path: root/convert.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'convert.py')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/convert.py b/convert.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ba1bc08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/convert.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+import os
+import subprocess
+import re
+#from subprocess import PIPE, CalledProcessError, check_call, Popen
+from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT, CalledProcessError, Popen, PIPE
+import pexpect
+import time
+import progressbar
+import datetime
+sourcedir = "/home/neodarz/video_save/ZXAAA Demo ZX Spectrum/Cracktro"
+outdir = "/home/neodarz/video_save/ZXAAA Demo ZX Spectrum_mp3/Cracktro"
+def dirSize(path,ext1,ext2):
+ list_dir = []
+ list_dir = os.listdir(path)
+ count = 0
+ for file in list_dir:
+ if file.endswith(ext1):
+ count += 1
+ if file.endswith(ext2):
+ count += 1
+ return count
+total = dirSize(sourcedir, ".mp4", ".mkv")
+count = 0
+for file in sorted(os.listdir(sourcedir)):
+ try:
+ name = file[:file.rfind(".")]
+ if file.endswith(".mp4"):
+ print("Converting : "+name)
+ count += 1
+ #cmd = ["ffmpeg", "-n", "-i", sourcedir+"/"+name+".mp4", "-c:a", "libmp3lame", outdir+"/"+name+".mp3"]²
+ cmd = "ffmpeg -n -i '"+sourcedir+"/"+name+".mp4' -c:a libmp3lame '"+outdir+"/"+name+".mp3'"
+ thread = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
+ cpl = thread.compile_pattern_list([pexpect.EOF,"frame= *\d+",'(.+)'])
+ while True:
+ i = thread.expect_list(cpl, timeout=None)
+ if i == 0: # EOF
+ break
+ elif i == 1:
+ time_number = thread.match.group(0)
+ print(time_number)
+ thread.close
+ elif i == 2:
+ unknown_line = thread.match.group(0)
+ if re.match(r'.*Duration.*', str(unknown_line)):
+ count = 0
+ for element in unknown_line.split():
+ count += 1
+ if re.match(r"^b'Duration:'$", str(element)):
+ break
+ total = str(unknown_line.split()[count]).split("'")[1].split(',')[0]
+ totalRange = time.strptime(total.split('.')[0],'%H:%M:%S')
+ totalRangeS = datetime.timedelta(hours=totalRange.tm_hour,minutes=totalRange.tm_min,seconds=totalRange.tm_sec).total_seconds()
+ if re.match(r'.*time=.*', str(unknown_line)):
+ #print(str(unknown_line)+total)
+ #print(str(unknown_line).split("=")[2].split()[0]+"/"+total)
+ timeRange = time.strptime(str(unknown_line).split("=")[2].split()[0].split('.')[0],'%H:%M:%S')
+ timeRangeS = datetime.timedelta(hours=timeRange.tm_hour,minutes=timeRange.tm_min,seconds=timeRange.tm_sec).total_seconds()
+ print(str(round(100*timeRangeS/totalRangeS, 1))+"% / 100%", end='\r')
+ #else if print(unknown_line) # for show other type of error
+ thread.close
+ #pass
+ #p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ #for line in p.stdout:
+ # print(str(line.rstrip()))
+ #p.stdout.flush()
+ #try:
+ # print(str(count)+"/"+str(total))
+ #output = check_output(["ffmpeg", "-n", "-i", sourcedir+"/"+name+".mp4", "-c:a", "libmp3lame", outdir+"/"+name+".mp3"], stderr=STDOUT)
+ #except CalledProcessError as e:
+ #except CalledProcessError as e:
+ # print(e.message)
+ # if os.path.getsize(outdir+"/"+name+".mp3") < os.path.getsize(sourcedir+"/"+name+".mp4") and re.search(r'.*[already exists].*', str(e)):
+ # print("\n\nout: "+str(os.path.getsize(outdir+"/"+name+".mp3"))+" < source:"+str(os.path.getsize(sourcedir+"/"+name+".mp4")))
+ # print("BAD")
+ #sys.exit(1)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ # Read the comment here => https://stackoverflow.com/a/1112357 !
+ os.remove(outdir+"/"+name+".mp3")
+ sys.exit()