NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree Class Reference

#include <meshvp_wind_tree.h>

Inheritance diagram for NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree:

NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram NLMISC::IStreamable NLMISC::CRefCount NLMISC::IClassable

Detailed Description

VertexProgram for an effect of Wind on Tree meshes.
Lionel Berenguier

Nevrax France


Definition at line 44 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

Public Types

enum  { HrcDepth = 3 }

Public Member Functions

 CMeshVPWindTree ()

virtual std::string getClassName ()=0
virtual float getMaxVertexMove ()
const sintgetRefCount () const
virtual bool needTangentSpace () const
virtual void serial (NLMISC::IStream &f) throw (NLMISC::EStream)
virtual ~CMeshVPWindTree ()
IMeshVertexProgram implementation
virtual bool begin (IDriver *drv, CScene *scene, CMeshBaseInstance *mbi, const NLMISC::CMatrix &invertedModelMat, const NLMISC::CVector &)
 Setup Wind constants, Light constants, and activate the VP.

virtual void end (IDriver *drv)
 disable the VertexProgram.

virtual void initInstance (CMeshBaseInstance *mbi)
 Setup a rand phase for wind in mbi.

virtual void setupForMaterial (const CMaterial &mat, IDriver *drv, CScene *scene, IVertexBufferHard *vb)
 Setup Wind constants, Light constants, and activate the VP.

virtual void setupForMaterial (const CMaterial &mat, IDriver *drv, CScene *scene, CVertexBuffer *vb)
 Setup Wind constants, Light constants, and activate the VP.

MBR support For WindTree
virtual void beginMBRInstance (IDriver *drv, CScene *scene, CMeshBaseInstance *mbi, const NLMISC::CMatrix &invertedModelMat)
virtual void beginMBRMesh (IDriver *drv, CScene *scene)
virtual void endMBRMesh (IDriver *drv)
virtual bool isMBRVpOk (IDriver *drv) const
virtual bool supportMeshBlockRendering () const

Data Fields

sint crefs
CPtrInfo * pinfo
WindTree Parameters;
float Bias [HrcDepth]
 Bias result of the cosinus: f= cos(time)+bias.

float Frequency [HrcDepth]
 Frequency of the wind for 3 Hierachy levels.

float FrequencyWindFactor [HrcDepth]
 Additional frequency, multiplied by the globalWindPower.

float PowerXY [HrcDepth]
 Power of the wind on XY. Mul by globalWindPower.

float PowerZ [HrcDepth]
 Power of the wind on Z. Mul by globalWindPower.

bool SpecularLighting
 true if want Specular Lighting.

Static Public Attributes

CPtrInfo NullPtrInfo

Private Types

enum  { NumVp = 16 }

Private Member Functions

void setupLighting (CScene *scene, CMeshBaseInstance *mbi, const NLMISC::CMatrix &invertedModelMat)
void setupPerInstanceConstants (IDriver *driver, CScene *scene, CMeshBaseInstance *mbi, const NLMISC::CMatrix &invertedModelMat)
void setupPerMesh (IDriver *driver, CScene *scene)

Static Private Member Functions

float speedCos (float angle)

Private Attributes

float _CurrentTime [HrcDepth]
uint _LastMBRIdVP
double _LastSceneTime
CVector _MaxDeltaPos [HrcDepth]
float _MaxVertexMove

Static Private Attributes

std::auto_ptr< CVertexProgram_VertexProgram [NumVp]


struct CPtrInfo

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 49 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

00049 {HrcDepth= 3};

anonymous enum [private]

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 125 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

00125 { NumVp = 16};  

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::CMeshVPWindTree  ) 


Definition at line 100 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References _CurrentTime, _LastSceneTime, _MaxVertexMove, FrequencyWindFactor, HrcDepth, PowerXY, PowerZ, and uint.

00101 {
00102         for(uint i=0; i<HrcDepth; i++)
00103         {
00104                 Frequency[i]= 1;
00105                 FrequencyWindFactor[i]= 0;
00106                 PowerXY[i]= 0;
00107                 PowerZ[i]= 0;
00108                 Bias[i]= 0;
00109                 // Init currentTime.
00110                 _CurrentTime[i]= 0;
00111         }
00112         SpecularLighting= false;
00114         _LastSceneTime= 0;
00115         _MaxVertexMove= 0;
00116 }

NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::~CMeshVPWindTree  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 120 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

00121 {
00122 }

Member Function Documentation

bool NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::begin IDriver drv,
CScene scene,
CMeshBaseInstance mbi,
const NLMISC::CMatrix invertedModelMat,
const NLMISC::CVector

Setup Wind constants, Light constants, and activate the VP.

Implements NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram.

Definition at line 297 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References NL3D::IDriver::activeVertexProgram(), NLMISC::clamp(), NL3D::CRenderTrav::getNumVPLights(), NL3D::CScene::getRenderTrav(), NL3D::IDriver::isForceNormalize(), NL3D::IDriver::isVertexProgramEmulated(), NL3D::IDriver::isVertexProgramSupported(), nlassert, setupPerInstanceConstants(), setupPerMesh(), sint, and uint.

00298 {
00299         if (!(driver->isVertexProgramSupported() && !driver->isVertexProgramEmulated())) return false;
00302         // precompute mesh
00303         setupPerMesh(driver, scene);
00305         // Setup instance constants
00306         setupPerInstanceConstants(driver, scene, mbi, invertedModelMat);
00308         // Activate the good VertexProgram
00309         //===============
00311         // Get how many pointLights are setuped now.
00312         nlassert(scene != NULL);
00313         CRenderTrav             *renderTrav= &scene->getRenderTrav();
00314         sint    numPls= renderTrav->getNumVPLights()-1;
00315         clamp(numPls, 0, CRenderTrav::MaxVPLight-1);
00317         // Enable normalize only if requested by user. Because lighting don't manage correct "scale lighting"
00318         uint    idVP= (SpecularLighting?2:0) + (driver->isForceNormalize()?1:0) ;
00319         // correct VP id for correct unmber of pls.
00320         idVP= numPls*4 + idVP;
00322         // activate VP.
00323         driver->activeVertexProgram(_VertexProgram[idVP].get());
00326         return true;
00327 }

void NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::beginMBRInstance IDriver drv,
CScene scene,
CMeshBaseInstance mbi,
const NLMISC::CMatrix invertedModelMat

Reimplemented from NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram.

Definition at line 407 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References _LastMBRIdVP, NL3D::IDriver::activeVertexProgram(), NLMISC::clamp(), NL3D::CRenderTrav::getNumVPLights(), NL3D::CScene::getRenderTrav(), NL3D::IDriver::isForceNormalize(), nlassert, setupPerInstanceConstants(), sint, and uint.

00408 {
00409         // setup first constants for this instance
00410         setupPerInstanceConstants(driver, scene, mbi, invertedModelMat);
00412         // Get how many pointLights are setuped now.
00413         nlassert(scene != NULL);
00414         CRenderTrav             *renderTrav= &scene->getRenderTrav();
00415         sint    numPls= renderTrav->getNumVPLights()-1;
00416         clamp(numPls, 0, CRenderTrav::MaxVPLight-1);
00418         // Enable normalize only if requested by user. Because lighting don't manage correct "scale lighting"
00419         uint    idVP= (SpecularLighting?2:0) + (driver->isForceNormalize()?1:0) ;
00420         // correct VP id for correct number of pls.
00421         idVP= numPls*4 + idVP;
00423         // re-activate VP if idVP different from last setup
00424         if( idVP!=_LastMBRIdVP )
00425         {
00426                 _LastMBRIdVP= idVP;
00427                 driver->activeVertexProgram(_VertexProgram[_LastMBRIdVP].get());
00428         }
00429 }

void NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::beginMBRMesh IDriver drv,
CScene scene

Reimplemented from NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram.

Definition at line 392 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References _LastMBRIdVP, NL3D::IDriver::activeVertexProgram(), and setupPerMesh().

00393 {
00394         // precompute mesh
00395         setupPerMesh(driver, scene);
00397         /* Since need a VertexProgram Activation before activeVBHard, activate a default one
00398                 bet the common one will be "NoPointLight, NoSpecular, No ForceNormalize" => 0.
00399         */
00400         _LastMBRIdVP= 0;
00402         // activate VP.
00403         driver->activeVertexProgram(_VertexProgram[_LastMBRIdVP].get());
00404 }

void NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::end IDriver drv  )  [virtual]

disable the VertexProgram.

Implements NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram.

Definition at line 330 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References NL3D::IDriver::activeVertexProgram().

00331 {
00332         // Disable the VertexProgram
00333         driver->activeVertexProgram(NULL);
00334 }

void NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::endMBRMesh IDriver drv  )  [virtual]

Reimplemented from NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram.

Definition at line 432 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References NL3D::IDriver::activeVertexProgram().

00433 {
00434         // Disable the VertexProgram
00435         driver->activeVertexProgram(NULL);
00436 }

virtual std::string NLMISC::IClassable::getClassName  )  [pure virtual, inherited]

Implemented in NLAIAGENT::CNumericIndex, NLAIC::IPointerGestion, NLAIC::CIdentType, and CAutomataDesc.

Referenced by NLMISC::CClassRegistry::checkObject(), and NL3D::GetTextureSize().

float NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::getMaxVertexMove  )  [virtual]

This return the (over-evaluated) max delta the VertexProgram apply to vertex (in world basis) NB: This method call is relevant only after begin() or beginMBRInstance()

Reimplemented from NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram.

Definition at line 439 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References _MaxVertexMove.

00440 {
00441         return _MaxVertexMove;
00442 }

const sint& NLMISC::CRefCount::getRefCount  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 70 of file smart_ptr.h.

References NLMISC::CRefCount::crefs, and sint.

00071         {
00072                 return  crefs;
00073         }

void NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::initInstance CMeshBaseInstance mbi  )  [virtual]

Setup a rand phase for wind in mbi.

Implements NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram.

Definition at line 144 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::_VPWindTreePhase, NLMISC::frand(), HrcDepth, nlassert, uint, NL3D::VPLightConstantStart, NL3D::WindTreeVPCodeEnd, and NL3D::WindTreeVPCodeWave.

00145 {
00146         // init the vertexProgram code.
00147         static  bool    vpCreated= false;
00148         if(!vpCreated)
00149         {
00150                 vpCreated= true;
00151                 // All vpcode and begin() written for HrcDepth==3
00152                 nlassert(HrcDepth==3);
00154                 // combine fragments.
00155                 string  vpCode;
00157                 // For all possible VP.
00158                 for(uint i=0;i<NumVp;i++)
00159                 {
00160                         // setup of the VPLight fragment
00161                         uint    numPls= i/4;
00162                         bool    normalize= (i&1)!=0;
00163                         bool    specular= (i&2)!=0;
00165                         // combine fragments
00166                         vpCode= string(WindTreeVPCodeWave) 
00167                                         + CRenderTrav::getLightVPFragment(numPls, VPLightConstantStart, specular, normalize) 
00168                                         + WindTreeVPCodeEnd;
00169                         _VertexProgram[i]= std::auto_ptr<CVertexProgram>(new CVertexProgram(vpCode.c_str()));
00170                 }
00171         }
00173         // init a random phase.
00174         mbi->_VPWindTreePhase= frand(1);
00175 }

bool NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::isMBRVpOk IDriver drv  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram.

Definition at line 386 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References NL3D::IDriver::isVertexProgramEmulated(), and NL3D::IDriver::isVertexProgramSupported().

00387 {
00388         return driver->isVertexProgramSupported() && !driver->isVertexProgramEmulated();
00389 }

virtual bool NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram::needTangentSpace  )  const [inline, virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented in NL3D::CMeshVPPerPixelLight.

Definition at line 106 of file mesh_vertex_program.h.

00106 { return false; }


void NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::serial NLMISC::IStream f  )  throw (NLMISC::EStream) [virtual]

Implements NLMISC::IStreamable.

Definition at line 126 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References nlassert, and uint.

00127 {
00128         (void)f.serialVersion(0);
00130         nlassert(HrcDepth==3);
00131         for(uint i=0; i<HrcDepth; i++)
00132         {
00133                 f.serial(Frequency[i]);
00134                 f.serial(FrequencyWindFactor[i]);
00135                 f.serial(PowerXY[i]);
00136                 f.serial(PowerZ[i]);
00137                 f.serial(Bias[i]);
00138         }
00139         f.serial(SpecularLighting);
00140 }

void NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::setupForMaterial const CMaterial mat,
IDriver drv,
CScene scene,
IVertexBufferHard vb

Setup Wind constants, Light constants, and activate the VP.

Implements NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram.

Definition at line 354 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References NL3D::SetupForMaterial().

00358 {
00359         SetupForMaterial(mat, scene);
00360 }

void NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::setupForMaterial const CMaterial mat,
IDriver drv,
CScene scene,
CVertexBuffer vb

Setup Wind constants, Light constants, and activate the VP.

Implements NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram.

Definition at line 345 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References NL3D::SetupForMaterial().

00349 {       
00350         SetupForMaterial(mat, scene);   
00351 }

void NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::setupLighting CScene scene,
CMeshBaseInstance mbi,
const NLMISC::CMatrix invertedModelMat

Definition at line 363 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References NL3D::CRenderTrav::beginVPLightSetup(), NL3D::CScene::getRenderTrav(), nlassert, and NL3D::VPLightConstantStart.

Referenced by setupPerInstanceConstants().

00364 {
00365         nlassert(scene != NULL);
00366         CRenderTrav             *renderTrav= &scene->getRenderTrav();
00367         // setup cte for lighting
00368         renderTrav->beginVPLightSetup(VPLightConstantStart, SpecularLighting, invertedModelMat);
00369 }

void NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::setupPerInstanceConstants IDriver driver,
CScene scene,
CMeshBaseInstance mbi,
const NLMISC::CMatrix invertedModelMat
[inline, private]

Definition at line 228 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References _CurrentTime, _MaxDeltaPos, NL3D::CMeshBaseInstance::_VPWindTreePhase, NL3D::CTransform::getWorldMatrix(), HrcDepth, NLMISC::CMatrix::invert(), NLMISC::CMatrix::mulVector(), NL3D::IDriver::setConstant(), NL3D::IDriver::setConstantMatrix(), NLMISC::CMatrix::setRot(), setupLighting(), speedCos(), and uint.

Referenced by begin(), and beginMBRInstance().

00229 {
00230         // get instance info
00231         float   instancePhase= mbi->_VPWindTreePhase;
00234         // maxDeltaPos in ObjectSpace. So same world Wind direction is applied to all objects
00235         static  CMatrix         invWorldMatrix;
00236         // Keep only rotation part. (just need it and faster invert)
00237         invWorldMatrix.setRot(mbi->getWorldMatrix());
00238         invWorldMatrix.invert();
00239         static  CVector         maxDeltaPosOS[HrcDepth];
00240         for(uint i=0; i<HrcDepth; i++)
00241         {
00242                 maxDeltaPosOS[i]= invWorldMatrix.mulVector(_MaxDeltaPos[i]);
00243         }
00246         // Setup lighting and lighting constants
00247         setupLighting(scene, mbi, invertedModelMat);
00249         // c[0..3] take the ModelViewProjection Matrix. After setupModelMatrix();
00250         driver->setConstantMatrix(0, IDriver::ModelViewProjection, IDriver::Identity);
00251         // c[4..7] take the ModelView Matrix. After setupModelMatrix();
00252         driver->setConstantMatrix(4, IDriver::ModelView, IDriver::Identity);
00255         // c[15] take Wind of level 0.
00256         float   f;
00257         f= _CurrentTime[0] + instancePhase;
00258         f= speedCos(f) + Bias[0];
00259         driver->setConstant(15, maxDeltaPosOS[0]*f );
00262         // c[16-19] take Wind of level 1.
00263         // Unrolled. 
00264         float   instTime1= _CurrentTime[1] + instancePhase;
00265         // phase 0.
00266         f= speedCos( instTime1+0 ) + Bias[1];
00267         driver->setConstant(16+0, maxDeltaPosOS[1]*f);
00268         // phase 1.
00269         f= speedCos( instTime1+0.25f ) + Bias[1];
00270         driver->setConstant(16+1, maxDeltaPosOS[1]*f);
00271         // phase 2.
00272         f= speedCos( instTime1+0.50f ) + Bias[1];
00273         driver->setConstant(16+2, maxDeltaPosOS[1]*f);
00274         // phase 3.
00275         f= speedCos( instTime1+0.75f ) + Bias[1];
00276         driver->setConstant(16+3, maxDeltaPosOS[1]*f);
00279         // c[20, 23] take Wind of level 2.
00280         // Unrolled. 
00281         float   instTime2= _CurrentTime[2] + instancePhase;
00282         // phase 0.
00283         f= speedCos( instTime2+0 ) + Bias[2];
00284         driver->setConstant(20+0, maxDeltaPosOS[2]*f);
00285         // phase 1.
00286         f= speedCos( instTime2+0.25f ) + Bias[2];
00287         driver->setConstant(20+1, maxDeltaPosOS[2]*f);
00288         // phase 2.
00289         f= speedCos( instTime2+0.50f ) + Bias[2];
00290         driver->setConstant(20+2, maxDeltaPosOS[2]*f);
00291         // phase 3.
00292         f= speedCos( instTime2+0.75f ) + Bias[2];
00293         driver->setConstant(20+3, maxDeltaPosOS[2]*f);
00294 }

void NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::setupPerMesh IDriver driver,
CScene scene
[inline, private]

Definition at line 178 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References _CurrentTime, _LastSceneTime, _MaxDeltaPos, _MaxVertexMove, FrequencyWindFactor, NL3D::CScene::getCurrentTime(), NL3D::CScene::getGlobalWindDirection(), NL3D::CScene::getGlobalWindPower(), HrcDepth, NLMISC::CVector::norm(), PowerXY, PowerZ, NL3D::IDriver::setConstant(), uint, and NLMISC::CVector::z.

Referenced by begin(), and beginMBRMesh().

00179 {
00180         // process current times and current power. Only one time per render() and per CMeshVPWindTree.
00181         if(scene->getCurrentTime() != _LastSceneTime)
00182         {
00183                 // Get info from scene
00184                 float   windPower= scene->getGlobalWindPower();
00186                 float   dt= (float)(scene->getCurrentTime() - _LastSceneTime);
00187                 _LastSceneTime= scene->getCurrentTime();
00189                 // Update each boneLevel time according to frequency.
00190                 uint i;
00191                 for(i=0; i<HrcDepth; i++)
00192                 {
00193                         _CurrentTime[i]+= dt*(Frequency[i] + FrequencyWindFactor[i]*windPower);
00194                         // get it between 0 and 1. Important for float precision problems.
00195                         _CurrentTime[i]= (float)fmod(_CurrentTime[i], 1);
00196                 }
00198                 // Update each boneLevel maximum amplitude vector.
00199                 for(i=0; i<HrcDepth; i++)
00200                 {
00201                         _MaxDeltaPos[i]= scene->getGlobalWindDirection() * PowerXY[i] * windPower;
00202                         _MaxDeltaPos[i].z= PowerZ[i] * windPower;
00203                 }
00205                 /* Update the Max amplitude distance 
00206                         in world space, since maxdeltaPos are applied in world space, see setupPerInstanceConstants()
00207                 */
00208                 _MaxVertexMove= 0;
00209                 for(i=0; i<HrcDepth; i++)
00210                 {
00211                         _MaxVertexMove+= _MaxDeltaPos[i].norm();
00212                 }
00213         }
00215         // Setup common constants for each instances.
00216         // c[8] take usefull constants.
00217         static  float   ct8[4]= {0, 1, 0.5f, 2};
00218         driver->setConstant(8, 1, ct8);
00219         // c[9] take other usefull constants.
00220         static  float   ct9[4]= {3.f, 0.f, -1.f, -2.f};
00221         driver->setConstant(9, 1, ct9);
00222         // c[10] take Number of phase (4) for level2 and 3. -0.01 to avoid int value == 4.
00223         static  float   ct10[4]= {4-0.01f, 0, 0, 0};
00224         driver->setConstant(10, 1, ct10);
00225 }

float NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::speedCos float  angle  )  [static, private]

Definition at line 92 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

References NLMISC::Pi.

Referenced by setupPerInstanceConstants().

00093 {
00094         // \todo yoyo TODO_OPTIM
00095         return cosf(angle * 2*(float)Pi);
00096 }

bool NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::supportMeshBlockRendering  )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from NL3D::IMeshVertexProgram.

Definition at line 380 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

00381 {
00382         return true;
00383 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend struct CPtrInfo [friend, inherited]

Definition at line 67 of file smart_ptr.h.

Field Documentation

float NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::_CurrentTime[HrcDepth] [private]

Definition at line 133 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

Referenced by CMeshVPWindTree(), setupPerInstanceConstants(), and setupPerMesh().

uint NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::_LastMBRIdVP [private]

Definition at line 141 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

Referenced by beginMBRInstance(), and beginMBRMesh().

double NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::_LastSceneTime [private]

Definition at line 134 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

Referenced by CMeshVPWindTree(), and setupPerMesh().

CVector NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::_MaxDeltaPos[HrcDepth] [private]

Definition at line 137 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

Referenced by setupPerInstanceConstants(), and setupPerMesh().

float NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::_MaxVertexMove [private]

Definition at line 138 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

Referenced by CMeshVPWindTree(), getMaxVertexMove(), and setupPerMesh().

std::auto_ptr< CVertexProgram > NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::_VertexProgram [static, private]

The 16 versions: Specular or not (0 or 2), + normalize normal or not (0 or 1). All multiplied by 4, because support from 0 to 3 pointLights activated. (0.., 4.., 8.., 12..)

Definition at line 51 of file meshvp_wind_tree.cpp.

float NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::Bias[HrcDepth]

Bias result of the cosinus: f= cos(time)+bias.

Definition at line 63 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

sint NLMISC::CRefCount::crefs [mutable, inherited]

Definition at line 79 of file smart_ptr.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CRefCount::CRefCount(), NLMISC::CRefCount::getRefCount(), and NLMISC::CRefCount::~CRefCount().

float NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::Frequency[HrcDepth]

Frequency of the wind for 3 Hierachy levels.

Definition at line 55 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

float NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::FrequencyWindFactor[HrcDepth]

Additional frequency, multiplied by the globalWindPower.

Definition at line 57 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

Referenced by CMeshVPWindTree(), and setupPerMesh().

CRefCount::CPtrInfo NLMISC::CRefCount::NullPtrInfo [static, inherited]

Referenced by NLMISC::CRefCount::CRefCount().

CPtrInfo* NLMISC::CRefCount::pinfo [mutable, inherited]

Definition at line 80 of file smart_ptr.h.

Referenced by NLMISC::CRefCount::CRefCount(), and NLMISC::CRefCount::~CRefCount().

float NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::PowerXY[HrcDepth]

Power of the wind on XY. Mul by globalWindPower.

Definition at line 59 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

Referenced by CMeshVPWindTree(), and setupPerMesh().

float NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::PowerZ[HrcDepth]

Power of the wind on Z. Mul by globalWindPower.

Definition at line 61 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

Referenced by CMeshVPWindTree(), and setupPerMesh().

bool NL3D::CMeshVPWindTree::SpecularLighting

true if want Specular Lighting.

Definition at line 66 of file meshvp_wind_tree.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Mar 16 06:56:19 2004 for NeL by doxygen 1.3.6