NL3D::CMeshInstance::CShadowGeom Struct Reference

Data Fields

std::vector< uint32CasterTriangles
 A cache for the caster triangles primitives.

CVertexBuffer CasterVBuffer
 This is a cache for the Caster Model. stores its simplified geometry for rendering in this buffer.

Field Documentation

std::vector<uint32> NL3D::CMeshInstance::CShadowGeom::CasterTriangles

A cache for the caster triangles primitives.

Definition at line 119 of file mesh_instance.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshInstance::createShadowMap(), and NL3D::CMeshInstance::generateShadowMap().

CVertexBuffer NL3D::CMeshInstance::CShadowGeom::CasterVBuffer

This is a cache for the Caster Model. stores its simplified geometry for rendering in this buffer.

Definition at line 117 of file mesh_instance.h.

Referenced by NL3D::CMeshInstance::createShadowMap(), and NL3D::CMeshInstance::generateShadowMap().

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