NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt::CVBnPB Struct Reference

Detailed Description

a struct containing a vertex buffer and a primitive block

: primitive blocks can be shared for several vbs...

Definition at line 150 of file ps_ribbon_look_at.h.

Data Fields

CPrimitiveBlock PB
CVertexBuffer VB

Field Documentation

CPrimitiveBlock NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt::CVBnPB::PB

Definition at line 153 of file ps_ribbon_look_at.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt::displayRibbons(), and NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt::getVBnPB().

CVertexBuffer NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt::CVBnPB::VB

Definition at line 152 of file ps_ribbon_look_at.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt::displayRibbons(), and NL3D::CPSRibbonLookAt::getVBnPB().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Tue Mar 16 07:24:09 2004 for NeL by doxygen 1.3.6