[Nel] pointers on documentation?

David Mentre David.Mentre@irisa.fr
29 Nov 2000 12:55:21 +0100

Hi all,

I've looked very briefly at source code. As I'm newbie to 3D and games
areas, I've been unable to understand concepts as "Traversers", or what
is exactly a Model, a Scene, etc.

Has somebody a good pointer on some basic documentation (URL, book,
paper) that details those concepts found in 3D and distributed games?

For the nel guys, is there any "Global Architecture Overview" paper
planned? I know about the white paper, but I would be more interested in
how you see the architecture in place. For example, it would be nice to
read a paper describing a typical interaction: "you setup object like
this, with this server and this client; when game starts, at each time
step, the client send this info to the server; to model a scene, you
need at least this and that...". It needs not to be very precise, but
fill the gap between the white papers and the source code.

Of course, I would understand that such a paper would not be on top
priority list. ;)

Maybe when some usable server/client will be released on Linux platform,
we could write an architecture description paper.

 David.Mentre@irisa.fr -- http://www.irisa.fr/prive/dmentre/
 Opinions expressed here are only mine.