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NLMISC::CHTimer Member ListThis is the complete list of members for NLMISC::CHTimer, including all inherited members.
_Benching | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private, static] |
_BenchStartedOnce | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private, static] |
_CurrNode | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private, static] |
_CurrTimer | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private, static] |
_IsRoot | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private] |
_MsPerTick | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private, static] |
_Name | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private] |
_Parent | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private] |
_PreambuleClock | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private, static] |
_RootNode | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private, static] |
_RootTimer | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private, static] |
_Sons | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private] |
_WantStandardDeviation | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private, static] |
adjust() | NLMISC::CHTimer | [inline, static] |
after(bool displayAfter=false) | NLMISC::CHTimer | |
before() | NLMISC::CHTimer | |
bench() | NLMISC::CHTimer | [inline, static] |
CHTimer(const char *name, bool isRoot=false) | NLMISC::CHTimer | [inline] |
clear() | NLMISC::CHTimer | [static] |
display(CLog *log=InfoLog, TSortCriterion criterion=TotalTime, bool displayInline=true, bool displayEx=true) | NLMISC::CHTimer | [static] |
displayByExecutionPath(CLog *log=InfoLog, TSortCriterion criterion=TotalTime, bool displayInline=true, bool alignPaths=true, bool displayEx=true) | NLMISC::CHTimer | [static] |
displayHierarchical(CLog *log=InfoLog, bool displayEx=true, uint labelNumChar=32, uint indentationStep=2) | NLMISC::CHTimer | [static] |
displayHierarchicalByExecutionPath(CLog *log=InfoLog, bool displayEx=true, uint labelNumChar=32, uint indentationStep=2) | NLMISC::CHTimer | [static] |
displayHierarchicalByExecutionPathSorted(CLog *log=InfoLog, TSortCriterion criterion=TotalTime, bool displayEx=true, uint labelNumChar=32, uint indentationStep=2) | NLMISC::CHTimer | [static] |
endBench() | NLMISC::CHTimer | [static] |
getName() const | NLMISC::CHTimer | [inline] |
MaxTime enum value | NLMISC::CHTimer | |
MeanTime enum value | NLMISC::CHTimer | |
MinTime enum value | NLMISC::CHTimer | |
NoSort enum value | NLMISC::CHTimer | |
NumVisits enum value | NLMISC::CHTimer | |
SortCriterionsLast enum value | NLMISC::CHTimer | |
startBench(bool wantStandardDeviation=false, bool quick=false) | NLMISC::CHTimer | [static] |
TNodeVect typedef | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private] |
TotalTime enum value | NLMISC::CHTimer | |
TotalTimeWithoutSons enum value | NLMISC::CHTimer | |
TSortCriterion enum name | NLMISC::CHTimer | |
TTimerVect typedef | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private] |
walkTreeToCurrent() | NLMISC::CHTimer | [private] |