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00007 /* Copyright, 2001 Nevrax Ltd.
00008  *
00009  * This file is part of NEVRAX NEL.
00010  * NEVRAX NEL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00011  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00012  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00013  * any later version.
00015  * NEVRAX NEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00016  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00018  * General Public License for more details.
00020  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00021  * along with NEVRAX NEL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
00022  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
00023  * MA 02111-1307, USA.
00024  */
00026 #include "stdpacs.h"
00028 #include "pacs/edge_collide.h"
00030 using namespace NLMISC;
00031 using namespace std;
00035 namespace NLPACS
00036 {
00039 static  const   float   EdgeCollideEpsilon= 1e-5f;
00042 // ***************************************************************************
00043 void            CEdgeCollide::make(const CVector2f &p0, const CVector2f &p1)
00044 {
00045         P0= p0;
00046         P1= p1;
00047         // translation axis of the edge.
00048         Dir= P1-P0;
00049         Dir.normalize();
00050         A0= P0*Dir;
00051         A1= P1*Dir;
00052         // line equation.
00053         Norm.x=  Dir.y;
00054         Norm.y= -Dir.x;
00055         C= - P0*Norm;
00056 }
00059 // ***************************************************************************
00060 CRational64     CEdgeCollide::testPointMove(const CVector2f &start, const CVector2f &end, TPointMoveProblem &moveBug)
00061 {
00062         /*
00063                 To have a correct test (with no float precision problem):
00064                         - test first if there is collision beetween the 2 edges:
00065                                 - test if first edge collide the other line.
00066                                 - test if second edge collide the other line.
00067                                 - if both true, yes, there is a collision.
00068                         - compute time of collision.
00069         */
00072         // *this must be a correct edge.
00073         if(P0==P1)
00074         {
00075                 moveBug= EdgeNull;
00076                 return -1;
00077         }
00079         // if no movement, no collision.
00080         if(start==end)
00081                 return 1;
00083         // NB those edges are snapped (1/256 for edgeCollide, and 1/1024 for start/end), so no float problem here.
00084         // precision is 20 bits.
00085         CVector2f       normEdge;
00086         CVector2f       normMove;
00087         CVector2f       deltaEdge;
00088         CVector2f       deltaMove;
00090         // compute normal of the edge (not normalized, because no need, and for precision problem).
00091         deltaEdge= P1-P0;
00092         normEdge.x= -deltaEdge.y;
00093         normEdge.y= deltaEdge.x;
00095         // compute normal of the movement (not normalized, because no need, and for precision problem).
00096         deltaMove= end-start;
00097         normMove.x= -deltaMove.y;
00098         normMove.y= deltaMove.x;
00100         // distance from points of movment against edge line. Use double, because of multiplication.
00101         // precision is now 43 bits.
00102         double  moveD0= (double)normEdge.x*(double)(start.x-P0.x) + (double)normEdge.y*(double)(start.y-P0.y);
00103         double  moveD1= (double)normEdge.x*(double)(end.x  -P0.x) + (double)normEdge.y*(double)(end.y  -P0.y);
00105         // distance from points of edge against movement line. Use double, because of multiplication.
00106         // precision is now 43 bits.
00107         double  edgeD0= (double)normMove.x*(double)(P0.x-start.x) + (double)normMove.y*(double)(P0.y-start.y);
00108         double  edgeD1= (double)normMove.x*(double)(P1.x-start.x) + (double)normMove.y*(double)(P1.y-start.y);
00111         // If both edges intersect lines (including endpoints), there is a collision, else none.
00112         sint    sgnMove0, sgnMove1;
00113         sgnMove0= fsgn(moveD0);
00114         sgnMove1= fsgn(moveD1);
00116         // special case if the 2 edges lies on the same line.
00117         if(sgnMove0==0 && sgnMove1==0)
00118         {
00119                 // must test if there is a collision. if yes, problem.
00120                 // project all the points on the line of the edge.
00121                 // Use double because of multiplication. precision is now 43 bits.
00122                 double  moveA0= (double)deltaEdge.x*(double)(start.x-P0.x) + (double)deltaEdge.y*(double)(start.y-P0.y);
00123                 double  moveA1= (double)deltaEdge.x*(double)(end.x  -P0.x) + (double)deltaEdge.y*(double)(end.y  -P0.y);
00124                 double  edgeA0= 0;
00125                 double  edgeA1= (double)deltaEdge.x*(double)deltaEdge.x + (double)deltaEdge.y*(double)deltaEdge.y;
00127                 // Test is there is intersection (endpoints included). if yes, return -1. else return 1 (no collision at all).
00128                 if(moveA1>=edgeA0 && edgeA1>=moveA0)
00129                 {
00130                         moveBug= ParallelEdges;
00131                         return -1;
00132                 }
00133                 else
00134                         return 1;
00135         }
00137         // if on same side of the line=> there is no collision.
00138         if( sgnMove0==sgnMove1)
00139                 return 1;
00141         // test edge against move line.
00142         sint    sgnEdge0, sgnEdge1;
00143         sgnEdge0= fsgn(edgeD0);
00144         sgnEdge1= fsgn(edgeD1);
00146         // should not have this case, because tested before with (sgnMove==0 && sgnMove1==0).
00147         nlassert(sgnEdge0!=0 || sgnEdge1!=0);
00150         // if on same side of the line, no collision against this edge.
00151         if( sgnEdge0==sgnEdge1 )
00152                 return 1;
00154         // Here the edges intersect, but ensure that there is no limit problem.
00155         if(sgnEdge0==0 || sgnEdge1==0)
00156         {
00157                 moveBug= TraverseEndPoint;
00158                 return -1;
00159         }
00160         else if(sgnMove1==0)
00161         {
00162                 moveBug= StopOnEdge;
00163                 return -1;
00164         }
00165         else if(sgnMove0==0)
00166         {
00167                 // this should not arrive.
00168                 moveBug= StartOnEdge;
00169                 return -1;
00170         }
00173         // Here, there is a normal collision, just compute it.
00174         // Because of Division, there is a precision lost in double. So compute a CRational64.
00175         // First, compute numerator and denominator in the highest precision. this is 1024*1024 because of prec multiplication.
00176         double          numerator= (0-moveD0)*1024*1024;
00177         double          denominator= (moveD1-moveD0)*1024*1024;
00178         sint64          numeratorInt= (sint64)numerator;
00179         sint64          denominatorInt= (sint64)denominator;
00180 /*
00181         nlassert(numerator == numeratorInt);
00182         nlassert(denominator == denominatorInt);
00183 */
00184         if (numerator != numeratorInt)
00185                 nlwarning("numerator(%f) != numeratorInt(%"NL_I64"d)", numerator, numeratorInt);
00186         if (denominator != denominatorInt)
00187                 nlwarning("denominator(%f) != denominatorInt(%"NL_I64"d)", denominator, denominatorInt);
00189         return CRational64(numeratorInt, denominatorInt);
00190 }
00193 // ***************************************************************************
00194 static  inline float            testCirclePoint(const CVector2f &start, const CVector2f &delta, float radius, const CVector2f &point)
00195 {
00196         // factors of the qaudratic: at² + bt + c=0
00197         float           a,b,c;
00198         float           dta;
00199         float           r0, r1, res;
00200         CVector2f       relC, relV;
00202         // compute quadratic..
00203         relC= start-point;
00204         relV= delta;
00205         a= relV.x*relV.x + relV.y*relV.y;               // a>=0.
00206         b= 2* (relC.x*relV.x + relC.y*relV.y);
00207         c= relC.x*relC.x + relC.y*relC.y - radius*radius;
00208         // compute delta of the quadratic.
00209         dta= b*b - 4*a*c;       // b²-4ac
00210         if(dta>=0)
00211         {
00212                 dta= (float)sqrt(dta);
00213                 r0= (-b -dta)/(2*a);
00214                 r1= (-b +dta)/(2*a);
00215                 // since a>0, r0<=r1.
00216                 if(r0>r1)
00217                         swap(r0,r1);
00218                 // if r1 is negative, then we are out and go away from this point. OK.
00219                 if(r1<=0)
00220                 {
00221                         res= 1;
00222                 }
00223                 // if r0 is positive, then we may collide this point.
00224                 else if(r0>=0)
00225                 {
00226                         res= min(1.f, r0);
00227                 }
00228                 else    // r0<0 && r1>0. the point is already in the sphere!!
00229                 {
00230                         //nlinfo("COL: Point problem: %.2f, %.2f.  b=%.2f", r0, r1, b);
00231                         // we allow the movement only if we go away from this point.
00232                         // this is true if the derivative at t=0 is >=0 (because a>0).
00233                         if(b>0)
00234                                 res= 1; // go out.
00235                         else
00236                                 res=0;
00237                 }
00238         }
00239         else
00240         {
00241                 // never hit this point along this movement.
00242                 res= 1;
00243         }
00245         return res;
00246 }
00249 // ***************************************************************************
00250 float           CEdgeCollide::testCircleMove(const CVector2f &start, const CVector2f &delta, float radius, CVector2f &normal)
00251 {
00252         // distance from point to line.
00253         double  dist= start*Norm + C;
00254         // projection of speed on normal.
00255         double  speed= delta*Norm;
00257         // test if the movement is against the line or not.
00258         bool    sensPos= dist>0;
00259         bool    sensSpeed= speed>0;
00261         // Does the point intersect the line?
00262         dist= fabs(dist) - radius;
00263         speed= fabs(speed);
00264         if( dist > speed )
00265                 return 1;
00267         // if not already in collision with the line, test when it collides.
00268         // ===============================
00269         if(dist>=0)
00270         {
00271                 // if signs are equals, same side of the line, so we allow the circle to leave the line.
00272                 if(sensPos==sensSpeed )
00273                         return 1;
00275                 // collide the line, at what time.
00276                 double  t= dist/speed;
00279                 // compute the collision position of the Circle on the edge.
00280                 // this gives the center of the sphere at the collision point.
00281                 CVector2d       proj= CVector2d(start) + CVector2d(delta)*t;
00282                 // must add radius vector.
00283                 proj+= Norm * (sensSpeed?radius:-radius);
00284                 // compute projection on edge.
00285                 double          aProj= proj*Dir;
00287                 // if on the interval of the edge.
00288                 if( aProj>=A0 && aProj<=A1)
00289                 {
00290                         // collision occurs on interior of the edge. the normal to return is +- Norm.
00291                         if(sensPos)     // if algebric distance of start position was >0.
00292                                 normal= Norm;
00293                         else
00294                                 normal= -Norm;
00296                         // return time of collision.
00297                         return (float)t;
00298                 }
00299         }
00300         // else, must test if circle collide segment at t=0. if yes, return 0.
00301         // ===============================
00302         else
00303         {
00304                 // There is just need to test if projection of circle's center onto the line hit the segment.
00305                 // This is not a good test to know if a circle intersect a segment, but other cases are
00306                 // managed with test of endPoints of the segment after.
00307                 float           aProj= start*Dir;
00309                 // if on the interval of the edge.
00310                 if( aProj>=A0 && aProj<=A1)
00311                 {
00312                         // if signs are equals, same side of the line, so we allow the circle to leave the edge.
00313                         /* Special case: do not allow to leave the edge if we are too much in the edge.
00314                          It is important for CGlobalRetriever::testCollisionWithCollisionChains() because of the
00315                          "SURFACEMOVE NOT DETECTED" Problem.
00316                          Suppose we can walk on this chain SA/SB (separate Surface A/SurfaceB). Suppose we are near this edge, 
00317                          and on Surface SA, and suppose there is an other chain SB/SC the circle collide with. If we 
00318                          return 1 (no collision), SB/SC won't be detected (because only SA/?? chains will be tested) and 
00319                          so the cylinder will penetrate SB/SC...
00320                          This case arise at best if chains SA/SB and chain SB/SC do an angle of 45°
00322                          \todo yoyo: this is a Hack.
00323                         */
00324                         if(sensPos==sensSpeed && (-dist)<0.5*radius)
00325                         {
00326                                 return 1;
00327                         }
00328                         else
00329                         {
00330                                 // hit the interior of the edge, and sensPos!=sensSpeed. So must stop now!!
00331                                 // collision occurs on interior of the edge. the normal to return is +- Norm.
00332                                 if(sensPos)     // if algebric distance of start position was >0.
00333                                         normal= Norm;
00334                                 else
00335                                         normal= -Norm;
00337                                 return 0;
00338                         }
00339                 }
00340         }
00342         // In this case, the Circle do not hit the edge on the interior, but may hit on borders.
00343         // ===============================
00344         // Then, we must compute collision sphere-points.
00345         float           tmin, ttmp;
00346         // first point.
00347         tmin= testCirclePoint(start, delta, radius, P0);
00348         // second point.
00349         ttmp= testCirclePoint(start, delta, radius, P1);
00350         tmin= min(tmin, ttmp);
00352         // if collision occurs, compute normal of collision.
00353         if(tmin<1)
00354         {
00355                 // to which point we collide?
00356                 CVector2f       colPoint= tmin==ttmp? P1 : P0;
00357                 // compute position of the entity at collision.
00358                 CVector2f       colPos= start + delta*tmin;
00360                 // and so we have this normal (the perpendicular of the tangent at this point).
00361                 normal= colPos - colPoint;
00362                 normal.normalize();
00363         }
00365         return tmin;
00366 }
00370 // ***************************************************************************
00371 bool            CEdgeCollide::testEdgeMove(const CVector2f &q0, const CVector2f &q1, const CVector2f &delta, float &tMin, float &tMax, bool &normalOnBox)
00372 {
00373         double  a,b,cv,cc,  d,e,f;
00374         CVector2d       tmp;
00376         // compute D1 line equation of q0q1. bx - ay + c(t)=0, where c is function of time [0,1].
00377         // ===========================
00378         tmp= q1 - q0;           // NB: along time, the direction doesn't change.
00379         // Divide by norm()², so that  a projection on this edge is true if the proj is in interval [0,1].
00380         tmp/= tmp.sqrnorm();
00381         a= tmp.x;
00382         b= tmp.y;
00383         // c= - q0(t)*CVector2d(b,-a).  but since q0(t) is a function of time t (q0+delta*t), compute cv, and cc.
00384         // so c= cv*t + cc.
00385         cv= - CVector2d(b,-a)*delta;
00386         cc= - CVector2d(b,-a)*q0;
00388         // compute D2 line equation of P0P1. ex - dy + f=0.
00389         // ===========================
00390         tmp= P1 - P0;
00391         // Divide by norm()², so that  a projection on this edge is true if the proj is in interval [0,1].
00392         tmp/= tmp.sqrnorm();
00393         d= tmp.x;
00394         e= tmp.y;
00395         f= - CVector2d(e,-d)*P0;
00398         // Solve system.
00399         // ===========================
00400         /*
00401                 Compute the intersection I of 2 lines across time.
00402                 We have the system:
00403                         bx - ay + c(t)=0
00404                         ex - dy + f=0
00406                 which solve for:
00407                         det= ae-bd      (0 <=> // lines)
00408                         x(t)= (d*c(t) - fa) / det
00409                         y(t)= (e*c(t) - fb) / det
00410         */
00412         // determinant of matrix2x2.
00413         double  det= a*e - b*d;
00414         // if to near of 0. (take delta for reference of test).
00415         if(det==0 || fabs(det)<delta.norm()*EdgeCollideEpsilon)
00416                 return false;
00418         // intersection I(t)= pInt + vInt*t.
00419         CVector2d               pInt, vInt;
00420         pInt.x= ( d*cc - f*a ) / det;
00421         pInt.y= ( e*cc - f*b ) / det;
00422         vInt.x= ( d*cv ) / det;
00423         vInt.y= ( e*cv ) / det;
00426         // Project Intersection.
00427         // ===========================
00428         /*
00429                 Now, we project x,y onto each line D1 and D2, which gives  u(t) and v(t), each one giving the parameter of 
00430                 the parametric line function. When it is in [0,1], we are on the edge.
00432                 u(t)= (I(t)-q0(t)) * CVector2d(a,b)     = uc + uv*t
00433                 v(t)= (I(t)-P0) * CVector2d(d,e)        = vc + vv*t
00434         */
00435         double  uc, uv;
00436         double  vc, vv;
00437         // NB: q0(t)= q0+delta*t
00438         uc= (pInt-q0) * CVector2d(a,b);
00439         uv= (vInt-delta) * CVector2d(a,b);
00440         vc= (pInt-P0) * CVector2d(d,e);
00441         vv= (vInt) * CVector2d(d,e);
00444         // Compute intervals.
00445         // ===========================
00446         /*
00447                 Now, for each edge, compute time interval where parameter is in [0,1]. If intervals overlap, there is a collision.
00448         */
00449         double  tu0, tu1, tv0, tv1;
00450         // infinite interval.
00451         bool    allU=false, allV=false;
00453         // compute time interval for u(t).
00454         if(uv==0 || fabs(uv)<EdgeCollideEpsilon)
00455         {
00456                 // The intersection does not move along D1. Always projected on u(t)=uc. so if in [0,1], OK, else never collide.
00457                 if(uc<0 || uc>1)
00458                         return false;
00459                 // else suppose "always valid".
00460                 tu0 =tu1= 0;
00461                 allU= true;
00462         }
00463         else
00464         {
00465                 tu0= (0-uc)/uv; // t for u(t)=0
00466                 tu1= (1-uc)/uv; // t for u(t)=1
00467         }
00469         // compute time interval for v(t).
00470         if(vv==0 || fabs(vv)<EdgeCollideEpsilon)
00471         {
00472                 // The intersection does not move along D2. Always projected on v(t)=vc. so if in [0,1], OK, else never collide.
00473                 if(vc<0 || vc>1)
00474                         return false;
00475                 // else suppose "always valid".
00476                 tv0 =tv1= 0;
00477                 allV= true;
00478         }
00479         else
00480         {
00481                 tv0= (0-vc)/vv; // t for v(t)=0
00482                 tv1= (1-vc)/vv; // t for v(t)=1
00483         }
00486         // clip intervals.
00487         // ===========================
00488         // order time interval.
00489         if(tu0>tu1)
00490                 swap(tu0, tu1);         // now, [tu0, tu1] represent the time interval where line D2 hit the edge D1.
00491         if(tv0>tv1)
00492                 swap(tv0, tv1);         // now, [tv0, tv1] represent the time interval where line D1 hit the edge D2.
00494         normalOnBox= false;
00495         if(!allU && !allV)
00496         {
00497                 // if intervals do not overlap, no collision.
00498                 if(tu0>tv1 || tv0>tu1)
00499                         return false;
00500                 else
00501                 {
00502                         // compute intersection of intervals.
00503                         tMin= (float)max(tu0, tv0);
00504                         tMax= (float)min(tu1, tv1);
00505                         // if collision of edgeCollide against the bbox.
00506                         if(tv0>tu0)
00507                                 normalOnBox= true;
00508                 }
00509         }
00510         else if(allU)
00511         {
00512                 // intersection of Infinite and V interval.
00513                 tMin= (float)tv0;
00514                 tMax= (float)tv1;
00515                 // if collision of edgeCollide against the bbox.
00516                 normalOnBox= true;
00517         }
00518         else if(allV)
00519         {
00520                 // intersection of Infinite and U interval.
00521                 tMin= (float)tu0;
00522                 tMax= (float)tu1;
00523         }
00524         else
00525         {
00526                 // if allU && allV, this means delta is near 0, and so there is always collision.
00527                 tMin= -1000;
00528                 tMax= 1000;
00529         }
00531         return true;
00532 }
00535 // ***************************************************************************
00536 float           CEdgeCollide::testBBoxMove(const CVector2f &start, const CVector2f &delta, const CVector2f bbox[4], CVector2f &normal)
00537 {
00538         // distance from center to line.
00539         float   dist= start*Norm + C;
00541         // test if the movement is against the line or not.
00542         bool    sensPos= dist>0;
00543         // if signs are equals, same side of the line, so we allow the circle to leave the line.
00544         /*if(sensPos==sensSpeed)
00545                 return 1;*/
00548         // Else, do 4 test edge/edge, and return Tmin.
00549         float   tMin, tMax;
00550         bool    edgeCollided= false;
00551         bool    normalOnBox= false;
00552         CVector2f       boxNormal;
00553         for(sint i=0;i<4;i++)
00554         {
00555                 float   t0, t1;
00556                 bool    nob;
00557                 CVector2f       a= bbox[i];
00558                 CVector2f       b= bbox[(i+1)&3];
00560                 // test move against this edge.
00561                 if(testEdgeMove(a, b, delta, t0, t1, nob))
00562                 {
00563                         if(edgeCollided)
00564                         {
00565                                 tMin= min(t0, tMin);
00566                                 tMax= max(t1, tMax);
00567                         }
00568                         else
00569                         {
00570                                 edgeCollided= true;
00571                                 tMin= t0;
00572                                 tMax= t1;
00573                         }
00575                         // get normal of box against we collide.
00576                         if(tMin==t0)
00577                         {
00578                                 normalOnBox= nob;
00579                                 if(nob)
00580                                 {
00581                                         CVector2f       dab;
00582                                         // bbox must be CCW.
00583                                         dab= b-a;
00584                                         // the normal is computed so that the vector goes In the bbox.
00585                                         boxNormal.x= -dab.y;
00586                                         boxNormal.y= dab.x;
00587                                 }
00588                         }
00589                 }
00590         }
00592         // if collision occurs,and int the [0,1] interval...
00593         if(edgeCollided && tMin<1 && tMax>0)
00594         {
00595                 // compute normal of collision.
00596                 if(normalOnBox)
00597                 {
00598                         // assume collsion is an endpoint of the edge against the bbox.
00599                         normal= boxNormal;
00600                 }
00601                 else
00602                 {
00603                         // assume collision occurs on interior of the edge. the normal to return is +- Norm.
00604                         if(sensPos)     // if algebric distance of start position was >0.
00605                                 normal= Norm;
00606                         else
00607                                 normal= -Norm;
00608                 }
00610                 // compute time of collison.
00611                 if(tMin>0)
00612                         // return time of collision.
00613                         return tMin;
00614                 else
00615                 {
00616                         // The bbox is inside the edge, at t==0. test if it goes out or not.
00617                         // accept only if we are much near the exit than the enter.
00618                         /* NB: 0.2 is an empirical value "which works well". Normally, 1 is the good value, but because of the
00619                                 "SURFACEMOVE NOT DETECTED" Problem (see testCircleMove()), we must be more restrictive.
00620                         */
00621                         if( tMax<0.2*(-tMin) )
00622                                 return 1;
00623                         else
00624                                 return 0;
00625                 }
00626         }
00627         else
00628                 return 1;
00630 }
00633 // ***************************************************************************
00634 bool            CEdgeCollide::testBBoxCollide(const CVector2f bbox[4])
00635 {
00636         // clip the edge against the edge of the bbox.
00637         CVector2f               p0= P0, p1= P1;
00639         for(sint i=0; i<4; i++)
00640         {
00641                 CVector2f       a= bbox[i];
00642                 CVector2f       b= bbox[(i+1)&3];
00643                 CVector2f       delta= b-a, norm;
00644                 // sign is important. bbox is CCW. normal goes OUT the bbox.
00645                 norm.x= delta.y;
00646                 norm.y= -delta.x;
00648                 float   d0= (p0-a)*norm;
00649                 float   d1= (p1-a)*norm;
00651                 // if boths points are out this plane, no collision.
00652                 if( d0>0 && d1>0)
00653                         return false;
00654                 // if difference, must clip.
00655                 if( d0>0 || d1>0)
00656                 {
00657                         CVector2f       intersect= p0 + (p1-p0)* ((0-d0)/(d1-d0));
00658                         if(d1>0)
00659                                 p1= intersect;
00660                         else
00661                                 p0= intersect;
00662                 }
00663         }
00665         // if a segment is still in the bbox, collision occurs.
00666         return true;
00667 }
00671 } // NLPACS