path: root/i3pystatus/.config
diff options
authorNeodarZ <neodarz@neodarz.net>2017-07-29 20:27:57 +0200
committerNeodarZ <neodarz@neodarz.net>2017-07-29 20:27:57 +0200
commitfd87ab221af05b7192e54304483930b78a811834 (patch)
tree2c32a29a511c5bd81c2c8c1198bb85aed21bc751 /i3pystatus/.config
parentea81c0de016bde2cb5b0ccf1a410cf5bd88a1a82 (diff)
Edit i3pystatus conf file
Diffstat (limited to 'i3pystatus/.config')
3 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/i3pystatus/.config/i3pystatus/conf.py b/i3pystatus/.config/i3pystatus/conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9202272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i3pystatus/.config/i3pystatus/conf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+import logging
+from i3pystatus import Status
+status = Status(logfile='/home/neodarz/i3pystatus.log')
+ text=" :: ",)
+ format="{caps} {num}",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},
+ caps_off="",
+ num_off="",)
+ text=" :: ",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+# Displays clock like this:
+# Tue 30 Jul 11:59:46 PM KW31
+# ^-- calendar week
+ format="%a %-d %b :: %X",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+ text=" :: ",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+# Shows the average load of the last minute and the last 5 minutes
+# (the default value for format is used)
+# Shows your CPU temperature, if you have a Intel CPU
+ # format=" {temp:.0f}°C",)
+# The battery monitor has many formatting options, see README for details
+# This would look like this, when discharging (or charging)
+# ↓14.22W 56.15% [77.81%] 2h:41m
+# And like this if full:
+# =14.22W 100.0% [91.21%]
+# This would also display a desktop notification (via D-Bus) if the percentage
+# goes below 5 percent while discharging. The block will also color RED.
+# If you don't have a desktop notification demon yet, take a look at dunst:
+# http://www.knopwob.org/dunst/
+# format="{status} {percentage:.2f}% [{percentage_design:.2f}%] {remaining:%E%hh:%Mm}",
+# alert=True,
+# alert_percentage=5,
+# status={
+# "DIS": "↓",
+# "CHR": "↑",
+# "FULL": "=",
+# },)
+# Displays whether a DHCP client is running
+# name="DHCP",
+# path="/var/run/dhclient*.pid",)
+# Shows the address and up/down state of eth0. If it is up the address is shown in
+# green (the default value of color_up) and the CIDR-address is shown
+# (i.e.
+# If it's down just the interface name (eth0) will be displayed in red
+# (defaults of format_down and color_down)
+# Note: the network module requires PyPI package netifaces
+ dynamic_color=True,
+ start_color="#420034",
+ color_down="#420034",
+ end_color="#420034",
+ interface="enp3s0",
+ format_up="<span color=\"#420034\"> {v4cidr}</span>",
+ format_down="<span color=\"#420034\"></span>",
+ hints = {"markup": "pango", "separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+ text=" :: ",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+# Note: requires both netifaces and basiciw (for essid and quality)
+# interface="wlp2s0",
+# format_up=" {essid}  {quality:03.0f}%",
+# format_down="")
+# Shows disk usage of /
+# Format:
+# 42/128G [86G]
+ path="/",
+ format="[ / ] {avail}G",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+ text=" :: ",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+ path="/home",
+ format="[ /home ] {avail}G",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+ text=" :: ",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+# Shows pulseaudio default sink volume
+# Note: requires libpulseaudio from PyPI
+ format="{volume}",format_muted="",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+ text=" :: ",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+ command="sh ~/.config/i3pystatus/get_volume.sh",
+ interval=1,
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+ text=" :: ",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+# format="{brightness}",)
+# command="~/.i3-blocks/blocks/brightness",)
+# Shows mpd status
+# Format:
+# Cloud connected▶Reroute to Remain
+ format="{status} {song_elapsed}/{song_length} {artist} - {title}",
+ status={
+ "stopped": "◾",
+ "playing": "▶",
+ "paused": "▷",
+ },format_not_running="",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},)
+ player="clementine",
+ color="#ffc080",
+ hints = {"separator": False, "separator_block_width": 0},
+ format='{status} {artist} - {title} {song_elapsed}/{song_length}',
+# status = {
+ # "Playing": "plsay",
+ # "Paused": "pause",
+ # "Stopped": "stop",
+ # }
diff --git a/i3pystatus/.config/i3pystatus/get_volume.sh b/i3pystatus/.config/i3pystatus/get_volume.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e0372f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i3pystatus/.config/i3pystatus/get_volume.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+echo $(if [[ $(echo $(pacmd list | grep "active port") | cut -d" " -f3 | cut -d"<" -f2 | cut -d">" -f1) == "analog-output-lineout" ]]; then echo "Headphones"; elif [[ $(echo $(pacmd list | grep "active port") | cut -d" " -f3 | cut -d"<" -f2 | cut -d">" -f1) == "analog-output-headphones" ]]; then echo "Line Out"; fi)
diff --git a/i3pystatus/.config/i3pystatus_modules/now_playing.py b/i3pystatus/.config/i3pystatus_modules/now_playing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be2825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i3pystatus/.config/i3pystatus_modules/now_playing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+import functools
+from os.path import basename
+import dbus
+from i3pystatus import IntervalModule, formatp
+from i3pystatus.core.util import TimeWrapper
+class NoPlayerException(Exception):
+ pass
+class NowPlaying(IntervalModule):
+ """
+ Shows currently playing track information, supports most media players
+ * Requires python-dbus available from every distros' package manager.
+ Left click on the module play/pauses, right click goes to the next track.
+ .. rubric:: Available formatters (uses :ref:`formatp`)
+ * `{title}` — (the title of the current song)
+ * `{album}` — (the album of the current song, can be an empty string (e.g. for online streams))
+ * `{artist}` — (can be empty, too)
+ * `{filename}` — (file name with out extension and path; empty unless title is empty)
+ * `{song_elapsed}` — (position in the currently playing song, uses :ref:`TimeWrapper`, default is `%m:%S`)
+ * `{song_length}` — (length of the current song, same as song_elapsed)
+ * `{status}` — (play, pause, stop mapped through the `status` dictionary)
+ * `{volume}` — (volume)
+ """
+ interval = 1
+ settings = (
+ ("player", "Player name. If not set, compatible players will be \
+ detected automatically."),
+ ("status", "Dictionary mapping pause, play and stop to output text"),
+ ("format", "formatp string"),
+ ("color", "Text color"),
+ ("format_no_player", "Text to show if no player is detected"),
+ ("color_no_player", "Text color when no player is detected"),
+ ("hide_no_player", "Hide output if no player is detected"),
+ )
+ hide_no_player = True
+ format_no_player = "No Player"
+ color_no_player = "#ffffff"
+ format = "{title} {status}"
+ color = "#ffffff"
+ status = {
+ "pause": "▷",
+ "play": "▶",
+ "stop": "◾",
+ }
+ statusmap = {
+ "Playing": "playd",
+ "Paused": "pause",
+ "Stopped": "stop",
+ }
+ on_leftclick = "playpause"
+ on_rightclick = "next_song"
+ player = None
+ old_player = None
+ def find_player(self):
+ players = [a for a in dbus.SessionBus().get_object("org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus").ListNames() if a.startswith("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.")]
+ if self.old_player in players:
+ return self.old_player
+ if not players:
+ raise NoPlayerException()
+ self.old_player = players[0]
+ return players[0]
+ def get_player(self):
+ if self.player:
+ player = "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2." + self.player
+ try:
+ return dbus.SessionBus().get_object(player, "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2")
+ except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
+ raise NoPlayerException()
+ else:
+ player = self.find_player()
+ return dbus.SessionBus().get_object(player, "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2")
+ def run(self):
+ try:
+ player = self.get_player()
+ properties = dbus.Interface(player, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")
+ get_prop = functools.partial(properties.Get, "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player")
+ currentsong = get_prop("Metadata")
+ current_status = get_prop("PlaybackStatus")
+ fdict = {
+ "status": self.status[self.statusmap[current_status]],
+ "len": 0, # TODO: Use optional(!) TrackList interface for this to gain 100 % mpd<->now_playing compat
+ "pos": 0,
+ "volume": int(get_prop("Volume") * 100),
+ "title": currentsong.get("xesam:title", ""),
+ "album": currentsong.get("xesam:album", ""),
+ "artist": ", ".join(currentsong.get("xesam:artist", "")),
+ "song_length": TimeWrapper((currentsong.get("mpris:length") or 0) / 1000 ** 2),
+ "song_elapsed": TimeWrapper((get_prop("Position") or 0) / 1000 ** 2),
+ "filename": "",
+ }
+ if not fdict["title"]:
+ fdict["filename"] = '.'.join(
+ basename((currentsong.get("xesam:url") or "")).split('.')[:-1])
+ if current_status in ["Stopped", "Paused"]:
+ self.output = {
+ "full_text": self.status["play"],
+ "color": self.color,
+ }
+ else:
+ self.output = {
+ "full_text": formatp(self.format, **fdict).strip(),
+ "color": self.color,
+ }
+ except NoPlayerException:
+ if self.hide_no_player:
+ self.output = None
+ else:
+ self.output = {
+ "full_text": self.format_no_player,
+ "color": self.color_no_player,
+ }
+ return
+ except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
+ if self.hide_no_player:
+ self.output = None
+ else:
+ self.output = {
+ "full_text": "DBus error: " + e.get_dbus_message(),
+ "color": "#ff0000",
+ }
+ return
+ def playpause(self):
+ try:
+ dbus.Interface(self.get_player(), "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player").PlayPause()
+ except NoPlayerException:
+ return
+ except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
+ return
+ def next_song(self):
+ try:
+ dbus.Interface(self.get_player(), "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player").Next()
+ except NoPlayerException:
+ return
+ except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
+ return