NLMISC::CAsyncFileManager::ICancelCallback Class Reference

#include <async_file_manager.h>

Inheritance diagram for NLMISC::CAsyncFileManager::ICancelCallback:

NL3D::CLoadMeshCancel NL3D::CLoadTextureCancel NLSOUND::CCancelLoadWavFile

Detailed Description

CCancelCallback is an interface that is used in call to CAsyncFileManager::cancelLoad. This class contains one method that is call for each task in the async file loader. If the method return true, then the task is removed and cancelLoad return.
Boris Boucher

Nevrax France


Definition at line 65 of file async_file_manager.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool callback (const IRunnable *prunnable) const=0

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool NLMISC::CAsyncFileManager::ICancelCallback::callback const IRunnable prunnable  )  const [pure virtual]

Referenced by NLMISC::CAsyncFileManager::cancelLoadTask().

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Generated on Tue Mar 16 13:01:53 2004 for NeL by doxygen 1.3.6