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NLAIAGENT::IAgent Class Reference#include <agent.h>
Inheritance diagram for NLAIAGENT::IAgent
[legend]Collaboration diagram for NLAIAGENT::IAgent:
[legend]List of all members.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
NLAIAGENT::IAgent::IAgent (
const IAgent & a ) [protected]
Contruct agent with an parent.
Definition at line 42 of file agents.cpp. |
Contruct agent with an parent and an mail box.
Definition at line 46 of file agents.cpp. |
NLAIAGENT::IAgent::~IAgent (
) [virtual]
Member Function Documentation
void NLAIAGENT::IAgent::Kill (
) [virtual]
Call this function to destroy an agent including its referneces in other agents and its childs.
Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA.
Definition at line 54 of file agents.cpp. |
This function allow a pointer copy, that mean that the new class have the sam attributs caracteristics as the owne.
Reimplemented from NLAIC::IBasicType.
Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CActor, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript, NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript, NLAIAGENT::CAgentManagerTimer, NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer, NLAIAGENT::CAgentClockTimer, NLAIAGENT::CGDAgentScript, NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript, NLAIAGENT::CFsmScript, NLAIAGENT::CSeqFsmScript, and NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript.
Definition at line 72 of file agents.cpp. |
void NLAIAGENT::IAgent::getDebugString (
char * t ) const [virtual]
This is a Debug function, text is an character pointer to receive the debug text output, the debug text containe all think sensible to interset user.
Reimplemented from NLAIC::IBasicType.
Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CActor, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript, NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript, NLAIAGENT::CAgentManagerTimer, NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer, NLAIAGENT::CGDAgentScript, NLAIAGENT::CFsmScript, NLAIAGENT::CSeqFsmScript, and NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript.
Definition at line 86 of file agents.cpp. |
getType return a unique string how represente the class, it can be the name of the class.
This function is used for the sytem regstry class (see the definition of the template class Gen::CRegistry).
Reimplemented from NLAIC::IBasicType.
Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CActor, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript, NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript, NLAIAGENT::CAgentManagerTimer, NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer, NLAIAGENT::CAgentClockTimer, NLAIAGENT::CGDAgentScript, NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript, NLAIAGENT::CFsmScript, NLAIAGENT::CSeqFsmScript, and NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript.
Definition at line 191 of file agents.cpp. |
bool NLAIAGENT::IAgent::haveActivity (
) const [inline, virtual]
bool NLAIAGENT::IAgent::isEqual (
const IBasicObjectIA & a ) const [virtual]
This function allow a new instance, that mean that the class is a class factory.
Reimplemented from NLAIC::IBasicType.
Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CActor, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript, NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript, NLAIAGENT::CAgentManagerTimer, NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer, NLAIAGENT::CAgentClockTimer, NLAIAGENT::CGDAgentScript, NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript, NLAIAGENT::CFsmScript, NLAIAGENT::CSeqFsmScript, and NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript.
Definition at line 78 of file agents.cpp. |
void NLAIAGENT::IAgent::onKill (
IConnectIA * a ) [virtual]
void NLAIAGENT::IAgent::processMessages (
) [virtual]
void NLAIAGENT::IAgent::runChildren (
) [protected, virtual]
Member Data Documentation
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