NL3D::CPatchDLMContext Class Reference

#include <patchdlm_context.h>

Inheritance diagram for NL3D::CPatchDLMContext:


Detailed Description

A Dynamic LightMap (DLM) context for a patch.
Lionel Berenguier

Nevrax France


Definition at line 100 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Public Types

enum  TCompileType { ModulateTileColor = 0, ModulateTextureFar, ModulateConstant, NoModulate }
 see compileLighting() More...

Public Member Functions

void addPointLightInfluence (const CPatchDLMPointLight &pl)
void clearLighting ()
void compileLighting (TCompileType compType, NLMISC::CRGBA modulateCte=NLMISC::CRGBA::White)
 CPatchDLMContext ()

bool generate (CPatch *patch, CTextureDLM *textureDLM, CPatchDLMContextList *ctxList)
uint getMemorySize () const
CPatchgetPatch () const
 ~CPatchDLMContext ()
 Destructor: lightmap is released from _DLMTexture.

Data Fields

uint CurPointLightCount
float DLMUBias
 Mapping to this rectangle from 0-1 basis.

float DLMUScale
 Mapping to this rectangle from 0-1 basis.

float DLMVBias
 Mapping to this rectangle from 0-1 basis.

float DLMVScale
 Mapping to this rectangle from 0-1 basis.

uint Height
uint8 MaxU8
 texture coordinate bound in 8 bits. Important for Vegetable special DLM mapping

uint8 MaxV8
uint8 MinU8
 texture coordinate bound in 8 bits. Important for Vegetable special DLM mapping

uint8 MinV8
uint OldPointLightCount
uint TextPosX
uint TextPosY
uint Width

Private Member Functions

void computeTextureFar ()

Static Private Member Functions

void blendTileToTexture (const CRGBA *srcPixel, sint srcDeltaX, sint srcDeltaY, CRGBA *dstPixel, uint dstStride)
const CRGBAcomputeTileFarSrcDeltas (sint nRot, bool is256x256, uint8 uvOff, const CRGBA *srcPixel, sint &srcDeltaX, sint &srcDeltaY)
void copyTileToTexture (const CRGBA *srcPixel, sint srcDeltaX, sint srcDeltaY, CRGBA *dstPixel, uint dstStride)

Private Attributes

NLMISC::CObjectVector< CCluster_Clusters
 Bounding Sphere QuadTree (with NSkips paradigm).

 The DLM texture (only one per landscape).

bool _IsDstTextureFullBlack
bool _IsSrcTextureFullBlack
NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRGBA_LightMap
 The computed lightmap: Width*Height.

NLMISC::CObjectVector< uint16,
false > 
 The patch which owns us.

NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRGBA_TextureFar
NLMISC::CObjectVector< CVertex_Vertices
 Bezier Patch Array information: Width*Height.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::TCompileType

see compileLighting()

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 111 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::CPatchDLMContext  ) 


Definition at line 171 of file patchdlm_context.cpp.

References _DLMContextList, _DLMTexture, _IsDstTextureFullBlack, _IsSrcTextureFullBlack, CurPointLightCount, and OldPointLightCount.

00172 {
00173         _Patch= NULL;
00174         _DLMTexture= NULL;
00175         _DLMContextList= NULL;
00176         OldPointLightCount= 0;
00177         CurPointLightCount= 0;
00178         // By default there is crash in textures
00179         _IsSrcTextureFullBlack= false;
00180         _IsDstTextureFullBlack= false;
00181 }

NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::~CPatchDLMContext  ) 

Destructor: lightmap is released from _DLMTexture.

Definition at line 185 of file patchdlm_context.cpp.

References _DLMContextList, _DLMTexture, NL3D::CTextureDLM::releaseLightMap(), NL3D::CTessList< CPatchDLMContext >::remove(), TextPosX, and TextPosY.

00186 {
00187         // release the lightmap in the texture
00188         if(_DLMTexture)
00189         {
00190                 _DLMTexture->releaseLightMap(TextPosX, TextPosY);
00191         }
00192         // exit
00193         _Patch= NULL;
00194         _DLMTexture= NULL;
00196         // remove it from list.
00197         if(_DLMContextList)
00198                 _DLMContextList->remove(this);
00199 }

Member Function Documentation

void NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::addPointLightInfluence const CPatchDLMPointLight pl  ) 

Add a pointLight influence to the lighting: RAM texture is updated. NB: full src blackness is reseted.

Definition at line 648 of file patchdlm_context.cpp.

References _Clusters, _IsSrcTextureFullBlack, _LightMap, NLMISC::CRGBA::addRGBOnly(), NL3D::CPatchDLMPointLight::AttMax, NLMISC::CRGBA::B, NL3D::CPatchDLMPointLight::B, NL3D::CPatchDLMPointLight::BSphere, NL3D::CPatchDLMPointLight::CosMin, NL3D::CPatchDLMPointLight::Dir, NL3D::fastClamp01(), NLMISC::CRGBA::G, NL3D::CPatchDLMPointLight::G, NL3D::CPatchDLMPointLight::IsSpot, min, NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR, nlassert, NLMISC::CVector::norm(), NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::CVertex::Normal, NL3D::CPatchDLMPointLight::OOAttDelta, NL3D::CPatchDLMPointLight::OOCosDelta, NLMISC::OptFastFloor24(), NLMISC::OptFastFloorBegin24(), NLMISC::OptFastFloorEnd24(), NL3D::CPatchDLMPointLight::Pos, NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::CVertex::Pos, NLMISC::CRGBA::R, NL3D::CPatchDLMPointLight::R, r, NLMISC::CObjectVector< CCluster >::size(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRGBA >::size(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CVertex >::size(), uint, uint8, x, and y.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::processDLMLight().

00649 {
00650         uint            nverts= _Vertices.size();
00651         nlassert(nverts==_LightMap.size());
00653         if(nverts==0)
00654                 return;
00655         CVertex         *vert= &_Vertices[0];
00658         // precise clip: parse the quadTree of sphere
00659         //================
00660         uint    i, x,y;
00661         uint    startX, startY, endX, endY;
00662         startX= 0xFFFFFFFF;
00663         startY= 0xFFFFFFFF;
00664         endX= 0;
00665         endY= 0;
00666         for(i=0;i<_Clusters.size();)
00667         {
00668                 // If the sphere intersect pl, 
00669                 if(_Clusters[i].BSphere.intersect(pl.BSphere) )
00670                 {
00671                         // if this cluster is a leaf, extend start/end
00672                         if(_Clusters[i].NSkips==0)
00673                         {
00674                                 x= _Clusters[i].X;
00675                                 y= _Clusters[i].Y;
00676                                 startX= min(startX, x);
00677                                 startY= min(startY, y);
00678                                 endX= max(endX, x+1);
00679                                 endY= max(endY, y+1);
00680                         }
00681                         // go to next cluster (a brother, a parent or a son)
00682                         i++;
00683                 }
00684                 else
00685                 {
00686                         // if this cluster is a leaf, just go to next cluster (a parent or a brother)
00687                         if(_Clusters[i].NSkips==0)
00688                                 i++;
00689                         // else, go to next brother or parent (NSkips say how to go)
00690                         else
00691                                 i+= _Clusters[i].NSkips;
00692                 }
00693         }
00694         // if never intersect, just quit.
00695         if(startX==0xFFFFFFFF)
00696                 return;
00698         // get vertices in array to process.
00699         startX*=NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR;
00700         startY*=NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR;
00701         endX= min(endX*NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR+1, Width);
00702         endY= min(endY*NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR+1, Height);
00704         // TestYoyo only.
00705         /*extern uint YOYO_LandDLCount;
00706         YOYO_LandDLCount+= (endX - startX) * (endY - startY);*/
00708         // process all vertices
00709         //================
00710         float   r,g,b;
00711         CRGBA   *dst= &_LightMap[0];
00712         CVertex         *originVert= vert;
00713         CRGBA           *originDst= dst;
00715         // TestYoyo: finally, precache does not seems to impact final result.
00716         // precache loading, for better cache use. NB: precache the entire line, ignoring clip result.
00717         // Precache only if interesting.
00718         /*if( (endX - startX)*4>=Width && (endY-startY)>=2)
00719         {
00720                 vert= originVert + startY*Width;
00721                 dst= originDst + startY*Width;
00722                 uint    nPixelLine= (endY-startY)*Width;
00723                 CFastMem::precacheBest(vert, nPixelLine * sizeof(CVertex));
00724                 CFastMem::precacheBest(dst, nPixelLine * sizeof(CRGBA));
00725         }*/
00727         // Start 24 precision, for faster compute.
00728         OptFastFloorBegin24();
00730         // If the pointLight is a spot, compute is more complex/slower
00731         if(pl.IsSpot)
00732         {
00733                 for(y=startY; y<endY; y++)
00734                 {
00735                         nverts= endX - startX;
00737                         vert= originVert + startX + y*Width;
00738                         dst= originDst + startX + y*Width;
00739                         for(;nverts>0; nverts--, vert++, dst++)
00740                         {
00741                                 CVector dirToP= vert->Pos - pl.Pos;
00742                                 float   dist= dirToP.norm();
00743                                 dirToP/= dist;
00745                                 // compute cos for pl. attenuation
00746                                 float   cosSpot= dirToP * pl.Dir;
00747                                 float   attSpot= (cosSpot-pl.CosMin) * pl.OOCosDelta;
00748                                 fastClamp01(attSpot);
00750                                 // distance attenuation
00751                                 float   attDist= (dist-pl.AttMax) * pl.OOAttDelta;
00752                                 fastClamp01(attDist);
00754                                 // compute diffuse lighting
00755                                 float   diff= -(vert->Normal * dirToP);
00756                                 fastClamp01(diff);
00758                                 // compute colors.
00759                                 diff*= attSpot * attDist;
00760                                 r= pl.R*diff;
00761                                 g= pl.G*diff;
00762                                 b= pl.B*diff;
00764                                 CRGBA   col;
00765                                 col.R= (uint8)OptFastFloor24(r);
00766                                 col.G= (uint8)OptFastFloor24(g);
00767                                 col.B= (uint8)OptFastFloor24(b);
00769                                 // add to map.
00770 #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS
00771                                 // Fast AddClamp.
00772                                 __asm
00773                                 {
00774                                         mov     esi, dst
00776                                         mov     al, [esi]dst.R
00777                                         add     al, col.R
00778                                         sbb     cl, cl
00779                                         or      al, cl
00780                                         mov     [esi]dst.R, al
00782                                         mov     al, [esi]dst.G
00783                                         add     al, col.G
00784                                         sbb     cl, cl
00785                                         or      al, cl
00786                                         mov     [esi]dst.G, al
00788                                         mov     al, [esi]dst.B
00789                                         add     al, col.B
00790                                         sbb     cl, cl
00791                                         or      al, cl
00792                                         mov     [esi]dst.B, al
00793                                 }
00794 #else
00795                                 // add and clamp to map.
00796                                 dst->addRGBOnly(*dst, col);
00797 #endif
00798                         }
00799                 }
00800         }
00801         // else, pointLight with no Spot cone attenuation
00802         else
00803         {
00804                 // TestYoyo
00805                 /*extern        void    YOYO_startDLMItCount();
00806                 YOYO_startDLMItCount();*/
00808                 // Compute lightmap pixels of interest 
00809                 for(y=startY; y<endY; y++)
00810                 {
00811                         nverts= endX - startX;
00813                         vert= originVert + startX + y*Width;
00814                         dst= originDst + startX + y*Width;
00815                         for(;nverts>0; nverts--, vert++, dst++)
00816                         {
00817                                 CVector dirToP= vert->Pos - pl.Pos;
00818                                 float   dist= dirToP.norm();
00819                                 float   OODist= 1.0f / dist;
00820                                 dirToP*= OODist;
00822                                 // distance attenuation
00823                                 float   attDist= (dist-pl.AttMax) * pl.OOAttDelta;
00824                                 fastClamp01(attDist);
00826                                 // compute diffuse lighting
00827                                 float   diff= -(vert->Normal * dirToP);
00828                                 fastClamp01(diff);
00830                                 // compute colors.
00831                                 diff*= attDist;
00832                                 r= pl.R*diff;
00833                                 g= pl.G*diff;
00834                                 b= pl.B*diff;
00836                                 CRGBA   col;
00837                                 col.R= (uint8)OptFastFloor24(r);
00838                                 col.G= (uint8)OptFastFloor24(g);
00839                                 col.B= (uint8)OptFastFloor24(b);
00841                                 // add to map.
00842 #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS
00843                                 // Fast AddClamp.
00844                                 __asm
00845                                 {
00846                                         mov     esi, dst
00848                                         mov     al, [esi]dst.R
00849                                         add     al, col.R
00850                                         sbb     cl, cl
00851                                         or      al, cl
00852                                         mov     [esi]dst.R, al
00854                                         mov     al, [esi]dst.G
00855                                         add     al, col.G
00856                                         sbb     cl, cl
00857                                         or      al, cl
00858                                         mov     [esi]dst.G, al
00860                                         mov     al, [esi]dst.B
00861                                         add     al, col.B
00862                                         sbb     cl, cl
00863                                         or      al, cl
00864                                         mov     [esi]dst.B, al
00865                                 }
00866 #else
00867                                 // add and clamp to map.
00868                                 dst->addRGBOnly(*dst, col);
00869 #endif
00870                         }
00871                 }
00873                 // TestYoyo
00874                 /*extern        void    YOYO_endDLMItCount();
00875                 YOYO_endDLMItCount();*/
00876         }
00878         // Stop 24 bit precision
00879         OptFastFloorEnd24();
00881         // Src texture is modified, hence it can't be black.
00882         //==============
00883         _IsSrcTextureFullBlack= false;
00884 }

void NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::blendTileToTexture const CRGBA srcPixel,
sint  srcDeltaX,
sint  srcDeltaY,
CRGBA dstPixel,
uint  dstStride
[static, private]

Definition at line 1237 of file patchdlm_context.cpp.

References NLMISC::CRGBA::blendFromuiRGBOnly(), sint, src, and uint.

Referenced by computeTextureFar().

01238 {
01239         // blend the 2x2 tile with the texture.
01240         CRGBA   *dst;
01241         CRGBA   src;
01243         // first line.
01244         dst= &dstPixel[0]; src= srcPixel[0];
01245         dst->blendFromuiRGBOnly(*dst, src, src.A);
01247         dst= &dstPixel[1]; src= srcPixel[srcDeltaX];
01248         dst->blendFromuiRGBOnly(*dst, src, src.A);
01250         // second line.
01251         dst= &dstPixel[0+dstStride]; src= srcPixel[srcDeltaY];
01252         dst->blendFromuiRGBOnly(*dst, src, src.A);
01254         dst= &dstPixel[1+dstStride]; src= srcPixel[srcDeltaY+srcDeltaX];
01255         dst->blendFromuiRGBOnly(*dst, src, src.A);
01256 }

void NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::clearLighting  ) 

Fill texture space with Black: RAM texture is updated. NB: full src blackness is cached.

Definition at line 592 of file patchdlm_context.cpp.

References _IsSrcTextureFullBlack, _LightMap, count, NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRGBA >::size(), and uint.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::beginDLMLighting(), and generate().

00593 {
00594         // If the srcTexture is not already black.
00595         if(!_IsSrcTextureFullBlack)
00596         {
00597                 // Reset Lightmap with black.
00598                 uint    count= _LightMap.size();
00599                 if(count>0)
00600                 {
00601                         memset(&_LightMap[0], 0, count * sizeof(CRGBA));
00602                 }
00604                 // Now the src lightmap is fully black
00605                 _IsSrcTextureFullBlack= true;
00606         }
00607 }

void NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::compileLighting TCompileType  compType,
NLMISC::CRGBA  modulateCte = NLMISC::CRGBA::White

update VRAM texture with RAM texture. Uploaded in 16 bits format. NB: full dst blackness is cached.

compType say if, before writing to the texture, the lightmap is modulated with _Patch TileColor, _Patch textureFar (precomputed in the context), modulate with a constant or not modulated at all
modulateCte used only if compType==ModulateConstant. this is the cte to be modulate by lightmap before copy to texture

Definition at line 888 of file patchdlm_context.cpp.

References _DLMTexture, _IsDstTextureFullBlack, _IsSrcTextureFullBlack, _LightMap, _LowResTileColors, _TextureFar, NL3D::CTextureDLM::copyRect(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::fillRect(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::modulateAndfillRect565(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::modulateAndfillRect8888(), ModulateConstant, NL3D::CTextureDLM::modulateConstantAndfillRect(), ModulateTextureFar, ModulateTileColor, nlassert, NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRGBA >::size(), TextPosX, TextPosY, NL3D::CPatch::TileColors, and uint16.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::render().

00889 {
00890         // If srcTexture is full black, and if dst texture is already full black too, don't need to update dst texture
00891         if(! (_IsSrcTextureFullBlack && _IsDstTextureFullBlack) )
00892         {
00893                 // if lightMap allocated
00894                 if(_LightMap.size()>0 && _DLMTexture)
00895                 {
00896                         // If the srcTexture is full black (ie no pointLight influence touch it), 
00897                         if(_IsSrcTextureFullBlack)
00898                         {
00899                                 // reset the texture to full black.
00900                                 _DLMTexture->fillRect(TextPosX, TextPosY, Width, Height, 0);
00901                         }
00902                         // else the srcTexture is not full black (ie some pointLight influence touch it), 
00903                         else
00904                         {
00905                                 // if must modulate with tileColor
00906                                 if(compType == ModulateTileColor)
00907                                 {
00908                                         nlassert(_Patch->TileColors.size()>=0);
00909                                         #ifdef NL_DLM_TILE_RES
00910                                         // retrieve userColor pointer.
00911                                         uint16  *tileColor= (uint16*)(&_Patch->TileColors[0]);
00912                                         #else
00913                                         uint16  *tileColor= (uint16*)(&_LowResTileColors[0]);
00914                                         #endif
00916                                         // modulate and fill dest.
00917                                         _DLMTexture->modulateAndfillRect565(TextPosX, TextPosY, Width, Height, &_LightMap[0], tileColor);
00918                                 }
00919                                 // else if must modulate with textureFar
00920                                 else if(compType == ModulateTextureFar)
00921                                 {
00922                                         // modulate and fill dest.
00923                                         _DLMTexture->modulateAndfillRect8888(TextPosX, TextPosY, Width, Height, &_LightMap[0], &_TextureFar[0]);
00924                                 }
00925                                 // else if must modulate with constante
00926                                 else if(compType == ModulateConstant)
00927                                 {
00928                                         // modulate and fill dest.
00929                                         _DLMTexture->modulateConstantAndfillRect(TextPosX, TextPosY, Width, Height, &_LightMap[0], modulateCte);
00930                                 }
00931                                 // else, no Modulate.
00932                                 else
00933                                 {
00934                                         // just copy lightmap to texture
00935                                         _DLMTexture->copyRect(TextPosX, TextPosY, Width, Height, &_LightMap[0]);
00936                                 }
00937                         }
00938                 }
00941                 // copy full black state
00942                 _IsDstTextureFullBlack= _IsSrcTextureFullBlack;
00943         }
00944 }

void NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::computeTextureFar  )  [private]

Definition at line 964 of file patchdlm_context.cpp.

References _LowResTileColors, _TextureFar, blendTileToTexture(), computeTileFarSrcDeltas(), copyTileToTexture(), NL3D::CPatch::getLandscape(), NL3D::CPatch::getOrderS(), NL3D::CPatch::getOrderT(), NL3D::CTileFarBank::CTileFar::getPixels(), NL3D::CTileFarBank::getTile(), NL3D::CTileElement::getTile256Info(), NL3D::CTileElement::getTileOrient(), NL3D::CTileFarBank::CTileFar::isFill(), NL_TILE_ELM_LAYER_EMPTY, nlassert, NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRGBA >::resize(), sint, src, NL3D::CTileElement::Tile, NL3D::CPatch::TileColors, NL3D::CLandscape::TileFarBank, NL3D::CPatch::Tiles, uint, uint16, uint8, x, and y.

Referenced by generate().

00965 {
00966         // First compute Far at order1 Level (ie 2x2 pixels per tiles).
00967         //==================
00968         static  vector<CRGBA>   tileFars;
00969         // Get the FarBank from landscape.
00970         CTileFarBank    &farBank= _Patch->getLandscape()->TileFarBank;
00971         // size of the texture.
00972         uint    os= _Patch->getOrderS();
00973         uint    ot= _Patch->getOrderT();
00974         // resize tmp texture. keep a border of 1 pixel around this texture (for average with border)
00975         uint    tfWidth= os*2+2;
00976         uint    tfHeight= ot*2+2;
00977         uint    tfSize= tfWidth * tfHeight;
00978         tileFars.resize(tfSize);
00979         CRGBA   *dst= &tileFars[0];
00981         // default: fill dst with black (for possible non-existing tiles).
00982         memset(dst, 0, tfSize*sizeof(CRGBA));
00984         // For all tiles.
00985         uint    x, y;
00986         for(y=0; y<ot; y++)
00987         {
00988                 for(x=0;x<os;x++)
00989                 {
00990                         // get the tile from patch.
00991                         CTileElement    &tileElm= _Patch->Tiles[y*os + x];
00993                         // For all layers
00994                         for(uint l=0; l<3;l++)
00995                         {
00996                                 uint16          tileId= tileElm.Tile[0];
00997                                 if (tileId!=NL_TILE_ELM_LAYER_EMPTY)
00998                                 {
00999                                         // Get the read only pointer on the far tile
01000                                         const CTileFarBank::CTileFar*   pTile= farBank.getTile (tileId);
01001                                         // if exist.
01002                                         if(pTile && pTile->isFill (CTileFarBank::diffuse))
01003                                         {
01004                                                 // get tile element information.
01005                                                 sint    nRot= tileElm.getTileOrient(l);
01006                                                 bool    is256x256;
01007                                                 uint8   uvOff;
01008                                                 tileElm.getTile256Info(is256x256, uvOff);
01010                                                 // compute src pixel
01011                                                 const CRGBA     *srcPixel= pTile->getPixels(CTileFarBank::diffuse, CTileFarBank::order1);
01012                                                 // compute src info, for this tile rot and 256x256 context.
01013                                                 sint srcDeltaX;
01014                                                 sint srcDeltaY;
01015                                                 srcPixel= computeTileFarSrcDeltas(nRot, is256x256, uvOff, srcPixel, srcDeltaX, srcDeltaY);
01017                                                 // compute dst coordinate. start writing at pixel (1,1)
01018                                                 CRGBA   *dstPixel= dst + (y*2+1)*tfWidth + x*2+1;
01020                                                 if(l==0)
01021                                                 {
01022                                                         // copy the tile content to the texture.
01023                                                         copyTileToTexture(srcPixel, srcDeltaX, srcDeltaY, dstPixel, tfWidth);
01024                                                 }
01025                                                 else
01026                                                 {
01027                                                         // blend the tile content to the texture.
01028                                                         blendTileToTexture(srcPixel, srcDeltaX, srcDeltaY, dstPixel, tfWidth);
01029                                                 }
01030                                         }
01031                                         else
01032                                                 // go to next tile.
01033                                                 break;
01034                                 }
01035                                 else
01036                                         // go to next tile.
01037                                         break;
01038                         }
01039                 }
01040         }
01042         /* copy borders pixels from border of current patch
01043                 NB: this is not correct, but visually sufficient.
01044                 To look on neighbor would be more complex.
01045         */
01047         // copy lines up and down.
01048         y= tfHeight-1;
01049         for(x=1;x<tfWidth-1;x++)
01050         {
01051                 // copy line 0 from line 1.
01052                 dst[0*tfWidth + x]= dst[1*tfWidth + x];
01053                 // copy last line from last line-1.
01054                 dst[y*tfWidth + x]= dst[(y-1)*tfWidth + x];
01055         }
01057         // copy column left and right
01058         x= tfWidth-1;
01059         for(y=1;y<tfHeight-1;y++)
01060         {
01061                 // copy column 0 from column 1.
01062                 dst[y*tfWidth + 0]= dst[y*tfWidth + 1];
01063                 // copy last column from last column-1.
01064                 dst[y*tfWidth + x]= dst[y*tfWidth + x-1];
01065         }
01067         // copy 4 corners
01068         x= tfWidth-1;
01069         y= tfHeight-1;
01070         // top-left corner
01071         dst[0]= dst[1];
01072         // top-right corner
01073         dst[x]= dst[x-1];
01074         // bottom-left corner
01075         dst[y*tfWidth + 0]= dst[y*tfWidth + 1];
01076         // bottom-right corner
01077         dst[y*tfWidth + x]= dst[y*tfWidth + x-1];
01080         // Average to DLM resolution (ie OrderS+1, OrderT+1)
01081         //==================
01082         // resize _TextureFar.
01083         _TextureFar.resize(Width*Height);
01084         CRGBA   *src= &tileFars[0];
01085         dst= &_TextureFar[0];
01087         // for all pixels of dst texture.
01088         for(y=0;y<Height;y++)
01089         {
01090                 for(x=0;x<Width;x++, dst++)
01091                 {
01092                         // compute coordinate in tileFars.
01093                         uint    x2, y2;
01094 #ifdef  NL_DLM_TILE_RES
01095                         x2= x * 2;
01096                         y2= y * 2;
01097 #else
01098                         // easiest method: sample every 2 tiles.
01099                         x2= x * 4;
01100                         y2= y * 4;
01101 #endif
01103                         // Average the 4 pixels around this tile corner
01104                         dst->avg4RGBOnly(src[y2*tfWidth + x2], 
01105                                 src[y2*tfWidth + x2+1], 
01106                                 src[(y2+1)*tfWidth + x2], 
01107                                 src[(y2+1)*tfWidth + x2+1]);
01108                 }
01109         }
01112         // Modulate result with TileColors.
01113         //==================
01114         nlassert(_Patch->TileColors.size()>=0);
01115         #ifdef NL_DLM_TILE_RES
01116         // retrieve userColor pointer.
01117         uint16  *tileColor= (uint16*)(&_Patch->TileColors[0]);
01118         #else
01119         uint16  *tileColor= (uint16*)(&_LowResTileColors[0]);
01120         #endif
01122         // For all pixels
01123         dst= &_TextureFar[0];
01124         for(sint n= Width*Height; n>0; n--, dst++, tileColor++)
01125         {
01126                 uint16  tc= *tileColor;
01127                 // modulate R.
01128                 dst->R= ( (tc>>11) * dst->R)>>5;
01129                 // modulate G.
01130                 dst->G= (((tc>>5)&63) * dst->G)>>6;
01131                 // modulate B.
01132                 dst->B= ( (tc&31) * dst->B)>>5;
01133         }
01135 }

const CRGBA * NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::computeTileFarSrcDeltas sint  nRot,
bool  is256x256,
uint8  uvOff,
const CRGBA srcPixel,
sint srcDeltaX,
sint srcDeltaY
[static, private]

Definition at line 1140 of file patchdlm_context.cpp.

References sint, uint, and uint8.

Referenced by computeTextureFar().

01141 {
01142         // NB: code copied from CTextureFar::rebuildRectangle()
01144         // The tileSize at order1 is 2.
01145         uint    tileSize= 2;
01147         // Source size
01148         sint sourceSize;
01150         // Source offset (for 256)
01151         uint sourceOffset=0;
01153         // 256 ?
01154         if (is256x256)
01155         {
01156                 // On the left ?
01157                 if (uvOff&0x02)
01158                         sourceOffset+=tileSize;
01160                 // On the bottom ?
01161                 if ((uvOff==1)||(uvOff==2))
01162                         sourceOffset+=2*tileSize*tileSize;
01164                 // Yes, 256
01165                 sourceSize=tileSize<<1;
01166         }
01167         else
01168         {
01169                 // No, 128
01170                 sourceSize=tileSize;
01171         }
01173         // Compute offset and deltas
01174         switch (nRot)
01175         {
01176         case 0:
01177                 // Source pointers
01178                 srcPixel= srcPixel+sourceOffset;
01180                 // Source delta
01181                 srcDeltaX=1;
01182                 srcDeltaY=sourceSize;
01183                 break;
01184         case 1:
01185                 {
01186                         // Source pointers
01187                         uint newOffset=sourceOffset+(tileSize-1);
01188                         srcPixel=srcPixel+newOffset;
01190                         // Source delta
01191                         srcDeltaX=sourceSize;
01192                         srcDeltaY=-1;
01193                 }
01194                 break;
01195         case 2:
01196                 {
01197                         // Destination pointer
01198                         uint newOffset=sourceOffset+(tileSize-1)*sourceSize+tileSize-1;
01199                         srcPixel=srcPixel+newOffset;
01201                         // Source delta
01202                         srcDeltaX=-1;
01203                         srcDeltaY=-sourceSize;
01204                 }
01205                 break;
01206         case 3:
01207                 {
01208                         // Destination pointer
01209                         uint newOffset=sourceOffset+(tileSize-1)*sourceSize;
01210                         srcPixel=srcPixel+newOffset;
01212                         // Source delta
01213                         srcDeltaX=-sourceSize;
01214                         srcDeltaY=1;
01215                 }
01216                 break;
01217         }
01219         return srcPixel;
01220 }

void NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::copyTileToTexture const CRGBA srcPixel,
sint  srcDeltaX,
sint  srcDeltaY,
CRGBA dstPixel,
uint  dstStride
[static, private]

Definition at line 1224 of file patchdlm_context.cpp.

References sint, and uint.

Referenced by computeTextureFar().

01225 {
01226         // copy the 2x2 tile to the texture.
01228         // first line.
01229         dstPixel[0]= srcPixel[0];
01230         dstPixel[1]= srcPixel[srcDeltaX];
01231         // second line.
01232         dstPixel[0+dstStride]= srcPixel[srcDeltaY];
01233         dstPixel[1+dstStride]= srcPixel[srcDeltaY+srcDeltaX];
01234 }

bool NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::generate CPatch patch,
CTextureDLM textureDLM,
CPatchDLMContextList ctxList

generate: link to patch and allocate texture space, compile vertices etc... The context is also linked to the list, and removed automaticllay at dtor Texture space is filled with black (RAM only)

false if cannot allocate texture space for this patch

Definition at line 214 of file patchdlm_context.cpp.

References _Clusters, _DLMContextList, _DLMTexture, _LightMap, _LowResTileColors, NL3D::CTessList< CPatchDLMContext >::append(), NLMISC::clamp(), clearLighting(), NL3D::CTileColor::Color565, computeTextureFar(), NL3D::CTextureDLM::createLightMap(), DLMUBias, DLMUScale, DLMVBias, DLMVScale, NL3D::CBezierPatch::eval(), NL3D::CBezierPatch::evalNormal(), NLMISC::CAABBox::extend(), NLMISC::CAABBox::getCenter(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getHeight(), NL3D::CPatch::getOrderS(), NL3D::CPatch::getOrderT(), NLMISC::CAABBox::getRadius(), NLMISC::CBitmap::getWidth(), MaxU8, MaxV8, min, MinU8, MinV8, NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR, NL_DLM_CLIP_NUM_LEVEL, nlassert, nlstop, NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::CVertex::Normal, NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::CVertex::Pos, NLMISC::CObjectVector< uint16, false >::resize(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CCluster >::resize(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CVertex >::resize(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRGBA >::resize(), s, NLMISC::CAABBox::setCenter(), sint, NLMISC::CObjectVector< CCluster >::size(), t, TextPosX, TextPosY, NL3D::CPatch::TileColors, uint, uint16, NL3D::CPatch::unpackIntoCache(), x, and y.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::addRefDLMContext().

00215 {
00216         nlassert(patch);
00217         nlassert(textureDLM);
00218         nlassert(ctxList);
00220         // keep info on patch/landscape.
00221         _Patch= patch;
00222         _DLMTexture= textureDLM;
00223         // append to the list.
00224         _DLMContextList= ctxList;
00225         _DLMContextList->append(this);
00227         // Get Texture Size info; 
00228 #ifdef NL_DLM_TILE_RES
00229         // get coord at cornes of tiles
00230         Width= (_Patch->getOrderS())+1;
00231         Height= (_Patch->getOrderT())+1;
00232 #else
00233         // get coord at cornes of tessBlocks
00234         Width= (_Patch->getOrderS()/2)+1;
00235         Height= (_Patch->getOrderT()/2)+1;
00236 #endif
00238         // Allocate space in texture
00239         if(!_DLMTexture->createLightMap(Width, Height, TextPosX, TextPosY))
00240         {
00241                 // Mark as not allocated.
00242                 // NB: the context still work with NULL _DLMTexture, but do nothing (excpetionnal case)
00243                 _DLMTexture= NULL;
00244         }
00246         // If the lightmap is correclty allocated in the global texture, compute UVBias.
00247         if(_DLMTexture)
00248         {
00249                 // Compute patch UV matrix from pixels. Must map to center of pixels.
00250                 DLMUScale= (float)(Width-1) / (float)_DLMTexture->getWidth();
00251                 DLMVScale= (float)(Height-1) / (float)_DLMTexture->getHeight();
00252                 DLMUBias= ((float)TextPosX+0.5f) / (float)_DLMTexture->getWidth();
00253                 DLMVBias= ((float)TextPosY+0.5f) / (float)_DLMTexture->getHeight();
00254         }
00255         else
00256         {
00257                 // Build UVBias such that the UVs point to Black
00258                 // NB: TextureDLM ensure that point (MaxX,MaxY) of texture is black.
00259                 DLMUScale= 0;
00260                 DLMVScale= 0;
00261                 DLMUBias= 1;
00262                 DLMVBias= 1;
00263         }
00265         // TestYoyo: to see lightmap usage in the big texture
00266         /*DLMUScale= _Patch->getOrderS();
00267         DLMVScale= _Patch->getOrderT();
00268         DLMUBias= 0;
00269         DLMVBias= 0;*/
00272         // Bound 8bits UV for Vegetable. This is to ensure vegetable Dlm UVs won't peek in neighbor lightmaps.
00273         sint    tmpU, tmpV;
00274         // Bound U minimum
00275         tmpU= (sint)ceil ( (DLMUBias) * 255 );
00276         clamp(tmpU, 0, 255);
00277         MinU8= tmpU;
00278         // Bound U maximum
00279         tmpU= (sint)floor( (DLMUBias+DLMUScale) * 255 );
00280         clamp(tmpU, (sint)MinU8, 255);
00281         MaxU8= tmpU;
00282         // Bound V minimum
00283         tmpV= (sint)ceil ( (DLMVBias) * 255 );
00284         clamp(tmpV, 0, 255);
00285         MinV8= tmpV;
00286         // Bound V maximum
00287         tmpV= (sint)floor( (DLMVBias+DLMVScale) * 255 );
00288         clamp(tmpV, (sint)MinV8, 255);
00289         MaxV8= tmpV;
00292         // Allocate RAM Lightmap
00293         _LightMap.resize(Width*Height);
00295         // generate Vertices: pos and normals
00296         _Vertices.resize(Width*Height);
00297         float   s, t;
00298         float   ds= 1.0f / (Width-1);
00299         float   dt= 1.0f / (Height-1);
00300         // eval all the patch.
00301         t= 0;
00302         uint    x,y;
00303         for(y=0; y<Height; y++, t+=dt)
00304         {
00305                 s= 0;
00306                 for(x=0; x<Width; x++, s+=ds)
00307                 {
00308                         CVertex &vert= _Vertices[y*Width+x];
00309                         // NB: use the bezier patch, and don't take Noise into account, for speed reason.
00310                         CBezierPatch    *bpatch= _Patch->unpackIntoCache();
00311                         // Eval pos.
00312                         vert.Pos= bpatch->eval(s, t);
00313                         // Eval Normal.
00314                         vert.Normal= bpatch->evalNormal(s, t);
00315                 }
00316         }
00318         // Build bounding Spheres QuadTree
00319         //============
00321         // Size of the cluster array (at level 0)
00322         uint    bsx, bsy;
00323 #ifdef NL_DLM_TILE_RES
00324         // level 0 is at tile level.
00325         bsx= max(1, (_Patch->getOrderS())/NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR );
00326         bsy= max(1, (_Patch->getOrderT())/NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR );
00327 #else
00328         // level 0 is at tessBlock level.
00329         bsx= max(1, (_Patch->getOrderS()/2)/NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR );
00330         bsy= max(1, (_Patch->getOrderT()/2)/NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR );
00331 #endif
00333         // resize bboxes for level 0.
00334         static  vector<CAABBox>         tmpBBoxes[NL_DLM_CLIP_NUM_LEVEL];
00335         tmpBBoxes[0].resize(bsx * bsy);
00337         // Extend all leaves clusters BBoxes with patch coordinates
00338         for(y=0;y<bsy;y++)
00339         {
00340                 // For Y, compute how many patch Positions used to extend bbox.
00341                 uint    beginY= y*NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR;
00342                 uint    endY= min( (y+1)*NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR+1, Height);
00343                 for(x=0;x<bsx;x++)
00344                 {
00345                         // For X, compute how many patch Positions used to extend bbox.
00346                         uint    beginX= x*NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR;
00347                         uint    endX= min((x+1)*NL_DLM_CLIP_FACTOR+1, Width);
00348                         // Build a bbox.
00349                         CAABBox         bbox;
00350                         bbox.setCenter(_Vertices[beginY*Width + beginX].Pos);
00351                         for(uint yi= beginY; yi<endY; yi++)
00352                         {
00353                                 for(uint xi= beginX; xi<endX; xi++)
00354                                 {
00355                                         bbox.extend(_Vertices[yi*Width + xi].Pos);
00356                                 }
00357                         }
00358                         // Set the BBox info.
00359                         tmpBBoxes[0][y*bsx + x]= bbox;
00360                 }
00361         }
00363         // build parent BSpheres for quadTree hierarchy
00364         uint    curLevel= 0;
00365         uint    nextLevel= 1;
00366         uint    nextBsx= max(1U, bsx/2);
00367         uint    nextBsy= max(1U, bsy/2);
00368         // the number of cluster Sons, and descendants this cluster level owns.
00369         uint    tmpClusterNumToSkip[NL_DLM_CLIP_NUM_LEVEL];
00370         // width for this cluster level.
00371         uint    tmpClusterWidth[NL_DLM_CLIP_NUM_LEVEL];
00372         // Number of sons per line/column
00373         uint    tmpClusterWSon[NL_DLM_CLIP_NUM_LEVEL];
00374         uint    tmpClusterHSon[NL_DLM_CLIP_NUM_LEVEL];
00375         // Fill level 0 info
00376         tmpClusterNumToSkip[0]= 0;
00377         tmpClusterWidth[0]= bsx;
00378         tmpClusterWSon[0]= 0;
00379         tmpClusterHSon[0]= 0;
00380         uint    finalClusterSize= bsx * bsy;
00382         // If the next level has 1x1 cases, it is not usefull (since same sphere as entire Patch)
00383         while(nextBsx * nextBsy > 1 && nextLevel<NL_DLM_CLIP_NUM_LEVEL )
00384         {
00385                 finalClusterSize+= nextBsx * nextBsy;
00387                 uint    wSon= (bsx/nextBsx);
00388                 uint    hSon= (bsy/nextBsy);
00389                 // compute cluster level info.
00390                 tmpClusterWidth[nextLevel]= nextBsx;
00391                 tmpClusterWSon[nextLevel]= wSon;
00392                 tmpClusterHSon[nextLevel]= hSon;
00393                 // NB: level 0 has 0 sons to skip, hence level1 must skip (1+0)*4= 4  (wSon==hSon==2)
00394                 // level2 must skip (1+4)*4= 20    (wSon==hSon==2)
00395                 tmpClusterNumToSkip[nextLevel]= (1+tmpClusterNumToSkip[curLevel]) * wSon * hSon;
00397                 // alloc bboxes.
00398                 tmpBBoxes[nextLevel].resize(nextBsx * nextBsy);
00400                 // For all cluster of upper level, build bb, as union of finers clusters
00401                 for(y=0;y<nextBsy;y++)
00402                 {
00403                         for(x=0;x<nextBsx;x++)
00404                         {
00405                                 // compute coordinate in curLevel tmpBBoxes to look
00406                                 uint    x2= x*wSon;
00407                                 uint    y2= y*hSon;
00408                                 // Build a bbox for 4 (or 2) children clusters
00409                                 if(wSon>1 && hSon>1)
00410                                 {
00411                                         CAABBox         bbox1;
00412                                         CAABBox         bbox2;
00413                                         bbox1= CAABBox::computeAABBoxUnion(
00414                                                 tmpBBoxes[curLevel][y2*bsx + x2], tmpBBoxes[curLevel][y2*bsx + x2+1]);
00415                                         bbox2= CAABBox::computeAABBoxUnion(
00416                                                 tmpBBoxes[curLevel][(y2+1)*bsx + x2], tmpBBoxes[curLevel][(y2+1)*bsx + x2+1]);
00417                                         // final father bbox.
00418                                         tmpBBoxes[nextLevel][y*nextBsx + x]= CAABBox::computeAABBoxUnion(bbox1, bbox2);
00419                                 }
00420                                 else if(wSon==1)
00421                                 {
00422                                         CAABBox         bbox1;
00423                                         bbox1= CAABBox::computeAABBoxUnion(
00424                                                 tmpBBoxes[curLevel][y2*bsx + x2], tmpBBoxes[curLevel][(y2+1)*bsx + x2]);
00425                                         // final father bbox.
00426                                         tmpBBoxes[nextLevel][y*nextBsx + x]= bbox1;
00427                                 }
00428                                 else if(hSon==1)
00429                                 {
00430                                         CAABBox         bbox1;
00431                                         bbox1= CAABBox::computeAABBoxUnion(
00432                                                 tmpBBoxes[curLevel][y2*bsx + x2], tmpBBoxes[curLevel][y2*bsx + x2+1]);
00433                                         // final father bbox.
00434                                         tmpBBoxes[nextLevel][y*nextBsx + x]= bbox1;
00435                                 }
00436                                 else
00437                                         // impossible...
00438                                         nlstop;
00439                         }
00440                 }
00442                 // upper level.
00443                 bsx= nextBsx;
00444                 bsy= nextBsy;
00445                 nextBsx= max(1U, nextBsx/2);
00446                 nextBsy= max(1U, nextBsy/2);
00447                 curLevel++;
00448                 nextLevel++;
00449         }
00452         // Resize clusters with size according to all levels
00453         _Clusters.resize(finalClusterSize);
00454         uint    iDstCluster= 0;
00456         // Fill cluster hierarchy, in _Clusters.
00457         uint    numLevels= nextLevel;
00458         // NB: the principle is recursive, but it is "iterated", with a stack-like: tmpClusterX and tmpClusterY;
00459         uint    tmpClusterX[NL_DLM_CLIP_NUM_LEVEL];
00460         uint    tmpClusterY[NL_DLM_CLIP_NUM_LEVEL];
00461         uint    tmpClusterXMin[NL_DLM_CLIP_NUM_LEVEL];
00462         uint    tmpClusterYMin[NL_DLM_CLIP_NUM_LEVEL];
00463         uint    tmpClusterXMax[NL_DLM_CLIP_NUM_LEVEL];
00464         uint    tmpClusterYMax[NL_DLM_CLIP_NUM_LEVEL];
00465         // we start at curLevel (the highest Level), and we must fill all the squares of this level
00466         tmpClusterX[curLevel]= 0;
00467         tmpClusterY[curLevel]= 0;
00468         tmpClusterXMin[curLevel]= 0;
00469         tmpClusterYMin[curLevel]= 0;
00470         tmpClusterXMax[curLevel]= bsx;
00471         tmpClusterYMax[curLevel]= bsy;
00472         // while the "root" level is not pop
00473         while(curLevel < numLevels)
00474         {
00475                 // If we ended with this level (all lines done).
00476                 if(tmpClusterY[curLevel] >= tmpClusterYMax[curLevel])
00477                 {
00478                         // Ok, finished with this level, pop up.
00479                         curLevel++;
00480                         // skip.
00481                         continue;
00482                 }
00484                 nlassert(iDstCluster<_Clusters.size());
00486                 // get the bbox from current position.
00487                 CAABBox bbox= tmpBBoxes[curLevel][ tmpClusterY[curLevel] * tmpClusterWidth[curLevel] + tmpClusterX[curLevel] ];
00488                 // Fill _Clusters for this square.
00489                 _Clusters[iDstCluster].BSphere.Center= bbox.getCenter(); 
00490                 _Clusters[iDstCluster].BSphere.Radius= bbox.getRadius(); 
00491                 // If leaf level, fill special info
00492                 if(curLevel == 0)
00493                 {
00494                         _Clusters[iDstCluster].NSkips= 0;
00495                         _Clusters[iDstCluster].X= tmpClusterX[0];
00496                         _Clusters[iDstCluster].Y= tmpClusterY[0];
00497                 }
00498                 // else, set total number of sons to skips if "invisible"
00499                 else
00500                         _Clusters[iDstCluster].NSkips= tmpClusterNumToSkip[curLevel];
00502                 // next dst cluster
00503                 iDstCluster ++;
00506                 // If not Leaf level, recurs. First pass, use curLevel params (tmpClusterX...)
00507                 if(curLevel > 0)
00508                 {
00509                         // compute info for next level.
00510                         tmpClusterXMin[curLevel-1]= tmpClusterX[curLevel] * tmpClusterWSon[curLevel];
00511                         tmpClusterYMin[curLevel-1]= tmpClusterY[curLevel] * tmpClusterHSon[curLevel];
00512                         tmpClusterXMax[curLevel-1]= (tmpClusterX[curLevel]+1) * tmpClusterWSon[curLevel];
00513                         tmpClusterYMax[curLevel-1]= (tmpClusterY[curLevel]+1) * tmpClusterHSon[curLevel];
00514                         // begin iteration of child level
00515                         tmpClusterX[curLevel-1]= tmpClusterXMin[curLevel-1];
00516                         tmpClusterY[curLevel-1]= tmpClusterYMin[curLevel-1];
00517                 }
00520                 // next square for this level
00521                 tmpClusterX[curLevel]++;
00522                 // if ended for X.
00523                 if(tmpClusterX[curLevel] >= tmpClusterXMax[curLevel])
00524                 {
00525                         // reset X.
00526                         tmpClusterX[curLevel]= tmpClusterXMin[curLevel];
00527                         // next line.
00528                         tmpClusterY[curLevel]++;
00529                 }
00532                 // If not Leaf level, recurs. Second pass, after tmpClusterX and tmpClusterY of curLevel are changed
00533                 if(curLevel > 0)
00534                 {
00535                         // descend in hierarchy. (recurs)
00536                         curLevel--;
00537                 }
00539         }
00541         // All dst clusters must have been filled
00542         nlassert(iDstCluster == _Clusters.size());
00545         // PreProcess Patch TileColors.
00546         //============
00547         // Verify that a CTileColor is nothing more than a 565 color.
00548         nlassert(sizeof(CTileColor)==sizeof(uint16));
00549 #ifndef NL_DLM_TILE_RES
00551         // retrieve patch tileColor pointer.
00552         nlassert(_Patch->TileColors.size()>0);
00553         CTileColor      *tileColor= &_Patch->TileColors[0];
00555         // skip 1 tiles colors per column and per row
00556         uint            wTileColor= _Patch->getOrderS()+1;
00557         CTileColor      *tcOrigin= tileColor;
00558         // alloc _LowResTileColors at same resolution than lightmap
00559         _LowResTileColors.resize(Width*Height);
00560         uint16  *dstLRtc= &_LowResTileColors[0];
00562         // For all lines of dst.
00563         for(y=0;y<Height;y++)
00564         {
00565                 // tileColor start of line.
00566                 tileColor= tcOrigin + y*2* wTileColor;
00567                 sint    npix= Width;
00568                 // for all pixels at corner of tessBlock.
00569                 for(;npix>0; npix--, tileColor+=2, dstLRtc++)
00570                 {
00571                         *dstLRtc= tileColor->Color565;
00572                 }
00574         }
00575 #endif
00578         // compute the TextureFar used for Far dynamic lightmaping.
00579         //============
00580         // NB: simpler to compute it at generate() time, even if not necessarly needed for near
00581         computeTextureFar();
00584         // fill texture with Black
00585         //============
00586         clearLighting();
00588         return true;
00589 }

uint NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::getMemorySize  )  const

Definition at line 948 of file patchdlm_context.cpp.

References _Clusters, _LightMap, _LowResTileColors, _TextureFar, NLMISC::CObjectVector< uint16, false >::size(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CCluster >::size(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CRGBA >::size(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< CVertex >::size(), size, uint, and uint16.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::getDynamicLightingMemoryLoad().

00949 {
00950         uint    size= sizeof(CPatchDLMContext);
00951         size+= _Vertices.size() * sizeof(CVertex);
00952         size+= _LightMap.size() * sizeof(CRGBA);
00953         size+= _Clusters.size() * sizeof(CCluster);
00954         size+= _TextureFar.size() * sizeof(CRGBA);
00955 #ifndef NL_DLM_TILE_RES
00956         size+= _LowResTileColors.size() * sizeof(uint16);
00957 #endif
00959         return size;
00960 }

CPatch* NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::getPatch  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 164 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CLandscape::computeDynamicLighting(), and NL3D::CLandscape::render().

00164 {return _Patch;}

Field Documentation

NLMISC::CObjectVector<CCluster> NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::_Clusters [private]

Bounding Sphere QuadTree (with NSkips paradigm).

Definition at line 197 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by addPointLightInfluence(), generate(), and getMemorySize().

CPatchDLMContextList* NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::_DLMContextList [private]

Definition at line 177 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by CPatchDLMContext(), generate(), and ~CPatchDLMContext().

CTextureDLM* NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::_DLMTexture [private]

The DLM texture (only one per landscape).

Definition at line 175 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by compileLighting(), CPatchDLMContext(), generate(), and ~CPatchDLMContext().

bool NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::_IsDstTextureFullBlack [private]

Definition at line 202 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by compileLighting(), and CPatchDLMContext().

bool NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::_IsSrcTextureFullBlack [private]

Definition at line 200 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by addPointLightInfluence(), clearLighting(), compileLighting(), and CPatchDLMContext().

NLMISC::CObjectVector<CRGBA> NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::_LightMap [private]

The computed lightmap: Width*Height.

Definition at line 183 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by addPointLightInfluence(), clearLighting(), compileLighting(), generate(), and getMemorySize().

NLMISC::CObjectVector<uint16, false> NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::_LowResTileColors [private]

Definition at line 208 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by compileLighting(), computeTextureFar(), generate(), and getMemorySize().

CPatch* NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::_Patch [private]

The patch which owns us.

Definition at line 173 of file patchdlm_context.h.

NLMISC::CObjectVector<CRGBA> NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::_TextureFar [private]

The TextureFar (at tile level or less), which is always computed at generate(). NB: Real compute is TextureFar*UserColor, so it need only to be modulated by lightmap each frame.

Definition at line 215 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by compileLighting(), computeTextureFar(), and getMemorySize().

NLMISC::CObjectVector<CVertex> NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::_Vertices [private]

Bezier Patch Array information: Width*Height.

Definition at line 180 of file patchdlm_context.h.

uint NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::CurPointLightCount

Definition at line 128 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::beginDLMLighting(), CPatchDLMContext(), and NL3D::CPatch::processDLMLight().

float NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::DLMUBias

Mapping to this rectangle from 0-1 basis.

Definition at line 119 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::fillFar0DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar0VertexVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar1DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar1VertexVB(), generate(), NL3D::CPatch::generateTileVegetable(), and NL3D::CTessFace::initTileUvDLM().

float NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::DLMUScale

Mapping to this rectangle from 0-1 basis.

Definition at line 119 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::fillFar0DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar0VertexVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar1DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar1VertexVB(), generate(), NL3D::CPatch::generateTileVegetable(), and NL3D::CTessFace::initTileUvDLM().

float NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::DLMVBias

Mapping to this rectangle from 0-1 basis.

Definition at line 119 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::fillFar0DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar0VertexVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar1DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar1VertexVB(), generate(), NL3D::CPatch::generateTileVegetable(), and NL3D::CTessFace::initTileUvDLM().

float NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::DLMVScale

Mapping to this rectangle from 0-1 basis.

Definition at line 119 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::fillFar0DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar0VertexVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar1DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar1VertexVB(), generate(), NL3D::CPatch::generateTileVegetable(), and NL3D::CTessFace::initTileUvDLM().

uint NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::Height

DLM info The position and size of the DLM in the texture, in pixels.

Definition at line 117 of file patchdlm_context.h.

uint8 NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::MaxU8

texture coordinate bound in 8 bits. Important for Vegetable special DLM mapping

Definition at line 121 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by generate(), and NL3D::CPatch::generateTileVegetable().

uint8 NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::MaxV8

Definition at line 122 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by generate(), and NL3D::CPatch::generateTileVegetable().

uint8 NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::MinU8

texture coordinate bound in 8 bits. Important for Vegetable special DLM mapping

Definition at line 121 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by generate(), and NL3D::CPatch::generateTileVegetable().

uint8 NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::MinV8

Definition at line 122 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by generate(), and NL3D::CPatch::generateTileVegetable().

CTessNodeList* NL3D::CTessNodeList::Next [inherited]

Definition at line 44 of file tess_list.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::addInstance(), NL3D::CLandscape::computeDynamicLighting(), NL3D::CPatch::computeGeomorphAlphaFar1VertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::computeGeomorphFar0VertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::computeGeomorphTileVertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::computeGeomorphVertexList(), NL3D::CPatch::debugAllocationMarkIndicesFarList(), NL3D::CPatch::debugAllocationMarkIndicesNearList(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar0DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar0VertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar1DLMUvOnlyVertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillFar1VertexListVB(), NL3D::CPatch::fillTileVertexListVB(), NL3D::CLandscape::getDynamicLightingMemoryLoad(), NL3D::CTessBlock::refillFaceVectorFar0(), NL3D::CTessBlock::refillFaceVectorFar1(), NL3D::CTessBlock::refillFaceVectorTile(), NL3D::CLandscape::refine(), NL3D::CVegetableManager::render(), NL3D::CLandscape::render(), NL3D::CPatch::updateFar0VBAlloc(), NL3D::CPatch::updateFar1VBAlloc(), NL3D::CVegetableSortBlock::updateSortBlock(), and NL3D::CPatch::updateTileVBAlloc().

uint NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::OldPointLightCount

Lighting Process: number of light contribution to this patch in last rneder, and in cur Render. Modified by CPatch and CLandscape

Definition at line 127 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPatch::beginDLMLighting(), CPatchDLMContext(), and NL3D::CPatch::endDLMLighting().

CTessNodeList* NL3D::CTessNodeList::Prec [inherited]

Definition at line 43 of file tess_list.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CTessNodeList::CTessNodeList().

uint NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::TextPosX

DLM info The position and size of the DLM in the texture, in pixels.

Definition at line 117 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by compileLighting(), generate(), and ~CPatchDLMContext().

uint NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::TextPosY

DLM info The position and size of the DLM in the texture, in pixels.

Definition at line 117 of file patchdlm_context.h.

Referenced by compileLighting(), generate(), and ~CPatchDLMContext().

uint NL3D::CPatchDLMContext::Width

DLM info The position and size of the DLM in the texture, in pixels.

Definition at line 117 of file patchdlm_context.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Mar 16 07:00:53 2004 for NeL by doxygen 1.3.6