bit_mem_stream.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Bit-oriented memory stream

bit_mem_stream.h,v 1.26 2003/07/10 16:23:55 cado Exp

Definition in file bit_mem_stream.h.

#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/mem_stream.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  NLMISC


#define serialAdapt(b, type)
#define serialAdapt64(b)
#define serialAndLog1   serial
#define serialAndLog2   serial
#define serialBitAndLog   serialBit

Define Documentation

#define serialAdapt b,
type   ) 


uint32 ub=0; \
        if ( isReading() ) \
        { \
                serial( ub, sizeof(type)*8 ); \
                b = (type)ub; \
        } \
        else \
        { \
                ub = (uint32)b; \
                serial( ub, sizeof(type)*8 ); \

Definition at line 97 of file bit_mem_stream.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitMemStream::serial().

#define serialAdapt64  ) 


serial( *((uint32*)(&b)+1), 32); \
        serial( *((uint32*)(&b)), 32);

Definition at line 118 of file bit_mem_stream.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitMemStream::serial().

#define serialAndLog1   serial

Definition at line 90 of file bit_mem_stream.h.

#define serialAndLog2   serial

Definition at line 91 of file bit_mem_stream.h.

#define serialBitAndLog   serialBit

Definition at line 92 of file bit_mem_stream.h.

Generated on Tue Mar 16 06:42:17 2004 for NeL by doxygen 1.3.6