mutex.cpp File Reference

Detailed Description

mutex and synchronization implementation

mutex.cpp,v 1.39 2003/03/31 14:04:12 cado Exp

Definition in file mutex.cpp.

#include "nel/misc/mutex.h"
#include "stdmisc.h"
#include "nel/misc/time_nl.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define debugBeginEnter()   ;
#define debugCreateMutex()   ;
#define debugDeleteMutex()   ;
#define debugEndEnter()   ;
#define debugLeave()   ;

Define Documentation

#define debugBeginEnter  )     ;

Definition at line 43 of file mutex.cpp.

#define debugCreateMutex  )     ;

Definition at line 42 of file mutex.cpp.

#define debugDeleteMutex  )     ;

Definition at line 46 of file mutex.cpp.

#define debugEndEnter  )     ;

Definition at line 44 of file mutex.cpp.

#define debugLeave  )     ;

Definition at line 45 of file mutex.cpp.

Generated on Tue Mar 16 06:43:09 2004 for NeL by doxygen 1.3.6