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cf_gramatical.cpp File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "nel/misc/config_file.h"
#include "nel/misc/common.h"
#include "nel/misc/debug.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  cf_value
union  YYSTYPE


#define YYBISON   1
#define yyparse   cfparse
#define yylex   cflex
#define yyerror   cferror
#define yylval   cflval
#define yychar   cfchar
#define yydebug   cfdebug
#define yynerrs   cfnerrs
#define ADD_ASSIGN   257
#define ASSIGN   258
#define VARIABLE   259
#define STRING   260
#define SEMICOLON   261
#define PLUS   262
#define MINUS   263
#define MULT   264
#define DIVIDE   265
#define RPAREN   266
#define LPAREN   267
#define RBRACE   268
#define LBRACE   269
#define COMMA   270
#define INT   271
#define REAL   272
#define YYPARSE_PARAM   pvararray
#define DEBUG_PRINT(a)
#define const
#define YYFINAL   44
#define YYFLAG   -32768
#define YYNTBASE   19
#define YYTRANSLATE(x)   ((unsigned)(x) <= 272 ? yytranslate[x] : 30)
#define YYLAST   44
#define YYSTACK_ALLOC   malloc
#define yyerrok   (yyerrstatus = 0)
#define yyclearin   (yychar = YYEMPTY)
#define YYEMPTY   -2
#define YYEOF   0
#define YYACCEPT   goto yyacceptlab
#define YYABORT   goto yyabortlab
#define YYERROR   goto yyerrlab1
#define YYFAIL   goto yyerrlab
#define YYRECOVERING()   (!!yyerrstatus)
#define YYBACKUP(token, value)
#define YYTERROR   1
#define YYERRCODE   256
#define YYLEX   yylex()
#define YYINITDEPTH   200
#define YYMAXDEPTH   10000
#define YYPOPSTACK   (yyvsp--, yyssp--)


enum  cf_operation {


int yylex (void)
cf_value cf_op (cf_value a, cf_value b, cf_operation op)
void cf_print (cf_value Val)
void cf_setVar (NLMISC::CConfigFile::CVar &Var, cf_value Val)
int yyerror (const char *)
void __yy_memcpy (to, from, count) char *to


bool cf_Ignore
FILE * yyin
NLMISC::CConfigFile::CVar cf_CurrentVar
int cf_CurrentLine
bool cf_OverwriteExistingVariable
const char yytranslate []
const short yyr1 []
const short yyr2 []
const short yydefact []
const short yydefgoto []
const short yypact []
const short yypgoto []
const short yytable []
const short yycheck []
int yychar
YYSTYPE yylval
int yynerrs
char * from
unsigned int count

Define Documentation

#define ADD_ASSIGN   257

Definition at line 14 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define ASSIGN   258

Definition at line 15 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define COMMA   270

Definition at line 27 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define const

Definition at line 117 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define DEBUG_PRINT  

Definition at line 66 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.


Definition at line 61 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define DIVIDE   265

Definition at line 22 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define INT   271

Definition at line 28 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define LBRACE   269

Definition at line 26 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define LPAREN   267

Definition at line 24 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define MINUS   263

Definition at line 20 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define MULT   264

Definition at line 21 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define PLUS   262

Definition at line 19 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define RBRACE   268

Definition at line 25 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define REAL   272

Definition at line 29 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define RPAREN   266

Definition at line 23 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define SEMICOLON   261

Definition at line 18 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define STRING   260

Definition at line 17 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define VARIABLE   259

Definition at line 16 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYABORT   goto yyabortlab

Definition at line 342 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYACCEPT   goto yyacceptlab

Definition at line 341 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYBACKUP token,


do                                                              \
  if (yychar == YYEMPTY && yylen == 1)                          \
    { yychar = (token), yylval = (value);                       \
      yychar1 = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);                           \
      YYPOPSTACK;                                               \
      goto yybackup;                                            \
    }                                                           \
  else                                                          \
    { yyerror ("syntax error: cannot back up"); YYERROR; }      \
while (0)

Definition at line 350 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYBISON   1

Definition at line 5 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define yychar   cfchar

Definition at line 11 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define yyclearin   (yychar = YYEMPTY)

Definition at line 338 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define yydebug   cfdebug

Definition at line 12 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYEMPTY   -2

Definition at line 339 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYEOF   0

Definition at line 340 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYERRCODE   256

Definition at line 363 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define yyerrok   (yyerrstatus = 0)

Definition at line 337 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYERROR   goto yyerrlab1

Definition at line 343 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define yyerror   cferror

Definition at line 9 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYFAIL   goto yyerrlab

Definition at line 348 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYFINAL   44

Definition at line 123 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYFLAG   -32768

Definition at line 124 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYINITDEPTH   200

Definition at line 410 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYLAST   44

Definition at line 235 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYLEX   yylex()

Definition at line 366 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define yylex   cflex

Definition at line 8 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define yylval   cflval

Definition at line 10 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYMAXDEPTH   10000

Definition at line 421 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define yynerrs   cfnerrs

Definition at line 13 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYNTBASE   19

Definition at line 125 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define yyparse   cfparse

Definition at line 7 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYPARSE_PARAM   pvararray

Definition at line 53 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.



#define YYPOPSTACK   (yyvsp--, yyssp--)

#define YYRECOVERING      (!!yyerrstatus)

Definition at line 349 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYSTACK_ALLOC   malloc

Definition at line 330 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYTERROR   1

Definition at line 362 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

#define YYTRANSLATE x       ((unsigned)(x) <= 272 ? yytranslate[x] : 30)

Definition at line 127 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum cf_operation

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 70 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

Function Documentation

void __yy_memcpy to   ,
from   ,

cf_value cf_op cf_value    a,
cf_value    b,
cf_operation    op

void cf_print cf_value    Val

void cf_setVar NLMISC::CConfigFile::CVar   Var,
cf_value    Val

int yyerror const char *   

int yylex void   

Variable Documentation

int cf_CurrentLine

Definition at line 90 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

NLMISC::CConfigFile::CVar cf_CurrentVar

Definition at line 88 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

bool cf_Ignore

Definition at line 82 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

bool cf_OverwriteExistingVariable

Definition at line 92 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

unsigned int count

Definition at line 440 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

Referenced by NLSOUND::CBackgroundSoundManager::addSound.

char* from

Definition at line 439 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

int yychar

Definition at line 389 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

const short yycheck[] [static]

Initial value:

 {    13,
    10,    11,     5,     6,     0,     8,     9,     6,     8,     9,
    13,     5,    15,    12,    17,    18,    16,     3,     4,    12,
    30,    31,    10,    11,     5,     6,    40,     8,     9,     8,
     9,     7,    13,    28,    29,     7,    17,    18,    16,    14,
     0,     0,     3,    40

Definition at line 246 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

const short yydefact[] [static]

Initial value:

 {     1,
     0,     0,     2,     5,     0,     0,     4,    27,    25,     0,
     0,     0,    13,    23,    24,     0,     8,    14,    17,    26,
     0,    20,    21,     0,     0,    10,     7,     0,     0,     0,
     0,     6,    22,     9,     0,    15,    16,    18,    19,    13,
    12,     0,     0,     0

Definition at line 210 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

const short yydefgoto[] [static]

Initial value:

 {    42,
     1,     3,     4,    16,    25,    35,    17,    18,    19,    20

Definition at line 218 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

FILE* yyin

Definition at line 84 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

YYSTYPE yylval

Definition at line 390 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

int yynerrs

Definition at line 398 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

const short yypact[] [static]

Initial value:

 {     5,
     7,    15,     7,-32768,    -2,    -2,-32768,-32768,-32768,    20,
    20,    -2,    20,-32768,-32768,    25,    22,    13,-32768,-32768,
    29,-32768,-32768,     8,    26,     1,-32768,    20,    20,    20,
    20,-32768,-32768,-32768,    23,    13,    13,-32768,-32768,    20,
-32768,    41,    42,-32768

Definition at line 222 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

const short yypgoto[] [static]

Initial value:

-32768,-32768,    40,     2,     4,-32768,   -13,     6,    -9,-32768

Definition at line 230 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

const short yyr1[] [static]

Initial value:

 {     0,
    20,    19,    19,    21,    21,    22,    22,    23,    23,    24,
    25,    24,    24,    26,    26,    26,    27,    27,    27,    28,
    28,    28,    28,    28,    28,    28,    29

Definition at line 198 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

const short yyr2[] [static]

Initial value:

 {     0,
     0,     2,     0,     2,     1,     4,     4,     1,     3,     1,
     0,     4,     0,     1,     3,     3,     1,     3,     3,     2,
     2,     3,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1

Definition at line 204 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

const short yytable[] [static]

Initial value:

 {    26,
    22,    23,     8,     9,    -3,    10,    11,    21,    28,    29,
    12,     2,    13,    24,    14,    15,   -11,     5,     6,    33,
    38,    39,    30,    31,     8,     9,    26,    10,    11,    28,
    29,    27,    12,    36,    37,    32,    14,    15,    40,    34,
    43,    44,     7,    41

Definition at line 238 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.

const char yytranslate[] [static]

Initial value:

 {     0,
     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
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     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
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     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     1,     3,     4,     5,     6,
     7,     8,     9,    10,    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,    16,
    17,    18

Definition at line 129 of file cf_gramatical.cpp.