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How to create a new service ?
Olivier Cado
Updated May 4, 2001
A service is set of functionnalities provided by a server. The class NLNET::IService is the base class of all services.
NLNET::IService performs automatically the basic functionnalities of any service, such as registration to the Naming Service, server start-up and shutdown.
NLNET::IService is located in NeL, but user-defined services are located in /code/nelns.
How to create a user-defined service ?
- Create a class inherited from NLNET::IService (optional).
- Create an array of callbacks, called CallbackArray. Example :
void cbProcessConnection( CMessage& message, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase& nb )
void cbProcessReceivedMsg( CMessage& message, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase& nb )
TCallbackItem CallbackArray[] =
{ "LOG", cbProcessReceivedMsg },
{ "C", cbProcessConnection }
}; - Reimplement the methods init(), update() and release() if you need to (optional). After each call to update(), CNetManager::update() is automatically called, so that the server can handle incoming messages (by calling the callbacks) and flush buffers of outgoing data.
- Add in your source file the NLNET_SERVICE_MAIN line, with the following arguments :
- The name of your class (or NLNET::IService if you do not inherit from it (*))
- The short name of your service
- Its long name
- The chosen port number (set it to 0 for "auto-assigned by the naming service")
- The callback array
(*) Note: if your service does nothing else calling your callbacks, i.e. init(), update() and release() are empty, you don't need to create a new class : you can use IService directly and write IService instead of CMyService.
To run your service, create a file "<service_long_name>.cfg" in the working directory, containing the location of your naming service.
Example: my_service.cfg: NSHost = "itsalive.nevrax.org";
NSPort = 50000;
See the nelns services source code for examples on how to create a class inherited from IService.