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NLNET::CNetDisplayer Member ListThis is the complete list of members for NLNET::CNetDisplayer, including all inherited members.
_Server | NLNET::CNetDisplayer | [private] |
_ServerAddr | NLNET::CNetDisplayer | [private] |
_ServerAllocated | NLNET::CNetDisplayer | [private] |
CNetDisplayer(bool autoConnect=true) | NLNET::CNetDisplayer | |
connected() | NLNET::CNetDisplayer | [inline] |
dateToComputerString(time_t date) | NLMISC::IDisplayer | [protected, static] |
dateToHumanString(time_t date) | NLMISC::IDisplayer | [protected, static] |
display(const TDisplayInfo &args, const char *message) | NLMISC::IDisplayer | |
DisplayerName | NLMISC::IDisplayer | |
doDisplay(const NLMISC::TDisplayInfo &args, const char *message) | NLNET::CNetDisplayer | [protected, virtual] |
NLMISC::IDisplayer::doDisplay(const TDisplayInfo &args, const char *message)=0 | NLMISC::IDisplayer | [protected, pure virtual] |
findAndConnect() | NLNET::CNetDisplayer | [protected] |
HeaderString() | NLMISC::IDisplayer | [protected, static] |
IDisplayer(const char *displayerName="") | NLMISC::IDisplayer | |
IDisplayer::dateToHumanString() | NLMISC::IDisplayer | [protected, static] |
logTypeToString(CLog::TLogType logType, bool longFormat=false) | NLMISC::IDisplayer | [protected, static] |
setLogServer(const CInetAddress &logServerAddr) | NLNET::CNetDisplayer | |
setLogServer(CCallbackClient *server) | NLNET::CNetDisplayer | |
~CNetDisplayer() | NLNET::CNetDisplayer | [virtual] |
~IDisplayer() | NLMISC::IDisplayer | [virtual] |