[NOISE] Re: [Nel] pointers on documentation?

Nicolas Hognon cblt@cblt.org
Wed, 29 Nov 2000 13:16:32 +0100

> Has somebody a good pointer on some basic documentation (URL, book,
> paper) that details those concepts found in 3D and distributed games?

you can look at this book : 3D Game Engine Design
by David H. Eberly
or at this website : http://www.flipcode.com/

> For the nel guys, is there any "Global Architecture Overview" paper
> planned? I know about the white paper, but I would be more interested in
> how you see the architecture in place. For example, it would be nice to
> read a paper describing a typical interaction: "you setup object like
> this, with this server and this client; when game starts, at each time
> step, the client send this info to the server; to model a scene, you
> need at least this and that...". It needs not to be very precise, but
> fill the gap between the white papers and the source code.
> Of course, I would understand that such a paper would not be on top
> priority list. ;)
> Maybe when some usable server/client will be released on Linux platform,
> we could write an architecture description paper.
> d.