NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript Class Reference

#include <operator_script.h>

Inheritance diagram for NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript:

NLAIAGENT::CActorScript NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager NLAIAGENT::IAgent NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA NLAIAGENT::IRefrence NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA NLAIAGENT::IBasicObjectIA NLAIC::IBasicInterface NLAIC::IBasicType NLAIC::IPointerGestion NLMISC::IStreamable NLMISC::IClassable

Base class member method.

virtual std::string getMethodeMemberDebugString (sint32, sint32) const
virtual TQueue getPrivateMember (const IVarName *, const NLAIAGENT::IVarName *, const IObjectIA &) const
virtual const IObjectIAgetStaticMember (sint32) const
virtual sint32 getStaticMemberIndex (const IVarName &) const
virtual sint32 getStaticMemberSize () const
virtual bool haveActivity () const
 allow to know if the agent have an activity process to run.

virtual sint32 isClassInheritedFrom (const NLAIAGENT::IVarName &) const
virtual TQueue isDeflautProccessMsg (const IVarName *, const NLAIAGENT::IVarName *, const IObjectIA &) const
virtual TQueue isMember (const IVarName *, const NLAIAGENT::IVarName *, const IObjectIA &) const
virtual void processContinuation (IMessageBase *, IMessageBase *)
virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult runActivity ()
 Mailer do'nt have own activity.

virtual void runChildren ()
virtual bool runChildrenStepByStep ()
 Activates the child agents.

virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult runMethodeMember (sint32 index, IObjectIA *)
virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult runMethodeMember (sint32 heritance, sint32 index, IObjectIA *)
virtual const CProcessResult & runStep ()
virtual CProcessResult sendMessage (const IVarName &, IObjectIA *)
CProcessResult sendMessageToDynmaicChild (const IVarName &, IObjectIA *)
IObjectIA::CProcessResult sendMethod (IObjectIA *)
IObjectIA::CProcessResult sendMethodCompoment (IObjectIA *)
virtual bool setStaticMember (sint32, IObjectIA *)

Public Types

enum  TMethodNumDef {
  TSend, TSendComponent, TGetChildTag, TAddChildTag,
  TRemoveChild, TFather, TSelf, TGetName,
  TIsInherited, TGetClassName, TRunTellComponent, TRunAskComponent,
  TRunAskParentNotify, TRunTellParentNotify, TRunAskDebugString, TSetStatic,
  TGetValue, TSetValue, TDeflautProccessMsg, TInitComponent,
  TIsEUU, TAddSet, TLastM
 This enum define ident for hard coded method that we have to import its under the script. More...

enum  TTypeCheck { CheckAll, CheckCount, DoNotCheck }

Public Member Functions

void activate ()
 Activates the actor.

virtual void addSet (const std::string &)
 Add a set for the agent.

virtual std::set< std::string
beginSet () const
NLAILOGIC::CFactbuildFromVars (NLAILOGIC::IBaseAssert *, std::vector< sint32 > &, NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *)
void calcPriority ()
virtual void callConstructor ()
virtual void callFunction (std::string &, NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *p=NULL)
virtual void cancel ()
virtual TQueue canProcessMessage (const IVarName &)
virtual bool checkActivation ()
void checkPause ()
bool checkPreconditions ()
virtual bool checkTrigMsg ()
virtual const NLAIC::IBasicTypeclone () const
 Inherited functions.

void connect (IConnectIA *b)
 COperatorScript (IAgentManager *, IBasicAgent *, std::list< IObjectIA * > &, NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *)
 COperatorScript (const COperatorScript &)
 COperatorScript (IAgentManager *, bool activated=false)
sint32 decRef ()
 Decrement the reference of an object.

virtual std::set< std::string
endSet () const
void execOnActivate ()
virtual void failure ()
virtual int getBaseMethodCount () const
 Get an valid context for this instance.

virtual sint getChildCoun () const
const NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClassgetClass () const
virtual const NLAIAGENT::IVarNamegetClassName () const
 Returns the name of the class in the registry.

virtual void getDebugString (std::string &) const
void getFatherComponent (IVarName &)
virtual const std::vector<
NLAILOGIC::CGoal * > * 
getGoalStack ()
virtual const CIdent getIdentType () const
virtual const std::string getInfo ()
IMailBoxgetMail () const
 Get the mail box letter.

virtual sint32 getMethodIndexSize () const
virtual const IRefrencegetOwner () const
 To get the top level parent of this agent.

IConnectIAgetParent () const
 to get the agent parents

TQueue getPrivateMember (const IVarName *, const IVarName *, const IObjectIA &) const
const sint32getRef () const
 get the refence count.

virtual const CProcessResult & getState () const
 Get the curent state of the agent.

const IObjectIAgetStaticMember (const IVarName &compName) const
virtual NLAILOGIC::CGoalgetTopGoal ()
const CAgentScriptgetTopLevel () const
virtual const NLAIC::CIdentTypegetType () const
void incRef ()
 Inc a reference. We use this when we have to conserve a pointer memeory for exemple in a list.

virtual void init (IObjectIA *)
virtual bool isa (const std::string &) const
 Test the set of the agent.

bool isActivated ()
 Returns true if the actor has a token.

virtual sint32 isClassInheritedFrom (const IVarName &) const
virtual bool isEqual (const IBasicObjectIA &a) const
 Implementation of the isEqual of the IBasicObjectIA.

bool isExclusive ()
virtual bool isLocal ()
 If the result is true the object is loclal else its a representation of an object on the server. By the method return true.

virtual void Kill ()
 Call this function to destroy an agent including its referneces in other agents and its childs.

virtual void Launch (const std::string &name, NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent *)
void linkGoalArgs (NLAILOGIC::CGoal *)
 Binds the goal args to the variables of the operator (defined by the "Goal:" field in the script).

virtual void load (NLMISC::IStream &is)
void lookForGoals ()
virtual const NLAIC::IBasicTypenewInstance () const
virtual void onActivate ()
 Callback called at the activation of the actor.

virtual void onFailure (IObjectIA *)
virtual void onKill (IConnectIA *a)
 Called by an agent who's destroyed te remove its references.

virtual void onPause ()
 These functions can be overloaded to have the actor execute something when paused or restarted.

virtual void onRestart ()
virtual void onSuccess (IObjectIA *)
virtual void onUnActivate ()
 Callback called when the agent is unactivated.

 operator const IWordNumRef & () const
 to get a word num ref of the agents.

 operator const IWordNumRef * () const
 to get a word num ref pointer of the agents.

bool operator== (const IBasicObjectIA &classType) const
virtual void order (NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *, NLAILOGIC::IGoal *)
void pause ()
 Pauses the actor.

float priority () const
 Priority of the operator.

virtual void processFailure (NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *)
virtual void processMessages ()
virtual void processMessages (NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase *msg, NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *o)
virtual void processSuccess (NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *)
std::list< NLAILOGIC::CFact * > * propagate (std::list< NLAILOGIC::CFact * > &)
std::list< NLAILOGIC::CValueSet * > * propagate (std::list< NLAILOGIC::CValueSet * > &, NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *, std::vector< sint32 > &)
virtual void release ()
 Release allow to release the pointer. The last release when the _Ref is nul delete the object.

void removeConnection (IConnectIA *Agent)
 To release a connection.

void restart ()
 Restarts the actor.

virtual const CProcessResult & run ()
virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult runMethodBase (int index, IObjectIA *)
virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult runMethodBase (int heritance, int index, IObjectIA *)
virtual IMessageBaserunTell (const IMessageBase &m)
virtual void save (NLMISC::IStream &os)
virtual NLAILOGIC::CGoalselectGoal ()
 Selects a goal among the ones the operator can process.

virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult sendMessage (IMessageBase *msg, IBasicAgent &receiver)
 Send message to an receiver agent.

virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult sendMessage (IMessageBase *msg)
 Send a message to the agent.

virtual CProcessResult sendMessage (IObjectIA *)
virtual void serial (NLMISC::IStream &f) throw (NLMISC::EStream)
virtual void setParent (const IWordNumRef *parent)
 to set the parent of the agents.

void setPriority (float prio)
virtual void setState (TProcessStatement s, IObjectIA *result)
 Set the state of an agent.

bool setStaticMember (const IVarName &compName, IObjectIA *change)
virtual void setTopLevel (CAgentScript *)
 Set the top level agent of this one.

void setTypeAt (uint64 t)
 That function allow user to change the 7 bit of the type field in the sid agent number;.

virtual void success ()
void unActivate ()
 Unactivates the actor.

NLAILOGIC::CValueSetunifyLiaison (const NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *, NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *, std::vector< sint32 > &)
virtual ~COperatorScript ()

Static Public Member Functions

void initAgentScript ()
void initClass ()
void releaseAgentScript ()
void releaseClass ()

Static Public Attributes

const NLAIC::CIdentType IdActorScript
const NLAIC::CIdentTypeIdAgent = NULL
const NLAIC::CIdentType IdAgentScript
NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOrIdMsgNotifyParent = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleIdMsgNotifyParentClass = NULL
const NLAIC::CIdentType IdOperatorScript
NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOrmsgPerf = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOrmsgType = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::CParamParamFailureMsg = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::CParamParamGetValueMsg = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOrParamIdFailureMsg = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOrParamIdGetValueMsg = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOrParamIdInitComponentMsg = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOrParamIdSetValueMsg = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOrParamIdSuccessMsg = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOrParamIdTellComponentMsg = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::CParamParamInitComponentMsg = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::CParamParamRunParentNotify = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::CParamParamSetValueMsg = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::CParamParamSuccessMsg = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::CParamParamTellComponentMsg = NULL
TProcessStatement ProcessBuzzy = processBuzzy
TProcessStatement ProcessEnd = processEnd
TProcessStatement ProcessError = processError
TProcessStatement ProcessIdle = processIdle
TProcessStatement ProcessLocked = processLocked
CProcessResult ProcessNotComplit = IObjectIA::CProcessResult(processNotComplete)
CProcessResult ProcessRun = IObjectIA::CProcessResult()
NLAISCRIPT::CParamSendCompParamMessageScript = NULL
NLAISCRIPT::CParamSendParamMessageScript = NULL
CMethodCall ** StaticMethod = NULL

Protected Types

enum  c_funcs_id {
  fid_modeachieve, fid_modemaintain, fid_isPaused, fid_getPriority,
  fid_setPriority, fid_isActivable, fid_background, fid_exclusive,
  fid_achieve, fid_order, fid_last

Protected Member Functions

void connectLoadStream (NLMISC::IStream &is)
void createComponents (std::list< IObjectIA * > &)
void refLoadStream (NLMISC::IStream &is)
 the loader of the class.

virtual IObjectIArun (const IMessageBase &m)
virtual IMessageBaserunAchieve (const IMessageBase &m)
virtual IMessageBaserunAsk (const IMessageBase &m)
virtual IMessageBaserunBreak (const IMessageBase &m)
virtual IMessageBaserunError (const IMessageBase &m)
virtual IMessageBaserunEven (const IMessageBase &m)
virtual IMessageBaserunExec (const IMessageBase &m)
virtual IMessageBaserunKill (const IMessageBase &m)
virtual IMessageBaserunService (const IMessageBase &m)
virtual CProcessResult sendBroadCast (IObjectIA *)
void setNumRef (const IWordNumRef &ref)
virtual void switchActor (std::vector< CComponentHandle * > &, bool stay_active=false)
virtual void switchActor (std::vector< CActorScript * > &, bool stay_active=false)
virtual void switchActor (CActorScript *, bool stay_active=false)

Protected Attributes

std::vector< CComponentHandle * > _Actors
 The creator of this instance. This useful for find scripted method entry point.

TBasicList _AgentList
 The manager where the agent is run this manager have the agent script context.

IObjectIA ** _Components
 Table of static compoments.

TListIBasic _Connected
TListIBasic _Connection
TSetDefNameAgent _DynamicAgentName
 Map for store agent added in the dynamic child container.

sint _iComponents
bool _IsActivated
bool _IsPaused
std::list< IBasicAgent * > _Launched
 Box letter for communication service.

sint32 _NbAnswers
int _NbComponents
 Nomber of static compoment.

bool _OnActivate
sint32 _OnActivateIndex
sint32 _OnFailureIndex
sint32 _OnPauseIndex
sint32 _OnRestartIndex
sint32 _OnSuccessIndex
sint32 _OnUnActivateIndex
CProcessResult _RunState
 Internal state of the agent.

sint _SizeChild
std::set< std::string > mapSet

Private Attributes

std::list< NLAILOGIC::CGoal * > _ActivatedGoals
float _BasePriority
sint32 _CyclesBeforeUpdate
bool _Exclusive
bool _IsActivable
bool _Maintain
float _Priority
std::vector< NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA * > _VarValues

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::c_funcs_id [protected]

Enumeration values:

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 49 of file operator_script.h.

00050                         {
00051                                 fid_modeachieve,
00052                                 fid_modemaintain,
00053                                 fid_isPaused,
00054                                 fid_getPriority,
00055                                 fid_setPriority,
00056                                 fid_isActivable,
00057                                 fid_background,
00058                                 fid_exclusive,
00059                                 fid_achieve,
00060                                 fid_order,
00061                                 fid_last
00062                         };

enum NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TMethodNumDef [inherited]

This enum define ident for hard coded method that we have to import its under the script.

Enumeration values:
TSendComponent  Index of the send method.
TGetChildTag  Index of the send with continuation method.
TAddChildTag  Index of the getChild method.
TRemoveChild  Index of the addChild method.
TFather  Index of the removeDynamic method.
TSelf  Get the father of the agent.
TGetName  Get The self pointer.
TIsInherited  Get the name of the agent in the manager child list.
TRunTellComponent  Returns the name of the class in the registry.
TRunAskComponent  transmit Message to an compoment.
TRunAskParentNotify  transmit Message to an compoment.
TRunTellParentNotify  the offest of the runAskParentNotify method.
TRunAskDebugString  the offest of the runTellParentNotify method.
TSetStatic  Process msg debug string, that is to have a string that represente the agent statue at a time.
TGetValue  Method to assign a new value to a static component.
TSetValue  Processes the "Ask(GetValueMsg)" msg to obtain a public value of the agent.
TDeflautProccessMsg  Processes the "Tell(SetValueMsg)" msg to connect to the value of a distant object.
TLastM  The count of export method.

Definition at line 69 of file agent_script.h.

00069                                     {                   
00070                         TSend, 
00071                         TSendComponent, 
00072                         TGetChildTag, 
00073                         TAddChildTag,
00074                         TRemoveChild,
00075                         TFather, 
00076                         TSelf, 
00077                         TGetName, 
00078                         TIsInherited,
00079                         TGetClassName, 
00080                         TRunTellComponent, 
00081                         TRunAskComponent, 
00082                         TRunAskParentNotify, 
00083                         TRunTellParentNotify, 
00084                         TRunAskDebugString, 
00085                         TSetStatic,     
00086                         TGetValue,      
00087                         TSetValue,      
00088 //                      TGetValueReturn,        /// Processes the "Tell(GetValueMsg)" msg resulting from a "Ask(GetValueMsg)" message sent.
00089                         TDeflautProccessMsg,
00090                         TInitComponent,
00091                         TIsEUU,
00092                         TAddSet,
00093                         TLastM 
00094                 };

enum NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TTypeCheck [inherited]

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 96 of file agent_script.h.

00096                                {
00097                         CheckAll,
00098                         CheckCount,
00099                         DoNotCheck
00100                 };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::COperatorScript IAgentManager ,
bool  activated = false

Definition at line 43 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _CurrentGoal, _CyclesBeforeUpdate, _Exclusive, _IsActivable, and _Maintain.

Referenced by clone(), and newInstance().

00043                                                                                 : CActorScript( manager )
00044         {
00045                 _CurrentGoal = NULL;
00046                 _CyclesBeforeUpdate = 0;
00047                 _IsActivable = false;
00048                 _Maintain = false;
00049                 _Priority = 0;
00050                 _Exclusive = true;
00051         }

NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::COperatorScript const COperatorScript  ) 

Definition at line 18 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _BasePriority, _CurrentGoal, _CyclesBeforeUpdate, _Exclusive, _IsActivable, and _Maintain.

00018                                                                  : CActorScript(a)
00019         {
00020                 _CurrentGoal = a._CurrentGoal;          
00021                 _CyclesBeforeUpdate = a._CyclesBeforeUpdate;
00022                 _IsActivable = a._IsActivable;
00023                 _Maintain = a._Maintain;
00024                 _Priority = 0;
00025                 _Exclusive = a._Exclusive;
00026                 _BasePriority = a._BasePriority;
00027         }

NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::COperatorScript IAgentManager ,
IBasicAgent ,
std::list< IObjectIA * > &  ,

Definition at line 29 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _CurrentGoal, _CyclesBeforeUpdate, _Exclusive, _IsActivable, _Maintain, and components.

00033         : CActorScript(manager, father, components, actor_class )
00034         {       
00035                 _CurrentGoal = NULL;
00036                 _CyclesBeforeUpdate = 0;
00037                 _IsActivable = false;
00038                 _Maintain = false;
00039                 _Priority = 0;
00040                 _Exclusive = true;
00041         }       

NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::~COperatorScript  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 53 of file operator_script.cpp.

00054         {
00055 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00056                 //const char *className = (const char *)getType();
00057 #endif
00058                 std::vector<NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *>::iterator it_val = _VarValues.begin();
00059                 while ( it_val != _VarValues.end() )
00060                 {
00061                         (*it_val)->release();
00062                         it_val++;
00063                 }
00064         }

Member Function Documentation

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::activate  )  [inherited]

Activates the actor.

Definition at line 126 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnActivateIndex, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getClass(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::getParent(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::isClassInheritedFrom(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::isMember(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::onActivate(), r, and NLAIAGENT::TQueue.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CSeqFsmScript::onSuccess(), run(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::switchActor().

00127         {
00128                 if ( !_IsActivated )
00129                 {
00130                         CAgentScript *father = (CAgentScript *) getParent();
00132                         if (  father && ( ( CAgentScript *)father)->getClass()->isClassInheritedFrom( CStringVarName("Fsm") ) != -1 )
00133                         {
00134                                 ( (CFsmScript *)father)->activate( this );
00135                         }
00137                         // Looks for the function to call at the activation of the state
00138                         static CStringVarName activate_func_name("OnActivate");
00139                         TQueue r = _AgentClass->isMember( NULL, &activate_func_name, NLAISCRIPT::CParam() );
00140                         if ( !r.empty() )
00141                                 _OnActivateIndex =;
00142                         else
00143                                 onActivate();
00144                         _IsActivated = true;
00145                 }
00146         }

std::list< IBasicAgent * >::iterator NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::addChild IBasicAgent p  )  [virtual, inherited]

Add a child to the agent. Child is added in a std::list<IBasicAgent *>. The method return the range of the child in the list.

Implements NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail.

Definition at line 67 of file basic_agent.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::_AgentList, NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::_SizeChild, NLAIAGENT::IMailBox::addMailBox(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::getMail(), and NLAIC::IPointerGestion::incRef().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::addDynamicAgent(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::IAgentComposite(), and NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::load().

00068         {                       
00069                 p->incRef();
00070                 _AgentList.push_front((IBasicAgent *)p);
00071                 // Donne au fils accès à la boite aux lettres du père
00072                 p->getMail()->addMailBox( this->getMail() );
00073                 _SizeChild ++;
00075                 return _AgentList.begin();
00076         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::addDynamicAgent const CStringType ,
[virtual, inherited]

that is a surchage of the method member virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult addDynamicAgent(NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *g);

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript.

Definition at line 811 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_DynamicAgentName, NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::addChild(), NLAIAGENT::CStringType::getDebugString(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), r, NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::setParent(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setPerformatif(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setSender(), t, type, and uint.

00812         {
00813 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00814                 std::string dbg_name;
00815                 const char *type;
00816                 name.getDebugString( dbg_name );
00817                 type = (const char *)agent->getType();
00818                 const char *tname = dbg_name.c_str();
00819 #endif
00820                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
00821                 r.ResultState = IObjectIA::ProcessIdle;
00823                 agent->setParent( (const IWordNumRef *) *this );
00824                 CNotifyParentScript *m = new CNotifyParentScript(this);
00825                 m->setSender(this);
00826                 m->setPerformatif(IMessageBase::PTell);
00827                 ((IObjectIA *) agent )->sendMessage(m);
00828                 uint b = NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tInterpret | NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tAgent;
00829                 const NLAIC::CTypeOfObject &t = agent->getType();
00830                 if((t.getValue() & b) == b)
00831                 {
00832                         ((CAgentScript *) agent )->setAgentManager(this);
00833                 }
00834                 _DynamicAgentName.insert(CKeyAgent(name,addChild( agent )));
00836                 r.Result = NULL;
00837                 return r;
00838         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::addDynamicAgent NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType g  )  [virtual, inherited]

Add an agent to the dynamic agent child. Method have an IBaseGroupType argument, this argument must store an CStringType first and an IObjectIA pointer memory next. The CStringType is the name of the agent. The IObjectIA pointer memory is the agent. Not that in generally this method is called by the script

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript.

Definition at line 761 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_DynamicAgentName, NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::addChild(), NLAIC::IBasicType::clone(), NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::getIterator(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), NLAIAGENT::CConstIteratorContener::isInEnd(), r, s, NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::setParent(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setPerformatif(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setSender(), sint, t, type, and uint.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::Launch(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

00762         {
00763                 CIteratorContener i = g->getIterator();
00764                 CStringType &s = (CStringType &)*i++;
00765                 IBasicAgent *a = (IBasicAgent *)i++;
00766                 IBasicAgent *o = a;
00767                 sint n = 1;
00769 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00770                 std::string name;
00771                 const char *type;
00772                 s.getDebugString(name);
00774                 type = (const char *)a->getType();
00775                 const char *tname = name.c_str();
00776 #endif
00777                 if(!i.isInEnd())
00778                 {
00779                         n = (sint)((NLAIAGENT::INombreDefine *)i++)->getNumber();
00780                 }
00782                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
00783                 r.ResultState = IObjectIA::ProcessIdle;
00785                 while(n --)
00786                 {
00787                         o->setParent( (const IWordNumRef *) *this );
00788                         CNotifyParentScript *m = new CNotifyParentScript(this);
00789                         //this->incRef();
00790                         m->setSender(this);
00791                         m->setPerformatif(IMessageBase::PTell);
00792                         ((IObjectIA *)o)->sendMessage(m);
00794                         uint b = NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tInterpret | NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tAgent;
00795                         const NLAIC::CTypeOfObject &t = o->getType();
00797                         if((t.getValue() & b) == b)
00798                         {
00799                                 ((CAgentScript *)o)->setAgentManager(this);
00800                         }
00802                         _DynamicAgentName.insert(CKeyAgent(s,addChild(o)));
00803                         if(n) o = (IBasicAgent *)a->clone();
00804                 }
00806                 r.Result = NULL;
00808                 return r;
00809         }

void NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::addInConnectedList const IConnectIA a  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 595 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::_Connected.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::connect(), and NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::connectLoadStream().

00596         {
00597                 _Connected.insert(a);
00598         }

void NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::addInConnectionList const IConnectIA a  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 572 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::_Connection.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::connect(), and NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::connectLoadStream().

00573         {
00574                 _Connection.insert(a);
00575         }

void NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::addOperator NLAILOGIC::IBaseOperator  )  [virtual, inherited]

Method for adding operator.

Definition at line 1667 of file agent_script.cpp.

01668         {
01669 //              _Operators.push_back(op);
01670         }

void NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::addSet const std::string &   )  [virtual, inherited]

Add a set for the agent.

Definition at line 756 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::mapSet, and s.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

00757         {
00758                 mapSet.insert(s);
00759         }

virtual std::set<std::string>::const_iterator NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::beginSet  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 362 of file agent_script.h.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::mapSet.

00363                 {
00364                         return mapSet.begin();
00365                 }

NLAILOGIC::CFact * NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::buildFromVars NLAILOGIC::IBaseAssert ,
std::vector< sint32 > &  ,

Definition at line 427 of file operator_script.cpp.

References assert, NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::setValue(), and sint32.

Referenced by propagate().

00428         {
00429                 NLAILOGIC::CFact *result = new NLAILOGIC::CFact( assert);       // TODO:: pas besoin du nombre dans ce constructeur puisqu'on a l'assert
00430                 for (sint32 i = 0; i < (sint32) pl.size() ; i++ )
00431                 {
00432                         result->setValue( i, (*vars)[ pl[i] ] );
00433                 }
00434                 return result;
00435         }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::calcPriority  ) 

Definition at line 383 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _BasePriority, _IsActivable, NLAIAGENT::IDigital< float >::getNumber(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::getParent(), getType(), NLAIAGENT::CComponentHandle::getValue(), NLAIFUZZY::IFuzzySet::membership(), and value.

Referenced by run().

00384         {
00385                 int i;
00386                 double pri = 1.0;
00387                 for ( i = 0; i < (int) ( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass)->getFuzzyVars().size(); i++)
00388                 {
00389                         CComponentHandle var_handle( *(const IVarName *)( ( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass )->getFuzzySets() )[i],(IAgent *)getParent(), true );
00390                         CComponentHandle set_handle( *(const IVarName *)( ( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass )->getFuzzyVars() )[i],(IAgent *)getParent(), true );
00391                         CComponentHandle this_var_handle( *(const IVarName *)( ( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass )->getFuzzySets() )[i], this, true );
00393                         NLAIFUZZY::IFuzzySet *set = (NLAIFUZZY::IFuzzySet *) set_handle.getValue();
00394                         DigitalType *var = (DigitalType *) var_handle.getValue();
00396                         if ( var == NULL )
00397                                 var = (DigitalType *) this_var_handle.getValue();
00399                         // Min
00400                         if ( set != NULL && var != NULL )
00401                         {
00402                                 double value = var->getNumber();
00403                                 double membership = set->membership( value );
00404                                 if ( membership < pri )
00405                                         pri = membership;
00406                         }
00407                 }
00409 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00410                 const char *dbg_class = (const char *) getType();
00411 #endif
00413 //              float class_pri = ( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass)->getPriority();
00415                 if (! _IsActivable )
00416                         _Priority = 0.0;
00417                 else
00418 //                      _Priority = (float)pri * class_pri;
00419                         _Priority = (float)pri * _BasePriority;
00420         }

void NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::callConstructor  )  [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 2420 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Code, NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::findMethod(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getBrancheCode(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getClass(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getType(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRun::run(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Self, sint32, and uint32.

02421         {
02422                 NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName constructor_func_name("Constructor");
02423                 sint32 id_func = getClass()->findMethod( constructor_func_name, NLAISCRIPT::CParam() );
02425 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
02427                 const char * ttt = (const char *) getType();
02428 #endif
02429                 if ( id_func != -1 )
02430                 {       
02431                         NLAISCRIPT::CStackPointer stack;
02432                         NLAISCRIPT::CStackPointer heap;
02433                         NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext codeContext(stack, heap, NULL, this, NLAISCRIPT::CCallPrint::inputOutput);
02434                         codeContext.Self = this;
02435                         NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRun *o = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRun *) getClass()->getBrancheCode( id_func ).getCode();                       
02436                         codeContext.Code = o;
02437                         int ip;
02438                         if(codeContext.Code != NULL) ip = (uint32)*codeContext.Code;
02439                         else ip =0;
02441                         *codeContext.Code = 0;
02443                         (void)o->run(codeContext);
02445                         *codeContext.Code = ip;
02447                 }
02448         }

void NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::callFunction std::string &  ,
[virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 2450 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Code, NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::findMethod(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getBrancheCode(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getClass(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getType(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRun::run(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Self, sint32, and uint32.

02451         {
02452                 NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName func_name( f_name.c_str() );
02453                 sint32 id_func = getClass()->findMethod( func_name, NLAISCRIPT::CParam() );
02455 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
02456                 const char * ttt = (const char *) getType();
02457 #endif
02458                 if ( id_func != -1 )
02459                 {       
02460                         NLAISCRIPT::CStackPointer stack;
02461                         NLAISCRIPT::CStackPointer heap;
02462                         NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext codeContext(stack, heap, NULL, this, NLAISCRIPT::CCallPrint::inputOutput);
02463                         codeContext.Self = this;
02464                         NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRun *o = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRun *) getClass()->getBrancheCode( id_func ).getCode();                       
02465                         codeContext.Code = o;
02466                         int ip;
02467                         if(codeContext.Code != NULL) ip = (uint32)*codeContext.Code;
02468                         else ip =0;
02470                         *codeContext.Code = 0;
02472                         (void)o->run(codeContext);
02474                         *codeContext.Code = ip;
02476                 }
02477         }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::cancel  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 371 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _CurrentGoal.

00372         {
00373                 _CurrentGoal = NULL;
00374                 CActorScript::cancel();
00375                 _CurrentGoal = NULL;
00376         }

TQueue NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::canProcessMessage const IVarName  )  [virtual, inherited]

The method canProcessMessage(const IVarName &msgName) allow us to know if agent can preocess given by msgName.

TQueue contain the liste of method (same as a run(msg)) that coud process the msg.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail.

Definition at line 350 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::TQueue.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail::canProcessMessage().

00351         {
00352                 return TQueue();
00353         }

bool NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::checkActivation  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 299 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _ActivatedGoals, _CurrentGoal, _Maintain, checkPreconditions(), getType(), linkGoalArgs(), and lookForGoals().

Referenced by run().

00300         {
00301 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00302                 const char *dbg_class_name = (const char *) getType();
00303 #endif
00305                 // If not in maintain mode and the operator has already been activated, keeps it activated.
00306                 if ( _IsActivated && _CurrentGoal != NULL && !_Maintain)
00307                         return true;
00309                 if ( ( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass )->getGoal() != NULL)
00310                 {
00311 //                      if ( _CurrentGoal != NULL )
00312                                 lookForGoals();
00314                         // If no goal is posted corresponding to this operator's one, returns false
00315                         if ( _ActivatedGoals.empty() )
00316                                 return false;   
00318                         std::list<NLAILOGIC::CGoal *>::iterator it_goal = _ActivatedGoals.begin();
00319                         while ( it_goal != _ActivatedGoals.end() )
00320                         {
00321                                 linkGoalArgs( *it_goal );
00322                                 if ( checkPreconditions() == true )
00323                                 {
00324                                         NLAILOGIC::CGoal *goal = *it_goal;
00325                                         _ActivatedGoals.clear();
00326                                         _ActivatedGoals.push_back( goal );
00327                                         return true;
00328                                 }
00329                                 it_goal++;
00330                         }
00331                         return false;
00332                 }
00333                 else
00334                         return checkPreconditions();
00335         }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::checkPause  ) 

Definition at line 269 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _CurrentGoal, getType(), NLAILOGIC::IGoal::isSelected(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::pause(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::restart().

Referenced by run().

00270         {
00271 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00272                 const char *dbg_class_name = (const char *) getType();
00273 #endif
00274                 if ( (_CurrentGoal != NULL) )
00275                 {
00276                         if ( !_IsPaused && !_CurrentGoal->isSelected() )
00277                                 pause();
00278                         if ( _IsPaused && _CurrentGoal->isSelected() )
00279                                 restart();
00280                 }
00281         }

bool NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::checkPreconditions  ) 

Definition at line 356 of file operator_script.cpp.

References checkTrigMsg(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager::getAgentContext(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getAgentManager(), getType(), and NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Self.

Referenced by checkActivation().

00357         {
00358 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00359                 const char *dbg_class_name = (const char *) getType();
00360 #endif
00361                 // Checks for message triggers
00362                 if ( ( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass )->NbMsgTrigger() != 0 && !checkTrigMsg() )
00363                         return false;
00365                 NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *context = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *) getAgentManager()->getAgentContext();
00366                 context->Self = this;
00367                 return ((NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *)_AgentClass)->isValidFonc( context );
00368         }

bool NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::checkTrigMsg  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 828 of file operator_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::getMail(), NLAIAGENT::IMailBox::getMesseageListe(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::getParent(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), NLAIC::IPointerGestion::incRef(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::setStaticMember(), and sint32.

Referenced by checkPreconditions().

00829         {
00830                 IBasicAgent *father = (IBasicAgent *) getParent();
00831                 if ( father != NULL )
00832                 {
00833                         IMailBox *mailbox = father->getMail();
00834                         if ( mailbox != NULL )
00835                         {
00836                                 std::list<const IMessageBase *>::const_iterator it_msg;
00837                                 const std::list<const IMessageBase *> &msg_list = mailbox->getMesseageListe();
00839                                 it_msg = msg_list.begin();
00840                                 while ( it_msg != msg_list.end() )
00841                                 {
00842                                         IMessageBase *msg = (NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase *)*it_msg;
00843 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00844                                         const char *id = (const char *) msg->getType();                                 
00845 #endif
00847                                         sint32 msg_comp_pos = ( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass )->checkTriggerMsg( msg );
00848                                         if ( msg_comp_pos == -1)
00849                                                 return false;
00850                                         else
00851                                         {
00852                                                 if(!setStaticMember( msg_comp_pos, (NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *) msg ))
00853                                                         msg->incRef();          
00854                                                 return true;
00855                                         }
00856                                         it_msg++;
00857                                 }       
00858                         }
00859                 }
00860                 return false;
00861         }

const NLAIC::IBasicType * NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::clone  )  const [virtual]

Inherited functions.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 71 of file operator_script.cpp.

References COperatorScript().

00072         {               
00073                 COperatorScript *m = new COperatorScript(*this);
00074                 return m; 
00075         }               

void NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::connect IConnectIA b  )  [inherited]

When agent want to make connection he have to call this method to connect to an agent. When it call the B object is added in the connection list.

Definition at line 555 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::addInConnectedList(), and NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::addInConnectionList().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer::addAttrib(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentInput::addInputConnection(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalMailBox::addMailBox(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer::CAgentWatchTimer(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail::CLocalAgentMail(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentOperation::connectOnChange(), and NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::setParent().

00556         {
00557                 b->addInConnectedList(this);
00558                 addInConnectionList(b);
00559         }

void NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::connectLoadStream NLMISC::IStream is  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 521 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::addInConnectedList(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::addInConnectionList(), num, NLMISC::IStream::serial(), and sint32.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::IConnectIA(), and NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::load().

00522         {
00523                 IRefrence::refLoadStream(is);
00524                 NLAIC::CIdentTypeAlloc id;
00525                 sint32 i;
00526                 is.serial( i );
00528                 if(i)
00529                 {
00530                         while(i --)
00531                         {                                       
00532                                 is >> id;
00533                                 IWordNumRef *num = (IWordNumRef *)id.allocClass();
00534                                 num->load(is);
00535                                 addInConnectionList((IConnectIA *)((const IRefrence *)*num));
00536                                 delete num; 
00537                         }
00538                 }
00541                 is.serial(i);
00542                 if(i)
00543                 {
00544                         while(i--)
00545                         {
00546                                 is >> id;                                       
00547                                 IWordNumRef *num = (IWordNumRef *)id.allocClass();
00548                                 num->load(is);
00549                                 addInConnectedList((IConnectIA *)((const IRefrence *)*num));
00550                                 delete num;
00551                         }
00552                 }
00553         }

void NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::cpyChild const IBasicAgent p  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 78 of file basic_agent.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::_AgentList, NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::_SizeChild, and NLAIC::IBasicType::clone().

00079         {
00080                 _AgentList.push_front((IBasicAgent *)p.clone());
00081                 _SizeChild ++;
00082         }

void NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::createComponents std::list< IObjectIA * > &   )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 2391 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_Components, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_NbComponents, components, t, and uint.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::CAgentScript().

02392         {
02393                 _NbComponents = components.size();
02394                 if ( _NbComponents )
02395                 {
02396                         _Components = new IObjectIA *[ _NbComponents ];
02397                         std::list<IObjectIA *>::iterator it_c = components.begin();
02398                         int id_c = 0;
02399                         while ( it_c != components.end() )
02400                         {
02401                                 IObjectIA *o = (IObjectIA *)*it_c;
02402                                 _Components[id_c] = o;
02404                                 uint b = NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tInterpret | NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tAgent;
02405                                 const NLAIC::CTypeOfObject &t = o->getType();
02407                                 if((t.getValue() & b) == b)
02408                                 {
02409                                         ((CAgentScript *)o)->setParent( (const IWordNumRef *) *this);
02410                                 }
02412                                 it_c++;
02413                                 id_c++;
02414                         }               
02415                 }
02416                 else
02417                         _Components = NULL;
02418         }

sint32 NLAIC::IPointerGestion::decRef  )  [inline, inherited]

Decrement the reference of an object.

Definition at line 93 of file abstract_interface.h.

References NLAIC::IPointerGestion::_Ref, and sint32.

Referenced by NLAIC::IPointerGestion::release(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentTimerHandle::~CAgentTimerHandle().

00094                 {
00095                         return --_Ref;
00096                 }

virtual std::set<std::string>::const_iterator NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::endSet  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 367 of file agent_script.h.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::mapSet.

00368                 {
00369                         return mapSet.end();
00370                 }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::execOnActivate  ) 

Definition at line 236 of file operator_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager::getAgentContext(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getAgentManager(), getType(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::onActivate(), r, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodeMember(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Self, sint, and NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Stack.

Referenced by run().

00237         {
00238 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00239                 const char *dbg_class_name = (const char *) getType();
00240 #endif
00241                 if ( _OnActivateIndex != -1 )                                   // if found, runs the script's OnActivate() function declared in the operator class
00242                 {
00243                         if ( getAgentManager() != NULL )
00244                         {
00245                                 NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *context = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *) getAgentManager()->getAgentContext();
00246 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00247                                 sint sp = context->Stack.CIndexStackPointer::operator int ();
00248 #endif
00249                                 context->Self = this;
00250                                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r = runMethodeMember( _OnActivateIndex , context);
00251                                 if(r.Result != NULL)
00252                                 {
00253                                         throw;
00254                                 }
00256 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00257                                 if ( sp != context->Stack.CIndexStackPointer::operator int () )
00258                                 {
00259                                         throw;
00260                                 }
00261 #endif
00262                                 _OnActivateIndex = -1;
00263                         }
00264                 }
00265                 else
00266                         onActivate();                                                           // Otherwise runs the C++ virtual one (inherited from CActorScript)
00267         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::failure  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in NLAILOGIC::CGoalPath.

Definition at line 985 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnFailureIndex, NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager::getAgentContext(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getAgentManager(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::isMember(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::onFailure(), r, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodeMember(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Self, and NLAIAGENT::TQueue.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::processFailure().

00986         {
00987                 static CStringVarName onfailure_func_name("OnFailure");
00988                 TQueue r = _AgentClass->isMember( NULL, &onfailure_func_name, NLAISCRIPT::CParam() );
00989                 if ( !r.empty() )
00990                 {       
00991                         _OnFailureIndex =;
00992                         const NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager *manager = getAgentManager();
00993                         if ( manager != NULL )
00994                         {
00995                                 NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *context = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *) manager->getAgentContext();
00996                                 context->Self = this;
00997                                 runMethodeMember( _OnFailureIndex ,context);
00998                                 _OnFailureIndex = -1;
00999                         }
01000                 }
01001                 onFailure( NULL );
01002         }

virtual const IObjectIA* NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getAgentContext  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Get an valid context for this instance.

Implements NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript.

Definition at line 296 of file agent_script.h.

References NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager::getAgentContext(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getAgentManager().

00297                 {
00298                         return getAgentManager()->getAgentContext();
00299                 }

const IAgentManager* NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getAgentManager  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the manager of the instance.

Definition at line 271 of file agent_script.h.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentManager.

Referenced by checkPreconditions(), execOnActivate(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::failure(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getAgentContext(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::pause(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::restart(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::run(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::success(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

00272                 {
00273                         return _AgentManager;
00274                 }

int NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::getBaseMethodCount  )  const [virtual]

Get an valid context for this instance.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 729 of file operator_script.cpp.

00730         {
00731                 return CActorScript::getBaseMethodCount() + fid_last;
00732         }

virtual sint NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::getChildCoun  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 358 of file agent.h.

References NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::_SizeChild, and sint.

00359                         {
00360                                 return _SizeChild;
00361                         }

sint32 NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getChildMessageIndex const IMessageBase ,
[virtual, inherited]

get the mail boxe for scripted message.

Definition at line 512 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass, NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getChildMessageIndex(), and sint32.

00513         {
00514                 return _AgentClass->getChildMessageIndex( msg, child_index );
00515         }

const NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass* NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getClass  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 421 of file agent_script.h.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::activate(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::callConstructor(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::callFunction(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

00422                 {
00423                         return _AgentClass;
00424                 }

virtual std::string NLAIC::IPointerGestion::getClassName  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Implements NLMISC::IClassable.

Reimplemented in NLAIC::CIdentType.

Definition at line 116 of file abstract_interface.h.

Referenced by NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::isClassInheritedFrom().

00117                 {
00118                         return std::string("<unnamed>");
00119                 }

const NLAIAGENT::IVarName * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getClassName  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the name of the class in the registry.

Definition at line 79 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass, and NLAISCRIPT::IClassInterpret::getClassName().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

00080         {
00081                 const NLAIAGENT::IVarName *classname;
00082                 if ( _AgentClass != NULL )
00083                 {
00084                         classname = _AgentClass->getClassName();
00085                 }
00086                 else
00087                         classname = new CStringVarName("<unknown>"); // Memory leak ?
00089                 return classname;
00090         }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::getDebugString std::string &   )  const [virtual]

This is a Debug function, text is an character pointer to receive the debug text output, the debug text containe all think sensible to interset user.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 91 of file operator_script.cpp.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::clone(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager::getAgentContext(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getDebugString(), NLAIAGENT::CStringType::getStr(), NLAIAGENT::IVarName::getString(), NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod::Index, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isMember(), param, priority(), r, NLAIC::IPointerGestion::release(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallMethod::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Self, NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Stack, NLAIC::stringGetBuild(), t, and NLAIAGENT::TQueue.

00092         {
00093                 if ( _AgentClass )
00094                         _AgentClass->getDebugString(t);
00095                 else
00096                         t += "<COperatorScript>";
00097                 t += "<";
00099                 if ( _IsActivated )
00100                         t += "activated>";
00101                 else
00102                         t += "idle>";
00103                 t += " <P ";
00104                 std::string text;
00105                 text = NLAIC::stringGetBuild("%f", priority() );
00106                 t += text;
00107                 t += "\n\t";
00109                 if( _AgentManager != NULL)
00110                 {
00111                         const NLAISCRIPT::CParam p;
00112                         static CStringVarName debugStringF("GetDebugString");
00114                         TQueue r = isMember(NULL,&debugStringF,p);
00115                         if(r.size())
00116                         {
00117                                 NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *c = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *)_AgentManager->getAgentContext()->clone();
00118                                 NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod m =;
00119                                 //msg->setMethodIndex(0,m.Index);       
00120                                 c->Self = this;
00122                                 IBaseGroupType *param = new CGroupType();                                                               
00123                                 (*c).Stack ++;
00124                                 (*c).Stack[(int)(*c).Stack] = param;
00125                                 NLAISCRIPT::IMethodContext *methodContex = new NLAISCRIPT::CMethodContext();
00126                                 NLAISCRIPT::CCallMethod opCall(methodContex,0,m.Index);
00127                                 opCall.runOpCode(*c);                                                                                           
00128                                 const NLAIAGENT::CStringType *returnMsg = (const NLAIAGENT::CStringType *)c->Stack[(int)(*c).Stack];                            
00129                                 t += returnMsg->getStr().getString();
00130                                 (*c).Stack--;
00131                                 c->release();                           
00132                         }
00133                 }
00134         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getDynamicAgent NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType g  )  [virtual, inherited]

Get agent from the dynamic agent child. Method have an IBaseGroupType argument where he must store an CStringType representative of the name of the agent.

Definition at line 884 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_DynamicAgentName, NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::get(), r, s, sint, size, and x.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

00885         {               
00886                 CStringType *s = (CStringType *)g->get();
00887                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
00888                 r.ResultState = IObjectIA::ProcessIdle;
00889                 std::pair<TSetDefNameAgent::iterator,TSetDefNameAgent::iterator>  p = _DynamicAgentName.equal_range(CKeyAgent(*s));
00891                 if(p.first != p.second)
00892                 {                       
00893                         sint size = _DynamicAgentName.count(CKeyAgent(*s));
00894                         sint n = 0;
00895                         CVectorGroupManager *x;
00896                         x = new CVectorGroupManager(size);
00897                         while(p.first != p.second)
00898                         {                               
00899                                 (*p.first->Itr)->incRef();
00900                                 x->set(n++, *p.first->Itr);
00901                                 p.first++;
00902                         }
00904                         r.Result = x;                   
00905                         return r;
00907                 }
00908                 r.Result = new CVectorGroupManager();           
00909                 return r;
00910         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getDynamicName NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType g  )  [virtual, inherited]

Get the instance name of the agent in its manager

Definition at line 1155 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_DynamicAgentName, NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::get(), NLAIAGENT::CKeyAgent::Itr, NLAIAGENT::CKeyAgent::Name, r, and s.

01156         {
01158                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
01159                 const IObjectIA *o = ((CLocalAgentMail *)g->get())->getHost();
01160                 TSetDefNameAgent::iterator i = _DynamicAgentName.begin();
01162                 while(i != _DynamicAgentName.end())
01163                 {
01164                         CKeyAgent key = *i;
01165                         if( o == *key.Itr )
01166                         {
01167                                 CStringType *s = new CStringType(key.Name);
01168                                 r.Result = s;
01169                                 return r;
01170                         }
01171                         i ++;
01172                 }
01173                 r.Result = new CStringType(CStringVarName("Unknown"));
01174                 return r;
01175         }

virtual const NLAILOGIC::CFactBase* NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getFactBase  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Get the fact base of the agent, if not exist it return NULL.

Definition at line 386 of file agent_script.h.

00387                 {
00388                         return NULL;
00389                 }

const NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass* NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getFactoryClass  )  const [inline, inherited]

Get the creator of this instance.

Definition at line 277 of file agent_script.h.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass.

Referenced by getType(), and NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript::run().

00278                 {
00279                         return _AgentClass;
00280                 }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::getFatherComponent IVarName  ) 

virtual const std::vector<NLAILOGIC::CGoal *>* NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getGoalStack  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 434 of file agent_script.h.

Referenced by lookForGoals().

00435                 {
00436                         return NULL;
00437                 }

const CIdent NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::getIdentType  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 480 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::_NumRef, NLAIAGENT::CNumericIndex::getId(), and NLAIAGENT::IWordNumRef::getNumIdent().

00481         {
00482                 return CIdent(0,_NumRef->getNumIdent().getId());
00483         }

virtual const std::string NLAIC::IBasicType::getInfo  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 292 of file abstract_interface.h.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::getDebugString(), and s.

00293                 {
00294                         std::string s;
00295                         getDebugString(s);
00296                         return s;
00297                 }

IMailBox * NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::getMail  )  const [inherited]

Get the mail box letter.

Definition at line 332 of file agents.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::_Mail.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::addChild(), checkTrigMsg(), NLAIAGENT::IAgent::processMessages(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::processMessages(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::removeChild(), NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript::run(), NLAIAGENT::IAgent::run(), NLAIAGENT::IAgent::runStep(), and NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::sendMessage().

00333         {
00334                 return _Mail;
00335         }

NLAISCRIPT::IOpCode * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getMethode sint32  index  )  [inherited]

get the closure correspondent of the method indexed by index.

Definition at line 574 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass, NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getBrancheCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getMethodIndexSize(), NLAISCRIPT::IClassInterpret::getType(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getType(), index, and sint32.

00575         {
00576                 if ( _AgentClass != NULL )
00577                 {
00578 #ifdef NL_DEBUG         
00579                         const char *dbg_class_name = (const char *) getType();
00580                         const char *dbg_base_class_name = (const char *) _AgentClass->getType();
00582                         if ( index >= _AgentClass->getMethodIndexSize())
00583                         {
00584                                 throw NLAIE::CExceptionIndexError();
00585                         }
00586 #endif
00587                         return (NLAISCRIPT::IOpCode *)_AgentClass->getBrancheCode(index).getCode();
00588                 }
00589                 else 
00590                         return NULL;
00591         }

NLAISCRIPT::IOpCode * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getMethode sint32  inheritance,
sint32  index

get the closure correspondent of the method indexed by index in the base class inheritance.

Definition at line 558 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass, NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getBrancheCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getMethodIndexSize(), index, sint32, and NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::sizeVTable().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::processMessages(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodeMember().

00559         {
00560 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00561                 if ( index >= _AgentClass->getMethodIndexSize())
00562                 {
00563                         throw NLAIE::CExceptionIndexError();
00564                 }
00566                 if ( inheritance >= _AgentClass->sizeVTable())
00567                 {
00568                         throw NLAIE::CExceptionIndexError();
00569                 }
00570 #endif
00571                 return (NLAISCRIPT::IOpCode *)_AgentClass->getBrancheCode(inheritance,index).getCode();
00572         }

std::string NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getMethodeMemberDebugString sint32  ,
const [virtual, inherited]

The methode getMethodeMemberDebugString(sint32 heritance, sint32 index) return a string that define the name and the argument of the method

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA.

Definition at line 2012 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getBaseMethodCount(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getBrancheCode(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::getMethodIndexSize(), sint32, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TAddChildTag, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TFather, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TGetChildTag, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TGetName, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TGetValue, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TInitComponent, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TRunAskComponent, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TRunAskParentNotify, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TRunTellComponent, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TRunTellParentNotify, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TSelf, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TSend, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TSendComponent, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TSetStatic, and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TSetValue.

02013         {
02014                 int i = id - getBaseMethodCount();
02015                 if(i >= 0)
02016                 {
02017                         std::string name;
02018                         if(h)
02019                         {
02020                                 _AgentClass->getBrancheCode(h,i).getName().getDebugString(name);
02021                                 _AgentClass->getBrancheCode(h,i).getParam().getDebugString(name);
02022                         }
02023                         else
02024                         {
02025                                 _AgentClass->getBrancheCode(i).getName().getDebugString(name);
02026                                 _AgentClass->getBrancheCode(i).getParam().getDebugString(name);
02027                         }
02028                         return name;
02029                 }
02031                 switch(id - IAgent::getMethodIndexSize())
02032                 {
02033                 case TSend:
02034                         {
02035                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::sendMessage(IMessage)");
02036                         }
02038                 case TSendComponent:
02039                         {
02040                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::sendMessage(String,IMessage)");                               
02041                         }
02043                 case TGetChildTag:
02044                         {
02045                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::getDynamicAgent(String)");
02046                         }
02048                 case TAddChildTag:
02049                         {
02050                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::addDynamicAgent(String,IAgent)");                             
02051                         }
02052                 case TFather:
02053                         {
02054                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::Father()");                           
02055                         }
02057                 case TSelf:
02058                         {
02059                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::Self()");
02060                         }
02061                 case TGetName:
02062                         {                               
02063                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::GetAgentName()");
02064                         }
02066                 case TRunAskParentNotify:
02067                         {       
02068                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::runAskParentNotify(CNotifyParent)");
02069                         }
02071                 case TRunTellParentNotify:
02072                         {                               
02073                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::runTellarentNotify(CNotifyParent)");
02074                         }
02076                 case TRunAskComponent:
02077                 case TRunTellComponent:
02078                         {                               
02079                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::runTell/AskCompoment(MsgTellCompoment)");
02080                         }
02081                 case TSetStatic:
02082                         {                                                               
02083                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::updateStaticMember(String, IObjectIA *)");                            
02084                         }
02086                 case TGetValue:
02087                         {                               
02088                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::runAskGetValue(MsgGetValue)");
02089                         }
02091                 case TSetValue:
02092                         {                               
02093                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::runTellSetValue(MsgGetValue)");
02094                         }
02096                 case TInitComponent:
02097                         {                               
02098                                 return std::string("CAgentScript::runInitComponent(MsgGetValue)");
02099                         }
02102                 default:
02103                         return IAgentManager::getMethodeMemberDebugString(h,id);                
02104                 }               
02105         }

sint32 NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::getMethodIndexSize  )  const [virtual]

getMethodIndexSize define the nomber of method define in the class.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 815 of file operator_script.cpp.

References sint32.

00816         {
00817                 return CActorScript::getMethodIndexSize() + fid_last;
00818         }

const IRefrence * NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::getOwner  )  const [virtual, inherited]

To get the top level parent of this agent.

Definition at line 402 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::getParent().

00403         {
00404                 const IRefrence *p = getParent();
00406                 if(p == NULL) return this;
00408                 while( true )
00409                 {
00410                         if(p->getParent() == NULL) return p;
00411                 }
00412         }

IConnectIA * NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::getParent  )  const [inherited]

to get the agent parents

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IRefrence.

Definition at line 511 of file baseai.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::activate(), calcPriority(), checkTrigMsg(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::Kill(), lookForGoals(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalMailBox::newInstance(), NLAIAGENT::IAgent::newInstance(), NLAIAGENT::CActor::newInstance(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::onKill(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runAsk(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runAskDebugString(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runAskParentNotify(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runMethodeMember(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runTellParentNotify(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::setParent(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

00512         {
00513                 return (IConnectIA *)IRefrence::getParent();
00514         }       

TQueue NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getPrivateMember const IVarName ,
const NLAIAGENT::IVarName ,
const IObjectIA
const [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 2228 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IVarName::getString(), NLAIAGENT::isTemplateMember(), param, and NLAIAGENT::TQueue.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::getPrivateMember(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isMember().

02229         {               
02231 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
02232                 const char *dgb_meth_name = methodName->getString();
02233 #endif
02234                 return isTemplateMember(CAgentScript::StaticMethod,CAgentScript::TLastM,IAgent::getMethodIndexSize(),className,methodName,param);               
02235         }

TQueue NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::getPrivateMember const IVarName ,
const IVarName ,
const IObjectIA
const [virtual]

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 734 of file operator_script.cpp.

References fid_background, fid_exclusive, fid_getPriority, fid_isActivable, fid_isPaused, fid_modeachieve, fid_modemaintain, fid_order, fid_setPriority, NLAIAGENT::IVarName::getString(), param, and NLAIAGENT::TQueue.

00735         {               
00737 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00738                 const char *dbg_func_name = name->getString();          
00739 #endif
00741                 TQueue result; 
00743                 static NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName modeachieve_name("SetModeAchieve");
00744                 static NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName modemaintain_name("SetModeMaintain");
00745                 static NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName ispaused_name("IsPaused");
00746                 static NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName isactivable_name("IsActivable");
00747                 static NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName priority_name("GetPriority");
00748                 static NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName set_priority_name("SetPriority");
00749                 static NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName exclusive_name("SetExclusive");
00750                 static NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName background_name("SetBackground");
00751                 static NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName order_name("Order");
00754                 if ( *name == modeachieve_name )
00755                 {
00756                         NLAIAGENT::CObjectType *r_type = new NLAIAGENT::CObjectType( new NLAIC::CIdentType( NLAIC::CIdentType::VoidType ) );
00757                         result.push( NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod(  CActorScript::getMethodIndexSize() + fid_modeachieve, 0.0,NULL, r_type ) );
00758                 }
00760                 if ( *name == modemaintain_name )
00761                 {
00762                         NLAIAGENT::CObjectType *r_type = new NLAIAGENT::CObjectType( new NLAIC::CIdentType( NLAIC::CIdentType::VoidType ) );
00763                         result.push( NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod( CActorScript::getMethodIndexSize() + fid_modemaintain , 0.0,NULL, r_type ) );
00764                 }
00766                 if ( *name == ispaused_name )
00767                 {
00768                         NLAIAGENT::CObjectType *r_type = new NLAIAGENT::CObjectType( new NLAIC::CIdentType( NLAIC::CIdentType::VoidType ) );
00769                         result.push( NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod( CActorScript::getMethodIndexSize() + fid_isPaused , 0.0,NULL, r_type ) );
00770                 }
00773                 if ( *name == isactivable_name )
00774                 {
00775                         NLAIAGENT::CObjectType *r_type = new NLAIAGENT::CObjectType( new NLAIC::CIdentType( NLAIC::CIdentType::VoidType ) );
00776                         result.push( NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod( CActorScript::getMethodIndexSize() + fid_isActivable , 0.0,NULL, r_type ) );
00777                 }
00779                 if ( *name == priority_name )
00780                 {
00781                         NLAIAGENT::CObjectType *r_type = new NLAIAGENT::CObjectType( new NLAIC::CIdentType( NLAIC::CIdentType::VoidType ) );
00782                         result.push( NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod( CActorScript::getMethodIndexSize() + fid_getPriority , 0.0,NULL, r_type ) );
00783                 }
00785                 if ( *name == set_priority_name )
00786                 {
00787                         NLAIAGENT::CObjectType *r_type = new NLAIAGENT::CObjectType( new NLAIC::CIdentType( NLAIAGENT::DigitalType::IdDigitalType ) );
00788                         result.push( NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod( CActorScript::getMethodIndexSize() + fid_setPriority , 0.0,NULL, r_type ) );
00789                 }
00791                 if ( *name == exclusive_name )
00792                 {
00793                         NLAIAGENT::CObjectType *r_type = new NLAIAGENT::CObjectType( new NLAIC::CIdentType( NLAIC::CIdentType::VoidType ) );
00794                         result.push( NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod( CActorScript::getMethodIndexSize() + fid_exclusive , 0.0,NULL, r_type ) );
00795                 }
00797                 if ( *name == background_name )
00798                 {
00799                         NLAIAGENT::CObjectType *r_type = new NLAIAGENT::CObjectType( new NLAIC::CIdentType( NLAIC::CIdentType::VoidType ) );
00800                         result.push( NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod( CActorScript::getMethodIndexSize() + fid_background , 0.0,NULL, r_type ) );
00801                 }
00803                 if ( *name == order_name )
00804                 {
00805                         NLAIAGENT::CObjectType *r_type = new NLAIAGENT::CObjectType( new NLAIC::CIdentType( NLAIC::CIdentType::VoidType ) );
00806                         result.push( NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod( CActorScript::getMethodIndexSize() + fid_order , 0.0,NULL, r_type ) );
00807                 }
00809                 if ( result.empty() )
00810                         return CActorScript::getPrivateMember(className, name, param);
00811                 else
00812                         return result;
00813         }

const sint32& NLAIC::IPointerGestion::getRef  )  const [inline, inherited]

get the refence count.

Definition at line 99 of file abstract_interface.h.

References NLAIC::IPointerGestion::_Ref, and sint32.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentTimerHandle::~CAgentTimerHandle().

00100                 {
00101                         return _Ref;
00102                 }

const IObjectIA::CProcessResult & NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::getState  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Get the curent state of the agent.

Implements NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA.

Definition at line 309 of file agents.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::_RunState.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript::run(), NLAIAGENT::IAgent::run(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentClockTimer::runActivity(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer::runActivity(), NLAIAGENT::IAgent::runChildren(), NLAIAGENT::IAgent::runChildrenStepByStep(), and NLAIAGENT::IAgent::runStep().

00310         {
00311                 return _RunState;
00312         }

const IObjectIA* NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::getStaticMember const IVarName compName  )  const [inline, inherited]

to get the pointer of a given components referened by an string.

Definition at line 261 of file baseai.h.

References NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::getStaticMember(), and NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::getStaticMemberIndex().

00262                 {
00263                         return getStaticMember(getStaticMemberIndex(compName));
00264                 }

const IObjectIA * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getStaticMember sint32   )  const [virtual, inherited]

to get the pointer of a given components referened by an index.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA.

Definition at line 547 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_Components, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_NbComponents, index, and sint32.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessage().

00548         {
00549 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00550                 if ( index >= _NbComponents )
00551                 {
00552                         throw NLAIE::CExceptionIndexError();
00553                 }
00554 #endif
00555                 return _Components[ index ];
00556         }

sint32 NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getStaticMemberIndex const IVarName  )  const [virtual, inherited]

to get the index of a given components name.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA.

Definition at line 2319 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass, NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getInheritedStaticMemberIndex(), and sint32.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runInitComponent(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runTellSetValue(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessage().

02320         {
02321                 return _AgentClass->getInheritedStaticMemberIndex(name);
02322         }

sint32 NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getStaticMemberSize  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Static member is the component that the agent is create and die with. getStaticMemberSize to get the size of the static member components

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA.

Definition at line 542 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_NbComponents, and sint32.

00543         {
00544                 return _NbComponents;//_AgentClass->getStaticMemberSize();
00545         }

virtual NLAILOGIC::CGoal* NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getTopGoal  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 429 of file agent_script.h.

00430                 {
00431                         return NULL;
00432                 }

const CAgentScript * NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::getTopLevel  )  const [inherited]

Definition at line 948 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_TopLevel.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase().

00949         {
00950                 return _TopLevel;
00951         }

const NLAIC::CIdentType & NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::getType  )  const [virtual]

getType return a unique string how represente the class, it can be the name of the class. This function is used for the sytem regstry class (see the definition of the template class Gen::CRegistry).

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 141 of file operator_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getFactoryClass(), NLAISCRIPT::IClassInterpret::getType(), and IdOperatorScript.

Referenced by calcPriority(), checkActivation(), checkPause(), checkPreconditions(), execOnActivate(), isExclusive(), lookForGoals(), onFailure(), onSuccess(), and run().

00142         {               
00143                 if ( getFactoryClass() != NULL ) 
00144                         return getFactoryClass()->getType();
00145                 else
00146                         return IdOperatorScript;
00147         }

bool NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::haveActivity  )  const [virtual, inherited]

allow to know if the agent have an activity process to run.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IAgent.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CAgentManagerTimer, NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer, and NLAIAGENT::CAgentOperation.

Definition at line 1617 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass, and NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getRunMethod().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript::run().

01618         {
01619                 return _AgentClass != NULL && (_AgentClass->getRunMethod() >= 0);
01620         }

void NLAIC::IPointerGestion::incRef  )  [inline, inherited]

Inc a reference. We use this when we have to conserve a pointer memeory for exemple in a list.

Definition at line 80 of file abstract_interface.h.

References NLAIC::IPointerGestion::_Ref.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CSeqFsmScript::activate(), NLAILOGIC::CFactBase::addAssert(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::addChild(), NLAILOGIC::IBaseAssert::addInput(), NLAILOGIC::CBoolOperator::addPostcondition(), NLAILOGIC::CBoolOperator::addPrecondition(), NLAILOGIC::CInternalGoal::addPredecessor(), NLAILOGIC::CGoal::addPredecessor(), NLAIFUZZY::CFuzzyVar::addSet(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::affectation(), NLAILOGIC::CFact::asValueSet(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer::attach(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::buildObject(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::buildVMethode(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentOperation::CAgentOperation(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentTimerHandle::CAgentTimerHandle(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::callFunction(), NLAISCRIPT::CClassInterpretFactory::CClassInterpretFactory(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRunDebug::CCodeBrancheRunDebug(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::CCompilateur(), NLAISCRIPT::CFactorType::CFactorType(), NLAISCRIPT::CFunctionTag::CFunctionTag(), checkTrigMsg(), NLAIC::CIdentType::CIdentType(), NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod::CIdMethod(), NLAIAGENT::CKeyObject::CKeyObject(), NLAISCRIPT::CFindRunMsg::clone(), NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown::clone(), NLAISCRIPT::CConstraintStackComp::clone(), NLAISCRIPT::CConstraintFindRun::clone(), NLAISCRIPT::CConstraintMethode::clone(), NLAILINK::IOTrace::clone(), NLAISCRIPT::CMethodeName::CMethodeName(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::CMethodType::CMethodType(), NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown::CObjectUnknown(), NLAIAGENT::CPairType::CPairType(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::createComponents(), NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::CValueSet(), NLAILOGIC::CVar::CVar(), NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::forward(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::IMessageBase(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::initMessageManager(), NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::isValidFonc(), NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::load(), NLAILOGIC::IBaseOperator::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CComponent::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CMethodeName::load(), NLAIAGENT::CVectorGroupType::operator+(), NLAIAGENT::CGroupType::operator+(), NLAISCRIPT::CPramContainer::operator+=(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::operator=(), NLAIAGENT::CKeyObject::operator=(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::CMethodType::operator=(), NLAISCRIPT::CFunctionTag::operator=(), NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod::operator=(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::processingVar(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::processMessages(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::pushParamExpression(), NLAISCRIPT::CConstraintFindRun::run(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::run(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runAskGetValue(), NLAIAGENT::IAgent::runChildren(), NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript::runExec(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runInitComponent(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentOperation::runMethodBase(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer::runMethodBase(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::runMethodeMember(), NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::runMethodeMember(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runMethodeMember(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbRefOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbMemberiOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbHeapMemberiOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbStackMemberiOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallStackMethodi::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallStackNewMethodi::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibStackNewMemberMethod::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibStackMemberMethod::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CAddParamNameDebug::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffOpCodeDebug::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffHeapMemberiOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffMemberOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffMemberiOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runTellComponent(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runTellSetValue(), NLAISCRIPT::CMethodContextDebug::saveContext(), NLAISCRIPT::CMethodContext::saveContext(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendBroadCast(), NLAIAGENT::IListManager::sendMessage(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMethodCompoment(), NLAIAGENT::CVolatilMemmory::sendUpdateMessage(), NLAISCRIPT::CFactorType::set(), NLAILOGIC::IBaseOperator::setGoal(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::setImediateVarNill(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::setMethodVar(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::setParamVarName(), NLAISCRIPT::CFunctionTag::setTypeObject(), NLAILOGIC::CVar::setValue(), NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::setValue(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer::tellBroker(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::typeOfMethod(), NLAILOGIC::CVar::unify(), NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::unify(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentOperation::update().

00081                 {
00082                         _Ref ++;
00083                 }

void NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::init IObjectIA  )  [virtual, inherited]

Init method alows to init the attribut of an object. the maparmetre is in more time a list of IObjectIA.

Reimplemented in NLAIFUZZY::CSimpleFuzzyCond, NLAIFUZZY::CFuzzyRule, NLAIFUZZY::CFuzzyRuleSet, NLAIFUZZY::CFuzzyInterval, NLAIFUZZY::CRightFuzzySet, NLAIFUZZY::CTriangleFuzzySet, NLAIFUZZY::CTrapezeFuzzySet, NLAIFUZZY::CLeftFuzzySet, NLAIFUZZY::CFuzzyVar, NLAILOGIC::CFirstOrderAssert, NLAILOGIC::CRule, and NLAILOGIC::CFactPattern.

Definition at line 116 of file baseai.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIFUZZY::IFuzzySet::runMethodeMember(), and NLAISCRIPT::CLdbNewOpCode::runOpCode().

00117         {
00119         }

void NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 92 of file agent_script.cpp.

References _ADD_SET_, _ADDCHILD_, _FATHER_, _GETCHILD_, _GETNAME_, _ISA_, _REMOVECHILD_, _RUNASK_, _RUNTEL_, _SELF_, _SEND_, _SETSTATIC_, NLAILINK::buildScript(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::IdMsgNotifyParent, NLAISCRIPT::CMsgNotifyParentClass::IdMsgNotifyParentClass, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::IdMsgNotifyParentClass, NLAIC::IPointerGestion::incRef(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::msgPerf, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::msgType, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamGetValueMsg, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamIdGetValueMsg, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamIdInitComponentMsg, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamIdSetValueMsg, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamInitComponentMsg, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamRunParentNotify, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamSetValueMsg, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamTellComponentMsg, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::SendCompParamMessageScript, and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::SendParamMessageScript.

Referenced by NLAILINK::initIALib().

00093         {
00095                 std::string msgStr;
00096                 std::string scriptName("MsgAgentScript");
00097                 msgStr = std::string("From Message : Define MsgTellComponent\n{");
00098                 msgStr += std::string("Component:\n");          
00099                 msgStr += std::string("\tString<'CompomentName'>;\n");
00100                 msgStr += std::string("\tMessage<'MsgType'>;\n");
00101                 msgStr += std::string("End\n");
00104                 msgStr += std::string("Constructor(String i; Message msg)\n");
00105                 msgStr += std::string("\tCompomentName = i;\n");
00106                 msgStr += std::string("\tMsgType = msg;\n");
00107                 msgStr += std::string("End\n");
00108                 msgStr += std::string("}\n");
00109                 //NLAILINK::buildScript(msgStr,scriptName);
00111                 msgStr += std::string("From Message : Define MsgInitCompoment\n{");
00112                 msgStr += std::string("Component:\n");                          
00113                 msgStr += std::string("End\n}\n");
00115                 msgStr += std::string("From Message : Define MsgDebugString\n{");
00116                 msgStr += std::string("Component:\n");
00117                 msgStr += std::string("End\n}\n");
00120                 NLAILINK::buildScript(msgStr,scriptName);
00122                 static NLAIC::CIdentType idMsgTellComponentType ("MsgTellComponent");
00123                 static NLAIC::CIdentType idMsgInitComponentType ("MsgInitCompoment");
00124                 static NLAIC::CIdentType idMsgDebugString ("MsgDebugString");
00126                 msgType = new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr(3,       
00127                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(CMessageList::IdMessage),
00128                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(CMessageVector::IdMessageVector),
00129                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAISCRIPT::CMessageClass::IdMessageClass));
00131                 msgPerf = new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr(7,       
00132                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(CPExec::IdPExec),
00133                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(CPAchieve::IdPAchieve),
00134                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(CPAsk::IdPAsk),
00135                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(CPBreak::IdPBreak),
00136                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(CPTell::IdPTell),
00137                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(CPKill::IdPKill),
00138                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(CPError::IdPError));
00141                 SendParamMessageScript = new NLAISCRIPT::CParam(2,msgPerf, msgType);
00143                 msgPerf->incRef();
00144                 msgType->incRef();
00146                 SendCompParamMessageScript = new NLAISCRIPT::CParam(3,new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(CStringType::IdStringType)),
00147                                                                                                                 msgPerf, msgType);
00149                 IdMsgNotifyParentClass = new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAISCRIPT::CMsgNotifyParentClass::IdMsgNotifyParentClass));
00151                 IdMsgNotifyParent = new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr(2,
00152                                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAISCRIPT::CMsgNotifyParentClass::IdMsgNotifyParentClass),
00153                                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(CNotifyParentScript::IdNotifyParentScript));
00155                 ParamRunParentNotify = new NLAISCRIPT::CParam(1,IdMsgNotifyParent); 
00157                 NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple *idMsgTellComponent = new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(idMsgTellComponentType));
00158                 NLAISCRIPT::CParam *ParamTellComponentMsg = new NLAISCRIPT::CParam(1,idMsgTellComponent);
00160                 NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple *idOpMsgDebugString = new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(idMsgDebugString));
00161                 NLAISCRIPT::CParam *ParamMsgDebugString = new NLAISCRIPT::CParam(1,idOpMsgDebugString);
00163                 CAgentScript::ParamIdGetValueMsg = new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr(2,
00164                                                                                                                                   new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAIAGENT::CGetValueMsg::IdGetValueMsg),
00165                                                                                                                                   new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAISCRIPT::CGetValueMsgClass::IdGetValueMsgClass)      );
00167                 CAgentScript::ParamGetValueMsg = new NLAISCRIPT::CParam(1,ParamIdGetValueMsg);
00169                 CAgentScript::ParamIdSetValueMsg = new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr(2,
00170                                                                                                                                   new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAIAGENT::CSetValueMsg::IdSetValueMsg),
00171                                                                                                                                   new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAISCRIPT::CSetValueMsgClass::IdSetValueMsgClass)      );
00173                 CAgentScript::ParamSetValueMsg = new NLAISCRIPT::CParam(1,ParamIdSetValueMsg);
00176                 CAgentScript::ParamIdInitComponentMsg = new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr(2,
00177                                                                                                                                   new NLAIC::CIdentType(idMsgInitComponentType),
00178                                                                                                                                   new NLAIC::CIdentType(idMsgInitComponentType) );
00180                 CAgentScript::ParamInitComponentMsg = new NLAISCRIPT::CParam(1,ParamIdInitComponentMsg);
00183                 StaticMethod = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall *[CAgentScript::TLastM];
00185                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TRunAskParentNotify] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(        _RUNASK_, 
00186                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TRunAskParentNotify, ParamRunParentNotify,
00187                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::CheckAll,
00188                                                                                                                                                                                 1,
00189                                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(IdMsgNotifyParentClass));
00191                 IdMsgNotifyParentClass->incRef();               
00192                 ParamRunParentNotify->incRef();
00193                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TRunTellParentNotify] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(       _RUNTEL_, 
00194                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TRunTellParentNotify, ParamRunParentNotify,
00195                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::CheckAll,
00196                                                                                                                                                                                 1,
00197                                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(IdMsgNotifyParentClass));
00199                 idMsgTellComponent->incRef();
00200                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TRunTellComponent] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(  _RUNTEL_, 
00201                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TRunTellComponent, ParamTellComponentMsg,
00202                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::CheckAll,
00203                                                                                                                                                                                 1,
00204                                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(idMsgTellComponent));
00206                 idOpMsgDebugString->incRef();
00207                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TRunAskDebugString] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall( _RUNASK_, 
00208                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TRunAskDebugString, ParamMsgDebugString,
00209                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::CheckAll,
00210                                                                                                                                                                                 1,
00211                                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(idOpMsgDebugString));
00213                 /*idOpMsgDebugString->incRef();
00214                 ParamMsgDebugString->incRef();
00215                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TRunAskDebugString] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall( _RUNTEL_, 
00216                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TRunTellComponent, ParamMsgDebugString,
00217                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::CheckAll,
00218                                                                                                                                                                                 1,
00219                                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(idOpMsgDebugString));*/
00221                 ParamTellComponentMsg->incRef();
00222                 idMsgTellComponent->incRef();
00223                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TRunAskComponent] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(   _RUNASK_, 
00224                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TRunAskComponent, ParamTellComponentMsg,
00225                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::CheckAll,
00226                                                                                                                                                                                 1,
00227                                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(idMsgTellComponent));
00229                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TSend] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(      _SEND_, 
00230                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TSend, SendParamMessageScript,
00231                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::CheckAll,
00232                                                                                                                                                 2,
00233                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(new NLAISCRIPT::COperandVoid));
00235                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TSendComponent] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(     _SEND_, 
00236                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TSendComponent, 
00237                                                                                                                                                 SendCompParamMessageScript,CAgentScript::CheckAll,
00238                                                                                                                                                 3,
00239                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(new NLAISCRIPT::COperandVoid));
00241                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TGetChildTag] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(       _GETCHILD_,
00242                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TGetChildTag, 
00243                                                                                                                                                                 NULL,
00244                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::CheckCount,
00245                                                                                                                                                                 1,
00246                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(new 
00247                                                                                                                                                                 NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(
00248                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(CVectorGroupManager::IdVectorGroupManager))));
00250                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TAddChildTag] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(       _ADDCHILD_, 
00251                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TAddChildTag, 
00252                                                                                                                                                                                 NULL,CAgentScript::DoNotCheck,
00253                                                                                                                                                                                 2,
00254                                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(
00255                                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(
00256                                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(DigitalType::IdDigitalType))));
00258                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TFather] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(    _FATHER_, 
00259                                                                                                                                                         CAgentScript::TFather, 
00260                                                                                                                                                         NULL,CAgentScript::CheckCount,
00261                                                                                                                                                         0,
00262                                                                                                                                                         new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(
00263                                                                                                                                                         new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(
00264                                                                                                                                                         //check if correct
00265                                                                                                                                                         new NLAIC::CIdentType(*IAgent::IdAgent))));     
00268                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TSelf] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(      _SELF_, 
00269                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TSelf, 
00270                                                                                                                                                 NULL,CAgentScript::CheckCount,
00271                                                                                                                                                 0,
00272                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown( new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(
00273                                                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(CAgentScript::IdAgentScript))));
00275                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TGetName] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(   _GETNAME_, 
00276                                                                                                                                                         CAgentScript::TGetName, 
00277                                                                                                                                                         NULL,CAgentScript::CheckCount,
00278                                                                                                                                                         0,
00279                                                                                                                                                         new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(
00280                                                                                                                                                         new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(
00281                                                                                                                                                         new NLAIC::CIdentType(CStringType::IdStringType))));
00283                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TGetClassName] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(      "GetClassName", 
00284                                                                                                                                                         CAgentScript::TGetClassName, 
00285                                                                                                                                                         NULL,CAgentScript::CheckCount,
00286                                                                                                                                                         0,
00287                                                                                                                                                         new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(
00288                                                                                                                                                         new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(
00289                                                                                                                                                         new NLAIC::CIdentType(CStringType::IdStringType))));
00291                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TIsInherited] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(       "IsInherited", 
00292                                                                                                                                                         CAgentScript::TIsInherited, 
00293                                                                                                                                                         NULL,CAgentScript::CheckCount,
00294                                                                                                                                                         1,
00295                                                                                                                                                         new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(
00296                                                                                                                                                         new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(
00297                                                                                                                                                         new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAILOGIC::CBoolType::IdBoolType))));
00299                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TRemoveChild] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(       _REMOVECHILD_, 
00300                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TRemoveChild, 
00301                                                                                                                                                                 NULL,CAgentScript::CheckCount,
00302                                                                                                                                                                 0,
00303                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(
00304                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(                                                                                                                         
00305                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAIC::CIdentType(DigitalType::IdDigitalType))));           
00307                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TSetStatic] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall( _SETSTATIC_, 
00308                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TSetStatic, NULL,
00309                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::CheckCount,
00310                                                                                                                                                                 2,
00311                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(new NLAISCRIPT::COperandVoid)) ;
00314                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TGetValue] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(  _RUNASK_, 
00315                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TGetValue, ParamGetValueMsg,
00316                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::CheckAll,
00317                                                                                                                                                                 1,
00318                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(new NLAISCRIPT::COperandVoid)) ;
00320                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TSetValue] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(  _RUNTEL_, 
00321                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TSetValue, ParamSetValueMsg,
00322                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::CheckAll,
00323                                                                                                                                                                 1,
00324                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(new NLAISCRIPT::COperandVoid)) ;
00326                 ParamIdInitComponentMsg->incRef();
00327                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TInitComponent] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(     _RUNTEL_, 
00328                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TInitComponent, ParamInitComponentMsg,
00329                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::CheckAll,
00330                                                                                                                                                                 1,
00331                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(ParamIdInitComponentMsg)) ;
00333                 NLAISCRIPT::CParam *ParamString =  new NLAISCRIPT::CParam(1,new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(CStringType::IdStringType)));
00334                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TIsEUU] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(     _ISA_,
00335                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TIsEUU,
00336                                                                                                                                                 ParamString,CAgentScript::CheckAll,
00337                                                                                                                                                 0, new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(      new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple(
00338                                                                                                                                                    new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAIAGENT::UInt32Type::IdUInt32Type))));
00339                 ParamString->incRef();
00340                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TAddSet] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall(_ADD_SET_,
00341                                                                                                                                                         CAgentScript::TAddSet,
00342                                                                                                                                                         ParamString,CAgentScript::CheckAll,
00343                                                                                                                                                         0, new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(new NLAISCRIPT::COperandVoid));               
00346                 StaticMethod[CAgentScript::TDeflautProccessMsg] = new CAgentScript::CMethodCall("DeflautProccessMsg",
00347                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::TDeflautProccessMsg, NULL,
00348                                                                                                                                                                                 CAgentScript::CheckCount,
00349                                                                                                                                                                                 1,
00350                                                                                                                                                                                 new NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown(new NLAISCRIPT::COperandVoid));
00352         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::initClass  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 50 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::ParamIdFailureMsg, and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::ParamIdSuccessMsg.

Referenced by NLAILINK::initIALib().

00051         {
00052                 CActorScript::ParamIdSuccessMsg = new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr(2,
00053                                                                                                                           new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAIAGENT::CSuccessMsg::IdSuccessMsg),
00054                                                                                                                           new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAISCRIPT::CSuccessMsgClass::IdSuccessMsgClass)        );              
00055                 CActorScript::ParamSuccessMsg = new NLAISCRIPT::CParam(1,ParamIdSuccessMsg);            
00056                 CActorScript::ParamIdFailureMsg = new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr(2,
00057                                                                                                                                   new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAIAGENT::CFailureMsg::IdFailureMsg),
00058                                                                                                                                   new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAISCRIPT::CFailureMsgClass::IdFailureMsgClass)        );
00060                 CActorScript::ParamFailureMsg = new NLAISCRIPT::CParam(1,ParamIdFailureMsg);
00061         }

bool NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isa const std::string &   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Test the set of the agent.

Definition at line 741 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getType(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isClassInheritedFrom(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::mapSet, and s.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

00742         {
00743                 std::set<std::string>::iterator it = mapSet.find(s);
00744                 if(it != mapSet.end()) return true;
00745                 else
00746                 if(isClassInheritedFrom(CStringVarName(s.c_str())) >= 0) 
00747                         return true;
00748                 else
00749                         if(s == (const char *) getType()) 
00750                                 return true;
00752                 return false;
00753         }

bool NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::isActivated  )  [inherited]

Returns true if the actor has a token.

Definition at line 120 of file actor_script.cpp.

00121         {
00122                 return _IsActivated;
00123         }

sint32 NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::isClassInheritedFrom const IVarName  )  const [virtual, inherited]

isClassInheritedFrom(className) allow us to known if this class have a base class with the name className.

If true the method return the range of the base class, this range is an arbitrary reference id define by the programmer or bay the scrypt. the false return is define by -1.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::IVector, NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail, NLAIAGENT::INombreDefine, NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType, and NLAIAGENT::CMessageScript.

Definition at line 246 of file baseai.cpp.

References sint32.

Referenced by NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::getValidateHierarchyBase(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail::isClassInheritedFrom(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::Launch(), NLAIAGENT::CFsmScript::setTopLevel(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::setTopLevel().

00247         {
00248                 return -1;
00249         }       

sint32 NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isClassInheritedFrom const NLAIAGENT::IVarName  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 2314 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass, NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::isClassInheritedFrom(), and sint32.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isa(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

02315         {
02316                 return _AgentClass->isClassInheritedFrom( name );
02317         }       

TQueue NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isDeflautProccessMsg const IVarName ,
const NLAIAGENT::IVarName ,
const IObjectIA
const [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 2292 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IVarName::getString(), param, r, sint, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::TDeflautProccessMsg, and NLAIAGENT::TQueue.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isMember().

02293         {
02294                 const char *name = methodName->getString();
02295                 if(name[0] == 'R' && name[1] == 'u' && name[2] == 'n')
02296                 {
02297                         static CStringVarName runMsgName[7] = {"RunTell", "RunAchieve", "RunAsk", "RunExec", "RunBreak", "RunKill", "RunError"};
02298                         sint i;
02299                         for(i = 0; i < 7; i ++)
02300                         {
02301                                 if(*methodName == runMsgName[i])
02302                                 {
02303                                         TQueue r;                       
02304                                         CObjectType *c = new CObjectType(new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAIC::CIdentType::VoidType));
02305                                         r.push(CIdMethod(TDeflautProccessMsg + IAgent::getMethodIndexSize(),0.0,NULL,c));
02306                                         return r;
02307                                 }
02308                         }
02309                 }
02311                 return TQueue();
02312         }

bool NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::isEqual const IBasicObjectIA a  )  const [virtual]

Implementation of the isEqual of the IBasicObjectIA.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 136 of file operator_script.cpp.

00137         {
00138                 return true;
00139         }

bool NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::isExclusive  ) 

Definition at line 820 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _Exclusive, and getType().

00821         {
00822 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00823                 const char *dbg_exclusive = (const char *) getType();
00824 #endif
00825                 return _Exclusive;
00826         }

bool NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::isLocal  )  [virtual, inherited]

If the result is true the object is loclal else its a representation of an object on the server. By the method return true.

Definition at line 356 of file baseai.cpp.

00357         {
00358                 return true;
00359         }

TQueue NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::isMember const IVarName ,
const IVarName ,
const IObjectIA
const [virtual, inherited]

The method isMember(nameSubClass,methodName,param) return the best method correspondent to the search. remember we use the overloadind method.

NameSubClass: if this pointer is not NULL then NameSubClass is the name of the base class were the method are defined.

methodName: is the name of the class.

param: is an IObjectIA where it defined the parametre of the method. lot of method use a IObjectIA vector object with an NLAIC::CIdentType as the the template argm.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail, and NLAIAGENT::CProxyAgentMail.

Definition at line 452 of file agents.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::_GetNumId, NLAIAGENT::_RunAsk, NLAIAGENT::_RunTel, NLAISCRIPT::CParam::eval(), and NLAIAGENT::TQueue.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isMember(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail::isMember(), and NLAIAGENT::CActor::isMember().

00453         {                       
00454                 if(className == NULL)
00455                 {
00456                         TQueue a;
00457                         for(int i = 0; i < _LastM; i++)
00458                         {
00459                                 if(*methodName == IBasicAgent::_Method[i].MethodName)
00460                                 {       
00461                                         CObjectType *c;
00462                                         if(i == _RunTel || i == _RunAsk)
00463                                         {
00464                                                 static NLAISCRIPT::CParam paramMsg(1,new NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple (new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAISCRIPT::CMsgNotifyParentClass::IdMsgNotifyParentClass)));
00466                                                 if(paramMsg.eval((NLAISCRIPT::CParam &)p) < 0.0) continue;
00467                                                 c = new CObjectType(new NLAIC::CIdentType(NLAISCRIPT::CMessageClass::IdMessageClass));
00468                                         }
00469                                         else
00470                                         if (i == _GetNumId)
00471                                         {
00472                                                 c = new CObjectType(new NLAIC::CIdentType(CStringType::IdStringType));
00473                                         }
00474                                         else
00475                                         {
00476                                                 c = new CObjectType(new NLAIC::CIdentType(CLocalAgentMail::LocalAgentMail));
00477                                         }
00478                                         a.push(CIdMethod(IBasicAgent::_Method[i].Index + IObjectIA::getMethodIndexSize(),0.0,NULL,c));                                  
00479                                         break;
00480                                 }
00481                         }
00483                         if(a.size()) return a;
00484                         else return IConnectIA::isMember(className,methodName,p);
00485                 }
00486                 return IConnectIA::isMember(className,methodName,p);
00487         }

TQueue NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isMember const IVarName ,
const NLAIAGENT::IVarName ,
const IObjectIA
const [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 2237 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getPrivateMember(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getPrivateMember(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isDeflautProccessMsg(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::isMember(), param, r, and NLAIAGENT::TQueue.

Referenced by getDebugString(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getDebugString(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer::isMember(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessage().

02238         {
02241                 if(className == NULL)
02242                 {
02244                         TQueue r;
02245                         if(_AgentClass != NULL) 
02246                                 r = _AgentClass->getPrivateMember(className,methodName,param);                  
02248                         if(r.size()) 
02249                                 return r;
02250                         else
02251                         {
02252                                 r = getPrivateMember(className,methodName,param);
02253                                 if(r.size()) return r;
02254                                 else
02255                                 {
02256                                         r = IAgent::isMember(className,methodName,param);
02257                                         if(r.size())
02258                                                 return r;
02259                                         else
02260                                                 return isDeflautProccessMsg(className,methodName,param);
02261                                 }
02262                         }
02264                 }               
02265                 else 
02266                 if(*className == CStringVarName("Agent"))
02267                 {                                       
02268                         TQueue r;
02269                         r = getPrivateMember(className,methodName,param);
02270                         if(r.size()) 
02271                                 return r;
02272                         else
02273                         {
02274                                 r = _AgentClass->getPrivateMember(className,methodName,param);                  
02276                                 if ( r.size() ) 
02277                                         return r;
02278                                 else
02279                                 {                       
02280                                         r = IAgent::isMember(className,methodName,param);
02281                                         if(r.size())
02282                                                 return r;
02283                                         else
02284                                                 return isDeflautProccessMsg(className,methodName,param);
02285                                 }
02286                         }
02288                 }
02289                 return TQueue();
02290         }

void NLAIAGENT::IAgent::Kill  )  [virtual, inherited]

Call this function to destroy an agent including its referneces in other agents and its childs.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA.

Definition at line 57 of file agents.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::onKill(), NLAIC::IPointerGestion::release(), and sint.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::~CAgentScript(), NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript::~CMainAgentScript(), NLAIAGENT::IAgent::~IAgent(), and NLAIAGENT::IMainAgent::~IMainAgent().

00058         {
00059 //sint n = _SizeChild;
00061 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00062                 if(_SizeChild != (sint)_AgentList.size())
00063                 {
00064                         sint i = (sint)_AgentList.size();
00065                         throw;
00066                 }       
00068 #endif
00069                 sint n = _SizeChild ;
00070                 while ( /*_AgentList.begin() !=  _AgentList.end()*/ n--)
00071                 {                                       
00072                         IConnectIA *c = _AgentList.front();
00073                         _AgentList.pop_front();
00074                         c->onKill(this);
00075                         c->release();                   
00076                 }
00077                 _SizeChild = 0;
00078                 IAgentComposite::Kill();
00079         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::Launch const std::string &  name,
[virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 609 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_Launched, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_NbAnswers, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_TopLevel, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::addDynamicAgent(), and NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::isClassInheritedFrom().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase().

00610         {
00612                 CStringType stringName( name.c_str() );
00613                 addDynamicAgent( stringName , child );          
00614                 _NbAnswers++;
00616                 if ( child->isClassInheritedFrom( CStringVarName("Actor") ) != -1 )
00617                 {
00618                         if ( _TopLevel )
00619                                 ((CActorScript *)child)->setTopLevel( _TopLevel );
00620                         else
00621                                 ((CActorScript *)child)->setTopLevel( this );
00623                         ((CActorScript *)child)->activate();
00624                 }
00626                 _Launched.push_back( (NLAIAGENT::IAgent *) child );             
00627         }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::linkGoalArgs NLAILOGIC::CGoal  ) 

Binds the goal args to the variables of the operator (defined by the "Goal:" field in the script).

Definition at line 546 of file operator_script.cpp.

References NLAILOGIC::CGoal::getArgs(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::setStaticMember().

Referenced by checkActivation(), and run().

00547         {
00548                 std::vector<NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *>::const_iterator it_arg = g->getArgs().begin();
00549                 std::vector<sint32>::iterator it_pos = ( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass )->getGoalVarPos().begin();
00550                 while ( it_arg != g->getArgs().end() )
00551                 {
00552                         if(!setStaticMember( *it_pos, *it_arg ))
00553                                                                                 (*it_arg)->incRef();
00554                         it_arg++;
00555                         it_pos++;
00556                 }
00557         }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::load NLMISC::IStream is  )  [virtual]

Load the class from a stream.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 155 of file operator_script.cpp.

00156         {
00157                 CAgentScript::load(is);
00158                 // TODO
00159         }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::lookForGoals  ) 

Definition at line 338 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _ActivatedGoals, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getGoalStack(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::getParent(), and getType().

Referenced by checkActivation().

00339         {
00340 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00341                 const char *dbg_class_name = (const char *) getType();
00342 #endif
00343                 _ActivatedGoals.clear();
00344                 CAgentScript *father = (CAgentScript *) getParent();
00345                 const std::vector<NLAILOGIC::CGoal *> *goals = father->getGoalStack();
00347                 int i;
00348                 for ( i = 0; i < (int) goals->size(); i++ )
00349                 {
00350                         if ( (*( (*goals)[i])) == *( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass )->getGoal() )
00351                                 _ActivatedGoals.push_back( (*goals)[i] );
00352                 }
00353         }

const NLAIC::IBasicType * NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::newInstance  )  const [virtual]

This function allow a new instance, that mean that the class is a class factory.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 77 of file operator_script.cpp.

References NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::buildNewInstance(), and COperatorScript().

00078         {       
00079                 COperatorScript *instance;
00080                 if ( _AgentClass )
00081                 {
00082                         instance = (COperatorScript *) _AgentClass->buildNewInstance();
00083                 }
00084                 else 
00085                 {                       
00086                         instance = new COperatorScript(NULL);
00087                 }
00088                 return instance;
00089         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::onActivate  )  [virtual, inherited]

Callback called at the activation of the actor.

Reimplemented in NLAILOGIC::CGoalPath.

Definition at line 345 of file actor_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::activate(), execOnActivate(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase().

00346         {
00347                 // Default behaviour: do nothing
00348         }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::onFailure IObjectIA  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 573 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _CurrentGoal, getType(), NLAILOGIC::CGoal::operatorFailure(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

00574         {
00576 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00577                 const char *dbg_class = (const char *) getType();
00578 #endif
00580                 if(_CurrentGoal == NULL) 
00581                         return;
00582                 // Tells the goal the operator failed
00583                 _CurrentGoal->operatorFailure( this );
00584                 _CurrentGoal = NULL;
00585                 unActivate();
00586         }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::onKill IConnectIA a  )  [virtual]

Called by an agent who's destroyed te remove its references.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript.

Definition at line 66 of file operator_script.cpp.

00067         {
00068                 CActorScript::onKill(a);
00069         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::onPause  )  [virtual, inherited]

These functions can be overloaded to have the actor execute something when paused or restarted.

Definition at line 237 of file actor_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::pause().

00238         {
00239                 // Default: doesn't do anything.
00240         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::onRestart  )  [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 288 of file actor_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::restart().

00289         {
00290         }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::onSuccess IObjectIA msg  )  [virtual]

Dependencies failure and success notification These functions are called by other operators or goals who failed or succeeded

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 560 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _CurrentGoal, getType(), NLAILOGIC::CGoal::operatorSuccess(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

00561         {
00562 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00563                 const char *dbg_class = (const char *) getType();
00564 #endif
00565                 if(_CurrentGoal == NULL) 
00566                         return;
00567                 _CurrentGoal->operatorSuccess( this );
00568                 _CurrentGoal = NULL;
00569                 unActivate();
00570         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::onUnActivate  )  [virtual, inherited]

Callback called when the agent is unactivated.

Reimplemented in NLAILOGIC::CGoalPath.

Definition at line 351 of file actor_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

00352         {
00353                 // default behaviour: do nothing
00354         }

NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::operator const IWordNumRef &  )  const [inherited]

to get a word num ref of the agents.

Definition at line 380 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::_NumRef.

00381         {
00382                 return *_NumRef;
00383         }

NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::operator const IWordNumRef *  )  const [inherited]

to get a word num ref pointer of the agents.

Definition at line 385 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::_NumRef.

00386         {
00387                 return _NumRef;
00388         }

bool NLAIAGENT::IBasicObjectIA::operator== const IBasicObjectIA classType  )  const [inherited]

Lot of algo use this function to determine the equality between 2 class, in particular the extraction from stl list. the == operator call the bool isEqual(const IBasicObjectIA &a) const member method to determine the equality between tow class.

Definition at line 134 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), and NLAIAGENT::IBasicObjectIA::isEqual().

00135         {                                               
00136                 if(a.getType() == getType() ) return isEqual(a);                        
00137                 return false;
00138         }               

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::order NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType ,

Definition at line 863 of file operator_script.cpp.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::clone(), NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::getFront(), NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::popFront(), NLAIAGENT::CProxyAgentMail::sendMessage(), NLAIAGENT::IListBasicManager::set(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setPerformatif(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setSender(), NLAILOGIC::IGoal::setSender(), and NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::size().

Referenced by runMethodBase().

00864         {
00865                 _NbAnswers = receivers->size();
00866                 while ( receivers->size() )
00867                 {
00868                         NLAIAGENT::CGoalMsg *msg = new NLAIAGENT::CGoalMsg();
00869                         NLAILOGIC::IGoal *goal = (NLAILOGIC::IGoal *) order->clone();
00870                         msg->set( 0, (NLAILOGIC::IGoal *) goal );
00871                         goal->setSender( this );
00872                         msg->setSender( this );
00873                         msg->setPerformatif( NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::PAchieve );
00874                         NLAIAGENT::CProxyAgentMail *member = (NLAIAGENT::CProxyAgentMail *) receivers->getFront()->clone();
00875                         member->sendMessage( (NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *) msg );
00876                         receivers->popFront();
00877                 }
00878         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::pause  )  [inherited]

Pauses the actor.

Definition at line 191 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_IsPaused, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_Launched, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnPauseIndex, NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager::getAgentContext(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getAgentManager(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::isMember(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::onPause(), r, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodeMember(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Self, and NLAIAGENT::TQueue.

Referenced by checkPause(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase().

00192         {
00193                 if ( _IsActivated )
00194                 {
00196                         if ( !_IsPaused )
00197                         {
00198                                 // Looks for the function to call when the actor is paused
00199                                 static CStringVarName activate_func_name("OnPause");
00200                                 TQueue r = _AgentClass->isMember( NULL, &activate_func_name, NLAISCRIPT::CParam() );
00201                                 if ( !r.empty() )
00202                                 {
00203                                         if ( getAgentManager() != NULL )
00204                                         {
00205                                                 _OnPauseIndex =;
00206                                                 NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *context = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *) getAgentManager()->getAgentContext();
00207                                                 context->Self = this;
00208                                                 runMethodeMember( _OnPauseIndex ,context);
00209                                                 _OnPauseIndex = -1;
00210                                         }
00211                                 }
00212                                 else
00213                                         onPause();
00214                                 _IsPaused = true;
00215                         }
00217                         // Calls the launched actors Pause callbacks
00218                         std::list<IBasicAgent *>::iterator it_l = _Launched.begin();
00219                         while ( it_l != _Launched.end() )
00220                         {
00221                                 CActorScript *launched = (CActorScript *) *it_l;
00222                                 launched->pause();
00223                                 it_l++;
00224                         }
00226                         int i;
00227                         for ( i = 0; i < _NbComponents; i++ )
00228                         {
00229                                 if ( ((const NLAIC::CTypeOfObject &)_Components[i]->getType()) & NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tActor )
00230                                 {
00231                                         ( (CActorScript *) _Components[i] )->pause();
00232                                 }
00233                         }
00234                 }
00235         }

float NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::priority  )  const [virtual]

Priority of the operator.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 422 of file operator_script.cpp.

Referenced by getDebugString(), and runMethodBase().

00423         {
00424                 return _Priority;
00425         }

void NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::processContinuation IMessageBase ,
[virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 1461 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::clone(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::getContinuation(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::getPerformatif(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::getSender(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setMethodIndex(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setPerformatif(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setReceiver(), and NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setSender().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::processMessages().

01462         {
01463                 switch(msg->getPerformatif())
01464                 {
01465                 case IMessageBase::PExec:
01466                         if(msg->getContinuation() != NULL)
01467                         {
01468                                 IMessageBase *o = (IMessageBase *)returnMsg->clone();
01469                                 o->setMethodIndex(-1,-1);
01470                                 //this->incRef();
01471                                 o->setSender(this);
01472                                 //((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation())->incRef();
01473                                 o->setReceiver((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation());
01474                                 ((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation())->sendMessage(o);
01475                         }
01476                         break;
01477                 case IMessageBase::PAchieve:
01478                         if(msg->getContinuation() != NULL)
01479                         {
01480                                 IMessageBase *o = (IMessageBase *)returnMsg->clone();
01481                                 o->setMethodIndex(-1,-1);
01482                                 //this->incRef();
01483                                 o->setSender(this);
01484                                 //((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation())->incRef();
01485                                 o->setReceiver((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation());
01486                                 ((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation())->sendMessage(o);
01487                         }
01488                         break;
01489                 case IMessageBase::PAsk:
01490                         {
01491                                 IMessageBase *o = (IMessageBase *)returnMsg->clone();
01492                                 o->setMethodIndex(-1,-1);
01493                                 //this->incRef();
01494                                 o->setSender(this);
01495                                 o->setPerformatif(IMessageBase::PTell);
01496                                 //if(returnMsg->getSender() != NULL) ((IObjectIA *)returnMsg->getSender())->incRef();
01497                                 o->setReceiver((IObjectIA *)returnMsg->getSender());
01498                                 ((IObjectIA *)msg->getSender())->sendMessage(o);
01501                                 if(msg->getContinuation() != NULL)
01502                                 {
01503                                         IMessageBase *o = (IMessageBase *)returnMsg->clone();
01504                                         o->setMethodIndex(-1,-1);
01505                                         //this->incRef();
01506                                         o->setSender(this);
01507                                         //if(msg->getContinuation() != NULL) ((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation())->incRef();
01508                                         o->setReceiver((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation());
01509                                         o->setPerformatif(IMessageBase::PTell);
01510                                         ((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation())->sendMessage(o);
01511                                 }
01512                         }
01513                         break;
01514                 case IMessageBase::PTell:
01515                         if(msg->getContinuation() != NULL)
01516                         {
01517                                 IMessageBase *o = (IMessageBase *)returnMsg->clone();
01518                                 o->setMethodIndex(-1,-1);
01519                                 //this->incRef();
01520                                 o->setSender(this);
01521                                 //if(msg->getContinuation() != NULL) ((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation())->incRef();
01522                                 o->setReceiver((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation());
01523                                 ((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation())->sendMessage(o);
01524                         }
01525                         break;
01526                 case IMessageBase::PBreak:
01527                         if(msg->getContinuation() != NULL)
01528                         {
01529                                 IMessageBase *o = (IMessageBase *)returnMsg->clone();
01530                                 o->setMethodIndex(-1,-1);
01531                                 //this->incRef();
01532                                 o->setSender(this);
01533                                 //if(msg->getContinuation() != NULL) ((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation())->incRef();
01534                                 o->setReceiver((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation());
01535                                 ((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation())->sendMessage(o);
01536                         }
01537                         break;
01538                 case IMessageBase::PKill:
01539                         if(msg->getContinuation() != NULL)
01540                         {
01541                                 IMessageBase *o = (IMessageBase *)returnMsg->clone();
01542                                 o->setMethodIndex(-1,-1);
01543                                 //this->incRef();
01544                                 o->setSender(this);
01545                                 //if(msg->getContinuation() != NULL) ((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation())->incRef();
01546                                 o->setReceiver((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation());
01547                                 ((IObjectIA *)msg->getContinuation())->sendMessage(o);
01548                         }
01549                         break;
01550                         default: break;
01551                 }
01552         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::processFailure NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA  )  [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 1004 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::failure(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::getType(), and param.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase().

01005         {
01008 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
01009                 const char *dbg_type = (const char *) getType();
01010 #endif
01012 //              _NbAnswers--;
01013 //              if ( _NbAnswers < 1 )
01014 //              {
01015                         param->incRef();
01016                         failure();
01017 //              }
01018         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::processMessages  )  [virtual, inherited]

The processMessages method, process the loop/Run message.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript.

Definition at line 395 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::processMessages().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::run().

00396         {
00397                 //if ( _IsActivated )
00398                 CAgentScript::processMessages();
00399         }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::processMessages NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase msg,

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript.

Definition at line 880 of file operator_script.cpp.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::getType().

00881         {
00882 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00883         const char *txt = (const char *)msg->getType();
00884 #endif
00885                 CAgentScript::processMessages(msg,o);
00886         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::processSuccess NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA  )  [virtual, inherited]

Own success and failure functions These function telle other operators and goals that might be waiting for the execution of this one.

Definition at line 953 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::getType(), param, and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::success().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runTell().

00954         {
00956 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00957                 const char *dbg_type = (const char *) getType();
00958 #endif
00959 //              _NbAnswers--;
00960 //              if ( _NbAnswers < 1 )
00961 //              {                       
00962                         success();
00963 //              }
00964         }

std::list< NLAILOGIC::CFact * > * NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::propagate std::list< NLAILOGIC::CFact * > &   ) 

Definition at line 473 of file operator_script.cpp.

References buildFromVars(), NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::getAssertPos(), NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::getConcs(), NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::getConds(), NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::getPosVarsConcs(), NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::getPosVarsConds(), propagate(), r, sint32, and size.

00474         {
00475                 std::list<NLAILOGIC::CFact *> *conflicts = new std::list<NLAILOGIC::CFact *>;
00476                 std::list< NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *>      liaisons;
00477                 NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *empty = new NLAILOGIC::CValueSet( ( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *)_AgentClass)->getVars().size() );
00478                 liaisons.push_back( empty );
00480                 NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *op_class = (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass;
00482                 std::list<NLAILOGIC::CFact *>::iterator it_f = facts.begin();
00483                 while ( it_f != facts.end() )
00484                 {
00485                         std::vector<sint32> pos_asserts;
00486                         op_class->getAssertPos( (*it_f)->getAssert() , op_class->getConds(), pos_asserts);
00487                         for (sint32 i = 0; i < (sint32) pos_asserts.size(); i++ )
00488                         {
00489                                 std::list<NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *> *links = propagate( liaisons, *it_f, op_class->getPosVarsConds()[ pos_asserts[i] ] );
00490                                 if ( links )
00491                                 {
00492                                         while ( links->size() )
00493                                         {
00494                                                 for (sint32 i = 0; i < (sint32) op_class->getConcs().size(); i++ )
00495                                                 {
00496                                                         NLAILOGIC::CFact *r = buildFromVars( op_class->getConcs()[i], op_class->getPosVarsConcs()[i], links->front() );
00497                                                         std::string buf;
00498                                                         r->getDebugString( buf );
00499                                                         // Tests if the fact is already in the conflicts list
00500                                                         bool found = false;
00501                                                         std::list<NLAILOGIC::CFact *>::iterator it_c = conflicts->begin();
00502                                                         while ( ! found && it_c != conflicts->end() )
00503                                                         {
00504                                                                 found = (**it_c) == *r;
00505                                                                 it_c++;
00506                                                         }
00507                                                         if ( !found )
00508                                                         {
00509                                                                 std::string buf;
00510                                                                 r->getDebugString( buf );
00511                                                                 conflicts->push_back( r );
00512                                                         }
00513                                                 }
00514                                                 links->front()->release();
00515                                                 links->pop_front();
00516                                         }
00517                                         delete links;
00518                                 }
00519                         }
00520                         it_f++;
00521                 }
00523                 while ( liaisons.size() )
00524                 {
00525                         liaisons.front()->release();
00526                         liaisons.pop_front();
00527                 }
00528                 return conflicts;
00529         }

std::list< NLAILOGIC::CValueSet * > * NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::propagate std::list< NLAILOGIC::CValueSet * > &  ,
std::vector< sint32 > & 

Definition at line 438 of file operator_script.cpp.

References NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::undefined(), and unifyLiaison().

Referenced by propagate().

00439         {
00440                 std::list<NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *> *conflits = new std::list<NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *>;
00441                 std::list<NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *> buf_liaisons;
00442                 // Pour chaque liaison...
00443                 std::list< NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *>::iterator it_l = liaisons.begin();
00445                 while ( it_l != liaisons.end() )
00446                 {
00447                         NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *l = *it_l;
00449                         NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *result = unifyLiaison( l, fact, pos_vals );
00450                         if ( result )
00451                         {
00452                                 if ( result->undefined() == 0 )
00453                                 {
00454                                         conflits->push_back( result );
00455                                 }
00456                                 else 
00457                                         buf_liaisons.push_back( result );
00458                         }
00459                         it_l++;
00460                 }
00462                 while ( buf_liaisons.size() )
00463                 {
00464                         liaisons.push_back( buf_liaisons.front() );
00465                         buf_liaisons.pop_front();
00466                 }
00468                 return conflits;
00469         }

void NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::refLoadStream NLMISC::IStream is  )  [protected, inherited]

the loader of the class.

Definition at line 433 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::_NumRef, NLAIC::IBasicInterface::load(), NLAIC::IPointerGestion::release(), and NLMISC::IStream::serial().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::IRefrence(), and NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::load().

00434         {
00435                 IObjectIA::load(is);
00436                 _NumRef->release();
00437                 NLAIC::CIdentTypeAlloc id;
00438                 is >> id;
00439                 _NumRef = (IWordNumRef *)id.allocClass();
00440                 _NumRef->load(is);
00441                 bool k;
00442                 is.serial( k );
00443                 if ( k ) 
00444                 {
00445                         if(_Parent) _Parent->release();
00446                         is >> id;
00447                         _Parent = (IWordNumRef *)id.allocClass();
00448                         _Parent->load(is);
00449                 }
00450                 else 
00451                 {
00452                         _Parent = NULL;
00453                 }
00454         }

virtual void NLAIC::IPointerGestion::release void   )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Release allow to release the pointer. The last release when the _Ref is nul delete the object.

Definition at line 86 of file abstract_interface.h.

References NLAIC::IPointerGestion::decRef().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CSeqFsmScript::activate(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::addBrancheCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CConstraintDebug::addIndex(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::affectation(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::affectationMember(), NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::backward(), NLAILOGIC::CFirstOrderOperator::backward(), NLAILOGIC::CFirstOrderAssert::backward(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::buildObject(), NLAILINK::buildScript(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::callFunction(), NLAIC::CIdentType::CIdentType(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::clean(), NLAISCRIPT::CParam::clear(), NLAIAGENT::CVectorGroupType::clear(), NLAIAGENT::CGroupType::clear(), NLAIAGENT::CVolatilMemmory::CVolatilMemmory(), NLAISCRIPT::CFactorType::del(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::deleteListe(), NLAIPYSERVER::endPythonInterface(), NLAIAGENT::CVectorGroupType::erase(), NLAIAGENT::CGroupType::erase(), NLAIAGENT::CVectorGroupType::eraseAll(), NLAIAGENT::CGroupType::eraseAll(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::errorMethodConstraint(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::errorTypeConstraint(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::findMethode(), NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::forward(), NLAILOGIC::CFirstOrderOperator::forward(), NLAIAGENT::CComponentHandle::getComponent(), getDebugString(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getDebugString(), NLAILOGIC::IBaseOperator::IBaseOperator(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::ifInterrogation(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::ifInterrogationEnd(), NLAILOGIC::CFactPattern::init(), NLAILOGIC::CRule::init(), NLAIFUZZY::CTrapezeFuzzySet::init(), NLAIFUZZY::CLeftFuzzySet::init(), NLAIFUZZY::CTriangleFuzzySet::init(), NLAIFUZZY::CRightFuzzySet::init(), NLAIFUZZY::CFuzzyInterval::init(), NLAIFUZZY::CFuzzyRule::init(), NLAIFUZZY::CSimpleFuzzyCond::init(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::interrogationEnd(), NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::isValidFonc(), NLAIAGENT::IAgent::Kill(), NLAILOGIC::CVar::load(), NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallMethodi::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallInheritedMethod::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallMethod::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbNewOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CAddParamNameDebug::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CFindRunMsg::load(), NLAIAGENT::IListBasicManager::load(), NLAIAGENT::CVectorGroupType::load(), NLAIAGENT::CGroupType::load(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::load(), NLAIAGENT::CStringType::load(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CMethodContextDebug::loadContext(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::onEndClass(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalMailBox::onKill(), NLAIAGENT::IAgent::onKill(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail::onKill(), NLAIAGENT::CVectorGroupType::operator-(), NLAIAGENT::CGroupType::operator-(), NLAIAGENT::CKeyObject::operator=(), NLAISCRIPT::CFunctionTag::operator=(), NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod::operator=(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::PrivateError(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::processingVar(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::processMessages(), NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::refLoadStream(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::registerMethod(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::removeChild(), NLAILOGIC::CFirstOrderAssert::removeFact(), NLAISCRIPT::CConstraintStackComp::run(), NLAISCRIPT::CConstraintFindRun::run(), NLAISCRIPT::CConstraintMethode::run(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::run(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runInitComponent(), NLAIAGENT::CVolatilMemmory::runMessage(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentOperation::runMethodBase(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::runMethodConstraint(), NLAILOGIC::CInternalGoal::runMethodeMember(), NLAILOGIC::CGoal::runMethodeMember(), NLAILOGIC::CFact::runMethodeMember(), NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::runMethodeMember(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbStackMemberiOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallStackMethodi::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibHeapMemberMethod::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CJFalseOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffOpCodeDebug::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CDiffOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CInfEqOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CSupEqOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CEqOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CInfOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CSupOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CMulOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CDivOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CSubOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CAddOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CNegOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runTellParentNotify(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::runTypeConstraint(), NLAIAGENT::CHashTimerManager::sendMessage(), NLAIAGENT::CVolatilMemmory::sendMessage(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalMailBox::sendMessage(), NLAIAGENT::IListManager::sendMessage(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentTimerHandle::sendMessage(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessage(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMethod(), NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple::serial(), NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown::setBaseType(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::setChaineVar(), NLAISCRIPT::CClassInterpretFactory::setClass(), NLAIC::CSelfClassFactory::setClass(), NLAISCRIPT::IClassInterpret::setClassName(), NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown::setClassType(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setContinuation(), NLAILOGIC::IBaseOperator::setGoal(), NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::setGoal(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::setImediateVar(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::setImediateVarNill(), NLAISCRIPT::CParam::setInfo(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::setInheritanceName(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::setListVar(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setMessageGroup(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::setMethodVar(), NLAILOGIC::IBaseVar::setName(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentOperation::setName(), NLAISCRIPT::CMethodeName::setName(), NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::setNumRef(), NLAISCRIPT::CConstraintFindRun::setOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CConstraintMethode::setOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::setPerformative(), NLAILOGIC::CInternalGoal::setProperty(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setReceiver(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setSender(), NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::setSize(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::setStackVar(), NLAIAGENT::CMessageScript::setStaticMember(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::setStaticMember(), NLAISCRIPT::IClassInterpret::setType(), NLAISCRIPT::CFunctionTag::setTypeObject(), NLAISCRIPT::CMethodeName::setTypeOfMethode(), NLAILOGIC::CVar::setValue(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentOperation::setValue(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentInput::setValue(), NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::unify(), NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::unifyBackward(), NLAILOGIC::CFirstOrderOperator::unifyBackward(), NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::unifyForward(), NLAILOGIC::CFirstOrderOperator::unifyForward(), NLAILOGIC::CRule::unifyLiaisonBack(), NLAISCRIPT::CAddParamNameDebug::~CAddParamNameDebug(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::~CAgentClass(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentOperation::~CAgentOperation(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::~CAgentScript(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentTimerHandle::~CAgentTimerHandle(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer::~CAgentWatchTimer(), NLAISCRIPT::CClassInterpretFactory::~CClassInterpretFactory(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRunDebug::~CCodeBrancheRunDebug(), NLAISCRIPT::CCompilateur::~CCompilateur(), NLAIAGENT::CComponentHandle::~CComponentHandle(), NLAISCRIPT::CConstraintChkMethodeType::~CConstraintChkMethodeType(), NLAISCRIPT::CConstraintMethode::~CConstraintMethode(), NLAISCRIPT::CConstraintStackComp::~CConstraintStackComp(), NLAILOGIC::CFact::~CFact(), NLAISCRIPT::CFindRunMsg::~CFindRunMsg(), NLAILOGIC::CFirstOrderAssert::~CFirstOrderAssert(), NLAISCRIPT::CFunctionTag::~CFunctionTag(), NLAIC::CIdentType::~CIdentType(), NLAIAGENT::CIdMethod::~CIdMethod(), NLAILOGIC::CInternalGoal::~CInternalGoal(), NLAIAGENT::CKeyObject::~CKeyObject(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbNewOpCode::~CLdbNewOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbOpCode::~CLdbOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallInheritedMethod::~CLibCallInheritedMethod(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallMethod::~CLibCallMethod(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallMethodi::~CLibCallMethodi(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalMailBox::~CLocalMailBox(), NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript::~CMainAgentScript(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibTest::CMethodCall::~CMethodCall(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::CMethodCall::~CMethodCall(), NLAISCRIPT::CMethodeName::~CMethodeName(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::CMethodType::~CMethodType(), NLAISCRIPT::CObjectUnknown::~CObjectUnknown(), NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple::~COperandSimple(), NLAISCRIPT::COperandUnknown::~COperandUnknown(), NLAISCRIPT::COperationType::~COperationType(), NLAISCRIPT::COperationTypeGD::~COperationTypeGD(), NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::~COperatorClass(), NLAIAGENT::CPairType::~CPairType(), NLAIC::CSelfClassFactory::~CSelfClassFactory(), NLAIAGENT::CStringType::~CStringType(), NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::~CValueSet(), NLAILOGIC::CVar::~CVar(), NLAIAGENT::CVolatilMemmory::~CVolatilMemmory(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentInput::~IAgentInput(), NLAILOGIC::IBaseAssert::~IBaseAssert(), NLAILOGIC::IBaseOperator::~IBaseOperator(), NLAILOGIC::IBaseVar::~IBaseVar(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::~IBasicAgent(), NLAISCRIPT::IBlock::~IBlock(), NLAISCRIPT::IClassInterpret::~IClassInterpret(), NLAILOGIC::IGoal::~IGoal(), NLAIAGENT::IListBasicManager::~IListBasicManager(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::~IMessageBase(), NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::~IRefrence(), and NLAICHARACTER::IZone::~IZone().

00087                 {
00088                         if(decRef() == 0) 
00089                                         delete this;
00090                 }

void NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::releaseAgentScript  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 355 of file agent_script.cpp.

References sint.

Referenced by NLAILINK::releaseIALib().

00356         {               
00357                 //SendParamMessageScript->release();
00358                 //IdMsgNotifyParentClass->release();            
00360         // Temp, to be transfered in CGDAgentScript (Goal Driven Agent)
00361         // IdGoalMsgClass->release();
00362         // IdGoalMsg->release();
00363                 //ParamGoalMsg->release();
00364                 //ParamCancelGoalMsg->release();
00367                 //ParamRunParentNotify->release();
00368                 //SendCompParamMessageScript->release();
00369                 sint i;
00370                 for(i = 0; i < CAgentScript::TLastM; i++)
00371                 {
00372                                 delete StaticMethod[i];
00373                 }
00374                 delete StaticMethod;
00375         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::releaseClass  )  [static, inherited]

Definition at line 63 of file actor_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAILINK::releaseIALib().

00064         {               
00065                 CActorScript::ParamSuccessMsg->release();               
00066                 CActorScript::ParamFailureMsg->release();
00067         }

void NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::remOperator NLAILOGIC::IBaseOperator p  )  [virtual, inherited]

Removing operator from th agent.

Definition at line 1672 of file agent_script.cpp.

01673         {
01674 /*              std::vector<NLAILOGIC::IBaseOperator *>::iterator it_o = _Operators.begin();
01675                 while ( it_o != _Operators.end() )
01676                 {
01677                         if ( op == *it_o )
01678                         {
01679                                 _Operators.erase( it_o );
01680                                 return;
01681                         }
01682                         it_o++;
01683                 }
01684                 char buf[2048];
01685                 op->getDebugString(buf);
01686                 throw NLAIE::CExceptionObjectNotFoundError(buf);
01687                 */
01688         }       

void NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::removeChild std::list< IBasicAgent * >::iterator &  iter  )  [virtual, inherited]

Remove a child from the std::list<IBasicAgent *> child list.

Implements NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail.

Definition at line 84 of file basic_agent.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::_AgentList, and NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::_SizeChild.

00085         {                                       
00086                 _AgentList.erase(iter);
00087                 _SizeChild --;
00088         }

void NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::removeChild const IBasicAgent p  )  [virtual, inherited]

Remove a child from the std::list<IBasicAgent *> child list.

Implements NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail.

Definition at line 108 of file basic_agent.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::_AgentList, NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::_SizeChild, NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::getMail(), NLAIC::IPointerGestion::release(), and NLAIAGENT::IMailBox::removeMailBox().

00109         {                       
00110                 std::list<IBasicAgent *>::iterator i = _AgentList.begin();
00111                 while(i != _AgentList.end())
00112                 {                                       
00113                         IBasicAgent *c = *i;
00114                         if(c == p)
00115                         {
00116                                 _AgentList.erase(i);                            
00117                                 p->getMail()->removeMailBox( this->getMail() );
00118                                 c->release();
00119                                 _SizeChild --;
00120                                 // Supprime chez l'ancien fils la boite au lettre du père                               
00121                                 break;
00122                         }
00123                         i++;
00124                 }
00125         }

void NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::removeChild const IBasicAgent p  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 90 of file basic_agent.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::_AgentList, NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::_SizeChild, NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::getMail(), and NLAIAGENT::IMailBox::removeMailBox().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::removeDynamic(), NLAIAGENT::IAgent::runChildren(), and NLAIAGENT::IAgent::runChildrenStepByStep().

00091         {                       
00092                 std::list<IBasicAgent *>::iterator i = _AgentList.begin();
00093                 while(i != _AgentList.end())
00094                 {                                       
00095                         if(*((*i)) == p)
00096                         {
00097                                 (*i)->release();
00098                                 _AgentList.erase(i);
00099                                 // Supprime chez l'ancien fils la boite au lettre du père
00100                                 p.getMail()->removeMailBox( this->getMail() );
00101                                 _SizeChild --;
00102                                 return;
00103                         }
00104                         i++;
00105                 }
00106         }

void NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::removeConnection IConnectIA Agent  )  [inherited]

To release a connection.

Definition at line 561 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::removeInConnectedList(), and NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::removeInConnectionList().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer::detach(), NLAIAGENT::IAgent::onKill(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentInput::releaseInputConnexion(), and NLAIAGENT::CLocalMailBox::removeMailBox().

00562         {               
00563                 Agent->removeInConnectedList(this);
00564                 removeInConnectionList(Agent);                  
00565         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::removeDynamic NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType g  )  [virtual, inherited]

that is a surchage of the method member virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult addDynamicAgent(NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *g);

Definition at line 840 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_DynamicAgentName, NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::getFront(), r, NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::removeChild(), and s.

00841         {
00842                 CStringType *s = (CStringType *)g->getFront();
00843                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
00844                 r.ResultState = IObjectIA::ProcessIdle;
00845                 std::pair<TSetDefNameAgent::iterator,TSetDefNameAgent::iterator>  p = _DynamicAgentName.equal_range(CKeyAgent(*s));
00847                 if(p.first != p.second)
00848                 {       
00849                         while(p.first != p.second)
00850                         {
00851                                 TSetDefNameAgent::iterator iTmp = p.first;
00852                                 p.first ++;
00854                                 NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent *o = *iTmp->Itr;
00855                                 _DynamicAgentName.erase(iTmp);                          
00856                                 removeChild(o);                         
00857                         }                       
00858                         r.Result = new DigitalType(1.0);
00859                         return r;
00860                 }               
00861                 r.Result = &DigitalType::NullOperator;
00862                 r.Result->incRef();
00863                 return r;
00864         }

void NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::removeDynamic NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent ag  )  [virtual, inherited]

remove an agent from the manager. The rgument g must store an CStringType. This string is the name of the agent to remove. The methode return the state of the operation, an digital at 1.0 if the remove is done an digital at 0.0 is the method did'nt find the agent.

Definition at line 867 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_DynamicAgentName, and NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::removeChild().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

00868         {               
00870                 TSetDefNameAgent::iterator p = _DynamicAgentName.begin();
00872                 while(p != _DynamicAgentName.end())
00873                 {
00874                         if((*(*p).Itr) == ag)
00875                         {
00876                                 _DynamicAgentName.erase(p);                             
00877                                 removeChild(ag);                        
00878                                 break;
00879                         }
00880                         p ++;
00881                 }                                       
00882         }

virtual void NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::removeGoal NLAILOGIC::CGoal  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

remove a goal, it hapend when it neaded by user, when the priorty is down or when the goal is satisfay.

Definition at line 410 of file agent_script.h.

Referenced by NLAILOGIC::CGoal::operatorSuccess().

00411                 {
00412                 }

void NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::removeInConnectedList const IConnectIA a  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 600 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::_Connected, and NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::TListIBasicItr.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::Kill(), and NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::removeConnection().

00601         {
00602                 TListIBasicItr i = _Connected.find(a);
00603                 if(i != _Connected.end())
00604                                                 _Connected.erase(i);
00605                 /*TListIBasicItr i = _Connected.begin();
00606                 while(i != _Connected.end())
00607                 {                       
00608                         const IConnectIA *o = *i;
00609                         if(o == a)
00610                         {                                       
00611                                 _Connected.erase(i);
00612                                 return;
00613                         }
00614                         i++;
00615                 }*/
00616         }

void NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::removeInConnectionList IConnectIA a  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 577 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::_Connection, and NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::TListIBasicItr.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::Kill(), and NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::removeConnection().

00578         {
00580                 TListIBasicItr i = _Connection.find(a);
00581                 if(i != _Connection.end())
00582                                                         _Connection.erase(i);
00583                 /*TListIBasicItr i = _Connection.begin();
00584                 while(i != _Connection.end())
00585                 {                               
00586                         if(*i == a)
00587                         {
00588                                 _Connection.erase(i);
00589                                 return;
00590                         }
00591                         i++;
00592                 }*/
00593         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::restart  )  [inherited]

Restarts the actor.

Definition at line 243 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_IsPaused, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_Launched, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnRestartIndex, NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager::getAgentContext(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getAgentManager(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::isMember(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::onRestart(), r, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodeMember(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Self, and NLAIAGENT::TQueue.

Referenced by checkPause(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase().

00244         {
00245                 if ( _IsActivated )
00246                 {
00247                         if ( _IsPaused )
00248                         {
00249                                 // Looks for the function to call when the actor is restarted
00250                                 static CStringVarName activate_func_name("OnRestart");
00251                                 TQueue r = _AgentClass->isMember( NULL, &activate_func_name, NLAISCRIPT::CParam() );
00252                                 if ( !r.empty() )
00253                                 {
00254                                         if ( getAgentManager() != NULL )
00255                                         {
00256                                                 _OnRestartIndex =;
00257                                                 NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *context = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *) getAgentManager()->getAgentContext();
00258                                                 context->Self = this;
00259                                                 runMethodeMember( _OnRestartIndex ,context);
00260                                                 _OnRestartIndex = -1;
00261                                         }
00262                                 }
00263                                 else
00264                                         onRestart();
00265                                 _IsPaused = false;
00266                         }
00268                         // Calls the launched actors Restart callbacks
00269                         std::list<IBasicAgent *>::iterator it_l = _Launched.begin();
00270                         while ( it_l != _Launched.end() )
00271                         {
00272                                 CActorScript *launched = (CActorScript *) *it_l;
00273                                 launched->restart();
00274                                 it_l++;
00275                         }
00277                         int i;
00278                         for ( i = 0; i < _NbComponents; i++ )
00279                         {
00280                                 if ( ((const NLAIC::CTypeOfObject &)_Components[i]->getType()) & NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tActor )
00281                                 {
00282                                         ( (CActorScript *) _Components[i] )->restart();
00283                                 }
00284                         }
00285                 }
00286         }

IObjectIA * NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::run const IMessageBase m  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Run message is the message processing.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgWaiter.

Definition at line 365 of file agents.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::getContinuation(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::getPerformatif(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::getSender(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), NLAIC::IPointerGestion::incRef(), NLAIC::IPointerGestion::release(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runAchieve(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runAsk(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runBreak(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runError(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runEven(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runExec(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runKill(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runTell(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setPerformatif(), and NLAIC::stringGetBuild().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CSeqFsmScript::runChildren(), and NLAIAGENT::IAgent::runChildren().

00366         {
00367                 IMessageBase *returnMsg = NULL;
00368                 switch(msg.getPerformatif())
00369                 {
00370                 case IMessageBase::PUndefine:
00371                         {
00372                                 std::string text;
00373                                 text = NLAIC::stringGetBuild("Function IObjectIA *IBasicAgent::run('%s') proccess an IMessageBase::PUndefine performatif",(const char *)msg.getType());
00374                                 throw NLAIE::CExceptionNotImplemented(text.c_str());
00375                         }
00376                         break;          
00377                 case IMessageBase::PExec:
00379                         returnMsg = runExec(msg);
00380                         if(msg.getContinuation() != NULL) 
00381                         {
00382                                 returnMsg->incRef();
00383                                 ((IObjectIA *)msg.getContinuation())->sendMessage(returnMsg);
00384                         }                               
00385                         break;
00386                 case IMessageBase::PAchieve:
00387                         returnMsg = runAchieve(msg);
00388                         if(msg.getContinuation() != NULL)
00389                         {
00390                                 returnMsg->incRef();
00391                                 ((IObjectIA *)msg.getContinuation())->sendMessage(returnMsg);
00392                         }
00393                         break;
00394                 case IMessageBase::PAsk:
00395                         returnMsg = runAsk(msg);
00396                         returnMsg->setPerformatif(IMessageBase::PTell);
00397                         returnMsg->incRef();                    
00398                         ((IObjectIA *)msg.getSender())->sendMessage(returnMsg);
00399                         if(msg.getContinuation() != NULL)
00400                         {                                       
00401                                 returnMsg->incRef();
00402                                 ((IObjectIA *)msg.getContinuation())->sendMessage(returnMsg);                           
00403                         }                       
00404                         break;
00405                 case IMessageBase::PTell:                       
00406                         returnMsg = runTell(msg);                       
00408                         break;
00409                 case IMessageBase::PBreak:
00410                         returnMsg = runBreak(msg);
00411                         break;
00412                 case IMessageBase::PKill:
00413                         returnMsg = runKill(msg);
00414                         break;
00415                 case IMessageBase::PError:
00416                         returnMsg = runError(msg);
00417                         break;
00419                 case IMessageBase::PEven:
00420                         returnMsg = runEven(msg);                       
00421                         break;
00422                 default: break;
00423                 }
00425                 if(returnMsg) returnMsg->release();
00426                 return NULL;
00427         }

const IObjectIA::CProcessResult & NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::run  )  [virtual]

The work of an agent. Typically agent process child message, process its message and run its activity.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 162 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _CurrentGoal, _CyclesBeforeUpdate, _IsActivable, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::activate(), NLAILOGIC::CGoal::addSuccessor(), calcPriority(), checkActivation(), checkPause(), execOnActivate(), getType(), NLAILOGIC::IGoal::isSelected(), linkGoalArgs(), selectGoal(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

00163         {
00165 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00166                 const char *dbg_class_name = (const char *) getType();
00167                 std::string dbg_goal;           
00168 #endif
00170                 // Checks the goal and preconditions after a certain number of cycles (defined in the script using the UdpateEvery keyword)
00171                 if ( _CyclesBeforeUpdate == 0 )
00172                 {
00173                         _IsActivable = checkActivation();
00174                         _CyclesBeforeUpdate = ( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass )->getUpdateEvery();
00175                         calcPriority();
00176                 }
00177                 else
00178                         _CyclesBeforeUpdate--;
00180                 if ( _IsActivable ) // If the goal exists and the preconditions are validated
00181                 {
00182                         if ( ! _IsActivated )           // If the operator wasn't activated before, initialises the current goal and runs the OnActivate() function
00183                         {
00184                                 // Registers to the goal and gets the args
00185                                 if ( _CurrentGoal == NULL && ( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass )->getGoal() != NULL )
00186                                 {
00187                                         _CurrentGoal = selectGoal();                                                    // Select a goal among possible ones
00188 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00189         {
00190 //              static sint untrucMerdic = 0;
00191 //              nlinfo("_CurrentGoal = 0x%4x, at untrucMerdic = %d",_CurrentGoal, untrucMerdic ++);
00192         }
00193 #endif
00194                                         _CurrentGoal->addSuccessor( (IBasicAgent *) this );             // Adds the operator to the list of operators launched for this goal
00195                                         linkGoalArgs( _CurrentGoal );                                                   // Instanciates the goal's args values into the operator's components
00196                                 }
00198                                 if ( ( _CurrentGoal != NULL && _CurrentGoal->isSelected() ) || ( (NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass *) _AgentClass )->getGoal() == NULL)
00199                                 {
00200                                         activate();
00201                                         execOnActivate();       // Execs onActivate() function in the script if defined, otherwise the C++ one inherited from CActorScript.
00202                                 }
00203                         }
00204                         else
00205                                 checkPause();                   // Check if the agent must be paused / restarted
00207                         // If the operator is activated and not paused, runs it (including its children), 
00208                         // otherwise just process messages
00209                         if ( _IsActivated )
00210                         {
00211                                 if( !_IsPaused ) 
00212                                         return CAgentScript::run();
00213                                 else
00214                                 {
00215                                         CActorScript::processMessages();
00216                                         return IObjectIA::ProcessRun;
00217                                 }
00218                         }
00219                         else
00220                                 CActorScript::processMessages();
00221                 }
00222                 else
00223                 {
00224                         if ( _IsActivated == true )             // If the operator is curently activated, unactivates it
00225                         {
00226                                 unActivate();
00227                                 _CurrentGoal = NULL;                            
00228                         }
00229                         CActorScript::processMessages();
00230                         return IObjectIA::ProcessRun;
00231                 }
00232                 return IObjectIA::ProcessRun;
00233         }

virtual IMessageBase* NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runAchieve const IMessageBase m  )  [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

runAchieve ist to processing reltative to PAchieve Performatif. its call from the IObjectIA *run(const IMessageBase &m) method.

Definition at line 127 of file agent.h.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::getDebugString(), and NLAIC::IBasicType::getType().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::run().

00128                 {
00129                         std::string debugString;
00130                         std::string text;
00131                         getDebugString(debugString);
00132                         text = "IMessageBase *runAchieve(";
00133                         text += (const char *)m.getType();
00134                         text += " note implementaited for the '";
00135                         text += (const char *)getType();
00136                         text += "' interface for the instence '";
00137                         text += (const char *)getType();
00138                         text += "' '";
00139                         text += debugString;
00140                         text += "'";
00142                         throw NLAIE::CExceptionNotImplemented(text.c_str());
00143                         return NULL;
00144                 }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runActivity  )  [virtual, inherited]

Mailer do'nt have own activity.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IAgent.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CAgentManagerTimer, NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer, NLAIAGENT::CAgentClockTimer, and NLAIAGENT::CAgentOperation.

Definition at line 1607 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentManager, NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager::getAgentContext(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getRunMethod(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodeMember(), and NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Self.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript::run().

01608         {
01610                 NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *context = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *)_AgentManager->getAgentContext();
01611                 context->Self = this;
01612                 if(_AgentClass->getRunMethod() >= 0) runMethodeMember(_AgentClass->getRunMethod(), context);
01614                 return ProcessRun;
01615         }

IMessageBase * NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runAsk const IMessageBase m  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

runAsk is to processing reltative to PAsk Performatif. its call from the IObjectIA *run(const IMessageBase &m) method.

Definition at line 546 of file agents.cpp.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::getDebugString(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::getParent(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), and NLAIC::stringGetBuild().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::run().

00547         {
00548                 if(NLAISCRIPT::CMsgNotifyParentClass::IdMsgNotifyParentClass == m.getType())
00549                 {
00550                         if(getParent() != NULL)
00551                         {
00552                                 CNotifyParentScript *msg = new CNotifyParentScript();
00553                                 return msg;
00554                         }
00555                         else
00556                         {
00557                                 CNotifyParentScript *msg = new CNotifyParentScript((IBasicAgent *)getParent());
00558                                 return msg;
00559                         }
00560                 }
00561                 else
00562                 {
00563                         std::string debugString;
00564                         std::string text;
00565                         getDebugString(debugString);
00566                         text += NLAIC::stringGetBuild("runAsk(%s) note implementaited for the '%s' interface for the instence '%s'",(const char *)m.getType(),(const char *)getType(),debugString.c_str());
00567                         throw NLAIE::CExceptionNotImplemented(text.c_str());
00568                         return NULL;
00569                 }               
00570         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runAskDebugString IBaseGroupType  )  [virtual, inherited]

This function process the message ask debug string for the runTell.

Definition at line 923 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIC::CIdentType::allocClass(), NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::get(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getDebugString(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::getParent(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::getSender(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getType(), NLAIAGENT::IListBasicManager::push(), r, NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setPerformatif(), and NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setSender().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

00924         {
00926 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00927                 const char *text = (const char *)getType();
00928                 const char *textP = (const char *)getParent()->getType();
00929 #endif
00930                 static NLAIC::CIdentType idMsgDebugString ("MsgDebugString");
00932                 NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase &mOriginal = (NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase &)*g->get();
00934                 IMessageBase *m = (IMessageBase *)idMsgDebugString.allocClass();
00935                 m->setPerformatif(IMessageBase::PTell);         
00936                 m->setSender(this);
00938                 std::string str;
00939                 getDebugString(str);
00941                 m->push(new CStringType(str));
00943                 if(mOriginal.getSender() != NULL)
00944                                                                 ((IObjectIA *)mOriginal.getSender())->sendMessage((IObjectIA *)m);
00946                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
00948                 //m->incRef();
00949                 r.Result = m;
00950                 return r;
00951         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runAskGetValue IBaseGroupType  )  [inherited]

that is a surchage of the method member virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult addDynamicAgent(NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *g);

Definition at line 1006 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_Components, NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::get(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getInheritedStaticMemberIndex(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::getSender(), NLAIAGENT::CStringType::getStr(), NLAIC::IPointerGestion::incRef(), index, r, NLAIAGENT::IListBasicManager::set(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setContinuation(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setMethodIndex(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setPerformatif(), and sint32.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

01007         {
01008                 NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase &msg_result = (NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase &)*g->get();
01009                 msg_result.incRef();
01011                 CStringType *comp_name = (CStringType *)msg_result[(sint32)0];
01013                 msg_result.setPerformatif(IMessageBase::PTell);
01014                 msg_result.setMethodIndex(-1,-1);
01015                 msg_result.setContinuation( (IObjectIA *) msg_result.getSender() );
01017                 sint32 index = _AgentClass->getInheritedStaticMemberIndex(  comp_name->getStr()  );
01018                 if ( index != -1 )
01019                 {
01020                         msg_result.set( 1, _Components[ index ] );
01021                 }
01022                 else
01023                 {
01024                         // Component not foud: return error msg
01025                 }
01027                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
01028                 r.Result = &msg_result;
01029                 return r;
01030         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runAskParentNotify IBaseGroupType  )  [virtual, inherited]

This function process the message CNotifyParentScript for the runAsk.

Definition at line 912 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::getParent(), r, NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setPerformatif(), and NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setSender().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

00913         {
00914                 CNotifyParentScript *m = new CNotifyParentScript((IBasicAgent *)getParent());
00915                 m->setPerformatif(IMessageBase::PTell);
00916                 //this->incRef();
00917                 m->setSender(this);
00918                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
00919                 r.Result = m;
00920                 return r;
00921         }

virtual IMessageBase* NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runBreak const IMessageBase m  )  [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

runBreak is to processing reltative to PBreak Performatif. its call from the IObjectIA *run(const IMessageBase &m) method.

Definition at line 159 of file agent.h.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::getDebugString(), and NLAIC::IBasicType::getType().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::run().

00160                 {
00161                         std::string debugString;
00162                         std::string text;
00163                         getDebugString(debugString);
00164                         text = "IMessageBase *runBreak(";
00165                         text += (const char *)m.getType();
00166                         text += " note implementaited for the '";
00167                         text += (const char *)getType();
00168                         text += "' interface for the instence '";
00169                         text += (const char *)getType();
00170                         text += "' '";
00171                         text += debugString;
00172                         text += "'";
00174                         throw NLAIE::CExceptionNotImplemented(text.c_str());
00175                         return NULL;
00176                 }

virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runCancelGoalMsg IBaseGroupType  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Cancel a goal, it call by message manager when a cancel goal message is occure.

Definition at line 398 of file agent_script.h.

00399                 {
00400                         return IObjectIA::CProcessResult();
00401                 }

void NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runChildren  )  [virtual, inherited]

Run all child.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IAgent.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CFsmScript, and NLAIAGENT::CSeqFsmScript.

Definition at line 1377 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_Components, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_NbComponents, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getType(), NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::run(), and NLAIAGENT::IAgent::runChildren().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript::run().

01378         {
01379 #ifdef NL_DEBUG         
01380         const char *classBase = (const char *)getType();        
01381 #endif
01382                 // Activation des agents de la partie statique
01383                 int i = _NbComponents;
01385                 IObjectIA **com = _Components;
01387                 while(i --)
01388                         (*com ++)->run();               
01390                 // Activation des fils
01391                 IAgent::runChildren();
01392         }

bool NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runChildrenStepByStep  )  [virtual, inherited]

Activates the child agents.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IAgent.

Definition at line 1394 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_Components, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_iComponents, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_NbComponents, NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::run(), and NLAIAGENT::IAgent::runChildrenStepByStep().

01395         {
01396                 if(_iComponents == _NbComponents)
01397                 {
01398                         if(IAgent::runChildrenStepByStep())
01399                         {
01400                                 _iComponents = 0;
01401                                 return true;                            
01402                         }
01403                         else return false;                      
01404                 }
01406                 IObjectIA *o = _Components[_iComponents ++];
01407                 o->run();
01409                 return false;
01410         }

virtual IMessageBase* NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runError const IMessageBase m  )  [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

runError is to processing reltative to PError Performatif. its call from the IObjectIA *run(const IMessageBase &m) method.

Definition at line 206 of file agent.h.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::getDebugString(), and NLAIC::IBasicType::getType().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::run().

00207                 {
00208                         std::string debugString;
00209                         std::string text;
00210                         getDebugString(debugString);
00211                         text = "IMessageBase *runError(";
00212                         text += (const char *)m.getType();
00213                         text += " note implementaited for the '";
00214                         text += (const char *)getType();
00215                         text += "' interface for the instence '";
00216                         text += (const char *)getType();
00217                         text += "' '";
00218                         text += debugString;
00219                         text += "'";
00221                         throw NLAIE::CExceptionNotImplemented(text.c_str());
00222                         return NULL;
00223                 }

virtual IMessageBase* NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runEven const IMessageBase m  )  [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

RunExec is to processing reltative to PExec Performatif. its call from the IObjectIA *run(const IMessageBase &m) method.

Definition at line 105 of file agent.h.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::getDebugString(), and NLAIC::IBasicType::getType().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::run().

00106                 {
00107                         std::string debugString;
00108                         std::string text;
00109                         getDebugString(debugString);
00110                         text = "IMessageBase *runEven(";
00111                         text += (const char *)m.getType();
00112                         text += " note implementaited for the '";
00113                         text += (const char *)getType();
00114                         text += "' interface for the instence '";
00115                         text += (const char *)getType();
00116                         text += "' '";
00117                         text += debugString;
00118                         text += "'";
00120                         throw NLAIE::CExceptionNotImplemented(text.c_str());
00121                         return NULL;
00122                 }

virtual IMessageBase* NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runExec const IMessageBase m  )  [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

RunExec is to processing reltative to PExec Performatif. its call from the IObjectIA *run(const IMessageBase &m) method.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript.

Definition at line 83 of file agent.h.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::getDebugString(), and NLAIC::IBasicType::getType().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::run().

00084                 {
00085                         std::string debugString;
00086                         std::string text;
00087                         getDebugString(debugString);
00088                         text = "IMessageBase *runExec(";
00089                         text += (const char *)m.getType();
00090                         text += " note implementaited for the '";
00091                         text += (const char *)getType();
00092                         text += "' interface for the instence '";
00093                         text += (const char *)getType();
00094                         text += "' '";
00095                         text += debugString;
00096                         text += "'";
00098                         throw NLAIE::CExceptionNotImplemented(text.c_str());
00099                         return NULL;
00100                 }

virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runFactMsg IBaseGroupType  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Add a fact on the fact base, it occur when a fact message hapend.

Definition at line 404 of file agent_script.h.

00405                 {
00406                         return IObjectIA::CProcessResult();
00407                 }

virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runGoalMsg IBaseGroupType  )  [inline, virtual, inherited]

Run all goal message, it call by message manager when a goal message is occure.

Definition at line 392 of file agent_script.h.

00393                 {
00394                         return IObjectIA::CProcessResult();
00395                 }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runInitClass IBaseGroupType  )  [virtual, inherited]

that is a surchage of the method member virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult addDynamicAgent(NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *g);

Definition at line 1103 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::get(), and r.

01104         {
01105                 const char * class_name = ((NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName *)g->get())->getString();
01106                 NLAIC::CIdentType id_class( class_name );       
01110                 /*
01111                 NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase &msg_result = (NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase &)*g->get();
01112                 msg_result.incRef();
01115                 // Cleans previous components
01116                 if ( _Components != NULL )
01117                 {
01118                         for ( int i = 0; i < _NbComponents; i++ )
01119                                 _Components[i]->release();
01120                 }
01122                 // Creates a new component array
01123                 _NbComponents = (sint32) msg_result.size() / 3;
01124                 _Components = new IObjectIA *[ _NbComponents ];
01126                 int test = 0;
01128                 for ( int i = 0; i < msg_result.size() ; i += 3 )
01129                 {
01130                         CStringType *comp_name = (CStringType *) msg_result[ (sint32) i ];
01131                         CStringType *comp_type = (CStringType *) msg_result[ (sint32) (i + 1) ];
01132                         IObjectIA *comp_val = (IObjectIA *) msg_result[ (sint32) (i + 2) ];
01134                         sint32 index = getStaticMemberIndex( comp_name->getStr() ); //_AgentClass->getInheritedStaticMemberIndex(  comp_name->getStr()  );
01135                         if ( index != -1 )
01136                         {
01137                                 // Sets the component to the new value
01138                                 setStaticMember( index, comp_val );             
01139                         }
01140                         else
01141                         {
01142                                 setStaticMember( (sint32) (i / 3) , comp_val );
01143                         }
01144                         test++;
01145                 }
01146                 */
01147                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
01148                 r.Result = NULL;
01149                 return r;
01150         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runInitComponent IBaseGroupType  )  [virtual, inherited]

that is a surchage of the method member virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult addDynamicAgent(NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *g);

Definition at line 1060 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_Components, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_NbComponents, NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::get(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getStaticMemberIndex(), NLAIAGENT::CStringType::getStr(), NLAIC::IPointerGestion::incRef(), index, r, NLAIC::IPointerGestion::release(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::setStaticMember(), sint32, and NLAIAGENT::IListBasicManager::size().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

01061         {
01062                 NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase &msg_result = (NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase &)*g->get();
01063                 msg_result.incRef();
01066                 // Cleans previous components
01067                 if ( _Components != NULL )
01068                 {
01069                         for ( int i = 0; i < _NbComponents; i++ )
01070                                 _Components[i]->release();
01071                 }
01073                 // Creates a new component array
01074                 _NbComponents = (sint32) msg_result.size() / 3;
01075                 _Components = new IObjectIA *[ _NbComponents ];
01077                 int test = 0;
01079                 for ( int i = 0; i < msg_result.size() ; i += 3 )
01080                 {
01081                         CStringType *comp_name = (CStringType *) msg_result[ (sint32) i ];
01082                         IObjectIA *comp_val = (IObjectIA *) msg_result[ (sint32) (i + 2) ];
01084                         sint32 index = getStaticMemberIndex( comp_name->getStr() ); //_AgentClass->getInheritedStaticMemberIndex(  comp_name->getStr()  );
01085                         if ( index != -1 )
01086                         {
01087                                 // Sets the component to the new value
01088                                 setStaticMember( index, comp_val );             
01089                         }
01090                         else
01091                         {
01092                                 setStaticMember( (sint32) (i / 3) , comp_val );
01093                         }
01094                         test++;
01095                 }
01097                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
01098                 msg_result.incRef();
01099                 r.Result = &msg_result;
01100                 return r;
01101         }

virtual IMessageBase* NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runKill const IMessageBase m  )  [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

runKill is to processing reltative to PKill Performatif. its call from the IObjectIA *run(const IMessageBase &m) method.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer.

Definition at line 184 of file agent.h.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::getDebugString(), and NLAIC::IBasicType::getType().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::run().

00185                 {
00186                         std::string debugString;
00187                         std::string text;
00188                         getDebugString(debugString);
00189                         text = "IMessageBase *runKill(";
00190                         text += (const char *)m.getType();
00191                         text += " note implementaited for the '";
00192                         text += (const char *)getType();
00193                         text += "' interface for the instence '";
00194                         text += (const char *)getType();
00195                         text += "' '";
00196                         text += debugString;
00197                         text += "'";
00199                         throw NLAIE::CExceptionNotImplemented(text.c_str());
00200                         return NULL;
00201                 }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::runMethodBase int  index,

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 659 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _Exclusive, _IsActivable, _Maintain, fid_background, fid_exclusive, fid_getPriority, fid_isActivable, fid_isPaused, fid_modeachieve, fid_modemaintain, fid_order, fid_setPriority, index, order(), params, priority(), and r.

00660         {       
00661                 int i = index - CActorScript::getMethodIndexSize();
00664                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
00665                 std::vector<CStringType *> handles;
00668                 switch( i )
00669                 {
00670                         case fid_modemaintain:
00671                                 _Maintain = true;
00672                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00673                                 r.Result = NULL;
00674                                 return r;
00676                         case fid_modeachieve:
00677                                 _Maintain = false;
00678                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00679                                 r.Result = NULL;
00680                                 return r;
00682                         case fid_isActivable:
00683                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00684                                 r.Result = new NLAILOGIC::CBoolType( _IsActivable );
00685                                 return r;
00687                         case fid_isPaused:
00688                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00689                                 r.Result = new NLAILOGIC::CBoolType( _IsPaused );
00690                                 return r;
00692                         case fid_getPriority:
00693                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00694                                 r.Result = new NLAIAGENT::DigitalType( priority() );
00695                                 return r;
00697                         case fid_setPriority:
00698                                 _Priority  = ((NLAIAGENT::DigitalType *)((NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *) params)->get())->getValue();
00699                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00700                                 r.Result = NULL;
00701                                 return r;
00703                         case fid_background:
00704                                 _Exclusive = false;
00705                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00706                                 r.Result = NULL;
00707                                 return r;
00709                         case fid_exclusive:
00710                                 _Exclusive = true;
00711                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00712                                 r.Result = NULL;
00713                                 return r;
00715                         case fid_order:
00716                                 {
00717                                         NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *receivers = (NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *) ((NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *)params)->getFront();
00718                                         ((NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *)params)->popFront();
00719                                         NLAILOGIC::IGoal *goal = (NLAILOGIC::IGoal *) ((NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *)params)->getFront();
00720                                         ((NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *)params)->popFront();
00721                                         order( receivers, goal );
00722                                         return r;
00723                                 }
00725                 }
00726                 return CActorScript::runMethodBase(index, params);
00727         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::runMethodBase int  heritance,
int  index,

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 588 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _Exclusive, _IsActivable, _Maintain, fid_achieve, fid_background, fid_exclusive, fid_getPriority, fid_isActivable, fid_isPaused, fid_modeachieve, fid_modemaintain, fid_order, fid_setPriority, NLAIAGENT::getValue(), index, order(), params, priority(), r, and setPriority().

00589         {               
00590                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
00592                 switch ( index )
00593                 {
00594                         case fid_modeachieve:
00595                                 _Maintain = false;
00596                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00597                                 r.Result = NULL;
00598                                 return r;
00600                         case fid_modemaintain:
00601                                 _Maintain = true;
00602                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00603                                 r.Result = NULL;
00604                                 return r;
00606                         case fid_isActivable:
00607                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00608                                 r.Result = new NLAILOGIC::CBoolType( _IsActivable );
00609                                 return r;
00611                         case fid_isPaused:
00612                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00613                                 r.Result = new NLAILOGIC::CBoolType( _IsPaused );
00614                                 return r;
00616                         case fid_getPriority:
00617                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00618                                 r.Result = new NLAIAGENT::DigitalType( priority() );
00619                                 return r;
00621                         case fid_setPriority:
00622                                 {
00623                                         setPriority(((NLAIAGENT::DigitalType *)((NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *) params)->get())->getValue());
00624                                         r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00625                                         r.Result = NULL;
00626                                         return r;
00627                                 }
00629                         case fid_background:
00630                                 _Exclusive = false;
00631                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00632                                 r.Result = NULL;
00633                                 return r;
00635                         case fid_exclusive:
00636                                 _Exclusive = true;
00637                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00638                                 r.Result = NULL;
00639                                 return r;
00641                         case fid_achieve:
00642                                 r.ResultState =  NLAIAGENT::processIdle;
00643                                 r.Result = NULL;
00644                                 return r;
00646                         case fid_order:
00647                                 {
00648                                         NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *receivers = (NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *) ((NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *)params)->getFront();
00649                                         ((NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *)params)->popFront();
00650                                         NLAILOGIC::IGoal *goal = (NLAILOGIC::IGoal *) ((NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *)params)->getFront();
00651                                         ((NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *)params)->popFront();
00652                                         order( receivers, goal );
00653                                         return r;
00654                                 }
00655                 }
00656                 return r;
00657         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodeMember sint32  index,
[virtual, inherited]

The methode runMethodeMember(sint32 index,IObjectIA *param) allow us to run a own member method.

index: is the method id return by the isMember(const IVarName *,const IVarName *,const IObjectIA &) const method. param: is the parametre for the method.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer.

Definition at line 2172 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Code, NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::ContextDebug, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getBaseMethodCount(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getMethode(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), index, NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Param, r, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runMethodeMember(), sint32, NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Stack, and uint32.

02173         {
02174                 if(c->getType() != NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::IdCodeContext)
02175                 {
02176                         return IAgent::runMethodeMember(index, c);
02177                 }
02179                 NLAISCRIPT::IOpCode *opPtr = NULL;
02180                 NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext &context = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext &)*c;
02182                 int i = index - getBaseMethodCount();
02183                 if(i < 0)
02184                 {
02185                         /*if (context.ContextDebug.Active)
02186                         {
02187                                 context.ContextDebug.Param.push_back(&listBidon);
02188                                 listBidon.incRef();
02189                         }*/
02191                         IObjectIA::CProcessResult r = runMethodBase(index,(IObjectIA *)context.Param.back());
02192                         if(r.Result != NULL)
02193                         {
02194                                 context.Stack++;
02195                                 context.Stack[(int)context.Stack] = r.Result;
02196                         }
02197                         r.Result = NULL;
02198                         return r;
02199                 }
02200                 else
02201                 {
02202                         opPtr = getMethode(i);
02203                 }
02204                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
02205                 if(opPtr != NULL)
02206                 {
02207                         NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRun *opTmp = context.Code;
02208                         int ip;
02209                         if(context.Code != NULL) ip = (uint32)*context.Code;
02210                         else ip =0;
02211                         context.Code = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRun *)opPtr;
02212                         *context.Code = 0;
02214                         r = ((NLAISCRIPT::ICodeBranche *)opPtr)->run(context);
02216                         // If we are in Debug Mode
02217                         if (context.ContextDebug.Active)
02218                         {
02219                                 context.ContextDebug.callStackPop();
02220                         }
02222                         *context.Code = ip;
02223                         context.Code = opTmp;           
02224                 }
02225                 return r;
02226         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodeMember sint32  heritance,
sint32  index,
[virtual, inherited]

The methode runMethodeMember(sint32 heritance, sint32 index, IObjectIA *param) allow us to run a member method.

heritance: is the id returned by the methodisClassInheritedFrom(const IVarName &). index: is the method id return by the isMember(const IVarName *,const IVarName *,const IObjectIA &) const method. param: is the parametre for the method.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent.

Definition at line 2112 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass, NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Code, NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::ContextDebug, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getBaseMethodCount(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::getBrancheCode(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getMethode(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), index, NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Param, r, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runMethodeMember(), sint32, NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Stack, and uint32.

Referenced by execOnActivate(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::failure(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::pause(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::restart(), NLAIAGENT::CMainAgentScript::run(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::run(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runActivity(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::success(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

02113         {
02115                 if(c->getType() != NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::IdCodeContext)
02116                 {
02117                         return IAgent::runMethodeMember(inheritance,index, c);
02118                 }
02120                 NLAISCRIPT::IOpCode *opPtr = NULL;
02121                 NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext &context = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext &)*c;
02123                 int i = index - getBaseMethodCount();
02124                 if(i < 0)
02125                 {                       
02126                         /*if (context.ContextDebug.Active)
02127                         {
02128                                 context.ContextDebug.Param.push_back(&listBidon);
02129                                 listBidon.incRef();
02130                         }*/
02132                         IObjectIA::CProcessResult r = runMethodBase(index,(IObjectIA *)context.Param.back());
02133                         if(r.Result != NULL)
02134                         {
02135                                 context.Stack++;
02136                                 context.Stack[(int)context.Stack] = r.Result;
02137                         }
02138                         r.Result = NULL;
02139                         return r;
02140                 }
02141                 else
02142                 {
02143                         opPtr = getMethode(inheritance,i);
02144                 }
02146                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
02147                 if(opPtr != NULL)
02148                 {
02149 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
02150                 std::string nameDbg;
02151                 _AgentClass->getBrancheCode(inheritance,i).getName().getDebugString(nameDbg);
02152                 _AgentClass->getBrancheCode(inheritance,i).getParam().getDebugString(nameDbg);
02153 #endif
02154                         NLAISCRIPT::IOpCode &op = *opPtr;
02155                         NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRun *opTmp = context.Code;
02156                         int ip = (uint32)*context.Code;
02157                         context.Code = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRun *)&op;              
02158                         *context.Code = 0;
02160                         r = ((NLAISCRIPT::ICodeBranche *)opPtr)->run(context);
02161                         // If we are in Debug Mode
02162                         if (context.ContextDebug.Active)
02163                         {
02164                                 context.ContextDebug.callStackPop();
02165                         }
02166                         *context.Code = ip;
02167                         context.Code = opTmp;           
02168                 }
02169                 return r;
02170         }

virtual IMessageBase* NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::runService const IMessageBase m  )  [inline, protected, virtual, inherited]

runService is to processing reltative to PService Performatif. its call from the IObjectIA *run(const IMessageBase &m) method.

Definition at line 228 of file agent.h.

References NLAIC::IBasicType::getDebugString(), and NLAIC::IBasicType::getType().

00229                 {
00230                         std::string debugString;
00231                         std::string text;
00232                         getDebugString(debugString);
00233                         text = "IMessageBase *runService(";
00234                         text += (const char *)m.getType();
00235                         text += " note implementaited for the '";
00236                         text += (const char *)getType();
00237                         text += "' interface for the instence '";
00238                         text += (const char *)getType();
00239                         text += "' '";
00240                         text += debugString;
00241                         text += "'";
00243                         throw NLAIE::CExceptionNotImplemented(text.c_str());
00244                         return NULL;
00245                 }

const IObjectIA::CProcessResult & NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runStep  )  [virtual, inherited]

Some where Run method define the process of the agen.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IAgent.

Definition at line 1655 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getType().

01656         {
01658 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
01659                 const char *dbg_class_name = (const char *) getType();
01660                 //const NLAIAGENT::IRefrence *dbg_mail_parent = _ScriptMail->getParent();
01661 #endif
01663                 return IAgentManager::runStep();
01665         }

IMessageBase * NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runTell const IMessageBase m  )  [virtual, inherited]

runTell is to processing reltative to PTell Performatif. its call from the IObjectIA *run(const IMessageBase &m) method.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent.

Definition at line 1020 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::getMessageGroup(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::processSuccess().

01021         {
01022                 processSuccess( (NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *) m.getMessageGroup() );
01023                 return new NLAIAGENT::CSuccessMsg();
01024         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runTellComponent IBaseGroupType  )  [virtual, inherited]

This function process the message MsgTellCompoment the result is to transmit a Message to an compoment.

Definition at line 989 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::get(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::getPerformatif(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::getSender(), NLAIAGENT::CStringType::getStr(), NLAIC::IPointerGestion::incRef(), r, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessage(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setPerformatif(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setSender(), and sint32.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

00990         {       
00991                 NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase &mOriginal = (NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase &)*g->get();
00992                 CStringType *c = (CStringType *)mOriginal[(sint32)0];
00993                 NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase *m = (NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase *)mOriginal[(sint32)1];
00994                 m->incRef();
00995                 m->setSender((IObjectIA *)mOriginal.getSender());
00996                 m->setPerformatif(mOriginal.getPerformatif());
00997                 sendMessage(c->getStr(), (IObjectIA *)m);
00999                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
01001                 m->incRef();
01002                 r.Result = m;
01003                 return r;
01004         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runTellParentNotify IBaseGroupType  )  [virtual, inherited]

This function process the message CNotifyParentScript for the runTell.

Definition at line 953 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_Components, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_NbComponents, NLAIAGENT::CNotifyParentScript::clone(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::getParent(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getType(), r, NLAIC::IPointerGestion::release(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setPerformatif(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setSender(), sint, t, and uint.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

00954         {       
00955                 sint i;
00957 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00958                 const char *text = (const char *)getType();
00959                 const char *textP = (const char *)getParent()->getType();
00960 #endif
00961                 CNotifyParentScript *m = new CNotifyParentScript(this);
00962                 m->setPerformatif(IMessageBase::PTell);         
00963                 m->setSender(this);
00965                 for(i = 0; i < _NbComponents; i++)
00966                 {
00967                         if(_Components[i] != NULL)
00968                         {                               
00969                                 CNotifyParentScript *msg = (CNotifyParentScript *)m->clone();
00970                                 try
00971                                 {
00972                                         uint b = NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tInterpret | NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tAgent;
00973                                         const NLAIC::CTypeOfObject &t = _Components[i]->getType();
00975                                         if((t.getValue() & b) == b)
00976                                                                         _Components[i]->sendMessage(msg);                                       
00977                                 }
00978                                 catch(NLAIE::IException &)
00979                                 {
00980                                         msg->release();
00981                                 }
00982                         }
00983                 }
00984                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
00985                 r.Result = m;
00986                 return r;
00987         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runTellSetValue IBaseGroupType  )  [inherited]

that is a surchage of the method member virtual IObjectIA::CProcessResult addDynamicAgent(NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *g);

Definition at line 1032 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType::get(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getStaticMemberIndex(), NLAIAGENT::CStringType::getStr(), NLAIC::IPointerGestion::incRef(), index, r, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::setStaticMember(), sint32, and NLAIAGENT::IListBasicManager::size().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

01033         {
01034                 NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase &msg_result = (NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase &)*g->get();
01035                 msg_result.incRef();
01037                 while ( msg_result.size() )
01038                 {
01039                         CStringType *comp_name = (CStringType *) msg_result[ (sint32) 0 ];
01040                         IObjectIA *comp_val = (IObjectIA *) msg_result[ (sint32) 1 ];
01042                         sint32 index = getStaticMemberIndex( comp_name->getStr() );
01043                         if ( index != -1 )
01044                         {
01045                                 // Sets the component to the new value
01046                                 setStaticMember( index, comp_val );             
01047                         }
01048                         else
01049                         {
01050                                 // Component not found: creates it
01052                         }
01053                 }
01054                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
01055                 msg_result.incRef();
01056                 r.Result = &msg_result;
01057                 return r;
01058         }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::save NLMISC::IStream os  )  [virtual]

programmer have to call this method to load or save internal attribut.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CActorScript.

Definition at line 149 of file operator_script.cpp.

00150         {
00151                 CAgentScript::save(os);
00152                 // TODO
00153         }

NLAILOGIC::CGoal * NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::selectGoal  )  [virtual]

Selects a goal among the ones the operator can process.

Definition at line 285 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _ActivatedGoals.

Referenced by run().

00286         {
00287                 if ( !_ActivatedGoals.empty() )
00288                 {
00289                         // TODO: instantiate each goal's variables and compute priority.
00290                         // then select the highest priority goal.
00291                         return _ActivatedGoals.front();
00292                 }
00294                 else
00295                         return NULL;
00296         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendBroadCast IObjectIA  )  [protected, virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 1197 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_DynamicAgentName, NLAIC::IPointerGestion::incRef(), and NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::sendMessage().

01198         {
01199                 TSetDefNameAgent::iterator i = _DynamicAgentName.begin();
01201                 if(i != _DynamicAgentName.end()) 
01202                 {
01203                         ((IObjectIA *)(*(*(i)).Itr))->sendMessage(m);
01204                         i ++;
01206                         while(i != _DynamicAgentName.end())
01207                         {
01208                                 m->incRef();
01209                                 IObjectIA *o = ((IObjectIA *)(*(*(i)).Itr));
01210                                 o->sendMessage(m);
01211                                 i++;
01212                         }
01213                 }
01215                 return IObjectIA::CProcessResult();
01216         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::sendMessage IMessageBase msg,
IBasicAgent receiver
[virtual, inherited]

Send message to an receiver agent.

Definition at line 326 of file agents.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IMailBox::addMessage(), and NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::getMail().

00327         {
00328                 receiver.getMail()->addMessage( msg );
00329                 return IObjectIA::ProcessRun;
00330         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::sendMessage IMessageBase msg  )  [virtual, inherited]

Send a message to the agent.

Implements NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA.

Definition at line 320 of file agents.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::_Mail, and NLAIAGENT::IMailBox::addMessage().

Referenced by NLAILOGIC::IGoal::failure(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessage(), and NLAILOGIC::IGoal::success().

00321         {
00322                 _Mail->addMessage(msg);
00323                 return IObjectIA::ProcessRun;
00324         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessage const IVarName ,
[virtual, inherited]

This method allow to send a message to an compoment given by an string IVarName.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA.

Definition at line 1250 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getStaticMember(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getStaticMemberIndex(), NLAIAGENT::IVarName::getString(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), NLAIAGENT::processError, NLAIC::IPointerGestion::release(), NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::sendMessage(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessageToDynmaicChild().

01251         {
01252 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
01253         const char *txt = (const char *)msg->getType();
01254         const char *compNameDb = (const char *)compName.getString();
01255         //nlinfo("MSG %s %4x", txt, this);
01256 #endif
01257                 if(_AgentClass != NULL)
01258                 {
01259                         int i = getStaticMemberIndex(compName);
01260                         if(i >= 0)
01261                         {
01262                                 IObjectIA *comp = (IObjectIA *)getStaticMember(i);
01263                                 if(comp != NULL)
01264                                 {
01265                                         comp->sendMessage(msg);
01266                                 }
01267                                 else
01268                                 {
01269                                         if(sendMessageToDynmaicChild(compName,msg).ResultState == processError) msg->release();
01270                                 }
01271                         }
01272                         else
01273                         {
01274                                 if(sendMessageToDynmaicChild(compName,msg).ResultState == processError) msg->release();
01275                         }
01276                 }
01277                 else                    
01278                 {                                               
01279                         if(sendMessageToDynmaicChild(compName,msg).ResultState == processError) msg->release();
01280                 }
01281                 return IObjectIA::CProcessResult();
01282         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::sendMessage IObjectIA m  )  [virtual, inherited]

sendMessage allow agent to send a message to an ather agent. The message is a IMessageBase.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript.

Definition at line 390 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessage().

00391         {               
00392                 return CAgentScript::sendMessage(m);
00393         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessageToDynmaicChild const IVarName ,

Definition at line 1218 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_DynamicAgentName, NLAIC::IBasicType::clone(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getDebugString(), NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), NLAIAGENT::processError, r, and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessage().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessage().

01219         {
01220                 //TSetDefNameAgent::iterator  p = _DynamicAgentName.find(CKeyAgent(CStringType(compName)));
01221                 std::pair<TSetDefNameAgent::iterator,TSetDefNameAgent::iterator>  p = _DynamicAgentName.equal_range(CKeyAgent(CStringType(compName)));
01223 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
01224                 const char *txt = (const char *)msg->getType();
01225                 std::string txtName;
01226                 compName.getDebugString(txtName);
01227 #endif
01229                 IObjectIA::CProcessResult r;
01231                 if(p.first != p.second)
01232                 {
01233                         while(p.first != p.second)
01234                         {
01235                                 CAgentScript *o = (CAgentScript *)*((*(p.first)).Itr);
01236                                 o->sendMessage(msg);
01237                                 p.first ++;
01238                                 if(p.first != p.second) msg = (IObjectIA *)msg->clone();
01239                         }
01240                 }
01241                 else
01242                 {
01243                         r.ResultState = processError;
01244                         r.Result = NULL;                        
01245                 }
01247                 return r;
01248         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMethod IObjectIA  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 1177 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::INombreDefine::getNumber(), param, NLAIC::IPointerGestion::release(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessage(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setPerformatif(), and sint.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

01178         {
01179                 INombreDefine *p = (INombreDefine *)((IBaseGroupType *)param)->popFront();
01180                 IMessageBase *msg = (IMessageBase *)((IBaseGroupType *)param)->popFront();
01181                 msg->setPerformatif((IMessageBase::TPerformatif)(sint)p->getNumber());
01182                 p->release();
01183                 return sendMessage(msg);
01184         }

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMethodCompoment IObjectIA  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 1186 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::INombreDefine::getNumber(), NLAIAGENT::CStringType::getStr(), NLAIC::IPointerGestion::incRef(), param, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessage(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::setPerformatif(), and sint.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase().

01187         {
01188                 NLAIAGENT::CIteratorContener It = ((IBaseGroupType *)param)->getIterator();
01189                 const CStringType *n = (const CStringType *)It++;
01190                 INombreDefine *p = (INombreDefine *)((IBaseGroupType *)It++);
01191                 IMessageBase *msg = (IMessageBase *)((IBaseGroupType *)It++);
01192                 msg->setPerformatif((IMessageBase::TPerformatif)(sint)p->getNumber());
01193                 msg->incRef();
01194                 return sendMessage(n->getStr(),msg);
01195         }       

virtual void NLAIC::IBasicInterface::serial NLMISC::IStream f  )  throw (NLMISC::EStream) [inline, virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from NLAIC::IPointerGestion.

Definition at line 328 of file abstract_interface.h.

References NLAIC::IBasicInterface::load(), and NLAIC::IBasicInterface::save().

00329                 {
00330                         if ( f.isReading() )
00331                                 load( f );
00332                         else
00333                                 save( f );
00334                 }

void NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::setAgentManager IAgentManager manager  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the manager for this instance.

Definition at line 496 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentManager, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_Components, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_NbComponents, NLAIC::IBasicType::getType(), t, and uint.

00497         {
00498                 //if(_AgentManager != NULL) _AgentManager->release();
00499                 _AgentManager = manager;
00500                 for ( int i = 0; i < _NbComponents; i++ )
00501                 {                       
00503                         uint b = NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tInterpret | NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tAgent;
00504                         const NLAIC::CTypeOfObject &t = (const NLAIC::CTypeOfObject &)_Components[i]->getType();
00505                         if( (t.getValue() & b ) == b)                   
00506                         {                               
00507                                 ((CAgentScript *)_Components[i])->setAgentManager(_AgentManager);                       
00508                         }
00509                 }
00510         }

void NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::setNumRef const IWordNumRef ref  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 461 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::_NumRef, NLAIAGENT::IWordNumRef::getNumIdent(), and NLAIC::IPointerGestion::release().

00462         {
00463                 if(_NumRef != NULL) _NumRef->release();
00464                 _NumRef = new CLocWordNumRef(ref.getNumIdent(),this);
00465         }

void NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::setParent const IWordNumRef parent  )  [virtual, inherited]

to set the parent of the agents.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IRefrence.

Definition at line 661 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::connect(), and NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::getParent().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::addDynamicAgent(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::deleteListe(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::IBasicAgent(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::onKill(), NLAIAGENT::CProxyAgentMail::sendMessage(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail::sendMessage(), and NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::~IBasicAgent().

00662         {               
00663                 IRefrence::setParent(parent);
00664                 IConnectIA *p = (IConnectIA *)getParent();
00666                 if(p != NULL) connect(p);
00667         }

void NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::setPriority float  prio  ) 

Definition at line 888 of file operator_script.cpp.

References _BasePriority.

Referenced by NLAISCRIPT::COperatorClass::buildNewInstance(), and runMethodBase().

00889         {
00890                 _BasePriority = prio;
00891         }

void NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::setState TProcessStatement  s,
IObjectIA result
[virtual, inherited]

Set the state of an agent.

Implements NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA.

Definition at line 314 of file agents.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::_RunState.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer::runActivity(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer::runKill(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer::runTell().

00315         {
00316                 _RunState.ResultState = state;
00317                 _RunState.Result = result;
00318         }

bool NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::setStaticMember const IVarName compName,
IObjectIA change
[inline, inherited]

to cahnge a given components given by an index.

Definition at line 268 of file baseai.h.

References NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::getStaticMemberIndex().

Referenced by NLAISCRIPT::CAffHeapMemberiOpCode::runOpCode(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffMemberiOpCode::runOpCode(), and NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail::setStaticMember().

00269                 {
00270                         return setStaticMember(getStaticMemberIndex(compName),change);
00271                 }

bool NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::setStaticMember sint32  ,
[virtual, inherited]

to cahnge a given components given by a string.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA.

Definition at line 517 of file agent_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_Components, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_NbComponents, index, NLAIC::IPointerGestion::release(), sint32, t, and uint.

Referenced by checkTrigMsg(), linkGoalArgs(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runInitComponent(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runTellSetValue().

00518         {
00519 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00520                 if ( index >= _NbComponents )
00521                 {
00522                         throw NLAIE::CExceptionIndexError();
00523                 }
00524 #endif
00525                 IObjectIA *old_comp = _Components[ index ];
00526                 _Components[ index ] = op;              
00528                 uint b = NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tInterpret | NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tAgent;
00529                 const NLAIC::CTypeOfObject &t = op->getType();
00530                 if((t.getValue() & b) == b)
00531                 {
00532                         ((CAgentScript *)op)->setParent( (const IWordNumRef *) *this);
00533                 }
00534                 if(op != old_comp)  
00535                 {
00536                         old_comp->release();
00537                         return false;
00538                 }
00539                 return true;
00540         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::setTopLevel CAgentScript tl  )  [virtual, inherited]

Set the top level agent of this one.

Reimplemented from NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript.

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CFsmScript.

Definition at line 932 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_TopLevel, NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::isClassInheritedFrom(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::setTopLevel().

00933         {
00934                 _TopLevel = tl;
00936                 for (int i = 0; i < _NbComponents; i++ )
00937                 {
00938                         if ( _Components[i]->isClassInheritedFrom( NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName("Actor") ) != -1 )
00939                         {
00940                                 if ( _TopLevel )
00941                                         ( (CActorScript *)_Components[i] )->setTopLevel( _TopLevel );
00942                                 else
00943                                         ( (CActorScript *)_Components[i] )->setTopLevel( this );
00944                         }
00945                 }
00946         }

void NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::setTypeAt uint64  t  )  [inherited]

That function allow user to change the 7 bit of the type field in the sid agent number;.

Definition at line 485 of file baseai.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::_NumRef, NLAIAGENT::CNumericIndex::getId(), NLAIAGENT::IWordNumRef::getNumIdent(), t, and uint64.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::IRefrence().

00486         {
00487                 ((CAgentNumber &)(_NumRef->getNumIdent().getId())).setTypeAt(t);
00488         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::success  )  [virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in NLAILOGIC::CGoalPath.

Definition at line 966 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnSuccessIndex, NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager::getAgentContext(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getAgentManager(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::isMember(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::onSuccess(), r, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodeMember(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Self, and NLAIAGENT::TQueue.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::processSuccess().

00967         {
00968                 static CStringVarName onsuccess_func_name("OnSuccess");
00969                 TQueue r = _AgentClass->isMember( NULL, &onsuccess_func_name, NLAISCRIPT::CParam() );
00970                 if ( !r.empty() )
00971                 {       
00972                         _OnSuccessIndex =;
00973                         const NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager *manager = getAgentManager();
00974                         if ( manager != NULL )
00975                         {
00976                                 NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *context = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *) manager->getAgentContext();
00977                                 context->Self = this;
00978                                 runMethodeMember( _OnSuccessIndex ,context);
00979                                 _OnSuccessIndex = -1;
00980                         }
00981                 }
00982                 onSuccess( NULL );
00983         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::switchActor std::vector< CComponentHandle * > &  ,
bool  stay_active = false
[protected, virtual, inherited]

Transfers activity to another actor. The second arg bool must be set to true for this agent to stay active, false otherwise.

Definition at line 323 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::activate(), nlwarning, and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

00324         {
00325                 std::vector<CComponentHandle *>::iterator it_handle = handles.begin();
00326                 while ( it_handle != handles.end() )
00327                 {
00328                         CActorScript *actor = (CActorScript *)( *it_handle )->getValue();
00329                         if ( actor != NULL )
00330                                 actor->activate();
00331                         else
00332                         {
00333                                 const char *sw_name = (*it_handle)->getCompName()->getString();
00334                                 nlwarning("SWITCH: component %s not found.", sw_name);
00335                         }
00336                         it_handle++;
00337                 }
00338                 // TODO: Envoi de message "activate" 
00339                 if ( !stay_active )
00340                         unActivate();
00341         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::switchActor std::vector< CActorScript * > &  ,
bool  stay_active = false
[protected, virtual, inherited]

Transfers activity to another actor. The second arg bool must be set to true for this agent to stay active, false otherwise.

Definition at line 306 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

00307         {
00308                 std::vector<CActorScript *>::iterator it_act = actors.begin();
00309                 while ( it_act != actors.end() )
00310                 {
00311                         ( *it_act )->activate();
00312                         it_act++;
00313                 }
00315                 // TODO: Envoi de message "activate" 
00316                 if ( !stay_active )
00317                         unActivate();
00318         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::switchActor CActorScript ,
bool  stay_active = false
[protected, virtual, inherited]

Transfers activity to another actor. The second arg bool must be set to true for this agent to stay active, false otherwise.

Definition at line 295 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::activate(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase().

00296         {
00297                 receiver->activate();
00299                 if ( !stay_active && ( receiver != this ) )
00300                         unActivate();
00301         }

void NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate  )  [inherited]

Unactivates the actor.

Definition at line 149 of file actor_script.cpp.

References NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_IsPaused, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_Launched, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnActivateIndex, NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnUnActivateIndex, NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager::getAgentContext(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getAgentManager(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getClass(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::getParent(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::isClassInheritedFrom(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::isMember(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::onUnActivate(), r, NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::removeDynamic(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodeMember(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext::Self, and NLAIAGENT::TQueue.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::cancel(), onFailure(), onSuccess(), run(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::switchActor().

00150         {
00151                 if ( _IsActivated )
00152                 {
00153                         CAgentScript *father = (CAgentScript *) getParent();
00154                         if (  father && ( ( CAgentScript *)father)->getClass()->isClassInheritedFrom( CStringVarName("Fsm") ) != -1 )
00155                         {
00156                                 ( (CFsmScript *)father)->unactivate( this );
00157                         }
00159                         static CStringVarName unactivate_func_name("OnUnActivate");
00160                         TQueue r = _AgentClass->isMember( NULL, &unactivate_func_name, NLAISCRIPT::CParam() );
00161                         if ( !r.empty() )
00162                         {       
00163                                 _OnUnActivateIndex =;
00164                                 const NLAIAGENT::IAgentManager *manager = getAgentManager();
00165                                 if ( manager != NULL )
00166                                 {
00167                                         NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *context = (NLAISCRIPT::CCodeContext *) manager->getAgentContext();
00168                                         context->Self = this;
00169                                         runMethodeMember( _OnUnActivateIndex ,context);
00170                                         _OnActivateIndex = -1;
00171                                 }
00172                         }
00173                         // Destroys launched childs?
00174                         while ( _Launched.size() )
00175                         {
00176                                 ( (CActorScript *) _Launched.front() )->cancel();
00177                                 //_Launched.front()->Kill();
00178                                 /*if(_Launched.front()->getRef() >= 2)
00179                                                                                                 _Launched.front()->release();*/
00180                                 removeDynamic(_Launched.front());
00181                                 _Launched.front()->release();
00182                                 _Launched.pop_front();
00183                         }
00184                         onUnActivate();
00185                         _IsActivated = false;
00186                         _IsPaused = false;
00187                 }
00188         }

NLAILOGIC::CValueSet * NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::unifyLiaison const NLAILOGIC::CValueSet ,
std::vector< sint32 > & 

Definition at line 533 of file operator_script.cpp.

References NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::unify().

Referenced by propagate().

00534         {
00535                 NLAILOGIC::CValueSet *result;
00537                 if ( (result = fp->unify( vals, pos_vals )) )
00538                         return result;
00539                 else
00540                 {
00541                         return NULL;
00542                 }
00543         }

Field Documentation

std::list<NLAILOGIC::CGoal *> NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::_ActivatedGoals [private]

Definition at line 69 of file operator_script.h.

Referenced by checkActivation(), lookForGoals(), and selectGoal().

std::vector<CComponentHandle *> NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_Actors [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 92 of file actor_script.h.

NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass* NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentClass [protected, inherited]

The creator of this instance. This useful for find scripted method entry point.

Definition at line 178 of file agent_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::CAgentScript(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getChildMessageIndex(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getClass(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getClassName(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getDebugString(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getFactoryClass(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getMethode(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getMethodeMemberDebugString(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getStaticMemberIndex(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getType(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::haveActivity(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isClassInheritedFrom(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isMember(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::newInstance(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runActivity(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runAskGetValue(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodeMember(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessage().

TBasicList NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::_AgentList [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 340 of file agent.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::addChild(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::cpyChild(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::deleteListe(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::IAgentComposite(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::removeChild(), and NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::save().

IAgentManager* NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_AgentManager [protected, inherited]

The manager where the agent is run this manager have the agent script context.

Definition at line 170 of file agent_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::CAgentScript(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getAgentManager(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getDebugString(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::processMessages(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runActivity(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::setAgentManager().

float NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::_BasePriority [private]

Definition at line 74 of file operator_script.h.

Referenced by calcPriority(), COperatorScript(), and setPriority().

IObjectIA** NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_Components [protected, inherited]

Table of static compoments.

Definition at line 163 of file agent_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::CAgentScript(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::createComponents(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getDebugString(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getStaticMember(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::load(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runAskGetValue(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runChildren(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runChildrenStepByStep(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runInitComponent(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runTellParentNotify(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::save(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::setAgentManager(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::setStaticMember(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::~CAgentScript().

TListIBasic NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::_Connected [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 427 of file baseai.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::addInConnectedList(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::Kill(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::removeInConnectedList(), and NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::save().

TListIBasic NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::_Connection [protected, inherited]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CAgentOperation.

Definition at line 426 of file baseai.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::addInConnectionList(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::Kill(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::removeInConnectionList(), and NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::save().

NLAILOGIC::CGoal* NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::_CurrentGoal [private]

Definition at line 67 of file operator_script.h.

Referenced by cancel(), checkActivation(), checkPause(), COperatorScript(), onFailure(), onSuccess(), and run().

sint32 NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::_CyclesBeforeUpdate [private]

Definition at line 68 of file operator_script.h.

Referenced by COperatorScript(), and run().

TSetDefNameAgent NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_DynamicAgentName [protected, inherited]

Map for store agent added in the dynamic child container.

Definition at line 173 of file agent_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::addDynamicAgent(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getDynamicAgent(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getDynamicName(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::onKill(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::removeDynamic(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runMethodBase(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendBroadCast(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::sendMessageToDynmaicChild().

bool NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::_Exclusive [private]

Definition at line 71 of file operator_script.h.

Referenced by COperatorScript(), isExclusive(), and runMethodBase().

NLAILOGIC::CFactBase* NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::_FactBase [private]

Definition at line 66 of file operator_script.h.

sint NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_iComponents [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 179 of file agent_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::CAgentScript(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runChildrenStepByStep().

bool NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::_IsActivable [private]

Definition at line 70 of file operator_script.h.

Referenced by calcPriority(), COperatorScript(), run(), and runMethodBase().

bool NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_IsActivated [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 76 of file actor_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::CActorScript().

bool NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_IsPaused [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 78 of file actor_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::CActorScript(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::pause(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::restart(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

std::list<IBasicAgent *> NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_Launched [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 94 of file actor_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::Launch(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::pause(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::restart(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::~CActorScript().

IMailBox* NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::_Mail [protected, inherited]

Box letter for communication service.

Definition at line 63 of file agent.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::getMail(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::IBasicAgent(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::load(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::onKill(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::save(), NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::sendMessage(), and NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::~IBasicAgent().

bool NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::_Maintain [private]

Definition at line 72 of file operator_script.h.

Referenced by checkActivation(), COperatorScript(), and runMethodBase().

sint32 NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_NbAnswers [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 88 of file actor_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::CActorScript(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::Launch(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::runMethodBase().

int NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::_NbComponents [protected, inherited]

Nomber of static compoment.

Definition at line 167 of file agent_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::CAgentScript(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::createComponents(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getDebugString(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getStaticMember(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getStaticMemberSize(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::load(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runChildren(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runChildrenStepByStep(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runInitComponent(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::runTellParentNotify(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::save(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::setAgentManager(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::setStaticMember(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::~CAgentScript().

bool NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnActivate [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 77 of file actor_script.h.

sint32 NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnActivateIndex [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 81 of file actor_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::activate(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::CActorScript(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::run(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

sint32 NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnFailureIndex [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 86 of file actor_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::failure().

sint32 NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnPauseIndex [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 83 of file actor_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::pause().

sint32 NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnRestartIndex [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 84 of file actor_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::restart().

sint32 NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnSuccessIndex [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 85 of file actor_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::success().

sint32 NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_OnUnActivateIndex [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 82 of file actor_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::CActorScript(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::unActivate().

float NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::_Priority [private]

Definition at line 73 of file operator_script.h.

CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::_RunState [protected, inherited]

Internal state of the agent.

Definition at line 61 of file agent.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::getState(), and NLAIAGENT::IBasicAgent::setState().

sint NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::_SizeChild [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 342 of file agent.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::addChild(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::cpyChild(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::deleteListe(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::getChildCoun(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::load(), and NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::removeChild().

CAgentScript* NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::_TopLevel [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 96 of file actor_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::CActorScript(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::getTopLevel(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::Launch(), and NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::setTopLevel().

std::vector<NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *> NLAIAGENT::COperatorScript::_VarValues [private]

Definition at line 65 of file operator_script.h.

const NLAIC::CIdentType CActorScript::IdActorScript [static, inherited]

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::getType().

const NLAIC::CIdentType * IAgent::IdAgent = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 77 of file static_def_init.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::IAgent::getType().

const NLAIC::CIdentType CAgentScript::IdAgentScript [static, inherited]

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::getType().

NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::IdMsgNotifyParent = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 67 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimple * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::IdMsgNotifyParentClass = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 66 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

const NLAIC::CIdentType COperatorScript::IdOperatorScript [static]

Referenced by getType().

std::set<std::string> NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::mapSet [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 181 of file agent_script.h.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::addSet(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::beginSet(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::CAgentScript(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::endSet(), and NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::isa().

NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::msgPerf = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 63 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::msgType = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 62 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

NLAISCRIPT::CParam * NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::ParamFailureMsg = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 48 of file actor_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::getPrivateMember().

NLAISCRIPT::CParam * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamGetValueMsg = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 71 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr * NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::ParamIdFailureMsg = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 47 of file actor_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::initClass().

NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamIdGetValueMsg = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 70 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamIdInitComponentMsg = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 76 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamIdSetValueMsg = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 72 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr * NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::ParamIdSuccessMsg = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 45 of file actor_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::initClass().

NLAISCRIPT::COperandSimpleListOr * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamIdTellComponentMsg = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 74 of file agent_script.cpp.

NLAISCRIPT::CParam * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamInitComponentMsg = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 77 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

NLAISCRIPT::CParam * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamRunParentNotify = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 68 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

NLAISCRIPT::CParam* NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamSetStatic [static, inherited]

Definition at line 140 of file agent_script.h.

NLAISCRIPT::CParam * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamSetValueMsg = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 73 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

NLAISCRIPT::CParam * NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::ParamSuccessMsg = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 46 of file actor_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::getPrivateMember().

NLAISCRIPT::CParam * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::ParamTellComponentMsg = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 75 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

TProcessStatement NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::ProcessBuzzy = processBuzzy [static, inherited]

Define the an buzzy state for an agent all time in this state.

Definition at line 147 of file baseai.cpp.

TProcessStatement NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::ProcessEnd = processEnd [static, inherited]

Define the an end state for an agent all time in this state.

Definition at line 148 of file baseai.cpp.

TProcessStatement NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::ProcessError = processError [static, inherited]

Define the an error state for an agent all time in this state.

Definition at line 149 of file baseai.cpp.

TProcessStatement NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::ProcessIdle = processIdle [static, inherited]

Define the an idle state for an agent all time in this state.

Definition at line 145 of file baseai.cpp.

TProcessStatement NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::ProcessLocked = processLocked [static, inherited]

Define the an locked state for an agent all time in this state.

Definition at line 146 of file baseai.cpp.

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::ProcessNotComplit = IObjectIA::CProcessResult(processNotComplete) [static, inherited]

Definition at line 144 of file baseai.cpp.

IObjectIA::CProcessResult NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA::ProcessRun = IObjectIA::CProcessResult() [static, inherited]

Definition at line 143 of file baseai.cpp.

NLAISCRIPT::CParam * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::SendCompParamMessageScript = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 65 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

NLAISCRIPT::CParam * NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::SendParamMessageScript = NULL [static, inherited]

Definition at line 64 of file agent_script.cpp.

Referenced by NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::initAgentScript().

CAgentScript::CMethodCall ** NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::StaticMethod = NULL [static, inherited]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CAgentWatchTimer, and NLAIAGENT::CAgentOperation.

Definition at line 69 of file agent_script.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Mar 16 09:31:02 2004 for NeL by doxygen 1.3.6