL3D::CDriverGL::fillBuffer(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::fillRect(), NLMISC::CBitmap::flipH(), NLMISC::CBitmap::flipV(), NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::generate(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getColor(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getDXTC1Texel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getDXTC3Texel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getDXTC5Texel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getRGBAPixel(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getSize(), NL3D::GetTextureSize(), NL3D::CTileBank::getTileNoiseMap(), NL3D::CZoneLighter::lightWater(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::modulateAndfillRect565(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::modulateAndfillRect8888(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::modulateConstantAndfillRect(), NL3D::CShapeBank::processWSUploadTexture(), RenderTriangle(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CCW(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CW(), NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::setBitmap(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture(), and NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::uploadTexturePart().

01364 {
01365         if(mipMap==0) return _Width;
01367         uint32 w = _Width;
01368         uint32 h = _Height;
01369         uint32 m = 0;
01371         do
01372         {
01373                 m++;
01374                 w = (w+1)/2;
01375                 h = (h+1)/2;
01376                 if(m==mipMap) return w;
01377         }
01378         while(w!=1 || h!=1);
01380         return 0;
01381 }

TWrapMode NL3D::ITexture::getWrapS  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 204 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_WrapS.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::activateTexture(), NL3D::CZoneLighter::getTexture(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx().

00204 {return _WrapS;}

TWrapMode NL3D::ITexture::getWrapT  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 205 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_WrapT.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::activateTexture(), NL3D::CZoneLighter::getTexture(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx().

00205 {return _WrapT;}

bool NL3D::ITexture::isAllInvalidated  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return true if ALL the texture is invalidate, else return false.

Definition at line 428 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_ListInvalidRect.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), and NL3D::ITexture::touchRect().

00429         {
00430                 return  _Touched&&(_ListInvalidRect.begin()==_ListInvalidRect.end());
00431         }

virtual bool NL3D::ITexture::isBumpMap  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in NL3D::CTextureBump.

Definition at line 380 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupWaterPassARB(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupWaterPassNV20(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupWaterPassR200().

00380 { return false; }

bool NLMISC::CBitmap::isGrayscaleAsAlpha  )  const [inline, inherited]

Tell if the bitmap loads grayscale bitmap as alpha or luminance format.

true if the bitmap loads grayscale bitmaps as alpha, false if it loads grayscale bitmaps as luminance.

Definition at line 483 of file bitmap.h.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_LoadGrayscaleAsAlpha.

00484         {
00485                 return _LoadGrayscaleAsAlpha;
00486         }

virtual bool NL3D::ITexture::isSelectable  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Test wether this texture is selectable.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CTextureCube, and NL3D::CTextureMultiFile.

Definition at line 363 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::selectTextureSet().

00363 { return false; }

virtual bool NL3D::ITexture::isTextureCube  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Does this texture is a cube texture.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CTextureCube.

Definition at line 376 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::activateTexture(), NL3D::convTexAddr(), NL3D::CDriverGL::copyFrameBufferToTexture(), NL3D::CShapeBank::processWSUploadTexture(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setTextureEnvFunction(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTextureCube().

00376 { return false; }       

void NL3D::CTextureFar::linkBeforeUL CTextureFar textNext  ) 

For lighting update, insert this before textNext (CiruclarList). textNext must be !NULL.

Definition at line 100 of file texture_far.cpp.

References _ULNext, _ULPrec, and nlassert.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::getFarRenderPass().

00101 {
00102         nlassert(textNext);
00104         // first, unlink others from me. NB: works even if _ULPrec==_ULNext==this.
00105         _ULNext->_ULPrec= _ULPrec;
00106         _ULPrec->_ULNext= _ULNext;
00107         // link to igNext.
00108         _ULNext= textNext;
00109         _ULPrec= textNext->_ULPrec;
00110         // link others to me.
00111         _ULNext->_ULPrec= this;
00112         _ULPrec->_ULNext= this;
00113 }

uint8 NLMISC::CBitmap::load NLMISC::IStream f,
uint  mipMapSkip = 0

Read a bitmap(TGA or DDS) from an IStream. Bitmap supported are DDS (DXTC1, DXTC1 with Alpha, DXTC3, DXTC5, and uncompressed TGA (24 and 32 bits).

IStream The stream must be in reading mode.
mipMapSkip if the file is a DDS with mipMap. N=mipMapSkip mipmaps are skipped.
image depth (24 or 32), or 0 if load failed
ESeekFailed : seek has failed

Definition at line 109 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::IStream::begin, NLMISC::DDS, depth, height, NLMISC::IStream::isReading(), nlassert, NLMISC::CBitmap::readDDS(), NLMISC::CBitmap::readTGA(), NLMISC::IStream::seek(), NLMISC::IStream::serial(), uint, uint16, uint32, uint8, and width.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureFile::buildBitmapFromFile(), and NL3D::CTextureMem::doGenerate().

00110 {
00111         nlassert(f.isReading()); 
00113         // testing if DDS
00114         uint32 fileType = 0;;
00115         f.serial(fileType);
00116         if(fileType == DDS)
00117         {
00119                 uint8 result = readDDS(f, mipMapSkip);
00120                 MakeWhite (*this);
00121                 return result;
00122 #else // NEL_ALL_BITMAP_WHITE
00123                 return readDDS(f, mipMapSkip);
00124 #endif // NEL_ALL_BITMAP_WHITE
00125         }
00126         // assuming it's TGA
00127         else 
00128         {
00129                 NLMISC::IStream::TSeekOrigin origin= f.begin;
00130                 if(! (0, origin))
00131                 {
00132                         throw ESeekFailed();
00133                 }
00135                 // Reading header, 
00136                 // To make sure that the bitmap is TGA, we check imageType and imageDepth.
00137                 uint8   lengthID;
00138                 uint8   cMapType;
00139                 uint8   imageType;
00140                 uint16  tgaOrigin;
00141                 uint16  length;
00142                 uint8   depth;
00143                 uint16  xOrg;
00144                 uint16  yOrg;
00145                 uint16  width;
00146                 uint16  height;
00147                 uint8   imageDepth;
00148                 uint8   desc;
00150                 f.serial(lengthID);
00151                 f.serial(cMapType);
00152                 f.serial(imageType);
00153                 if(imageType!=2 && imageType!=3 && imageType!=10 && imageType!=11) return 0;
00154                 f.serial(tgaOrigin);
00155                 f.serial(length);
00156                 f.serial(depth);
00157                 f.serial(xOrg);
00158                 f.serial(yOrg);
00159                 f.serial(width);
00160                 f.serial(height);
00161                 f.serial(imageDepth);
00162                 if(imageDepth!=8 && imageDepth!=16 && imageDepth!=24 && imageDepth!=32) return 0;
00163                 f.serial(desc);
00165                 if(! (0, origin))
00166                 {
00167                         throw ESeekFailed();
00168                 }
00170                 uint8 result = readTGA(f);
00171                 MakeWhite (*this);
00172                 return result;
00173 #else // NEL_ALL_BITMAP_WHITE
00174                 return readTGA(f);
00175 #endif // NEL_ALL_BITMAP_WHITE
00177         }       
00178 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::loadGrayscaleAsAlpha bool  loadAsAlpha  )  [inline, inherited]

Tell the bitmap to load grayscale bitmap as alpha or luminance format.

loadAsAlpha is true to load grayscale bitmaps as alpha. false to load grayscale bitmaps as luminance. default value is true.

Definition at line 472 of file bitmap.h.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_LoadGrayscaleAsAlpha.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureFile::buildBitmapFromFile(), and NL3D::CTileBank::getTileNoiseMap().

00473         {
00474                 _LoadGrayscaleAsAlpha=loadAsAlpha;
00475         }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::loadSize const std::string &  path,
uint32 retWidth,
uint32 retHeight
[static, inherited]

same than other loadSize(), but with a pathName.

See also:

Definition at line 2671 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::loadSize(), NLMISC::CIFile::open(), and uint32.

02672 {
02673         retWidth= 0;
02674         retHeight= 0;
02676         CIFile          f(path);
02677         if(
02678                 loadSize(f, retWidth, retHeight);
02679 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::loadSize NLMISC::IStream f,
uint32 width,
uint32 height
[static, inherited]

Determinate the bitmap size from a bitmap(TGA or DDS) from an IStream. load just header of the file. Bitmap supported are DDS (DXTC1, DXTC1 with Alpha, DXTC3, DXTC5, and uncompressed TGA (24 and 32 bits). NB: at the end, f is seeked to begin.

IStream The stream must be in reading mode.
width the width of the image. 0 if fails.
height the height of the image. 0 if fails.
ESeekFailed : seek has failed

Definition at line 2582 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::DDS, DDSD_LINEARSIZE, depth, height, NLMISC::IStream::isReading(), nlassert, NLMISC::IStream::seek(), NLMISC::IStream::serial(), size, uint, uint16, uint32, uint8, and width.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::loadSize().

02583 {
02584         retWidth= 0;
02585         retHeight= 0;
02588         nlassert(f.isReading()); 
02590         // testing if DDS
02591         uint32 fileType = 0;
02592         f.serial(fileType);
02593         if(fileType == DDS)
02594         {
02595                 // read entire DDS header.
02596                 uint32 size = 0;
02597                 f.serial(size); // size in Bytes of header(without "DDS")
02598                 uint32 * _DDSSurfaceDesc = new uint32[size]; 
02599                 std::auto_ptr<uint32> _DDSSurfaceDescAuto(_DDSSurfaceDesc);
02600                 _DDSSurfaceDesc[0]= size;
02602                 for(uint i= 0; i<size/4 - 1; i++)
02603                 {
02604                         f.serial(_DDSSurfaceDesc[i+1]);
02605                 }
02607                 // flags determines which members of the header structure contain valid data
02608                 uint32 flags = _DDSSurfaceDesc[1];
02610                 //verify if file have linearsize set
02611                 if(!(flags & DDSD_LINEARSIZE)) 
02612                 {
02613                         throw EDDSBadHeader();
02614                 }
02616                 //-------------- extracting and testing useful info
02617                 retHeight  = _DDSSurfaceDesc[2];
02618                 retWidth = _DDSSurfaceDesc[3];
02619         }
02620         // assuming it's TGA
02621         else 
02622         {
02623                 if(! (0, NLMISC::IStream::begin))
02624                 {
02625                         throw ESeekFailed();
02626                 }
02628                 // Reading header, 
02629                 // To make sure that the bitmap is TGA, we check imageType and imageDepth.
02630                 uint8   lengthID;
02631                 uint8   cMapType;
02632                 uint8   imageType;
02633                 uint16  tgaOrigin;
02634                 uint16  length;
02635                 uint8   depth;
02636                 uint16  xOrg;
02637                 uint16  yOrg;
02638                 uint16  width;
02639                 uint16  height;
02640                 uint8   imageDepth;
02641                 uint8   desc;
02643                 f.serial(lengthID);
02644                 f.serial(cMapType);
02645                 f.serial(imageType);
02646                 if(imageType!=2 && imageType!=3 && imageType!=10 && imageType!=11) return;
02647                 f.serial(tgaOrigin);
02648                 f.serial(length);
02649                 f.serial(depth);
02650                 f.serial(xOrg);
02651                 f.serial(yOrg);
02652                 f.serial(width);
02653                 f.serial(height);
02654                 f.serial(imageDepth);
02655                 if(imageDepth!=8 && imageDepth!=24 && imageDepth!=32) return;
02656                 f.serial(desc);
02658                 // Ok, we have width and height.
02659                 retWidth= width;
02660                 retHeight= height;
02661         }
02663         // reset stream.
02664         if(! (0, NLMISC::IStream::begin))
02665         {
02666                 throw ESeekFailed();
02667         }
02668 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::makeDummy  )  [inherited]

Make a dummy "?" texture. Usefull for file not found. Mode is rgba.

Definition at line 184 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_MipMapCount, NLMISC::CObjectVector< uint8 >::getPtr(), NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CObjectVector< uint8 >::resize(), NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA, NLMISC::CRGBA::set(), sint, and uint8.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureFile::buildBitmapFromFile(), NL3D::CreateDummyMesh(), NL3D::CTextureMultiFile::doGenerate(), NL3D::CTextureMem::doGenerate(), NL3D::CTextureGrouped::doGenerate(), NL3D::CTextureEmboss::doGenerate(), NL3D::CTextureBump::doGenerate(), and NL3D::CTextureBlend::doGenerate().

00185 {
00186         static  const uint8     bitmap[1024]= {  
00187                 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00188                 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00189                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00190                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00191                 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00192                 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00193                 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,
00194                 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,
00195                 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
00196                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00197                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00198                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00199                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00200                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00201                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00202                 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00203                 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00204                 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00205                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00206                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00207                 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00208                 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00209                 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,
00210                 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,
00211                 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
00212                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00213                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00214                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00215                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00216                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00217                 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00218                 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
00219         }; 
00221         PixelFormat = RGBA;
00222         _MipMapCount = 1;
00223         _Width= 32;
00224         _Height= 32;
00225         _Data[0].resize(_Width*_Height*sizeof(NLMISC::CRGBA));
00226         NLMISC::CRGBA   *pix= (NLMISC::CRGBA*)(_Data[0].getPtr());
00228         for(sint i=0;i<(sint)(_Width*_Height);i++)
00229         {
00230                 if(bitmap[i])
00231                         pix[i].set(255,255,255,255);
00232                 else
00233                         pix[i].set(0x80,0x80,0x80,0x40);
00234         }
00236 }

bool NL3D::ITexture::mipMapOff  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 216 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_MinFilter, NL3D::ITexture::LinearMipMapOff, and NL3D::ITexture::NearestMipMapOff.

Referenced by NL3D::ITexture::mipMapOn(), and NL3D::ITexture::setFilterMode().

00216 {return _MinFilter==NearestMipMapOff || _MinFilter==LinearMipMapOff;}

bool NL3D::ITexture::mipMapOn  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 217 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::mipMapOff().

Referenced by NL3D::IDriver::getTextureShareName(), NL3D::CShapeBank::processWSUploadTexture(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture().

00217 {return !mipMapOff();}

NL3D::CTextureFar::NLMISC_DECLARE_CLASS CTextureFar   )  [private]

void NL3D::CTextureFar::rebuildPatch const CVector2s  texturePos,
const CPatchIdent pid

Rebuild the patch passed in parameter

Definition at line 465 of file texture_far.cpp.

References _Bank, _LightmapExpanded, _LumelExpanded, _TileTLIColors, NL3D_CComputeTileFar::AsmMMX, NL3D_CExpandLightmap::ColorTile, NL3D::CPatch::computeCurrentTLILightmapDiv2(), NL3D_CComputeTileFar::DstDeltaX, NL3D_CComputeTileFar::DstDeltaY, NL3D_CComputeTileFar::DstPixels, NL3D_CExpandLightmap::DstPixels, NL3D::CTextureFar::CPatchIdent::FarIndex, NL3D::CZone::getLandscape(), NL3D::CPatch::getOrderS(), NL3D::CPatch::getOrderT(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getPixelFormat(), NL3D::CTileFarBank::CTileFar::getPixels(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getPixels(), NL3D::CLandscape::getStaticLight(), NL3D::CTileFarBank::getTile(), NL3D::CTileElement::getTile256Info(), NL3D::CTileElement::getTileOrient(), NL3D::CPatch::getZone(), NLMISC::CSystemInfo::hasMMX(), NL3D_CExpandLightmap::Height, NL3D::CTileFarBank::CTileFar::isFill(), NL3D_CExpandLightmap::LumelTile, NL3D_CExpandLightmap::MulFactor, NL3D_drawFarTileInFarTexture(), NL3D_drawFarTileInFarTextureAdditive(), NL3D_drawFarTileInFarTextureAdditiveAlpha(), NL3D_drawFarTileInFarTextureAlpha(), NL3D_expandLightmap(), NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE, NL_TILE_ELM_LAYER_EMPTY, nlassert, nlwarning, NL3D::CTextureFar::CPatchIdent::Patch, s, sint, NL3D_CComputeTileFar::Size, size, NL3D_CComputeTileFar::SrcAdditivePixels, NL3D_CComputeTileFar::SrcDeltaX, NL3D_CComputeTileFar::SrcDeltaY, NL3D_CComputeTileFar::SrcDiffusePixels, NL3D_CComputeTileFar::SrcLightingDeltaY, NL3D_CComputeTileFar::SrcLightingPixels, NL3D_CExpandLightmap::StaticLightColor, t, NL3D::CTileElement::Tile, NL3D::CPatch::TileColors, NL3D::CPatch::Tiles, NL3D_CExpandLightmap::TLIColor, uint, uint8, NL3D::CPatch::unpackShadowMap(), NL3D_CExpandLightmap::Width, NL3D::CTextureFar::CVector2s::x, x, NL3D::CTextureFar::CVector2s::y, and y.

Referenced by doGenerate().

00466 {
00467         uint x= texturePos.x;
00468         uint y= texturePos.y;
00470         // Patch pointer
00471         CPatch* patch= pid.Patch;
00473         // Check it exists
00474         nlassert (patch);
00476         // get the order
00477         uint nS=patch->getOrderS();
00478         uint nT=patch->getOrderT();
00480         // get the size of the texture to compute
00481         uint subTextWidth=(nS*NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE)>>(pid.FarIndex-1);
00482         uint subTextHeight=(nT*NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE)>>(pid.FarIndex-1);
00484         // Check it is a 16 bits texture
00485         nlassert (getPixelFormat()==RGBA);
00487         // Check pixels exist
00488         nlassert (getPixels().size()!=0);
00490         // Base offset of the first pixel of the patch's texture
00491         uint    nBaseOffset;
00493         // Delta to add to the destination offset when walk for a pixel to the right in the source tile
00494         sint dstDeltaX;
00496         // Delta to add to the destination offset when walk for a pixel to the bottom in the source tile
00497         sint dstDeltaY;
00499         // larger than higher  (regular)
00500         if (nS>=nT)
00501         {
00502                 // Regular offset, top left
00503                 nBaseOffset= x + y*_Width;
00505                 // Regular deltaX, to the right
00506                 dstDeltaX=1;
00508                 // Regular deltaY, to the bottom
00509                 dstDeltaY=_Width;
00510         }
00511         // higher than larger (goofy), the patch is stored with a rotation of 1 (to the left of course)
00512         else
00513         {
00514                 // Goofy offset, bottom left
00515                 nBaseOffset= x + y*_Width;
00516                 nBaseOffset+=(subTextWidth-1)*_Width;
00518                 // Goofy deltaX, to the top
00519                 dstDeltaX=-(sint)_Width;
00521                 // Goofy deltaY, to the right
00522                 dstDeltaY=1;
00523         }
00525         // Compute the order of the patch
00526         CTileFarBank::TFarOrder orderX=CTileFarBank::order0;
00527         uint tileSize=0;
00528         switch (pid.FarIndex)
00529         {
00530         case 3:
00531                 // Ratio 1:4
00532                 orderX=CTileFarBank::order2;
00533                 tileSize=NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE>>2;
00534                 break;
00535         case 2:
00536                 // Ratio 1:2
00537                 orderX=CTileFarBank::order1;
00538                 tileSize=NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE>>1;
00539                 break;
00540         case 1:
00541                 // Ratio 1:1
00542                 orderX=CTileFarBank::order0;
00543                 tileSize=NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE;
00544                 break;
00545         default:
00546                 // no!: must be one of the previous values
00547                 nlassert (0);
00548         }
00550         // Must have a far tile bank pointer set in the CFarTexture
00551         nlassert (_Bank);
00553         // For all the tiles in the textures
00554         sint nTileInPatch=0;
00556         // ** Fill the struct for the tile fill method for each layers
00557         NL3D_CComputeTileFar TileFar;
00558         TileFar.AsmMMX= false;
00559 #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS
00560         TileFar.AsmMMX= NLMISC::CSystemInfo::hasMMX();
00561 #endif
00563         // Destination pointer
00565         // Destination delta
00566         TileFar.DstDeltaX=dstDeltaX;
00567         TileFar.DstDeltaY=dstDeltaY;
00569         // ** Build expand lightmap..
00570         NL3D_CExpandLightmap lightMap;
00572         // Fill the structure
00573         lightMap.MulFactor=tileSize;
00574         lightMap.ColorTile=&patch->TileColors[0];
00575         lightMap.Width=nS+1;
00576         lightMap.Height=nT+1;
00577         lightMap.StaticLightColor=patch->getZone()->getLandscape()->getStaticLight();
00578         lightMap.DstPixels=_LightmapExpanded;
00579         // Compute current TLI colors.
00580         patch->computeCurrentTLILightmapDiv2(_TileTLIColors);
00581         lightMap.TLIColor= _TileTLIColors;
00583         // Expand the shadowmap
00584         patch->unpackShadowMap (_LumelExpanded);
00585         lightMap.LumelTile=_LumelExpanded;
00587         // Expand the patch lightmap now
00588         NL3D_expandLightmap (&lightMap);
00590         // DeltaY for lightmap
00591         TileFar.SrcLightingDeltaY=nS*tileSize;
00593         // Base Dst pointer on the tile line
00594         uint nBaseDstTileLine=nBaseOffset;
00595         for (uint t=0; t<nT; t++)
00596         {
00597                 // Base Dst pointer on the tile
00598                 uint nBaseDstTilePixels=nBaseDstTileLine;
00600                 // For each tile of the line
00601                 for (uint s=0; s<nS; s++)
00602                 {
00603                         // Base pointer of the destination texture
00604                         TileFar.DstPixels=(CRGBA*)&(getPixels()[0])+nBaseDstTilePixels;
00606                         // Lightmap pointer
00607                         TileFar.SrcLightingPixels=_LightmapExpanded+(s*tileSize)+(t*nS*tileSize*tileSize);
00609                         // For each layer of the tile
00610                         for (sint l=0; l<3; l++)
00611                         {
00612                                 // Use of additive in this layer ?
00613                                 bool bAdditive=false;
00615                                 // Size of the edge far tile
00616                                 TileFar.Size=tileSize;
00618                                 // Get a tile element reference for this tile.
00619                                 const CTileElement &tileElm=patch->Tiles[nTileInPatch];
00621                                 // Check for 256 tiles...
00622                                 bool    is256x256;
00623                                 uint8   uvOff;
00624                                 tileElm.getTile256Info(is256x256, uvOff);
00626                                 // Get the tile number
00627                                 sint tile=tileElm.Tile[l];
00629                                 // Is the last layer ?
00630                                 bool lastLayer = ( (l == 2) || (tileElm.Tile[l+1] == NL_TILE_ELM_LAYER_EMPTY) );
00632                                 // Is an non-empty layer ?
00633                                 if (tile!=NL_TILE_ELM_LAYER_EMPTY)
00634                                 {
00635                                         // Get the read only pointer on the far tile
00636                                         const CTileFarBank::CTileFar*   pTile=_Bank->getTile (tile);
00638                                         // This pointer must not be null, else the farBank is not valid!
00639                                         if (pTile==NULL)
00640                                                 nlwarning ("FarBank is not valid!");
00642                                         // If the tile exist
00643                                         if (pTile)
00644                                         {
00645                                                 // Tile exist ?
00646                                                 if (pTile->isFill (CTileFarBank::diffuse))
00647                                                 {
00648                                                         // Get rotation of the tile in this layer
00649                                                         sint nRot=tileElm.getTileOrient(l);
00651                                                         // Source pointer
00652                                                         const CRGBA*    pSrcDiffusePixels=pTile->getPixels (CTileFarBank::diffuse, orderX);
00653                                                         const CRGBA*    pSrcAdditivePixels=NULL;
00655                                                         // Additive ?
00656                                                         if (pTile->isFill (CTileFarBank::additive))
00657                                                         {
00658                                                                 // Use it
00659                                                                 bAdditive=true;
00661                                                                 // Get additive pointer
00662                                                                 pSrcAdditivePixels=pTile->getPixels (CTileFarBank::additive, orderX);
00663                                                         }
00665                                                         // Source size
00666                                                         sint sourceSize;
00668                                                         // Source offset (for 256)
00669                                                         uint sourceOffset=0;
00671                                                         // 256 ?
00672                                                         if (is256x256)
00673                                                         {
00674                                                                 // On the left ?
00675                                                                 if (uvOff&0x02)
00676                                                                         sourceOffset+=tileSize;
00678                                                                 // On the bottom ?
00679                                                                 if ((uvOff==1)||(uvOff==2))
00680                                                                         sourceOffset+=2*tileSize*tileSize;
00682                                                                 // Yes, 256
00683                                                                 sourceSize=tileSize<<1;
00684                                                         }
00685                                                         else
00686                                                         {
00687                                                                 // No, 128
00688                                                                 sourceSize=tileSize;
00689                                                         }
00691                                                         // Compute offset and deltas
00692                                                         switch (nRot)
00693                                                         {
00694                                                         case 0:
00695                                                                 // Source pointers
00696                                                                 TileFar.SrcDiffusePixels=pSrcDiffusePixels+sourceOffset;
00697                                                                 TileFar.SrcAdditivePixels=pSrcAdditivePixels+sourceOffset;
00699                                                                 // Source delta
00700                                                                 TileFar.SrcDeltaX=1;
00701                                                                 TileFar.SrcDeltaY=sourceSize;
00702                                                                 break;
00703                                                         case 1:
00704                                                                 {
00705                                                                         // Source pointers
00706                                                                         uint newOffset=sourceOffset+(tileSize-1);
00707                                                                         TileFar.SrcDiffusePixels=pSrcDiffusePixels+newOffset;
00708                                                                         TileFar.SrcAdditivePixels=pSrcAdditivePixels+newOffset;
00710                                                                         // Source delta
00711                                                                         TileFar.SrcDeltaX=sourceSize;
00712                                                                         TileFar.SrcDeltaY=-1;
00713                                                                 }
00714                                                                 break;
00715                                                         case 2:
00716                                                                 {
00717                                                                         // Destination pointer
00718                                                                         uint newOffset=sourceOffset+(tileSize-1)*sourceSize+tileSize-1;
00719                                                                         TileFar.SrcDiffusePixels=pSrcDiffusePixels+newOffset;
00720                                                                         TileFar.SrcAdditivePixels=pSrcAdditivePixels+newOffset;
00722                                                                         // Source delta
00723                                                                         TileFar.SrcDeltaX=-1;
00724                                                                         TileFar.SrcDeltaY=-sourceSize;
00725                                                                 }
00726                                                                 break;
00727                                                         case 3:
00728                                                                 {
00729                                                                         // Destination pointer
00730                                                                         uint newOffset=sourceOffset+(tileSize-1)*sourceSize;
00731                                                                         TileFar.SrcDiffusePixels=pSrcDiffusePixels+newOffset;
00732                                                                         TileFar.SrcAdditivePixels=pSrcAdditivePixels+newOffset;
00734                                                                         // Source delta
00735                                                                         TileFar.SrcDeltaX=-sourceSize;
00736                                                                         TileFar.SrcDeltaY=1;
00737                                                                 }
00738                                                                 break;
00739                                                         }
00741                                                         // *** Draw the layer
00743                                                         // Alpha layer ?
00744                                                         if (l>0)
00745                                                         {
00746                                                                 // Additive layer ?
00747                                                                 if (bAdditive && lastLayer)
00748                                                                         NL3D_drawFarTileInFarTextureAdditiveAlpha (&TileFar);
00749                                                                 else    // No additive layer
00750                                                                         NL3D_drawFarTileInFarTextureAlpha (&TileFar);
00751                                                         }
00752                                                         else    // no alpha
00753                                                         {
00754                                                                 // Additive layer ?
00755                                                                 if (bAdditive && lastLayer)
00756                                                                         NL3D_drawFarTileInFarTextureAdditive (&TileFar);
00757                                                                 else    // No additive layer
00758                                                                         NL3D_drawFarTileInFarTexture (&TileFar);
00759                                                         }
00760                                                 }
00761                                         }
00762                                 }
00763                                 else
00764                                         // Stop, no more layer
00765                                         break;
00766                         }
00768                         // Next tile
00769                         nTileInPatch++;
00771                         // Next tile on the line
00772                         nBaseDstTilePixels+=dstDeltaX*tileSize;
00773                 }
00775                 // Next line of tiles
00776                 nBaseDstTileLine+=dstDeltaY*tileSize;
00777         }
00779 }

void NL3D::CTextureFar::recursSplitNext uint  width,
uint  height

Definition at line 212 of file texture_far.cpp.

References _FreeSpaces, getFreeListId(), getUpperSize(), nlassert, nlverify, uint, NL3D::CTextureFar::CVector2s::x, and NL3D::CTextureFar::CVector2s::y.

Referenced by allocatePatch().

00213 {
00214         // get the upper subTexture
00215         uint    wup= wson, hup= hson;
00216         nlverify( getUpperSize(wup, hup) );
00218         // get the list id.
00219         uint    fatherListId= getFreeListId(wup, hup);
00221         // if must split bigger patch...
00222         if(_FreeSpaces[fatherListId].empty())
00223         {
00224                 // recurs, try to get a bigger subtexture and split it.
00225                 recursSplitNext(wup, hup);
00226         }
00228         // OK, now we should have a free entry.
00229         nlassert( !_FreeSpaces[fatherListId].empty() );
00231         // remove from free list, because it is split now!
00232         CVector2s       fatherPos= _FreeSpaces[fatherListId].front();
00233         _FreeSpaces[fatherListId].pop_front();
00235         // Create New free rectangles for sons
00236         uint    sonListId= getFreeListId(wson, hson);
00237         CVector2s       sonPos;
00239         // if my son is a rectangle son
00240         if(wson>hson)
00241         {
00242                 // Then Add 2 free Spaces!
00243                 sonPos.x= fatherPos.x;
00244                 // 1st.
00245                 sonPos.y= fatherPos.y;
00246                 _FreeSpaces[sonListId].push_back(sonPos);
00247                 // 2nd.
00248                 sonPos.y= fatherPos.y+hson;
00249                 _FreeSpaces[sonListId].push_back(sonPos);
00250         }
00251         else
00252         {
00253                 // Then Add 4 free Spaces!
00254                 // 1st.
00255                 sonPos.x= fatherPos.x;
00256                 sonPos.y= fatherPos.y;
00257                 _FreeSpaces[sonListId].push_back(sonPos);
00258                 // 2nd.
00259                 sonPos.x= fatherPos.x+wson;
00260                 sonPos.y= fatherPos.y;
00261                 _FreeSpaces[sonListId].push_back(sonPos);
00262                 // 3rd.
00263                 sonPos.x= fatherPos.x;
00264                 sonPos.y= fatherPos.y+hson;
00265                 _FreeSpaces[sonListId].push_back(sonPos);
00266                 // 4th.
00267                 sonPos.x= fatherPos.x+wson;
00268                 sonPos.y= fatherPos.y+hson;
00269                 _FreeSpaces[sonListId].push_back(sonPos);
00270         }
00272 }

virtual void NL3D::ITexture::release void   )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Release the texure (free memory)

Reimplemented in NL3D::CTextureBlend, NL3D::CTextureBump, NL3D::CTextureCube, NL3D::CTextureEmboss, and NL3D::CTextureGrouped.

Definition at line 327 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_GoodGenerate, and NLMISC::CBitmap::reset().

Referenced by NL3D::CZoneLighter::getTexture(), NL3D::GetTextureSize(), NL3D::CShapeBank::processWSUploadTexture(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), and NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::update().

00327 { reset(); _GoodGenerate= false; }

void NL3D::ITexture::releaseDriverSetup  )  [inherited]

Release the Driver info for this texture (if any). Call it with care.

Definition at line 64 of file texture.cpp.

References NLMISC::CRefPtr< CTextureDrvShare >::kill(), and NL3D::ITexture::TextureDrvShare.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::isAsyncTextureReady(), and NL3D::ITexture::~ITexture().

00065 {
00066         // Must kill the drv mirror of this texture.
00067         TextureDrvShare.kill();
00068 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::releaseMipMaps  )  [inherited]

Release the mipmaps of the bitmap if they exist. Work for any mode.

See also:

Definition at line 1493 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_MipMapCount, NLMISC::contReset(), NLMISC::MAX_MIPMAP, and sint.

Referenced by NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::CTextureEntry::createCoarseBitmap(), NL3D::CTextureEmboss::doGenerate(), NL3D::CTextureBump::doGenerate(), NLMISC::CBitmap::flipH(), NLMISC::CBitmap::flipV(), NLMISC::CBitmap::resample(), NLMISC::CBitmap::resize(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CCW(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CW(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx().

01494 {
01495         if(_MipMapCount<=1) return;
01497         _MipMapCount=1;
01498         for(sint i=1;i<MAX_MIPMAP;i++)
01499         {
01500                 NLMISC::contReset(_Data[i]); 
01501         }
01502 }

void NL3D::CTextureFar::removePatch CPatch pPatch,
uint  farIndex

Remove a patch in the CTexture Far.

Definition at line 335 of file texture_far.cpp.

References _FreeSpaces, _ItULPatch, _PatchToPosMap, _PosToPatchMap, NL3D::CTextureFar::CPatchIdent::FarIndex, getFreeListId(), NL3D::CPatch::getOrderS(), NL3D::CPatch::getOrderT(), height, NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE, nlassert, NL3D::CTextureFar::CPatchIdent::Patch, uint, and width.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::freeFarRenderPass().

00336 {
00337         // must be found
00338         CPatchIdent     pid;
00339         pid.Patch= pPatch;
00340         pid.FarIndex= farIndex;
00341         TPatchToPosMap::iterator        it= _PatchToPosMap.find(pid);
00342         nlassert( it != _PatchToPosMap.end() );
00344         // get the pos where this patch texture is stored
00345         CVector2s       pos= it->second;
00347         // If I erase the patch wihch must next UL, then update UL
00348         if( it == _ItULPatch )
00349                 _ItULPatch++;
00351         // erase from the 1st map
00352         _PatchToPosMap.erase(it);
00354         // erase from the second map
00355         _PosToPatchMap.erase(pos);
00357         // Append to the free list.
00358         uint width=(pPatch->getOrderS ()*NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE)>>(farIndex-1);
00359         uint height=(pPatch->getOrderT ()*NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE)>>(farIndex-1);
00360         if(width<height)
00361                 swap(width, height);
00362         uint    freeListId= getFreeListId(width, height);
00363         _FreeSpaces[freeListId].push_back(pos);
00364 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::resample sint32  nNewWidth,
sint32  nNewHeight

Resample the bitmap. If mipmaps exist they are deleted, then rebuilt after resampling.

nNewWidth width after resample
nNewHeight height after resample

Definition at line 1508 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_MipMapCount, NLMISC::CBitmap::buildMipMaps(), NLMISC::contReset(), nlassert, NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CBitmap::releaseMipMaps(), NLMISC::CBitmap::resamplePicture32(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< T, EnableObjectBehavior >::resize(), NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA, and sint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::buildBitmap(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx().

01509 {
01510         nlassert(PixelFormat == RGBA);
01511         bool needRebuild = false;
01513         // Deleting mipmaps
01514         if(_MipMapCount>1)
01515                 needRebuild = true;
01516         releaseMipMaps();
01518         if(nNewWidth==0 || nNewHeight==0)
01519         {
01520                 _Width = _Height = 0;
01521                 return;
01522         }
01524         CObjectVector<uint8> pDestui;
01525         pDestui.resize(nNewWidth*nNewHeight*4);
01526         NLMISC::CRGBA *pDestRgba = (NLMISC::CRGBA*)&pDestui[0];
01528         resamplePicture32 ((NLMISC::CRGBA*)&_Data[0][0], pDestRgba, _Width, _Height, nNewWidth, nNewHeight);
01529         NLMISC::contReset(_Data[0]); // free memory
01530         _Data[0] =  pDestui;
01531         _Width= nNewWidth;
01532         _Height= nNewHeight;
01534         // Rebuilding mipmaps
01535         if(needRebuild)
01536         {
01537                 buildMipMaps();
01538         }
01539 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::reset TType  type = RGBA  )  [inherited]

Reset the buffer. Mipmaps are deleted and bitmap is not valid anymore.

type is the new type used for this texture

Definition at line 1599 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_MipMapCount, NLMISC::contReset(), NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CObjectVector< uint8 >::resize(), type, and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::buildColorVersion(), NL3D::CDriverGL::getBufferPart(), and NL3D::ITexture::release().

01600 {
01601         for(uint i=0; i<_MipMapCount; i++)
01602         {
01603                 NLMISC::contReset(_Data[i]);
01604                 _Data[i].resize(0);
01605         }
01606         _Width = _Height = 0;
01607         _MipMapCount= 1;
01609         // Change pixel format
01610         PixelFormat=type;
01611 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::resize sint32  nNewWidth,
sint32  nNewHeight,
TType  newType = DonTKnow,
bool  resetTo0 = true

Resize the bitmap. If mipmaps exist they are deleted and not rebuilt. This is not a crop. Pixels are lost after resize.

nNewWidth width after resize
nNewHeight height after resize
newType is the new type of the bitmap. If don_t_know, keep the same pixel format that before.
resetTo0 by default the vector are filled by 0. set false to gain performances.

Definition at line 1545 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::DonTKnow, NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CBitmap::releaseMipMaps(), NLMISC::CBitmap::resizeMipMap(), and sint32.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::blend(), NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::buildColorVersion(), NL3D::CTextureFont::CTextureFont(), NL3D::CTextureMem::doGenerate(), NL3D::CTextureGrouped::doGenerate(), NL3D::CTextureCross::doGenerate(), NL3D::CTextureFont::dumpTextureFont(), NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::expand(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::getBufferPart().

01546 {
01547         // Deleting mipmaps
01548         releaseMipMaps();
01550         // Change type of bitmap ?
01551         if (newType!=DonTKnow)
01552                 PixelFormat=newType;
01554         _Width = nNewWidth;
01555         _Height = nNewHeight;
01557         // resize the level 0 only.
01558         resizeMipMap(0, nNewWidth, nNewHeight, resetTo0);
01559 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::resizeMipMap uint32  numMipMap,
sint32  nNewWidth,
sint32  nNewHeight,
bool  resetTo0 = true

ADVANCED USE Resize a single mipmap level. resize() should have been called before. This is not a crop. Pixels are lost after resize. No validity check is made. It is the user responsabitility fo setup correct mipmap size.

numMipMap id of the mipmap
nNewWidth width after resize
nNewHeight height after resize
resetTo0 by default the vector are filled by 0. set false to gain performances.

Definition at line 1565 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::bitPerPixels, NLMISC::contReset(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< uint8 >::fill(), NLMISC::MAX_MIPMAP, nlassert, NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CObjectVector< uint8 >::resize(), sint32, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::buildColorVersion(), and NLMISC::CBitmap::resize().

01566 {
01567         nlassert(numMipMap<MAX_MIPMAP);
01569         // free memory
01570         NLMISC::contReset(_Data[numMipMap]);
01572         // DXTC compressed??
01573         //bool  isDXTC= PixelFormat==DXTC1 || PixelFormat==DXTC1Alpha || PixelFormat==DXTC3 || PixelFormat==DXTC5;
01574         // if yes, must round up width and height to 4, for allocation
01575         nNewWidth= 4*((nNewWidth+3)/4);
01576         nNewHeight= 4*((nNewHeight+3)/4);
01578         // resize the buffer
01579         _Data[numMipMap].resize (((uint32)(nNewWidth*nNewHeight)*bitPerPixels[PixelFormat])/8);
01581         // Fill 0?
01582         if( resetTo0 )
01583                 _Data[numMipMap].fill(0);
01584 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CCW  )  [inherited]

Rotation of the bitmap of 90 degree in counter clockwise

Definition at line 2781 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_MipMapCount, NLMISC::CBitmap::buildMipMaps(), NLMISC::contReset(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getHeight(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getWidth(), NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CBitmap::releaseMipMaps(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< T, EnableObjectBehavior >::resize(), NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA, sint32, and uint32.

02782 {
02783         if (PixelFormat != RGBA)
02784                 return;
02785         sint32 nWidth = getWidth(0);
02786         sint32 nHeight = getHeight(0);
02787         sint32 i, j;
02788         NLMISC::CRGBA *pSrcRgba = (NLMISC::CRGBA*)&_Data[0][0];
02789         bool needRebuild = false;
02791         if(_MipMapCount>1)
02792                 needRebuild = true;
02793         releaseMipMaps();
02795         CObjectVector<uint8> pDestui;
02796         pDestui.resize(nWidth*nHeight*4);
02797         NLMISC::CRGBA *pDestRgba = (NLMISC::CRGBA*)&pDestui[0];
02799         for( j = 0; j < nHeight; ++j )
02800         for( i = 0; i < nWidth;  ++i )
02801                 pDestRgba[j+i*nHeight] = pSrcRgba[nWidth-1-i+j*nWidth];
02803         uint32 nTemp = _Width;
02804         _Width = _Height;
02805         _Height = nTemp;
02807         NLMISC::contReset(_Data[0]); // free memory
02808         _Data[0] =  pDestui;
02809         // Rebuilding mipmaps
02810         if(needRebuild)
02811         {
02812                 buildMipMaps();
02813         }
02814 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CW  )  [inherited]

Rotation of the bitmap of 90 degree in clockwise

Definition at line 2746 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_MipMapCount, NLMISC::CBitmap::buildMipMaps(), NLMISC::contReset(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getHeight(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getWidth(), NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CBitmap::releaseMipMaps(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< T, EnableObjectBehavior >::resize(), NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA, sint32, and uint32.

02747 {
02748         if (PixelFormat != RGBA)
02749                 return;
02750         sint32 nWidth = getWidth(0);
02751         sint32 nHeight = getHeight(0);
02752         sint32 i, j;
02753         NLMISC::CRGBA *pSrcRgba = (NLMISC::CRGBA*)&_Data[0][0];
02754         bool needRebuild = false;
02756         if(_MipMapCount>1)
02757                 needRebuild = true;
02758         releaseMipMaps();
02760         CObjectVector<uint8> pDestui;
02761         pDestui.resize(nWidth*nHeight*4);
02762         NLMISC::CRGBA *pDestRgba = (NLMISC::CRGBA*)&pDestui[0];
02764         for( j = 0; j < nHeight; ++j )
02765         for( i = 0; i < nWidth;  ++i )
02766                 pDestRgba[j+i*nHeight] = pSrcRgba[i+(nHeight-1-j)*nWidth];
02768         uint32 nTemp = _Width;
02769         _Width = _Height;
02770         _Height = nTemp;
02772         NLMISC::contReset(_Data[0]); // free memory
02773         _Data[0] =  pDestui;
02774         // Rebuilding mipmaps
02775         if(needRebuild)
02776         {
02777                 buildMipMaps();
02778         }
02779 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::rotateCCW  )  [inherited]

Rotate a bitmap in CCW mode.

See also:

Definition at line 2306 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA, NLMISC::rotateCCW(), uint16, and uint32.

02307 {
02308         // Copy the array
02309         CObjectVector<uint8> copy=_Data[0];
02311         switch (PixelFormat)
02312         {
02313         case RGBA:
02314                 NLMISC::rotateCCW ((uint32*)&(_Data[0][0]), (uint32*)&(copy[0]), _Width, _Height);
02315                 break;
02316         case Luminance:
02317         case Alpha:
02318                 NLMISC::rotateCCW (&_Data[0][0], &copy[0], _Width, _Height);
02319                 break;
02320         case AlphaLuminance:
02321                 NLMISC::rotateCCW ((uint16*)&(_Data[0][0]), (uint16*)&(copy[0]), _Width, _Height);;
02322                 break;
02323         default: break;
02324         }
02326         uint32 tmp=_Width;
02327         _Width=_Height;
02328         _Height=tmp;
02329         _Data[0]=copy;
02330 }

virtual void NL3D::ITexture::selectTexture uint  index  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Select a texture among several other (if this texture is a set of texture such as CTextureMultiFile) The default does nothing

Reimplemented in NL3D::CTextureCube, and NL3D::CTextureMultiFile.

Definition at line 360 of file texture.h.

References index, and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::buildBitmap(), NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::remapCoordinates(), and NL3D::CAsyncFileManager3D::CMeshLoad::run().

00360 {}

virtual void NL3D::CTextureFar::serial NLMISC::IStream f  )  throw (NLMISC::EStream) [inline, private, virtual]

From IStreamable.

Reimplemented from NL3D::ITexture.

Definition at line 197 of file texture_far.h.

00197 {};

void NL3D::ITexture::setFilterMode TMagFilter  magf,
TMinFilter  minf
[virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in NL3D::CTextureBump.

Definition at line 100 of file texture.cpp.

References NL3D::ITexture::_MagFilter, NL3D::ITexture::_MinFilter, NL3D::ITexture::mipMapOff(), and NL3D::ITexture::touch().

Referenced by NL3D::CShadowMapManager::allocateTexture(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::CTextureDLM(), CTextureFar(), NL3D::CTextureFont::CTextureFont(), NL3D::CTextureGrouped::CTextureGrouped(), NL3D::CTextureNear::CTextureNear(), and NL3D::CVegetableManager::loadTexture().

00101 {
00102         _MagFilter= magf;
00103         // If the MipMap mode has siwtched Off/On, then must recompute...
00104         bool    precOff= mipMapOff();
00105         _MinFilter= minf;
00106         bool    nowOff= mipMapOff();
00108         if(precOff!=nowOff)
00109         {
00110                 // Must recompute mipmaps!!
00111                 touch();
00112         }
00113 }

void NLMISC::CBitmap::setMipMapCount uint32  mmc  )  [inherited]

ADVANCED USE To use in conjunction with resizeMipMap. Setup the correct total number of mipmap No validity check is made. It is the user responsabitility fo setup correct mipmap count.

Definition at line 1590 of file bitmap.cpp.

References NLMISC::CBitmap::_MipMapCount, uint32, and uint8.

Referenced by NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::buildColorVersion().

01591 {
01592         _MipMapCount= uint8(mmc);
01593 }

void NL3D::ITexture::setReleasable bool  r  )  [inline, inherited]

Set if texture can be released If it is true, the driver will release the texture after generating it and upload it into the videomemory by calling release(). If it is false, the driver won't release the texture.

See also:
getReleasable(), generate()
true if texture can be released, false else

Definition at line 278 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_Releasable, and r.

Referenced by NL3D::CShadowMapManager::allocateTexture(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::CTextureDLM(), CTextureFar(), NL3D::CTextureFont::CTextureFont(), NL3D::CTextureNear::CTextureNear(), NL3D::CShapeBank::processWSUploadTexture(), NL3D::CWaterPoolManager::releaseBlendTextures(), NL3D::CWaterPoolManager::setBlendFactor(), and NL3D::CAsyncTextureManager::uploadTexturePart().

00278 { _Releasable = r; }

bool NL3D::ITexture::setupedIntoDriver  )  const [inline, inherited]

Tells if the texture has been setuped by the driver.

Definition at line 343 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::TextureDrvShare.

00344         {
00345                 return TextureDrvShare!=NULL;
00346         }

void NL3D::ITexture::setUploadFormat TUploadFormat  pf  )  [inherited]

Replace the uploaded format of the texture. If "Auto", the driver use CBitmap::getPixelFormat() to find the best associated pixelFormat. When no alpha is wanted (RGB, Luminance....), texture default output is 1.0. For "Alpha" mode, RGB output is (0,0,0).

Definition at line 88 of file texture.cpp.

References NL3D::ITexture::_UploadFormat, and NL3D::ITexture::touch().

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureDLM::CTextureDLM(), CTextureFar(), NL3D::CTextureFont::CTextureFont(), NL3D::CTextureNear::CTextureNear(), NL3D::CDriverGL::getSpecularCubeMap(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::setupWaterPassARB().

00089 {
00090         if(pf!=_UploadFormat)
00091         {
00092                 _UploadFormat= pf;
00093                 // All the texture may be reloaded...
00094                 touch();
00095         }
00096 }

void NL3D::ITexture::setWrapS TWrapMode  mode  )  [inline, inherited]

By default, parameters are:

  • WrapS==Repeat
  • WrapT==Repeat
  • UploadFormat== Auto
  • MagFilter== Linear.
  • MinFilter= LinearMipMapLinear.

NB: if multiple ITexture acces the same data via the sharing system (such as a CTextureFile), then:

  • WrapS/WrapT is LOCAL for each ITexture (ie each ITexture will have his own Wrap mode) => no duplication is made.
  • UploadFormat may duplicate the texture in video memory. There is one texture per different UploadFormat.
  • MinFilter may duplicate the texture in video memory in the same way, wether the texture has mipmap or not.

Definition at line 202 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_WrapS.

Referenced by NL3D::CShadowMapManager::allocateTexture(), CTextureFar(), NL3D::CTextureFont::CTextureFont(), NL3D::CVegetableManager::loadTexture(), and NL3D::CSegRemanenceShape::setupMaterial().

00202 {_WrapS= mode;}

void NL3D::ITexture::setWrapT TWrapMode  mode  )  [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 203 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_WrapT.

Referenced by NL3D::CShadowMapManager::allocateTexture(), CTextureFar(), NL3D::CTextureFont::CTextureFont(), and NL3D::CVegetableManager::loadTexture().

00203 {_WrapT= mode;}

void NL3D::CTextureFar::startPatchULTouch  ) 

Definition at line 404 of file texture_far.cpp.

References _ItULPatch, and _PatchToPosMap.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::updateLightingTextureFar().

00405 {
00406         _ItULPatch= _PatchToPosMap.begin();
00407 }

virtual bool NL3D::ITexture::supportSharing  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Does this texture support sharing system.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CTextureBlend, NL3D::CTextureBump, NL3D::CTextureCube, NL3D::CTextureEmboss, NL3D::CTextureFile, NL3D::CTextureGrouped, NL3D::CTextureMem, and NL3D::CTextureMultiFile.

Definition at line 332 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::buildBitmap(), NL3D::CZoneLighter::getTexture(), NL3D::CCoarseMeshBuild::remapCoordinates(), NL3D::CAsyncFileManager3D::CMeshLoad::run(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), and NL3D::ITexture::touchRect().

00332 {return false;}

void NL3D::ITexture::touch  )  [inline, inherited]

This method invalidates all the texture surface. When the driver calls generate, the texture will rebuild all the texture and the driver will update it.

See also:
isAllInvalidated(), generate(), touchRect(), touched(), _ListInvalidRect

Definition at line 227 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_GoodGenerate, and NL3D::ITexture::_ListInvalidRect.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureFile::CTextureFile(), NL3D::ITexture::operator=(), NL3D::CTextureMultiFile::selectTexture(), NL3D::CTextureCube::selectTexture(), NL3D::CTextureEmboss::setAmbient(), NL3D::CTextureBlend::setBlendFactor(), NL3D::CTextureBlend::setBlendTexture(), NL3D::CTextureEmboss::setDiffuse(), NL3D::CTextureMultiFile::setFileName(), NL3D::CTextureFile::setFileName(), NL3D::ITexture::setFilterMode(), NL3D::CTextureEmboss::setHeightMap(), NL3D::CTextureBump::setHeightMap(), NL3D::CTextureEmboss::setLightDir(), NL3D::CTextureEmboss::setSlopeFactor(), NL3D::CTextureGrouped::setTextures(), and NL3D::ITexture::setUploadFormat().

00228         { 
00229                 _ListInvalidRect.clear (); 
00230                 _Touched=true; 
00231                 _GoodGenerate= false;
00232         }

bool NL3D::ITexture::touched void   )  [inline, inherited]

This method return the touched flag. If it is true, the driver will call generate to rebuild the texture.

See also:
isAllInvalidated(), generate(), touch(), touchRect(), _ListInvalidRect

Definition at line 438 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx().

00439         {
00440                 return _Touched;
00441         }

uint NL3D::CTextureFar::touchPatchULAndNext  ) 

Touch a patch (call touchRect()) and iterate to next .

number of pixels touched. 0 if end() (empty).

Definition at line 368 of file texture_far.cpp.

References _ItULPatch, _PatchToPosMap, NL3D::CPatch::getOrderS(), NL3D::CPatch::getOrderT(), height, NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE, uint, width, x, and y.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::updateLightingTextureFar().

00369 {
00370         // if there is still a patch here
00371         if( _ItULPatch!=_PatchToPosMap.end() )
00372         {
00373                 // Position of the invalide rectangle
00374                 int x = _ItULPatch->second.x;
00375                 int y = _ItULPatch->second.y;
00376                 uint    farIndex= _ItULPatch->first.FarIndex;
00377                 CPatch  *pPatch= _ItULPatch->first.Patch;
00379                 // recompute the correct size.
00380                 uint width=(pPatch->getOrderS ()*NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE)>>(farIndex-1);
00381                 uint height=(pPatch->getOrderT ()*NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE)>>(farIndex-1);
00382                 if(width<height)
00383                         swap(width, height);
00385                 // Invalidate the associated rectangle
00386                 CRect rect (x, y, width, height);
00387                 ITexture::touchRect (rect);
00389                 // Go next.
00390                 _ItULPatch++;
00392                 // return number of pixels touched
00393                 return width * height;
00394         }
00395         else
00396         {
00397                 // no touch
00398                 return 0;
00399         }
00400 }

void NL3D::ITexture::touchRect const NLMISC::CRect rect  )  [inline, inherited]

This method invalidates a rectangle of the texture surface. When the driver calls generate, the texture could rebuild only this part of texture and the driver will update only those rectangles.

This method is incompatible with textures which support sharing (see class description).

See also:
isAllInvalidated(), generate(), touch(), touched(), _ListInvalidRect

Definition at line 242 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_GoodGenerate, NL3D::ITexture::_ListInvalidRect, NL3D::ITexture::isAllInvalidated(), nlassert, and NL3D::ITexture::supportSharing().

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureFont::getLetterInfo().

00243         { 
00244                 // The texture must not support sharing....
00245                 nlassert(!supportSharing());
00246                 // Don't invalidate the rectangle if the full texture is already invalidated.
00247                 if (!isAllInvalidated ())
00248                 {
00249                         // Add the region to invalidate list
00250                         _ListInvalidRect.push_back (rect); 
00251                         // Touch flag
00252                         _Touched=true; 
00253                 }
00255                 _GoodGenerate= false;
00256         }

sint NL3D::CTextureFar::tryAllocatePatch CPatch pPatch,
uint  farIndex

Try to allocate a patch. return -1 if error (not enough space) return 0 if OK, and success to allocate a place without splitting any square else return the size of the max space to split (eg if must a split a 32x32 to allocate a 16x8)

Definition at line 176 of file texture_far.cpp.

References _FreeSpaces, getFreeListId(), NL3D::CPatch::getOrderS(), NL3D::CPatch::getOrderT(), getUpperSize(), height, NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE, sint, uint, and width.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::getFarRenderPass().

00177 {
00178         // get the size of the subtexture to allocate
00179         uint width=(pPatch->getOrderS ()*NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE)>>(farIndex-1);
00180         uint height=(pPatch->getOrderT ()*NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE)>>(farIndex-1);
00182         // make width the biggest
00183         if(width<height)
00184                 swap(width, height);
00186         // get where to find a subtexture
00187         uint    freeListId= getFreeListId(width, height);
00189         // if some place, ok!
00190         if(!_FreeSpaces[freeListId].empty())
00191                 return 0;
00192         else
00193         {
00194                 // try to get the next size
00195                 while( getUpperSize(width, height) )
00196                 {
00197                         freeListId= getFreeListId(width, height);
00198                         // if some subtexture free
00199                         if(!_FreeSpaces[freeListId].empty())
00200                         {
00201                                 // Ok! return the size of this texture we must split
00202                                 return width*height;
00203                         }
00204                 }
00206                 // fail => no more space => -1
00207                 return -1;
00208         }
00209 }

void NL3D::CTextureFar::unlinkUL  ) 

For lighting update, unlink (CiruclarList).

Definition at line 116 of file texture_far.cpp.

References _ULNext, and _ULPrec.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::clearFarRenderPass().

00117 {
00118         // first, unlink others from me. NB: works even if _ULPrec==_ULNext==this.
00119         _ULNext->_ULPrec= _ULPrec;
00120         _ULPrec->_ULNext= _ULNext;
00121         // reset
00122         _ULPrec= this;
00123         _ULNext= this;
00124 }

void NL3D::ITexture::validateGenerateFlag  )  [inline, inherited]

Advanced. erase the _GoodGenerate=true. Special if you want to setup directly the bitmap without using generate(). USE IT WITH CARE!! (used by the CAsyncTextureManager)

Definition at line 322 of file texture.h.

References NL3D::ITexture::_GoodGenerate.

00322 {_GoodGenerate=true;}

bool NLMISC::CBitmap::writeJPG NLMISC::IStream f,
uint8  quality = 80
[inline, inherited]

Write a JPG from the object pixels buffer. If the current pixel format is not rgba then the method does nothing If the pixel format is Alpha then we save in 8 bpp

f IStream (must be a reading stream)
quality 0=very bad quality 100=best quality
true if succeed, false else

Definition at line 620 of file bitmap.h.

References nlwarning, and uint8.

00621 {
00622         nlwarning ("You must put #define USE_JPEG before all include in the file where you call writeJPG() if you want jpeg support");
00623         return false;
00624 }

bool NLMISC::CBitmap::writeTGA NLMISC::IStream f,
uint32  d,
bool  upsideDown = false

Write a TGA (24 or 32 bits) from the object pixels buffer. If the current pixel format is not rgba then the method does nothing If the pixel format is Alpha then we save in 8 bpp

f IStream (must be a reading stream)
d depth : 8 or 16 or 24 or 32
upsideDown if true, the bitmap will be saved with the upside down
true if succeed, false else

Definition at line 2139 of file bitmap.cpp.

References depth, height, NLMISC::IStream::isReading(), NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat, r, NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA, NLMISC::IStream::serial(), sint32, uint16, uint32, uint8, width, x, and y.

Referenced by NL3D::CTextureFont::dumpTextureFont(), NL3D::CZoneLighter::lightWater(), and NL3D::CNELU::screenshot().

02140 {
02141         if(f.isReading()) return false;
02142         if(d!=24 && d!=32 && d!=16 && d!=8) return false;
02143         if ((PixelFormat != RGBA)&&(PixelFormat != Alpha)&&(PixelFormat != Luminance)) return false;
02144         if ((PixelFormat == Alpha) && (d != 8)) return false;
02145         if ((PixelFormat == Luminance) && (d != 8)) return false;
02147         sint32  i,j,x,y;
02148         uint8   * scanline;
02149         uint8   r,g,b,a;
02151         uint8   lengthID = 0;
02152         uint8   cMapType = 0;
02153         uint8   imageType = 2;
02154         uint16  origin = 0;
02155         uint16  length = 0;
02156         uint8   depth = 0;
02157         uint16  xOrg = 0;
02158         uint16  yOrg = 0;
02159         uint16  width = (uint16)_Width;
02160         uint16  height = (uint16)_Height;
02161         uint8   imageDepth = (uint8)d;
02162         uint8   desc = 0;
02163         if (upsideDown)
02164                 desc |= 1<<5;
02166         if ((PixelFormat == Alpha) || (PixelFormat == Luminance))
02167                 imageType = 3; // Uncompressed grayscale
02169         f.serial(lengthID);
02170         f.serial(cMapType);
02171         f.serial(imageType);
02172         f.serial(origin);
02173         f.serial(length);
02174         f.serial(depth);
02175         f.serial(xOrg);
02176         f.serial(yOrg);
02177         f.serial(width);
02178         f.serial(height);
02179         f.serial(imageDepth);
02180         f.serial(desc);
02182         if ((PixelFormat == Alpha)||(PixelFormat == Luminance))
02183                 scanline = new uint8[width];
02184         else
02185                 scanline = new uint8[width*4];
02186         if(!scanline)
02187         {
02188                 throw EAllocationFailure();
02189         }
02191         for(y=0; y<(sint32)height; y++)
02192         {
02194                 uint32 k=0;
02195                 if (PixelFormat == Alpha)
02196                 {
02197                         for(i=0; i<width; ++i) // Alpha
02198                         {
02199                                 scanline[k++] = _Data[0][(height-y-1)*width + i];
02200                         }
02201                 }
02202                 else if (PixelFormat == Luminance)
02203                 {
02204                         for(i=0; i<width; ++i) // Luminance
02205                         {
02206                                 scanline[k++] = _Data[0][(height-y-1)*width + i];
02207                         }
02208                 }
02209                 else
02210                 {
02211                         for(i=0; i<width*4; i+=4) // 4:RGBA
02212                         {
02213                                 if(d==16)
02214                                 {
02215                                         for(j=0; j<(sint32)4; j++)
02216                                         {
02217                                                 scanline[k++] = _Data[0][(height-y-1)*width*4 + i + j];
02218                                         }
02219                                 }
02220                                 else
02221                                 {
02222                                         for(j=0; j<(sint32)d/8; j++)
02223                                         {
02224                                                 scanline[k++] = _Data[0][(height-y-1)*width*4 + i + j];
02225                                         }
02226                                 }
02227                         }
02228                 }
02230                 if(d==16)
02231                 {
02232                         for(x=0; x<(sint32)width; x++)
02233                         {
02234                                 r = scanline[x*4+0];
02235                                 g = scanline[x*4+1];
02236                                 b = scanline[x*4+2];
02237                                 int rr = r >>3;
02238                                 int gg = g >>3;
02239                                 int bb = b >>3;
02240                                 uint16 c16 = (rr<<10) | (gg<<5) | bb;
02241                                 scanline[x*2+0] = c16&0xff;
02242                                 scanline[x*2+1] = c16>>8;
02243                         }
02244                 }
02245                 if(d==24)
02246                 {
02247                         for(x=0; x<(sint32)width; x++)
02248                         {
02249                                 r = scanline[x*3+0];
02250                                 g = scanline[x*3+1];
02251                                 b = scanline[x*3+2];
02252                                 scanline[x*3+0] = b;
02253                                 scanline[x*3+1] = g;
02254                                 scanline[x*3+2] = r;
02255                         }
02256                 }
02257                 if(d==32)
02258                 {
02259                         for(x=0; x<(sint32)width; x++)
02260                         {
02261                                 r = scanline[x*4+0];
02262                                 g = scanline[x*4+1];
02263                                 b = scanline[x*4+2];
02264                                 a= scanline[x*4+3];
02265                                 scanline[x*4+0] = b;
02266                                 scanline[x*4+1] = g;
02267                                 scanline[x*4+2] = r;                            
02268                                 scanline[x*4+3] = a;
02269                         }
02270                 }
02272                 int finaleSize=width*d/8;
02273                 for(i=0; i<finaleSize; i++)
02274                 {
02275                         f.serial(scanline[i]);
02276                 }               
02277         }
02278         delete scanline;
02279         return true;
02280 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend struct CPtrInfo [friend, inherited]

Definition at line 67 of file smart_ptr.h.

Field Documentation

CTileFarBank* NL3D::CTextureFar::_Bank

A pointer on the far bank.

Definition at line 143 of file texture_far.h.

Referenced by rebuildPatch().

CObjectVector<uint8> NLMISC::CBitmap::_Data[MAX_MIPMAP] [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented in NL3D::CTextureMem.

Definition at line 90 of file bitmap.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::blend().

std::list<CVector2s> NL3D::CTextureFar::_FreeSpaces[ (4+NL_NUM_PIXELS_ON_FAR_TILE_EDGE_SHIFT) * 4 ] [private]

Lists of empty Space. One for each possible size (64x64, 64x8 etc, but not 64x4 since not possible...)

Definition at line 183 of file texture_far.h.

Referenced by allocatePatch(), CTextureFar(), recursSplitNext(), removePatch(), and tryAllocatePatch().

uint32 NLMISC::CBitmap::_Height [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 96 of file bitmap.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::blend().

TPatchToPosMap::iterator NL3D::CTextureFar::_ItULPatch [private]

Definition at line 210 of file texture_far.h.

Referenced by CTextureFar(), endPatchULTouch(), removePatch(), startPatchULTouch(), and touchPatchULAndNext().

CRGBA NL3D::CTextureFar::_LightmapExpanded [static, private]

Definition at line 43 of file texture_far.cpp.

Referenced by rebuildPatch().

std::list<NLMISC::CRect> NL3D::ITexture::_ListInvalidRect [inherited]

List of invalided rectangle. If the list is empty, generate() will rebuild all the texture.

See also:
isAllInvalidated(), generate(), touch(), touchRect(), touched()

Definition at line 422 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::ITexture::clearTouched(), NL3D::ITexture::isAllInvalidated(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), NL3D::ITexture::touch(), and NL3D::ITexture::touchRect().

bool NLMISC::CBitmap::_LoadGrayscaleAsAlpha [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 94 of file bitmap.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::CBitmap(), NLMISC::CBitmap::isGrayscaleAsAlpha(), NLMISC::CBitmap::loadGrayscaleAsAlpha(), and NLMISC::CBitmap::readTGA().

uint8 NL3D::CTextureFar::_LumelExpanded [static, private]

Definition at line 44 of file texture_far.cpp.

Referenced by rebuildPatch().

uint8 NLMISC::CBitmap::_MipMapCount [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 93 of file bitmap.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::alphaLuminanceToAlpha(), NLMISC::CBitmap::alphaLuminanceToLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::alphaLuminanceToRGBA(), NLMISC::CBitmap::alphaToAlphaLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::alphaToRGBA(), NLMISC::CBitmap::buildMipMaps(), NLMISC::CBitmap::CBitmap(), NLMISC::CBitmap::decompressDXT1(), NLMISC::CBitmap::decompressDXT3(), NLMISC::CBitmap::decompressDXT5(), NLMISC::CBitmap::flipH(), NLMISC::CBitmap::flipV(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getMipMapCount(), NLMISC::CBitmap::luminanceToAlpha(), NLMISC::CBitmap::luminanceToAlphaLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::luminanceToRGBA(), NLMISC::CBitmap::makeDummy(), NLMISC::CBitmap::readDDS(), NLMISC::CBitmap::readTGA(), NLMISC::CBitmap::releaseMipMaps(), NLMISC::CBitmap::resample(), NLMISC::CBitmap::reset(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rgbaToAlpha(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rgbaToAlphaLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rgbaToLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CCW(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CW(), and NLMISC::CBitmap::setMipMapCount().

TPatchToPosMap NL3D::CTextureFar::_PatchToPosMap [private]

Definition at line 178 of file texture_far.h.

Referenced by allocatePatch(), CTextureFar(), endPatchULTouch(), removePatch(), startPatchULTouch(), and touchPatchULAndNext().

TPosToPatchMap NL3D::CTextureFar::_PosToPatchMap [private]

Definition at line 179 of file texture_far.h.

Referenced by allocatePatch(), doGenerate(), and removePatch().

CRGBA NL3D::CTextureFar::_TileTLIColors [static, private]

Definition at line 45 of file texture_far.cpp.

Referenced by rebuildPatch().

bool NL3D::ITexture::_Touched [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 387 of file texture.h.

CTextureFar* NL3D::CTextureFar::_ULNext [private]

Definition at line 208 of file texture_far.h.

Referenced by CTextureFar(), getNextUL(), linkBeforeUL(), unlinkUL(), and ~CTextureFar().

CTextureFar* NL3D::CTextureFar::_ULPrec [private]

UpdateLighting. CiruclarList.

Definition at line 207 of file texture_far.h.

Referenced by CTextureFar(), linkBeforeUL(), unlinkUL(), and ~CTextureFar().

uint32 NLMISC::CBitmap::_Width [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 95 of file bitmap.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::blend().

const uint32 NLMISC::CBitmap::bitPerPixels [static, inherited]

Initial value:


Definition at line 70 of file bitmap.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::blit(), and NLMISC::CBitmap::resizeMipMap().

sint NLMISC::CRefCount::crefs [mutable, inherited]

Definition at line 79 of file smart_ptr.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CRefCount::CRefCount(), NLMISC::CRefCount::getRefCount(), and NLMISC::CRefCount::~CRefCount().

const uint32 NLMISC::CBitmap::DXTC1HEADER = NL_MAKEFOURCC('D','X', 'T', '1') [static, inherited]

Definition at line 83 of file bitmap.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::readDDS().

const uint32 NLMISC::CBitmap::DXTC3HEADER = NL_MAKEFOURCC('D','X', 'T', '3') [static, inherited]

Definition at line 84 of file bitmap.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::readDDS().

const uint32 NLMISC::CBitmap::DXTC5HEADER = NL_MAKEFOURCC('D','X', 'T', '5') [static, inherited]

Definition at line 85 of file bitmap.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::readDDS().

CRefCount::CPtrInfo NLMISC::CRefCount::NullPtrInfo [static, inherited]

Referenced by NLMISC::CRefCount::CRefCount().

CPtrInfo* NLMISC::CRefCount::pinfo [mutable, inherited]

Definition at line 80 of file smart_ptr.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CRefCount::CRefCount(), and NLMISC::CRefCount::~CRefCount().

enum NLMISC::CBitmap::TType NLMISC::CBitmap::PixelFormat [inherited]

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::alphaLuminanceToAlpha(), NLMISC::CBitmap::alphaLuminanceToLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::alphaLuminanceToRGBA(), NLMISC::CBitmap::alphaToAlphaLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::alphaToLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::alphaToRGBA(), NLMISC::CBitmap::blend(), NLMISC::CBitmap::blit(), NL3D::CTextureFile::buildBitmapFromFile(), NLMISC::CBitmap::buildMipMaps(), NLMISC::CBitmap::CBitmap(), NLMISC::CBitmap::convertToAlpha(), NLMISC::CBitmap::convertToAlphaLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::convertToLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::convertToRGBA(), NLMISC::CBitmap::convertToType(), NLMISC::CBitmap::decompressDXT1(), NLMISC::CBitmap::decompressDXT3(), NLMISC::CBitmap::decompressDXT5(), NLMISC::CBitmap::flipH(), NLMISC::CBitmap::flipV(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getColor(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getPixelColor(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getPixelFormat(), NLMISC::CBitmap::luminanceToAlpha(), NLMISC::CBitmap::luminanceToAlphaLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::luminanceToRGBA(), NLMISC::CBitmap::makeDummy(), NLMISC::CBitmap::readDDS(), NLMISC::CBitmap::readTGA(), NLMISC::CBitmap::resample(), NLMISC::CBitmap::reset(), NLMISC::CBitmap::resize(), NLMISC::CBitmap::resizeMipMap(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rgbaToAlpha(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rgbaToAlphaLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rgbaToLuminance(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CCW(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rot90CW(), NLMISC::CBitmap::rotateCCW(), NL3D::sameDXTCFormat(), and NLMISC::CBitmap::writeTGA().

NLMISC::CRefPtr<CTextureDrvShare> NL3D::ITexture::TextureDrvShare [inherited]

Definition at line 416 of file texture.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CDriverGL::copyFrameBufferToTexture(), NL3D::getTextureGl(), NL3D::CDriverGL::getTextureHandle(), NL3D::ITexture::releaseDriverSetup(), NL3D::ITexture::setupedIntoDriver(), NL3D::CDriverGL::setupTextureEx(), NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTexture(), and NL3D::CDriverGL::uploadTextureCube().

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