path: root/pipermail/nel/2001-April/000410.html
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authorneodarz <neodarz@neodarz.net>2018-08-11 20:21:34 +0200
committerneodarz <neodarz@neodarz.net>2018-08-11 20:21:34 +0200
commit0ea5fc66924303d1bf73ba283a383e2aadee02f2 (patch)
tree2568e71a7ccc44ec23b8bb3f0ff97fb6bf2ed709 /pipermail/nel/2001-April/000410.html
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1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ <H1>[Nel] NeL Status Update?</H1>
+ <B>Cyril Corvazier</B>
+ <A HREF="mailto:corvazier%40nevrax.com"
+ TITLE="[Nel] NeL Status Update?">corvazier@nevrax.com</A><BR>
+ <I>Fri, 20 Apr 2001 19:06:03 +0200</I>
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+&gt;<i> E&gt; Is there any way I can get an ETA on that 3DS plugin, and detailed
+</I>documentation of how to structure the data for my world, so NeL will work
+with it?
+What you said about the NeL file format makes a lot of sense, and it match
+what we planned to do in a near future.
+Actually, i'm going to describe the current data management.
+Today, our export plug-ins generate NeL binary files using the NeL
+serialisation system.
+The serialisation system is described in the document inserted at the end of
+the mail. This document
+will be available on the web site in the Doxygen Related Pages during the
+next week.
+Here is the URL of another document that describes how to build NeL 3d data
+from your 3d editor and export them in NeL binary format:
+<A HREF="http://www.nevrax.org/docs/doxygen/nel/3d_data_howto.html">http://www.nevrax.org/docs/doxygen/nel/3d_data_howto.html</A>
+NeL Files and Serialisation
+* Introduction
+This is really quite a difficult subject to write about - so this file is an
+introduction which describes the basic features and principles of our
+* How our files work in NeL
+The NeL files are NOT designed to be man-readable. Interpretation and
+generation of file contents is performed by the objects that are to be read
+and written using a standardised mechanism. This mechanism was inspired by
+the system provided by Java.
+We use the term 'serialisable' to describe a class that can be read from/
+written to a NeL data file.
+Counter-intuitive as it may, at first, appear, each 'serialisable' class
+supplies a single method that is used for both reading and writing.
+Note that the files are encoded in little-endian and that the NeL library
+code deals with conversion of endian-ness for big-endian platforms
+* Serialisation beyond files
+The serialisation system can be used for generating binary data buffers in
+memory (without writing the result to a file) or for packing and unpacking
+data for transfer over a LAN.
+* How it works
+Technically, we define a 'serialisable' class as a class that can be passed
+to IStream::serial().
+In order for a class to be serialisable it is sufficient for it to include
+the following method:
+ void serial(IStream&amp;).
+The fact that we use a template method definition means that a serialisable
+class does not have to be derived from any other class.
+All standard types are serialisable due to a non-template prototypes shown
+STL containers of serialisable types are serialisadble
+Pointers to non-polymorphic serialisable types are serialisable.
+The IStream class definition looks something like this:
+ class IStream
+ {
+ ...
+ void serial (int&amp;);
+ void serial (float&amp;);
+ ...
+ template &lt;class T&gt; void serial (T&amp;t)
+ {
+ t.serial (*this);
+ }
+ };
+To make the following class serialisable:
+ class myFirstClass
+ {
+ int a,b;
+ };
+you would need to extend the class as follows:
+ class myFirstClass
+ {
+ int a,b;
+ void serial (IStream&amp;istream)
+ {
+ istream.serial(a);
+ istream.serial(b);
+ }
+ };
+The following example shows how to serialise a more complicated data
+ class myFirstClass
+ {
+ void serial (IStream&amp;);
+ };
+ class myclass
+ {
+ int BaseType;
+ myFirstClass SerialisableClass
+ std::vector&lt; myFirstClass&gt; STLContainerOfSerialisableClass;
+ myFirstClass *PointerToSerialisableClass;
+ std::vector&lt; myFirstClass*&gt; STLContainerOfPointersToSerialisableClass;
+ void serial (IStream&amp;istream)
+ {
+ istream.serial(BaseType);
+ istream.serial(SerialisableClass);
+ istream.serialCont(STLContainerOfSerialisableClass);
+ istream.serialPtr(PointerToSerialisableClass);
+ istream.serialContPtr(STLContainerOfPointersToSerialisableClass);
+ }
+ };
+* Dealing with cross referenced or hierarchical data
+If an object contains a pointer to another object in memory then the
+serialPtr() method is used to read/ write the referenced object.
+The NeL library code writes a value corresponding to the pointer to the
+serialised data, followed by the data that the pointer points to (In the
+case of a NULL pointer the value 0 is written without any following data)
+The NeL library code automatically deals with the cases where two or more
+objects reference the same object or there is a circular reference. Each
+time a pointer is de-referenced, for writing, NeL checks against a table of
+previous pointers; if the pointer value already exists in the table then no
+data is written. At read time the data structures are faithfully
+* Dealing with polymorphism within cross referenced data
+In a nut shell, in order to un-serialise a data record that one only has an
+interface type for, one needs to store an additional identifier with the
+data record that identifies it's real type. The mechanism for doing this is
+best shown with an example:
+ class IBaseClass : public IStreamable
+ {
+ // This class is an interface. It is polymorphic.
+ virtual void foo ()=0;
+ // It must declare it's name
+ };
+ class CClassToSerialise
+ {
+ IBaseClass *PointerToAPolymorphicClass;
+ void serial (IStream&amp; s)
+ {
+ s.serialPolyPtr (PointerToAPolymorphicClass);
+ }
+ };
+ void main ()
+ {
+ ...
+ // The polymorphic class must be registered in the registry
+ ...
+ }
+* Dealing with file format evolution
+ void serial (IStream&amp; s)
+ {
+ // At the begining of the serial process, read/ write the version number
+of the class implementation
+ // In the following example - at read time 'version' contains the version
+read from the stream. At
+ // write time version code '3' is written to the stream and to the
+variable 'version'.
+ int version=s.serialVersion (3);
+ // Now switch the version
+ switch (version)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ // The last field added in the class
+ s.serial (LastField);
+ // do some different stuff at read time and write time
+ if (s.isReading())
+ {
+ // at read time
+ ...
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // at write time
+ ...
+ }
+ case 2:
+ // note that the code provided as of here allows for the reading of old
+versions of the class
+ s.serial (Toto);
+ // in the case where the evolution from my version 1 implementation to my
+version 2
+ // is not simply an extension of version 1 we need to break execution
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ s.serial (Foo);
+ case 0:
+ s.serial (Truc);
+ }
+ }
+* NeL File Headers
+The objective of NeL file headers is to verify that a file is in the right
+format before attempting to interpret the contents.
+ // The NeL team use the following advise serialise a file this way:
+ void CFileRootClass::serial (IStream&amp; s)
+ {
+ // First write / read-check the header
+ s.serialCheck ((uint32)'_LEN');
+ s.serialCheck ((uint32)'HSEM');
+ // This code write / read-check the header 'NEL_MESH' at the beginning of
+the file.
+ // If the check fails, serialCheck throws the EInvalidDataStream
+ }
+* Good examples to look at:
+ include/nel/misc/stream.h // Stream base classes
+ class CTileBank in src/3d/tile_bank.cpp // Good example of file format
+ class CAnimation in src/3d/animation.cpp // Good example of polymorphism
+Cyril Corvazier
+Lead 3d programmer
+Nevrax France
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