path: root/CrossSite_Request_Forgery_is_dead.txt
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authorneodarz <>2017-03-10 11:58:22 +0100
committerneodarz <>2017-03-10 11:58:22 +0100
commitbc1d70343807104ccf64b6bde9b2db54270203ff (patch)
tree122467d5cad8688bc609a1509e922dce5d70d391 /CrossSite_Request_Forgery_is_dead.txt
Initiale releaseHEADmaster
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1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Titre: Cross-Site Request Forgery is dead!
+Auteur: Scott
+Date: Mon 20 Feb 2017 11:15:24 +0100
+After toiling with Cross-Site Request Forgery on the web for, well forever
+really, we finally have a proper solution. No technical burden on the site
+owner, no difficult implementation, it's trivially simple to deploy, it's
+Same-Site Cookies.
+As old as the Web itself
+Cross-Site Request Forgery, also known as CSRF or XSRF, has been around
+basically forever. It stems from the simple capability that a site has to issue
+a request to another site. Let's say I embed the following form in this very
+<>form action="" method="POST" id="stealMoney">
+<>input type="hidden" name="to" value="Scott Helme">
+<>input type="hidden" name="account" value="14278935">
+<>input type="hidden" name="amount" value="£1,000">
+Your browser loads this page and as a result the above form which I then submit
+using a simple piece of JS on my page too.
+This is where the name CSRF comes from. I'm Forging a Request that is being
+sent Cross-Site to your bank. The real problem here is not that I sent the
+request but that your browser will send your cookies with it. The request will
+be sent with the full authority you currently hold at this time, which means if
+you're logged in to your bank you just donated £1,000 to me. Thanks! If you
+weren't logged in then the request would be harmless as you can't transfer
+money without being logged in. There are currently a few ways that your bank
+can mitigate these CSRF attacks.
+CSRF mitigations
+I won't detail these too much because there are heaps of info available about
+this topic on the web but I want to quickly cover them to show the technical
+requirements to implement them.
+Check the origin
+When receiving a request we potentially have two pieces of information
+available to us that indicate where the request came from. These are the Origin
+header and the Referer header. You can check one or both of these values to see
+if the request originated from a different origin to your own. If the request
+was cross-origin you simply throw it away. The Origin and Referer header do get
+some protection from browsers to prevent tampering but they may not always be
+present either.
+accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
+accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
+cache-control: max-age=0
+content-length: 166
+content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+dnt: 1
+upgrade-insecure-requests: 1
+user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36
+Anti-CSRF tokens
+There are two different ways you can use Anti-CSRF tokens but the principle
+remains the same. When a visitor requests a page, like the transfer money page
+in the example above, you embed a random token into the form. When the genuine
+user submits this form the random token is returned and you can check it
+matches the one you issued in the form. In the CSRF attack scenario the
+attacker can never get this value and couldn't get it even if they requested
+the page because the Same Origin Policy (SOP) would prevent the attacker from
+reading the response that contains the token. This method works well but
+requires the site to track the issuance and return of the Anti-CSRF tokens. A
+similar method is embedding the token into the form and issuing the browser a
+cookie that contains the same value. When the genuine user submits their form
+the value in the cookie and the form will match when received by the site. When
+the attacker sends the forged request the browser won't have the CSRF cookie
+set and the test will fail.
+<>form action="" method="POST">
+ <>input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="d82c90fc4a14b01224gde6ddebc23bf0">
+ <>input type="email" id="email" name="email">
+ <>input type="password" id="password" name="password">
+ <>button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Login<>/button>
+The Problem
+The methods above have given us fairly robust protection against CSRF for a
+long time. Checking the Origin and Referer header isn't 100% reliable and most
+sites resort to some variation of the Anti-CSRF token approach. The trouble is
+though that these both put some kind of requirement on the site to implement
+and maintain the solution. They might not be the most technically complicated
+things in the world but we're still building a solution to work around the
+browser doing something that we just don't want it to do. Instead, why don't we
+just tell the browser to stop doing the thing we don't want it to do?... Now we
+Same-Site Cookies
+You may have seen Same-Site Cookies mentioned in my recent blog called Tough
+Cookies[1] but I'm going to go a little deeper into it here with some examples
+too. Essentially, Same-Site Cookies completely and effectively neutralise CSRF
+attacks. Dead. Finito. Adios! Capturing the essence of what we really need on
+the web to win the security battle, Same-Site Cookies are simple to deploy,
+really simple. Take your existing cookie:
+Set-Cookie: sess=abc123; path=/
+Simply add the SameSite attribute.
+Set-Cookie: sess=abc123; path=/; SameSite
+You're done. Seriously, that's it! Enabling this attribute on the cookie will
+instruct the browser to afford this cookie certain protections. There are two
+modes that you can enable this protection in, Strict or Lax, depending on how
+serious you want to get. Specifying the SameSite attribute in your cookie with
+no setting will default to Strict mode but you can also set Strict or Lax
+explicitly if you wish.
+Setting your SameSite protections to Strict mode is obviously the preferred
+choice but the reason we have two options is that not all sites are the same
+nor do they have the same requirements. When operating in Strict mode the
+browser will not send the cookie on any cross-origin request, at all, so CSRF
+is completely dead in the water. The only problem you might come across is that
+it also won't send the cookie on top-level navigations (changing the URL in the
+address bar) either. If I presented a link to[2] and
+Facebook had SameSite cookies set to Strict mode, when you clicked that linked
+to open Facebook you wouldn't be logged in. Whether you were logged in already
+or not, opened it in a new tab, whatever you did, you wouldn't be logged in to
+Facebook when visiting from that link. This could be a little annoying and/or
+unexpected to users but does offer incredibly robust protection. What Facebook
+would need to do here is similar to what Amazon do, they have 2 cookies. One is
+kind of a 'basic' cookie that identifies you as a user and allows you to have
+the logged-in experience but if you want to do something sensitive like make a
+purchase or change something in your account you need the second cookie, the
+'real' cookie that allows you to do important things. The first cookie in this
+case wouldn't have the SameSite attribute set as it's a 'convenience' cookie,
+it doesn't really allow you to do anything sensitive and if the attacker can
+make cross-origin requests with that, nothing happens. The second cookie
+however, the sensitive cookie, would have the SameSite attribute set and the
+attacker can't abuse its authority in cross-origin requests. This is the ideal
+solution both for the user and for security. This isn't always possible though
+and because we want SameSite cookies to be easy to deploy, there's a second
+Setting the SameSite protections to Lax mode fixes the problem mentioned above
+in Strict mode of a user clicking on a link and not being logged in on the
+target site if they were already logged in. In Lax mode there is a single
+exception to allow cookies to be attached to top-level navigations that use a
+safe HTTP method. The "safe" HTTP methods are defined in Section 4.2.1 of RFC
+7321[3] as GET, HEAD, OPTIONS and TRACE, with us being interested in the GET
+method here. This means that our top-level navigation to[2]
+when the user clicks the link now has SameSite flagged cookies attached when
+the browser makes the request, maintaining the expected user experience. We're
+also still completely protected against POST based CSRF attacks. Going back to
+the example right at the top, this attack still wouldn't work in Lax mode.
+<>form action="" method="POST" id="stealMoney">
+<>input type="hidden" name="to" value="Scott Helme">
+<>input type="hidden" name="account" value="14278935">
+<>input type="hidden" name="amount" value="£1,000">
+Because the POST method isn't considered safe, the browser wouldn't attach the
+cookie in the request. The attacker is of course free to change the method to a
+'safe' method though and issue the same request.
+<>form action="" method="GET" id="stealMoney">
+<>input type="hidden" name="to" value="Scott Helme">
+<>input type="hidden" name="account" value="14278935">
+<>input type="hidden" name="amount" value="£1,000">
+As long as we don't accept GET requests in place of POST requests then this
+attack isn't possible, but it's something to note when operating in Lax mode.
+Also, if an attacker can trigger a top-level navigation or pop a new window
+they can also cause the browser to issue a GET request with the cookies
+attached. This is the trade-off of operating in Lax mode, we keep the user
+experience intact but there is a small amount of risk to accept as payment.
+Additional uses
+This blog is aimed at mitigating CSRF with SameSite Cookies but there are, as
+you may have guessed, other uses for this mechanism too. The first of those
+listed in the spec is Cross-Site Script Inclusion (XSSI), which is where the
+browser makes a request for an asset like a script that will change depending
+on whether or not the user is authenticated. In the Cross-Site request scenario
+an attacker can't abuse the ambient authority of a SameSite Cookie to yield a
+different response. There are also some interesting timing attacks detailed
+here[4] that can be mitigated too.
+Another interesting use that isn't detailed is protection against leaking the
+value of the session cookie in BEAST-style attacks against compression (CRIME[5]
+, BREACH[6], HEIST[7], TIME[8]). This is really high level but the basic
+scenario is that a MiTM can force the browser to issue requests cross-origin
+via any mechanism they like and monitor them. By abusing the change in the size
+of request payloads the attacker can guess the session ID value one byte at a
+time by altering the requests the browser makes and observing their size on the
+wire. Using SameSite Cookies the browser would not include cookies in such
+requests and as a result the attacker cannot guess their value.
+Browser Support
+With most new security features in browsers you can expect either Firefox or
+Chrome to be leading the charge and things are no different here either. Chrome
+has had support for Same-Site Cookies since v51 which means that Opera, Android
+Browser and Chrome on Android also has support. You can see details on[9] that lists current support and Firefox has a bug[10] open to add
+support too. Even though support isn't widespread yet we should still add the
+SameSite attribute to our cookies. Browsers that understand it will respect the
+setting and afford the cookie extra protection while those that don't will
+simply ignore it and carry on. There's nothing to lose here and it forms a very
+nice defence-in-depth approach. It's going to be a long time until we can
+consider removing traditional anti-CSRF mechanisms but adding SameSite on top
+of those gives us an incredibly robust defence.
+[1]: (lien)
+[2]: (lien)
+[3]: (lien)
+[4]: (lien)
+[5]: (lien)
+[6]: (lien)
+[7]: (lien)
+[8]: (lien)
+[9]: (lien)
+[10]: (lien)