NL3D::CRadixSort< T > Class Template Reference

#include <radix_sort.h>

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class NL3D::CRadixSort< T >

A class which sort elements T with radix sort algorithm. T must follow the following interface:

getRadixKey() return the unsigned key for this element.

Lionel Berenguier

Nevrax France


Definition at line 49 of file radix_sort.h.

Public Member Functions

 CRadixSort (uint keyDepth=32, uint digitDepth=8)
T * reverse_sort (T *array0, T *array1, uint size)
T * sort (T *array0, T *array1, uint size)

Private Member Functions

T * doSort (T *arraySrc, T *arrayDst, uint size, bool increasingOrder)
 radix sort algorithm

Private Attributes

uint _DigitDepth
uint _DigitSize
uint _KeyDepth
std::vector< CSortDigit_SortDigits

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T>
NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::CRadixSort uint  keyDepth = 32,
uint  digitDepth = 8


keyDepth default is 32 bits, but if as example you're sure that you just use 14 bits, you can set keyDepth=14. Clamped to 1,32.
digitDepth default is 8 bits. The sort will do ceil(keyDepth/digitDepth) pass in Sort. But be aware that a CRadixSort object has a size of (1<<digitDepth) * 8 bytes. (2K for digitDepth=8). Be aware too that values>8 is not a really good idea because of cache, and random access... And this REALLY impact (eg: from 1 to 100 if you choose 16 instead than 8...) Clamped to 1,min(16, keyDepth).

Definition at line 62 of file radix_sort.h.

References NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::_DigitDepth, NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::_DigitSize, NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::_KeyDepth, NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::_SortDigits, NLMISC::clamp(), min, and uint.

00063         {
00064                 // setup
00065                 _KeyDepth= keyDepth;
00066                 NLMISC::clamp(_KeyDepth, 1U, 32U);
00067                 _DigitDepth= digitDepth;
00068                 NLMISC::clamp(_DigitDepth, 1U, 16U);
00069                 _DigitDepth= std::min(_DigitDepth, _KeyDepth);
00071                 // resize the array of digits.
00072                 _DigitSize= 1<<_DigitDepth;
00073                 _SortDigits.resize(_DigitSize);
00074         }

Member Function Documentation

template<class T>
T* NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::doSort T *  arraySrc,
T *  arrayDst,
uint  size,
bool  increasingOrder
[inline, private]

radix sort algorithm

Definition at line 113 of file radix_sort.h.

References NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::_DigitDepth, NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::_DigitSize, NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::_KeyDepth, NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::_SortDigits, sint, size, uint, and uint32.

Referenced by NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::reverse_sort(), and NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::sort().

00114         {
00115                 if(size==0)
00116                         return arraySrc;
00118                 // for all digits.
00119                 for(uint        digit=0; digit< _KeyDepth; digit+=_DigitDepth )
00120                 {
00121                         sint    i;
00122                         // how many bits do we shift?
00123                         uint    digitShift= digit;
00124                         uint    digitMask= _DigitSize - 1;
00126                         // Init digit count.
00127                         for(i=0; i<(sint)_DigitSize; i++)
00128                         {
00129                                 _SortDigits[i].Count= 0;
00130                         }
00132                         // for all elements in array, count the usage of current digit.
00133                         T       *srcPtr= arraySrc;
00134                         for(i=0; i<(sint)size; i++, srcPtr++)
00135                         {
00136                                 // get the key for this element
00137                                 uint32  key= srcPtr->getRadixKey();
00138                                 // get the actual digit of interest
00139                                 key>>= digitShift;
00140                                 key&= digitMask;
00141                                 // increment the use of this digit.
00142                                 _SortDigits[key].Count++;
00143                         }
00145                         // for all digit, init start Ptr.
00146                         T       *dstPtr= arrayDst;
00147                         if(increasingOrder)
00148                         {
00149                                 for(i=0; i<(sint)_DigitSize; i++)
00150                                 {
00151                                         // setup the dest ptr for this digit.
00152                                         _SortDigits[i].Ptr= dstPtr;
00153                                         // increment the ptr of digit usage
00154                                         dstPtr+= _SortDigits[i].Count;
00155                                 }
00156                         }
00157                         else
00158                         {
00159                                 // reverse order of copy for digits, so the biggest one will 
00160                                 // copy in the beginning of the array
00161                                 for(i=_DigitSize-1; i>=0; i--)
00162                                 {
00163                                         // setup the dest ptr for this digit.
00164                                         _SortDigits[i].Ptr= dstPtr;
00165                                         // increment the ptr of digit usage
00166                                         dstPtr+= _SortDigits[i].Count;
00167                                 }
00168                         }
00170                         // for all elements, sort for this digit, by copying from src to dest.
00171                         srcPtr= arraySrc;
00172                         for(i=0; i<(sint)size; i++, srcPtr++)
00173                         {
00174                                 // get the key for this element
00175                                 uint32  key= srcPtr->getRadixKey();
00176                                 // get the actual digit of interest
00177                                 key>>= digitShift;
00178                                 key&= digitMask;
00179                                 // copy to good digit dst, and increment dest ptr.
00180                                 *(_SortDigits[key].Ptr++)= *srcPtr;
00181                         }
00183                         // arraDst has now values of arraySrc sorted for the current digit.
00184                         // now, restart with next digit, so swap src / dst
00185                         std::swap(arraySrc, arrayDst);
00186                 }
00188                 // return the array correctly sorted. because of last swap, this is arraySrc
00189                 return arraySrc;
00190         }

template<class T>
T* NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::reverse_sort T *  array0,
T *  array1,
uint  size

same as sort(), but elements are reordered in decreasing order

See also:

Definition at line 90 of file radix_sort.h.

References NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::doSort(), size, and uint.

00090 {return doSort(array0, array1, size, false);}

template<class T>
T* NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::sort T *  array0,
T *  array1,
uint  size

Sort an array of T, in (keyDepth/digitSize)*O(size). Elements are reordered in increasing order.

array0 ptr on elements to be sorted.
array1 an array of T which must be allocated with same size.
size the number of elements.
the array which have sorted elements. Actually return array0 if ceil(keyDepth/digitDepth) is pair, else return array1. The other array has elements in undefined order.

Definition at line 84 of file radix_sort.h.

References NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::doSort(), size, and uint.

00084 {return doSort(array0, array1, size, true);}

Field Documentation

template<class T>
uint NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::_DigitDepth [private]

Definition at line 106 of file radix_sort.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::CRadixSort(), and NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::doSort().

template<class T>
uint NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::_DigitSize [private]

Definition at line 107 of file radix_sort.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::CRadixSort(), and NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::doSort().

template<class T>
uint NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::_KeyDepth [private]

Definition at line 105 of file radix_sort.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::CRadixSort(), and NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::doSort().

template<class T>
std::vector<CSortDigit> NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::_SortDigits [private]

Definition at line 109 of file radix_sort.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::CRadixSort(), and NL3D::CRadixSort< T >::doSort().

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