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NLNET Namespace ReferenceThis namespace contains all network class.
Compounds |
class | NLNET::_CUniTime |
| This class provide a independant universal time system. More...
struct | NLNET::CBaseStruct |
| Structure used in the second part of the map If you add a client with his service name, the Name is the service name and ServiceNames is empty. More...
class | NLNET::CBufClient |
| Client class for layer 1. More...
struct | NLNET::CBufferizedOutPacket |
class | NLNET::CBufNetBase |
| Layer 1. More...
class | NLNET::CBufServer |
| Server class for layer 1. More...
class | NLNET::CBufSock |
| CBufSock A socket and its sending buffer. More...
class | NLNET::CCallbackClient |
| Client class for layer 3. More...
class | NLNET::CCallbackNetBase |
| Layer 3. More...
class | NLNET::CCallbackServer |
| Server class for layer 3. More...
class | NLNET::CClientReceiveTask |
| Code of receiving thread for clients. More...
class | NLNET::CDummyTcpSock |
| Dummy CTcpSock replacement for replay mode. More...
struct | NLNET::EAccessDenied |
| Exception raised when an unauthorized access has been done. More...
struct | NLNET::EServiceNotFound |
| Exception raised when a the NS does not find the service looked-up. More...
struct | NLNET::ESocket |
| Network exceptions. More...
struct | NLNET::ESocketConnectionClosed |
| Exception raised when a connection is gracefully closed by peer. More...
struct | NLNET::ESocketConnectionFailed |
| Exception raised when connect() fails. More...
class | NLNET::CInetAddress |
| Internet address (IP + port). More...
class | NLNET::CListenSock |
| CListenSock: listening socket for servers. More...
class | NLNET::CListenTask |
| Code of listening thread. More...
class | NLNET::CLoginClient |
class | NLNET::CLoginCookie |
| Manage cookie during the authenticate procedure. More...
class | NLNET::CLoginServer |
| This class is the server part of the Login System. More...
class | NLNET::CMessage |
| Message memory stream for network. More...
class | NLNET::CMessageRecorder |
| Message recorder. More...
class | NLNET::CNamingClient |
| Client side of Naming Service. More...
class | NLNET::CNetDisplayer |
| Net Displayer. More...
class | NLNET::CNetLog |
| Logger for network transfers. More...
class | NLNET::CNetManager |
| Layer 4. More...
class | NLNET::CPacsClient |
| Client side of Pacs Service. More...
struct | NLNET::CPendingUser |
class | NLNET::CServerBufSock |
| CServerBufSock A socket, its send buffer plus a nonblocking receiving system. More...
class | NLNET::CServerReceiveTask |
| Code of receiving threads for servers. More...
class | NLNET::CServerTask |
| Common part of CListenTask and CServerReceiveTask. More...
struct | NLNET::CNamingClient::CServiceEntry |
class | NLNET::IService |
| Base class for all network services. More...
class | NLNET::CSock |
| CSock: base socket class. More...
struct | NLNET::TCallbackItem |
| Callback items. See CMsgSocket::update() for an explanation on how the callbacks are called. More...
struct | NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::TConnection |
| The connection structure. More...
class | NLNET::CTcpSock |
| CTcpSock: Reliable socket via TCP. More...
struct | NLNET::TMessageRecord |
class | NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection |
| This may contains a CCallbackClient or a TSockId, depending on which type of connection it is. More...
struct | NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::TNameMappedConnection |
| A map of service ids, referred by a service name. More...
class | NLNET::CTransportClass |
| You have to inherit this class and implement description() and callback() method. More...
struct | NLNET::TUnifiedCallbackItem |
| Callback items. See CMsgSocket::update() for an explanation on how the callbacks are called. More...
class | NLNET::CUdpSimSock |
| CUdpSimSock: Unreliable datagram socket via UDP but packet lost, lag simulation. More...
class | NLNET::CUdpSock |
| CUdpSock: Unreliable datagram socket via UDP. More...
class | NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork |
| Layer 5. More...
Typedefs |
typedef CBufSock * | TSockId |
| Socket identifier. More...
typedef void(* | TNetCallback )(TSockId from, void *arg) |
| Callback function for message processing. More...
typedef std::pair< TNetCallback,
TSockId > | TStoredNetCallback |
| Storing a TNetCallback call for future call. More...
typedef NLMISC::CSynchronized<
NLMISC::CBufFIFO > | CSynchronizedFIFO |
| Synchronized FIFO buffer. More...
typedef CSynchronizedFIFO::CAccessor | CFifoAccessor |
| Accessor of mutexed FIFO buffer. More...
typedef uint32 | TBlockSize |
| Size of a block. More...
typedef std::vector< NLMISC::IThread * > | CThreadPool |
typedef std::set< TSockId > | CConnections |
typedef void(* | TMsgCallback )(CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
| Callback function type for message processing. More...
typedef void(* | TNewClientCallback )(TSockId from, const CLoginCookie &cookie) |
| Callback function type called when a new client is identified (with the login password procedure). More...
typedef void(* | TDisconnectClientCallback )(uint32 userId) |
| Callback function type called when a client need to be disconnected (double login...). More...
typedef uint8 | TServiceId |
typedef void(* | TBroadcastCallback )(const std::string &name, TServiceId sid, const std::vector< CInetAddress > &addr) |
typedef void(* | TNetManagerCallback )(const std::string &serviceName, TSockId from, void *arg) |
| Callback function type for message processing. More...
typedef void(* | TUnifiedNetCallback )(const std::string &serviceName, uint16 sid, void *arg) |
| Callback function type for service up/down processing. More...
typedef void(* | TUnifiedMsgCallback )(CMessage &msgin, const std::string &serviceName, uint16 sid) |
| Callback function type for message processing. More...
Enumerations |
enum | TNetworkEvent {
} |
| Type of network events (if changed, don't forget to change EventToString() and StringToEvent(). More...
Functions |
bool | sendEmail (const std::string &smtpServer, const std::string &from, const std::string &to, const std::string &subject, const std::string &body, const std::string &attachedFile="", bool onlyCheck=false) |
| Send an email. More...
void | setDefaultEmailParams (const std::string &smtpServer, const std::string &from, const std::string &to) |
| If you call this function, the default from (when from is "") used in the sendEmail will be the one you set by this function. More...
uint32 | stringToInternalIPAddress (const std::string &addr) |
| Take a internet dot string and convert it in an uint32 internal format for example "" -> 0xF0804020. More...
std::string | internalIPAddressToString (uint32 addr) |
| Take an internal address and convert it to a internet dot string. More...
std::string | vectorCInetAddressToString (const std::vector< CInetAddress > &addrs) |
string | EventToString (TNetworkEvent e) |
| TNetworkEvent -> string. More...
TNetworkEvent | StringToEvent (string &s) |
| string -> TNetworkEvent. More...
void | cbPacsAnswer (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
uint64 | updateStatCounter (uint64 &counter, uint64 newvalue) |
NLMISC::CMutex | nettrace_mutex ("nettrace_mutex") |
string | stringFromVectorPart (const vector< uint8 > &v, uint32 pos, uint32 len) |
void | cbcMessageRecvAllAssociations (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
void | cbnbMessageRecvAssociations (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
void | cbnbMessageAskAssociations (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
void | cbnbNewDisconnection (TSockId from, void *data) |
void | cbsNewConnection (TSockId from, void *data) |
void | uuencode (const char *s, const char *store, const int length) |
bool | sendEMailCommand (CTcpSock &sock, const std::string &command, uint32 code=250) |
bool | sendEmail (const string &smtpServer, const string &from, const string &to, const string &subject, const string &body, const string &attachedFile, bool onlyCheck) |
bool | operator== (const CInetAddress &a1, const CInetAddress &a2) |
bool | operator< (const CInetAddress &a1, const CInetAddress &a2) |
void | cbShardValidate (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
bool | operator== (const CLoginCookie &c1, const CLoginCookie &c2) |
void | cbWSChooseShard (CMessage &msgin, const std::string &serviceName, uint16 sid) |
void | cbWSDisconnectClient (CMessage &msgin, const std::string &serviceName, uint16 sid) |
void | cbShardValidation (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
void | ClientConnection (TSockId from, void *arg) |
void | cfcbListenAddress (CConfigFile::CVar &var) |
void | cfcbAcceptInvalidCookie (CConfigFile::CVar &var) |
void | cbRegister (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
void | cbQueryPort (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
void | cbRegisterBroadcast (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
void | cbUnregisterBroadcast (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
| NLMISC_COMMAND (services,"displays registered services","") |
void | nmNewConnection (TSockId from, void *arg) |
void | nmNewDisconnection (TSockId from, void *arg) |
void | RegistrationBroadcast (const std::string &name, TServiceId sid, const vector< CInetAddress > &addr) |
void | UnregistrationBroadcast (const std::string &name, TServiceId sid, const vector< CInetAddress > &addr) |
CNetDisplayer | commandDisplayer (false) |
void | serviceGetView (uint32 rid, const string &rawvarpath, vector< string > &vara, vector< string > &vala) |
void | servcbGetView (CMessage &msgin, const std::string &serviceName, uint16 sid) |
void | AESConnection (const string &serviceName, uint16 sid, void *arg) |
void | AESDisconnection (const std::string &serviceName, uint16 sid, void *arg) |
void | cbExecCommand (CMessage &msgin, const std::string &serviceName, uint16 sid) |
void | cbStopService (CMessage &msgin, const std::string &serviceName, uint16 sid) |
void | sigHandler (int Sig) |
void | initSignal () |
void | cbLogFilter (CConfigFile::CVar &var) |
| NLMISC_VARIABLE (sint32, NetSpeedLoop,"duration of the last network loop(in ms)") |
| NLMISC_VARIABLE (sint32, UserSpeedLoop,"duration of the last user loop(in ms)") |
| NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE (uint64, ReceivedBytes,"total of bytes received by this service") |
| NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE (uint64, SentBytes,"total of bytes sent by this service") |
| NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE (uint64, ReceivedQueueSize,"current size in bytes of the received queue size") |
| NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE (uint64, SentQueueSize,"current size in bytes of the sent queue size") |
| NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE (string, Scroller,"current size in bytes of the sent queue size") |
| NLMISC_VARIABLE (uint32, foo,"test the get view system") |
| NLMISC_VARIABLE (uint32, bar,"test the get view system") |
| NLMISC_DYNVARIABLE (string, State,"Set this value to 0 to shutdown the service and 1 to start the service") |
string | typeToString (CTransportClass::TProp type) |
void | cbTCReceiveMessage (CMessage &msgin, const string &name, uint16 sid) |
void | cbTCReceiveOtherSideClass (CMessage &msgin, const string &name, uint16 sid) |
void | cbTCUpService (const std::string &serviceName, uint16 sid, void *arg) |
void | cbSimVar (CConfigFile::CVar &var) |
CLog | test (CLog::LOG_INFO) |
void | uNetRegistrationBroadcast (const string &name, TServiceId sid, const vector< CInetAddress > &addr) |
void | uNetUnregistrationBroadcast (const string &name, TServiceId sid, const vector< CInetAddress > &addr) |
void | uncbConnection (TSockId from, void *arg) |
void | uncbDisconnection (TSockId from, void *arg) |
void | uncbServiceIdentification (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
void | uncbMsgProcessing (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
bool | createMessage (CMessage &msgout, const vector< string > &args, CLog &log) |
| NLMISC_COMMAND (msgin,"Simulate an input message from another service(ex:msgin 128 REGISTER u32 10 b 1 f 1.5)","< ServiceName >|< ServiceId >< MessageName >[< ParamType >< Param >]*") |
| NLMISC_COMMAND (msgout,"Send a message to a specified service(ex:msgout 128 REGISTER u32 10 b 1 f 1.5)","< ServiceName >|< ServiceId >< MessageName >[< ParamType >< Param >]*") |
| NLMISC_COMMAND (l5InternalTables,"Displays internal table of network layer5","") |
| NLMISC_COMMAND (isServiceLocal,"Says if a service is local or not compare with this service","< sid >|< service name >") |
void | cbGetUniversalTime (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
void | cbServerAskUniversalTime (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
void | cbClientGetUniversalTime (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase) |
Variables |
const TSockId | InvalidSockId = (TSockId) NULL |
CNetLog | NetLog |
TCallbackItem | PacsCallbackArray [] |
TUnifiedCallbackItem | EmptyCallbackArray [] = { { "", NULL } } |
TCallbackItem | ClientMessageAssociationArray [] |
TCallbackItem | cbnbMessageAssociationArray [] |
string | DefaultSMTPServer |
string | DefaultFrom |
string | DefaultTo |
char | tbl [65] |
bool | ShardValidate |
string | ShardValidateReason |
TCallbackItem | FESCallbackArray [] |
list< CPendingUser > | PendingUsers |
CCallbackServer * | Server |
string | ListenAddr |
bool | AcceptInvalidCookie = false |
TDisconnectClientCallback | DisconnectClientCallback = NULL |
map< uint32, TSockId > | UserIdSockAssociations |
| contains the correspondance between userid and the sockid. More...
TNewClientCallback | NewClientCallback = NULL |
TUnifiedCallbackItem | WSCallbackArray [] |
const TCallbackItem | ClientCallbackArray [] |
TBroadcastCallback | _RegistrationBroadcastCallback = NULL |
TBroadcastCallback | _UnregistrationBroadcastCallback = NULL |
bool | Registered |
TServiceId | RegisteredSuccess |
TServiceId * | RegisteredSID = NULL |
bool | QueryPort |
uint16 | QueryPortPort |
TCallbackItem | NamingClientCallbackArray [] |
const sint16 | LOG_CBINDEX = 0 |
const sint | Signal [] |
const char * | SignalName [] |
sint | ExitSignalAsked = 0 |
sint32 | NetSpeedLoop |
sint32 | UserSpeedLoop |
uint | SignalisedThread |
CFileDisplayer | fd |
CLog | commandLog |
TUnifiedCallbackItem | AESCallbackArray [] |
| bar = 6666 |
TUnifiedCallbackItem | CallbackArray [] |
queue< CBufferizedOutPacket * > | BufferizedOutPackets |
queue< CBufferizedOutPacket * > | BufferizedInPackets |
uint8 | buffer [10000] |
uint | ThreadCreator = 0 |
const uint64 | AppIdDeadConnection = 0xDEAD |
string | allstuffs |
TCallbackItem | unServerCbArray [] |
bool | GetUniversalTime |
uint32 | GetUniversalTimeSecondsSince1970 |
TTime | GetUniversalTimeUniTime |
TCallbackItem | ServerTimeServiceCallbackArray [] |
bool | GetClientUniversalTime |
TTime | GetClientUniversalTimeUniTime |
Detailed Description
This namespace contains all network class.
Typedef Documentation
typedef std::set<TSockId> NLNET::CConnections
typedef CSynchronizedFIFO::CAccessor NLNET::CFifoAccessor
typedef uint32 NLNET::TBlockSize
typedef void(* NLNET::TDisconnectClientCallback)(uint32 userId)
typedef void(* NLNET::TNetCallback)( TSockId from, void *arg )
typedef void(* NLNET::TNetManagerCallback)(const std::string &serviceName, TSockId from, void *arg)
typedef uint8 NLNET::TServiceId
Socket identifier.
Definition at line 42 of file buf_net_base.h.
Referenced by NLNET::CServerReceiveTask::addNewSocket, NLNET::CServerReceiveTask::addToRemoveSet, NLNET::CBufSock::advertiseDisconnection, NLNET::CBufSock::advertiseSystemEvent, NLNET::CCallbackNetBase::authorizeOnly, NLNET::CClientReceiveTask::CClientReceiveTask, NLNET::CServerReceiveTask::clearClosedConnections, NLNET::CBufServer::dataAvailable, NLNET::CCallbackServer::disconnect, NLNET::CCallbackNetBase::disconnect, NLNET::CCallbackClient::disconnect, NLNET::CBufServer::disconnect, NLNET::CCallbackServer::flush, NLNET::CCallbackClient::flush, NLNET::CBufServer::flush, NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::getNetBase, NLNET::CBufServer::getSendQueueSize, NLNET::CCallbackServer::getSockId, NLNET::CCallbackClient::getSockId, NLNET::CCallbackServer::hostAddress, NLNET::CCallbackNetBase::hostAddress, NLNET::CCallbackClient::hostAddress, NLNET::CBufServer::hostAddress, NLNET::CBufClient::id, NLNET::CCallbackNetBase::processOneMessage, NLNET::CBufServer::pushBufferToHost, NLNET::CCallbackServer::receive, NLNET::CCallbackClient::receive, NLNET::CBufServer::receive, NLNET::CMessageRecorder::recordNext, NLNET::CServerReceiveTask::run, NLNET::CNetManager::send, NLNET::CCallbackServer::send, NLNET::CCallbackClient::send, NLNET::CCallbackServer::sendAllMyAssociations, NLNET::CBufServer::setSizeFlushTrigger, NLNET::CBufServer::setTimeFlushTrigger, NLNET::CClientReceiveTask::sockId, NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::CUnifiedConnection::TConnection::TConnection, and NLNET::TMessageRecord::TMessageRecord. |
Storing a TNetCallback call for future call.
Definition at line 50 of file buf_net_base.h. |
typedef void(* NLNET::TUnifiedMsgCallback)(CMessage &msgin, const std::string &serviceName, uint16 sid)
Callback function type for message processing.
msgin |
message received |
serviceName |
name of the service that sent the message |
sid |
id of the service that sent the message |
Definition at line 52 of file unified_network.h.
Referenced by NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::findCallback. |
typedef void(* NLNET::TUnifiedNetCallback)(const std::string &serviceName, uint16 sid, void *arg)
Callback function type for service up/down processing.
serviceName |
name of the service that is un/registered to the naming service |
arg |
a pointer initialized by the user |
Definition at line 45 of file unified_network.h.
Referenced by NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork::update. |
Enumeration Type Documentation
enum NLNET::TNetworkEvent
Function Documentation
void AESConnection |
( |
const string & |
serviceName, |
uint16 |
sid, |
void * |
arg |
) |
void AESDisconnection |
( |
const std::string & |
serviceName, |
uint16 |
sid, |
void * |
arg |
) |
[static] |
void cbExecCommand |
( |
CMessage & |
msgin, |
const std::string & |
serviceName, |
uint16 |
sid |
) |
[static] |
void cbLogFilter |
( |
CConfigFile::CVar & |
var |
) |
void cbnbNewDisconnection |
( |
TSockId |
from, |
void * |
data |
) |
void cbSimVar |
( |
CConfigFile::CVar & |
var |
) |
void cbsNewConnection |
( |
TSockId |
from, |
void * |
data |
) |
void cbStopService |
( |
CMessage & |
msgin, |
const std::string & |
serviceName, |
uint16 |
sid |
) |
[static] |
void cbTCReceiveMessage |
( |
CMessage & |
msgin, |
const string & |
name, |
uint16 |
sid |
) |
void cbTCReceiveOtherSideClass |
( |
CMessage & |
msgin, |
const string & |
name, |
uint16 |
sid |
) |
void cbTCUpService |
( |
const std::string & |
serviceName, |
uint16 |
sid, |
void * |
arg |
) |
void cbWSChooseShard |
( |
CMessage & |
msgin, |
const std::string & |
serviceName, |
uint16 |
sid |
) |
void cbWSDisconnectClient |
( |
CMessage & |
msgin, |
const std::string & |
serviceName, |
uint16 |
sid |
) |
void cfcbAcceptInvalidCookie |
( |
CConfigFile::CVar & |
var |
) |
void cfcbListenAddress |
( |
CConfigFile::CVar & |
var |
) |
void ClientConnection |
( |
TSockId |
from, |
void * |
arg |
) |
bool createMessage |
( |
CMessage & |
msgout, |
const vector< string > & |
args, |
CLog & |
log |
) |
[static] |
void initSignal |
( |
) |
[static] |
std::string NLNET::internalIPAddressToString |
( |
uint32 |
addr |
) |
NLMISC::CMutex nettrace_mutex |
( |
"nettrace_mutex" |
) |
( |
isServiceLocal |
, |
"Says if a service is local or not compare with this service" |
, |
"< sid >|< service name >" |
) |
( |
l5InternalTables |
, |
"Displays internal table of network layer5" |
, |
"" |
) |
( |
msgout |
, |
"Send a message to a specified service(ex:msgout 128 REGISTER u32 10 b 1 f 1.5)" |
, |
"< ServiceName >|< ServiceId >< MessageName > *" |
[< ParamType >< Param >] |
) |
( |
msgin |
, |
"Simulate an input message from another service(ex:msgin 128 REGISTER u32 10 b 1 f 1.5)" |
, |
"< ServiceName >|< ServiceId >< MessageName > *" |
[< ParamType >< Param >] |
) |
( |
services |
, |
"displays registered services" |
, |
"" |
) |
( |
string |
, |
State |
, |
"Set this value to 0 to shutdown the service and 1 to start the service" |
) |
( |
string |
, |
Scroller |
, |
"current size in bytes of the sent queue size" |
) |
( |
uint64 |
, |
SentQueueSize |
, |
"current size in bytes of the sent queue size" |
) |
( |
uint64 |
, |
ReceivedQueueSize |
, |
"current size in bytes of the received queue size" |
) |
( |
uint64 |
, |
SentBytes |
, |
"total of bytes sent by this service" |
) |
( |
uint64 |
, |
ReceivedBytes |
, |
"total of bytes received by this service" |
) |
( |
uint32 |
, |
bar |
, |
"test the get view system" |
) |
( |
uint32 |
, |
foo |
, |
"test the get view system" |
) |
void nmNewConnection |
( |
TSockId |
from, |
void * |
arg |
) |
[static] |
void nmNewDisconnection |
( |
TSockId |
from, |
void * |
arg |
) |
[static] |
bool sendEmail |
( |
const string & |
smtpServer, |
const string & |
from, |
const string & |
to, |
const string & |
subject, |
const string & |
body, |
const string & |
attachedFile, |
bool |
onlyCheck |
) |
bool sendEmail |
( |
const std::string & |
smtpServer, |
const std::string & |
from, |
const std::string & |
to, |
const std::string & |
subject, |
const std::string & |
body, |
const std::string & |
attachedFile = "", |
bool |
onlyCheck = false |
) |
Send an email.
smtpServer |
must be a smtp email server. |
from |
must be a valid email address. If empty, create a fake email address with anonymous<ipaddress>.com |
to |
must be a valid email address. |
subject |
subject of the email. Can be empty. |
body |
body of the email. Can be empty. |
attachedFile |
a filename that will be send with the email. Can be empty. |
onlyCheck |
If true, It'll not send the mail but only check if it could be send. |
bool sendEMailCommand |
( |
CTcpSock & |
sock, |
const std::string & |
command, |
uint32 |
code = 250 |
) |
void servcbGetView |
( |
CMessage & |
msgin, |
const std::string & |
serviceName, |
uint16 |
sid |
) |
void serviceGetView |
( |
uint32 |
rid, |
const string & |
rawvarpath, |
vector< string > & |
vara, |
vector< string > & |
vala |
) |
void NLNET::setDefaultEmailParams |
( |
const std::string & |
smtpServer, |
const std::string & |
from, |
const std::string & |
to |
) |
If you call this function, the default from (when from is "") used in the sendEmail will be the one you set by this function.
Definition at line 310 of file email.cpp.
Referenced by NLNET::IService::main. |
void sigHandler |
( |
int |
Sig |
) |
[static] |
uint32 NLNET::stringToInternalIPAddress |
( |
const std::string & |
addr |
) |
Take a internet dot string and convert it in an uint32 internal format for example "" -> 0xF0804020.
Definition at line 515 of file inet_address.cpp. |
CLog test |
( |
) |
void uncbConnection |
( |
TSockId |
from, |
void * |
arg |
) |
void uncbDisconnection |
( |
TSockId |
from, |
void * |
arg |
) |
void UnregistrationBroadcast |
( |
const std::string & |
name, |
TServiceId |
sid, |
const vector< CInetAddress > & |
addr |
) |
[static] |
void uuencode |
( |
const char * |
s, |
const char * |
store, |
const int |
length |
) |
[static] |
std::string NLNET::vectorCInetAddressToString |
( |
const std::vector< CInetAddress > & |
addrs |
) |
Variable Documentation
bool NLNET::AcceptInvalidCookie = false [static]
string NLNET::allstuffs [static]
const uint64 NLNET::AppIdDeadConnection = 0xDEAD [static]
uint8 NLNET::buffer[10000]
CLog NLNET::commandLog [static]
string NLNET::DefaultFrom [static]
string NLNET::DefaultSMTPServer [static]
string NLNET::DefaultTo [static]
sint NLNET::ExitSignalAsked = 0 [static]
CFileDisplayer NLNET::fd [static]
bool NLNET::GetClientUniversalTime [static]
TTime NLNET::GetClientUniversalTimeUniTime [static]
bool NLNET::GetUniversalTime [static]
uint32 NLNET::GetUniversalTimeSecondsSince1970 [static]
TTime NLNET::GetUniversalTimeUniTime [static]
string NLNET::ListenAddr [static]
const sint16 NLNET::LOG_CBINDEX = 0
subsection network_transfers Analysing network transfers NLNET::NetLog
sint32 NLNET::NetSpeedLoop [static]
bool NLNET::QueryPort [static]
uint16 NLNET::QueryPortPort [static]
bool NLNET::Registered [static]
bool NLNET::ShardValidate
string NLNET::ShardValidateReason
const sint NLNET::Signal[] [static]
Initial value: {
Definition at line 89 of file service.cpp. |
uint NLNET::SignalisedThread [static]
const char* NLNET::SignalName[] [static]
Initial value:
Definition at line 93 of file service.cpp. |
char NLNET::tbl[65] [static]
Initial value: {
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H',
'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P',
'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n',
'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v',
'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3',
'4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/',
Definition at line 43 of file email.cpp. |
uint NLNET::ThreadCreator = 0 [static]
sint32 NLNET::UserSpeedLoop [static]