NL3D::CVegetableUV8 Class Reference

#include <vegetable_uv8.h>

Detailed Description

A simple tuple UV in 8 bits, for Dynamic Lightmap encoding in Alpha components of colors
Lionel Berenguier

Nevrax France


Definition at line 42 of file vegetable_uv8.h.

Data Fields

uint8 U
uint8 V

Field Documentation

uint8 NL3D::CVegetableUV8::U

Definition at line 46 of file vegetable_uv8.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::addInstance(), NL3D::CPatch::generateTileVegetable(), and NL3D::CVegetableManager::updateInstanceLighting().

uint8 NL3D::CVegetableUV8::V

Definition at line 46 of file vegetable_uv8.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CVegetableManager::addInstance(), NL3D::CPatch::generateTileVegetable(), and NL3D::CVegetableManager::updateInstanceLighting().

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