path: root/dotfiles/config
diff options
authorneodarz <neodarz@neodarz.net>2020-10-04 22:26:41 +0200
committerneodarz <neodarz@neodarz.net>2020-10-04 22:26:41 +0200
commit3d1846987df2929d5f09aedc6c8a95ebac76cef4 (patch)
tree54094d64d21853ba25d92a183943b5eb96128c5b /dotfiles/config
parentb9609c59e691a7254c71c7c0041b178dc9fd404e (diff)
Use kitty instead of terminator in i3
Diffstat (limited to 'dotfiles/config')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/dotfiles/config/i3/config b/dotfiles/config/i3/config
index 46977e2..fd2c5cf 100644
--- a/dotfiles/config/i3/config
+++ b/dotfiles/config/i3/config
@@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ bindsym --release Num_Lock exec pkill -SIGRTMIN+11 i3blocks
bindcode 107 --release exec scrot -s '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f ~/Screenshots/'
bindsym --release $WinKey+i exec scrot '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f ~/Screenshots/'
bindsym --release Scroll_Lock exec scrot -sz -e '~/.scripts/dropshadow.sh $f'
-bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F1 exec terminator -e ranger
-bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F2 exec terminator -e cmus
-bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F3 exec terminator -e mm
-bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F4 exec terminator -e mosh neodarz.net --ssh="ssh -p 19977"
+bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F1 exec kitty -e ranger
+bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F2 exec kitty -e cmus
+bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F3 exec kitty -e mm
+bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F4 exec kitty -e mosh neodarz.net --ssh="ssh -p 19977"
bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F5 exec waterfox
-#bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F6 exec terminator -e atom
-bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F7 exec terminator -e ncmpcpp
-bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F8 exec terminator -e qutebrowser
+#bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F6 exec kitty -e atom
+bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F7 exec kitty -e ncmpcpp
+bindsym $WinKey+Shift+F8 exec kitty -e qutebrowser
#bindsym $AltKey+a exec urxvt -name floatme --background "#000000" -cursorColor "#31363B" -font 7x13 -geometry 88x33 -e "pygmentize ~/.zsh/aliases.zsh | less"
#bindsym $WinKey+Shift+v move morkspace to output right
bindsym $WinKey+control+l exec i3lock-fancy-dualmonitor -p
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ bindsym Control+$AltKey+Down exec ~/.scripts/cycle-workspace-multiscreen.py bott
# start a terminal
#bindsym $WinKey+Return exec urxvt --termName 'rxvt-unicode' -fn 'xft:Fira Code:size=8' --background 'black' --color0 'black' --color8 'black' --color1 'red' --color9 'red' --color2 'green' --color10 'green' --color3 'yellow' --color11 'yellow' --color4 'blue' --color12 'blue' --color6 'cyan' --color14 'cyan' --color7 'white' --color15 'white' -cursorColor '#ffffff'
-bindsym $WinKey+Return exec terminator
+bindsym $WinKey+Return exec kitty
# kill focused window
bindsym $WinKey+Shift+A kill