path: root/conky
diff options
authorNeodarZ <neodarz@neodarz.ovh>2016-11-22 01:42:50 +0100
committerNeodarZ <neodarz@neodarz.ovh>2016-11-22 01:42:50 +0100
commitdbfa21d91d45873cc632ea7a302f9b66b6b3e2e5 (patch)
treec7eb59504c83ea34914d77c27202001929cdfa57 /conky
parent171d9fa4b556c8c44cf044d18267563a1d537c3e (diff)
update for fix config
Diffstat (limited to 'conky')
2 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/conky/conkyrc.txt b/conky/conkyrc.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c082053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conky/conkyrc.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+-- Writed by DIEGOHV (diegoh.vanni@gmail.com)
+conky.config = {
+ background = false, --Set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
+ use_xft = true, --Use Xft?
+-- xftfont Bitstream Vera AvantGardeLTMedium Mono:size=9, --Xft font when Xft is enabled
+-- xftfont Bitstream AvantGardeLTMedium:size=9, --Xft font when Xft is enabled
+ xftalpha = 1.0, --Text alpha when using Xft
+ update_interval = 1.0, --Update interval in seconds
+ total_run_times = 0, --This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting (0 = infinite)
+ own_window = true, --Create own Window?
+ own_window_type = panel, --Use "normal" to create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
+ own_window_transparent = true, --Own Window transparent?
+ own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager', --Own Window configuration
+ double_buffer = true, --Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
+ minimum_size = 300, --Minimum size of text area
+ maximum_width = 300, --Minimum width of text area
+ draw_shades = false, --Draw shades?
+ draw_outline = false, --Draw outlines?
+ draw_borders = false, --Draw borders around text
+ draw_graph_borders = true, --Draw borders around graphs
+-- stippled_borders = 8, --Stippled borders?
+-- border_margin = 4, --Border margins
+ border_width = 1, --Border width
+ default_color = 'white', --Default colors
+ default_shade_color = 'black', --Default shade colors
+ default_outline_color ='white', --Default outline colors
+-- font = 'DejaVu Sans Mono:size=9', --Conky Text Font
+ alignment = 'top_right', --Text alignment
+ gap_x = 10, --X gap between border of screen and text (same thing as passing -x at command line)
+ gap_y = 25, --Y gap between border of screen and text (same thing as passing -y at command line)
+ no_buffers = true, --Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
+ uppercase = false, --Set to True if you want all text to be in uppercase
+ cpu_avg_samples = 2, --Number of cpu samples to average. (set to 1 to disable averaging)
+ net_avg_samples = 2, --Number of net samples to average. (set to 1 to disable averaging)
+ override_utf8_locale = true, --Force UTF8? (Note that UTF8 support requires XFT)
+ use_spacer = 'right', --Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
+ text_buffer_size = 2048 --Text buffer size
+${alignc}${color green}${font AvantGardeLTMedium:style=Bold:pixelsize=35}${time %H:%M:%S}${font}${color}
+${alignr}${font AvantGardeLTMedium:style=Bold:pixelsize=10}${time %A}, ${time %e} de ${time %B} de ${time %G}${font}
+${color}${font AvantGardeLTMedium:style=Bold:size=10}${color Tan1}System ${color slate grey}${hr 2 }${color white}
+${font AvantGardeLTMedium:size=7}
+HOST NAME: ${alignr}$nodename
+OS: ${alignr}Archlinux MANJARO ${exec cat /etc/*-release | grep "DISTRIB_RELEASE" | cut -d'=' -f2}
+KERNEL: $alignr$sysname $kernel ($machine)
+#! Deb-pkg: ${alignr}${color green}${execi 28800 ~/.scripts/debupdates.sh}${color}
+UPTIME: $alignr$uptime
+RUNNING PROCESSES: ${alignr}$processes (${color green}$running_processes Executing${color})
+${color green}${color green}${loadgraph 30,300 00FF00 00FF00 -l}
+${color}${font AvantGardeLTMedium:style=Bold:pixelsize=10}${color Tan1}CPU USAGE:${color white}
+${font AvantGardeLTMedium:style=Bold:pixelsize=8}
+#${freq}MHz / ${acpitemp}°C (${cpu cpu1}%) ${alignr}${freq}MHz / ${acpitemp}°C (${cpu cpu2}%)
+#${color green}${cpubar 5,120 cpu1} ${alignr}${color green}${cpubar 5,120 cpu2}
+#${color green}${cpubar 5,120 cpu3} ${alignr}${color green}${cpubar 5,120 cpu4}
+#${color white}${freq}MHz / ${acpitemp}°C (${cpu cpu3}%) ${alignr}${freq}MHz / ${acpitemp}°C (${cpu cpu4}%)
+${execpi 3 /home/neodarz/dotfiles/conky/test.sh }
+${color}1st ${color green}${top name 1}${top cpu 1}%${alignr} ${color}1st ${color green}${top name 2}${top cpu 2}%
+${color}${font AvantGardeLTMedium:style=Bold:pixelsize=10}${color Tan1}MEMORY USAGE:${color white}
+${font AvantGardeLTMedium:size=7}
+$mem / $memmax ($memperc%) ${alignr}${swap} / ${swapmax}
+${color green}${membar 5,120} ${alignr}${swapbar 5,120}
+${color}1st ${color green}${top_mem name 1}${top_mem mem 1}% ${alignr}${color}6th ${color green}${top_mem name 6}${top_mem mem 6}%
+${color}2nd ${color green}${top_mem name 2}${top_mem mem 2}% ${alignr}${color}7th ${color green}${top_mem name 7}${top_mem mem 7}%
+${color}3rd ${color green}${top_mem name 3}${top_mem mem 3}% ${alignr}${color}8th ${color green}${top_mem name 8}${top_mem mem 8}%
+${color}4th ${color green}${top_mem name 4}${top_mem mem 4}% ${alignr}${color}9th ${color green}${top_mem name 9}${top_mem mem 9}%
+${color}5th ${color green}${top_mem name 5}${top_mem mem 5}% ${alignr}${color}10th ${color green}${top_mem name 10}${top_mem mem 10}%
+${color}${font AvantGardeLTMedium:style=Bold:size=10}${color Tan1}Filesystem ${color slate grey}${hr 2 }
+${font AvantGardeLTMedium:size=7}${color1}/ ${color}${alignc}${fs_used /}/${fs_size /} ${color}${alignr}${fs_used_perc /}% (${fs_free_perc /}%)
+${color}${color green}${color green}${fs_bar 5,300 /}
+${color}${font AvantGardeLTMedium:style=Bold:size=10}${color Tan1}Networking ${color slate grey}${hr 2 }
+${font AvantGardeLTMedium:style=Bold:pixelsize=12}${color}WIRELESS:${font AvantGardeLTMedium:size=7}
+${color}SSID: ${alignr} $color${wireless_essid wlan0}
+${color}SIGNAL STRENGTH: ${alignr} ${color green}${wireless_link_qual wlan0}%
+${color}WLAN IP: ${alignr} $color${addr wlan0}
+${color}MAC: ${alignr} $color${wireless_ap wlan0}
+${color}${font AvantGardeLTMedium:style=Bold:pixelsize=12}DOWN SPEED:${font AvantGardeLTMedium:size=7} ${alignr} ${color green}${downspeed wlan0} kb/s
+${color}TOTAL DOWN ${alignr}${totaldown wlan0}
+${color}${font AvantGardeLTMedium:style=Bold:pixelsize=12}UP SPEED:${font AvantGardeLTMedium:size=7} ${alignr} ${color green}${upspeed wlan0} kb/s
+${color}TOTAL UP ${alignr}${totalup wlan0}
diff --git a/conky/test.sh b/conky/test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9227167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conky/test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# commend example
+# sudo hddtemp /dev/sda
+if [ $(sensors | grep -P "k10temp-pci-00c3") == "k10temp-pci-00c3" ];then
+ amdtemp=$(sensors | grep temp1 | grep "(high" | awk -F' ' '{print $2}' | cut -d+ -f2)
+ echo "\${color white}\${freq}MHz / $amdtemp (\${cpu cpu1}%) \${alignr}\${freq}MHz / $amdtemp (\${cpu cpu2}%)"
+ echo "\${color green}\${cpubar cpu1 5,120} \${alignr}\${color green}\${cpubar cpu2 5,120}"
+ echo "\${color green}\${cpubar cpu3 5,120} \${alignr}\${color green}\${cpubar cpu4 5,120}"
+ echo "\${color white}\${freq}MHz / $amdtemp (\${cpu cpu3}%) \${alignr}\${freq}MHz / $amdtemp (\${cpu cpu4}%)"
+ echo ""
+ echo "\${color white}\${freq}MHz / $amdtemp (\${cpu cpu5}%) \${alignr}\${freq}MHz / $amdtemp (\${cpu cpu6}%)"
+ echo "\${color green}\${cpubar cpu5 5,120} \${alignr}\${color green}\${cpubar cpu6 5,120}"
+ echo "\${color green}\${cpubar cpu7 5,120} \${alignr}\${color green}\${cpubar cpu8 5,120}"
+ echo "\${color white}\${freq}MHz / $amdtemp (\${cpu cpu7}%) \${alignr}\${freq}MHz / $amdtemp (\${cpu cpu8}%)"
+ echo "\${color white}\${freq}MHz / \${acpitemp} (\${cpu cpu1}%) \${alignr}\${freq}MHz / \${acpitemp} (\${cpu cpu2}%)"
+ echo "\${color green}\${cpubar cpu1 5,120} \${alignr}\${color green}\${cpubar cpu2 5,120}"
+ echo "\${color green}\${cpubar cpu3 5,120} \${alignr}\${color green}\${cpubar cpu4 5,120}"
+ echo "\${color white}\${freq}MHz / \${acpitemp} (\${cpu cpu3}%) \${alignr}\${freq}MHz / \${acpitemp} (\${cpu cpu4}%)"