NLMISC::CPath::CMCFileEntry Struct Reference

Data Fields

uint32 idExt: 15
uint32 idPath: 16
char * Name
uint32 Remapped: 1

Field Documentation

uint32 NLMISC::CPath::CMCFileEntry::idExt

Definition at line 263 of file path.h.

uint32 NLMISC::CPath::CMCFileEntry::idPath

Definition at line 262 of file path.h.

char* NLMISC::CPath::CMCFileEntry::Name

Definition at line 261 of file path.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CPath::CMCFileComp::specialCompare().

uint32 NLMISC::CPath::CMCFileEntry::Remapped

Definition at line 264 of file path.h.

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Generated on Tue Mar 16 13:27:31 2004 for NeL by doxygen 1.3.6