NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity Class Reference

#include <u_visual_collision_entity.h>

Inheritance diagram for NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity:


Detailed Description

Interface to visual collision entity.
Lionel Berenguier

Nevrax France


Definition at line 62 of file u_visual_collision_entity.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool getCeilMode () const=0
virtual bool getGroundMode () const=0
virtual bool getSnapToRenderedTesselation () const=0
virtual void setCeilMode (bool ceilMode)=0
virtual void setGroundMode (bool groundMode)=0
virtual void setSnapToRenderedTesselation (bool snapMode)=0
virtual bool snapToGround (CVector &pos, CVector &normal)=0
virtual bool snapToGround (CVector &pos)=0
Debug display
virtual void displayDebugGrid (UDriver &drv) const=0
Static Lighting
virtual bool getStaticLightSetup (const CVector &pos, std::vector< CPointLightInfluence > &pointLightList, uint8 &sunContribution, NLMISC::CRGBA &localAmbient)=0
Surface Informations
virtual bool getSurfaceInfo (const CVector &pos, CSurfaceInfo &info)=0

Protected Member Functions

 UVisualCollisionEntity ()
virtual ~UVisualCollisionEntity ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity::UVisualCollisionEntity  )  [inline, protected]

Definition at line 65 of file u_visual_collision_entity.h.

00065 {}

virtual NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity::~UVisualCollisionEntity  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 66 of file u_visual_collision_entity.h.

00066 {}

Member Function Documentation

virtual void NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity::displayDebugGrid UDriver drv  )  const [pure virtual]

Draw lines for the landscape quadgrid collision faces under us NB: a drv.setMatrixMode3D() should have been done before.

Implemented in NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntityUser.

virtual bool NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity::getCeilMode  )  const [pure virtual]

Implemented in NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntityUser.

virtual bool NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity::getGroundMode  )  const [pure virtual]

Implemented in NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntityUser.

virtual bool NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity::getSnapToRenderedTesselation  )  const [pure virtual]

Implemented in NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntityUser.

virtual bool NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity::getStaticLightSetup const CVector pos,
std::vector< CPointLightInfluence > &  pointLightList,
uint8 sunContribution,
NLMISC::CRGBA localAmbient
[pure virtual]

Get the static Light Setup, using landscape under us. append lights to pointLightList. NB: if find no landscape faces, don't modify pointLightList, set sunContribution=255, and return false Else, use CPatch::TileLightInfluences to get lights, and use CPatch::Lumels to get sunContribution. NB: because CPatch::Lumels encode the gouraud shading on the surface, return lumelValue*2 so the object won't be too darken.

Implemented in NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntityUser.

virtual bool NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity::getSurfaceInfo const CVector pos,
CSurfaceInfo info
[pure virtual]

Get surface informations. pos is checked with polygons that are at least (cache dependent) at +- 10m in altitude.

info will be filled with surface informations if the method returns true.
true if the surface has been found and informations has been filled.

Implemented in NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntityUser.

virtual void NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity::setCeilMode bool  ceilMode  )  [pure virtual]

If ceilMode is true, the entity is snapped on faces with normal.z < 0. Default is false. NB: if both groundMode and ceilMode are false, snapToGround is a no-op.

Implemented in NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntityUser.

virtual void NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity::setGroundMode bool  groundMode  )  [pure virtual]

If groundMode is true, the entity is snapped on faces with normal.z > 0. Default is true. NB: if both groundMode and ceilMode are false, snapToGround is a no-op.

Implemented in NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntityUser.

virtual void NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity::setSnapToRenderedTesselation bool  snapMode  )  [pure virtual]

By default, the visual collision entity is snapped on rendered/geomorphed tesselation (true). Use this method to change this behavior. if false, the entity is snapped to the tile level tesselation according to noise etc...

Implemented in NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntityUser.

virtual bool NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity::snapToGround CVector pos,
CVector normal
[pure virtual]

Snap the entity onto the ground. pos.z is modified so that it lies on the ground, according to rendered landscapes and meshes setuped into the visual collision manager. pos is checked with polygons that are at least (cache dependent) at +- 10m in altitude.

normal the ret normal of where it is snapped. NB: if return false, not modified.
true if pos.z has been modified (sometimes it may not find a solution).

Implemented in NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntityUser.

virtual bool NL3D::UVisualCollisionEntity::snapToGround CVector pos  )  [pure virtual]

Snap the entity onto the ground. pos.z is modified so that it lies on the ground, according to rendered landscapes and meshes setuped into the visual collision manager. pos is checked with polygons that are at least (cache dependent) at +- 10m in altitude.

true if pos.z has been modified (sometimes it may not find a solution).

Implemented in NL3D::CVisualCollisionEntityUser.

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