NLMISC::IStream Class Reference

#include <stream.h>

Inheritance diagram for NLMISC::IStream:


Detailed Description

A IO stream interface. This is the base interface for stream objects. Differents kind of streams may be implemented, by specifying serialBuffer() methods.

Deriver Use:

The deriver must:

Sample of streams: COutMemoryStream, CInFileStream ...

Client Use:

An object which can be serialized, must provide a "void serial(IStream &)" method. In this method, he can use any of the IStream method to help himself like:

The using is very simple as shown in this example:

class A { public: float x; uint32 y; Class1 a; // this class must provide a serial() method too... Base *c,*d; // Base must derive from IStreamable vector<Class2> tab; public: void serial(IStream &f) { sint streamver= f.serialVersion(3); f.serial(x,y,a); f.serialPtr(c); f.serialCont(tab); if(streamver>=2) f.serialPtr(d); } };

NB: YOU CANNOT use serial with a int / uint / sint type, since those type have unspecified length.

Lionel Berenguier

Vianney Lecroart

Nevrax France


Definition at line 180 of file stream.h.

Seek fonctionnality

enum  TSeekOrigin { begin, current, end }
virtual sint32 getPos ()
virtual std::string getStreamName () const
virtual bool seek (sint32 offset, TSeekOrigin origin)

standard STL containers serialisation.

Known Supported containers: vector<>, list<>, deque<>, set<>, multiset<>, map<>, multimap<> Support up to sint32 length containers.
See also:
serialContPtr() serialContPolyPtr()

virtual void serialCont (std::vector< bool > &cont)
 Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

virtual void serialCont (std::vector< sint8 > &cont)
 Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<sint8>.

virtual void serialCont (std::vector< uint8 > &cont)
 Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<uint8>.

template<class K, class T> void serialCont (std::multimap< K, T > &cont)
 Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

template<class K, class T> void serialCont (std::map< K, T > &cont)
 Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

template<class T> void serialCont (std::multiset< T > &cont)
 Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

template<class T> void serialCont (std::set< T > &cont)
 Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

template<class T> void serialCont (std::deque< T > &cont)
 Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

template<class T> void serialCont (std::list< T > &cont)
 Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

template<class T, class Allocator> void serialCont (std::vector< T, Allocator > &cont)
 Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

XML implementation interface

void resetPtrTable ()
void setInOut (bool inputStream)
void setXMLMode (bool on)
virtual bool xmlBreakLineInternal ()
 xmlBreakLine implementation

virtual bool xmlCommentInternal (const char *comment)
 xmlComment implementation

virtual bool xmlPopInternal ()
 xmlPop implementation

virtual bool xmlPushBeginInternal (const char *name)
 xmlPushBegin implementation

virtual bool xmlPushEndInternal ()
 xmlPushEnd implementation

virtual bool xmlSetAttribInternal (const char *name)
 xmlBreakLine implementation

Public Types

Public Member Functions

bool isReading () const
 Is this stream a Read/Input stream?

 IStream (const IStream &other)
 Copy constructor.

 IStream (bool inputStream)
bool isXML () const
IStreamoperator= (const IStream &other)
 Assignment operator.

template<class T> void serial (T &obj)
virtual void serialBufferWithSize (uint8 *buf, uint32 len)
template<class T> void serialEnum (T &em)
 Template enum serialisation. Serialized as a sint32.

virtual void serialMemStream (CMemStream &b)
 Serial memstream, bitmemstream...

virtual ~IStream ()

XML implementation interface
xmlPushBegin() open recurcively a new node and open its header. You must call xmlPushEnd() to close the header and xmlPop() to close this node.

true if you can open the node header, false if the stream is between a xmlPushBegin() and a xmlPushEnd() call.

virtual void serialBit (bool &bit)=0
virtual void serialBuffer (uint8 *buf, uint len)=0

Static Public Member Functions

void getVersionException (bool &throwOnOlder, bool &throwOnNewer)
void setVersionException (bool throwOnOlder, bool throwOnNewer)

Protected Member Functions

template<class T> void serialVector (T &cont)

Private Types

typedef std::hash_map< uint64,
void *, CHashFunctionUInt64
typedef std::hash_map< uint64,
void *, CHashFunctionUInt64

Private Member Functions

void serialIStreamable (IStreamable *&ptr)
template<class T> void serialMap (T &cont)
template<class T> void serialMultimap (T &cont)
template<class T> void serialSTLCont (T &cont)
template<class T> void serialSTLContLen (T &cont, sint32 len)
template<class T> void serialSTLContLenPolyPtr (T &cont, sint32 len)
template<class T> void serialSTLContLenPtr (T &cont, sint32 len)
template<class T> void serialSTLContPolyPtr (T &cont)
template<class T> void serialSTLContPtr (T &cont)
template<class T> void serialVectorPolyPtr (T &cont)
template<class T> void serialVectorPtr (T &cont)

Private Attributes

std::hash_map< uint64, void *,
bool _InputStream
uint32 _NextSerialPtrId
bool _XML

Static Private Attributes

bool _ThrowOnNewer = true
bool _ThrowOnOlder = false

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::hash_map<uint64, void*, CHashFunctionUInt64>::iterator NLMISC::IStream::ItIdMap [private]

Definition at line 891 of file stream.h.

Referenced by serialIStreamable(), and serialPtr().

typedef std::hash_map<uint64, void*, CHashFunctionUInt64>::value_type NLMISC::IStream::ValueIdMap [private]

Definition at line 892 of file stream.h.

Referenced by serialIStreamable(), and serialPtr().

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum NLMISC::IStream::TSeekOrigin

Parameters for seek(). begin seek from the begining of the stream. current seek from the current location of the stream pointer. end seek from the end of the stream.

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 549 of file stream.h.

00549 { begin, current, end };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NLMISC::IStream::IStream bool  inputStream  )  [inline, explicit]

Constructor. Notice that those behavior can be set at construction only.

inputStream is the stream an Input (read) stream?

Definition at line 55 of file stream_inline.h.

References _InputStream, _XML, and resetPtrTable().

00056 {
00057         _InputStream= inputStream;
00058         _XML = false;
00059         resetPtrTable();
00060 }

virtual NLMISC::IStream::~IStream  )  [inline, virtual]


Definition at line 209 of file stream.h.

00209 {}

NLMISC::IStream::IStream const IStream other  ) 

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 89 of file stream.cpp.

References _XML, and operator=().

00090 {
00091         operator=( other );
00093         // By default, mode _XML is off
00094         _XML = false;
00095 }

Member Function Documentation

sint32 NLMISC::IStream::getPos  )  [virtual]

Get the location of the stream pointer.

NB: If the stream doesn't support the seek fonctionnality, it throw ESeekNotSupported. Default implementation: { throw ESeekNotSupported; }

offset is the wanted offset from the origin.
origin is the origin of the seek
the new offset regarding from the origin.
See also:
ESeekNotSupported SeekOrigin seek

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLMISC::CIFile, NLMISC::COFile, and NLMISC::CMemStream.

Definition at line 407 of file stream.cpp.

References sint32.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::readTGA().

00408 {
00409         throw ESeekNotSupported(*this);
00410 }

string NLMISC::IStream::getStreamName  )  const [virtual]

Get a name for this stream. maybe a fileName if FileStream. Default is to return "".

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CIFile, and NLMISC::COFile.

Definition at line 420 of file stream.cpp.

Referenced by NLMISC::EStream::EStream().

00421 {
00422         return "";
00423 }

void NLMISC::IStream::getVersionException bool &  throwOnOlder,
bool &  throwOnNewer

Get the behavior of IStream regarding input stream that are older/newer than the class.

See also:
serialVersion() setVersionException()

Definition at line 78 of file stream.cpp.

References _ThrowOnNewer, and _ThrowOnOlder.

00079 {
00080         throwOnOlder=_ThrowOnOlder;
00081         throwOnNewer=_ThrowOnNewer;
00082 }

bool NLMISC::IStream::isReading  )  const [inline]

Is this stream a Read/Input stream?

Definition at line 64 of file stream_inline.h.

References _InputStream.

Referenced by NLNET::CMessage::assignFromSubMessage(), NLMISC::CMemStream::bufferToFill(), NL3D::CParticleSystemShape::buildFromPS(), NLNET::CMessage::clear(), NLMISC::CMemStream::clear(), NLNET::CMessage::CMessage(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::displayStream(), NLMISC::CMemStream::fastSerial(), NLMISC::CMemStream::fill(), NL3D::CParticleSystemShape::flushTextures(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::getSerialItem(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::increaseBufferIfNecessary(), NLMISC::COXml::init(), NL3D::CParticleSystemShape::instanciatePS(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::internalSerial(), NLNET::CMessage::invert(), NLMISC::CMemStream::invert(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::invert(), NLNET::CMessage::length(), NLMISC::CMemStream::length(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::length(), NLMISC::CBitmap::load(), NLMISC::CBitmap::loadSize(), NLNET::CMessage::lockSubMessage(), NLNET::CMessage::operator=(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::pointNextByte(), NLMISC::CMemStream::poke(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::poke(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::pokeBits(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::readBits(), NLMISC::CBitmap::readTGA(), NLNET::CMessage::readTypeAtCurrentPos(), NLMISC::CMemStream::reserve(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::reserveBits(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::resetBufPos(), NLPACS::CGlobalRetriever::CLrLoader::run(), NL3D::CZone::serial(), NL3D::CVegetableShape::serial(), NLPACS::CSurfaceQuadTree::serial(), NLPACS::CQuadBranch::serial(), NL3D::CSurfaceLightGrid::CCellCorner::serial(), NLMISC::CStringStream::serial(), serial(), NL3D::CInstanceGroup::serial(), NL3D::CInstanceGroup::CInstance::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrieverInstance::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrieverBank::serial(), NL3D::CPSAttrib< T >::serial(), NL3D::CPortal::serial(), NL3D::CPointLightNamed::serial(), NL3D::CPointLight::serial(), NL3D::CPatch::serial(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< sint8, false >::serial(), NLMISC::COXml::serial(), NLNET::TMessageRecord::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::serial(), NLMISC::CMemStream::serial(), NLMISC::CMatrix::serial(), NL3D::CMaterial::CLightMap::serial(), NL3D::CMaterial::serial(), NLNET::CInetAddress::serial(), NL3D::CHLSTextureBank::serial(), NLPACS::CGlobalRetriever::serial(), NLPACS::CEdgeQuad::serial(), NL3D::CCluster::serial(), NLPACS::CChainQuad::serial(), NLPACS::COrderedChain::serial(), NLMISC::CBitSet::serial(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::serial(), NL3D::CMaterialBase::CAnimatedTexture::serial(), NLMISC::CAABBoxExt::serial(), NL3D::CMaterial::CLightMap::serial2(), NLMISC::CStringStream::serialBit(), NLMISC::CMemStream::serialBit(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::serialBit(), NLMISC::CMemStream::serialBuffer(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::serialBuffer(), serialCheck(), NLMISC::CStringStream::serialCont(), serialCont(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::serialCont(), serialEnum(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::serialHeader(), NLMISC::CStringStream::serialHex(), NLMISC::CMemStream::serialHex(), serialIStreamable(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::serialLodVertexData(), serialMap(), serialMemStream(), NLMISC::CBitMemStream::serialMemStream(), NLNET::CMessage::serialMessage(), serialMultimap(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::serialOldV1Minus(), serialPtr(), NLMISC::CStringStream::serialSeparatedBufferIn(), NLMISC::CMemStream::serialSeparatedBufferIn(), NLMISC::CStringStream::serialSeparatedBufferOut(), NLMISC::COXml::serialSeparatedBufferOut(), NLMISC::CMemStream::serialSeparatedBufferOut(), serialSTLCont(), serialSTLContLen(), serialSTLContLenPolyPtr(), serialSTLContLenPtr(), serialSTLContPolyPtr(), serialSTLContPtr(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::serialSubset(), serialVector(), serialVectorPolyPtr(), serialVectorPtr(), serialVersion(), NLNET::CMessage::setType(), NLNET::CMessage::unlockSubMessage(), NLMISC::CBitmap::writeTGA(), NLMISC::COXml::xmlBreakLineInternal(), NLMISC::COXml::xmlCommentInternal(), NLMISC::COXml::xmlPopInternal(), NLMISC::COXml::xmlPushBeginInternal(), NLMISC::COXml::xmlPushEndInternal(), and NLMISC::COXml::xmlSetAttribInternal().

00065 {
00066         return _InputStream;
00067 }

bool NLMISC::IStream::isXML  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 221 of file stream.h.

References _XML.

Referenced by NLMISC::CMemStream::serial().

00221 { return _XML; }        

IStream & NLMISC::IStream::operator= const IStream other  ) 

Assignment operator.

Definition at line 101 of file stream.cpp.

References _InputStream, and resetPtrTable().

Referenced by IStream().

00102 {
00103         _InputStream = other._InputStream;
00104         resetPtrTable();
00105         return *this;
00106 }

void NLMISC::IStream::resetPtrTable  )  [protected]

for Deriver: reset the PtrTable in the stream. If Derived stream provide reset()-like methods, they must call this method in their reset() methods. For example, CFile::close() must call it, so it will work correctly with next serialPtr()

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CMemStream.

Definition at line 253 of file stream.cpp.

References _IdMap, and _NextSerialPtrId.

Referenced by NLMISC::CIFile::close(), NLMISC::COXml::init(), NLMISC::COFile::internalClose(), IStream(), and operator=().

00254 {
00255         _IdMap.clear();
00256         _NextSerialPtrId = 1;           // Start at 1 because 0 is the NULL pointer
00257 }

bool NLMISC::IStream::seek sint32  offset,
TSeekOrigin  origin

Moves the stream pointer to a specified location.

NB: If the stream doesn't support the seek fonctionnality, it throw ESeekNotSupported. Default implementation: { throw ESeekNotSupported; }

offset is the wanted offset from the origin.
origin is the origin of the seek
true if seek sucessfull.
See also:
ESeekNotSupported SeekOrigin getPos

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CMemStream.

Definition at line 401 of file stream.cpp.

References offset, and sint32.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::load(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::loadNextLod(), NLMISC::CBitmap::loadSize(), NLMISC::CBitmap::readDDS(), and NLMISC::CBitmap::readTGA().

00402 {
00403         throw ESeekNotSupported(*this);
00404         return false;
00405 }

template<class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4, class T5>
void NLMISC::IStream::serial T0 &  a,
T1 &  b,
T2 &  c,
T3 &  d,
T4 &  e,
T5 &  f

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 313 of file stream.h.

References serial().

00314         { serial(a); serial(b); serial(c); serial(d); serial(e); serial(f);}

template<class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>
void NLMISC::IStream::serial T0 &  a,
T1 &  b,
T2 &  c,
T3 &  d,
T4 &  e

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 310 of file stream.h.

References serial().

00311         { serial(a); serial(b); serial(c); serial(d); serial(e);}

template<class T0, class T1, class T2, class T3>
void NLMISC::IStream::serial T0 &  a,
T1 &  b,
T2 &  c,
T3 &  d

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 307 of file stream.h.

References serial().

00308         { serial(a); serial(b); serial(c); serial(d);}

template<class T0, class T1, class T2>
void NLMISC::IStream::serial T0 &  a,
T1 &  b,
T2 &  c

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 304 of file stream.h.

References serial().

00305         { serial(a); serial(b); serial(c);}

template<class T0, class T1>
void NLMISC::IStream::serial T0 &  a,
T1 &  b

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 301 of file stream.h.

References serial().

00302         { serial(a); serial(b);}

void NLMISC::IStream::serial ucstring b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 304 of file stream_inline.h.

References isReading(), len, serial(), sint, and sint32.

00305 {
00306         sint32  len=0;
00307         // Read/Write the length.
00308         if(isReading())
00309         {
00310                 serial(len);
00311                 b.resize(len);
00312         }
00313         else
00314         {
00315                 len= b.size();
00316                 serial(len);
00317         }
00318         // Read/Write the string.
00319         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++)
00320                 serial(b[i]);
00321 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serial std::string &  b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 277 of file stream_inline.h.

References isReading(), len, nlwarning, serial(), sint, and sint32.

00278 {
00279         sint32  len=0;
00280         // Read/Write the length.
00281         if(isReading())
00282         {
00283                 serial(len);
00284 //              nlassert( len<1000000 ); // limiting string size
00285                 if (len>1000000)
00286                 {
00287                         nlwarning("Trying to serialize a string of %u character !", len);
00288                         throw NLMISC::EStreamOverflow();
00289                 }
00290                 b.resize(len);
00291         }
00292         else
00293         {
00294                 len= b.size();
00295                 serial(len);
00296         }
00297         // Read/Write the string.
00298         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++)
00299                 serial(b[i]);
00300 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serial char &  b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 270 of file stream_inline.h.

References serialBuffer(), and uint8.

00271 {
00272         serialBuffer((uint8 *)&b, 1);
00273 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serial bool &  b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 263 of file stream_inline.h.

References serialBit().

00264 {
00265         serialBit(b);
00266 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serial double &  b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 241 of file stream_inline.h.

References isReading(), NLMISC_BSWAP64, serialBuffer(), uint64, uint8, and v.

00242 {
00243 #ifdef NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00244         serialBuffer((uint8 *)&b, 8);
00245 #else // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00246         uint64  v;
00247         if(isReading())
00248         {
00249                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 8);
00250                 NLMISC_BSWAP64(v);
00251                 b=*((double*)&v);
00252         }
00253         else
00254         {
00255                 v=*((uint64*)&b);
00256                 NLMISC_BSWAP64(v);
00257                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 8);
00258         }
00259 #endif // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00260 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serial float &  b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 219 of file stream_inline.h.

References isReading(), NLMISC_BSWAP32, serialBuffer(), uint32, uint8, and v.

00220 {
00221 #ifdef NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00222         serialBuffer((uint8 *)&b, 4);
00223 #else // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00224         uint32  v;
00225         if(isReading())
00226         {
00227                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 4);
00228                 NLMISC_BSWAP32(v);
00229                 b=*((float*)&v);
00230         }
00231         else
00232         {
00233                 v=*((uint32*)&b);
00234                 NLMISC_BSWAP32(v);
00235                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 4);
00236         }
00237 #endif // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00238 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serial sint64 b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 197 of file stream_inline.h.

References isReading(), NLMISC_BSWAP64, serialBuffer(), sint64, uint64, uint8, and v.

00198 {
00199 #ifdef NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00200         serialBuffer((uint8 *)&b, 8);
00201 #else // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00202         uint64  v;
00203         if(isReading())
00204         {
00205                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 8);
00206                 NLMISC_BSWAP64(v);
00207                 b=v;
00208         }
00209         else
00210         {
00211                 v=b;
00212                 NLMISC_BSWAP64(v);
00213                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 8);
00214         }
00215 #endif // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00216 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serial uint64 b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 175 of file stream_inline.h.

References isReading(), NLMISC_BSWAP64, serialBuffer(), uint64, uint8, and v.

00176 {
00177 #ifdef NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00178                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&b, 8);
00179 #else // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00180         uint64  v;
00181         if(isReading())
00182         {
00183                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 8);
00184                 NLMISC_BSWAP64(v);
00185                 b=v;
00186         }
00187         else
00188         {
00189                 v=b;
00190                 NLMISC_BSWAP64(v);
00191                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 8);
00192         }
00193 #endif // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00194 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serial sint32 b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 153 of file stream_inline.h.

References isReading(), NLMISC_BSWAP32, serialBuffer(), sint32, uint32, uint8, and v.

00154 {
00155 #ifdef NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00156         serialBuffer((uint8 *)&b, 4);
00157 #else // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00158         uint32  v;
00159         if(isReading())
00160         {
00161                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 4);
00162                 NLMISC_BSWAP32(v);
00163                 b=v;
00164         }
00165         else
00166         {
00167                 v=b;
00168                 NLMISC_BSWAP32(v);
00169                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 4);
00170         }
00171 #endif // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00172 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serial uint32 b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 131 of file stream_inline.h.

References isReading(), NLMISC_BSWAP32, serialBuffer(), uint32, uint8, and v.

00132 {
00133 #ifdef NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00134         serialBuffer((uint8 *)&b, 4);
00135 #else // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00136         uint32  v;
00137         if(isReading())
00138         {
00139                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 4);
00140                 NLMISC_BSWAP32(v);
00141                 b=v;
00142         }
00143         else
00144         {
00145                 v=b;
00146                 NLMISC_BSWAP32(v);
00147                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 4);
00148         }
00149 #endif // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00150 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serial sint16 b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 109 of file stream_inline.h.

References isReading(), NLMISC_BSWAP16, serialBuffer(), sint16, uint16, uint8, and v.

00110 {
00111 #ifdef NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00112         serialBuffer((uint8 *)&b, 2);
00113 #else // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00114         uint16  v;
00115         if(isReading())
00116         {
00117                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 2);
00118                 NLMISC_BSWAP16(v);
00119                 b=v;
00120         }
00121         else
00122         {
00123                 v=b;
00124                 NLMISC_BSWAP16(v);
00125                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 2);
00126         }
00127 #endif // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00128 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serial uint16 b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 87 of file stream_inline.h.

References isReading(), NLMISC_BSWAP16, serialBuffer(), uint16, uint8, and v.

00088 {
00089 #ifdef NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00090         serialBuffer((uint8 *)&b, 2);
00091 #else // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00092         uint16  v;
00093         if(isReading())
00094         {
00095                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 2);
00096                 NLMISC_BSWAP16(v);
00097                 b=v;
00098         }
00099         else
00100         {
00101                 v=b;
00102                 NLMISC_BSWAP16(v);
00103                 serialBuffer((uint8 *)&v, 2);
00104         }
00105 #endif // NL_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00106 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serial sint8 b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 81 of file stream_inline.h.

References serialBuffer(), sint8, and uint8.

00082 {
00083         serialBuffer((uint8 *)&b, 1);
00084 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serial uint8 b  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 75 of file stream_inline.h.

References serialBuffer(), and uint8.

00076 {
00077         serialBuffer((uint8 *)&b, 1);
00078 }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serial T &  obj  )  [inline]

Template Object serialisation.

obj any object providing a "void serial(IStream&)" method. The object doesn't have to derive from IStreamable.
the VC++ error "error C2228: left of '.serial' must have class/struct/union type" means you don't provide a serial() method to your object. Or you may have use serial with a int / uint / sint type. REMEMBER YOU CANNOT do this, since those type have unspecified length.

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 232 of file stream.h.

Referenced by NLSOUND::CAudioMixerUser::buildSampleBankList(), NLMISC::CEntityId::CEntityId(), NLAIAGENT::CIdent::CIdent(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::connectLoadStream(), H_AUTO_DECL(), NL3D::H_AUTO_DECL(), NLAISCRIPT::CVarPStackParam::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CVarPStack::load(), NLAILOGIC::CVarSet::load(), NLAILOGIC::CVar::load(), NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::load(), NL3D::CShapeBank::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CScriptDebugSourceMemory::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CScriptDebugSourceFile::load(), NLSOUND::CSampleBank::load(), NLAIC::CBinaryType::load(), NLAILOGIC::IBaseOperator::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbRefOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbHeapMemberiOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbMemberOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallMethodi::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallStackMethodi::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallHeapMethodi::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallMethod::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibHeapMemberMethod::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibStackMemberMethod::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallMethodi::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallInheritedMethod::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallMethod::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibMemberMethodi::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibMemberInheritedMethod::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibMemberMethod::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CMarkMsg::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffMemberOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffHeapMemberiOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CJmpOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CJFalseOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CAddParamNameDebug::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CFindRunMsg::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffOpCodeDebug::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLoadHeapObject::load(), NLAIAGENT::CMessageGroup::load(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::load(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalMailBox::load(), NLAIAGENT::IListBasicManager::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CComponent::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CMethodeName::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CParam::load(), NLAIAGENT::CIdent::load(), NLAIAGENT::CIndexVariant< T, indexMax, maxT >::load(), NLAIAGENT::CVectorGroupType::load(), NLAIAGENT::CGroupType::load(), NLAIFUZZY::CFuzzyVar::load(), NLAIFUZZY::FuzzyType::load(), NLAIFUZZY::CTriangleFuzzySet::load(), NLAIFUZZY::CFuzzyRule::load(), NLAILOGIC::CFactBase::load(), NLMISC::CEntityId::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRunDebug::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRun::load(), NLAICHARACTER::CCharacterChild::load(), NLAILOGIC::CBoolOperator::load(), NLAILOGIC::CBoolAssert::load(), NLMISC::CBitmap::load(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::load(), NLSOUND::CBackgroundSoundManager::load(), NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName::load(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::load(), NLAIAGENT::CStringType::load(), NLAIAGENT::INombre< sint32 >::load(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentInput::load(), NLAIAGENT::IVector::load(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::load(), NLAIAGENT::CIndexedVarName::loadClass(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::loadFirstLod(), loadForm(), NL3D::CDriverUser::loadHLSBank(), NLAISCRIPT::IOpType::loadIOpType(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::loadNextLod(), NLMISC::CBitmap::loadSize(), NL3D::CTileSet::loadTileVegetableDesc(), NLMISC::CBitmap::readDDS(), NLMISC::CBitmap::readTGA(), NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::refLoadStream(), NL3D::CAsyncFileManager3D::CMeshLoad::run(), NLAISCRIPT::CVarPStackParam::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CVarPStack::save(), NLAILOGIC::CVarSet::save(), NLAILOGIC::CVar::save(), NLAILOGIC::CValueSet::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CScriptDebugSourceMemory::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CScriptDebugSourceFile::save(), NLAIC::CBinaryType::save(), NLAILOGIC::IBaseOperator::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbRefOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbHeapMemberiOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbMemberOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallMethodi::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallStackMethodi::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallHeapMethodi::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallMethod::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibHeapMemberMethod::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibStackMemberMethod::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallMethodi::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallInheritedMethod::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallMethod::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibMemberMethodi::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibMemberInheritedMethod::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibMemberMethod::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CMarkMsg::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffMemberOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffHeapMemberiOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CJmpOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CJFalseOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbNewOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CAddParamNameDebug::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CFindRunMsg::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffOpCodeDebug::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLoadHeapObject::save(), NLAIAGENT::CMessageGroup::save(), NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::save(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalMailBox::save(), NLAIAGENT::IListBasicManager::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CAgentClass::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CComponent::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CMethodeName::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CParam::save(), NLAIAGENT::CIdent::save(), NLAIAGENT::CIndexVariant< T, indexMax, maxT >::save(), NLAIAGENT::CVectorGroupType::save(), NLAIAGENT::CGroupType::save(), NLAIFUZZY::CFuzzyVar::save(), NLAIFUZZY::FuzzyType::save(), NLAIFUZZY::CTrapezeFuzzySet::save(), NLAIFUZZY::CLeftFuzzySet::save(), NLAIFUZZY::CTriangleFuzzySet::save(), NLAIFUZZY::CRightFuzzySet::save(), NLAIFUZZY::CFuzzyInterval::save(), NLAILOGIC::CFactBase::save(), NLMISC::CEntityId::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRunDebug::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CCodeBrancheRun::save(), NLAICHARACTER::CCharacterNoeud::save(), NLAICHARACTER::CCharacterChild::save(), NLAILOGIC::CBoolType::save(), NLAILOGIC::CBoolOperator::save(), NLAILOGIC::CBoolAssert::save(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentComposite::save(), NLAIAGENT::IRefrence::save(), NLAIAGENT::IConnectIA::save(), NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName::save(), NLAIAGENT::CIndexedVarName::save(), NLAIAGENT::CAgentScript::save(), NLAIAGENT::CStringType::save(), NLAIAGENT::INombre< sint32 >::save(), NLAIAGENT::CLocalAgentMail::save(), NLAIAGENT::IAgentInput::save(), NLAIAGENT::IVector::save(), NLAIAGENT::CActorScript::save(), NLAIAGENT::CActor::save(), NLAIAGENT::CIndexedVarName::saveClass(), NLPACS::CRetrieverBank::saveRetrievers(), NL3D::CZone::serial(), NL3D::CZone::CPatchConnect::serial(), NL3D::CPaletteSkin::serial(), NL3D::CVegetableShape::serial(), NL3D::CVegetable::serial(), NLMISC::CVectorD::serial(), NLMISC::CVector::serial(), NLPACS::CVector2s::serial(), NLMISC::CVector2f::serial(), NLMISC::CVector2d::serial(), NLMISC::CUVW::serial(), NLMISC::CUV::serial(), NL3D::CTrackSampledVector::serial(), NL3D::CTrackSampledQuat::CQuatPack::serial(), NL3D::CTrackSampledQuat::serial(), NL3D::CTrackSampledCommon::CTimeBlock::serial(), NL3D::CTileVegetableDesc::serial(), NL3D::CTileLightInfluence::serial(), NL3D::CTileNoise::serial(), NLPACS::IQuadNode::serial(), NLPACS::CSurfaceQuadTree::serial(), NLPACS::CQuadBranch::serial(), NL3D::CSurfaceLightGrid::CCellCorner::serial(), NL3D::CSurfaceLightGrid::serial(), serial(), NL3D::CSkeletonWeight::CNode::serial(), CHashKey::serial(), NL3D::CInstanceGroup::serial(), NL3D::CInstanceGroup::CInstance::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrieverInstance::CLink::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrieverInstance::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrieverBank::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrievableSurface::CSurfaceLink::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrievableSurface::TLoop::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrievableSurface::serial(), NLMISC::CQuatT< float >::serial(), NLMISC::CAngleAxis::serial(), NL3D::CPSAttrib< T >::serial(), NL3D::CPrimitiveBlock::serial(), NL3D::CPortal::serial(), NL3D::CPointLightNamedArray::CPointLightGroupV0::serial(), NL3D::CPointLightNamedArray::CPointLightGroup::serial(), NL3D::CPointLightNamed::serial(), NL3D::CPointLight::serial(), NLMISC::CPlane::serial(), NL3D::CVector3s::serial(), NL3D::CPatch::serial(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< sint8, false >::serial(), NLMISC::CNoiseColorGradient::serial(), NLMISC::CNoiseValue::serial(), NL3D::CMRMWedgeGeom::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CVertexBlock::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CRdrPass::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CShadowVertex::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::CLodInfo::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::CVertexBlock::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::CRdrPass::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::CShadowVertex::serial(), NL3D::CMeshBase::CLightMapInfoList::serial(), NL3D::CMeshBase::CLightMapInfoList::CMatStage::serial(), NL3D::CMeshBase::CMatStageV7::serial(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::CMatrixBlock::serial(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::CRdrPass::serial(), NLMISC::CMatrix::serial(), NL3D::CMaterial::CTexEnv::serial(), NL3D::CMaterial::CLightMap::serial(), NL3D::CMaterial::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterTexture::CTUVQ::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterTexture::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::CVertexInf::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::CVector3s::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBuild::CPixelInfo::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::CBoneInfluence::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::CAnim::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBuild::serial(), NLPACS::CLocalRetriever::CInteriorFace::serial(), NLPACS::CLocalRetriever::CTip::serial(), NLPACS::CLocalRetriever::CTip::CChainTip::serial(), NLPACS::CLocalRetriever::serial(), NL3D::CIGSurfaceLight::CRetrieverLightGrid::serial(), NL3D::CIGSurfaceLight::serial(), NL3D::CHLSTextureBank::CTextureInstance::serial(), NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::serial(), NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::CMask::serial(), NL3D::CHLSColorDelta::serial(), NLPACS::CGlobalRetriever::serial(), NLPACS::CFaceGrid::serial(), NLPACS::CExteriorMesh::CLink::serial(), NLPACS::CExteriorMesh::COrderedEdges::serial(), NLPACS::CExteriorMesh::CEdge::serial(), NLPACS::CExteriorMesh::serial(), NLPACS::CEdgeQuad::serial(), NLMISC::CSerialCommand::serial(), NLPACS::CExteriorEdgeEntry::serial(), NLPACS::CCollisionFace::serial(), NLPACS::CSurfaceIdent::serial(), NL3D::CCluster::serial(), NLPACS::CChainQuad::serial(), NLPACS::CChain::serial(), NLPACS::COrderedChain::serial(), NLPACS::COrderedChain3f::serial(), NL3D::CBoneBase::serial(), NLMISC::CBitSet::serial(), CAutomataDesc::CState::serial(), NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::serial(), NL3D::CAnimation::serial(), NL3D::CMorphBase::serial(), NL3D::CMaterialBase::CTexAnimTracks::serial(), NL3D::CMaterialBase::serial(), NLMISC::CAABBox::serial(), NL3D::CMaterial::CLightMap::serial2(), serialBitField16(), serialBitField32(), serialBitField8(), serialBufferWithSize(), serialCheck(), NL3D::CTrackSampledCommon::serialCommon(), serialCont(), serialEnum(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::serialHeader(), serialIStreamable(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::serialLodVertexData(), serialMap(), serialMemStream(), serialMultimap(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::serialOldV1Minus(), serialPtr(), serialSTLCont(), serialSTLContLen(), serialSTLContPolyPtr(), serialSTLContPtr(), serialVector(), serialVectorPolyPtr(), serialVectorPtr(), serialVersion(), NLMISC::CBitmap::writeTGA(), and xmlSerial().

00232 { obj.serial(*this); }

virtual void NLMISC::IStream::serialBit bool &  bit  )  [pure virtual]

Implemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CIFile, NLMISC::COFile, NLMISC::CMemStream, NLMISC::COXml, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Referenced by serial().

uint16 NLMISC::IStream::serialBitField16 uint16  bf  )  [inline]

Serialisation of bitfield <=16 bits.

Definition at line 332 of file stream_inline.h.

References serial(), and uint16.

00333 {
00334         serial(bf);
00335         return bf;
00336 }

uint32 NLMISC::IStream::serialBitField32 uint32  bf  )  [inline]

Serialisation of bitfield <=32 bits.

Definition at line 338 of file stream_inline.h.

References serial(), and uint32.

00339 {
00340         serial(bf);
00341         return bf;
00342 }

uint8 NLMISC::IStream::serialBitField8 uint8  bf  )  [inline]

Serialisation of bitfield <=8 bits.

Definition at line 326 of file stream_inline.h.

References serial(), and uint8.

Referenced by NL3D::CMaterial::CTexEnv::serial().

00327 {
00328         serial(bf);
00329         return bf;
00330 }

virtual void NLMISC::IStream::serialBuffer uint8 buf,
uint  len
[pure virtual]

Method to be specified by the Deriver.

Do not call these methods from outside, unless you really know what you are doing. Using them instead of serial() can lead to communication problems between different platforms !

Implemented in NLAIAGENT::CMsgIStream, NLAIAGENT::CMsgOStream, NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CIFile, NLMISC::COFile, NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::COXml.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitmap::readDDS(), NLMISC::CBitmap::readTGA(), NL3D::CTileNoiseMap::serial(), serial(), serialBufferWithSize(), serialCont(), serialMemStream(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::serialSubset(), and NLMISC::xmlOutputWriteCallbackForNeL().

virtual void NLMISC::IStream::serialBufferWithSize uint8 buf,
uint32  len
[inline, virtual]

This method first serializes the size of the buffer and after the buffer itself, it enables the possibility to serial with a serialCont() on the other side.

Definition at line 877 of file stream.h.

References len, serial(), serialBuffer(), uint32, and uint8.

00878         {
00879                 serial (len);
00880                 serialBuffer (buf, len);
00881         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialCheck const T &  value  )  [inline]

Serialize a check value. An object can stream a check value to check integrity or format of filed or streamed data. Just call serial check with a const value. Write will serial the value. Read will check the value is the same. If it is not, it will throw EInvalidDataStream exception.

NB: The type of the value must implement an operator == and must be serializable.

value the value used to the check.
See also:

Definition at line 520 of file stream.h.

References isReading(), serial(), value, xmlPop(), and xmlPush().

Referenced by NLNET::cbPacsAnswer(), NLNET::CPacsClient::initMessage(), loadForm(), NLLIGO::CZoneRegion::serial(), NLLIGO::CZoneBankElement::serial(), NL3D::CZone::serial(), NL3D::CVegetableShape::serial(), NL3D::CSkeletonWeight::serial(), NL3D::CInstanceGroup::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBuild::serial(), NL3D::CAnimationSet::serial(), and NL3D::CAnimation::serial().

00521         {
00522                 // Open a node
00523                 xmlPush ("CHECK");
00525                 if (isReading()) 
00526                 { 
00527                         T read;
00528                         serial (read); 
00529                         if (read!=value) 
00530                                 throw EInvalidDataStream(*this); 
00531                 } 
00532                 else 
00533                 { 
00534                         serial (const_cast<T&>(value)); 
00535                 }
00537                 // Close the node 
00538                 xmlPop ();
00539         }

void NLMISC::IStream::serialCont std::vector< bool > &  cont  )  [virtual]

Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 356 of file stream.cpp.

References isReading(), len, serial(), serialBuffer(), sint, sint32, uint, and uint8.

00357 {
00358         sint32  len=0;
00359         vector<uint8>   vec;
00361         if(isReading())
00362         {
00363                 serial(len);
00364                 cont.resize(len);
00366                 if (len != 0)
00367                 {
00368                         // read as uint8*.
00369                         sint    lb= (len+7)/8;
00370                         vec.resize(lb);
00371                         serialBuffer( (uint8*)&(*vec.begin()) ,  lb);
00372                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++)
00373                         {
00374                                 uint    bit= (vec[i>>3]>>(i&7)) & 1;
00375                                 cont[i]= bit?true:false;
00376                         }
00377                 }
00378         }
00379         else
00380         {
00381                 len= cont.size();
00382                 serial(len);
00384                 if (len != 0)
00385                 {
00386                         // write as uint8*.
00387                         sint    lb= (len+7)/8;
00388                         vec.resize(lb);
00389                         fill_n(vec.begin(), lb, 0);
00390                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++)
00391                         {
00392                                 uint    bit= cont[i]?1:0;
00393                                 vec[i>>3]|= bit<<(i&7);
00394                         }
00395                         serialBuffer( (uint8*)&(*vec.begin()) ,  lb);
00396                 }
00397         }
00399 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serialCont std::vector< sint8 > &  cont  )  [virtual]

Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<sint8>.

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 337 of file stream.cpp.

References isReading(), len, serial(), serialBuffer(), sint32, and uint8.

00338 {
00339         sint32  len=0;
00340         if(isReading())
00341         {
00342                 serial(len);
00343                 cont.resize(len);
00344                 if (len != 0)
00345                         serialBuffer( (uint8*)&(*cont.begin()) , len);
00346         }
00347         else
00348         {
00349                 len= cont.size();
00350                 serial(len);
00351                 if (len != 0)
00352                         serialBuffer( (uint8*)&(*cont.begin()) ,  len);
00353         }
00354 }

void NLMISC::IStream::serialCont std::vector< uint8 > &  cont  )  [virtual]

Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<uint8>.

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 318 of file stream.cpp.

References isReading(), len, serial(), serialBuffer(), sint32, and uint8.

00319 {
00320         sint32  len=0;
00321         if(isReading())
00322         {
00323                 serial(len);
00324                 cont.resize(len);
00325                 if (len != 0)
00326                         serialBuffer( (uint8*)&(*cont.begin()) , len);
00327         }
00328         else
00329         {
00330                 len= cont.size();
00331                 serial(len);
00332                 if (len != 0)
00333                         serialBuffer( (uint8*)&(*cont.begin()) ,  len);
00334         }
00335 }

template<class K, class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialCont std::multimap< K, T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 336 of file stream.h.

References serialMultimap().

00336 {serialMultimap(cont);}

template<class K, class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialCont std::map< K, T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 334 of file stream.h.

References serialMap().

00334 {serialMap(cont);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialCont std::multiset< T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 332 of file stream.h.

References serialSTLCont().

00332 {serialSTLCont(cont);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialCont std::set< T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 330 of file stream.h.

References serialSTLCont().

00330 {serialSTLCont(cont);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialCont std::deque< T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 328 of file stream.h.

References serialSTLCont().

00328 {serialSTLCont(cont);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialCont std::list< T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

Reimplemented in NLMISC::CBitMemStream, NLMISC::CMemStream, and NLMISC::CStringStream.

Definition at line 326 of file stream.h.

References serialSTLCont().

00326 {serialSTLCont(cont);}

template<class T, class Allocator>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialCont std::vector< T, Allocator > &  cont  )  [inline]

Specialisation of serialCont() for vector<bool>.

Definition at line 324 of file stream.h.

References serialVector().

Referenced by NL3D::H_AUTO_DECL(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbHeapMemberiOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbStackMemberiOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbMemberiOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallMethodi::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallStackMethodi::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallHeapMethodi::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibStackMemberMethod::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallMethodi::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibMemberMethodi::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffMemberiOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffHeapMemberiOpCode::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLoadHeapObject::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLoadStackObject::load(), NLAISCRIPT::CLoadSelfObject::load(), NLMISC::CEntityIdTranslator::load(), NLSOUND::CBackgroundSoundManager::load(), loadForm(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbHeapMemberiOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbStackMemberiOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLdbMemberiOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallMethodi::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallStackMethodi::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CCallHeapMethodi::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibStackMemberMethod::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibCallMethodi::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLibMemberMethodi::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffMemberiOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CAffHeapMemberiOpCode::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLoadHeapObject::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLoadStackObject::save(), NLAISCRIPT::CLoadSelfObject::save(), NLMISC::CEntityIdTranslator::save(), NLLIGO::CZoneRegion::serial(), NLLIGO::CZoneBankElement::serial(), NL3D::CZone::serial(), NL3D::CVegetableShape::serial(), NL3D::CTileVegetableDesc::serial(), NL3D::CSkeletonWeight::serial(), NL3D::CInstanceGroup::serial(), NL3D::CInstanceGroup::CInstance::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrieverInstance::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrieverBank::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrievableSurface::TLoop::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrievableSurface::serial(), NL3D::CPrimitiveBlock::serial(), NL3D::CPortal::serial(), NL3D::CPointLightNamedArray::serial(), NL3D::CPatch::serial(), NLMISC::CNoiseColorGradient::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CRdrPass::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::serial(), NL3D::CMeshBase::CLightMapInfoList::serial(), NL3D::CMeshBase::CLightInfoMapListV7::serial(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::CMatrixBlock::serial(), NL3D::CMaterial::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterTexture::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBank::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::CBoneInfluence::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::CAnim::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBuild::serial(), NLPACS::CLocalRetriever::CTopology::serial(), NLPACS::CLocalRetriever::CTip::serial(), NLPACS::CLocalRetriever::serial(), NL3D::CIGSurfaceLight::serial(), NL3D::CHLSTextureBank::serial(), NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::serial(), NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::CMask::serial(), NLPACS::CGlobalRetriever::serial(), NLPACS::CFaceGrid::serial(), NLPACS::CExteriorMesh::serial(), NLPACS::CEdgeQuad::serial(), NLPACS::CCollisionMeshBuild::serial(), NL3D::CCluster::serial(), NLPACS::CChain::serial(), NLPACS::COrderedChain::serial(), NLPACS::COrderedChain3f::serial(), NLMISC::CBitSet::serial(), CAutomataDesc::CState::serial(), NL3D::CAnimationSet::serial(), NL3D::CAnimation::serial(), NL3D::CMaterialBase::serial(), and NLMISC::ICommand::serialCommands().

00324 {serialVector(cont);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialContPolyPtr std::multiset< T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Serialize a check value. An object can stream a check value to check integrity or format of filed or streamed data. Just call serial check with a const value. Write will serial the value. Read will check the value is the same. If it is not, it will throw EInvalidDataStream exception.

NB: The type of the value must implement an operator == and must be serializable.

value the value used to the check.
See also:

Definition at line 379 of file stream.h.

References serialSTLContPolyPtr().

00379 {serialSTLContPolyPtr(cont);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialContPolyPtr std::set< T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Serialize a check value. An object can stream a check value to check integrity or format of filed or streamed data. Just call serial check with a const value. Write will serial the value. Read will check the value is the same. If it is not, it will throw EInvalidDataStream exception.

NB: The type of the value must implement an operator == and must be serializable.

value the value used to the check.
See also:

Definition at line 377 of file stream.h.

References serialSTLContPolyPtr().

00377 {serialSTLContPolyPtr(cont);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialContPolyPtr std::deque< T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Serialize a check value. An object can stream a check value to check integrity or format of filed or streamed data. Just call serial check with a const value. Write will serial the value. Read will check the value is the same. If it is not, it will throw EInvalidDataStream exception.

NB: The type of the value must implement an operator == and must be serializable.

value the value used to the check.
See also:

Definition at line 375 of file stream.h.

References serialSTLContPolyPtr().

00375 {serialSTLContPolyPtr(cont);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialContPolyPtr std::list< T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Serialize a check value. An object can stream a check value to check integrity or format of filed or streamed data. Just call serial check with a const value. Write will serial the value. Read will check the value is the same. If it is not, it will throw EInvalidDataStream exception.

NB: The type of the value must implement an operator == and must be serializable.

value the value used to the check.
See also:

Definition at line 373 of file stream.h.

References serialSTLContPolyPtr().

00373 {serialSTLContPolyPtr(cont);}

template<class T, class Allocator>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialContPolyPtr std::vector< T, Allocator > &  cont  )  [inline]

Serialize a check value. An object can stream a check value to check integrity or format of filed or streamed data. Just call serial check with a const value. Write will serial the value. Read will check the value is the same. If it is not, it will throw EInvalidDataStream exception.

NB: The type of the value must implement an operator == and must be serializable.

value the value used to the check.
See also:

Definition at line 371 of file stream.h.

References serialVectorPolyPtr().

Referenced by NL3D::CAnimation::serial().

00371 {serialVectorPolyPtr(cont);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialContPtr std::multiset< T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Definition at line 362 of file stream.h.

References serialSTLContPtr().

00362 {serialSTLContPtr(cont);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialContPtr std::set< T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Definition at line 360 of file stream.h.

References serialSTLContPtr().

00360 {serialSTLContPtr(cont);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialContPtr std::deque< T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Definition at line 358 of file stream.h.

References serialSTLContPtr().

00358 {serialSTLContPtr(cont);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialContPtr std::list< T > &  cont  )  [inline]

Definition at line 356 of file stream.h.

References serialSTLContPtr().

00356 {serialSTLContPtr(cont);}

template<class T, class Allocator>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialContPtr std::vector< T, Allocator > &  cont  )  [inline]

Definition at line 354 of file stream.h.

References serialVectorPtr().

Referenced by NL3D::CAnimationSet::serial().

00354 {serialVectorPtr(cont);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialEnum T &  em  )  [inline]

Template enum serialisation. Serialized as a sint32.

Definition at line 261 of file stream.h.

References isReading(), serial(), and sint32.

Referenced by NLNET::cbTCReceiveOtherSideClass(), NL3D::CVegetableShape::serial(), NL3D::CVegetable::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrieverInstance::serial(), NL3D::CPointLight::serial(), NL3D::CMaterial::serial(), NLPACS::CLocalRetriever::serial(), NLMISC::CSerialCommand::serial(), and NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::serial().

00262         {
00263                 sint32  i;
00264                 if(isReading())
00265                 {
00266                         serial(i);
00267                         em = (T)i;
00268                 }
00269                 else
00270                 {
00271                         i = em;
00272                         serial(i);
00273                 }
00274         }

void NLMISC::IStream::serialIStreamable IStreamable *&  ptr  )  [private]

Definition at line 115 of file stream.cpp.

References _IdMap, _NextSerialPtrId, isReading(), ItIdMap, nlassert, serial(), uint, uint64, ValueIdMap, xmlPop(), xmlPushBegin(), xmlPushEnd(), and xmlSetAttrib().

Referenced by serialPolyPtr().

00116 {
00117         uint64  node=0;
00119         // Open a node
00120         xmlPushBegin ("POLYPTR");
00122         if(isReading())
00123         {
00124                 // First attribute name
00125                 xmlSetAttrib ("id");
00127                 serial(node);
00129                 if(node==0)
00130                 {
00131                         ptr=NULL;
00133                         // Close the node header
00134                         xmlPushEnd ();
00135                 }
00136                 else
00137                 {
00138                         ItIdMap it;
00139                         it= _IdMap.find(node);
00141                         // Test if object already created/read.
00142                         if( it==_IdMap.end() )
00143                         {
00144                                 // Read the class name.
00145                                 string  className;
00147                                 // Second attribute name
00148                                 xmlSetAttrib ("class");
00150                                 serial(className);
00152                                 // Close the node header
00153                                 xmlPushEnd ();
00155                                 // Construct object.
00156                                 ptr= dynamic_cast<IStreamable*> (CClassRegistry::create(className));
00157                                 if(ptr==NULL)
00158                                 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00159                                         throw EUnregisteredClass(className);
00160                                 #else
00161                                         throw EUnregisteredClass();
00162                                 #endif
00165                                 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00166                                         nlassert(CClassRegistry::checkObject(ptr));
00167                                 #endif
00169                                 // Insert the node.
00170                                 _IdMap.insert( ValueIdMap(node, ptr) );
00172                                 // Read the object!
00173                                 ptr->serial(*this);
00174                         }
00175                         else
00176                         {
00177                                 ptr= static_cast<IStreamable*>(it->second);
00179                                 // Close the node header
00180                                 xmlPushEnd ();
00181                         }
00182                 }
00183         }
00184         else
00185         {
00186                 if(ptr==NULL)
00187                 {
00188                         node= 0;
00190                         // First attribute name
00191                         xmlSetAttrib ("id");
00193                         serial(node);
00195                         // Close the node header
00196                         xmlPushEnd ();
00197                 }
00198                 else
00199                 {
00200                         // Assume that prt size is an int size
00201                         nlassert(sizeof(uint) == sizeof(void *));
00203                         ItIdMap it;
00204                         it = _IdMap.find((uint64)(uint)ptr);
00206                         // Test if object has been already written
00207                         if( it==_IdMap.end() )
00208                         {
00209                                 // Not yet written
00211                                 // Get the next available ID
00212                                 node = _NextSerialPtrId++;
00214                                 // Serial the id
00215                                 xmlSetAttrib ("id");
00216                                 serial(node);
00218                                 // Insert the pointer in the map with the id
00219                                 _IdMap.insert( ValueIdMap((uint64)(uint)ptr, (void*)(uint)node) );
00221                                 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00222                                         nlassert(CClassRegistry::checkObject(ptr));
00223                                 #endif
00225                                 // Write the class name.
00226                                 string  className=ptr->getClassName();
00228                                 // Second attribute name
00229                                 xmlSetAttrib ("class");
00230                                 serial(className);
00232                                 // Close the node header
00233                                 xmlPushEnd ();
00235                                 // Write the object!
00236                                 ptr->serial(*this);
00237                         }
00238                         else
00239                         {
00240                                 // Write only the object id
00241                                 xmlSetAttrib ("id");
00242                                 node = (uint64)(uint)(it->second);
00243                                 serial(node);
00244                                 xmlPushEnd ();
00245                         }
00246                 }
00247         }
00249         // Close the node 
00250         xmlPop ();
00251 }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialMap T &  cont  )  [inline, private]

STL map<> Support up to sint32 length containers.

the object T must provide:

  • typedef iterator; (providing operator++() and operator*())
  • typedef value_type; (must be a std::pair<>)
  • typedef key_type; (must be the type of the key)
  • void clear();
  • size_type size() const;
  • iterator begin();
  • iterator end();
  • iterator insert(iterator it, const value_type& x);
Known Supported containers: map<>
cont a STL map<> container.

Definition at line 1360 of file stream.h.

References isReading(), len, serial(), sint, sint32, xmlPop(), xmlPush(), xmlPushBegin(), xmlPushEnd(), and xmlSetAttrib().

Referenced by serialCont().

01361         {
01362                 typedef typename T::value_type __value_type;
01363                 typedef typename T::key_type __key_type;
01364                 typedef typename T::iterator __iterator;
01366                 // Open a node header
01367                 xmlPushBegin ("MAP");
01369                 // Attrib size
01370                 xmlSetAttrib ("size");
01372                 sint32  len;
01373                 if(isReading())
01374                 {
01375                         cont.clear();
01376                         serial(len);
01378                         // Close the node header
01379                         xmlPushEnd ();
01381                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++)
01382                         {
01383 /*                              __value_type v;
01385                                 xmlPush ("KEY");
01387                                 serial ( const_cast<__key_type&>(v.first) );
01389                                 xmlPop ();
01392                                 xmlPush ("ELM");
01394                                 serial (v.second);
01396                                 xmlPop ();
01398                                 cont.insert(cont.end(), v);
01399 */
01400                                 // MALKAV 05/07/02 : prevent a copy of the value, copy the key instead
01401                                 __key_type k;
01403                                 xmlPush ("KEY");
01404                                 serial ( k );
01405                                 xmlPop ();
01408                                 xmlPush ("ELM");
01409                                 serial (cont[k]);
01410                                 xmlPop ();
01411                         }
01412                 }
01413                 else
01414                 {
01415                         len= cont.size();
01416                         serial(len);
01417                         __iterator              it= cont.begin();
01419                         // Close the node header
01420                         xmlPushEnd ();
01422                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++, it++)
01423                         {
01424                                 xmlPush ("KEY");
01426                                 serial( const_cast<__key_type&>((*it).first) );
01428                                 xmlPop ();
01430                                 xmlPush ("ELM");
01432                                 serial((*it).second);
01434                                 xmlPop ();
01435                         }
01436                 }
01438                 // Close the node
01439                 xmlPop ();
01440         }

void NLMISC::IStream::serialMemStream CMemStream b  )  [virtual]

Serial memstream, bitmemstream...

Definition at line 436 of file stream.cpp.

References NLMISC::CMemStream::buffer(), NLMISC::CMemStream::bufferToFill(), isReading(), len, NLMISC::CMemStream::length(), NLMISC::CMemStream::resetBufPos(), serial(), serialBuffer(), uint32, and uint8.

00437 {
00438         uint32 len=0;
00440         // Serialize length
00441         if ( isReading() )
00442         {
00443                 // fill b with data from this
00444                 serial (len);
00445                 serialBuffer (b.bufferToFill (len), len);
00446                 b.resetBufPos ();
00447         }
00448         else
00449         {
00450                 // fill this with data from b
00451                 len = b.length();
00453                 serial( len );
00454                 serialBuffer( (uint8*) b.buffer (), len );
00455         }
00456 }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialMultimap T &  cont  )  [inline, private]

STL map<> and multimap<> serialisation. Support up to sint32 length containers.

the object T must provide:

  • typedef iterator; (providing operator++() and operator*())
  • typedef value_type; (must be a std::pair<>)
  • typedef key_type; (must be the type of the key)
  • void clear();
  • size_type size() const;
  • iterator begin();
  • iterator end();
  • iterator insert(iterator it, const value_type& x);
Known Supported containers: map<>, multimap<>.
cont a STL map<> or multimap<> container.

Definition at line 1271 of file stream.h.

References isReading(), len, serial(), sint, sint32, v, xmlPop(), xmlPush(), xmlPushBegin(), xmlPushEnd(), and xmlSetAttrib().

Referenced by serialCont().

01272         {
01273                 typedef typename T::value_type __value_type;
01274                 typedef typename T::key_type __key_type;
01275                 typedef typename T::iterator __iterator;
01277                 // Open a node header
01278                 xmlPushBegin ("MULTIMAP");
01280                 // Attrib size
01281                 xmlSetAttrib ("size");
01283                 sint32  len;
01284                 if(isReading())
01285                 {
01286                         cont.clear();
01287                         serial(len);
01289                         // Close the node header
01290                         xmlPushEnd ();
01292                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++)
01293                         {
01294                                 __value_type v;
01296                                 xmlPush ("KEY");
01298                                 serial ( const_cast<__key_type&>(v.first) );
01300                                 xmlPop ();
01303                                 xmlPush ("ELM");
01305                                 serial (v.second);
01307                                 xmlPop ();
01309                                 cont.insert(cont.end(), v);
01310                         }
01311                 }
01312                 else
01313                 {
01314                         len= cont.size();
01315                         serial(len);
01316                         __iterator              it= cont.begin();
01318                         // Close the node header
01319                         xmlPushEnd ();
01321                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++, it++)
01322                         {
01323                                 xmlPush ("KEY");
01325                                 serial( const_cast<__key_type&>((*it).first) );
01327                                 xmlPop ();
01329                                 xmlPush ("ELM");
01331                                 serial((*it).second);
01333                                 xmlPop ();
01334                         }
01335                 }
01337                 // Close the node
01338                 xmlPop ();
01339         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialPolyPtr T *&  ptr  )  [inline]

Serialize Polymorphic Objet Ptr. Works with NULL pointers. If the same object is found mutliple time in the stream, ONLY ONE instance is written! NB: The ptr is serialised as a uint64 (64 bit compliant).

ptr a pointer on a IStreamable object.
See also:

Definition at line 492 of file stream.h.

References serialIStreamable().

Referenced by NL3D::CAnimationOptimizer::cloneTrack(), NL3D::CMaterial::CLightMap::serial(), NL3D::CMaterial::serial(), NL3D::CMaterialBase::CAnimatedTexture::serial(), NL3D::CMaterial::CLightMap::serial2(), and serialSTLContLenPolyPtr().

00493         { IStreamable *p=ptr; serialIStreamable(p); ptr= static_cast<T*>(p);}

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialPtr T *&  ptr  )  [inline]

Serialize Non Polymorphic Objet Ptr. Works with NULL pointers. If the same object is found mutliple time in the stream, ONLY ONE instance is written! NB: The ptr is serialised as a uint64 (64 bit compliant).

ptr a pointer on a base type or an object.
See also:

Definition at line 390 of file stream.h.

References _IdMap, _NextSerialPtrId, isReading(), ItIdMap, serial(), uint, uint64, ValueIdMap, xmlPop(), xmlPushBegin(), xmlPushEnd(), and xmlSetAttrib().

Referenced by NL3D::CParticleSystemShape::buildFromPS(), NL3D::CParticleSystemShape::flushTextures(), NL3D::CParticleSystemShape::instanciatePS(), and serialSTLContLenPtr().

00391         {
00392                 uint64  node;
00394                 // Open the node header
00395                 xmlPushBegin ("PTR");
00397                 xmlSetAttrib ("id");
00399                 if(isReading())
00400                 {
00401                         serial(node);
00403                         // Close the header
00404                         xmlPushEnd ();
00406                         if(node==0)
00407                                 ptr=NULL;
00408                         else
00409                         {
00410                                 ItIdMap it;
00411                                 it= _IdMap.find(node);
00413                                 // Test if object already created/read.
00414                                 if( it==_IdMap.end() )
00415                                 {
00416                                         // Construct object.                                    
00417                                         ptr= new T;
00418                                         if(ptr==NULL)
00419                                                 throw EStream();
00421                                         // Insert the node.
00422                                         _IdMap.insert( ValueIdMap(node, ptr) );
00424                                         // Read the object!
00425                                         serial(*ptr);
00426                                 }
00427                                 else
00428                                         ptr= static_cast<T*>(it->second);
00429                         }
00430                 }
00431                 else
00432                 {
00433                         if(ptr==NULL)
00434                         {
00435                                 node= 0;
00436                                 serial(node);
00438                                 // Close the header
00439                                 xmlPushEnd ();
00440                         }
00441                         else
00442                         {
00443                                 ItIdMap it;
00444                                 it = _IdMap.find((uint64)(uint)ptr);
00446                                 // Test if object has been already written
00447                                 if( it==_IdMap.end() )
00448                                 {
00449                                         // Not yet written
00451                                         // Get the next available ID
00452                                         node = _NextSerialPtrId++;
00454                                         // Serial the id
00455                                         serial(node);
00457                                         // Insert the pointer in the map with the id
00458                                         _IdMap.insert( ValueIdMap((uint64)(uint)ptr, (void*)(uint)node) );
00460                                         // Close the header
00461                                         xmlPushEnd ();
00463                                         // Write the object
00464                                         serial(*ptr);
00465                                 }
00466                                 else
00467                                 {
00468                                         // Write only the object id
00469                                         node = (uint64)(uint)(it->second);
00471                                         serial(node);
00473                                         // Close the header
00474                                         xmlPushEnd ();
00475                                 }
00476                         }
00477                 }
00479                 // Close the node
00480                 xmlPop ();
00481         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialSTLCont T &  cont  )  [inline, private]

standard STL containers serialisation. Don't work with map<> and multimap<>. Support up to sint32 length containers.

the object T must provide:

  • typedef iterator; (providing operator++() and operator*())
  • typedef value_type; (a base type (uint...), or an object providing "void serial(IStream&)" method.)
  • void clear();
  • size_type size() const;
  • iterator begin();
  • iterator end();
  • iterator insert(iterator it, const value_type& x);
Known Supported containers: vector<>, list<>, deque<>, set<>, multiset<>.
cont a STL container (vector<>, set<> ...).

Definition at line 955 of file stream.h.

References isReading(), len, serial(), serialSTLContLen(), sint32, xmlPop(), xmlPushBegin(), xmlPushEnd(), and xmlSetAttrib().

Referenced by serialCont().

00956         {
00957                 // Open a node header
00958                 xmlPushBegin ("CONTAINER");
00960                 // Attrib size
00961                 xmlSetAttrib ("size");
00963                 sint32  len=0;
00964                 if(isReading())
00965                 {
00966                         serial(len);
00967                         cont.clear();
00968                 }
00969                 else
00970                 {
00971                         len= cont.size();
00972                         serial(len);
00973                 }
00975                 // Close the header
00976                 xmlPushEnd ();
00978                 serialSTLContLen(cont, len);
00980                 // Close the node
00981                 xmlPop ();
00982         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialSTLContLen T &  cont,
sint32  len
[inline, private]

standard STL containers serialisation. Don't work with map<> and multimap<>. Support up to sint32 length containers. serialize just len element of the container.

Definition at line 905 of file stream.h.

References isReading(), len, serial(), sint, sint32, v, xmlPop(), and xmlPush().

Referenced by serialSTLCont().

00906         {
00907                 typedef typename T::value_type __value_type;
00908                 typedef typename T::iterator __iterator;
00910                 if(isReading())
00911                 {
00912                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++)
00913                         {
00914                                 xmlPush ("ELM");
00916                                 __value_type v;
00917                                 serial(v);
00918                                 (void)cont.insert(cont.end(), v);
00920                                 xmlPop ();
00921                         }
00922                 }
00923                 else
00924                 {
00925                         __iterator              it= cont.begin();
00926                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++, it++)
00927                         {
00928                                 xmlPush ("ELM");
00930                                 serial(const_cast<__value_type&>(*it));
00932                                 xmlPop ();
00933                         }
00934                 }
00935         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialSTLContLenPolyPtr T &  cont,
sint32  len
[inline, private]

standard STL containers serialisation. Don't work with map<> and multimap<>. PolyPtr version Support up to sint32 length containers. serialize just len element of the container.

Definition at line 1162 of file stream.h.

References isReading(), len, serialPolyPtr(), sint, sint32, and v.

Referenced by serialSTLContPolyPtr(), and serialVectorPolyPtr().

01163         {
01164                 typedef typename T::value_type __value_type;
01165                 typedef typename T::iterator __iterator;
01167                 if(isReading())
01168                 {
01169                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++)
01170                         {
01171                                 __value_type    v=NULL;
01172                                 serialPolyPtr(v);
01173                                 cont.insert(cont.end(), v);
01174                         }
01175                 }
01176                 else
01177                 {
01178                         __iterator              it= cont.begin();
01179                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++, it++)
01180                         {
01181                                 serialPolyPtr(const_cast<__value_type&>(*it));
01182                         }
01183                 }
01184         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialSTLContLenPtr T &  cont,
sint32  len
[inline, private]

standard STL containers serialisation. Don't work with map<> and multimap<>. Ptr version. Support up to sint32 length containers. serialize just len element of the container.

Definition at line 1056 of file stream.h.

References isReading(), len, serialPtr(), sint, sint32, and v.

Referenced by serialSTLContPtr(), and serialVectorPtr().

01057         {
01058                 typedef typename T::value_type __value_type;
01059                 typedef typename T::iterator __iterator;
01061                 if(isReading())
01062                 {
01063                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++)
01064                         {
01065                                 __value_type    v;
01066                                 serialPtr(v);
01067                                 cont.insert(cont.end(), v);
01068                         }
01069                 }
01070                 else
01071                 {
01072                         __iterator              it= cont.begin();
01073                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++, it++)
01074                         {
01075                                 serialPtr(const_cast<__value_type&>(*it));
01076                         }
01077                 }
01078         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialSTLContPolyPtr T &  cont  )  [inline, private]

standard STL containers serialisation. Don't work with map<> and multimap<>. PolyPtr version Support up to sint32 length containers.

Definition at line 1192 of file stream.h.

References isReading(), len, serial(), serialSTLContLenPolyPtr(), and sint32.

Referenced by serialContPolyPtr().

01193         {
01194                 sint32  len=0;
01195                 if(isReading())
01196                 {
01197                         serial(len);
01198                         cont.clear();
01199                 }
01200                 else
01201                 {
01202                         len= cont.size();
01203                         serial(len);
01204                 }
01206                 serialSTLContLenPolyPtr(cont, len);
01207         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialSTLContPtr T &  cont  )  [inline, private]

standard STL containers serialisation. Don't work with map<> and multimap<>. Ptr version. Support up to sint32 length containers.

Definition at line 1086 of file stream.h.

References isReading(), len, serial(), serialSTLContLenPtr(), sint32, xmlPop(), xmlPushBegin(), xmlPushEnd(), and xmlSetAttrib().

Referenced by serialContPtr().

01087         {
01088                 // Open a node header
01089                 xmlPushBegin ("CONTAINER");
01091                 // Attrib size
01092                 xmlSetAttrib ("size");
01094                 sint32  len=0;
01095                 if(isReading())
01096                 {
01097                         serial(len);
01098                         cont.clear();
01099                 }
01100                 else
01101                 {
01102                         len= cont.size();
01103                         serial(len);
01104                 }
01106                 // Close the node header
01107                 xmlPushEnd ();
01109                 serialSTLContLenPtr(cont, len);
01111                 // Close the node
01112                 xmlPop ();
01113         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialVector T &  cont  )  [inline, protected]

special version for serializing a vector. Support up to sint32 length containers.

Definition at line 992 of file stream.h.

References NLMISC::contReset(), isReading(), len, serial(), sint, sint32, xmlPop(), xmlPush(), xmlPushBegin(), xmlPushEnd(), and xmlSetAttrib().

Referenced by NLMISC::CStringStream::serialCont(), serialCont(), and NLMISC::CBitMemStream::serialCont().

00993         {
00994                 typedef typename T::value_type __value_type;
00995                 typedef typename T::iterator __iterator;
00997                 // Open a node header
00998                 xmlPushBegin ("VECTOR");
01000                 // Attrib size
01001                 xmlSetAttrib ("size");
01003                 sint32  len=0;
01004                 if(isReading())
01005                 {
01006                         serial(len);
01008                         // Open a node header
01009                         xmlPushEnd ();
01011                         // special version for vector: adjut good size.
01012                         contReset(cont);
01013                         cont.resize (len);
01015                         // Read the vector
01016                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++)
01017                         {
01018                                 xmlPush ("ELM");
01020                                 serial(cont[i]);
01022                                 xmlPop ();
01023                         }
01024                 }
01025                 else
01026                 {
01027                         len= cont.size();
01028                         serial(len);
01030                         // Close the node header
01031                         xmlPushEnd ();
01033                         // Write the vector
01034                         __iterator              it= cont.begin();
01035                         for(sint i=0;i<len;i++, it++)
01036                         {
01037                                 xmlPush ("ELM");
01039                                 serial(const_cast<__value_type&>(*it));
01041                                 xmlPop ();
01042                         }
01043                 }
01045                 // Close the node
01046                 xmlPop ();
01047         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialVectorPolyPtr T &  cont  )  [inline, private]

special version for serializing a vector. PolyPtr version Support up to sint32 length containers.

Definition at line 1215 of file stream.h.

References NLMISC::contReset(), isReading(), len, serial(), serialSTLContLenPolyPtr(), sint32, xmlPop(), xmlPushBegin(), xmlPushEnd(), and xmlSetAttrib().

Referenced by serialContPolyPtr().

01216         {
01217                 typedef typename T::value_type __value_type;
01218                 typedef typename T::iterator __iterator;
01220                 // Open a node header
01221                 xmlPushBegin ("VECTOR");
01223                 // Attrib size
01224                 xmlSetAttrib ("size");
01226                 sint32  len=0;
01227                 if(isReading())
01228                 {
01229                         serial(len);
01230                         // special version for vector: adjut good size.
01231                         contReset(cont);
01232                         cont.reserve(len);
01233                 }
01234                 else
01235                 {
01236                         len= cont.size();
01237                         serial(len);
01238                 }
01240                 // Close the node header
01241                 xmlPushEnd ();
01243                 serialSTLContLenPolyPtr(cont, len);
01245                 // Close the node
01246                 xmlPop ();
01247         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::serialVectorPtr T &  cont  )  [inline, private]

special version for serializing a vector. Ptr version. Support up to sint32 length containers.

Definition at line 1121 of file stream.h.

References NLMISC::contReset(), isReading(), len, serial(), serialSTLContLenPtr(), sint32, xmlPop(), xmlPushBegin(), xmlPushEnd(), and xmlSetAttrib().

Referenced by serialContPtr().

01122         {
01123                 typedef typename T::value_type __value_type;
01124                 typedef typename T::iterator __iterator;
01126                 // Open a node header
01127                 xmlPushBegin ("VECTOR");
01129                 // Attrib size
01130                 xmlSetAttrib ("size");
01132                 sint32  len=0;
01133                 if(isReading())
01134                 {
01135                         serial(len);
01136                         // special version for vector: adjut good size.
01137                         contReset(cont);
01138                         cont.reserve(len);
01139                 }
01140                 else
01141                 {
01142                         len= cont.size();
01143                         serial(len);
01144                 }
01146                 // Close the node header
01147                 xmlPushEnd ();
01149                 serialSTLContLenPtr(cont, len);
01151                 // Close the node
01152                 xmlPop ();
01153         }

uint NLMISC::IStream::serialVersion uint  currentVersion  ) 

Serialize a version number. Each object should store/read first a version number, using this method. Then he can use the streamVersion returned to see how he should serialise himself.

NB: Version Number is read/store as a uint8, or uint32 if too bigger..

currentVersion the current version of the class, provided by user.
the version of the stream. If the stream is an Output stream, currentVersion is returned.
See also:
setVersionException() getVersionException()

Definition at line 266 of file stream.cpp.

References _ThrowOnNewer, _ThrowOnOlder, isReading(), serial(), uint, uint32, uint8, v, xmlPop(), and xmlPush().

Referenced by NL3D::H_AUTO_DECL(), NLMISC::CEntityIdTranslator::load(), loadForm(), NLMISC::CEntityIdTranslator::save(), NLLIGO::CZoneRegion::serial(), NLLIGO::CZoneRegion::SZoneUnit2::serial(), NLLIGO::CZoneBankElement::serial(), NL3D::CZone::serial(), NL3D::CPatchInfo::CBindInfo::serial(), NL3D::CZone::CPatchConnect::serial(), NL3D::CBorderVertex::serial(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::serial(), NL3D::CVegetableShape::serial(), NL3D::CVegetable::serial(), NL3D::CTrackSampledVector::serial(), NL3D::CTrackSampledQuat::serial(), NL3D::CTrackSampledCommon::CTimeBlock::serial(), NL3D::CTileVegetableDesc::serial(), NL3D::CTileNoiseMap::serial(), NL3D::CTileNoise::serial(), NLPACS::CSurfaceQuadTree::serial(), NL3D::CSurfaceLightGrid::CCellCorner::serial(), NL3D::CSurfaceLightGrid::serial(), NL3D::CSkeletonWeight::CNode::serial(), NL3D::CSkeletonWeight::serial(), NL3D::CInstanceGroup::serial(), NL3D::CInstanceGroup::CInstance::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrieverInstance::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrieverBank::serial(), NLPACS::CRetrievableSurface::serial(), NL3D::CPSAttrib< T >::serial(), NL3D::CPrimitiveBlock::serial(), NL3D::CPortal::serial(), NL3D::CPointLightNamedArray::CPointLightGroup::serial(), NL3D::CPointLightNamedArray::serial(), NL3D::CPointLightNamed::serial(), NL3D::CPointLight::serial(), NL3D::CPatch::serial(), NLMISC::CNoiseColorGradient::serial(), NLMISC::CNoiseValue::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CRdrPass::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CShadowVertex::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::CPackedVertex::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::CPackedVertexBuffer::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinned::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMSkinnedGeom::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::CLodInfo::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::CRdrPass::serial(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::CShadowVertex::serial(), NL3D::CMeshBase::CLightMapInfoList::serial(), NL3D::CMeshBase::CLightMapInfoList::CMatStage::serial(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::CMatrixBlock::serial(), NL3D::CMeshGeom::CRdrPass::serial(), NLMISC::CMatrix::serial(), NL3D::CMaterial::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterTexture::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBank::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::CBoneInfluence::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShape::CAnim::serial(), NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBuild::serial(), NLPACS::CLocalRetriever::serial(), NL3D::CIGSurfaceLight::CRetrieverLightGrid::serial(), NL3D::CIGSurfaceLight::serial(), NL3D::CHLSTextureBank::CTextureInstance::serial(), NL3D::CHLSTextureBank::serial(), NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::serial(), NL3D::CHLSColorTexture::CMask::serial(), NL3D::CHLSColorDelta::serial(), NLPACS::CGlobalRetriever::serial(), NLPACS::CFaceGrid::serial(), NLPACS::CExteriorMesh::serial(), NLPACS::CEdgeQuad::serial(), NL3D::CCluster::serial(), NLPACS::CChainQuad::serial(), NLPACS::CChain::serial(), NLPACS::COrderedChain::serial(), NLPACS::COrderedChain3f::serial(), NL3D::CBoneBase::serial(), NLMISC::CBitSet::serial(), NL3D::CAnimationSet::serial(), NL3D::CAnimationPlaylist::serial(), NL3D::CAnimation::serial(), NL3D::CMaterialBase::CTexAnimTracks::serial(), NL3D::CMaterialBase::serial(), NLMISC::CAABBox::serial(), NL3D::CMaterial::CLightMap::serial2(), NL3D::CTrackSampledCommon::serialCommon(), NL3D::CVertexBuffer::serialHeader(), NL3D::CMeshMRMGeom::serialLodVertexData(), and NL3D::CVertexBuffer::serialSubset().

00267 {
00268         uint8   b=0;
00269         uint32  v=0;
00270         uint    streamVersion;
00272         // Open the node
00273         xmlPush ("VERSION");
00275         if(isReading())
00276         {
00277                 serial(b);
00278                 if(b==0xFF)
00279                         serial(v);
00280                 else
00281                         v=b;
00282                 streamVersion=v;
00284                 // Exception test.
00285                 if(_ThrowOnOlder && streamVersion < currentVersion)
00286                         throw EOlderStream(*this);
00287                 if(_ThrowOnNewer && streamVersion > currentVersion)
00288                         throw ENewerStream(*this);
00289         }
00290         else
00291         {
00292                 v= streamVersion=currentVersion;
00293                 if(v>=0xFF)
00294                 {
00295                         b=0xFF;
00296                         serial(b);
00297                         serial(v);
00298                 }
00299                 else
00300                 {
00301                         b= (uint8)v;
00302                         serial(b);
00303                 }
00304         }
00306         // Close the node
00307         xmlPop ();
00309         return streamVersion;
00310 }

void NLMISC::IStream::setInOut bool  inputStream  )  [protected]

Change, in live, the state of the inputStream. This could be usefull in certain case. The deriver which would want to do such a thing must call this method, and implement his own behavior. In certain case, it should call resetPtrTable() if he want to reset the stream ptr info (maybe always)...

Definition at line 413 of file stream.cpp.

References _InputStream.

Referenced by NLMISC::CBitMemStream::getSerialItem(), and NLMISC::CMemStream::invert().

00414 {
00415         _InputStream= inputStream;
00416 }

void NLMISC::IStream::setVersionException bool  throwOnOlder,
bool  throwOnNewer

Set the behavior of IStream regarding input stream that are older/newer than the class. If throwOnOlder==true, IStream throws a EOlderStream when needed. If throwOnNewer==true, IStream throws a ENewerStream when needed.

By default, the behavior is throwOnOlder=false, throwOnNewer=true.

See also:
serialVersion() getVersionException()

Definition at line 71 of file stream.cpp.

References _ThrowOnNewer, and _ThrowOnOlder.

00072 {
00073         _ThrowOnOlder=throwOnOlder;
00074         _ThrowOnNewer=throwOnNewer;
00075 }

void NLMISC::IStream::setXMLMode bool  on  )  [protected]

Set the XML mode is true to enable XML mode else false

Definition at line 427 of file stream.cpp.

References _XML.

Referenced by NLMISC::COXml::COXml(), and NLMISC::COXml::init().

00428 {
00429         _XML = on;
00430 }

bool NLMISC::IStream::xmlBreakLine  )  [inline]

xmlBreakLine() insert a break line in the XML stream.

true if the break line is added, return false if no node is opened.

Definition at line 794 of file stream.h.

References _XML, and xmlBreakLineInternal().

00795         {
00796                 // XML Mode ?
00797                 if (_XML)
00798                 {
00799                         return xmlBreakLineInternal ();
00800                 }
00802                 // Return ok
00803                 return true;
00804         }

virtual bool NLMISC::IStream::xmlBreakLineInternal  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

xmlBreakLine implementation

Reimplemented in NLMISC::COXml.

Definition at line 845 of file stream.h.

Referenced by xmlBreakLine().

00845 { return true; };

bool NLMISC::IStream::xmlComment const char *  comment  )  [inline]

xmlComment() insert a comment line in the XML stream.

true if the comment is added, return false if no node is opened.

Definition at line 811 of file stream.h.

References _XML, comment(), and xmlCommentInternal().

00812         {
00813                 // XML Mode ?
00814                 if (_XML)
00815                 {
00816                         return xmlCommentInternal (comment);
00817                 }
00819                 // Return ok
00820                 return true;
00821         }

virtual bool NLMISC::IStream::xmlCommentInternal const char *  comment  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

xmlComment implementation

Reimplemented in NLMISC::COXml.

Definition at line 848 of file stream.h.

Referenced by xmlComment().

00848 { return true; };

bool NLMISC::IStream::xmlPop  )  [inline]

xmlPop() close the node.

true if you can close the node, false if the node can't be closed (its header is still opened) or if there is no node to close.

Definition at line 759 of file stream.h.

References _XML, and xmlPopInternal().

Referenced by NLLIGO::CZoneRegion::serial(), NLLIGO::CZoneBankElement::serial(), NL3D::CZone::serial(), NL3D::CPatch::serial(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< sint8, false >::serial(), NLMISC::COXml::serial(), NLMISC::COXml::serialBuffer(), serialCheck(), serialIStreamable(), serialMap(), serialMultimap(), serialPtr(), serialSTLCont(), serialSTLContLen(), serialSTLContPtr(), serialVector(), serialVectorPolyPtr(), serialVectorPtr(), serialVersion(), and xmlSerial().

00760         {
00761                 // XML Mode ?
00762                 if (_XML)
00763                 {
00764                         return xmlPopInternal ();
00765                 }
00767                 // Return ok
00768                 return true;
00769         }

virtual bool NLMISC::IStream::xmlPopInternal  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

xmlPop implementation

Reimplemented in NLMISC::COXml.

Definition at line 839 of file stream.h.

Referenced by xmlPop().

00839 { return true; };

bool NLMISC::IStream::xmlPush const char *  name  )  [inline]

Definition at line 701 of file stream.h.

References _XML, res, xmlPushBeginInternal(), and xmlPushEndInternal().

Referenced by NLLIGO::CZoneRegion::serial(), NLLIGO::CZoneBankElement::serial(), NL3D::CZone::serial(), NL3D::CPatch::serial(), NLMISC::CObjectVector< sint8, false >::serial(), NLMISC::COXml::serial(), NLMISC::COXml::serialBuffer(), serialCheck(), serialMap(), serialMultimap(), serialSTLContLen(), serialVector(), serialVersion(), and xmlSerial().

00702         {
00703                 // XML Mode ?
00704                 if (_XML)
00705                 {
00706                         // Open the header
00707                         bool res=xmlPushBeginInternal (name);
00708                         if (res)
00709                                 // close the header
00710                                 xmlPushEndInternal ();
00711                         // Return the result
00712                         return res;
00713                 }
00715                 // Return ok
00716                 return true;
00717         }

bool NLMISC::IStream::xmlPushBegin const char *  name  )  [inline]

xmlBreakLine() insert a break line in the XML stream.

true if the break line is added, return false if no node is opened.

Definition at line 725 of file stream.h.

References _XML, and xmlPushBeginInternal().

Referenced by NLMISC::CObjectVector< sint8, false >::serial(), serialIStreamable(), serialMap(), serialMultimap(), serialPtr(), serialSTLCont(), serialSTLContPtr(), serialVector(), serialVectorPolyPtr(), and serialVectorPtr().

00726         {
00727                 // XML Mode ?
00728                 if (_XML)
00729                 {
00730                         return xmlPushBeginInternal (name);
00731                 }
00733                 // Return ok
00734                 return true;
00735         }

virtual bool NLMISC::IStream::xmlPushBeginInternal const char *  name  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

xmlPushBegin implementation

Reimplemented in NLMISC::COXml.

Definition at line 833 of file stream.h.

Referenced by xmlPush(), and xmlPushBegin().

00833 { return true; };

bool NLMISC::IStream::xmlPushEnd  )  [inline]

xmlPushEnd() close the node header.

true if you can close the node header, false if no node header have been opened with xmlPushBegin().

Definition at line 742 of file stream.h.

References _XML, and xmlPushEndInternal().

Referenced by NLMISC::CObjectVector< sint8, false >::serial(), serialIStreamable(), serialMap(), serialMultimap(), serialPtr(), serialSTLCont(), serialSTLContPtr(), serialVector(), serialVectorPolyPtr(), and serialVectorPtr().

00743         {
00744                 // XML Mode ?
00745                 if (_XML)
00746                 {
00747                         return xmlPushEndInternal ();
00748                 }
00750                 // Return ok
00751                 return true;
00752         }

virtual bool NLMISC::IStream::xmlPushEndInternal  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

xmlPushEnd implementation

Reimplemented in NLMISC::COXml.

Definition at line 836 of file stream.h.

Referenced by xmlPush(), and xmlPushEnd().

00836 { return true; };

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::xmlSerial T &  value0,
T &  value1,
T &  value2,
T &  value3,
const char *  nodeName

Definition at line 683 of file stream.h.

References serial(), xmlPop(), and xmlPush().

00684         {
00685                 // Open the node
00686                 xmlPush (nodeName);
00688                 // Serial the values
00689                 serial (value0, value1, value2, value3);
00691                 // Close the node
00692                 xmlPop ();
00693         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::xmlSerial T &  value0,
T &  value1,
T &  value2,
const char *  nodeName

Definition at line 671 of file stream.h.

References serial(), xmlPop(), and xmlPush().

00672         {
00673                 // Open the node
00674                 xmlPush (nodeName);
00676                 // Serial the values
00677                 serial (value0, value1, value2);
00679                 // Close the node
00680                 xmlPop ();
00681         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::xmlSerial T &  value0,
T &  value1,
const char *  nodeName

Definition at line 659 of file stream.h.

References serial(), xmlPop(), and xmlPush().

00660         {
00661                 // Open the node
00662                 xmlPush (nodeName);
00664                 // Serial the values
00665                 serial (value0, value1);
00667                 // Close the node
00668                 xmlPop ();
00669         }

template<class T>
void NLMISC::IStream::xmlSerial T &  value0,
const char *  nodeName

xmlSerial() serial a values into a node.

Definition at line 647 of file stream.h.

References serial(), xmlPop(), and xmlPush().

Referenced by NLLIGO::CZoneRegion::serial(), NLLIGO::CZoneRegion::SZoneUnit2::serial(), NLLIGO::CZoneRegion::SZoneUnit::serial(), NL3D::CZone::serial(), NL3D::CPatchInfo::CBindInfo::serial(), NL3D::CZone::CPatchConnect::serial(), NL3D::CBorderVertex::serial(), NL3D::CTileElement::serial(), NL3D::CTileColorOldPatchVersion6::serial(), NL3D::CTileColor::serial(), and NL3D::CPatch::serial().

00648         {
00649                 // Open the node
00650                 xmlPush (nodeName);
00652                 // Serial the value
00653                 serial (value0);
00655                 // Close the node
00656                 xmlPop ();
00657         }

bool NLMISC::IStream::xmlSetAttrib const char *  name  )  [inline]

xmlSetAttrib() set the name of the next node header attribute serialised.

is the name of the node header attribute serialised.

true if the attribute name have been set, false if the node header is not open (the call is not between xmlPushBegin and xmlPushEnd)

Definition at line 777 of file stream.h.

References _XML, and xmlSetAttribInternal().

Referenced by NLMISC::CObjectVector< sint8, false >::serial(), serialIStreamable(), serialMap(), serialMultimap(), serialPtr(), serialSTLCont(), serialSTLContPtr(), serialVector(), serialVectorPolyPtr(), and serialVectorPtr().

00778         {
00779                 // XML Mode ?
00780                 if (_XML)
00781                 {
00782                         return xmlSetAttribInternal (name);
00783                 }
00785                 // Return ok
00786                 return true;
00787         }

virtual bool NLMISC::IStream::xmlSetAttribInternal const char *  name  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

xmlBreakLine implementation

Reimplemented in NLMISC::COXml.

Definition at line 842 of file stream.h.

Referenced by xmlSetAttrib().

00842 { return true; };

Field Documentation

std::hash_map<uint64, void*, CHashFunctionUInt64> NLMISC::IStream::_IdMap [private]

Definition at line 890 of file stream.h.

Referenced by resetPtrTable(), serialIStreamable(), and serialPtr().

bool NLMISC::IStream::_InputStream [private]

Definition at line 884 of file stream.h.

Referenced by isReading(), IStream(), operator=(), and setInOut().

uint32 NLMISC::IStream::_NextSerialPtrId [private]

Definition at line 889 of file stream.h.

Referenced by resetPtrTable(), serialIStreamable(), and serialPtr().

bool NLMISC::IStream::_ThrowOnNewer = true [static, private]

Definition at line 67 of file stream.cpp.

Referenced by getVersionException(), serialVersion(), and setVersionException().

bool NLMISC::IStream::_ThrowOnOlder = false [static, private]

Definition at line 66 of file stream.cpp.

Referenced by getVersionException(), serialVersion(), and setVersionException().

bool NLMISC::IStream::_XML [private]

Definition at line 1443 of file stream.h.

Referenced by IStream(), isXML(), setXMLMode(), xmlBreakLine(), xmlComment(), xmlPop(), xmlPush(), xmlPushBegin(), xmlPushEnd(), and xmlSetAttrib().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Mar 16 13:48:09 2004 for NeL by doxygen 1.3.6