NL3D::UPlayListManager Class Reference

#include <u_play_list_manager.h>

Inheritance diagram for NL3D::UPlayListManager:


Detailed Description

A manager of playlist.
Lionel Berenguier

Nevrax France


Definition at line 48 of file u_play_list_manager.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual void animate (TGlobalAnimationTime time)=0
virtual UPlayListcreatePlayList (UAnimationSet *animSet)=0
virtual void deletePlayList (UPlayList *playList)=0
virtual void setup (TGlobalAnimationTime time)=0

Protected Member Functions

 UPlayListManager ()

virtual ~UPlayListManager ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NL3D::UPlayListManager::UPlayListManager  )  [inline, protected]


Definition at line 53 of file u_play_list_manager.h.

00053 {}

virtual NL3D::UPlayListManager::~UPlayListManager  )  [inline, protected, virtual]


Definition at line 55 of file u_play_list_manager.h.

00055 {}

Member Function Documentation

virtual void NL3D::UPlayListManager::animate TGlobalAnimationTime  time  )  [pure virtual]

Animate all the playlist. Only the globals channels are animated. NB: all objects registered to the playLists (see registerTransform) are updated, BUT the detail channels (like materials channels) which may be updated during UScene::render(), only if they are visibles...

time the effective currentTime in second.

Implemented in NL3D::CPlayListManagerUser.

virtual UPlayList* NL3D::UPlayListManager::createPlayList UAnimationSet animSet  )  [pure virtual]

Create a playlist, instance of an animation set. nlerror if(animSet==NULL).

animSet the UAnimationSet you want to instanciate into a UPlayList.
the new created playlist.

Implemented in NL3D::CPlayListManagerUser.

virtual void NL3D::UPlayListManager::deletePlayList UPlayList playList  )  [pure virtual]

Delete a playlist. nlerror if not found. no-op if playList==NULL.

playList the playList you want to delete.

Implemented in NL3D::CPlayListManagerUser.

virtual void NL3D::UPlayListManager::setup TGlobalAnimationTime  time  )  [pure virtual]

Setup all the playlist. Channels are not animated. NB: all objects registered to the playLists (see registerTransform) are updated.

time the effective currentTime in second.

Implemented in NL3D::CPlayListManagerUser.

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