NLSOUND::UEnvSound Class Reference

#include <u_env_sound.h>

Inheritance diagram for NLSOUND::UEnvSound:


Detailed Description

Game interface for localized environment sounds

An envsound object is a node of an envsound tree, the root of which is returned by UAudioMixer::loadEnvSounds(). The root is the world envsound: it has no bounds. The areas of children envsounds have bounds and they must be totally included in the area of their parent envsound.

For arguments as 3D vectors, use the NeL vector coordinate system:

* (top) * z * | y (front) * | / * -----x (right) *

An envsound source plays with the priority HighPri, and has the priority LowPri when not playing.

Olivier Cado

Nevrax France


Definition at line 79 of file u_env_sound.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual std::vector< UEnvSound * > & getChildren ()=0
 Return the children envsounds.

virtual void getPos (NLMISC::CVector &pos) const=0
 Return the position.

virtual void play (bool children_too=false)=0
 Play this node, and all descendants if children_too is true.

virtual void selectEnv (const char *tag, bool children_too=false)=0
 Select the current env for this node, and for all descendants if children_too is true.

virtual void setPos (const NLMISC::CVector &pos)=0
 Moves the envsound (and its transition envsound if it has one).

virtual void stop (bool children_too=false)=0
 Stop playing this node, and all descendants if children_too is true.

virtual ~UEnvSound ()

Protected Member Functions

 UEnvSound ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual NLSOUND::UEnvSound::~UEnvSound  )  [inline, virtual]


Definition at line 100 of file u_env_sound.h.

00100 {}

NLSOUND::UEnvSound::UEnvSound  )  [inline, protected]


Definition at line 105 of file u_env_sound.h.

00105 {}

Member Function Documentation

virtual std::vector<UEnvSound*>& NLSOUND::UEnvSound::getChildren  )  [pure virtual]

Return the children envsounds.

Implemented in NLSOUND::CEnvSoundUser.

virtual void NLSOUND::UEnvSound::getPos NLMISC::CVector pos  )  const [pure virtual]

Return the position.

virtual void NLSOUND::UEnvSound::play bool  children_too = false  )  [pure virtual]

Play this node, and all descendants if children_too is true.

Implemented in NLSOUND::CEnvSoundUser.

virtual void NLSOUND::UEnvSound::selectEnv const char *  tag,
bool  children_too = false
[pure virtual]

Select the current env for this node, and for all descendants if children_too is true.

Implemented in NLSOUND::CEnvSoundUser.

virtual void NLSOUND::UEnvSound::setPos const NLMISC::CVector pos  )  [pure virtual]

Moves the envsound (and its transition envsound if it has one).

Implemented in NLSOUND::CEnvSoundUser.

virtual void NLSOUND::UEnvSound::stop bool  children_too = false  )  [pure virtual]

Stop playing this node, and all descendants if children_too is true.

Implemented in NLSOUND::CEnvSoundUser.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Tue Mar 16 14:53:27 2004 for NeL by doxygen 1.3.6