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NL3D::CZoneLighter Member ListThis is the complete list of members for NL3D::CZoneLighter, including all inherited members.
_BezierPatch | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_Binded | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_BindInfo | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_BorderVertices | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_CPUMask | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_FallofDistance | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_GetNormalDeltaS | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private, static] |
_GetNormalDeltaT | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private, static] |
_GetNormalNormal | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_GetNormalPatch | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_GetNormalRadius | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_GetNormalSqRadius | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_HeightField | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_HeightFieldCellCount | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_HeightfieldCellSize | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_K | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_Landscape | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_LastPatchComputed | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_LightableShapes | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_LightDirection | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_Locator | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_Lumels | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_NumberOfPatchComputed | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_NumLightableShapesProcessed | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_OrigineHeightField | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_OversampleEdges | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_PatchComputed | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_PatchInfo | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_ProcessCount | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_ProcessExited | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_QuadGrid | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_RayAdd | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_RayBasis | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_ShadowArray | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_ShadowBias | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_Shape | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_ShapeArea | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_ShapeRadius | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_Softshadow | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_StaticPointLightQuadGrid | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_StaticPointLights | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_TriangleListAllocateur | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_WaterShapeQuadGrid | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_WaterShapes | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_ZoneId | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
_ZoneToLight | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
addLightableShape(IShape *shape, const NLMISC::CMatrix &modelMT) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | |
addStaticPointLight(const CPointLightNamed &pln) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | |
addTriangles(CLandscape &landscape, std::vector< uint > &listZone, uint order, std::vector< CTriangle > &triangleArray) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | |
addTriangles(const IShape &shape, const NLMISC::CMatrix &modelMT, std::vector< CTriangle > &triangleArray) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | |
addTriangles(const CMeshGeom &meshGeom, const NLMISC::CMatrix &modelMT, std::vector< CTriangle > &triangleArray) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
addTriangles(const CMeshMRMGeom &meshGeom, const CMatrix &modelMT, std::vector< CTriangle > &triangleArray) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
addWaterShape(CWaterShape *shape, const NLMISC::CMatrix &MT) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | |
buildZoneInformation(CLandscape &landscape, const std::vector< uint > &listZone, bool oversampling, const CLightDesc &lightDesc) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
calcSkyContribution(sint s, sint t, float height, float skyIntensity, const CVector &normal) const | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
CCalcLightableShapeRunnable class | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [friend] |
compilePointLightRT(uint gridSize, float gridCellSize, std::vector< CTriangle > &obstacles, bool doShadow) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
computeTileFlagsForPositionTowardWater(const CLightDesc &lightDesc, std::vector< const CTessFace * > &tessFaces) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
copyTileFlags(CZone &destZone, const CZone &srcZone) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private, static] |
CZoneLighter() | NL3D::CZoneLighter | |
excludeAllPatchFromRefineAll(CLandscape &landscape, std::vector< uint > &listZone, bool exclude) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
getAPatch(uint process) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
getMaxPhi(sint s, sint t, sint deltaS, sint deltaT, float heightPos) const | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
getNormal(const NL3D::CPatch *pPatch, sint16 lumelS, sint16 lumelT, std::vector< NL3D::CPatchUVLocator > &locator, const std::vector< NL3D::CPatch::CBindInfo > &bindInfo, const std::vector< bool > &binded, std::set< uint64 > &visited, float deltaS, float deltaT, uint rotation, const NL3D::CBezierPatch &bezierPatch, uint lastEdge=5) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
getPatchNormalAndPositions(std::vector< CLumelDescriptor > &lumels, CLandscape &landscape, uint zoneToLight, uint patch, CPatchUVLocator *locator, bool *binded) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
getSkyContribution(const CVector &pos, const CVector &normal, float SkyIntensity) const | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
init() | NL3D::CZoneLighter | |
isLightableShape(IShape &shape) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [static] |
isLumelOnEdgeMustBeOversample(uint patch, uint edge, sint s, sint t, const std::vector< bool > &binded, const std::vector< bool > &oversampleEdges, std::vector< CPatchUVLocator > &locator, uint8 shadowed, std::vector< std::vector< uint8 > > &shadowBuffer) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
light(CLandscape &landscape, CZone &output, uint zoneToLight, const CLightDesc &description, std::vector< CTriangle > &obstacles, std::vector< uint > &listZone) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | |
lightShapes(uint zoneID, const CLightDesc &description) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
lightSingleShape(CShapeInfo &lsi, CMultiShape &shape, CMultiShape &shapeTmp, const CLightDesc &description, uint cpu) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
lightWater(CWaterShape &ws, const CMatrix &MT, CMultiShape &shape, CMultiShape &shapeTmp, const CLightDesc &description, uint cpu) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
makeQuadGridFromWaterShapes(NLMISC::CAABBox zoneBBox) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
NL3D::CCalcRunnable class | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [friend] |
processCalc(uint process, const CLightDesc &description) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
processLightableShapeCalc(uint process, TShapeVect *shapeToLit, uint firstShape, uint lastShape, const CLightDesc &description) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
processZonePointLightRT(std::vector< CPointLightNamed > &listPointLight) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
progress(const char *message, float progress) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [inline, virtual] |
rayTrace(const CVector &position, const CVector &normal, float s, float t, uint patchId, float &factor, CMultiShape &shape, CMultiShape &shapeTmp, uint cpu) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
rayTraceTriangle(const NLMISC::CTriangle &toOverSample, NLMISC::CVector &normal, uint order, float s, float t, float &factor, uint &tested, uint patchId) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
setTileFlagsToDefault(std::vector< const CTessFace * > &tessFaces) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
testRaytrace(const CVector &position, const CVector &normal, const CPlane &plane, float s, float t, uint patchId, CMultiShape &shape, CMultiShape &shapeTmp, uint cpu) | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
TShapeVect typedef | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
TWaterShapeQuadGrid typedef | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [private] |
~CZoneLighter() | NL3D::CZoneLighter | [inline, virtual] |