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NL3D::CZone Class ReferenceA landscape zone.
#include <zone.h>
Collaboration diagram for NL3D::CZone:
[legend]List of all members.
Public Methods |
| CZone () |
| Constructor. More...
| ~CZone () |
| Destructor. More...
void | build (uint16 zoneId, const std::vector<CPatchInfo> &patchs, const std::vector<CBorderVertex> &borderVertices) |
| Build a zone. More...
void | build (const CZone &zone) |
| Build a copy of a zone. More...
void | retrieve (std::vector<CPatchInfo> &patchs, std::vector<CBorderVertex> &borderVertices) |
| Retrieve zone patchinfo. More...
void | debugBinds (FILE *f= stdout) |
| Debug a zone, print binds in display. More...
void | compile (CLandscape *landscape, TZoneMap &loadedZones) |
| Compile a zone. More...
void | release (TZoneMap &loadedZones) |
| Release a zone. More...
void | serial (NLMISC::IStream &f) |
| Load/save a zone. More...
void | changePatchTextureAndColor (sint numPatch, const std::vector<CTileElement> *tiles, const std::vector<CTileColor> *colors) |
| Update and refresh a patch texture. More...
const std::vector<CTileElement>& | getPatchTexture (sint numPatch) const |
| Get a patch texture. More...
const std::vector<CTileColor>& | getPatchColor (sint numPatch) const |
| Get a patch colors Return the color array. More...
CLandscape* | getLandscape () const |
| Get the landscape in which is placed this zone. More...
void | clip (const std::vector<CPlane> &pyramid) |
| Clip a zone. To know if must be rendered etc... A zone is IN if in BACK of at least one plane of the pyramid. More...
void | refine () |
| Refine a zone (if needed). More...
void | preRender (const std::vector<CPlane> &pyramid) |
| PreRender a zone (if needed). More...
void | renderFar0 () |
| Render pass (if needed). More...
void | renderFar1 () |
void | renderTile (sint pass) |
void | resetRenderFar () |
void | forceMergeAtTileLevel () |
| For changing TileMaxSubdivision. force tesselation to be under tile. More...
void | refineAll () |
| force Refine a zone. More...
const CVector& | getPatchBias () const |
float | getPatchScale () const |
bool | compiled () const |
uint16 | getZoneId () const |
sint | getNumPatchs () const |
const CAABBoxExt& | getZoneBB () const |
const CPatch* | getPatch (sint patch) const |
| Get a read only patch pointer. More...
const CPatchConnect* | getPatchConnect (sint patch) const |
| Get a read only patch connect pointer. More...
void | applyHeightField (const CLandscape &landScape) |
| apply a landscape heightfield on a zone (modification of Z control points values). More...
Private Types |
typedef NLMISC::CSmartPtr<
CTessBaseVertex> | PBaseVertex |
typedef std::vector<PBaseVertex> | TBaseVerticesVec |
Private Methods |
void | rebindBorder (TZoneMap &loadedZones) |
| Force border patchs (those who don't bind to current zone) to re bind() them, using new neighborood. More...
PBaseVertex | getBaseVertex (sint vert) const |
CPatch* | getPatch (sint patch) |
bool | patchOnBorder (const CPatchConnect &pc) const |
void | computeBBScaleBias (const CAABBox &bb) |
Private Attributes |
CLandscape* | Landscape |
uint16 | ZoneId |
bool | Compiled |
CAABBoxExt | ZoneBB |
CVector | PatchBias |
float | PatchScale |
sint32 | NumVertices |
TBaseVerticesVec | BaseVertices |
std::vector<CBorderVertex> | BorderVertices |
std::vector<CPatch> | Patchs |
std::vector<CPatchConnect> | PatchConnects |
bool | ComputeTileErrorMetric |
std::vector<CPlane> | CurrentPyramid |
sint | ClipResult |
Static Private Methods |
CPatch* | getZonePatch (TZoneMap &loadedZones, sint zoneId, sint patch) |
void | unbindAndMakeBindInfo (TZoneMap &loadedZones, CPatch &pa, CPatchConnect &pc, CPatch::CBindInfo edges[4]) |
void | unbindPatch (TZoneMap &loadedZones, CPatch &pa, CPatchConnect &pc) |
void | bindPatch (TZoneMap &loadedZones, CPatch &pa, CPatchConnect &pc) |
Friends |
class | CTessFace |
class | CPatch |
Detailed Description
A landscape zone.
There is 2 ways for building a zone:
- use build(). (then you can use serial to save the zone, don't need to compile() the zone).
- use serial() for loading this zone.
Before a zone may be rendered, it must be compile()-ed, to compile and bind patch, to make vertices etc...
NB: you must call release() before deleting a compiled zone. (else assert in destruction). -
Lionel Berenguier , Nevrax France
Definition at line 216 of file 3d/zone.h.
Member Typedef Documentation
typedef std::vector<PBaseVertex> NL3D::CZone::TBaseVerticesVec [private]
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
void NL3D::CZone::applyHeightField (
const CLandscape & landScape )
apply a landscape heightfield on a zone (modification of Z control points values).
NB: this is done in Landscape addZone(), before compile(). -
the landscape which gives Z delta values, for a x,y point. |
Definition at line 1034 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
void NL3D::CZone::build (
const CZone & zone )
Build a copy of a zone.
This method do a copy of zone (should be builded but maybe not compiled).
NB: cannot build on a compiled zone. must release the zone before....
Definition at line 216 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
Build a zone.
This method do:
- compress the patchs coordinates.
- build the patchs of the zone, but doesn't compile() them.
NB: cannot build on a compiled zone. must release the zone before....-
the Unique ID of this zone. |
the PatchInfo of this zone. |
vertices connectivity for this zone. NB: borderVertices must contains the connectivity across zones. It is VERY IMPORTANT to setup zone corner connectivity too. A "corner borderVertex" may appear 3 times here. One for each other zone of the corner. |
Definition at line 77 of file 3d/zone.cpp.
Referenced by RPatchMesh::exportZone(). |
void NL3D::CZone::changePatchTextureAndColor (
sint numPatch,
const std::vector< CTileElement >* tiles,
const std::vector< CTileColor >* colors )
Update and refresh a patch texture.
Usefull for Tile edition. Even if patch is in tile mode, it is refreshed... -
the index of patch in this zone which will receive his new texture. assert if bad id. |
the patch texture. assert if not of good size (OrderS*OrderT). Can be NULL if you don't want to change the patch texture. |
the patch texture. assert if not of good size ((OrderS+1)*(OrderT+1)). Can be NULL if you don't want to change the patch colors. |
Definition at line 951 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
void NL3D::CZone::clip (
const std::vector< CPlane >& pyramid )
Clip a zone. To know if must be rendered etc... A zone is IN if in BACK of at least one plane of the pyramid.
Definition at line 651 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
Compile a zone.
Make it usable for clip()/refine()/render(). This method do:
- attach this to loadedZones.
- create/link the base vertices (internal..), according to present neigbor zones.
- compile() the patchs.
- bind() the patchs.
- rebindBorder() on neighbor zones.
A zone must keep a pointer on a landscape, for texture management. NB: assert if already compiled. assert if zone already exist in loadedZones.
Definition at line 330 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
bool NL3D::CZone::compiled (
) const [inline]
void NL3D::CZone::computeBBScaleBias (
const CAABBox & bb ) [private]
void NL3D::CZone::debugBinds (
FILE * f = stdout )
Debug a zone, print binds in display.
Definition at line 1002 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
void NL3D::CZone::forceMergeAtTileLevel (
For changing TileMaxSubdivision. force tesselation to be under tile.
Definition at line 933 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
PBaseVertex NL3D::CZone::getBaseVertex (
sint vert ) const [inline, private]
CLandscape * NL3D::CZone::getLandscape (
) const [inline]
Get the landscape in which is placed this zone.
If no landscape, return NULL.
the pointer of the landscape of the zone or NULL if the zone hasn't be compiled.
Definition at line 347 of file 3d/zone.h. |
sint NL3D::CZone::getNumPatchs (
) const [inline]
CPatch * NL3D::CZone::getPatch (
sint patch ) [inline, private]
const CPatch * NL3D::CZone::getPatch (
sint patch ) const [inline]
Get a read only patch pointer.
the index of patch to get. |
A patch pointer in read only.
Definition at line 386 of file 3d/zone.h. |
const CVector & NL3D::CZone::getPatchBias (
) const [inline]
const std::vector< CTileColor >& NL3D::CZone::getPatchColor (
sint numPatch ) const
Get a patch colors Return the color array.
the index of patch in this zone which will get his colors. assert if bad id. |
The tiles the patch colors. The size should be (OrderS+1)*(OrderT+1). |
See also:
Definition at line 991 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
Get a read only patch connect pointer.
the index of patch to get. |
A patch pointer in read only.
Definition at line 394 of file 3d/zone.h. |
float NL3D::CZone::getPatchScale (
) const [inline]
const std::vector< CTileElement >& NL3D::CZone::getPatchTexture (
sint numPatch ) const
Get a patch texture.
Return the tile array. -
the index of patch in this zone which will get his texture. assert if bad id. |
The tiles the patch texture. The size should be OrderS*OrderT. |
See also:
Definition at line 980 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
const CAABBoxExt & NL3D::CZone::getZoneBB (
) const [inline]
uint16 NL3D::CZone::getZoneId (
) const [inline]
bool NL3D::CZone::patchOnBorder (
const CPatchConnect & pc ) const [private]
void NL3D::CZone::preRender (
const std::vector< CPlane >& pyramid )
PreRender a zone (if needed).
Definition at line 864 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
void NL3D::CZone::rebindBorder (
TZoneMap & loadedZones ) [private]
Force border patchs (those who don't bind to current zone) to re bind() them, using new neighborood.
no-op if zone is not compiled.
Definition at line 507 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
void NL3D::CZone::refine (
Refine a zone (if needed).
Definition at line 784 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
void NL3D::CZone::refineAll (
void NL3D::CZone::release (
TZoneMap & loadedZones )
Release a zone.
This method do:
- detach this zone to loadedZones.
- destroy/unlink the base vertices (internal..), according to present neigbor zones.
- unbind() the patchs.
- release() the patchs.
- rebindBorder() on neighbor zones.
NB: no-op if not compiled.
Definition at line 418 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
void NL3D::CZone::renderFar0 (
void NL3D::CZone::renderFar1 (
void NL3D::CZone::renderTile (
sint pass )
void NL3D::CZone::resetRenderFar (
Retrieve zone patchinfo.
This method uncompress the patchs coordinates and all info into the patch info/borderVertices. Warning!!! Due to compression, data won't be the same as those given in build(). -
the PatchInfo of this zone. |
vertices connectivity for this zone. |
Definition at line 169 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
Load/save a zone.
Save work even if zone is not compiled, but load must be done on a not compiled zone...
Definition at line 271 of file 3d/zone.cpp. |
Friends And Related Function Documentation
Member Data Documentation
std::vector< CBorderVertex > NL3D::CZone::BorderVertices [private]
sint NL3D::CZone::ClipResult [private]
bool NL3D::CZone::Compiled [private]
bool NL3D::CZone::ComputeTileErrorMetric [private]
std::vector< CPlane > NL3D::CZone::CurrentPyramid [private]
sint32 NL3D::CZone::NumVertices [private]
CVector NL3D::CZone::PatchBias [private]
std::vector< CPatchConnect > NL3D::CZone::PatchConnects [private]
float NL3D::CZone::PatchScale [private]
std::vector< CPatch > NL3D::CZone::Patchs [private]
CAABBoxExt NL3D::CZone::ZoneBB [private]
uint16 NL3D::CZone::ZoneId [private]
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