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authorZhiming Wang <zmwangx@gmail.com>2016-02-14 16:06:07 -0800
committerZhiming Wang <zmwangx@gmail.com>2016-02-14 16:06:07 -0800
commitd9509efc6ff09e6b6e8944e71f4901b7fb22bd6e (patch)
parent7c307997ac7030dc07a81ca3ea279b394ec06bf9 (diff)
Fix a typo in an old post
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/source/blog/2015-05-03-why-oh-my-zsh-is-completely-broken.md b/source/blog/2015-05-03-why-oh-my-zsh-is-completely-broken.md
index 4655c03f..cb76693e 100644
--- a/source/blog/2015-05-03-why-oh-my-zsh-is-completely-broken.md
+++ b/source/blog/2015-05-03-why-oh-my-zsh-is-completely-broken.md
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ or
By the way, whoever wrote this function seems to be unaware of the `-q,--quite,--silent` switch of `grep` (which should be available in all implementations), and every call is littered with `&> /dev/null`. In fact, using the `-q` switch is even (slightly) faster: a reasonable implementation of `-q` exits immediately when a match is found, while what is written here waits until all input is processed.
-I haven't exhausted the problems with this function just yet. As a bonus: despite being awfully inefficient, **this function *can't even be used* in many cases for which it is designed.** You might have noticed that the order of different status bits is completely fixed by whoever wrote this function (by the way, all those `$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_*` variables are documented nowhere, so one who wants to write a theme has to dig into the source — only to find the function useless expect for polluting the namespace). If one wants to use a different order, or put some of the bits in `RPROMPT`, one has to roll his own (or good luck parsing the output of `git_prompt_status`). In fact, even a [dumbed down function `git_prompt_info`](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/140034605edd0f72c548685d39e49687a44c1b23/lib/git.zsh#L2-L8), which only prints the branch name and whether it's dirty, is similarly uncustomizable; [the `gallois` theme](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/140034605edd0f72c548685d39e49687a44c1b23/themes/gallois.zsh-theme), my first theme and on which I later based my own theme, needs to define a `git_custom_status` function to achieve what it needs — otherwise something as simple as adding a pair of brackets around the branch name is super painful.
+I haven't exhausted the problems with this function just yet. As a bonus: despite being awfully inefficient, **this function *can't even be used* in many cases for which it is designed.** You might have noticed that the order of different status bits is completely fixed by whoever wrote this function (by the way, all those `$ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_*` variables are documented nowhere, so one who wants to write a theme has to dig into the source — only to find the function useless except for polluting the namespace). If one wants to use a different order, or put some of the bits in `RPROMPT`, one has to roll his own (or good luck parsing the output of `git_prompt_status`). In fact, even a [dumbed down function `git_prompt_info`](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/140034605edd0f72c548685d39e49687a44c1b23/lib/git.zsh#L2-L8), which only prints the branch name and whether it's dirty, is similarly uncustomizable; [the `gallois` theme](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/140034605edd0f72c548685d39e49687a44c1b23/themes/gallois.zsh-theme), my first theme and on which I later based my own theme, needs to define a `git_custom_status` function to achieve what it needs — otherwise something as simple as adding a pair of brackets around the branch name is super painful.
One might wonder how Prezto solves the same problem. The answer is in [`modules/git/functions/git-info`](https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto/blob/08676a273eba1781ddcb63c4f89cfff9bd62eac4/modules/git/functions/git-info). The `git-info` function does more, and again in a highly modular way (without grep calls, for God's sake): status bits or their combinations are [formatted on demand with `zformat` and stored in an associative array `git_info`](https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto/blob/08676a273eba1781ddcb63c4f89cfff9bd62eac4/modules/git/functions/git-info#L393-L416), where users specify format strings via `zstyle` with [thoroughly documented escape sequences](https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto/tree/08676a273eba1781ddcb63c4f89cfff9bd62eac4/modules/git#theming). Very beautiful solution.