NL3D::CWaterModel Class Reference

#include <water_model.h>

Inheritance diagram for NL3D::CWaterModel:

NL3D::CTransformShape NL3D::UWaterInstance NL3D::CTransform NLMISC::CRefCount NL3D::ITransformable NL3D::IAnimatable

Detailed Description

A water quad
Nicolas Vizerie

Nevrax France


Definition at line 57 of file water_model.h.

Herited from IAnimatable

enum  TAnimValues {
  OwnerBit = IAnimatable::AnimValueLast, PosValue, RotEulerValue, RotQuatValue,
  ScaleValue, PivotValue, AnimValueLast
 Added values. More...

virtual IAnimatedValuegetValue (uint valueId)
 From IAnimatable.

virtual const char * getValueName (uint valueId) const
 From IAnimatable.

Model updating/traversing features

virtual void initModel ()
virtual void traverseAnimDetail ()
 call updateWorldMatrixFromFather(), then traverseAnimDetailWithoutUpdateWorldMatrix()

virtual void traverseClip ()
virtual void traverseHrc ()
 Each method is called in its associated traversal.

virtual void traverseLight ()
 traverse the lightedModel per default: recompute LightContribution is isLightable()

virtual void update ()

Skinning Behavior.

virtual const std::vector<
NLMISC::CBSphere > * 
getSkinBoneSphere () const
virtual const std::vector<
sint32 > * 
getSkinBoneUsage () const
virtual bool isSkinnable () const
 Deriver must change this method if the model can be skinned. called rarely.

virtual sint renderShadowSkinGeom (uint remainingVertices, uint8 *vbDest)
virtual void renderShadowSkinPrimitives (CMaterial &castMat, IDriver *drv, uint baseVertex)
virtual void renderSkin (float alphaMRM)
virtual sint renderSkinGroupGeom (float alphaMRM, uint remainingVertices, uint8 *dest)
virtual void renderSkinGroupPrimitives (uint baseVertex, std::vector< CSkinSpecularRdrPass > &specularRdrPasses, uint skinIndex)
virtual void renderSkinGroupSpecularRdrPass (uint rdrPass)
 Render a specific specular renderPass returned by renderSkinGroupPrimitives.

virtual void setApplySkin (bool state)
virtual bool supportShadowSkinGrouping () const
 Special Skinning For ShadowMapping.

virtual bool supportSkinGrouping () const
uint _FatherBoneId


uint32 isNeedUpdateFrozenStaticLightSetup () const
 non-zero if the object has a FrozenStaticLightSetup not correclty updated.

uint32 isNeedUpdateLighting () const
 non-zero if the object needs to updatelighting.

CLightContribution _LightContribution
 The contribution of all lights. This enlarge the struct only of approx 15%.

CLightingManager::CQGItLightedModel _LightedModelIt
 each transform may be in a quadGird of lighted models (see CLightingManager)

Hrc Traversal

void updateClipTravForAncestorSkeleton ()
void updateWorld ()
 Update the world state according to the parent world state and the local states.

bool _ClipLinkedInSonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup
bool _DontUnfreezeChildren
bool _Frozen
sint64 _LocalDate
CMatrix _LocalMatrix
 Hrc IN variables.

CHrcTrav::TVisibility _LocalVis
sint64 _WorldDate
CMatrix _WorldMatrix
 Hrc OUT variables.

bool _WorldVis

Public Types

enum  TTransformMode { DirectMatrix = 0, RotEuler, RotQuat, TransformModeCount }

Public Member Functions

virtual bool canStartStop ()
 Test if there is a start/stop caps in the objects (some fxs such as remanence).

bool compareMatrixDate (uint64 callerDate) const
 CWaterModel ()

void freeze ()
void freezeHRC ()
virtual void getAABBox (NLMISC::CAABBox &bbox) const
CSkeletonModelgetAncestorSkeletonModel () const
virtual float getAttenuatedHeight (const NLMISC::CVector2f &pos, const NLMISC::CVector &viewer)
 inherited from UWaterInstance

bool getChannelMixerOwnerShip () const
CInstanceGroupgetClusterSystem ()
virtual ITrackgetDefaultTrack (uint valueId)
 Default Track Values are identity (pos,pivot= 0, scale= 1, rots=0).

float getDistMax () const
bool getForceClipRoot () const
virtual float getHeight (const NLMISC::CVector2f &pos)
 inherited from UWaterInstance

virtual float getHeightFactor () const
 inherited from UWaterInstance

CLightContributiongetLightContribution ()
virtual void getLightHotSpotInWorld (CVector &modelPos, float &modelRadius) const
virtual CMaterialgetMaterial (uint materialId)
virtual const CMaterialgetMaterial (uint materialId) const
const CMatrixgetMatrix () const
 Get the matrix, compute her if necessary (work in all modes).

uint64 getMatrixDate () const
virtual uint getNumMaterial () const
uint getOrderingLayer () const
 Get the ordering layer.

CScenegetOwnerScene () const
 get the scene which has created us

const sintgetRefCount () const
CSkeletonModelgetSkeletonModel () const
 Get the skeleton model. Returnr NULL in normal mode.

bool getUserClipping () const
 Return the user clipping state.

CHrcTrav::TVisibility getVisibility ()
 Get the local visibility state.

virtual uint32 getWaterHeightMapID () const
 inherited from UWaterInstance

const CMatrixgetWorldMatrix () const
void heritVisibility ()
 herit the visibility from his father. (default behavior).

void hide ()
 Hide the object and his sons.

void init ()
bool isClipVisible () const
bool isHrcVisible () const
bool isLinkToQuadCluster () const
 true if the model is linked to a quadCluster

uint32 isOpaque ()
uint32 isQuadGridClipEnabled () const
virtual bool isStarted () const
uint32 isTransparent ()
void setChannelMixerOwnerShip (bool enable=true)
void setClusterSystem (CInstanceGroup *pCS)
void setDistMax (float distMax)
void setDontUnfreezeChildren (bool val)
void setForceClipRoot (bool forceClipRoot)
void setLogicInfo (ILogicInfo *logicInfo)
void setOpacity (bool v)
void setOrderingLayer (uint layer)
void setTransparency (bool v)
void setUserClipping (bool enable)
void setWorldMatrix (const CMatrix &mat)
void show ()
 Show the objet and his sons.

virtual void start ()
virtual void stop ()
void unfreezeHRC ()
CTransform traverse specialisation
virtual bool clip ()
 clip method called by traverseClip(). deafult is always visible

virtual void traverseRender ()

Static Public Member Functions

CTransformcreator ()
const char * getPivotValueName ()
const char * getPosValueName ()
const char * getRotEulerValueName ()
const char * getRotQuatValueName ()
const char * getScaleValueName ()
void registerBasic ()
 Call at the begining of the program, to register the model.

Data Fields

sint crefs
CPtrInfo * pinfo
CSmartPtr< IShapeShape
 The shape, the object instancied.

Static Public Attributes

CPtrInfo NullPtrInfo

Protected Member Functions

sint addValue (CChannelMixer *chanMixer, uint valueId, uint ownerValueId, const std::string &prefix, bool detail)
void clearFlag (uint valueId)
 This method clear a bit in the bitset.

void computeClippedPoly ()
void computeSimpleClippedPoly ()
void doSimpleRender (IDriver *drv)
void forceCompute ()
CChannelMixergetChannelMixer () const
bool getShowWhenLODSticked () const
 Test if obj must be displayed when sticked to an object displayed as a LOD (example: sword in hand of a character displayed as a LOD state).

void setFlag (uint valueId)
 This method set a bit in the bitset.

void setupCurrentLightContribution (CLightContribution *lightContrib, bool useLocalAtt)
void setupMaterialNVertexShader (IDriver *drv, CWaterShape *shape, const NLMISC::CVector &obsPos, bool above, float maxDist, float zHeight)
virtual void unlinkFromQuadCluster ()
 special feature for CQuadGridClipManager. remove from it.

Protected Attributes

uint32 _RenderFilterType

Private Member Functions

void updateDiffuseMapMatrix (bool force=false)

Private Attributes

NLMISC::CPolygon _ClippedPoly
NLMISC::CVector2f _ColorMapMatColumn0
NLMISC::CVector2f _ColorMapMatColumn1
NLMISC::CVector2f _ColorMapMatPos
CSmartPtr< CTextureEmboss_EmbossTexture
NLMISC::CPolygon _EndClippedPoly
uint64 _MatrixUpdateDate

Static Private Attributes

CVertexBuffer _SimpleRenderVB
CMaterial _SimpleWaterMat
CMaterial _WaterMat


struct CPtrInfo
class CWaterShape

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum NL3D::ITransformable::TAnimValues [inherited]

Added values.

Enumeration values:

Reimplemented from NL3D::IAnimatable.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CCamera, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel, NL3D::CSegRemanence, and NL3D::CSkeletonModel.

Definition at line 280 of file transformable.h.

00281         {
00282                 OwnerBit= IAnimatable::AnimValueLast,
00283                 PosValue,
00284                 RotEulerValue,
00285                 RotQuatValue,
00286                 ScaleValue,
00287                 PivotValue,
00288                 AnimValueLast
00289         };

enum NL3D::ITransformable::TTransformMode [inherited]

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 58 of file transformable.h.

Referenced by NL3D::ITransformable::getTransformMode().

00059         {
00060                 DirectMatrix=0,         // DirectMatrixMode.
00061                 RotEuler,                       // Matrix is computed from sperated composantes, with euler rotation.
00062                 RotQuat,                        // Matrix is computed from sperated composantes, with quat rotation (default).
00064                 TransformModeCount
00065         };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NL3D::CWaterModel::CWaterModel  ) 


Definition at line 63 of file water_model.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::setOpacity(), NL3D::CTransform::setOrderingLayer(), and NL3D::CTransform::setTransparency().

00064 {
00065         setOpacity(false);
00066         setTransparency(true);
00067         setOrderingLayer(1);
00069         // RenderFilter: We are a SegRemanece
00070         _RenderFilterType= UScene::FilterWater;
00071 }

Member Function Documentation

sint NL3D::IAnimatable::addValue CChannelMixer chanMixer,
uint  valueId,
uint  ownerValueId,
const std::string &  prefix,
bool  detail
[protected, inherited]

This is a tool function which add a given value to a channel.

-1 if the track was not found in the animationSet, else it return the channelId as if returned by CAnimationSet::getChannelIdByName(channelName).

Definition at line 37 of file animatable.cpp.

References NL3D::CChannelMixer::addChannel(), NL3D::IAnimatable::getDefaultTrack(), NL3D::IAnimatable::getValue(), NL3D::IAnimatable::getValueName(), nlassert, sint, and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::registerToChannelMixer(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::registerToChannelMixer(), NL3D::CCamera::registerToChannelMixer(), NL3D::CBone::registerToChannelMixer(), NL3D::CAnimatedMorph::registerToChannelMixer(), NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial::registerToChannelMixer(), and NL3D::CAnimatedLightmap::registerToChannelMixer().

00038 {
00039         nlassert(chanMixer);
00040         return chanMixer->addChannel(prefix+getValueName(valueId), this, getValue(valueId), getDefaultTrack(valueId), valueId, ownerValueId, detail);
00041 }

bool NL3D::CTransform::canCastShadowMap  )  const [inline, inherited]

true if the instance cast shadow. By default false

Definition at line 470 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), and NL3D::CTransform::IsFinalShadowMapCaster.

Referenced by NL3D::CClipTrav::clipSkeletonShadowMaps(), NL3D::CTransform::enableCastShadowMap(), NL3D::CTransform::setGeneratingShadowMap(), and NL3D::CMeshInstance::traverseRender().

00470 {return getStateFlag(IsFinalShadowMapCaster)!=0;}

bool NL3D::CTransform::canReceiveShadowMap  )  const [inline, inherited]

true if the instance receive shadow. By default false

Definition at line 477 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), and NL3D::CTransform::IsFinalShadowMapReceiver.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscapeUser::canReceiveShadowMap(), and NL3D::CLandscapeModel::traverseRender().

00477 {return getStateFlag(IsFinalShadowMapReceiver)!=0;}

virtual bool NL3D::CTransformShape::canStartStop  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Test if there is a start/stop caps in the objects (some fxs such as remanence).

Reimplemented in NL3D::CSegRemanence.

Definition at line 126 of file transform_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceUser::canStartStop().

00126 { return false; }

void NL3D::CTransformShape::changeLightSetup CRenderTrav rdrTrav  )  [inherited]

setup lighting for this instance into driver. The traverseRender().

Definition at line 105 of file transform_shape.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransformShape::_CurrentLightContribution, NL3D::CTransformShape::_CurrentUseLocalAttenuation, and NL3D::CRenderTrav::changeLightSetup().

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::activeInstance(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::activeInstance(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderSkins(), and NL3D::CTransformShape::traverseRender().

00106 {
00107         // setup the instance lighting.
00108         rdrTrav->changeLightSetup(_CurrentLightContribution, _CurrentUseLocalAttenuation);
00109 }

void NL3D::IAnimatable::clearFlag uint  valueId  )  [inline, protected, inherited]

This method clear a bit in the bitset.

Definition at line 233 of file animatable.h.

References NL3D::IAnimatable::_BitSet, and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::ITransformable::clearTransformFlags(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::doAnimate(), and NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial::update().

00234         {
00235                 _BitSet&= ~(1<<valueId);
00236         }

bool NL3D::CWaterModel::clip  )  [virtual]

clip method called by traverseClip(). deafult is always visible

Reimplemented from NL3D::CTransformShape.

Definition at line 1130 of file water_model.cpp.

References _ClippedPoly, _EndClippedPoly, computeClippedPoly(), computeSimpleClippedPoly(), NL3D::CScene::getClipTrav(), NL3D::CScene::getDriver(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), H_AUTO, NL3D::IDriver::isWaterShaderSupported(), and NLMISC::CPolygon::Vertices.

01131 {
01132         H_AUTO( NL3D_Water_Render );
01133         CClipTrav                       &clipTrav= getOwnerScene()->getClipTrav();
01135         if(Shape)
01136         {
01137                 IDriver *drv = getOwnerScene()->getDriver();
01139                 #ifndef FORCE_SIMPLE_WATER_RENDER
01140                         if (drv->isWaterShaderSupported())
01141                         {               
01142                                 computeClippedPoly();
01143                                 if (_ClippedPoly.Vertices.empty() && _EndClippedPoly.Vertices.empty()) return false;
01144                         }
01145                         else
01146                 #endif
01147                         {
01149                                 computeSimpleClippedPoly();
01150                                 if (_ClippedPoly.Vertices.empty()) 
01151                                 {
01152                                         return false;
01153                                 }
01154                         }
01156                 return true;
01157         }
01158         else
01159                 return false; 
01160 }

void NL3D::CTransform::clipAddChild CTransform son  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 1217 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_ClipParents, NL3D::CTransform::_ClipSons, NL3D::CTransform::clipHasParent(), NL3D::CTransform::CClipNode::ClipNode, NL3D::CFastPtrList< CTransform >::insert(), and NL3D::CTransform::CClipNode::Parent.

Referenced by NL3D::CScene::createModel(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::detachSkeletonSon(), NL3D::CLandscapeModel::initModel(), NL3D::CScene::initQuadGridClipManager(), NL3D::CQuadGridClipClusterListDist::resetSons(), NL3D::CClipTrav::traverse(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateClipTravForAncestorSkeleton().

01218 {
01219         if(!son)
01220                 return;
01222         // if already linked, no-op.
01223         if(son->clipHasParent(this))
01224                 return;
01226         // add a new parent entry for our son.
01227         CClipNode       *clipNode= new CClipNode;
01228         son->_ClipParents.push_back(clipNode);
01230         // link the son to us
01231         clipNode->Parent= this;
01233         // link us to the son 
01234         _ClipSons.insert(son, &clipNode->ClipNode);
01235 }

void NL3D::CTransform::clipDelChild CTransform son  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 1238 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::clipDelFromParent().

Referenced by NL3D::CScene::initDefaultRoots(), NL3D::CLandscapeModel::initModel(), NL3D::CClipTrav::traverse(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

01239 {
01240         if(!son)
01241                 return;
01243         // try to remove from me from my parent
01244         son->clipDelFromParent(this);
01245 }

CTransform * NL3D::CTransform::clipGetChild uint  index  )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 1265 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_ClipSons, index, nlassert, NL3D::CFastPtrList< CTransform >::size(), and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CCluster::recursTraverseClip(), NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip(), NL3D::CRootModel::traverseClip(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::traverseClip(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

01266 {
01267         nlassert(index < _ClipSons.size());
01268         return (const_cast<CTransform*>(this))->_ClipSons.begin()[index];
01269 }

uint NL3D::CTransform::clipGetNumChildren  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 237 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_ClipSons, NL3D::CFastPtrList< CTransform >::size(), and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CCluster::recursTraverseClip(), NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip(), NL3D::CRootModel::traverseClip(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::traverseClip(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

00237 {return _ClipSons.size();}

uint NL3D::CTransform::clipGetNumParents  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 234 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_ClipParents, and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::clipUnlinkFromAll(), NL3D::CClipTrav::traverse(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateClipTravForAncestorSkeleton().

00234 {return _ClipParents.size();}

CTransform * NL3D::CTransform::clipGetParent uint  index  )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 1258 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_ClipParents, index, nlassert, and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::clipUnlinkFromAll(), NL3D::CClipTrav::traverse(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateClipTravForAncestorSkeleton().

01259 {
01260         nlassert(index < _ClipParents.size());
01261         return _ClipParents[index]->Parent;
01262 }

void NL3D::CTransform::clipUnlinkFromAll  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 1248 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::clipDelFromParent(), NL3D::CTransform::clipGetNumParents(), and NL3D::CTransform::clipGetParent().

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::bindSkin(), NL3D::CScene::initQuadGridClipManager(), NL3D::CTransform::updateClipTravForAncestorSkeleton(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

01249 {
01250         // unlink from all parent clip
01251         while( clipGetNumParents() )
01252         {
01253                 clipDelFromParent( clipGetParent(0) );
01254         }
01255 }

bool NL3D::ITransformable::compareMatrixDate uint64  callerDate  )  const [inline, inherited]

Tells if the LocalMatrix is newer than what caller except. This return true either if the matrix components (pos/rot etc...) are touched, or if matrix is newer than caller date.

Definition at line 82 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_LocalMatrixDate, NL3D::ITransformable::needCompute(), and uint64.

Referenced by updateDiffuseMapMatrix().

00083         {
00084                 return callerDate<_LocalMatrixDate || needCompute();
00085         }

void NL3D::CWaterModel::computeClippedPoly  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1054 of file water_model.cpp.

References _ClippedPoly, _EndClippedPoly, NL3D::CWaterShape::_Poly, NL3D::CWaterShape::_TransitionRatio, NLMISC::CPolygon::clip(), NLMISC::CPlane::d, NL3D::CTravCameraScene::Far, NL3D::CScene::getClipTrav(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CTransform::getWorldMatrix(), NLMISC::CPlane::make(), NL3D::CTravCameraScene::Near, NL3D::CTravCameraScene::Right, sint, NL3D::CTravCameraScene::Top, uint, NLMISC::CPolygon2D::Vertices, NLMISC::CPolygon::Vertices, NL3D::CTravCameraScene::ViewMatrix, and NL3D::CClipTrav::WorldFrustumPyramid.

Referenced by clip().

01055 {
01056         CWaterShape     *shape = NLMISC::safe_cast<CWaterShape *>((IShape *) Shape);
01057         CClipTrav       &clipTrav               = getOwnerScene()->getClipTrav();
01058         const std::vector<CPlane>       &worldPyramid   = getOwnerScene()->getClipTrav().WorldFrustumPyramid;   
01060         _ClippedPoly.Vertices.resize(shape->_Poly.Vertices.size());
01061         uint k;
01062         for (k = 0; k < shape->_Poly.Vertices.size(); ++k)
01063         {
01064                 _ClippedPoly.Vertices[k].set(shape->_Poly.Vertices[k].x, 
01065                                                                         shape->_Poly.Vertices[k].y,
01066                                                                         0
01067                                                                    );
01068         }
01070         _EndClippedPoly = _ClippedPoly;
01072         const sint numStepX = CWaterShape::getScreenXGridSize();
01073         const sint numStepY = CWaterShape::getScreenYGridSize();
01074         const NLMISC::CMatrix &viewMat = clipTrav.ViewMatrix;
01076         // Build the view pyramid. We need to rebuild it because we use a wider one to avoid holes on the border of the screen
01078         NLMISC::CPlane plvect[6];
01080         const float borderFactor = 0.67f; // we must avoid numerical imprecision as well as the rotation case (must divide by sqrt(2))
01081         const float fRight = clipTrav.Right * (2.f * borderFactor * (float) CWaterShape::_XGridBorder +  (float) numStepX) / numStepX;
01082         const float fTop   = clipTrav.Top   * (2.f * borderFactor * (float) CWaterShape::_YGridBorder +  (float) numStepY) / numStepY;
01084         // build pyramid corners
01085         const float nearDist        = clipTrav.Near;
01086         const float farDist                     = clipTrav.Far; 
01087         #ifdef NO_WATER_TESSEL
01088                 const float transitionDist      = nearDist * 0.99f;
01089         #else
01090                 const float transitionDist      = shape->_TransitionRatio   * farDist;
01091         #endif
01094         const NLMISC::CVector           pfoc(0,0,0);
01095         const NLMISC::CVector           lb(-fRight,  nearDist, - fTop );
01096         const NLMISC::CVector           lt(-fRight,  nearDist, fTop  );
01097         const NLMISC::CVector           rb( fRight,  nearDist, -fTop );
01098         const NLMISC::CVector           rt(fRight,      nearDist, fTop  );
01100         const NLMISC::CVector           lbfarDist(-fRight, transitionDist, -fTop);
01101         const NLMISC::CVector           ltfarDist(-fRight, transitionDist, fTop );
01102         const NLMISC::CVector           rtfarDist(fRight , transitionDist, fTop  );
01105         plvect[0].make(lt, lb, rt);                                                     // near plane
01106         plvect[1].make(lbfarDist, ltfarDist, rtfarDist);    // far plane
01108         plvect[2].make(pfoc, lt, lb);
01109         plvect[3].make(pfoc, rt, lt);
01110         plvect[4].make(pfoc, rb, rt);
01111         plvect[5].make(pfoc, lb, rb);
01114         const NLMISC::CMatrix pyramidMat = viewMat * getWorldMatrix();
01115         for (k = 0; k < worldPyramid.size(); ++k)
01116         {
01117                 plvect[k] = plvect[k] * pyramidMat; // put the plane in object space
01118         }
01120         _ClippedPoly.clip(plvect, 6);   // get the tesselated part of the poly 
01122         // modify the pyramid to get the transition part of the poly (no tesselated)
01123         plvect[0].d   += (transitionDist - nearDist);
01124         plvect[1].d   -= (farDist - transitionDist);    
01125         _EndClippedPoly.clip(plvect, 6);        
01126 }

void NL3D::CWaterModel::computeSimpleClippedPoly  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1026 of file water_model.cpp.

References _ClippedPoly, NL3D::CWaterShape::_Poly, NLMISC::CPolygon::clip(), NL3D::CScene::getClipTrav(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CTransform::getWorldMatrix(), uint, NLMISC::CPolygon2D::Vertices, NLMISC::CPolygon::Vertices, and NL3D::CClipTrav::WorldFrustumPyramid.

Referenced by clip().

01027 {       
01028         CWaterShape     *shape = NLMISC::safe_cast<CWaterShape *>((IShape *) Shape);
01029         CClipTrav       &clipTrav               = getOwnerScene()->getClipTrav();
01030         const std::vector<CPlane>       &worldPyramid   = getOwnerScene()->getClipTrav().WorldFrustumPyramid;   
01032         _ClippedPoly.Vertices.resize(shape->_Poly.Vertices.size());
01033         uint k;
01034         for (k = 0; k < shape->_Poly.Vertices.size(); ++k)
01035         {
01036                 _ClippedPoly.Vertices[k].set(shape->_Poly.Vertices[k].x, 
01037                                                                         shape->_Poly.Vertices[k].y,
01038                                                                         0
01039                                                                    );
01040         }
01042         static std::vector<CPlane> xformPyram;
01043         const uint numPlanes = (uint) worldPyramid.size();
01044         xformPyram.resize(numPlanes);   
01045         for (k = 0; k < numPlanes; ++k)
01046         {
01047                 xformPyram[k] = worldPyramid[k] * getWorldMatrix(); // put the plane in object space
01048         }
01049         // do the clip
01050         _ClippedPoly.clip(xformPyram);  
01051 }

virtual bool NL3D::CTransform::computeWorldBBoxForShadow NLMISC::CAABBox worldBB  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Special For Skeleton Caster. When Skeletons cast shadows, they first compute the WorldBBox. The model should compute its bbox in World (best fit).

false if the model don't support it (default), or if hidden in HRC!!

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshInstance, and NL3D::CSkeletonModel.

Definition at line 521 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::computeWorldBBoxForShadow().

00521 {return false;}

virtual void NL3D::CTransform::createShadowMap  )  [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

To implement for ShadowCaster support. typically allocate a CShadowMap and store NB: the texture doesn't have to be inited at this time. Update it each frame in generateShadowMap()

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshInstance, and NL3D::CSkeletonModel.

Definition at line 902 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::enableCastShadowMap().

00902 {}

CTransform* NL3D::CWaterModel::creator  )  [inline, static]

Reimplemented from NL3D::CTransformShape.

Definition at line 71 of file water_model.h.

00071 { return new CWaterModel; }

virtual void NL3D::CTransform::deleteShadowMap  )  [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

To implement for ShadowCaster support. typically free the shadowMap.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshInstance, and NL3D::CSkeletonModel.

Definition at line 904 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::enableCastShadowMap().

00904 {}

void NL3D::CWaterModel::doSimpleRender IDriver drv  )  [protected]

Definition at line 1170 of file water_model.cpp.

References NL3D::CWaterShape::_BumpMap, _ClippedPoly, NL3D::CWaterShape::_ColorMap, NL3D::CWaterShape::_ColorMapMatColumn0, NL3D::CWaterShape::_ColorMapMatColumn1, NL3D::CWaterShape::_ColorMapMatPos, _EmbossTexture, NL3D::CWaterShape::_EnvMap, NL3D::CWaterShape::_HeightMapScale, NL3D::CWaterShape::_HeightMapSpeed, NL3D::CWaterShape::_Poly, _SimpleRenderVB, _SimpleWaterMat, NL3D::IDriver::activeVertexBuffer(), NL3D::IDriver::activeVertexProgram(), NL3D::CTravCameraScene::CamPos, data, NL3D::CTextureBump::getHeightMap(), NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NLMISC::CMatrix::getPos(), NL3D::CScene::getRenderTrav(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::getVertexCoordPointer(), NL3D::CTransform::getWorldMatrix(), min, NL3D::IDriver::renderSimpleTriangles(), NL3D::CMaterial::setBlend(), NL3D::CMaterial::setColor(), NL3D::CMaterial::setDoubleSided(), NL3D::CMaterial::setDstBlend(), NL3D::CMaterial::setLighting(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::setNumVertices(), NL3D::CMaterial::setShader(), NL3D::CMaterial::setSrcBlend(), NL3D::CMaterial::setTexture(), NL3D::IDriver::setupMaterial(), NL3D::IDriver::setupModelMatrix(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::setVertexFormat(), NL3D::CMaterial::setZWrite(), NL3D::CMaterial::texEnvArg0Alpha(), NL3D::CMaterial::texEnvArg0RGB(), NL3D::CMaterial::texEnvArg1Alpha(), NL3D::CMaterial::texEnvArg1RGB(), NL3D::CMaterial::texEnvOpAlpha(), NL3D::CMaterial::texEnvOpRGB(), uint, uint8, NLMISC::CPolygon2D::Vertices, NLMISC::CPolygon::Vertices, NLMISC::CVector::x, NLMISC::CVector2f::x, NLMISC::CVector::y, NLMISC::CVector2f::y, and NLMISC::CVector::z.

Referenced by traverseRender().

01171 {
01172         if (_ClippedPoly.Vertices.empty()) return;
01173         // rendering of water when no vertex / pixel shaders are available
01174         CWaterShape     *shape = NLMISC::safe_cast<CWaterShape *>((IShape *) Shape);
01175         CRenderTrav     &renderTrav             = getOwnerScene()->getRenderTrav();
01176         static bool init = false;
01177         if (!init)
01178         {
01179                 // setup the material, no special shader is used here
01180                 _SimpleWaterMat.setLighting(false);
01181                 _SimpleWaterMat.setDoubleSided(true);   
01182                 _SimpleWaterMat.setColor(NLMISC::CRGBA::White);
01184                 _SimpleWaterMat.setBlend(true);
01185                 _SimpleWaterMat.setSrcBlend(CMaterial::srcalpha);
01186                 _SimpleWaterMat.setDstBlend(CMaterial::invsrcalpha);
01187                 _SimpleWaterMat.setZWrite(true);
01188                 _SimpleWaterMat.setShader(CMaterial::Normal);
01190                 // stage 0
01191                 _SimpleWaterMat.texEnvOpRGB(0, CMaterial::Replace);
01192                 _SimpleWaterMat.texEnvOpAlpha(0, CMaterial::Replace);
01193                 _SimpleWaterMat.texEnvArg0RGB(0, CMaterial::Texture, CMaterial::SrcColor);
01194                 _SimpleWaterMat.texEnvArg0Alpha(0, CMaterial::Texture, CMaterial::SrcAlpha);
01196                 // stage 1
01197                 _SimpleWaterMat.texEnvOpRGB(1, CMaterial::Modulate);
01198                 _SimpleWaterMat.texEnvOpAlpha(1, CMaterial::Modulate);
01199                 _SimpleWaterMat.texEnvArg0RGB(0, CMaterial::Texture, CMaterial::SrcColor);
01200                 _SimpleWaterMat.texEnvArg0Alpha(0, CMaterial::Texture, CMaterial::SrcAlpha);
01201                 _SimpleWaterMat.texEnvArg1RGB(0, CMaterial::Previous, CMaterial::SrcColor);
01202                 _SimpleWaterMat.texEnvArg1Alpha(0, CMaterial::Previous, CMaterial::SrcAlpha);
01204                 // setup the vb : one position & two tex coords
01205                 _SimpleRenderVB.setVertexFormat(CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag | CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0Flag | CVertexBuffer::TexCoord1Flag);             
01206                 init = true;
01207         }       
01209         const NLMISC::CMatrix &worldMatrix = getWorldMatrix();
01210         const NLMISC::CVector &obsPos = renderTrav.CamPos;
01212         // setup the material
01213         bool isAbove = obsPos.z > worldMatrix.getPos().z;       
01215         // envmap is always present and is in stage 0
01216         if (!isAbove && shape->_EnvMap[1])
01217         {
01218                 _SimpleWaterMat.setTexture(0, shape->_EnvMap[1]);                               
01219         }
01220         else
01221         {
01222                 _SimpleWaterMat.setTexture(0, shape->_EnvMap[0]);
01223         }
01224         //      
01225         static std::vector<CSimpleVertexInfo> verts;    
01226         static std::vector<uint32> indices;
01227         //
01228         NLMISC::CPolygon2D &poly = shape->_Poly;
01229         uint numVerts = poly.Vertices.size();
01230         uint k;
01231         //
01232         if (shape->_ColorMap == NULL)
01233         {
01234                 // version with no color map
01235                 if (!_EmbossTexture)
01236                 {
01237                         _EmbossTexture = new CTextureEmboss;
01238                         _EmbossTexture->setSlopeFactor(4.f);                    
01239                         /*te->setAmbient(CRGBA(127, 127, 127));
01240                         te->setDiffuse(CRGBA(127, 127, 127)); */
01241                 }
01242                 if (shape->_BumpMap[1] && shape->_BumpMap[1]->isBumpMap())
01243                 {
01244                         CTextureBump *bm = static_cast<CTextureBump *>((ITexture *) shape->_BumpMap[1]);
01245                         if (bm->getHeightMap())
01246                         {               
01247                                 _EmbossTexture->setHeightMap(bm->getHeightMap());
01248                         }
01249                 }
01250                 _SimpleWaterMat.setTexture(1, _EmbossTexture);          
01251                 _SimpleRenderVB.setNumVertices(numVerts);
01252                 // retrieve current time
01253                 float date  = 0.001f * (NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime() & 0xffffff); // must keep some precision.
01258                 verts.resize(numVerts);         
01259                 for(k = 0; k < numVerts; ++k)
01260                 {
01261                         verts[k].XFormPos = worldMatrix * NLMISC::CVector(poly.Vertices[k].x, poly.Vertices[k].y ,0.f);
01262                         verts[k].UV.U = shape->_HeightMapScale[0].x * verts[k].XFormPos.x + date * shape->_HeightMapSpeed[0].x;
01263                         verts[k].UV.V = shape->_HeightMapScale[0].y * verts[k].XFormPos.y + date * shape->_HeightMapSpeed[0].y;
01264                 }               
01265                 // get min tex coords
01266                 float minU = verts[0].UV.U;
01267                 float minV = verts[0].UV.V;
01268                 for(k = 1; k < numVerts; ++k)
01269                 {
01270                         minU = std::min(minU, verts[k].UV.U);
01271                         minV = std::min(minV, verts[k].UV.V);
01272                 }
01273                 //
01274                 minU = floorf(minU);
01275                 minV = floorf(minV);            
01276                 //
01277                 uint8 *data = (uint8 *) _SimpleRenderVB.getVertexCoordPointer();
01278                 for(k = 0; k < numVerts; ++k)
01279                 {
01280                         ((NLMISC::CVector *) data)->set(poly.Vertices[k].x, poly.Vertices[k].y, 0.f);                   
01281                         data += sizeof(NLMISC::CVector);
01282                         // texture coord 0 is reflected vector into envmap
01283                         // xform position in world space to compute the reflection                      
01284                         CVector surfToEye = (obsPos - verts[k].XFormPos).normed();
01285                         // we assume that normal is (0, 0, 1)                                           
01286                         * (float *) data = 0.5f - 0.5f * surfToEye.x;
01287                         ((float *) data)[1] = 0.5f  - 0.5f * surfToEye.y;
01288                         data += sizeof(float[2]);
01289                         // texture coord 1 is the embossed map
01290                         * (float *) data = verts[k].UV.U - minU;
01291                         ((float *) data)[1] = verts[k].UV.V - minV;
01292                         data += sizeof(float[2]);                       
01293                 }               
01294         }
01295         else
01296         {
01297                 // version with a color map : it remplace the emboss texture                                            
01298                 _SimpleWaterMat.setTexture(1, shape->_ColorMap);                
01299                 _SimpleRenderVB.setNumVertices(numVerts);
01300                 //
01301                 uint8 *data = (uint8 *) _SimpleRenderVB.getVertexCoordPointer();
01302                 for(k = 0; k < numVerts; ++k)
01303                 {
01304                         * (NLMISC::CVector *) data = poly.Vertices[k];
01305                         data += sizeof(CVector);
01306                         // texture coord 0 is reflected vector into envmap
01307                         // xform position in world space to compute the reflection
01308                         NLMISC::CVector xformPos = worldMatrix * poly.Vertices[k];
01309                         NLMISC::CVector surfToEye = (obsPos - xformPos).normed();
01310                         // we assume that normal is (0, 0, 1)                                           
01311                         * (float *) data = 0.5f - 0.5f * surfToEye.x;
01312                         ((float *) data)[1] = 0.5f * - 0.5f * surfToEye.y;
01313                         data += sizeof(float[2]);
01314                         // texture coord 1 is the color map
01315                         * (float *) data = shape->_ColorMapMatColumn0.x * xformPos.x + shape->_ColorMapMatColumn1.x * xformPos.y + shape->_ColorMapMatPos.x;
01316                         ((float *) data)[1] = shape->_ColorMapMatColumn0.y * xformPos.x + shape->_ColorMapMatColumn1.y * xformPos.y + shape->_ColorMapMatPos.y;
01317                         data += sizeof(float[2]);                       
01318                 }
01319         }
01321         drv->activeVertexProgram(NULL); 
01322         drv->setupModelMatrix(worldMatrix);     
01323         drv->activeVertexBuffer(_SimpleRenderVB);               
01325         // create an index buffer to do the display     
01326         indices.resize((numVerts - 2) * 3);     
01327         for(k = 0; k < (numVerts - 2); ++k)
01328         {
01330                 indices[ k * 3      ] = 0;
01331                 indices[ k * 3  + 1 ] = k + 1;
01332                 indices[ k * 3  + 2 ] = k + 2;          
01333         }       
01334         drv->setupMaterial(_SimpleWaterMat);
01335         drv->renderSimpleTriangles(&indices[0], numVerts - 2);  
01336 }

void NL3D::CTransform::enableCastShadowMap bool  state  )  [inherited]

By default, map shadow casting is disabled. This enabled shadow for this model. Fails if the model don't support dynamic Map Shadow Casting (eg landscape) Dervier note: createShadowMap() and deleteShadowMap() is called here.

Definition at line 1335 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::canCastShadowMap(), NL3D::CTransform::createShadowMap(), NL3D::CTransform::deleteShadowMap(), NL3D::CTransform::getShadowMap(), NL3D::CTransform::IsFinalShadowMapCaster, NL3D::CTransform::modelCanCastShadowMap(), nlassert, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

01336 {
01337         bool    precState= canCastShadowMap();
01339         if(modelCanCastShadowMap()) 
01340                 setStateFlag(IsFinalShadowMapCaster, state);
01341         else
01342                 setStateFlag(IsFinalShadowMapCaster, false);
01344         // if just enabled, create the shadowMap
01345         if(canCastShadowMap() && !precState)
01346         {
01347                 createShadowMap();
01348                 // The user must have created it.
01349                 nlassert(getShadowMap());
01350         }
01351         // if just disabled, free ressource
01352         else if(!canCastShadowMap() && precState)
01353         {
01354                 deleteShadowMap();
01355         }
01356 }

void NL3D::CTransform::enableReceiveShadowMap bool  state  )  [inline, inherited]

By default, map shadow receiving is disabled. This enabled shadow for this model. Fails if the model don't support dynamic Map Shadow Receiving (eg Particle system)

Definition at line 475 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::IsFinalShadowMapReceiver, NL3D::CTransform::modelCanReceiveShadowMap(), and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscapeUser::enableReceiveShadowMap().

00475 {if(modelCanReceiveShadowMap()) setStateFlag(IsFinalShadowMapReceiver, state);}

void NL3D::CTransform::forceCompute  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 1359 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_FatherBoneId, NL3D::CTransform::_FatherSkeletonModel, NL3D::CTransform::_HrcParent, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::forceComputeBone(), NL3D::CTransform::update(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorldMatrixFromFather().

Referenced by NL3D::CParticleSystemManager::processAnimate().

01360 {
01361         // if father is a skeleton, force to compute the bone we are sticked to
01362         if (_FatherSkeletonModel)
01363         {
01364                 _FatherSkeletonModel->forceComputeBone(_FatherBoneId);
01365         }
01366         else
01367         {
01368                 // force to compûte the father
01369                 if (_HrcParent)
01370                 {
01371                         _HrcParent->forceCompute();
01372                 }
01373         }
01374         // compute
01375         update();
01376         updateWorldMatrixFromFather();
01377 }

void NL3D::CTransform::freeze  )  [inherited]

freeze the preceding position of the model. Do not use, special code for cluster. This inform the scene that preceding position setuped by user is "frozen". ie at next render(), this object won't be added to the "object moving list" (usefull for cluster mgt). The "frozen" state is disabled (at render() time) if:

  • change in position (directly or indireclty, such as animation) is performed after the freeze().
  • the "frozen" state of a father is not enabled (or disabled by a change in position of him :) ).

Definition at line 367 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_Frozen, and NL3D::CTransform::update().

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceGroup::addToSceneWhenAllShapesLoaded(), and NL3D::CScene::initDefaultRoots().

00368 {
00369         // First, update the model
00370         // _Frozen state is disabled here (in CTransform::update()).
00371         update();
00373         // Then flag the frozen state.
00374         _Frozen= true;
00375 }

void NL3D::CTransform::freezeHRC  )  [inherited]

freeze the HRC so the WorldMatrix computed at next render() will be kept for long, and the model won't either be tested in HRC (which is still expensive, even if the worldmatrix doesn't need to be recomputed). The model won't either be validated. It is suposed to not change at all. Also, if it is not a son of a CCluster, it may be accelerated during Cliping (with CQuadGridClipManager).

NB: the model won't be tested in HRC anymore. calling freezeHRC() on a model in a hierarchy without calling it to the root of the hierarchy will result in that the model won't be validated nor be HRC traversed. To be simplier, you should freezeHRC() all the models of a hierarchy, from base root to leaves.

NB: if the hierarchy of this object must change, or if the object must moves, you must call unfreezeHRC() first, and you should do this for all the parents of this model.

Definition at line 385 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_FreezeHRCState, NL3D::CTransform::_Frozen, NL3D::CTransform::_TransformDirty, NL3D::CTransform::FreezeHRCStateDisabled, NL3D::CTransform::FreezeHRCStateRequest, NL3D::CTransform::QuadGridClipEnabled, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceGroup::freezeHRC().

00386 {
00387         // if disabled, say we are ready to validate our worldMatrix for long.
00388         if(_FreezeHRCState==FreezeHRCStateDisabled)
00389         {
00390                 _FreezeHRCState= FreezeHRCStateRequest;
00391                 setStateFlag(QuadGridClipEnabled, true);
00393                 /* If the transform is not frozen (ie staticaly inserted in a cluster),
00394                         We must be sure it will be tested against QuadGridClipManager at next ClipTrav pass.
00395                         => must make this object a "moving object" at next render=> dirt _LocalMatrixDate.
00396                 */
00397                 if(!_Frozen)
00398                 {
00399                         _TransformDirty= true;
00400                 }
00401         }
00402 }

void NL3D::CTransform::freezeStaticLightSetup CPointLight pointLight[NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION],
uint  numPointLights,
uint8  sunContribution,
CPointLight frozenAmbientlight

Freeze and set the Static Light Setup. Called by CInstanceGroup::addToScene() NB: it calls resetLighting() first. NB: nlassert(numPointLights<=NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION)

Definition at line 1028 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_LightContribution, NL3D::CLightContribution::Factor, NL3D::CLightContribution::FrozenAmbientLight, NL3D::CLightContribution::FrozenStaticLightSetup, NL3D::CTransform::IsNeedUpdateFrozenStaticLightSetup, NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION, nlassert, NL3D::CLightContribution::NumFrozenStaticLight, NL3D::CLightContribution::PointLight, NL3D::CTransform::resetLighting(), NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag(), NL3D::CLightContribution::SunContribution, uint, and uint8.

01030 {
01031         nlassert(numPointLights <= NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION);
01033         // resetLighting() first.
01034         resetLighting();
01036         // Enable StaticLightSetup.
01037         _LightContribution.FrozenStaticLightSetup= true;
01038         _LightContribution.NumFrozenStaticLight= numPointLights;
01039         _LightContribution.SunContribution= sunContribution;
01040         // setup the FrozenAmbientLight
01041         _LightContribution.FrozenAmbientLight= frozenAmbientlight;
01042         // Setup other pointLights
01043         uint i;
01044         for(i=0;i<numPointLights;i++)
01045         {
01046                 // set the light
01047                 _LightContribution.PointLight[i]= pointLight[i];
01048                 // Enable at max.
01049                 _LightContribution.Factor[i]= 255;
01050                 // Compute static AttFactor Later because don't have WorlPosition of the model here!!
01051                 setStateFlag(IsNeedUpdateFrozenStaticLightSetup, true);
01053                 // Do NOT set the iterator, because it is a staticLight.
01054         }
01055         // End the list
01056         if(i<NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION)
01057                 _LightContribution.PointLight[i]= NULL;
01058 }

virtual void NL3D::CTransform::generateShadowMap const CVector lightDir  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

For Casters. Display the Shadow to the "Auxiliary Driver". This method should only write to AlphaBuffer (since RGB may be the current rendered scene!), with Alpha==1 when pixel is shadowed. The ShadowMapManager has already cleared the AlphaBuffer to black, and has already enabled alpha write only. The ShadowMapManager has already setuped Viewport/Scissor as its convenience. The extra blurring is a work of the ShadowMapManager (which blurs multiple shadows in a same pass) NB: you can overwrite the current driver frustum/ViewMatrix/modelMatrix without backuping it (ShadowMapManager work)

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshInstance, and NL3D::CSkeletonModel.

Definition at line 492 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CShadowMapManager::renderGenerate().

00492 {}

void NL3D::CTransformShape::getAABBox NLMISC::CAABBox bbox  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Get the untransformed AABBox of the mesh. NULL (gtSize()==0) if no mesh.

Reimplemented from NL3D::CTransform.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CParticleSystemModel.

Definition at line 83 of file transform_shape.cpp.

References NLMISC::CAABBox::setCenter(), NLMISC::CAABBox::setHalfSize(), and NL3D::CTransformShape::Shape.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformShape::getLightHotSpotInWorld(), NL3D::CInstanceUser::getShapeAABBox(), NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager::linkModel(), and NL3D::CClipTrav::traverse().

00084 {
00085         if(Shape)
00086         {
00087                 Shape->getAABBox(bbox);
00088         }
00089         else
00090         {
00091                 bbox.setCenter(CVector::Null);
00092                 bbox.setHalfSize(CVector::Null);
00093         }
00094 }

CSkeletonModel* NL3D::CTransform::getAncestorSkeletonModel  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 207 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_AncestorSkeletonModel.

Referenced by NL3D::CParticleSystemManager::processAnimate().

00207 { return _AncestorSkeletonModel; }

float NL3D::CWaterModel::getAttenuatedHeight const NLMISC::CVector2f pos,
const NLMISC::CVector viewer

inherited from UWaterInstance

Implements NL3D::UWaterInstance.

Definition at line 127 of file water_model.cpp.

References NL3D::CWaterShape::_WaterPoolID, NL3D::CWaterShape::_WaveHeightFactor, NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::getHeight(), NL3D::ITransformable::getMatrix(), NL3D::CWaterPoolManager::getPoolByID(), NLMISC::CMatrix::getPos(), NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::getSize(), NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::getUnitSize(), NL3D::GetWaterPoolManager(), height, NLMISC::CVector2f::x, and NLMISC::CVector2f::y.

00128 {       
00129         CWaterShape *ws          = NLMISC::safe_cast<CWaterShape *>((IShape *) Shape);                  
00130         CWaterHeightMap &whm = GetWaterPoolManager().getPoolByID(ws->_WaterPoolID);
00131         const float maxDist = whm.getUnitSize() * (whm.getSize() >> 1);         
00132         const NLMISC::CVector planePos(pos.x, pos.y, this->getMatrix().getPos().z);
00133         const float userDist = (planePos - viewer).norm();
00135         if (userDist > maxDist)
00136         {
00137                 return this->getMatrix().getPos().z;
00138         }
00139         else
00140         {
00141                 const float height   = whm.getHeight(pos);
00142                 return ws->_WaveHeightFactor * height * (1.f - userDist / maxDist) + this->getMatrix().getPos().z;
00143         }
00144 }

CChannelMixer* NL3D::CTransform::getChannelMixer  )  const [inline, protected, inherited]

get the channelMixer owned by the transform. return result of a refPtr => may be NULL.

Definition at line 641 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::computeCurrentBBox(), NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::traverseHrc(), and NL3D::CSkeletonModel::updateBoneToCompute().

00641 {return _ChannelMixer;}

bool NL3D::CTransform::getChannelMixerOwnerShip  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 257 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), and NL3D::CTransform::IsDeleteChannelMixer.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::registerToChannelMixer(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

00257 { return getStateFlag(IsDeleteChannelMixer)!=0; }

CInstanceGroup* NL3D::CTransform::getClusterSystem  )  [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 320 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_ClusterSystem.

Referenced by NL3D::CScene::findCameraClusterSystemFromRay(), and NL3D::CClipTrav::traverse().

00320 { return _ClusterSystem; }

ITrack * NL3D::CWaterModel::getDefaultTrack uint  valueId  )  [virtual]

Default Track Values are identity (pos,pivot= 0, scale= 1, rots=0).

Reimplemented from NL3D::CTransform.

Definition at line 83 of file water_model.cpp.

References NL3D::CWaterShape::getDefaultPos(), NL3D::CWaterShape::getDefaultRotQuat(), NL3D::CWaterShape::getDefaultScale(), nlassert, and uint.

00084 {
00085         nlassert(Shape);
00086         CWaterShape *ws = NLMISC::safe_cast<CWaterShape *>((IShape *) Shape);
00087         switch (valueId)
00088         {
00089                 case PosValue:                  return ws->getDefaultPos(); break;              
00090                 case ScaleValue:                return ws->getDefaultScale(); break;
00091                 case RotQuatValue:              return ws->getDefaultRotQuat(); break;
00092                 default: // delegate to parent
00093                         return CTransformShape::getDefaultTrack(valueId);
00094                 break;
00095         }
00096 }

float NL3D::CTransformShape::getDistMax  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 135 of file transform_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CQuadGridClipCluster::addModel(), NL3D::CTransformShape::clip(), and NL3D::CInstanceUser::getDistMax().

00135 { return _DistMax; }    

bool NL3D::CTransform::getForceClipRoot  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 538 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::ForceClipRoot, and NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag().

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::getForceClipRoot().

00538 { return getStateFlag(ForceClipRoot) != 0; }    

float NL3D::CWaterModel::getHeight const NLMISC::CVector2f pos  )  [virtual]

inherited from UWaterInstance

Implements NL3D::UWaterInstance.

Definition at line 117 of file water_model.cpp.

References NL3D::CWaterShape::_WaterPoolID, NL3D::CWaterShape::_WaveHeightFactor, NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::getHeight(), NL3D::CWaterPoolManager::getPoolByID(), NL3D::ITransformable::getPos(), NL3D::GetWaterPoolManager(), height, and NLMISC::CVector::z.

00118 {
00119         CWaterShape *ws          = NLMISC::safe_cast<CWaterShape *>((IShape *) Shape);  
00120         CWaterHeightMap &whm = GetWaterPoolManager().getPoolByID(ws->_WaterPoolID);
00121         const float height   = whm.getHeight(pos);
00122         return height * ws->_WaveHeightFactor + this->getPos().z;
00123 }

float NL3D::CWaterModel::getHeightFactor  )  const [virtual]

inherited from UWaterInstance

Implements NL3D::UWaterInstance.

Definition at line 108 of file water_model.cpp.

References NL3D::CWaterShape::_WaveHeightFactor.

00109 {
00110         CWaterShape *ws = NLMISC::safe_cast<CWaterShape *>((IShape *) Shape);
00111         return ws->_WaveHeightFactor;
00112 }

const CLightContribution& NL3D::CTransform::getLightContribution  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return the current light contribution of this model

Definition at line 373 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_LightContribution.

Referenced by NL3D::CShadowMapManager::computeShadowColors(), and NL3D::CShadowMapManager::computeShadowDirection().

00373 { return _LightContribution; }  

CLightContribution& NL3D::CTransformShape::getLightContribution  )  [inline, inherited]

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshMultiLodInstance.

Definition at line 155 of file transform_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformShape::traverseRender(), and NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::traverseRender().

00155 { return _LightContribution;}

void NL3D::CTransformShape::getLightHotSpotInWorld CVector modelPos,
float &  modelRadius
const [virtual, inherited]

get the HotSpot of the model for Light computation. For models with global attenuation, this is the point taken for attenuation computes. NB: should return the current world position. NB: return also the modelRadius (only for bigLightable) Default to NULL.

Reimplemented from NL3D::CTransform.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CSkeletonModel.

Definition at line 316 of file transform_shape.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransformShape::getAABBox(), NLMISC::CMatrix::getPos(), NLMISC::CAABBox::getRadius(), NL3D::CTransform::getWorldMatrix(), and NL3D::CTransform::isBigLightable().

00317 {
00318         /*
00319         // get the untransformed bbox from the model.
00320         CAABBox         bbox;
00321         getAABBox(bbox);
00322         // get transformed center pos of bbox
00323         modelPos= getWorldMatrix() * bbox.getCenter();
00324         // If the model is a big lightable, must take radius from aabbox, else suppose 0 radius.
00325         if(isBigLightable())
00326         {
00327                 // get size of the bbox (bounding sphere)
00328                 modelRadius= bbox.getRadius();
00329         }
00330         else
00331         {
00332                 // Assume 0 radius => faster computeLinearAttenuation()
00333                 modelRadius= 0;
00334         }
00335         */
00337         // This method works well for Big Trees.
00338         // TODO: generalize, saving a LightHotSpot per shape.
00340         // get pos of object. Ie the hotSpot is the pivot.
00341         modelPos= getWorldMatrix().getPos();
00342         // If the model is a big lightable, must take radius from aabbox, else suppose 0 radius.
00343         if(isBigLightable())
00344         {
00345                 // get the untransformed bbox from the model.
00346                 CAABBox         bbox;
00347                 getAABBox(bbox);
00348                 // get size of the bbox (bounding sphere)
00349                 modelRadius= bbox.getRadius();
00350         }
00351         else
00352         {
00353                 // Assume 0 radius => faster computeLinearAttenuation()
00354                 modelRadius= 0;
00355         }
00357 }

const std::string & NL3D::CTransform::getLoadBalancingGroup  )  const [inherited]

Get the load Balancing group of a model. see setLoadBalancingGroup().

Definition at line 532 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_LoadBalancingGroup, and NL3D::CLoadBalancingGroup::Name.

00533 {
00534         // get the group name
00535         return _LoadBalancingGroup->Name;
00536 }

CMaterial * NL3D::CTransformShape::getMaterial uint  materialId  )  [virtual, inherited]

Get a material of the transform shape

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance.

Definition at line 127 of file transform_shape.cpp.

References uint.

00128 {
00129         return NULL;
00130 }

const CMaterial * NL3D::CTransformShape::getMaterial uint  materialId  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Get a material of the transform shape

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance.

Definition at line 120 of file transform_shape.cpp.

References uint.

00121 {
00122         return NULL;
00123 }

const CMatrix& NL3D::ITransformable::getMatrix  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the matrix, compute her if necessary (work in all modes).

Definition at line 76 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::updateMatrix().

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceGroup::addToSceneWhenAllShapesLoaded(), NL3D::CCamera::buildCameraPyramid(), NL3D::CBone::compute(), NL3D::CWaterShape::createInstance(), getAttenuatedHeight(), NL3D::CTransformableUser::getMatrix(), NL3D::CCloudScape::render(), NL3D::CMeshMultiLod::renderCoarseMesh(), and NL3D::CTransform::update().

00076 {updateMatrix(); return _LocalMatrix;}

uint64 NL3D::ITransformable::getMatrixDate  )  const [inline, inherited]

return the last date of computed matrix. updateMatrix() if necessary.

Definition at line 90 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_LocalMatrixDate, uint64, and NL3D::ITransformable::updateMatrix().

Referenced by updateDiffuseMapMatrix().

00091         {
00092                 updateMatrix();
00093                 return _LocalMatrixDate;
00094         }

CRGBA NL3D::CTransform::getMeanColor  )  const [inline, inherited]

see setMeanColor()

Definition at line 437 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_MeanColor.

00437 {return _MeanColor;}

virtual const CMRMLevelDetail* NL3D::CTransformShape::getMRMLevelDetail  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

If the model support MRM, return the level detail setup. default is return NULL.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance.

Definition at line 114 of file transform_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::updateSkinRenderLists().

00114 {return NULL;}

uint NL3D::CTransformShape::getNumMaterial  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Get the count of material in this transform shape

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance.

Definition at line 113 of file transform_shape.cpp.

References uint.

00114 {
00115         return 0;
00116 }

float NL3D::CTransformShape::getNumTriangles float  distance  )  [virtual, inherited]

get an approximation of the number of triangles this instance want render for a fixed distance.

distance is the distance of the shape from the eye.
the approximate number of triangles this instance will render at this distance. This number can be a float. The function MUST be decreasing or constant with the distance but don't have to be continus.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshMultiLodInstance, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel, and NL3D::CSkeletonModel.

Definition at line 75 of file transform_shape.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransformShape::Shape.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformShape::traverseLoadBalancingPass0().

00076 {
00077         // Call shape method
00078         return Shape->getNumTriangles (distance);
00079 }

float NL3D::CTransformShape::getNumTrianglesAfterLoadBalancing  )  [inline, inherited]

get an approximation of the number of triangles this instance should render. This method is valid only for IShape classes (in render()), after LoadBalancing traversal is performed. NB: It is not guaranted that this instance will render those number of triangles.

Definition at line 111 of file transform_shape.h.

References NL3D::CTransformShape::_NumTrianglesAfterLoadBalancing.

Referenced by NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::doAnimate(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::profileSceneRender(), NL3D::CMeshMRM::profileSceneRender(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::render(), NL3D::CMeshMRM::render(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderSkins(), NL3D::CMeshMRM::supportMeshBlockRendering(), and NL3D::CMeshMultiLodInstance::traverseLoadBalancing().

00111 {return _NumTrianglesAfterLoadBalancing;}

uint NL3D::CTransform::getOrderingLayer  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the ordering layer.

Definition at line 187 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_OrderingLayer, and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::getOrderingLayer(), and NL3D::CRenderTrav::traverse().

00187 { return _OrderingLayer; }

CScene* NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene  )  const [inline, inherited]

get the scene which has created us

Definition at line 105 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_OwnerScene.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::addZone(), clip(), NL3D::CTransformShape::clip(), NL3D::CLandscapeModel::clipAndRenderLandscape(), computeClippedPoly(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::computeDisplayLodCharacterPriority(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::computeLodTexture(), computeSimpleClippedPoly(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::createShadowMap(), NL3D::CMeshInstance::createShadowMap(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::detachSkeletonSon(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::doAnimate(), doSimpleRender(), NL3D::CTargetAnimCtrl::execute(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::generateShadowMap(), NL3D::CMeshInstance::generateShadowMap(), NL3D::CMeshMultiLodInstance::getCoarseMeshLighting(), NL3D::CTransform::initModel(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::initModel(), NL3D::CPointLightModel::initModel(), NL3D::CLandscapeModel::initModel(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::insertInVisibleList(), NL3D::CMeshMultiLod::instanciateCoarseMeshSpace(), NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager::linkModel(), NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager::profile(), NL3D::CTransformShape::profileRender(), NL3D::CLandscapeModel::receiveShadowMap(), NL3D::CCluster::recursTraverseClip(), NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::releaseCurrentAsyncTextures(), NL3D::CSegRemanence::render(), NL3D::CMeshMultiLod::render(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::render(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::render(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::render(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderCLod(), NL3D::CMeshMultiLod::renderCoarseMesh(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap(), NL3D::CMeshInstance::renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderShadowSkins(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::renderSkin(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::renderSkin(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::renderSkinGroupGeom(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::renderSkinGroupGeom(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::renderSkinGroupPrimitives(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::renderSkinGroupPrimitives(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::renderSkinGroupSpecularRdrPass(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::renderSkinGroupSpecularRdrPass(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderSkinList(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderSkins(), NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager::reset(), NL3D::CTransform::setLoadBalancingGroup(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::setLodCharacterShape(), NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::startAsyncTextureLoading(), NL3D::CWaveMakerModel::traverseAnimDetail(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::traverseAnimDetail(), NL3D::CSegRemanence::traverseAnimDetail(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::traverseAnimDetail(), NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::traverseAnimDetail(), NL3D::CTransform::traverseAnimDetailWithoutUpdateWorldMatrix(), NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip(), NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager::traverseClip(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::traverseClip(), NL3D::CLandscapeModel::traverseClip(), NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::traverseHrc(), NL3D::CLandscapeModel::traverseHrc(), NL3D::CTransform::traverseLight(), NL3D::CPointLightModel::traverseLight(), NL3D::CTransformShape::traverseLoadBalancing(), NL3D::CMeshMultiLodInstance::traverseLoadBalancing(), NL3D::CTransformShape::traverseLoadBalancingPass0(), traverseRender(), NL3D::CVegetableBlendLayerModel::traverseRender(), NL3D::CTransformShape::traverseRender(), NL3D::CMeshInstance::traverseRender(), NL3D::CLandscapeModel::traverseRender(), NL3D::CFlareModel::traverseRender(), NL3D::CTransform::unfreezeHRC(), NL3D::CTransform::update(), NL3D::CTransform::updateClipTravForAncestorSkeleton(), NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager::updateClustersFromCamera(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::updateShadowMap(), NL3D::CMeshInstance::updateShadowMap(), NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::~CSkeletonModel(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

00105 {return _OwnerScene;}

CVector NL3D::ITransformable::getPivot  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in Rot* mode (nlassert).

Definition at line 255 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_Pivot, nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEuler, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuat, and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

00256         {
00257                 nlassert(_Mode==RotEuler || _Mode==RotQuat);
00258                 return _Pivot.Value;
00259         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::getPivot CVector pivot  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in Rot* mode (nlassert).

Definition at line 224 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_Pivot, nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEuler, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuat, and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformableUser::getPivot().

00225         {
00226                 nlassert(_Mode==RotEuler || _Mode==RotQuat);
00227                 pivot= _Pivot.Value;
00228         }

const char * NL3D::ITransformable::getPivotValueName  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 117 of file transformable.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::ITransformable::getValueName().

00118 {
00119         return "pivot";
00120 }

CVector NL3D::ITransformable::getPos void   )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in Rot* mode(nlassert).

Definition at line 231 of file transformable.h.

References nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEuler, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuat, and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::generateShadowMap(), getHeight(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap(), NL3D::CMeshInstance::renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap(), and NL3D::CPointLightModel::traverseLight().

00232         {
00233                 nlassert(_Mode==RotEuler || _Mode==RotQuat);
00234                 return _Pos.Value;
00235         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::getPos CVector pos  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in Rot* mode(nlassert).

Definition at line 200 of file transformable.h.

References nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEuler, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuat, and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformableUser::getPos(), NL3D::CInstanceGroup::getPos(), and NL3D::CPSLight::step().

00201         {
00202                 nlassert(_Mode==RotEuler || _Mode==RotQuat);
00203                 pos= _Pos.Value;
00204         }

const char * NL3D::ITransformable::getPosValueName  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 97 of file transformable.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::ITransformable::getValueName().

00098 {
00099         return "pos";
00100 }

void NL3D::CTransform::getReceiverBBox CAABBox bbox  )  [virtual, inherited]

For receivers. get the World Instance bbox that includes the receiver.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CLandscapeModel.

Definition at line 1328 of file transform.cpp.

References NLMISC::CAABBox::setCenter(), and NLMISC::CAABBox::setHalfSize().

Referenced by NL3D::CShadowMapManager::addShadowReceiver().

01329 {
01330         bbox.setCenter(CVector::Null);
01331         bbox.setHalfSize(CVector::Null);
01332 }

virtual const CMatrix& NL3D::CTransform::getReceiverRenderWorldMatrix  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

For receivers. Retrieve the WorldMatrix of the model used for IDriver::render(). By default it returns getWorldMatrix(). The exception is the Landscape and his "ZBuffer Problem" management.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CLandscapeModel.

Definition at line 511 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getWorldMatrix().

Referenced by NL3D::CShadowMapManager::renderProject().

00511 {return getWorldMatrix();}

const sint& NLMISC::CRefCount::getRefCount  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 70 of file smart_ptr.h.

References NLMISC::CRefCount::crefs, and sint.

00071         {
00072                 return  crefs;
00073         }

CVector NL3D::ITransformable::getRotEuler  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in RotEuler mode(nlassert).

Definition at line 237 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_RotEuler, nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEuler, and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

00238         {
00239                 nlassert(_Mode==RotEuler);
00240                 return _RotEuler.Value;
00241         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::getRotEuler CVector rot  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in RotEuler mode(nlassert).

Definition at line 206 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_RotEuler, nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEuler, and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformableUser::getRotEuler().

00207         {
00208                 nlassert(_Mode==RotEuler);
00209                 rot= _RotEuler.Value;
00210         }

const char * NL3D::ITransformable::getRotEulerValueName  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 102 of file transformable.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::ITransformable::getValueName().

00103 {
00104         return "roteuler";
00105 }

CMatrix::TRotOrder NL3D::ITransformable::getRotOrder  )  [inline, inherited]

get the current rotorder (information vlaid only when RotEuler mode).

Definition at line 194 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_RotOrder.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformableUser::getRotOrder().

00195         {
00196                 return _RotOrder;
00197         }

CQuat NL3D::ITransformable::getRotQuat  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in RotQuat mode (nlassert).

Definition at line 243 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_RotQuat, nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuat, and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

00244         {
00245                 nlassert(_Mode==RotQuat);
00246                 return _RotQuat.Value;
00247         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::getRotQuat CQuat quat  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in RotQuat mode (nlassert).

Definition at line 212 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_RotQuat, nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuat, and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformableUser::getRotQuat(), and NL3D::CInstanceGroup::getRotQuat().

00213         {
00214                 nlassert(_Mode==RotQuat);
00215                 quat= _RotQuat.Value;
00216         }

const char * NL3D::ITransformable::getRotQuatValueName  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 107 of file transformable.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::ITransformable::getValueName().

00108 {
00109         return "rotquat";
00110 }

CVector NL3D::ITransformable::getScale void   )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in Rot* mode (nlassert).

Definition at line 249 of file transformable.h.

References nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEuler, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuat, and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

00250         {
00251                 nlassert(_Mode==RotEuler || _Mode==RotQuat);
00252                 return _Scale.Value;
00253         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::getScale CVector scale  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in Rot* mode (nlassert).

Definition at line 218 of file transformable.h.

References nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEuler, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuat, and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

Referenced by NL3D::CBone::compute(), and NL3D::CTransformableUser::getScale().

00219         {
00220                 nlassert(_Mode==RotEuler || _Mode==RotQuat);
00221                 scale= _Scale.Value;
00222         }

const char * NL3D::ITransformable::getScaleValueName  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 112 of file transformable.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::ITransformable::getValueName().

00113 {
00114         return "scale";
00115 }

virtual CShadowMap* NL3D::CTransform::getShadowMap  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

get The shadow Map result for receveing. If NULL, nothing is displayed.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshInstance, and NL3D::CSkeletonModel.

Definition at line 495 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CClipTrav::clipSkeletonShadowMaps(), NL3D::CTransform::enableCastShadowMap(), NL3D::CShadowMapManager::renderGenerate(), NL3D::CShadowMapManager::renderProject(), and NL3D::CShadowMapManager::selectShadowMapsToGenerate().

00495 {return NULL;}

bool NL3D::CTransform::getShowWhenLODSticked  )  const [inline, protected, inherited]

Test if obj must be displayed when sticked to an object displayed as a LOD (example: sword in hand of a character displayed as a LOD state).

Definition at line 680 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_ForceCLodSticked.

Referenced by NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::traverseClip().

00680 { return _ForceCLodSticked; }

CSkeletonModel* NL3D::CTransform::getSkeletonModel  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the skeleton model. Returnr NULL in normal mode.

Definition at line 205 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_FatherSkeletonModel.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::render(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::render(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::render(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::renderShadowSkinGeom(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::renderShadowSkinGeom(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::renderSkin(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::renderSkin(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::renderSkinGroupGeom(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::renderSkinGroupGeom(), and NL3D::CTransformShape::traverseLoadBalancingPass0().

00205 {return _FatherSkeletonModel;}

virtual const std::vector<NLMISC::CBSphere>* NL3D::CTransform::getSkinBoneSphere  )  const [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

Deriver must change this method if isSkinnable(). It return a list of sphere relative to each bone of the father skeleton. Use with getSkinBoneUsage() to know to wich bone this sphere apply NB: if a sphere radius is -1, it means that the bone is not used (for any reason...) default is to return NULL.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance.

Definition at line 584 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::updateSkinRenderLists().

00584 {return NULL;}

virtual const std::vector<sint32>* NL3D::CTransform::getSkinBoneUsage  )  const [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

Deriver must change this method if isSkinnable(). It return the list of bone (correct skeleton index) used by the skins (NB: without the parents of the bone). NB: if an index is -1, it means that the skin bone has not been found in the skeleton (skip it) default is to return NULL.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshInstance, NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance.

Definition at line 578 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::computeCLodVertexAlpha(), and NL3D::CSkeletonModel::updateSkinRenderLists().

00578 {return NULL;}

TTransformMode NL3D::ITransformable::getTransformMode  )  [inline, inherited]

get the current transform mode.

Definition at line 189 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::TTransformMode.

Referenced by NL3D::CTargetAnimCtrl::execute(), and NL3D::CTransformableUser::getTransformMode().

00190         {
00191                 return _Mode;
00192         }

bool NL3D::CTransform::getUserClipping  )  const [inherited]

Return the user clipping state.

Definition at line 1316 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), and NL3D::CTransform::UserClipping.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::getUserClipping().

01317 {
01318         return getStateFlag(UserClipping) != 0;
01319 }

bool NL3D::CTransform::getUserLightable  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the UserLightable flag.

Definition at line 347 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), and NL3D::CTransform::IsUserLightable.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::getUserLightable().

00347 {return getStateFlag(IsUserLightable)!=0;}

IAnimatedValue * NL3D::ITransformable::getValue uint  valueId  )  [virtual, inherited]

From IAnimatable.

Implements NL3D::IAnimatable.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CCamera, and NL3D::CParticleSystemModel.

Definition at line 58 of file transformable.cpp.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_Pivot, NL3D::ITransformable::_RotEuler, NL3D::ITransformable::_RotQuat, nlstop, NL3D::ITransformable::PivotValue, NL3D::ITransformable::PosValue, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEulerValue, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuatValue, NL3D::ITransformable::ScaleValue, and uint.

00059 {
00060         // what value ?
00061         switch (valueId)
00062         {
00063         case PosValue:                  return &_Pos;
00064         case RotEulerValue:             return &_RotEuler;
00065         case RotQuatValue:              return &_RotQuat;
00066         case ScaleValue:                return &_Scale;
00067         case PivotValue:                return &_Pivot;
00068         }
00070         // No, only ITrnasformable values!
00071         nlstop;
00072         // Deriver note: else call BaseClass::getValue(valueId);
00074         return NULL;
00075 }

const char * NL3D::ITransformable::getValueName uint  valueId  )  const [virtual, inherited]

From IAnimatable.

Implements NL3D::IAnimatable.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CCamera, and NL3D::CParticleSystemModel.

Definition at line 77 of file transformable.cpp.

References NL3D::ITransformable::getPivotValueName(), NL3D::ITransformable::getPosValueName(), NL3D::ITransformable::getRotEulerValueName(), NL3D::ITransformable::getRotQuatValueName(), NL3D::ITransformable::getScaleValueName(), nlstop, NL3D::ITransformable::PivotValue, NL3D::ITransformable::PosValue, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEulerValue, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuatValue, NL3D::ITransformable::ScaleValue, and uint.

00078 {
00079         // what value ?
00080         switch (valueId)
00081         {
00082         case PosValue:                  return getPosValueName ();
00083         case RotEulerValue:             return getRotEulerValueName();
00084         case RotQuatValue:              return getRotQuatValueName();
00085         case ScaleValue:                return getScaleValueName();
00086         case PivotValue:                return getPivotValueName();
00087         }
00089         // No, only ITrnasformable values!
00090         nlstop;
00091         // Deriver note: else call BaseClass::getValueName(valueId);
00093         return "";
00094 }

CHrcTrav::TVisibility NL3D::CTransform::getVisibility  )  [inline, inherited]

Get the local visibility state.

Definition at line 203 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::Visibility.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::getVisibility(), NL3D::CParticleSystemManager::processAnimate(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance::renderSkin(), NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance::renderSkin(), NL3D::CMeshInstance::renderSkin(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::traverseAnimDetail(), and NL3D::CSkeletonModel::updateSkinRenderLists().

00203 {return Visibility;}

uint32 NL3D::CWaterModel::getWaterHeightMapID  )  const [virtual]

inherited from UWaterInstance

Implements NL3D::UWaterInstance.

Definition at line 100 of file water_model.cpp.

References NL3D::CWaterShape::_WaterPoolID, and uint32.

00101 {
00102         CWaterShape *ws = NLMISC::safe_cast<CWaterShape *>((IShape *) Shape);
00103         return ws->_WaterPoolID;
00104 }

const CMatrix& NL3D::CTransform::getWorldMatrix  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the worldMatrix that is computed at last Hrc pass

Definition at line 299 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::activeInstance(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::activeInstance(), NL3D::CLightingManager::addDynamicLight(), NL3D::CCamera::buildCameraPyramid(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::checkAgainstPyramid(), NL3D::CTransformShape::clip(), NL3D::CClipTrav::clipSkeletonShadowMaps(), computeClippedPoly(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::computeDisplayLodCharacterPriority(), NL3D::CShadowMapManager::computeShadowDirection(), computeSimpleClippedPoly(), NL3D::CMeshInstance::computeWorldBBoxForShadow(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::doAnimate(), doSimpleRender(), NL3D::CTargetAnimCtrl::execute(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::generateShadowMap(), NL3D::CMeshInstance::generateShadowMap(), NL3D::CTransformShape::getLightHotSpotInWorld(), NL3D::CTransform::getReceiverRenderWorldMatrix(), NL3D::CLightingManager::insertStaticLightedModel(), NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager::linkModel(), NL3D::CParticleSystemManager::processAnimate(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::refreshRscDeletion(), NL3D::CParticleSystemShape::render(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::render(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::render(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::render(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderCLod(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap(), NL3D::CMeshInstance::renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap(), NL3D::CMeshMultiLod::renderMeshGeom(), NL3D::CShadowMapManager::renderProject(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::renderSkin(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::renderSkin(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderSkins(), NL3D::CSegRemanence::samplePos(), NL3D::CShadowMapManager::selectShadowMapsToGenerate(), NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::setupPerInstanceConstants(), NL3D::CRenderTrav::traverse(), NL3D::CClipTrav::traverse(), NL3D::CWaveMakerModel::traverseAnimDetail(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::traverseAnimDetail(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::traverseClip(), NL3D::CTransform::traverseLight(), NL3D::CPointLightModel::traverseLight(), NL3D::CTransformShape::traverseLoadBalancingPass0(), traverseRender(), NL3D::CFlareModel::traverseRender(), and updateDiffuseMapMatrix().

00299 {return _WorldMatrix;}

void NL3D::CTransform::heritVisibility  )  [inherited]

herit the visibility from his father. (default behavior).

Definition at line 287 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_FatherSkeletonModel, NL3D::CTransform::_TransformDirty, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::dirtSkinRenderLists(), NL3D::CTransform::isSkinned(), nlassert, and NL3D::CTransform::Visibility.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::heritVisibility().

00288 {
00289         // Optim: do nothing if already set
00290         if(Visibility!= CHrcTrav::Herit)
00291         {
00292                 _TransformDirty= true;
00293                 Visibility= CHrcTrav::Herit;
00294                 // If skinned, then must inform skeleton parent that it must recompute skin render/animDetail lists
00295                 if(isSkinned())
00296                 {
00297                         nlassert(_FatherSkeletonModel);
00298                         _FatherSkeletonModel->dirtSkinRenderLists();
00299                 }
00300         }
00301 }

void NL3D::CTransform::hide  )  [inherited]

Hide the object and his sons.

Definition at line 223 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_FatherSkeletonModel, NL3D::CTransform::_TransformDirty, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::dirtSkinRenderLists(), NL3D::CTransform::isSkinned(), nlassert, and NL3D::CTransform::Visibility.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::hide(), NL3D::CLandscapeUser::hide(), NL3D::CPSMesh::newElement(), and NL3D::CPSMesh::updatePos().

00224 {
00225         // Optim: do nothing if already set
00226         if(Visibility!= CHrcTrav::Hide)
00227         {
00228                 _TransformDirty= true;
00229                 Visibility= CHrcTrav::Hide;
00230                 // If skinned, then must inform skeleton parent that it must recompute skin render/animDetail lists
00231                 if(isSkinned())
00232                 {
00233                         nlassert(_FatherSkeletonModel);
00234                         _FatherSkeletonModel->dirtSkinRenderLists();
00235                 }
00236         }
00237 }

CTransform * NL3D::CTransform::hrcGetChild uint  index  )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 1202 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_HrcSons, index, nlassert, NL3D::CFastPtrList< CTransform >::size(), and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::traverseHrc(), NL3D::CRootModel::traverseHrc(), NL3D::CAnimDetailTrav::traverseHrcRecurs(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

01203 {
01204         nlassert(index < _HrcSons.size());
01205         return (const_cast<CTransform*>(this))->_HrcSons.begin()[index];
01206 }

uint NL3D::CTransform::hrcGetNumChildren  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 220 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_HrcSons, NL3D::CFastPtrList< CTransform >::size(), and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::traverseHrc(), NL3D::CRootModel::traverseHrc(), NL3D::CAnimDetailTrav::traverseHrcRecurs(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

00220 {return _HrcSons.size();}

CTransform* NL3D::CTransform::hrcGetParent  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 218 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_HrcParent.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::traverseHrc(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorldMatrixFromFather().

00218 {return _HrcParent;}

void NL3D::CTransform::hrcLinkSon CTransform son  )  [inherited]

link son to this in Hierarchy traversal NB: link does nothing if the son node is HRC frozen

Definition at line 1151 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_FreezeHRCState, NL3D::CTransform::_HrcNode, NL3D::CTransform::_HrcParent, NL3D::CTransform::_HrcParentUnfreeze, NL3D::CTransform::_HrcSons, NL3D::CTransform::_WorldDate, NL3D::CTransform::hrcUnlink(), and NL3D::CFastPtrList< CTransform >::insert().

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceGroup::addToSceneWhenAllShapesLoaded(), NL3D::CScene::createModel(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::detachSkeletonSon(), NL3D::CInstanceGroup::linkRoot(), NL3D::CTransform::setForceClipRoot(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::stickObjectEx(), and NL3D::CTransform::unfreezeHRC().

01152 {
01153         if(!son)
01154                 return;
01156         // If not unfrozen, can't link
01157         if (son->_FreezeHRCState != CTransform::FreezeHRCStateDisabled)
01158                 return;
01160         // no-op if already me.
01161         if(son->_HrcParent==this)
01162                 return;
01164         // unlink from anyone
01165         son->hrcUnlink();
01167         // link son to me
01168         _HrcSons.insert(son, &son->_HrcNode);
01170         // link me to son
01171         son->_HrcParent= this;
01173         // Backup parent
01174         son->_HrcParentUnfreeze= this;
01176         // my son should recompute his worldMatrix!
01177         son->_WorldDate= -1;
01178 }

void NL3D::CTransform::hrcUnlink  )  [inherited]

unlink this from any Father in Hrc. No-op if no parent NB: unlink does nothing if the node is HRC frozen

Definition at line 1181 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_HrcNode, NL3D::CTransform::_HrcParent, NL3D::CTransform::_HrcParentUnfreeze, NL3D::CTransform::_WorldDate, NL3D::CTransform::ForceClipRoot, NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), nlassert, and NL3D::CFastPtrListNode::unlink().

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::bindSkin(), NL3D::CTransform::hrcLinkSon(), NL3D::CScene::initDefaultRoots(), NL3D::CScene::initQuadGridClipManager(), NL3D::CTransform::setForceClipRoot(), NL3D::CTransform::update(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

01182 {
01183         // no-op if already NULL
01184         if(_HrcParent==NULL)
01185                 return;
01187         // if ForceClipRoot flag is set, then the fx can't be linked elsewhere in the hierarchy
01188         nlassert(!getStateFlag(ForceClipRoot));
01190         // unlink my parent from me.
01191         _HrcNode.unlink();
01193         // unlink me from parent
01194         _HrcParent= NULL;
01195         _HrcParentUnfreeze= NULL;
01197         // I should recompute my worldMatrix (well not usefull since not linked, but still do it...)
01198         _WorldDate= -1;
01199 }

void NL3D::CWaterModel::init void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 64 of file water_model.h.

References updateDiffuseMapMatrix().

Referenced by NL3D::CWaterShape::createInstance().

00065         {
00066                 updateDiffuseMapMatrix(true);
00067         }

void NL3D::CTransform::initModel  )  [virtual, inherited]

Extra init for a model. this method is called by the framework at the very end of CScene::createModel() Warning! if the model is a CTransformShape, then when initModel() is called, Shape and other related member/setup of IShape::createInstance() are not yet done (because createModel() is called at the begining in createInstance()).

Because initModel() is called at the very end, deriver could implement anything like creating other models, but not deleting this model...

Default behavior is to do nothing.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CLandscapeModel, NL3D::CPointLightModel, and NL3D::CSkeletonModel.

Definition at line 214 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_LoadBalancingGroup, NL3D::CLoadBalancingTrav::getDefaultGroup(), NL3D::CScene::getLoadBalancingTrav(), and NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene().

Referenced by NL3D::CScene::createModel().

00215 {
00216         // assign me to the default group
00217         _LoadBalancingGroup= getOwnerScene()->getLoadBalancingTrav().getDefaultGroup();
00218 }

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isAnimDetailable  )  const [inline, inherited]

non-zero if the model is animDetailable (ie added to the animDetail list if visible)

Definition at line 440 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsAnimDetailable, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CClipTrav::clipSkeletonShadowMaps(), NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip(), and NL3D::CSkeletonModel::updateSkinRenderLists().

00440 {return getStateFlag(IsAnimDetailable);}

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isBigLightable  )  const [inline, inherited]

non-zero if the lighting Manager must take into account the bbox of the transform. Default behavior is false. Deriver must call setIsBigLightable() at initialisation to change it.

Definition at line 365 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsBigLightable, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformShape::getLightHotSpotInWorld().

00365 {return getStateFlag(IsBigLightable);}

bool NL3D::CTransform::isClipVisible  )  const [inline, inherited]

tells if the transform has been clipped in the clip traversal.

Definition at line 313 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_Visible.

Referenced by NL3D::CClipTrav::clipSkeletonShadowMaps(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::computeDisplayLodCharacterPriority(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::computeRenderedBBox(), NL3D::CTransformUser::getLastClippedState(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::isBoneComputed(), NL3D::CParticleSystemManager::processAnimate(), NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::traverseClip(), and NL3D::CPointLightModel::traverseLight().

00314         {
00315                 return _Visible;
00316         }

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isCluster  )  const [inline, inherited]

non-zero if the CTransform can be casted to a CCluster

Definition at line 451 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsCluster, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CClipTrav::traverse().

00451 {return getStateFlag(IsCluster);}

bool NL3D::CTransform::isGeneratingShadowMap  )  const [inline, inherited]

true if the instance cast shadow. By default false

Definition at line 515 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), and NL3D::CTransform::IsGeneratingShadowMap.

Referenced by NL3D::CClipTrav::clipSkeletonShadowMaps(), and NL3D::CSkeletonModel::traverseAnimDetail().

00515 {return getStateFlag(IsGeneratingShadowMap)!=0;}

bool NL3D::CTransform::isHrcVisible  )  const [inline, inherited]

tells if the transform has been determined as visible in the hrc traversal

Reimplemented in NL3D::CPointLightModel.

Definition at line 306 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_WorldVis.

Referenced by NL3D::CClipTrav::clipSkeletonShadowMaps(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::computeWorldBBoxForShadow(), NL3D::CMeshInstance::computeWorldBBoxForShadow(), NL3D::CTransformUser::getLastWorldVisState(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap(), NL3D::CMeshInstance::renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap(), and NL3D::CSkeletonModel::traverseAnimDetail().

00307         {
00308                 return _WorldVis;
00309         }

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isLightable  )  const [inline, inherited]

true if the model can be lighted (such as CMeshBaseInstance) Default behavior is false. Deriver must use setIsLightable(true) method if the instance can be lighted.

0 if getUserLightable() is false, or if the model can't be lighted at all. else return a non-zero value

Definition at line 337 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsFinalLightable, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CClipTrav::clipSkeletonShadowMaps(), NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip(), NL3D::CTransformShape::traverseRender(), NL3D::CTransform::unfreezeHRC(), NL3D::CTransform::update(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld().

00337 {return getStateFlag(IsFinalLightable);}

bool NL3D::CTransformShape::isLinkToQuadCluster  )  const [inline, inherited]

true if the model is linked to a quadCluster

Definition at line 141 of file transform_shape.h.

References NL3D::CTransformShape::_QuadClusterListNode, and NL3D::CFastPtrListNode::isLinked().

00141 {return _QuadClusterListNode.isLinked();}

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isLoadBalancable  )  const [inline, inherited]

non-zero if the model is loadBalancable (ie added to the loadBalancing list if visible)

Definition at line 442 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsLoadBalancable, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip().

00442 {return getStateFlag(IsLoadBalancable);}

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isMeshBaseInstance  )  const [inline, inherited]

non-zero if the CTransform can be casted to a CMeshBaseInstance

Definition at line 447 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsMeshBaseInstance, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceUser::enableAsyncTextureMode(), NL3D::CInstanceUser::getAsyncTextureDistance(), NL3D::CInstanceUser::getAsyncTextureMode(), NL3D::CInstanceUser::isAsyncTextureDirty(), NL3D::CInstanceUser::isAsyncTextureReady(), NL3D::CInstanceUser::setAsyncTextureDirty(), NL3D::CInstanceUser::setAsyncTextureDistance(), and NL3D::CInstanceUser::startAsyncTextureLoading().

00447 {return getStateFlag(IsMeshBaseInstance);}

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isNeedUpdateFrozenStaticLightSetup  )  const [inline, protected, inherited]

non-zero if the object has a FrozenStaticLightSetup not correclty updated.

Definition at line 631 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsNeedUpdateFrozenStaticLightSetup, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::traverseLight().

00631 {return getStateFlag(IsNeedUpdateFrozenStaticLightSetup);}

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isNeedUpdateLighting  )  const [inline, protected, inherited]

non-zero if the object needs to updatelighting.

Definition at line 629 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsNeedUpdateLighting, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::resetLighting(), and NL3D::CTransform::traverseLight().

00629 {return getStateFlag(IsNeedUpdateLighting);}

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isOpaque  )  [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 173 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::isOpaque(), NL3D::CRenderTrav::traverse(), and NL3D::CSkeletonModel::updateSkinRenderLists().

00173 { return getStateFlag(IsOpaque); }

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isQuadGridClipEnabled  )  const [inline, inherited]

special feature for CQuadGridClipManager. return a non-zero value if true

Definition at line 294 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::QuadGridClipEnabled, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CClipTrav::traverse().

00294 {return getStateFlag(QuadGridClipEnabled);}

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isRenderable  )  const [inline, inherited]

non-zero if the model is renderable (ie something may appear on screen)

Definition at line 444 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsRenderable, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip().

00444 {return getStateFlag(IsRenderable);}

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isSkeleton  )  const [inline, inherited]

return non-zero if I am a skeleton. if yes, static_cast<CSkeletonModel*> may be used

Definition at line 421 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsSkeleton, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::forceComputeBone(), and NL3D::CAnimDetailTrav::traverse().

00421 {return getStateFlag(IsSkeleton);}

virtual bool NL3D::CTransform::isSkinnable  )  const [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

Deriver must change this method if the model can be skinned. called rarely.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshInstance, NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance.

Definition at line 567 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::bindSkin().

00567 {return false;}

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isSkinned  )  const [inline, inherited]

non-zero if the model is skinned onto a skeleton.

Definition at line 423 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsSkinned, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::detachSkeletonSon(), NL3D::CTransform::heritVisibility(), NL3D::CTransform::hide(), NL3D::CTransform::registerToChannelMixer(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::render(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::render(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::render(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::renderSkin(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::renderSkin(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::renderSkinGroupGeom(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::renderSkinGroupGeom(), NL3D::CTransform::setIsForceAnimDetail(), NL3D::CTransform::setOpacity(), NL3D::CTransform::setTransparency(), NL3D::CTransform::show(), NL3D::CTransform::updateWorldMatrixFromFather(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

00423 {return getStateFlag(IsSkinned);}

virtual bool NL3D::CTransformShape::isStarted  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in NL3D::CSegRemanence.

Definition at line 132 of file transform_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceUser::isStarted().

00132 { return false; }

uint32 NL3D::IAnimatable::isTouched uint  valueId  )  const [inline, inherited]

Return non 0 int if the value as been touched else 0.

valueId is the animated value ID in the object we want to test the touch flag. or it may be an OwnerBit.

Definition at line 184 of file animatable.h.

References NL3D::IAnimatable::_BitSet, uint, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::doAnimate(), NL3D::ITransformable::needCompute(), NL3D::IAnimatable::propagateTouch(), and NL3D::CAnimatedMaterial::update().

00185         {
00186                 return _BitSet&(1<<valueId);
00187         }

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isTransformShape  )  const [inline, inherited]

non-zero if the CTransform can be casted to a CTransformShape

Definition at line 449 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsTransformShape, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld().

00449 {return getStateFlag(IsTransformShape);}

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::isTransparent  )  [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 174 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::isTransparent(), NL3D::CRenderTrav::traverse(), and NL3D::CSkeletonModel::updateSkinRenderLists().

00174 { return getStateFlag(IsTransparent); }

void NL3D::ITransformable::lookAt const CVector eye,
const CVector target,
float  roll = 0.f

Setup Matrix by the lookAt method. Work only in DirectMatrix mode and RotQuat mode (not euler...).

eye is the coordinate of the object.
target is the point the object look at.
roll is the roll angle in radian along the object's Y axis.

Definition at line 169 of file transformable.cpp.

References NL3D::ITransformable::DirectMatrix, NLMISC::CMatrix::getPos(), NLMISC::CMatrix::getRot(), NLMISC::CMatrix::identity(), nlassert, NLMISC::CVector::normalize(), NLMISC::CMatrix::rotateY(), NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuat, NL3D::ITransformable::setMatrix(), NL3D::ITransformable::setPivot(), NL3D::ITransformable::setPos(), NLMISC::CMatrix::setPos(), NLMISC::CMatrix::setRot(), NL3D::ITransformable::setRotQuat(), and NL3D::ITransformable::setScale().

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformableUser::lookAt(), and NL3D::CCamera::update().

00170 {
00171         nlassert(_Mode==RotQuat || _Mode==DirectMatrix);
00173         // Roll matrix
00174         CMatrix rollMT;
00175         rollMT.identity();
00176         if (roll!=0.f)
00177                 rollMT.rotateY (roll);
00179         // Make the target base
00180         CVector j=target;
00181         j-=eye;
00182         j.normalize();
00183         CVector i=j^CVector (0,0,1.f);
00184         CVector k=i^j;
00185         k.normalize();
00186         i=j^k;
00187         i.normalize();
00189         // Make the target matrix
00190         CMatrix targetMT;
00191         targetMT.identity();
00192         targetMT.setRot (i, j, k);
00193         targetMT.setPos (eye);
00195         // Compose matrix
00196         targetMT*=rollMT;
00198         // Set the matrix
00199         if(_Mode==DirectMatrix)
00200                 setMatrix (targetMT);
00201         else
00202         {
00203                 // transfrom to quaternion mode.
00204                 setScale(CVector(1,1,1));
00205                 setPivot(CVector::Null);
00206                 setPos(targetMT.getPos());
00207                 setRotQuat(targetMT.getRot());
00208         }
00209 }

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::modelCanCastShadowMap  )  const [inline, inherited]

true if the model provide a method to support shadowMap generation

Definition at line 480 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsShadowMapCaster, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::enableCastShadowMap().

00480 {return getStateFlag(IsShadowMapCaster);}

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::modelCanReceiveShadowMap  )  const [inline, inherited]

true if the model provide a method to support shadowMap receiving

Definition at line 482 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsShadowMapReceiver, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::enableReceiveShadowMap().

00482 {return getStateFlag(IsShadowMapReceiver);}

void NL3D::CTransformShape::profileRender  )  [virtual, inherited]

Called at RenderTrav to profile current render. no-op per default.

Reimplemented from NL3D::CTransform.

Definition at line 248 of file transform_shape.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CScene::getRenderTrav(), NL3D::CRenderTrav::isCurrentPassOpaque(), and NL3D::CTransformShape::Shape.

00249 {
00250         // profile the shape.
00251         if(Shape)
00252         {
00253                 CRenderTrav                     &rdrTrav= getOwnerScene()->getRenderTrav();
00254                 bool                            currentPassOpaque= rdrTrav.isCurrentPassOpaque();
00256                 Shape->profileSceneRender( &rdrTrav, this, currentPassOpaque );
00257         }
00258 }

virtual void NL3D::CTransform::receiveShadowMap CShadowMap shadowMap,
const CVector casterPos,
const CMaterial shadowMat
[inline, virtual, inherited]

For receivers. Modulate the Object with a ShadowMap. The model shoud render in the scene driver a version of its geometry simplified, and modulate the background with shadowColor.

casterPos the world position of the caster model.
shadowMat a correclty setuped material with good ShadowColor, ready to be rendered.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CLandscapeModel.

Definition at line 506 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CShadowMapManager::renderProject().

00506 {}

void NL3D::CWaterModel::registerBasic  )  [static]

Call at the begining of the program, to register the model.

Reimplemented from NL3D::CTransformShape.

Definition at line 75 of file water_model.cpp.

References NL3D::TransformShapeId, and NL3D::WaterModelClassId.

00076 {
00077         CScene::registerModel(WaterModelClassId, TransformShapeId, CWaterModel::creator);       
00078 }

void NL3D::CTransform::registerToChannelMixer CChannelMixer chanMixer,
const std::string &  prefix
[virtual, inherited]

register transform channels (in global anim mode).

See also:

Implements NL3D::ITransformable.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CCamera, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel, NL3D::CSegRemanence, and NL3D::CSkeletonModel.

Definition at line 334 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_FatherSkeletonModel, NL3D::IAnimatable::addValue(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::dirtSkinRenderLists(), NL3D::CTransform::getChannelMixerOwnerShip(), NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsAnimDetailable, NL3D::CTransform::IsForceAnimDetail, NL3D::CTransform::isSkinned(), nlassert, NL3D::CTransform::setChannelMixerOwnerShip(), and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

Referenced by NL3D::CPlayListUser::registerTransform().

00335 {
00336         if (getChannelMixerOwnerShip() && chanMixer != _ChannelMixer)
00337         {
00338                 delete _ChannelMixer;
00339                 setChannelMixerOwnerShip(false);
00340         }
00342         // Hey!! we are animated!!
00343         _ChannelMixer= chanMixer;
00345         // Update flag, if we must be inserted in AnimDetail
00346         setStateFlag(IsAnimDetailable, _ChannelMixer || getStateFlag(IsForceAnimDetail) );
00348         // If skinned, then must inform skeleton parent that it must recompute skin render/animDetail lists
00349         if(isSkinned())
00350         {
00351                 nlassert(_FatherSkeletonModel);
00352                 _FatherSkeletonModel->dirtSkinRenderLists();
00353         }
00355         // For CTransfom, channels are not detailled.
00356         addValue(chanMixer, PosValue, OwnerBit, prefix, false);
00357         addValue(chanMixer, RotEulerValue, OwnerBit, prefix, false);
00358         addValue(chanMixer, RotQuatValue, OwnerBit, prefix, false);
00359         addValue(chanMixer, ScaleValue, OwnerBit, prefix, false);
00360         addValue(chanMixer, PivotValue, OwnerBit, prefix, false);
00362         // Deriver note: if necessary, call     BaseClass::registerToChannelMixer(chanMixer, prefix);
00363 }

virtual void NL3D::CTransform::renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap CSkeletonModel rootSkeleton,
CMaterial castMat
[inline, virtual, inherited]

Special For Skeleton Caster. Render into the AuxDriver the mesh, within the current setuped Frustum/ViewMatrix. no-op by default, or if hidden in HRC!!

rootSkeleton the skeleton which is currently rendering its shadowMap

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshInstance, and NL3D::CSkeletonModel.

Definition at line 527 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderIntoSkeletonShadowMap().

00527 {}

virtual sint NL3D::CTransform::renderShadowSkinGeom uint  remainingVertices,
uint8 vbDest
[inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

Deriver must change this method if isSkinnable(). It return a list of sphere relative to each bone of the father skeleton. Use with getSkinBoneUsage() to know to wich bone this sphere apply NB: if a sphere radius is -1, it means that the bone is not used (for any reason...) default is to return NULL.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance.

Definition at line 612 of file transform.h.

References sint, uint, and uint8.

00612 {return 0;}

virtual void NL3D::CTransform::renderShadowSkinPrimitives CMaterial castMat,
IDriver drv,
uint  baseVertex
[inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

Deriver must change this method if isSkinnable(). It return a list of sphere relative to each bone of the father skeleton. Use with getSkinBoneUsage() to know to wich bone this sphere apply NB: if a sphere radius is -1, it means that the bone is not used (for any reason...) default is to return NULL.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance.

Definition at line 613 of file transform.h.

References uint.

00613 {}

virtual void NL3D::CTransform::renderSkin float  alphaMRM  )  [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

Deriver must change this method if isSkinnable(). It renders the skin with current ctx of the skeletonModel SkeletonModel has already setuped the Light and the modelMatrix in the driver. If the skin is a MRM, it is the skeleton which drives the MRM level with alphaMRM: [0,1] default is nop

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshInstance, NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance.

Definition at line 590 of file transform.h.

00590 {}

virtual sint NL3D::CTransform::renderSkinGroupGeom float  alphaMRM,
uint  remainingVertices,
uint8 dest
[inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

if supportSkinGrouping(), called to transform the VBuffer, and store it into dest.

number of vertices added to the VBuffer, or -1 if > reaminingVertices

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance.

Definition at line 601 of file transform.h.

References sint, uint, and uint8.

00601 {return 0;}

virtual void NL3D::CTransform::renderSkinGroupPrimitives uint  baseVertex,
std::vector< CSkinSpecularRdrPass > &  specularRdrPasses,
uint  skinIndex
[inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

if supportSkinGrouping(), called to render the primitives of the already skinned vertices (VB activated in the driver) Optionnaly, fill specRdrPasses with specular rdrPass to sort (used for specular grouping).

baseVertex value to add to each PBlock index.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance.

Definition at line 606 of file transform.h.

References uint.

00606 {}

virtual void NL3D::CTransform::renderSkinGroupSpecularRdrPass uint  rdrPass  )  [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

Render a specific specular renderPass returned by renderSkinGroupPrimitives.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance.

Definition at line 608 of file transform.h.

References uint.

00608 {}

void NL3D::CTransform::resetLighting  )  [inherited]

reset lights which influence this models. NB: the model is removed from all lights's list (except FrozenStaticLightSetup). Called by light rendering.

NB: the model is NOT removed from LightingManager (with eraseStaticLightedModel()).

Definition at line 988 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_LightContribution, NL3D::CLightContribution::FrozenStaticLightSetup, NL3D::CTransform::IsNeedUpdateLighting, NL3D::CTransform::isNeedUpdateLighting(), NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION, NL3D::CLightContribution::NumFrozenStaticLight, NL3D::CLightContribution::PointLight, NL3D::CPointLight::removeLightedModel(), NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag(), NL3D::CLightContribution::TransformIterator, and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CLightingManager::addDynamicLight(), NL3D::CTransform::freezeStaticLightSetup(), NL3D::CPointLight::resetLightedModels(), NL3D::CTransform::unfreezeStaticLightSetup(), NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

00989 {
00990         // if the model is already isNeedUpdateLighting, his light setup is reseted.
00991         // so no need to reset again
00992         if(isNeedUpdateLighting())
00993                 return;
00996         // For all light not in FrozenStaticLightSetup, remove me from their list
00997         uint    startLight= 0;
00998         if(_LightContribution.FrozenStaticLightSetup)
00999         {
01000                 startLight= _LightContribution.NumFrozenStaticLight;
01001         }
01003         // for all light in the list, remove me from their list.
01004         for(uint i=startLight; i<NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION; i++)
01005         {
01006                 CPointLight             *pl= _LightContribution.PointLight[i];
01007                 // if end of list, break.
01008                 if(!pl)
01009                         break;
01010                 else
01011                 {
01012                         // remove me from this light.
01013                         pl->removeLightedModel(_LightContribution.TransformIterator[i]);
01014                 }
01015         }
01016         // empty the list.
01017         if(startLight<NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION)
01018                 _LightContribution.PointLight[startLight]= NULL;
01021         // the model needs to update his lighting.
01022         setStateFlag(IsNeedUpdateLighting, true);
01024 }

void NL3D::IAnimatable::resize uint  count  )  [inline, inherited]

Change value count, bit are set to 0

count is the new value count.

Definition at line 195 of file animatable.h.

References count, nlassert, and uint.

00196         {
00197                 // with the "uint32 _BitSet" implementation, juste check the size is correct
00198                 nlassert(count<=32);
00199         }

void NL3D::CTransform::setApplySkin bool  state  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Deriver must change this method if isSkinnable(). called by CSkeletonModel::bindSkin() NB: _FatherSkeletonModel is valid when setApplySkin() is called The default behavior must be called: it sets the flag so isSkinned() return the good thing

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshInstance, NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance.

Definition at line 584 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::IsSkinned, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::bindSkin(), and NL3D::CSkeletonModel::detachSkeletonSon().

00585 {
00586         setStateFlag(IsSkinned, state);
00587 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setChannelMixerOwnerShip bool  enable = true  )  [inline, inherited]

This force gives this object ownership of the channel mixer it is registered to, so it will delete it when the dtor is called. It should be called AFTER this object has been registered to a channel mixer, because a new registration will broke the ownership. This is useful for automatic animations, when there's no owner of the channel mixer that could delete it.

Definition at line 256 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::IsDeleteChannelMixer, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

Referenced by NL3D::CScene::createInstance(), and NL3D::CTransform::registerToChannelMixer().

00256 { setStateFlag(IsDeleteChannelMixer, enable); }

void NL3D::CTransform::setClusterSystem CInstanceGroup pCS  )  [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 912 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_ClusterSystem, NL3D::CTransform::ForceClipRoot, NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), and nlassert.

Referenced by NL3D::CScene::findCameraClusterSystemFromRay(), and NL3D::CTransform::setForceClipRoot().

00913 {
00914         if (pCS != NULL)
00915         {
00916                 nlassert(!getStateFlag(ForceClipRoot)); // the transform must be linked to the root, and have not cluster system when this flag is set
00917         }
00918         _ClusterSystem = pCS;
00919 }

void NL3D::CTransformShape::setDistMax float  distMax  )  [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 137 of file transform_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CScene::createInstance(), and NL3D::CInstanceUser::setDistMax().

00137 { _DistMax = distMax; }

void NL3D::CTransform::setDontUnfreezeChildren bool  val  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 378 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_DontUnfreezeChildren.

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceGroup::createRoot().

00379 {
00380         _DontUnfreezeChildren = val;
00381 }

void NL3D::IAnimatable::setFather IAnimatable father,
uint  fatherOwnerBit
[inline, inherited]

Say which (if any) IAnimatable owns this one. This is important for Touch propagation. By this system, Fathers and ancestors know if they must check their sons (isTouched() return true).

father the father we must inform of our update.
fatherOwnerBit What bit of father we must set when we are updated

Definition at line 153 of file animatable.h.

References NL3D::IAnimatable::_Father, NL3D::IAnimatable::_FatherOwnerBit, NL3D::IAnimatable::propagateTouch(), and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshBase::instanciateMeshBase(), and NL3D::CSegRemanence::setAnimatedMaterial().

00154         {
00155                 _Father= father; _FatherOwnerBit= fatherOwnerBit;
00157                 // propagate the touch to the fathers.
00158                 propagateTouch();
00159         }

void NL3D::IAnimatable::setFlag uint  valueId  )  [inline, protected, inherited]

This method set a bit in the bitset.

Definition at line 239 of file animatable.h.

References NL3D::IAnimatable::_BitSet, and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::IAnimatable::propagateTouch(), and NL3D::IAnimatable::touch().

00240         {
00241                 _BitSet|= (1<<valueId);
00242         }

void NL3D::CTransform::setForceClipRoot bool  forceClipRoot  )  [inherited]

Force the transform to always be attached to the root As a consequence, it can't be inserted into a cluster system (even the root cluster) and is thus always visible when in the frustum (not clusterized) NB : any call to setClusterSystem will cause an assertion when the flag is set NB : any call to hrcUnlink will cause an assertion when the flag is set (must remain linked to the root)

Definition at line 1380 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_OwnerScene, NL3D::CTransform::ForceClipRoot, NL3D::CScene::getRoot(), NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::hrcLinkSon(), NL3D::CTransform::hrcUnlink(), NL3D::CTransform::setClusterSystem(), and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::setForceClipRoot().

01381 {
01382         if (forceClipRoot == (getStateFlag(ForceClipRoot) != 0)) return;
01383         if (forceClipRoot)
01384         {
01385                 // unlink from previous father and link to the root
01386                 hrcUnlink();
01387                 if (_OwnerScene)
01388                 {
01389                         _OwnerScene->getRoot()->hrcLinkSon(this);
01390                 }
01391                 setClusterSystem(NULL);
01392         }
01393         setStateFlag(ForceClipRoot, forceClipRoot);
01394 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setGeneratingShadowMap bool  state  )  [inline, inherited]

For ShadowMapManager. true if the model is rendering its ShadowMap this frame.

Definition at line 514 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::canCastShadowMap(), NL3D::CTransform::IsGeneratingShadowMap, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

Referenced by NL3D::CShadowMapManager::addShadowCasterGenerate().

00514 {if(canCastShadowMap()) setStateFlag(IsGeneratingShadowMap, state);}

void NL3D::CTransform::setIsBigLightable bool  val  )  [protected, inherited]

Deriver must use this method with true to indicate the model is a big lightable.

Definition at line 574 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::IsBigLightable, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshBase::instanciateMeshBase().

00575 {
00576         setStateFlag(IsBigLightable, val);
00577 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setIsCluster bool  val  )  [inline, protected, inherited]

For CCluster only.

Definition at line 671 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::IsCluster, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

00671 {setStateFlag(IsCluster, val);}

void NL3D::CTransform::setIsForceAnimDetail bool  val  )  [protected, inherited]

Deriver must use this method with true if the model must be AnimDetail-ed whatever registerToChannelMixer() has been called or not

Definition at line 590 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_FatherSkeletonModel, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::dirtSkinRenderLists(), NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsAnimDetailable, NL3D::CTransform::IsForceAnimDetail, NL3D::CTransform::isSkinned(), nlassert, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

00591 {
00592         setStateFlag(IsForceAnimDetail, val );
00594         // Update flag, if we must be inserted in AnimDetail
00595         setStateFlag(IsAnimDetailable, _ChannelMixer || getStateFlag(IsForceAnimDetail) );
00597         // If skinned, then must inform skeleton parent that it must recompute skin render/animDetail lists
00598         if(isSkinned())
00599         {
00600                 nlassert(_FatherSkeletonModel);
00601                 _FatherSkeletonModel->dirtSkinRenderLists();
00602         }
00603 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setIsLightable bool  val  )  [protected, inherited]

Deriver must use this method with true to indicate the model support lighting.

Definition at line 552 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsFinalLightable, NL3D::CTransform::IsLightable, NL3D::CTransform::IsUserLightable, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshBase::instanciateMeshBase().

00553 {
00554         setStateFlag(IsLightable, val);
00555         // update IsFinalLightable
00556         setStateFlag(IsFinalLightable, (getStateFlag(IsLightable) && getStateFlag(IsUserLightable)) );
00557 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setIsLoadbalancable bool  val  )  [protected, inherited]

Deriver must use this method with true to indicate the model support loadBalancing.

Definition at line 605 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::IsLoadBalancable, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

00606 {
00607         setStateFlag(IsLoadBalancable, val );
00608 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setIsMeshBaseInstance bool  val  )  [inline, protected, inherited]

For CMeshBaseInstance only.

Definition at line 667 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::IsMeshBaseInstance, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

00667 {setStateFlag(IsMeshBaseInstance, val);}

void NL3D::CTransform::setIsRenderable bool  val  )  [protected, inherited]

Deriver must use this method with true to indicate the model can be rendered. "can be rendered" means if object has to be inserted in RenderTrav list. eg: a mesh must be inserted in a render list, but not a light, or a NULL transform. The default is false.

Definition at line 568 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::IsRenderable, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

00569 {
00570         setStateFlag(IsRenderable, val);
00571 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setIsShadowMapCaster bool  val  )  [inline, protected, inherited]


Definition at line 674 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::IsShadowMapCaster, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

00674 {setStateFlag(IsShadowMapCaster, val);}

void NL3D::CTransform::setIsShadowMapReceiver bool  val  )  [inline, protected, inherited]

Deriver must use this method with true to indicate the model is a big lightable.

Definition at line 675 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::IsShadowMapReceiver, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

00675 {setStateFlag(IsShadowMapReceiver, val);}

void NL3D::CTransform::setIsSkeleton bool  val  )  [protected, inherited]

For CSkeletonModel only.

Definition at line 579 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::IsSkeleton, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

00580 {
00581         setStateFlag(IsSkeleton, val);
00582 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setIsTransformShape bool  val  )  [inline, protected, inherited]

For CTransformShape only.

Definition at line 669 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::IsTransformShape, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

00669 {setStateFlag(IsTransformShape, val);}

void NL3D::CTransform::setLoadBalancingGroup const std::string &  group  )  [inherited]

Change the load Balancing group of a model. Every models are in a special LoadBalancingGroup. NB: the group is created if did not exist. NB: if models are skinned, it is their Skeleton which drive the group

By default, models lies in the "Default" group, but Skeletons for skinning and ParticlesSystems which are in "Skin" and "Fx" group respectively. The "Default" group is special because it is not balanced (ie models are only degraded from their distance to camera)

Definition at line 522 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_LoadBalancingGroup, NL3D::CScene::getLoadBalancingTrav(), NL3D::CLoadBalancingTrav::getOrCreateGroup(), and NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene().

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonShape::createInstance(), NL3D::CSegRemanenceShape::createInstance(), and NL3D::CParticleSystemShape::createInstance().

00523 {
00524         // Get the traversal.
00525         CLoadBalancingTrav      &trav= getOwnerScene()->getLoadBalancingTrav();
00526         // get the group from trav (create if needed), and set it.
00527         _LoadBalancingGroup= trav.getOrCreateGroup(group);
00528 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setLogicInfo ILogicInfo logicInfo  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the LogicInfo for this transfrom, eg to retrieve statc light information, see ILogicInfo. Ptr is kept in CTransfrom, so should call setLogicInfo(NULL) before to clean up.

Definition at line 389 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_LogicInfo.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::setLogicInfo().

00389 {_LogicInfo= logicInfo;}

void NL3D::ITransformable::setMatrix const CMatrix mat  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in DirecTMatrix mode (nlassert).

Definition at line 174 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_LocalMatrixDate, NL3D::ITransformable::DirectMatrix, and nlassert.

Referenced by NL3D::ITransformable::lookAt(), and NL3D::CTransformableUser::setMatrix().

00175         {
00176                 nlassert(_Mode==DirectMatrix);
00177                 _LocalMatrix= mat;
00178                 // The matrix has changed.
00179                 _LocalMatrixDate++;
00180         }

void NL3D::CTransform::setMeanColor CRGBA  color  )  [inherited]

set the Mean color of the transform. The mean color can be used for many purpose, such as drawing objects if the textures are not loaded. It is used also for Lod Character. Default color is (255,255,255)

Definition at line 540 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_MeanColor.

00541 {
00542         // if the color is different from prec
00543         if(color!=_MeanColor)
00544         {
00545                 // change it.
00546                 _MeanColor= color;
00547         }
00548 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setOpacity bool  v  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 255 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_FatherSkeletonModel, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::dirtSkinRenderLists(), NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::isSkinned(), nlassert, NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag(), and v.

Referenced by NL3D::CFlareModel::CFlareModel(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::CParticleSystemModel(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::CSkeletonModel(), NL3D::CVegetableBlendLayerModel::CVegetableBlendLayerModel(), CWaterModel(), NL3D::CMeshBase::instanciateMeshBase(), NL3D::CTransformUser::setOpacity(), NL3D::CMeshMultiLodInstance::traverseLoadBalancing(), NL3D::CSegRemanence::updateOpacityFromShape(), and NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::updateOpacityInfos().

00256 { 
00257         bool bTmp = getStateFlag(IsOpaque) == 0 ? false : true;
00258         if (bTmp != v)
00259         {
00260                 setStateFlag(IsOpaque, v);
00261                 if(isSkinned())
00262                 {
00263                         nlassert(_FatherSkeletonModel);
00264                         _FatherSkeletonModel->dirtSkinRenderLists();
00265                 }
00266         }
00267 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setOrderingLayer uint  layer  )  [inline, inherited]

Set the current layer for this transform. Typically, this is used to sort transparent objects. Isn't used with solid objects. For now : Layer 0 is for underwater Layer 1 is for water surfaces Layer 2 is for object above water

Definition at line 184 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_OrderingLayer, and uint.

Referenced by CWaterModel(), and NL3D::CTransformUser::setOrderingLayer().

00184 { _OrderingLayer = layer; }

void NL3D::ITransformable::setPivot float  x,
float  y,
float  z
[inline, inherited]

Work only in Rot* mode (nlassert).

Definition at line 169 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::setPivot(), x, y, and z.

00170         {
00171                 setPivot(CVector(x, y, z));
00172         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::setPivot const CVector pivot  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in Rot* mode (nlassert).

Definition at line 162 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_Pivot, nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::PivotValue, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEuler, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuat, NL3D::IAnimatable::touch(), and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

Referenced by NL3D::ITransformable::lookAt(), NL3D::CTransformableUser::setPivot(), and NL3D::ITransformable::setPivot().

00163         {
00164                 nlassert(_Mode==RotEuler || _Mode==RotQuat);
00165                 _Pivot.Value= pivot;
00166                 touch(PivotValue, OwnerBit);
00167         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::setPos float  x,
float  y,
float  z
[inline, inherited]

Work only in Rot* mode(nlassert).

Definition at line 121 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::setPos(), x, y, and z.

00122         {
00123                 setPos(CVector(x,y,z));
00124         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::setPos const CVector pos  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in Rot* mode(nlassert).

Definition at line 114 of file transformable.h.

References nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::PosValue, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEuler, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuat, NL3D::IAnimatable::touch(), and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

Referenced by NL3D::CCamera::build(), NL3D::ITransformable::lookAt(), NL3D::CTransformableUser::setPos(), NL3D::ITransformable::setPos(), NL3D::CInstanceGroup::setPos(), and NL3D::CPSLight::step().

00115         {
00116                 nlassert(_Mode==RotEuler || _Mode==RotQuat);
00117                 _Pos.Value= pos;
00118                 touch(PosValue, OwnerBit);
00119         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::setRotEuler float  rotX,
float  rotY,
float  rotZ
[inline, inherited]

Work only in RotEuler mode(nlassert).

Definition at line 133 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::setRotEuler().

00134         {
00135                 setRotEuler(CVector(rotX, rotY, rotZ));
00136         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::setRotEuler const CVector rot  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in RotEuler mode(nlassert).

Definition at line 126 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_RotEuler, nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEuler, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEulerValue, NL3D::IAnimatable::touch(), and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformableUser::setRotEuler(), and NL3D::ITransformable::setRotEuler().

00127         {
00128                 nlassert(_Mode==RotEuler);
00129                 _RotEuler.Value= rot;
00130                 touch(RotEulerValue, OwnerBit);
00131         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::setRotQuat const CQuat quat  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in RotQuat mode (nlassert).

Definition at line 138 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_RotQuat, nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuat, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuatValue, NL3D::IAnimatable::touch(), and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

Referenced by NL3D::CTargetAnimCtrl::execute(), NL3D::ITransformable::lookAt(), NL3D::CTransformableUser::setRotQuat(), and NL3D::CInstanceGroup::setRotQuat().

00139         {
00140                 nlassert(_Mode==RotQuat);
00141                 _RotQuat.Value= quat;
00142                 touch(RotQuatValue, OwnerBit);
00143         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::setScale float  scale  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in Rot* mode (nlassert).

Definition at line 157 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::setScale().

00158         {
00159                 setScale(CVector(scale, scale, scale));
00160         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::setScale float  scaleX,
float  scaleY,
float  scaleZ
[inline, inherited]

Work only in Rot* mode (nlassert).

Definition at line 152 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::setScale().

00153         {
00154                 setScale(CVector(scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ));
00155         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::setScale const CVector scale  )  [inline, inherited]

Work only in Rot* mode (nlassert).

Definition at line 145 of file transformable.h.

References nlassert, NL3D::ITransformable::RotEuler, NL3D::ITransformable::RotQuat, NL3D::ITransformable::ScaleValue, NL3D::IAnimatable::touch(), and NL3D::CAnimatedValueBlendable< T >::Value.

Referenced by NL3D::ITransformable::lookAt(), NL3D::CTransformableUser::setScale(), and NL3D::ITransformable::setScale().

00146         {
00147                 nlassert(_Mode==RotEuler || _Mode==RotQuat);
00148                 _Scale.Value= scale;
00149                 touch(ScaleValue, OwnerBit);
00150         }

void NL3D::ITransformable::setTransformMode TTransformMode  mode,
CMatrix::TRotOrder  ro = CMatrix::ZXY
[inline, inherited]

Change the transform mode. Components or matrix are not reseted.

Definition at line 100 of file transformable.h.

References NL3D::ITransformable::_RotOrder, NL3D::ITransformable::PosValue, and NL3D::IAnimatable::touch().

Referenced by NL3D::CCamera::build(), NL3D::CCamera::enableTargetAnimation(), NL3D::CPSMesh::newElement(), NL3D::CTransformableUser::setTransformMode(), and NL3D::CPSMesh::updatePos().

00101         {
00102                 _Mode= mode;
00103                 _RotOrder= ro;
00104                 // just for information.
00105                 touch(PosValue, OwnerBit);
00106         }

void NL3D::CTransform::setTransparency bool  v  )  [inherited]

Accessors for opacity/transparency

Definition at line 240 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_FatherSkeletonModel, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::dirtSkinRenderLists(), NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::isSkinned(), nlassert, NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag(), and v.

Referenced by NL3D::CFlareModel::CFlareModel(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::CParticleSystemModel(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::CSkeletonModel(), NL3D::CVegetableBlendLayerModel::CVegetableBlendLayerModel(), CWaterModel(), NL3D::CMeshBase::instanciateMeshBase(), NL3D::CTransformUser::setTransparency(), NL3D::CMeshMultiLodInstance::traverseLoadBalancing(), NL3D::CSegRemanence::updateOpacityFromShape(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::updateOpacityInfos(), and NL3D::CSkeletonModel::updateSkinRenderLists().

00241 { 
00242         bool bTmp = getStateFlag(IsTransparent) == 0 ? false : true;
00243         if (bTmp != v)
00244         {
00245                 setStateFlag(IsTransparent, v);
00246                 if(isSkinned())
00247                 {
00248                         nlassert(_FatherSkeletonModel);
00249                         _FatherSkeletonModel->dirtSkinRenderLists();
00250                 }
00251         }
00252 }

void NL3D::CTransformShape::setupCurrentLightContribution CLightContribution lightContrib,
bool  useLocalAtt
[protected, inherited]

For deriver who wants to setup their own current lightContribution setup (as skeleton). Must call changeLightSetup() so change are effectively made in driver

Definition at line 98 of file transform_shape.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransformShape::_CurrentLightContribution, and NL3D::CTransformShape::_CurrentUseLocalAttenuation.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderSkins().

00099 {
00100         _CurrentLightContribution= lightContrib;
00101         _CurrentUseLocalAttenuation= useLocalAtt;
00102 }

void NL3D::CWaterModel::setupMaterialNVertexShader IDriver drv,
CWaterShape shape,
const NLMISC::CVector obsPos,
bool  above,
float  maxDist,
float  zHeight

set matrix

set all our constants in one call

Definition at line 831 of file water_model.cpp.

References NL3D::CWaterShape::_BumpMap, NL3D::CWaterShape::_ColorMap, _ColorMapMatColumn0, _ColorMapMatColumn1, _ColorMapMatPos, NL3D::CWaterShape::_EnvMap, NL3D::CWaterShape::_HeightMapScale, NL3D::CWaterShape::_HeightMapSpeed, NL3D::CWaterShape::_VertexProgramBump2, NL3D::CWaterShape::_VertexProgramBump2Diffuse, _WaterMat, NL3D::CWaterShape::_WaveHeightFactor, NL3D::IDriver::activeVertexProgram(), NL3D::CWaterShape::envMapUpdate(), NL3D::CWaterShape::getColorMap(), NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime(), NL3D::CWaterShape::initVertexProgram(), nlwarning, NLMISC::CVectorH::set(), NL3D::CMaterial::setBlend(), NL3D::CMaterial::setColor(), NL3D::IDriver::setConstant(), NL3D::IDriver::setConstantMatrix(), NL3D::CMaterial::setDoubleSided(), NL3D::CMaterial::setDstBlend(), NL3D::CMaterial::setLighting(), NL3D::CMaterial::setShader(), NL3D::CMaterial::setSrcBlend(), NL3D::CMaterial::setZWrite(), uint, updateDiffuseMapMatrix(), NLMISC::CVector::x, NLMISC::CVector2f::x, NLMISC::CVector2f::y, NLMISC::CVector::y, and NLMISC::CVector::z.

Referenced by traverseRender().

00832 {                       
00833         static bool matSetupped = false;
00834         if (!matSetupped)
00835         {       
00836                 _WaterMat.setLighting(false);
00837                 _WaterMat.setDoubleSided(true); 
00838                 _WaterMat.setColor(NLMISC::CRGBA::White);
00839                 _WaterMat.setBlend(true);
00840                 _WaterMat.setSrcBlend(CMaterial::srcalpha);
00841                 _WaterMat.setDstBlend(CMaterial::invsrcalpha);
00842                 _WaterMat.setZWrite(true);
00843                 _WaterMat.setShader(CMaterial::Water);
00844         }
00847         const uint cstOffset = 4; // 4 places for the matrix
00848         NLMISC::CVectorH cst[13];
00851         //=========================//
00852         //      setup Water material   //
00853         //=========================//
00855         CWaterModel::_WaterMat.setTexture(0, shape->_BumpMap[0]);
00856         CWaterModel::_WaterMat.setTexture(1, shape->_BumpMap[1]);
00857         CWaterModel::_WaterMat.setTexture(3, shape->_ColorMap);
00859         if (!above && shape->_EnvMap[1])
00860         {
00861                 CWaterModel::_WaterMat.setTexture(2, shape->_EnvMap[1]);                                
00862         }
00863         else
00864         {
00865                 CWaterModel::_WaterMat.setTexture(2, shape->_EnvMap[0]);
00866         }
00869         shape->envMapUpdate();
00871         const uint alphaMapStage = 3;
00872         if (shape->_ColorMap)
00873         {                       
00874                 //WaterMat.setTexture(alphaMapStage, shape->_ColorMap);
00875                 //if (shape->_ColorMap->supportSharing()) nlinfo(shape->_ColorMap->getShareName().c_str());
00878                 // setup 2x3 matrix for lookup in diffuse map
00879                 updateDiffuseMapMatrix();
00880                 cst[13 - cstOffset].set(_ColorMapMatColumn0.x, _ColorMapMatColumn1.x, 0, _ColorMapMatColumn0.x * obsPos.x + _ColorMapMatColumn1.x * obsPos.y + _ColorMapMatPos.x); 
00881                 cst[14 - cstOffset].set(_ColorMapMatColumn0.y, _ColorMapMatColumn1.y, 0, _ColorMapMatColumn0.y * obsPos.x + _ColorMapMatColumn1.y * obsPos.y + _ColorMapMatPos.y);                                              
00882         }
00883         else
00884         {
00885                 cst[13 - cstOffset].set(0, 0, 0, 0);
00886                 cst[14 - cstOffset].set(0, 0, 0, 0);                    
00887         }
00889         cst[16 - cstOffset].set(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); // used to avoid imprecision when performing a RSQ to get distance from the origin
00890         // cst[16 - cstOffset].set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // used to avoid imprecision when performing a RSQ to get distance from the origin
00895         cst[5  - cstOffset].set(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); // claping negative values to 0
00897         // slope of attenuation of normal / height with distance                
00898         const float invMaxDist = shape->_WaveHeightFactor / maxDist;
00899         cst[6  - cstOffset].set(invMaxDist, shape->_WaveHeightFactor, 0, 0);            
00901         /*cst[6  - cstOffset].set(invMaxDist, invMaxDist, invMaxDist, invMaxDist); // upcoming light vectorshape->_WaveHeightFactor             
00902         cst[15  - cstOffset].set(shape->_WaveHeightFactor, shape->_WaveHeightFactor, shape->_WaveHeightFactor, shape->_WaveHeightFactor);
00903         */
00909         drv->setConstantMatrix(0, IDriver::ModelViewProjection, IDriver::Identity);
00911         // retrieve current time
00912         float date  = 0.001f * (NLMISC::CTime::getLocalTime() & 0xffffff); // must keep some precision.
00913         // set bumpmaps pos
00914         cst[9  - cstOffset].set(fmodf(obsPos.x * shape->_HeightMapScale[0].x, 1.f) + fmodf(date * shape->_HeightMapSpeed[0].x, 1.f), fmodf(shape->_HeightMapScale[0].y * obsPos.y, 1.f) + fmodf(date * shape->_HeightMapSpeed[0].y, 1.f), 0.f, 1.f); // bump map 0 offset
00915         cst[10  - cstOffset].set(shape->_HeightMapScale[0].x, shape->_HeightMapScale[0].y, 0, 1); // bump map 0 scale
00916         cst[11  - cstOffset].set(fmodf(shape->_HeightMapScale[1].x * obsPos.x, 1.f) + fmodf(date * shape->_HeightMapSpeed[1].x, 1.f), fmodf(shape->_HeightMapScale[1].y * obsPos.y, 1.f) + fmodf(date * shape->_HeightMapSpeed[1].y, 1.f), 0.f, 0.f); // bump map 1 offset
00917         cst[12  - cstOffset].set(shape->_HeightMapScale[1].x, shape->_HeightMapScale[1].y, 0, 1); // bump map 1 scale
00922         cst[4  - cstOffset].set(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); // use with min man, and to get the 1 constant             
00923         cst[7  - cstOffset].set(0, 0, obsPos.z - zHeight, 1.f);
00924         cst[8  - cstOffset].set(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.f, 0.f); // used to scale reflected ray into the envmap
00930         drv->setConstant(4, sizeof(cst) / sizeof(cst[0]), (float *) &cst[0]);
00932         shape->initVertexProgram();             
00933         bool result;
00934         /*
00935         if (useBumpedVersion)
00936         {
00937                 if (!useEMBM)
00938                 {                       
00939                         result = shape->getColorMap() ? drv->activeVertexProgram((shape->_VertexProgramBump2Diffuse).get())
00940                                                                                         : drv->activeVertexProgram((shape->_VertexProgramBump2).get());
00941                 }
00942                 else
00943                 {
00944                         result = shape->getColorMap() ? drv->activeVertexProgram((shape->_VertexProgramBump1Diffuse).get())
00945                                                                                         : drv->activeVertexProgram((shape->_VertexProgramBump1).get());
00946                 }
00947         }
00948         else
00949         {
00950                 result = shape->getColorMap() ? drv->activeVertexProgram((shape->_VertexProgramNoBumpDiffuse).get())
00951                                                                         : drv->activeVertexProgram((shape->_VertexProgramNoBump).get());
00952         }
00953         */
00957         result = shape->getColorMap() ? drv->activeVertexProgram((shape->_VertexProgramBump2Diffuse).get())
00958                                                                                         : drv->activeVertexProgram((shape->_VertexProgramBump2).get());
00960         //
00961         if (!result) nlwarning("no vertex program setupped");                                                   
00962 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setUserClipping bool  enable  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 1310 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag(), and NL3D::CTransform::UserClipping.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::setUserClipping().

01311 {
01312         setStateFlag (UserClipping, enable);
01313 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setUserLightable bool  enable  )  [inherited]

Set the UserLightable flag. if false, isLightable() will always return false. Doing this, user can disable lighting on a model which may be interesting for speed. Default behavior is UserLightable==true.

Definition at line 559 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::IsFinalLightable, NL3D::CTransform::IsLightable, NL3D::CTransform::IsUserLightable, and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::setUserLightable().

00560 {
00561         setStateFlag(IsUserLightable, enable);
00562         // update IsFinalLightable
00563         setStateFlag(IsFinalLightable, (getStateFlag(IsLightable) && getStateFlag(IsUserLightable)) );
00564 }

void NL3D::CTransform::setWorldMatrix const CMatrix mat  )  [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 302 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CParticleSystemManager::processAnimate().

00302 { _WorldMatrix = mat;}

void NL3D::CTransform::show  )  [inherited]

Show the objet and his sons.

Definition at line 271 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_FatherSkeletonModel, NL3D::CTransform::_TransformDirty, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::dirtSkinRenderLists(), NL3D::CTransform::isSkinned(), nlassert, and NL3D::CTransform::Visibility.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformUser::show(), and NL3D::CLandscapeUser::show().

00272 {
00273         // Optim: do nothing if already set
00274         if(Visibility!= CHrcTrav::Show)
00275         {
00276                 _TransformDirty= true;
00277                 Visibility= CHrcTrav::Show;
00278                 // If skinned, then must inform skeleton parent that it must recompute skin render/animDetail lists
00279                 if(isSkinned())
00280                 {
00281                         nlassert(_FatherSkeletonModel);
00282                         _FatherSkeletonModel->dirtSkinRenderLists();
00283                 }
00284         }
00285 }

virtual void NL3D::CTransformShape::start  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in NL3D::CSegRemanence.

Definition at line 128 of file transform_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceUser::start().

00128 {};

virtual void NL3D::CTransformShape::stop  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in NL3D::CSegRemanence.

Definition at line 130 of file transform_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceUser::stop().

00130 {};

virtual bool NL3D::CTransform::supportShadowSkinGrouping  )  const [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

Special Skinning For ShadowMapping.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance.

Definition at line 611 of file transform.h.

00611 {return false;}

virtual bool NL3D::CTransform::supportSkinGrouping  )  const [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

Deriver may support SkinGrouping if isSkinnable(). It renders the skin with current ctx of the skeletonModel, but torn in 2 pass: fillVB,a nd renderPrimitives Deriver may check NL3D_MESH_SKIN_MANAGER_VERTEXFORMAT and NL3D_MESH_SKIN_MANAGER_MAXVERTICES

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshMRMInstance, and NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedInstance.

Definition at line 597 of file transform.h.

00597 {return false;}

void NL3D::IAnimatable::touch uint  valueId,
uint  ownerValueId
[inline, inherited]

Touch a value because it has been modified.

valueId is the animated value ID in the object we want to touch.
ownerValueId is the bit of the IAnimatable part which owns this animated value.

Definition at line 168 of file animatable.h.

References NL3D::IAnimatable::propagateTouch(), NL3D::IAnimatable::setFlag(), and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CChannelMixer::eval(), NL3D::CChannelMixer::evalSingleChannel(), NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::reallocRsc(), NL3D::CChannelMixer::refreshList(), NL3D::CCamera::setFov(), NL3D::ITransformable::setPivot(), NL3D::ITransformable::setPos(), NL3D::CCamera::setRoll(), NL3D::ITransformable::setRotEuler(), NL3D::ITransformable::setRotQuat(), NL3D::ITransformable::setScale(), NL3D::CCamera::setTargetPos(), NL3D::ITransformable::setTransformMode(), and NL3D::CParticleSystemInstanceUser::setUserParam().

00169         {
00170                 // Set the bit
00171                 setFlag(valueId);
00172                 // Set the owner bit
00173                 setFlag(ownerValueId);
00175                 // propagate the touch to the fathers.
00176                 propagateTouch();
00177         }

void NL3D::CTransform::traverseAnimDetail  )  [virtual, inherited]

call updateWorldMatrixFromFather(), then traverseAnimDetailWithoutUpdateWorldMatrix()

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel, NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager, NL3D::CRootModel, NL3D::CSegRemanence, NL3D::CSkeletonModel, and NL3D::CWaveMakerModel.

Definition at line 953 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::traverseAnimDetailWithoutUpdateWorldMatrix(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorldMatrixFromFather().

Referenced by NL3D::CAnimDetailTrav::traverse(), and NL3D::CAnimDetailTrav::traverseHrcRecurs().

00954 {
00955         // First, test if I must update my worldMatrix because of the ancestorSkeleton scheme
00956         updateWorldMatrixFromFather();
00958         // eval channelMixer.
00959         traverseAnimDetailWithoutUpdateWorldMatrix();
00961         // NB: if want to add something, do it in traverseAnimDetailWithoutUpdateWorldMatrix(), because
00962         // CSkeletonModel doesn't call CTransform::traverseAnimDetail()
00963 }

void NL3D::CTransform::traverseAnimDetailWithoutUpdateWorldMatrix  )  [protected, inherited]

traverse without updatin WorldMatrixFromFather:

  • animdetail if the model channelmixer is not NULL, and if model not clipped

Definition at line 938 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CChannelMixer::eval(), and NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene().

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::traverseAnimDetail().

00939 {
00940         // AnimDetail behavior: animate only if not clipped.
00941         // NB: no need to test because of VisibilityList use.
00943         // test if the refptr is NULL or not (RefPtr).
00944         CChannelMixer   *chanmix= _ChannelMixer;
00945         if(chanmix)
00946         {
00947                 // eval detail!!
00948                 chanmix->eval(true, getOwnerScene()->getAnimDetailTrav().CurrentDate);
00949         }
00950 }

void NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip  )  [virtual, inherited]

The base traverseClip method. The behavior is to:

  • test if _WorldVis is visible.
  • test if is clipped with clip() OR IF SKELETON MODEL, USE SKELETON MODEL clip!!
  • if visible and not clipped, set _Visible=true (else false). and
    • add the CTransform* to the ClipTrav list
  • if _Visible==true, and renderable, add it to the RenderTraversal: RenderTrav->addRenderModel(model);
  • always traverseSons(), to clip the sons.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CCluster, NL3D::CLandscapeModel, NL3D::CParticleSystemModel, NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager, and NL3D::CRootModel.

Definition at line 806 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_AncestorSkeletonModel, NL3D::CTransform::_ClipDate, NL3D::CTransform::_FatherSkeletonModel, NL3D::CTransform::_ForceCLodSticked, NL3D::CTransform::_RenderFilterType, NL3D::CTransform::_StateFlags, NL3D::CTransform::_Visible, NL3D::CTransform::_WorldVis, NL3D::CLightTrav::addLightedModel(), NL3D::CRenderTrav::addRenderModel(), NL3D::CLoadBalancingTrav::addVisibleModel(), NL3D::CAnimDetailTrav::addVisibleModel(), NL3D::CClipTrav::addVisibleModel(), NL3D::CTransform::clip(), NL3D::CTransform::clipGetChild(), NL3D::CTransform::clipGetNumChildren(), NL3D::CClipTrav::CurrentDate, NL3D::CScene::getAnimDetailTrav(), NL3D::CScene::getClipTrav(), NL3D::CScene::getFilterRenderFlags(), NL3D::CScene::getLightTrav(), NL3D::CScene::getLoadBalancingTrav(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CScene::getRenderTrav(), NL3D::CTransform::isAnimDetailable(), NL3D::CTransform::isClipVisible(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::isDisplayedAsLodCharacter(), NL3D::CTransform::isLightable(), NL3D::CTransform::isLoadBalancable(), NL3D::CTransform::isRenderable(), num, uint, and NL3D::CTransform::UserClipping.

Referenced by NL3D::CCluster::recursTraverseClip(), NL3D::CClipTrav::traverse(), NL3D::CRootModel::traverseClip(), and NL3D::CParticleSystemModel::traverseClip().

00807 {
00808         // disable H_AUTO, because slowdown when lot of models (eg 1000-2000 tested in forest)
00809         //H_AUTO( NL3D_TransformClip );
00811         CScene                  *scene= getOwnerScene();
00812         CClipTrav               &clipTrav= scene->getClipTrav();
00814         if ((_ClipDate == clipTrav.CurrentDate) && _Visible)
00815                 return;
00816         _ClipDate = clipTrav.CurrentDate;
00818         // clip: update Visible flag.
00819         _Visible= false;
00820         // if at least visible.
00821         if(_WorldVis)
00822         {
00823                 // If linked to a SkeletonModel anywhere in the hierarchy, don't clip, and use skeleton model clip result.
00824                 // This works because we are sons of a special node which is not in the clip traversal, and
00825                 // which is traversed at end of the traversal.
00826                 if( _AncestorSkeletonModel!=NULL )
00827                 {
00828                         _Visible= _AncestorSkeletonModel->isClipVisible();
00829                         // Special test: if we are sticked to a skeletonModel, and if we are still visible, maybe we don't have to
00830                         if(_Visible && _FatherSkeletonModel)
00831                         {
00832                                 // if our skeletonModel father is displayed with a Lod, maybe we are not to be displayed
00833                                 if(_FatherSkeletonModel->isDisplayedAsLodCharacter())
00834                                 {
00835                                         // We are visible only if we where sticked to the skeleton with forceCLod==true.
00836                                         // This is also true if we are actually a skeletonModel
00837                                         if(!_ForceCLodSticked)
00838                                                 // otherWise we are not visible. eg: this is the case of skins and some sticked object
00839                                                 _Visible= false;
00840                                 }
00841                         }
00842                 }
00843                 // else, clip.
00844                 else
00845                 {
00846                         // If the instance is not filtered
00847                         if(scene->getFilterRenderFlags() & _RenderFilterType)
00848                         {
00849                                 // User cliping enabled ?
00850                                 if (_StateFlags & UserClipping)
00851                                         _Visible= true;
00852                                 else
00853                                         _Visible= clip();
00854                         }
00855                 }
00856         }
00858         // if visible, add to list.
00859         if(_Visible)
00860         {
00861                 // add this model to the visibility list.
00862                 clipTrav.addVisibleModel(this);
00864                 // Has not an ancestor skeleton model?
00865                 if( _AncestorSkeletonModel==NULL )
00866                 {
00867                         // If needed, insert the model in the lighted list.
00868                         // don't insert if has an ancestorSkeletonModel, because in this case, result is driven by 
00869                         // the _LightContribution of the _AncestorSkeletonModel.
00870                         if( isLightable() )
00871                                 scene->getLightTrav().addLightedModel(this);
00873                         // If needed, insert the model in the animDetail list.
00874                         // don't insert if has an ancestoreSkeletonModel, because in this case, this ancestore will 
00875                         // animDetail through the hierarchy...
00876                         if( isAnimDetailable() )
00877                                 scene->getAnimDetailTrav().addVisibleModel(this);
00878                 }
00880                 // If needed, Add it to the loadBalancing trav
00881                 if( isLoadBalancable() )
00882                         scene->getLoadBalancingTrav().addVisibleModel(this);
00884                 // If needed, insert the model in the render list.
00885                 if( isRenderable() )
00886                         scene->getRenderTrav().addRenderModel(this);
00887         }
00889         // Traverse the Clip sons.
00890         uint    num= clipGetNumChildren();
00891         for(uint i=0;i<num;i++)
00892                 clipGetChild(i)->traverseClip();
00893 }

void NL3D::CTransform::traverseHrc  )  [virtual, inherited]

Each method is called in its associated traversal.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CCluster, NL3D::CLandscapeModel, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance, NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager, and NL3D::CRootModel.

Definition at line 786 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::hrcGetChild(), NL3D::CTransform::hrcGetNumChildren(), num, uint, and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld().

Referenced by NL3D::CHrcTrav::traverse(), and NL3D::CRootModel::traverseHrc().

00787 {
00788         // Recompute the matrix, according to _HrcParent matrix mode, and local matrix.
00789         updateWorld();
00791         // Traverse the Hrc sons.
00792         uint    num= hrcGetNumChildren();
00793         for(uint i=0;i<num;i++)
00794                 hrcGetChild(i)->traverseHrc();
00795 }

void NL3D::CTransform::traverseLight  )  [virtual, inherited]

traverse the lightedModel per default: recompute LightContribution is isLightable()

Reimplemented in NL3D::CPointLightModel, NL3D::CQuadGridClipManager, and NL3D::CRootModel.

Definition at line 1080 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_LightContribution, NL3D::CTransform::_LogicInfo, NL3D::CLightContribution::AttFactor, NL3D::CPointLight::computeLinearAttenuation(), NL3D::CLightingManager::computeModelLightContributions(), NL3D::CTransform::getAABBox(), NLMISC::CAABBox::getCenter(), NL3D::CScene::getLightTrav(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CPointLight::getPosition(), NL3D::CTransform::getWorldMatrix(), NL3D::CTransform::isNeedUpdateFrozenStaticLightSetup(), NL3D::CTransform::isNeedUpdateLighting(), NL3D::CLightTrav::LightingManager, NL3D::CLightContribution::NumFrozenStaticLight, NLMISC::OptFastFloor(), NL3D::CLightContribution::PointLight, NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag(), sint, uint, and uint8.

01081 {
01082         // if the model do not need to update his lighting, just skip.
01083         if(!isNeedUpdateLighting())
01084                 return;
01087         // If a freezeStaticLightSetup() has been called on this model recently.
01088         if(isNeedUpdateFrozenStaticLightSetup())
01089         {
01090                 // Now, the correct matrix is computed.
01091                 // get the untransformed bbox from the model.
01092                 CAABBox         bbox;
01093                 getAABBox(bbox);
01094                 // get transformed center pos of bbox
01095                 CVector worldModelPos= getWorldMatrix() * bbox.getCenter();
01097                 // So we can compute AttFactor for each static light influencing this static object
01098                 uint    numPointLights= _LightContribution.NumFrozenStaticLight;
01099                 for(uint i=0;i<numPointLights;i++)
01100                 {
01101                         const CPointLight       *pl= _LightContribution.PointLight[i];
01102                         // don't worry about the precision of floor, because of *255.
01103                         float   distToModel= (pl->getPosition() - worldModelPos).norm();
01104                         sint    attFactor= NLMISC::OptFastFloor( 255 * pl->computeLinearAttenuation(worldModelPos, distToModel) );
01105                         _LightContribution.AttFactor[i]= (uint8)attFactor;
01106                 }
01108                 // clean.
01109                 setStateFlag(CTransform::IsNeedUpdateFrozenStaticLightSetup, false);
01110         }
01113         // see CTransform::clip(), here I am Lightable(), and I have no _AncestorSkeletonModel
01114         // So I am sure that I really need to recompute my ModelLightContributions.
01115         getOwnerScene()->getLightTrav().LightingManager.computeModelLightContributions(this,
01116                 _LightContribution, _LogicInfo);
01118         // done!
01119         setStateFlag(CTransform::IsNeedUpdateLighting, false);
01120 }

void NL3D::CTransformShape::traverseLoadBalancing  )  [virtual, inherited]

no-op by default

Reimplemented from NL3D::CTransform.

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshMultiLodInstance.

Definition at line 262 of file transform_shape.cpp.

References NL3D::CScene::getLoadBalancingTrav(), NL3D::CLoadBalancingTrav::getLoadPass(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CTransformShape::traverseLoadBalancingPass0(), and NL3D::CTransformShape::traverseLoadBalancingPass1().

00263 {
00264         CLoadBalancingTrav              &loadTrav= getOwnerScene()->getLoadBalancingTrav();
00265         if(loadTrav.getLoadPass()==0)
00266                 traverseLoadBalancingPass0();
00267         else
00268                 traverseLoadBalancingPass1();
00269 }

void NL3D::CWaterModel::traverseRender  )  [virtual]

Compute the origin of the area of Water covered by the height map. We use this to converted from object space to 2d map space

We don't store a heighmap for a complete Water area we just consider the height of Water columns that are near the observer

Compute a quad in Water height field space that contains the useful heights This helps us to decide wether we should do a lookup in the height map

get the pos used in the height map (may not be the same than our current pos, has it is taken in account every 'PropagationTime' second

Reimplemented from NL3D::CTransformShape.

Definition at line 437 of file water_model.cpp.

References _ClippedPoly, _EndClippedPoly, NL3D::CWaterShape::_GridSizeTouched, NL3D::CWaterShape::_MaxGridSize, NL3D::CWaterShape::_TransitionRatio, NL3D::CWaterShape::_VB, NL3D::CWaterShape::_WaterPoolID, NL3D::CWaterShape::_XGridBorder, NL3D::IDriver::activeVertexBuffer(), NL3D::IDriver::activeVertexProgram(), NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::animate(), NL3D::IDriver::beginMaterialMultiPass(), NL3D::CTravCameraScene::Bottom, NL3D::CTravCameraScene::CamMatrix, NL3D::CTravCameraScene::CamPos, NLMISC::CPolygon2D::computeBorders(), NL3D::ComputeUpMatrix(), count, NL3D::CHrcTrav::CurrentDate, NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::Date, doSimpleRender(), NL3D::DrawPoly2D(), NL3D::IDriver::endMaterialMultiPass(), NL3D::CTravCameraScene::Far, NL3D::CRenderTrav::getDriver(), NL3D::CScene::getHrcTrav(), NLMISC::CMatrix::getI(), NLMISC::CMatrix::getJ(), NLMISC::CMatrix::getK(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CWaterPoolManager::getPoolByID(), NLMISC::CMatrix::getPos(), NL3D::CScene::getRenderTrav(), NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::getSize(), NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::getUnitSize(), NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::getUserPos(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::getVertexCoordPointer(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::getVertexSize(), NL3D::GetWaterPoolManager(), NL3D::CTransform::getWorldMatrix(), H_AUTO, NLMISC::CMatrix::inverted(), NL3D::IDriver::isWaterShaderSupported(), NL3D::CTravCameraScene::Left, min, NLMISC::CMatrix::movePos(), NL3D::CTravCameraScene::Near, nlassert, NL3D::IDriver::renderSimpleTriangles(), NL3D::CTravCameraScene::Right, NLMISC::CMatrix::setPos(), NL3D::IDriver::setupMaterial(), setupMaterialNVertexShader(), NL3D::IDriver::setupMaterialPass(), NL3D::IDriver::setupModelMatrix(), NL3D::CWaterShape::setupVertexBuffer(), NL3D::SetupWaterVertex(), NL3D::CWaterHeightMap::setUserPos(), sint, sint64, t, NL3D::CTravCameraScene::Top, NLMISC::CPolygon2D::TRasterVect, uint, uint8, NLMISC::CPolygon2D::Vertices, NLMISC::CPolygon::Vertices, NL3D::CTravCameraScene::ViewMatrix, NLMISC::CVector::x, NLMISC::CVector::y, and NLMISC::CVector::z.

00438 {                               
00439         H_AUTO( NL3D_Water_Render );
00441         CRenderTrav                                     &renderTrav             = getOwnerScene()->getRenderTrav();
00442         IDriver                                         *drv                    = renderTrav.getDriver();       
00445         #ifndef FORCE_SIMPLE_WATER_RENDER
00446                 if (!drv->isWaterShaderSupported()) 
00447         #endif
00448         {       
00449                 doSimpleRender(drv);
00450                 return;
00451         }
00453         CWaterShape                                     *shape                  = NLMISC::safe_cast<CWaterShape *>((IShape *) Shape);   
00456         if (shape->_GridSizeTouched)
00457         {
00458                 shape->setupVertexBuffer();
00459         }
00461         // inverted object world matrix
00462         //NLMISC::CMatrix invObjMat = getWorldMatrix().inverted();
00464         // viewer pos in world space
00465         const NLMISC::CVector &obsPos = /*invObjMat **/ renderTrav.CamPos;
00467         // camera matrix in world space
00468         const NLMISC::CMatrix &camMat = renderTrav.CamMatrix;
00470         // view matrix (inverted cam matrix)
00471         const NLMISC::CMatrix &viewMat = renderTrav.ViewMatrix; 
00473         // compute the camera matrix such as there is no rotation around the y axis
00474         NLMISC::CMatrix camMatUp;
00475         ComputeUpMatrix(camMat.getJ(), camMatUp, camMat);
00476         camMatUp.setPos(camMat.getPos());
00478         const NLMISC::CMatrix matViewUp = camMatUp.inverted();
00480         // plane z pos in world
00481         const float zHeight =  getWorldMatrix().getPos().z;
00483         const sint numStepX = CWaterShape::getScreenXGridSize();
00484         const sint numStepY = CWaterShape::getScreenYGridSize();
00486         const float invNumStepX = 1.f / numStepX;
00487         const float invNumStepY = 1.f / numStepY;
00489         const uint rotBorderSize = (shape->_MaxGridSize + (shape->_XGridBorder << 1) - numStepX) >> 1;
00491         const sint isAbove = obsPos.z > zHeight ? 1 : 0;        
00494         #ifdef NO_WATER_TESSEL
00495                 const float transitionDist      = renderTrav.Near * 0.99f;
00496         #else
00497                 const float transitionDist      = shape->_TransitionRatio   * renderTrav.Far;
00498         #endif
00501         NLMISC::CMatrix modelMat;
00502         modelMat.setPos(NLMISC::CVector(obsPos.x, obsPos.y, zHeight));
00503         drv->setupModelMatrix(modelMat);
00508         //==================//
00509         // material setup   //
00510         //==================//
00512         CWaterHeightMap &whm = GetWaterPoolManager().getPoolByID(shape->_WaterPoolID);
00514         setupMaterialNVertexShader(drv, shape, obsPos, isAbove > 0, whm.getUnitSize() * (whm.getSize() >> 1), zHeight); 
00517         drv->setupMaterial(CWaterModel::_WaterMat);
00521         sint numPass = drv->beginMaterialMultiPass();
00522         nlassert(numPass == 1); // for now, we assume water is always rendered in a single pass !
00523         drv->setupMaterialPass(0);
00526         //setAttenuationFactor(drv, false, obsPos, camMat.getJ(), farDist);
00527         //disableAttenuation(drv);
00530         //================================//
00531         //      Vertex buffer setup           //
00532         //================================//
00534         drv->activeVertexBuffer(shape->_VB);
00536         //================================//
00537         //      tesselated part of the poly   //
00538         //================================//
00540         if (_ClippedPoly.Vertices.size())
00541         {
00545                 //======================================//
00546                 // Polygon projection on the near plane //
00547                 //======================================//
00549                 static NLMISC::CPolygon2D projPoly; // projected poly
00550                 projPoly.Vertices.resize(_ClippedPoly.Vertices.size());
00551                 const float Near = renderTrav.Near;
00552                 const float xFactor = (numStepX >> 1) * Near  / renderTrav.Right;
00553                 const float xOffset = (float) (numStepX >> 1) + 0.5f;
00554                 const float yFactor = - (numStepX >> 1) * Near  / renderTrav.Top;
00555                 const float yOffset = (float) (numStepY >> 1) - 0.5f * isAbove;
00557                 const NLMISC::CMatrix projMat =  matViewUp * getWorldMatrix();
00558                 uint k;
00559                 for (k = 0; k < _ClippedPoly.Vertices.size(); ++k)
00560                 {
00561                         // project points in the view
00562                         NLMISC::CVector t = projMat * _ClippedPoly.Vertices[k];
00563                         float invY = 1.f / t.y;
00564                         projPoly.Vertices[k].set(xFactor * t.x * invY + xOffset, yFactor * t.z * invY + yOffset);
00565                 }
00569                 //=============================================//
00570                 // compute borders of poly at a low resolution //
00571                 //=============================================//
00573                 NLMISC::CPolygon2D::TRasterVect rasters;                
00574                 sint startY;
00575                 projPoly.computeBorders(rasters, startY);
00577                 if (rasters.size())
00578                 {
00579                         //===========================//
00580                         // perform Water animation   //
00581                         //===========================//                 
00583                         const float WaterRatio = whm.getUnitSize();
00584                         const float invWaterRatio = 1.f / WaterRatio;
00585                         const uint  WaterHeightMapSize = whm.getSize();
00586                         const uint  doubleWaterHeightMapSize = (WaterHeightMapSize << 1);
00589                         sint64 idate = getOwnerScene()->getHrcTrav().CurrentDate;
00593                         if (idate != whm.Date)
00594                         {
00595                                 whm.setUserPos((sint) (obsPos.x * invWaterRatio) - (WaterHeightMapSize >> 1),
00596                                            (sint) (obsPos.y * invWaterRatio) - (WaterHeightMapSize >> 1)
00597                                           );
00598                                 nlassert(getOwnerScene()); // this object should have been created from a CWaterShape!
00599                                 whm.animate((float) (getOwnerScene()->getEllapsedTime()));                                                                                              
00600                                 whm.Date = idate;
00601                         }
00603                         //float startDate = (float) (1000.f * NLMISC::CTime::ticksToSecond(NLMISC::CTime::getPerformanceTime()));
00605                         //=====================================//
00606                         //      compute heightmap useful area      //
00607                         //=====================================//
00616                         sint mapPosX, mapPosY;
00620                         whm.getUserPos(mapPosX, mapPosY);
00622                         const uint mapBorder = 3;
00623                         /*const sint qRight = (sint) mapPosX + (WaterHeightMapSize >> 1) - mapBorder;
00624                                   sint qLeft  = (sint) mapPosX - (WaterHeightMapSize >> 1);
00625                         const sint qUp    = (sint) mapPosY + (WaterHeightMapSize >> 1) - mapBorder;
00626                                   sint qDown  = (sint) mapPosY - (WaterHeightMapSize >> 1); */
00629                         const sint qRight = (sint) mapPosX + WaterHeightMapSize - mapBorder;
00630                                   sint qLeft  = (sint) mapPosX;
00631                         const sint qUp    = (sint) mapPosY + WaterHeightMapSize - mapBorder;
00632                                   sint qDown  = (sint) mapPosY;
00635                         const sint qSubLeft = qLeft - (uint)  qLeft % WaterHeightMapSize;
00636                         const sint qSubDown = qDown - (uint)  qDown % WaterHeightMapSize;
00638                         qLeft += mapBorder;
00639                         qDown += mapBorder;
00644                         //==============================================//
00645                         // setup rays to be traced, and their increment //
00646                         //==============================================//
00649                         // compute  camera rays in world space
00650                         NLMISC::CVector currHV = renderTrav.Left * camMatUp.getI() + renderTrav.Near * camMatUp.getJ() + renderTrav.Top * camMatUp.getK(); // current border vector, incremented at each line
00651                         NLMISC::CVector currV; // current ray vector
00652                         NLMISC::CVector xStep = (renderTrav.Right - renderTrav.Left) * invNumStepX * camMatUp.getI();      // xStep for the ray vector
00653                         NLMISC::CVector yStep = (renderTrav.Bottom - renderTrav.Top) * invNumStepY * camMatUp.getK();    // yStep for the ray vector
00657                         //===============================================//
00658                         //                              perform display                  //
00659                         //===============================================//
00661                         // scale currHV at the top of the poly
00662                         currHV += (startY - 0.5f  * isAbove) * yStep;
00664                         // current index buffer used. We swap each time a row has been drawn
00665                         std::vector<uint32> *currIB = &CWaterShape::_IBUpDown, *otherIB = &CWaterShape::_IBDownUp;
00668                         sint vIndex = 0; // index in vertices   
00670                         // current raster position
00671                         sint oldStartX, oldEndX, realStartX, realEndX;  
00672                         //float invNearWidth = numStepX / (renderTrav.Right - renderTrav.Left);
00674                                 //nlinfo("size = %d, maxSize = ", rasters.size(), numStepY);
00677                         const uint wqHeight = rasters.size();
00678                         if (wqHeight)
00679                         {
00680                                 // denominator of the intersection equation
00681                                 const float denom = - obsPos.z + zHeight; 
00682                                 // test the upper raster
00683                                 // if it is above the horizon, we modify it to reach the correct location
00684                                 const float horizonEpsilon = 10E-4f; // we must be a little below the horizon
00686                                 // distance from the viewer along the traced ray
00687                                 float t;
00692                                 NLMISC::CPolygon2D::TRasterVect::const_iterator it = rasters.begin();
00693                                 for (uint l = 0; l <= wqHeight; ++l)
00694                                 {               
00695                                         //nlinfo("start = %d, end = %d", it->first, it->second);                                
00696                                         const sint startX = it->first;
00697                                         const sint endX   = (it->second + 1);
00699                                         nlassert(startX >= - (sint) rotBorderSize);
00700                                         nlassert(endX  <= (sint) (numStepX + rotBorderSize));
00702                                         if (l != 0)
00703                                         {
00704                                                 realStartX = std::min(startX, oldStartX);
00705                                                 realEndX = std::max(endX, oldEndX);
00706                                         }
00707                                         else
00708                                         {
00709                                                 realStartX = startX;
00710                                                 realEndX =   endX;
00711                                         }
00714                                         // current view vector
00715                                         currV   = currHV + (realStartX - 0.5f) * xStep;
00717                                         if (l == 0)
00718                                         {
00719                                                 if (isAbove)
00720                                                 {
00721                                                         // test wether the first row is out of horizon.
00722                                                         // if this is the case, we make a correction
00723                                                         if (denom * currV.z <= 0)
00724                                                         {                                       
00725                                                                 // correct for the first line only by adding a y offset
00726                                                                 currV += yStep * ((denom > 0 ? horizonEpsilon : - horizonEpsilon)   - currV.z) / yStep.z;
00727                                                         }
00729                                                         // now, for the transition, check wether the first raster does not go over the transition dist
00731                                                         t = denom / currV.z;
00732                                                         const float VJ = camMat.getJ() * currV;
00733                                                         if ( t * VJ >  transitionDist)
00734                                                         {                                                       
00735                                                                 float delta = (1.f / yStep.z) * ( denom * VJ / transitionDist - currV.z);
00736                                                                 // correct the first line to reach that position
00737                                                                 currV += delta * yStep;
00738                                                         }
00739                                                 }
00740                                         }
00743                                         uint8 *vbPointer = (uint8 *) shape->_VB.getVertexCoordPointer() + shape->_VB.getVertexSize() * (vIndex + realStartX + rotBorderSize);                                                                                           
00746                                         for (sint k = realStartX; k <= realEndX; ++k)
00747                                         {       
00748                                                 t =   denom / currV.z;                                          
00749                                                 // compute intersection with plane                                                                                      
00750                                                 NLMISC::CVector inter = t * currV;
00751                                                 inter.z += obsPos.z;
00752                                                 SetupWaterVertex(qLeft, qRight, qUp, qDown, qSubLeft, qSubDown, inter, invWaterRatio, doubleWaterHeightMapSize, whm, vbPointer, obsPos.x, obsPos.y);
00753                                                 currV += xStep;                                         
00754                                         }
00756                                         if (l != 0) // 2 line of the ib done ?
00757                                         {                                               
00758                                                 sint count = oldEndX - oldStartX;
00759                                                 if (count > 0)
00760                                                 {                                                                                               
00761                                                         drv->renderSimpleTriangles(&((*currIB)[(oldStartX + rotBorderSize) * 6]),
00762                                                                                                  2 * count );                                                   
00763                                                 }               
00764                                         }
00766                                         oldStartX = startX;
00767                                         oldEndX   = endX;
00768                                         currHV    += yStep;
00769                                         vIndex    = (numStepX + 2 * rotBorderSize + 1) - vIndex; // swap first row and second row
00770                                         std::swap(currIB, otherIB);
00771                                         if (l < (wqHeight - 1))
00772                                         {
00773                                                 ++it;
00774                                         }
00775                                         else
00776                                         {
00777                                                 if (!isAbove)
00778                                                 {
00779                                                         // last line
00780                                                         // test wether we are out of horizon
00781                                                         if (denom * currHV.z <= 0)
00782                                                         {                                               
00783                                                                 // correct for the first line only by adding a y offset
00784                                                                 currHV += yStep * ((denom > 0 ? horizonEpsilon : - horizonEpsilon)  - currHV.z) / yStep.z;
00785                                                         }
00787                                                         // now, for the transition, check wether the first raster does not go over the transition dist
00789                                                         t = denom / currHV.z;
00790                                                         const float VJ = camMat.getJ() * currHV;
00791                                                         if ( t * VJ >  transitionDist)
00792                                                         {                                                       
00793                                                                 float delta = (1.f / yStep.z) * ( denom * VJ / transitionDist - currHV.z);
00794                                                                 // correct the first line to reach that position
00795                                                                 currHV += delta * yStep;
00796                                                         }
00797                                                 }
00799                                         }
00800                                 }
00802                         }                       
00803                         //nlinfo("display: %f ms", (float) (1000.f * NLMISC::CTime::ticksToSecond(NLMISC::CTime::getPerformanceTime()) - startDate));
00804                 }
00805         }
00807         //=========================================//
00808         //                      display end poly               //
00809         //=========================================//
00811         if (_EndClippedPoly.Vertices.size() != 0)
00812         {                                       
00814                 CMatrix xform = _WorldMatrix;
00815                 xform.movePos(NLMISC::CVector(- obsPos.x, - obsPos.y, _WorldMatrix.getPos().z));        
00816                 DrawPoly2D(shape->_VB, drv, xform, _EndClippedPoly);
00817         }
00819         drv->endMaterialMultiPass();    
00822         drv->activeVertexProgram(NULL);
00824 }

void NL3D::CTransform::unfreezeHRC  )  [inherited]

see freezeHRC().

Definition at line 406 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_FreezeHRCState, NL3D::CTransform::_HrcParent, NL3D::CTransform::_HrcParentUnfreeze, NL3D::CTransform::_LightedModelIt, NL3D::CLightingManager::eraseStaticLightedModel(), NL3D::CTransform::FreezeHRCStateDisabled, NL3D::CScene::getLightTrav(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CScene::getRoot(), NL3D::CTransform::hrcLinkSon(), NL3D::CTransform::isLightable(), NL3D::CLightTrav::LightingManager, NL3D::CTransform::linkToUpdateList(), nlassert, NL3D::CTransform::QuadGridClipEnabled, NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag(), and NL3D::CTransform::unlinkFromQuadCluster().

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::bindSkin(), NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::traverseHrc(), and NL3D::CInstanceGroup::unfreezeHRC().

00407 {
00408         // if this model is no HRC frozen disabled
00409         if(_FreezeHRCState!=FreezeHRCStateDisabled)
00410         {
00411                 // if model correctly frozen.
00412                 if(_FreezeHRCState == CTransform::FreezeHRCStateEnabled )
00413                 {
00414                         // Should not be linked : can't link after a freezeHRC
00415                         nlassert (_HrcParent == NULL);
00417                         // Set as unfreeze else, hrcLinkSon doesn't work
00418                         _FreezeHRCState= FreezeHRCStateDisabled;
00420                         // Link this model to the previous HRC parent.
00421                         if (_HrcParentUnfreeze)
00422                                 _HrcParentUnfreeze->hrcLinkSon( this );
00423                         else
00424                                 getOwnerScene()->getRoot()->hrcLinkSon( this );
00426                         // Link this object to the validateList.
00427                         linkToUpdateList();
00429                         // if lightable()
00430                         if( isLightable() )
00431                         {
00432                                 CLightTrav      &lightTrav= getOwnerScene()->getLightTrav();
00433                                 // Lighting: must remove the object from the quadGrid.
00434                                 // NB: works if _LightedModelIt==NULL. result is that _LightedModelIt= NULL.
00435                                 _LightedModelIt= lightTrav.LightingManager.eraseStaticLightedModel(_LightedModelIt);
00436                         }
00438                 }
00439                 else
00440                         _FreezeHRCState= FreezeHRCStateDisabled;
00442                 // unlink me from any QuadCluster, and disable QuadCluster
00443                 unlinkFromQuadCluster();
00444                 setStateFlag(QuadGridClipEnabled, false);
00445         }
00446 }

void NL3D::CTransform::unfreezeStaticLightSetup  )  [inherited]

unFreeze the Static Light Setup. Must be called if static pointLights are deleted. NB: it calls resetLighting() first. NB: do not need to call it if pointLights and this transform are deleted at same time.

Definition at line 1061 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_LightContribution, NL3D::CLightContribution::FrozenAmbientLight, NL3D::CLightContribution::FrozenStaticLightSetup, NL3D::CTransform::IsNeedUpdateFrozenStaticLightSetup, NL3D::CLightContribution::NumFrozenStaticLight, NL3D::CLightContribution::PointLight, NL3D::CTransform::resetLighting(), and NL3D::CTransform::setStateFlag().

Referenced by NL3D::CInstanceGroup::removeFromScene().

01062 {
01063         // resetLighting() first.
01064         resetLighting();
01066         // Disable StaticLightSetup.
01067         _LightContribution.FrozenStaticLightSetup= false;
01068         _LightContribution.NumFrozenStaticLight= 0;
01069         // End the list
01070         _LightContribution.PointLight[0]= NULL;
01071         // No more FrozenAmbientLight
01072         _LightContribution.FrozenAmbientLight= NULL;
01074         // Don't need to update StaticLightSetup since no more exist.
01075         setStateFlag(IsNeedUpdateFrozenStaticLightSetup, false);
01076 }

void NL3D::CTransformShape::unlinkFromQuadCluster  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

special feature for CQuadGridClipManager. remove from it.

Reimplemented from NL3D::CTransform.

Definition at line 133 of file transform_shape.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransformShape::_QuadClusterListNode, and NL3D::CFastPtrListNode::unlink().

00134 {
00135         // if linked to a quadGridClipCluster, unlink it
00136         _QuadClusterListNode.unlink();
00137 }

void NL3D::CTransform::update  )  [virtual, inherited]

This function update the model (called by CScene::updateModels()) Deriver Must :

  • call BaseClass::update() (eg: CTransform::update()).
  • test if something is different (eg: animation modification). Then update Model information (eg compute new Matrix).

The default behavior is to update transform Matrix etc...

Reimplemented in NL3D::CCamera.

Definition at line 450 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_FreezeHRCState, NL3D::CTransform::_Frozen, NL3D::CTransform::_LastTransformableMatrixDate, NL3D::CTransform::_LightedModelIt, NL3D::CTransform::_LocalDate, NL3D::CTransform::_LocalMatrix, NL3D::CTransform::_LocalVis, NL3D::CTransform::_TransformDirty, NL3D::CHrcTrav::CurrentDate, NL3D::CLightingManager::eraseStaticLightedModel(), NL3D::CScene::getHrcTrav(), NL3D::CScene::getLightTrav(), NL3D::ITransformable::getMatrix(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CTransform::hrcUnlink(), NL3D::CLightingManager::insertStaticLightedModel(), NL3D::CTransform::isLightable(), NL3D::CLightTrav::LightingManager, NL3D::CTransform::unlinkFromUpdateList(), and NL3D::CTransform::Visibility.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::forceCompute(), NL3D::CTransform::freeze(), and NL3D::CScene::updateModels().

00451 {
00452         // test if the matrix has been changed in ITransformable.
00453         if(ITransformable::compareMatrixDate(_LastTransformableMatrixDate))
00454         {
00455                 _LastTransformableMatrixDate= ITransformable::getMatrixDate();
00456                 _TransformDirty= true;
00457         }
00459         // update the freezeHRC state.
00460         if(_FreezeHRCState != CTransform::FreezeHRCStateDisabled)
00461         {
00462                 // if the model request to be frozen in HRC
00463                 if(_FreezeHRCState == CTransform::FreezeHRCStateRequest )
00464                 {
00465                         // Wait for next Hrc traversal to compute good _WorldMatrix for this model and his sons.
00466                         // Also, next Hrc traversal will insert the model in the LightingManager quadGrid (if lightable)
00467                         _FreezeHRCState = CTransform::FreezeHRCStateReady;
00468                 }
00469                 // if the model is ready to be frozen in HRC, then do it!!
00470                 else if( _FreezeHRCState == CTransform::FreezeHRCStateReady )
00471                 {
00472                         // Unlink this model.
00473                         hrcUnlink();
00475                         // unLink this object from the validateList. NB: the list will still be correclty parsed.
00476                         unlinkFromUpdateList();
00478                         // if lightable, the model is inserted in a quadgrid to update his lighting only when
00479                         // dynamicLights touch him (since himself is static).
00480                         if( isLightable() )
00481                         {
00482                                 CLightTrav      &lightTrav= getOwnerScene()->getLightTrav();
00483                                 // Lighting: must reinsert the object from the quadGrid.
00484                                 // NB: works if _LightedModelIt==NULL. result is that _LightedModelIt= NULL.
00485                                 _LightedModelIt= lightTrav.LightingManager.eraseStaticLightedModel(_LightedModelIt);
00486                                 // insert in the quadgrid.
00487                                 _LightedModelIt= lightTrav.LightingManager.insertStaticLightedModel(this);
00488                         }
00490                         // Now this model won't be tested for validation nor for worldMatrix update. End!!
00491                         _FreezeHRCState = CTransform::FreezeHRCStateEnabled;
00492                 }
00493         }
00495         // update _LocalMatrix
00496         if(_TransformDirty)
00497         {
00498                 // update the local matrix.
00499                 _LocalMatrix= getMatrix();
00500                 _LocalVis= Visibility;
00501                 // update the date of the local matrix.
00502                 _LocalDate= getOwnerScene()->getHrcTrav().CurrentDate;
00504                 // The transform has been modified. Hence, it is no more frozen.
00505                 _Frozen= false;
00507                 // ok!
00508                 _TransformDirty= false;
00509         }
00510 }

void NL3D::CTransform::updateClipTravForAncestorSkeleton  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 748 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_AncestorSkeletonModel, NL3D::CTransform::_ClipLinkedInSonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup, NL3D::CTransform::clipAddChild(), NL3D::CTransform::clipGetNumParents(), NL3D::CTransform::clipGetParent(), NL3D::CTransform::clipUnlinkFromAll(), NL3D::CScene::getClipTrav(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CScene::getRoot(), and NL3D::CScene::SonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld().

00749 {
00750         CClipTrav               &clipTrav= getOwnerScene()->getClipTrav();
00752         // If I have an ancestor Skeleton Model, I must be binded in ClipTrav to the SonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup
00753         if(_AncestorSkeletonModel && !_ClipLinkedInSonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup)
00754         {
00755                 // must unlink from ALL olds models.
00756                 clipUnlinkFromAll();
00758                 // And link to SonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup.
00759                 getOwnerScene()->SonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup->clipAddChild(this);
00761                 // update the flag.
00762                 _ClipLinkedInSonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup= true;
00763         }
00766         // else I must be binded to the standard Root.
00767         if(!_AncestorSkeletonModel && _ClipLinkedInSonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup)
00768         {
00769                 // verify first I am really still linked to the SonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup.
00770                 // This test is important, because link may have changed for any reason (portals, clipManager....).
00771                 if( clipGetNumParents() == 1 && clipGetParent(0)==getOwnerScene()->SonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup )
00772                 {
00773                         // must unlink from ALL olds models.
00774                         clipUnlinkFromAll();
00775                         // and now, link to std root.
00776                         getOwnerScene()->getRoot()->clipAddChild(this);
00777                 }
00779                 // update the flag
00780                 _ClipLinkedInSonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup= false;
00781         }
00782 }

void NL3D::CWaterModel::updateDiffuseMapMatrix bool  force = false  )  [private]

Definition at line 1339 of file water_model.cpp.

References _ColorMapMatColumn0, NL3D::CWaterShape::_ColorMapMatColumn0, _ColorMapMatColumn1, NL3D::CWaterShape::_ColorMapMatColumn1, _ColorMapMatPos, NL3D::CWaterShape::_ColorMapMatPos, _MatrixUpdateDate, NL3D::ITransformable::compareMatrixDate(), NLMISC::CMatrix::getI(), NLMISC::CMatrix::getJ(), NLMISC::CMatrix::getK(), NL3D::ITransformable::getMatrixDate(), NLMISC::CMatrix::getPos(), NL3D::CTransform::getWorldMatrix(), NLMISC::CMatrix::inverted(), NLMISC::CVector2f::set(), NLMISC::CMatrix::setRot(), NLMISC::CVector::x, NLMISC::CVector2f::x, NLMISC::CVector::y, and NLMISC::CVector2f::y.

Referenced by init(), and setupMaterialNVertexShader().

01340 {
01341         if (compareMatrixDate(_MatrixUpdateDate) ||force)
01342         {
01343                 CWaterShape     *shape = NLMISC::safe_cast<CWaterShape *>((IShape *) Shape);
01344                 if (shape)
01345                 {               
01346                         _MatrixUpdateDate = getMatrixDate();
01347                         // update the uv matrix
01348                         CMatrix uvMat;
01349                         uvMat.setRot(CVector(shape->_ColorMapMatColumn0.x, shape->_ColorMapMatColumn0.y, 0.f),
01350                                                  CVector(shape->_ColorMapMatColumn1.x, shape->_ColorMapMatColumn1.y, 0.f),
01351                                                  CVector(shape->_ColorMapMatPos.x, shape->_ColorMapMatPos.y, 1.f));
01352                         CMatrix xformMat;
01353                         CMatrix invMat = this->getWorldMatrix().inverted();
01354                         xformMat.setRot(CVector(invMat.getI().x, invMat.getI().y, 0.f),
01355                                                         CVector(invMat.getJ().x, invMat.getJ().y, 0.f),
01356                                                         CVector(invMat.getPos().x, invMat.getPos().y, 1.f));
01357                         uvMat = uvMat * xformMat;
01358                         _ColorMapMatColumn0.set(uvMat.getI().x, uvMat.getI().y);
01359                         _ColorMapMatColumn1.set(uvMat.getJ().x, uvMat.getJ().y);
01360                         _ColorMapMatPos.set(uvMat.getK().x, uvMat.getK().y);
01361                 }               
01362         }
01363 }

void NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld  )  [protected, inherited]

Update the world state according to the parent world state and the local states.

Definition at line 663 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_AncestorSkeletonModel, NL3D::CTransform::_DontUnfreezeChildren, NL3D::CTransform::_FatherSkeletonModel, NL3D::CTransform::_Frozen, NL3D::CTransform::_HrcParent, NL3D::CTransform::_LightContribution, NL3D::CTransform::_LocalDate, NL3D::CTransform::_LocalMatrix, NL3D::CTransform::_LocalVis, NL3D::CHrcTrav::_MovingObjects, NL3D::CTransform::_WorldDate, NL3D::CTransform::_WorldMatrix, NL3D::CTransform::_WorldVis, NL3D::CHrcTrav::CurrentDate, NL3D::CTransform::ForceClipRoot, NL3D::CLightContribution::FrozenStaticLightSetup, NL3D::CScene::getHrcTrav(), NL3D::CTransform::getOwnerScene(), NL3D::CTransform::getStateFlag(), NL3D::CTransform::isLightable(), NL3D::CTransform::isTransformShape(), NL3D::CTransform::resetLighting(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateClipTravForAncestorSkeleton().

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::traverseHrc().

00664 {
00665         const   CMatrix         *pFatherWM;
00666         bool                            visFather;
00668         // If not root case, link to Fahter.
00669         if(_HrcParent)
00670         {
00671                 pFatherWM= &(_HrcParent->_WorldMatrix);
00672                 visFather= _HrcParent->_WorldVis;
00674                 // if _HrcParent is not frozen (for any reason), disable us!
00676                 if (!_HrcParent->_Frozen && !_HrcParent->_DontUnfreezeChildren)
00677                         _Frozen= false;
00679                 // herit _AncestorSkeletonModel
00680                 if (_HrcParent->_AncestorSkeletonModel)
00681                         // If my father has an _AncestorSkeletonModel, get it.
00682                         _AncestorSkeletonModel= _HrcParent->_AncestorSkeletonModel;
00683                 else
00684                         // else I have an ancestor skel model if I am sticked/binded directly to a skeleton model.
00685                         _AncestorSkeletonModel= _FatherSkeletonModel;
00686         }
00687         // else, default!!
00688         else
00689         {
00690                 pFatherWM= &(CMatrix::Identity);
00691                 visFather= true;
00693                 // at the root of the hierarchy, we have no parent, hence no FatherSkeletonModel nor _AncestorSkeletonModel.
00694                 _AncestorSkeletonModel= NULL;
00696                 // NB: Root is Frozen by essence :), so don't modify the frozen state here.
00697         }
00699         // Combine matrix
00700         if(_LocalDate>_WorldDate || (_HrcParent && _HrcParent->_WorldDate>_WorldDate) )
00701         {
00702                 // Must recompute the world matrix.  ONLY IF I AM NOT SKINNED/STICKED TO A SKELETON in the hierarchy!
00703                 if( _AncestorSkeletonModel==NULL )
00704                 {
00705                         _WorldMatrix=  *pFatherWM * _LocalMatrix;
00706                         _WorldDate= getOwnerScene()->getHrcTrav().CurrentDate;
00708                         // Add the model to the moving object list, only if I am a transform shape
00709                         if (!_Frozen && isTransformShape() && !getStateFlag(ForceClipRoot))
00710                                 getOwnerScene()->getHrcTrav()._MovingObjects.push_back (static_cast<CTransformShape*>(this));
00711                 }
00712         }
00714         // Update dynamic lighting.
00715         /*
00716                 If the model is not frozen in StaticLight, then must update lighting each frame.
00717                 Even if the object doesn't move, a new dynamic light may enter in its aera. Hence we must test
00718                 it in the light quadrid. StaticLight-ed Objects don't need it because they are inserted in a special quadgrid, 
00719                 where dynamics lights touch all StaticLight-ed object to force their computing
00721                 NB: not done if _AncestorSkeletonModel!=NULL. no need because  in this case, 
00722                 result is driven by the _LightContribution of the _AncestorSkeletonModel.
00723         */
00724         if( !_LightContribution.FrozenStaticLightSetup && _AncestorSkeletonModel==NULL )
00725         {
00726                 // if the model is lightable reset lighting
00727                 if( isLightable() )
00728                         resetLighting();
00729         }
00731         // Combine visibility.
00732         switch(_LocalVis)
00733         {
00734                 case CHrcTrav::Herit: _WorldVis= visFather; break;
00735                 case CHrcTrav::Hide: _WorldVis= false; break;
00736                 case CHrcTrav::Show: _WorldVis= true; break;
00737                 default: break;
00738         }
00741         // If I have an ancestor Skeleton Model, I must be binded in ClipTrav to the SonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup
00742         updateClipTravForAncestorSkeleton();
00744 }

void NL3D::CTransform::updateWorldMatrixFromFather  )  [protected, inherited]

For Skeleton Object Stick. update the wolrd matrix. no-op if skinned. no-op if no AcnestorSkeletonModel. use standard father WorldMatrix if !_FatherSkeletonModel else get the correct boneId WorldMatrix from _FatherSkeletonModel

Definition at line 905 of file transform.cpp.

References NL3D::CTransform::_AncestorSkeletonModel, NL3D::CTransform::_FatherBoneId, NL3D::CTransform::_FatherSkeletonModel, NL3D::CTransform::_LocalMatrix, NL3D::CTransform::_WorldMatrix, NL3D::CSkeletonModel::Bones, NL3D::CTransform::hrcGetParent(), and NL3D::CTransform::isSkinned().

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::forceCompute(), and NL3D::CTransform::traverseAnimDetail().

00906 {
00907         // If I am not skinned, and If I have a skeleton ancestor
00908         if(!isSkinned() && _AncestorSkeletonModel )
00909         {
00910                 // Compute the HRC _WorldMatrix.
00911                 // if I am not sticked.
00912                 if(!_FatherSkeletonModel)
00913                 {
00914                         // get the normal father worldMatrix in Hrc.
00915                         CTransform      *fatherTransform= hrcGetParent();
00916                         // if exist
00917                         if(fatherTransform)
00918                         {
00919                                 const CMatrix &parentWM= fatherTransform->_WorldMatrix;
00920                                 // combine worldMatrix
00921                                 _WorldMatrix= parentWM * _LocalMatrix;
00922                         }
00923                         else
00924                                 _WorldMatrix= _LocalMatrix;
00925                 }
00926                 else
00927                 {
00928                         // get the worldMatrix of the bone if I am sticked.
00929                         const CMatrix &parentWM= _FatherSkeletonModel->Bones[_FatherBoneId].getWorldMatrix();
00930                         // combine worldMatrix
00931                         _WorldMatrix= parentWM * _LocalMatrix;
00932                 }
00933         }
00934 }

bool NL3D::CTransform::useMergedPointLight  )  const [inline, inherited]

return true if the current light contribution of this model use a MergedPointLight

Definition at line 369 of file transform.h.

References NL3D::CTransform::_LightContribution, and NL3D::CLightContribution::UseMergedPointLight.

00369 {return _LightContribution.UseMergedPointLight;}

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend struct CPtrInfo [friend, inherited]

Definition at line 67 of file smart_ptr.h.

friend class CWaterShape [friend]

Definition at line 95 of file water_model.h.

Field Documentation

CSkeletonModel* NL3D::CTransform::_AncestorSkeletonModel [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 851 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CClipTrav::clipSkeletonShadowMaps(), NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), NL3D::CTransform::getAncestorSkeletonModel(), NL3D::CAnimDetailTrav::traverse(), NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip(), NL3D::CTransform::updateClipTravForAncestorSkeleton(), NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorldMatrixFromFather().

sint64 NL3D::CTransform::_ClipDate [protected, inherited]

date of last traverseClip()

Definition at line 865 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), and NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip().

bool NL3D::CTransform::_ClipLinkedInSonsOfAncestorSkeletonModelGroup [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 849 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::bindSkin(), NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateClipTravForAncestorSkeleton().

NLMISC::CPolygon NL3D::CWaterModel::_ClippedPoly [private]

Definition at line 105 of file water_model.h.

Referenced by clip(), computeClippedPoly(), computeSimpleClippedPoly(), doSimpleRender(), and traverseRender().

NLMISC::CVector2f NL3D::CWaterModel::_ColorMapMatColumn0 [private]

Definition at line 109 of file water_model.h.

Referenced by setupMaterialNVertexShader(), and updateDiffuseMapMatrix().

NLMISC::CVector2f NL3D::CWaterModel::_ColorMapMatColumn1 [private]

Definition at line 109 of file water_model.h.

Referenced by setupMaterialNVertexShader(), and updateDiffuseMapMatrix().

NLMISC::CVector2f NL3D::CWaterModel::_ColorMapMatPos [private]

Definition at line 109 of file water_model.h.

Referenced by setupMaterialNVertexShader(), and updateDiffuseMapMatrix().

bool NL3D::CTransform::_DontUnfreezeChildren [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 848 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), NL3D::CTransform::setDontUnfreezeChildren(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld().

CSmartPtr<CTextureEmboss> NL3D::CWaterModel::_EmbossTexture [private]

Definition at line 107 of file water_model.h.

Referenced by doSimpleRender().

NLMISC::CPolygon NL3D::CWaterModel::_EndClippedPoly [private]

Definition at line 106 of file water_model.h.

Referenced by clip(), computeClippedPoly(), and traverseRender().

uint NL3D::CTransform::_FatherBoneId [protected, inherited]

Deriver must change this method if isSkinnable(). It return a list of sphere relative to each bone of the father skeleton. Use with getSkinBoneUsage() to know to wich bone this sphere apply NB: if a sphere radius is -1, it means that the bone is not used (for any reason...) default is to return NULL.

Definition at line 618 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::computeCLodVertexAlpha(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::detachSkeletonSon(), NL3D::CTransform::forceCompute(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::stickObjectEx(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorldMatrixFromFather().

CSkeletonModel* NL3D::CTransform::_FatherSkeletonModel [protected, inherited]

Deriver must change this method if isSkinnable(). It return a list of sphere relative to each bone of the father skeleton. Use with getSkinBoneUsage() to know to wich bone this sphere apply NB: if a sphere radius is -1, it means that the bone is not used (for any reason...) default is to return NULL.

Definition at line 616 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CSkeletonModel::bindSkin(), NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::detachSkeletonSon(), NL3D::CTransform::forceCompute(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::forceComputeBone(), NL3D::CTransform::getSkeletonModel(), NL3D::CTransform::heritVisibility(), NL3D::CTransform::hide(), NL3D::CTransform::registerToChannelMixer(), NL3D::CTransform::setIsForceAnimDetail(), NL3D::CTransform::setOpacity(), NL3D::CTransform::setTransparency(), NL3D::CTransform::show(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::stickObjectEx(), NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip(), NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld(), NL3D::CTransform::updateWorldMatrixFromFather(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

bool NL3D::CTransform::_Frozen [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 847 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), NL3D::CTransform::freeze(), NL3D::CTransform::freezeHRC(), NL3D::CTransform::update(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld().

sint NL3D::CTransform::_IndexInVisibleList [protected, inherited]

date of last traverseClip()

Definition at line 869 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CClipTrav::addVisibleModel(), NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

CLightContribution NL3D::CTransform::_LightContribution [protected, inherited]

The contribution of all lights. This enlarge the struct only of approx 15%.

Definition at line 626 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::freezeStaticLightSetup(), NL3D::CTransform::getLightContribution(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::renderSkins(), NL3D::CTransform::resetLighting(), NL3D::CTransform::traverseLight(), NL3D::CTransform::unfreezeStaticLightSetup(), NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld(), and NL3D::CTransform::useMergedPointLight().

CLightingManager::CQGItLightedModel NL3D::CTransform::_LightedModelIt [protected, inherited]

each transform may be in a quadGird of lighted models (see CLightingManager)

Definition at line 634 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::unfreezeHRC(), NL3D::CTransform::update(), and NL3D::CTransform::~CTransform().

CLoadBalancingGroup* NL3D::CTransform::_LoadBalancingGroup [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 894 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), NL3D::CTransform::getLoadBalancingGroup(), NL3D::CTransform::initModel(), and NL3D::CTransform::setLoadBalancingGroup().

sint64 NL3D::CTransform::_LocalDate [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 841 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), NL3D::CTransform::update(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld().

CMatrix NL3D::CTransform::_LocalMatrix [protected, inherited]

Hrc IN variables.

Reimplemented from NL3D::ITransformable.

Definition at line 839 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), NL3D::CTransform::update(), NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorldMatrixFromFather().

CHrcTrav::TVisibility NL3D::CTransform::_LocalVis [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 840 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), NL3D::CTransform::update(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld().

uint64 NL3D::CWaterModel::_MatrixUpdateDate [private]

Definition at line 110 of file water_model.h.

Referenced by updateDiffuseMapMatrix().

uint32 NL3D::CTransform::_RenderFilterType [protected, inherited]

State for renderFiltering. Default is 0xFFFFFFFF (always displayed) Deriver work to change this value

Definition at line 830 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), and NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip().

CVertexBuffer NL3D::CWaterModel::_SimpleRenderVB [static, private]

Definition at line 58 of file water_model.cpp.

Referenced by doSimpleRender().

CMaterial NL3D::CWaterModel::_SimpleWaterMat [static, private]

Definition at line 57 of file water_model.cpp.

Referenced by doSimpleRender().

bool NL3D::CTransform::_Visible [protected, inherited]

set to true is the object is visible (not clipped).

Definition at line 867 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), NL3D::CTransform::isClipVisible(), and NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip().

CMaterial NL3D::CWaterModel::_WaterMat [static, private]

Definition at line 55 of file water_model.cpp.

Referenced by setupMaterialNVertexShader().

sint64 NL3D::CTransform::_WorldDate [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 845 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), NL3D::CTransform::hrcLinkSon(), NL3D::CTransform::hrcUnlink(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld().

CMatrix NL3D::CTransform::_WorldMatrix [protected, inherited]

Hrc OUT variables.

Definition at line 843 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorldMatrixFromFather().

bool NL3D::CTransform::_WorldVis [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 844 of file transform.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransform::CTransform(), NL3D::CTransform::isHrcVisible(), NL3D::CTransform::traverseClip(), and NL3D::CTransform::updateWorld().

sint NLMISC::CRefCount::crefs [mutable, inherited]

Definition at line 79 of file smart_ptr.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CRefCount::CRefCount(), NLMISC::CRefCount::getRefCount(), and NLMISC::CRefCount::~CRefCount().

CRefCount::CPtrInfo NLMISC::CRefCount::NullPtrInfo [static, inherited]

Referenced by NLMISC::CRefCount::CRefCount().

CPtrInfo* NLMISC::CRefCount::pinfo [mutable, inherited]

Definition at line 80 of file smart_ptr.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CRefCount::CRefCount(), and NLMISC::CRefCount::~CRefCount().

CSmartPtr<IShape> NL3D::CTransformShape::Shape [inherited]

The shape, the object instancied.

Definition at line 72 of file transform_shape.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTransformShape::clip(), NL3D::CSkeletonModel::computeLodTexture(), NL3D::CWaveMakerShape::createInstance(), NL3D::CWaterShape::createInstance(), NL3D::CSkeletonShape::createInstance(), NL3D::IShape::createInstance(), NL3D::CSegRemanenceShape::createInstance(), NL3D::CScene::createInstance(), NL3D::CParticleSystemShape::createInstance(), NL3D::CMeshMultiLod::createInstance(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::createInstance(), NL3D::CMeshMRM::createInstance(), NL3D::CMesh::createInstance(), NL3D::CFlareShape::createInstance(), NL3D::CScene::deleteInstance(), NL3D::CTransformShape::getAABBox(), NL3D::CTransformShape::getNumTriangles(), NL3D::CSkeletonUser::getShapeDistMax(), NL3D::CInstanceUser::getShapeDistMax(), NL3D::CTransformShape::profileRender(), NL3D::CSkeletonUser::setShapeDistMax(), NL3D::CInstanceUser::setShapeDistMax(), and NL3D::CTransformShape::traverseRender().

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