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00001 // Browse.cpp : implementation file
00002 //
00004 #include "stdafx.h"
00005 //#include "tile_edit_dll.h"
00006 #include "resource.h"
00007 #include "Browse.h"
00008 #include "custom.h"
00009 #include "getval.h"
00010 #include <nel/3d/tile_bank.h>
00012 using namespace NL3D;
00014 extern CTileBank tileBank2;
00017 // Browse dialog
00019 Browse::Browse(int nland, CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
00020         : CDialog(Browse::IDD, pParent)
00021 {       
00022         //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(Browse)
00023         SubGroup0 = FALSE;
00024         SubGroup1 = FALSE;
00025         SubGroup2 = FALSE;
00026         SubGroup3 = FALSE;
00027         SubGroup4 = FALSE;
00028         SubGroup5 = FALSE;
00029         SubGroup6 = FALSE;
00030         SubGroup7 = FALSE;
00031         SubGroup10 = FALSE;
00032         SubGroup11 = FALSE;
00033         SubGroup8 = FALSE;
00034         SubGroup9 = FALSE;
00035         //}}AFX_DATA_INIT
00036         land=nland;
00037         m_128x128=0;
00038 }
00041 void Browse::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
00042 {
00043         CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);
00044         //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(Browse)
00045         DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_128X128, m_128x128);
00046         DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_VIEW, m_ctrl);
00047         DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_INFONUM, m_infotexte);
00048         DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_JOUR, m_rb_jour);
00049         DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP0, SubGroup0);
00050         DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP1, SubGroup1);
00051         DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP2, SubGroup2);
00052         DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP3, SubGroup3);
00053         DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP4, SubGroup4);
00054         DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP5, SubGroup5);
00055         DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP6, SubGroup6);
00056         DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP7, SubGroup7);
00057         DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP10, SubGroup10);
00058         DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP11, SubGroup11);
00059         DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP8, SubGroup8);
00060         DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_SUBGROUP9, SubGroup9);
00061         //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
00062 }
00065 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(Browse, CDialog)
00066         //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(Browse)
00067         ON_WM_SIZE()
00068         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ALPHA, OnAlpha)
00069         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_128X128, OnChangeVariety)
00070         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_JOUR, OnJour)
00071         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_NUIT, OnNuit)
00072         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_OK, OnOk)
00073         ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN()
00074         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_OK2, OnUpdateTiles)
00075         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BATCH_LOAD, OnBatchLoad)
00076         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP0, OnSubgroup0)
00077         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP1, OnSubgroup1)
00078         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP2, OnSubgroup2)
00079         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP3, OnSubgroup3)
00080         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP4, OnSubgroup4)
00081         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP5, OnSubgroup5)
00082         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP6, OnSubgroup6)
00083         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP7, OnSubgroup7)
00084         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ZOOM5, OnChangeVariety)
00085         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ZOOM6, OnChangeVariety)
00086         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDCANCEL, OnCancel)
00087         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CANCEL, OnCancel)
00088         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DISPLACE, OnChangeVariety)
00089         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP8, OnSubgroup8)
00090         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP9, OnSubgroup9)
00091         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP10, OnSubgroup10)
00092         ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SUBGROUP11, OnSubgroup11)
00093         //}}AFX_MSG_MAP
00097 // Browse message handlers
00099 BOOL Browse::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) 
00100 {
00101         // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
00103         return CDialog::PreCreateWindow(cs);
00104 }
00106 DWORD thread_id;
00107 int thread_actif = 0;
00108 Browse *pDialog;
00109 int ccount=0;
00111 LRESULT Browse::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 
00112 {
00114         // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
00115         if (ccount==0 && message==WM_PAINT)
00116         {       
00117                 Init();
00118         }
00119         if (message==WM_KEYUP || message==WM_KEYDOWN)
00120         {
00121                 RECT parent,client; 
00122                 GetWindowRect(&parent); m_ctrl.GetWindowRect(&client);
00123                 if (m_ctrl.MousePos.x<(client.right - parent.left) && 
00124                         m_ctrl.MousePos.x>0 &&
00125                         m_ctrl.MousePos.y<(client.bottom - client.top) &&
00126                         m_ctrl.MousePos.y>0)
00127                 {
00128                         m_ctrl.SendMessage(message,wParam,lParam);
00129                 }
00130         }
00132         if (message==WM_MOUSEMOVE)
00133         {
00134                 m_ctrl.MousePos.x = LOWORD(lParam);
00135                 m_ctrl.MousePos.y = HIWORD(lParam);
00137                 RECT client, parent; 
00139                 ClientToScreen (&m_ctrl.MousePos);
00140                 m_ctrl.ScreenToClient (&m_ctrl.MousePos);
00142                 m_ctrl.GetWindowRect(&client);
00143                 GetWindowRect(&parent);
00144                 if (m_ctrl.MousePos.x<0)
00145                         m_ctrl.MousePos.x=0;
00146                 if (m_ctrl.MousePos.x>client.right-client.left)
00147                         m_ctrl.MousePos.x=client.right-client.left;
00148                 if (m_ctrl.MousePos.y<0)
00149                         m_ctrl.MousePos.y=0;
00150                 if (m_ctrl.MousePos.y>client.bottom-client.top)
00151                         m_ctrl.MousePos.y=client.bottom-client.top;
00153                 m_ctrl.ClientToScreen (&m_ctrl.MousePos);
00154                 ScreenToClient (&m_ctrl.MousePos);
00156                 if (lbutton) //on dessine le carre de selection
00157                 { 
00158                         selection = 1;
00159                         RECT current;
00160                         SIZE size; size.cx = size.cy = 1;
00161                         current.left = OriginalPos.x;
00162                         current.top = OriginalPos.y;
00163                         current.right = m_ctrl.MousePos.x;
00164                         current.bottom = m_ctrl.MousePos.y;
00165                         if (current.left>current.right) {int temp = current.left; current.left = current.right; current.right = temp;}
00166                         if (current.top>current.bottom) {int temp = current.bottom; current.bottom = current.top; current.top = temp;}
00168                         CDC *pDC = GetDC();
00169                         m_ctrl.DrawDragRect(pDC,NULL,size,&last_sel,size);                      //on efface l'ancien carre
00171                         m_ctrl.UpdateSelection(&current, wParam, m_128x128);                                            //on affiche les modifes
00173                         m_ctrl.DrawDragRect(pDC,&current,size,NULL,size);                       //on affiche le nouveau carre
00174                         ::ReleaseDC(*this,*pDC);                        
00176                         last_sel = current;
00177                 }
00178         }
00179         if (message==WM_DROPFILES)
00180         {
00181                 m_ctrl.PostMessage(WM_DROPFILES,wParam,lParam);
00182         }
00183         if (message==WM_COMMAND && !thread_actif)
00184         {
00185                 int button = LOWORD(wParam);
00186                 if (button==IDC_ZOOM1 || button==IDC_ZOOM2 || button==IDC_ZOOM3)
00187                 {
00188                         m_ctrl.Zoom = button - IDC_ZOOM1 +1;
00189                         m_ctrl.UpdateSize(m_128x128);
00190                         m_ctrl.scrollpos = 0;
00191                         SetScrollPos(SB_VERT,0,true);
00192                         m_ctrl.RedrawWindow();
00193                 }
00194                 else if (button==IDC_INFONUM)
00195                 {
00196                         m_ctrl.InfoTexte = 1;
00197                         m_ctrl.RedrawWindow();
00198                 }                       
00199                 else if (button==IDC_FILENAME)
00200                 {
00201                         m_ctrl.InfoTexte =2;
00202                         m_ctrl.RedrawWindow();
00203                 }
00204                 else if (button==IDC_GROUP)
00205                 {
00206                         m_ctrl.InfoTexte = 3;
00207                         m_ctrl.RedrawWindow();
00208                 }
00209                 else if (button>=10 && button<=15) 
00210                         m_ctrl.PostMessage(WM_COMMAND,wParam,lParam);
00211         }
00212         if (message==WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
00213         {
00214                 int xPos = LOWORD(lParam);  // horizontal position of cursor 
00215                 int yPos = HIWORD(lParam);  // vertical position of cursor 
00217                 if (lbutton) //on dessine le carre de selection
00218                 { 
00219                         selection = 1;
00220                         RECT current;
00221                         SIZE size; size.cx = size.cy = 1;
00222                         current.left = OriginalPos.x;
00223                         current.top = OriginalPos.y;
00224                         current.right = m_ctrl.MousePos.x;
00225                         current.bottom = m_ctrl.MousePos.y;
00226                         if (current.left>current.right) {int temp = current.left; current.left = current.right; current.right = temp;}
00227                         if (current.top>current.bottom) {int temp = current.bottom; current.bottom = current.top; current.top = temp;}
00229                         CDC *pDC = GetDC();
00230                         m_ctrl.DrawDragRect(pDC,NULL,size,&last_sel,size);                      //on efface l'ancien carre
00232                         m_ctrl.UpdateSelection(&current,wParam, m_128x128);                                             //on affiche les modifes
00234                         ::ReleaseDC(*this,*pDC);                        
00236                         last_sel = current;
00237                 }
00239                 RECT p,rect; p.left = m_ctrl.MousePos.x; p.top = m_ctrl.MousePos.y;
00240                 ClientToScreen(&p); 
00241                 m_ctrl.GetClientRect(&rect);
00242                 POINT pt; pt.x = p.left; pt.y = p.top;
00243                 m_ctrl.ScreenToClient(&pt);
00244                 if (pt.x>=rect.left && pt.x<rect.right && pt.y>=rect.top && pt.y<rect.bottom) 
00245                 {
00246                         m_ctrl.SetFocus();
00247                         int index = m_ctrl.GetIndex(&pt, m_128x128);
00248                         if (index!=-1 && !(wParam&MK_SHIFT)/* && !(wParam&MK_CONTROL)*/)
00249                         {
00250                                 tilelist::iterator p = m_ctrl.InfoList.Get(index, m_128x128);
00251                                 if (p!=m_ctrl.InfoList.GetLast(m_128x128))
00252                                 {
00253                                         tilelist::iterator pp = p;
00254                                         if (wParam&MK_CONTROL)
00255                                                 p->Selected = p->Selected?0:7;
00256                                         else 
00257                                                 p->Selected = 1;
00258                                         CDC *pDC = NULL;
00259                                         int indexx=0;
00260                                         for (p=m_ctrl.InfoList.GetFirst(m_128x128);p!=m_ctrl.InfoList.GetLast(m_128x128);++p, indexx++)
00261                                         {
00262                                                 if (p!=pp && p->Selected)
00263                                                 {
00264                                                         if (!(wParam&MK_CONTROL))
00265                                                         {
00266                                                                 p->Selected = 0;
00267                                                                 if (pDC==NULL) pDC = m_ctrl.GetDC();
00268                                                                 m_ctrl.DrawTile(p,pDC,1,m_128x128);
00269                                                         }
00270                                                 }
00271                                                 else
00272                                                 {
00273                                                         if (p==pp)
00274                                                         {
00275                                                                 if (pDC==NULL) pDC = m_ctrl.GetDC();
00276                                                                 m_ctrl.DrawTile(p,pDC,1,m_128x128);
00277                                                         }
00278                                                 }
00279                                         }
00280                                         if (pDC) ::ReleaseDC(*this,*pDC);
00281                                 }
00282                         }
00283                         else
00284                         {
00285                                 if (!(wParam&MK_CONTROL) && !(wParam&MK_SHIFT))
00286                                 {
00287                                         tilelist::iterator p = m_ctrl.InfoList.GetFirst(m_128x128);
00288                                         CDC *pDC = NULL;
00289                                         for (int i = 0; i<m_ctrl.InfoList.GetSize(m_128x128); i++)
00290                                         {
00291                                                 if (p->Selected)
00292                                                 {
00293                                                         if (pDC==NULL) pDC = m_ctrl.GetDC();
00294                                                         //m_ctrl.InfoList.setSelection (i, 0);
00295                                                         p->Selected = 0;
00296                                                         m_ctrl.DrawTile(p,pDC,1,m_128x128);
00297                                                 }
00298                                                 p++;
00299                                         }
00300                                         if (pDC) ::ReleaseDC(*this,*pDC);                       
00301                                 }
00302                         }
00303                         lbutton = 1;
00305                         SIZE size; size.cx = size.cy = 1;
00307                         last_sel.top = xPos;
00308                         last_sel.left = yPos;
00309                         last_sel.bottom = xPos;
00310                         last_sel.right = yPos;
00311                         OriginalPos.x=xPos;
00312                         OriginalPos.y=yPos;
00313                 }
00314         }
00315         if (message==WM_LBUTTONUP || message==WM_NCLBUTTONUP)
00316         {
00317                 RECT p; p.left = m_ctrl.MousePos.x; p.top = m_ctrl.MousePos.y;
00318                 ClientToScreen(&p);
00319                 POINT pt; pt.x = p.left; pt.y = p.top;
00320                 m_ctrl.ScreenToClient(&pt);
00321                 int index = m_ctrl.GetIndex(&pt, m_128x128);
00322                 if (!selection && index!=-1)
00323                 {
00324                         int i = 0;
00325                 }
00326                 else if (selection)
00327                 {
00328                         CDC *pDC = GetDC();
00329                         CSize size; size.cx = size.cy = 1;
00330                         m_ctrl.DrawDragRect(pDC,NULL,size,&last_sel,size);
00331                         ::ReleaseDC(*this,*pDC);
00332                         int index=0;
00333                         for (tilelist::iterator p = m_ctrl.InfoList.GetFirst(m_128x128);p!=m_ctrl.InfoList.GetLast(m_128x128);++p, index++)
00334                         {
00335                                 if (p->Selected&3)
00336                                 {
00337                                         p->Selected=2;
00338                                 }
00339                                 else 
00340                                         p->Selected = 0;
00341                         }
00342                 }
00343                 selection =0;
00344                 lbutton = 0;
00345         }
00346         if (message==WM_KEYDOWN)
00347         {
00348                 int toto = 0;
00349         }
00350         if (message==WM_SIZE && m_ctrl.count_ )
00351         {
00352                 int x = LOWORD(lParam);
00353                 int y = HIWORD(lParam);
00355                 int i = max (1, m_ctrl.GetNbTileLine()); 
00356                 int j = max (1, m_ctrl.GetNbTileColumn());
00357                 int pos = m_ctrl.GetScrollPos(SB_VERT);
00358                 int hview = (m_ctrl.InfoList.GetSize(m_128x128)/i + 1)*(m_ctrl.sizeicon_y + m_ctrl.spacing_y) + m_ctrl.spacing_y;
00359                 m_ctrl.scrollpos = (pos*hview)/SCROLL_MAX;
00361                 RECT clientrect,rect;
00362                 m_ctrl.GetWindowRect(&clientrect);
00363                 InvalidateRect(NULL,false);
00364                 GetWindowRect(&rect);
00365                 m_ctrl.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, max (100, x - 120), y - 20, SWP_NOMOVE);
00366                 int iFirst,iLast; 
00367                 m_ctrl.GetVisibility(iFirst, iLast, m_128x128);
00368                 m_ctrl.UpdateBar(iFirst, iLast, m_128x128);
00369                 return 0;
00370         }
00371         if (message==WM_VSCROLL || message==WM_MOUSEWHEEL)
00372         {
00373                 SCROLLINFO inf;
00374                 RECT rect_scroll,rect_clip;
00375                 int scrollcode,pos;
00376                 inf.fMask = SIF_ALL;
00377                 GetScrollInfo(SB_VERT,&inf);
00378                 m_ctrl.GetClientRect(&rect_scroll);
00379                 int i = m_ctrl.GetNbTileLine();
00380                 int hview = (m_ctrl.InfoList.GetSize(m_128x128)/i + 2)*(m_ctrl.sizeicon_y + m_ctrl.spacing_y) + m_ctrl.spacing_y;
00382                 if (message==WM_MOUSEWHEEL)
00383                 {
00384                         int inc = ((int)(short)HIWORD(wParam))/WHEEL_DELTA;
00385                         pos = inf.nPos - inc*(((m_ctrl.sizeicon_y+m_ctrl.spacing_y)*SCROLL_MAX)/(hview - m_ctrl.spacing_y));
00386                 }
00387                 else 
00388                 {
00389                         scrollcode = LOWORD(wParam);
00390                         pos = inf.nTrackPos;
00391                         switch (scrollcode)
00392                         {                                       
00393                                 case SB_BOTTOM:
00394                                         pos = SCROLL_MAX - inf.nPage;
00395                                         break;
00396                                 case SB_PAGEDOWN:
00397                                         pos = inf.nPos + inf.nPage;
00398                                         break;
00399                                 case SB_PAGEUP:
00400                                         pos = inf.nPos - inf.nPage;
00401                                         break;
00402                                 case SB_LINEUP:
00403                                         pos = inf.nPos - (((m_ctrl.sizeicon_y+m_ctrl.spacing_y)*SCROLL_MAX)/(hview - m_ctrl.spacing_y));
00404                                         break;
00405                                 case SB_LINEDOWN:
00406                                         pos = inf.nPos + (((m_ctrl.sizeicon_y+m_ctrl.spacing_y)*SCROLL_MAX)/(hview - m_ctrl.spacing_y));
00407                                         break;
00408                                 case SB_TOP:
00409                                         pos = 0;
00410                                         break;
00411                                 case SB_THUMBPOSITION:
00412                                 case SB_ENDSCROLL:
00413                                         pos = inf.nPos;
00414                                         break;
00415                         }
00416                 }
00418                 if (pos<0) pos = 0;
00419                 if (pos>(SCROLL_MAX - (int)inf.nPage)) 
00420                         pos = SCROLL_MAX - inf.nPage;
00422                 SetScrollPos(SB_VERT,pos,1);
00423                 rect_scroll.bottom -= rect_scroll.top;
00424                 rect_scroll.top = 0;
00425                 rect_clip = rect_scroll;
00426                 int scroll_pixel = m_ctrl.scrollpos;
00427                 int old_iFV,old_iLV;
00428                 m_ctrl.GetVisibility(old_iFV, old_iLV, m_128x128);
00429                 m_ctrl.scrollpos = (pos*hview)/(SCROLL_MAX);
00430                 int iFV,iLV;
00431                 m_ctrl.GetVisibility(iFV, iLV, m_128x128);
00433                 if (iFV>old_iLV || iLV<old_iFV || scrollcode==SB_PAGEDOWN || scrollcode==SB_PAGEUP)
00434                 {
00435                         m_ctrl.RedrawWindow();
00436                 }
00437                 else
00438                 {
00439                         scroll_pixel -= m_ctrl.scrollpos;
00440                         if (scroll_pixel)
00441                         {
00442                                 CDC *pDC = m_ctrl.GetDC();
00443                                 if (abs(scroll_pixel)>(rect_clip.bottom - rect_clip.top)) scroll_pixel = 0;
00444                                 else pDC->ScrollDC(0,scroll_pixel,&rect_scroll,&rect_clip,NULL,NULL);
00446                                 tilelist::iterator p = m_ctrl.InfoList.GetFirst(m_128x128);             
00447                                 CBrush brush (GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE));
00448                                 if (scroll_pixel<0)
00449                                 {
00450                                         rect_scroll.top = rect_scroll.bottom + scroll_pixel;
00451                                         pDC->FillRect(&rect_scroll,&brush);
00452                                         if ((iLV-i)<iFV) i = iLV - iFV;
00453                                         for (int k = 0;k<old_iLV-i;k++) p++;
00454                                         for (k=old_iLV - i;k<=iLV;k++) 
00455                                         {
00456                                                 m_ctrl.DrawTile(p,pDC,0,m_128x128);
00457                                                 p++;
00458                                         }
00459                                 }
00460                                 else
00461                                 {
00462                                         rect_scroll.bottom = rect_scroll.top + scroll_pixel;
00463                                         pDC->FillRect(&rect_scroll,&brush);
00464                                         for (int k = 0;k<iFV;k++) p++;
00465                                         for (k = iFV;k<(old_iFV+i);k++)
00466                                         {
00467                                                 m_ctrl.DrawTile(p,pDC,0,m_128x128);
00468                                                 p++;
00469                                         }
00470                                 }
00471                                 ::ReleaseDC(m_ctrl,*pDC);
00472                         }
00473                 }
00474                 m_ctrl.lastVBarPos = pos;
00475         }
00476         if (message==WM_CLOSE) 
00477         {
00478                 ccount=0; 
00479                 this->m_ctrl.count_=0;
00480                 OnDestroy();
00481         }
00482         if (message==WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK)
00483         {
00484                 m_ctrl.SendMessage(WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK,wParam,lParam);
00485         }
00486         pDialog=this;
00487         return CDialog::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam);
00488 }       
00491 unsigned long Browse::MyControllingFunction( void* pParam )
00492 {
00493         thread_actif = 1;
00494         Browse *br = (Browse*)pParam;
00495         br->m_ctrl.lockInsertion = 1;
00496         int iFV,iLV;
00497         br->m_ctrl.GetVisibility(iFV, iLV, br->m_128x128);
00498         br->m_ctrl.UpdateBar(iFV, iLV, br->m_128x128);
00499         tilelist::iterator p = br->m_ctrl.InfoList.GetFirst(br->m_128x128);
00500         tilelist::iterator plast = p;
00501         for (int i=0;i<br->m_ctrl.InfoList.GetSize(br->m_128x128);i++)
00502         {
00503                 int *ld; 
00504                 int rot=0;
00505                 std::string path;
00506                 LPBITMAPINFO pBmp; 
00507                 std::vector<NLMISC::CBGRA>* bits;
00509                 switch (br->m_128x128)
00510                 {
00511                 case 0:
00512                         path = tileBank2.getTile (tileBank2.getTileSet (br->m_ctrl.InfoList._tileSet)->getTile128 (i))->
00513                                 getRelativeFileName ((CTile::TBitmap)(br->m_ctrl.Texture-1));
00514                         break;
00515                 case 1:
00516                         path = tileBank2.getTile (tileBank2.getTileSet (br->m_ctrl.InfoList._tileSet)->getTile256 (i))->
00517                                 getRelativeFileName ((CTile::TBitmap)(br->m_ctrl.Texture-1));
00518                         break;
00519                 case 2:
00520                         {
00521                                 int index=tileBank2.getTileSet (br->m_ctrl.InfoList._tileSet)->getTransition (i)->getTile();
00522                                 if (index!=-1)
00523                                 {
00524                                         path = tileBank2.getTile (index)->getRelativeFileName ((CTile::TBitmap)(br->m_ctrl.Texture-1));
00525                                         if (br->m_ctrl.Texture==3)
00526                                                 rot = tileBank2.getTile (index)->getRotAlpha ();
00527                                 }
00528                                 else
00529                                         path = "";
00530                         }
00531                         break;
00532                 case 3:
00533                         // Get diaplcement filename
00534                         path = tileBank2.getTileSet (br->m_ctrl.InfoList._tileSet)->getDisplacementFileName((CTileSet::TDisplacement)i);
00535                         break;
00536                 }
00537                 std::vector<NLMISC::CBGRA>* pAlpha=NULL;
00538                 switch (br->m_ctrl.Texture)
00539                 {
00540                 case 1:
00541                         ld = &p->loaded;
00542                         pBmp = &p->BmpInfo;
00543                         bits = &p->Bits;
00544                         pAlpha = &p->alphaBits;
00545                         break;
00546                 case 2:
00547                         ld = &p->nightLoaded;
00548                         pBmp = &p->nightBmpInfo;
00549                         bits = &p->nightBits;
00550                         pAlpha = &p->alphaBits;
00551                         break;
00552                 case 3:
00553                         ld = &p->alphaLoaded;
00554                         pBmp = &p->alphaBmpInfo;
00555                         bits = &p->alphaBits;
00556                         break;
00557                 }
00559                 if ((path!="") && _LoadBitmap(tileBank2.getAbsPath() + path, pBmp, *bits, pAlpha, rot))
00560                 {                       
00561                         *ld=1;
00562                         int iFV,iLV; br->m_ctrl.GetVisibility(iFV, iLV, br->m_128x128);
00563                         if (i<=iLV && i>=iFV) 
00564                         {
00565                                 CDC *pDC = br->m_ctrl.GetDC();
00566                                 br->m_ctrl.DrawTile(p,pDC,1,br->m_128x128);
00567                                 ::ReleaseDC(*br,*pDC);
00568                         }
00569                 }
00570                 p++;
00571         }
00572         br->m_ctrl.lockInsertion = 0;
00573         thread_actif = 0;
00574         return 1;
00575 }
00577 void Browse::LoadInThread(void)
00578 {
00579         if (!thread_actif)
00580         MyControllingFunction (this);
00581 }
00584 void Browse::Init()
00585 {               
00586         UpdateData ();
00587         lbutton = 0;
00588         selection = 0;
00589         control = 0;
00590         m_ctrl.lockInsertion = 0; oldsel = -1;
00591         HKEY regkey; 
00592         unsigned long value; 
00593         unsigned long type; 
00594         int cx=-1,cy=-1,x=-1,y=-1;
00595         char sWindowpl[256];
00597         if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,REGKEY_TILEDIT,&regkey)==ERROR_SUCCESS)
00598         {               
00599                 value=256;
00600                 type=REG_SZ;
00601                 if (RegQueryValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_WNDPL,0,&type,(unsigned char *)&sWindowpl,&value)==ERROR_SUCCESS)
00602                 {
00603                         WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl;
00604                         sscanf(sWindowpl,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d",
00605                                                 &wndpl.flags,
00606                                                 &wndpl.ptMaxPosition.x,&wndpl.ptMaxPosition.y,
00607                                                 &wndpl.ptMinPosition.x,&wndpl.ptMinPosition.y,
00608                                                 &wndpl.rcNormalPosition.bottom,&wndpl.rcNormalPosition.left,&wndpl.rcNormalPosition.right,&wndpl.rcNormalPosition.top,
00609                                                 &wndpl.showCmd);
00610                         wndpl.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
00611                         this->SetWindowPlacement(&wndpl);
00612                 }
00613                 value=256;
00614                 type=REG_SZ;
00615                 if (RegQueryValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_LASTPATH,0,&type,(unsigned char *)&sWindowpl,&value)!=ERROR_SUCCESS)
00616                         m_ctrl.LastPath="";
00617                 else
00618                         m_ctrl.LastPath=(const char*)sWindowpl;
00619                 value=4;
00620                 type=REG_DWORD;
00621                 if (RegQueryValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONZOOM,0,&type,(unsigned char *)&m_ctrl.Zoom,&value)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) 
00622                         m_ctrl.Zoom = 3;
00623                 value=4;
00624                 type=REG_DWORD;
00625                 if (RegQueryValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONVARIETY,0,&type,(unsigned char *)&m_128x128,&value)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) 
00626                         m_128x128 = 0;
00627                 value=4;
00628                 type=REG_DWORD;
00629                 if (RegQueryValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONTEXTURE,0,&type,(unsigned char *)&m_ctrl.Texture,&value)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) 
00630                         m_ctrl.Texture = 1;
00631                 value=4;
00632                 type=REG_DWORD;
00633                 if (RegQueryValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONTEXTINFO,0,&type,(unsigned char *)&m_ctrl.InfoTexte,&value)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) 
00634                         m_ctrl.InfoTexte = 1;
00635                 RegCloseKey(regkey);
00636         }               
00637         CButton *button = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_ZOOM1 + m_ctrl.Zoom -1);
00638         button->SetCheck(1);
00639         button = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_JOUR + m_ctrl.Texture -1);
00640         button->SetCheck(1);
00641         button = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_INFONUM + m_ctrl.InfoTexte -1);
00642         button->SetCheck(1);    
00643         if (cx!=-1 && cy!=-1 && x!=-1 && y!=-1) SetWindowPos(0,x,y,cx,cy,0);
00645         m_ctrl.Init(land, m_128x128);
00646         SelectionTerritoire *slt = (SelectionTerritoire*)GetParent();
00647         ccount=1;
00649         RECT rect;
00650         this->GetWindowRect(&rect);
00651         SendMessage(WM_SIZE,rect.right - rect.left,rect.bottom - rect.top); //force resize
00653         SelectionTerritoire *parent = (SelectionTerritoire*)GetParent();
00655         // The land     
00656         CTileSet *tileSet=tileBank2.getTileSet (land);
00658         // 128
00659         m_ctrl.InfoList.theList128.resize (tileSet->getNumTile128 ());
00660         for (int i=0; i<tileSet->getNumTile128 (); i++)
00661         {
00662                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theList128[i].id=i;
00663                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theList128[i].Selected=0;
00664                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theList128[i].loaded=0;
00665                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theList128[i].nightLoaded=0;
00666                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theList128[i].alphaLoaded=0;
00667         }
00668         m_ctrl.InfoList.Reload (0, tileSet->getNumTile128 (), 0);
00670         // 256
00671         m_ctrl.InfoList.theList256.resize (tileSet->getNumTile256 ());
00672         for (i=0; i<tileSet->getNumTile256 (); i++)
00673         {
00674                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theList256[i].id=i;
00675                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theList256[i].Selected=0;
00676                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theList256[i].loaded=0;
00677                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theList256[i].nightLoaded=0;
00678                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theList256[i].alphaLoaded=0;
00679         }
00680         m_ctrl.InfoList.Reload (0, tileSet->getNumTile256 (), 1);
00682         // Transition
00683         for (i=0; i<CTileSet::count; i++)
00684         {
00685                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theListTransition[i].id=i;
00686                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theListTransition[i].Selected=0;
00687                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theListTransition[i].loaded=0;
00688                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theListTransition[i].nightLoaded=0;
00689                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theListTransition[i].alphaLoaded=0;
00690         }
00691         m_ctrl.InfoList.Reload (0, CTileSet::count, 2);
00693         // Displacement
00694         for (i=0; i<CTileSet::CountDisplace; i++)
00695         {
00696                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theListDisplacement[i].id=i;
00697                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theListDisplacement[i].Selected=0;
00698                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theListDisplacement[i].loaded=0;
00699                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theListDisplacement[i].nightLoaded=0;
00700                 m_ctrl.InfoList.theListDisplacement[i].alphaLoaded=0;
00701         }
00702         m_ctrl.InfoList.Reload (0, CTileSet::CountDisplace, 3);
00704         CString fullpath = parent->DefautPath + parent->CurrentTerritory;
00706         LoadInThread();
00707         UpdateData (FALSE);
00709         OnChangeVariety();
00710 }
00714 void Browse::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) 
00715 {
00716         CDialog::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
00717 }
00719 void Browse::OnAlpha ()
00720 {
00721         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
00722         m_ctrl.Texture = 3;
00723         LoadInThread();
00724         m_ctrl.RedrawWindow();
00725 }
00727 void Browse::OnJour ()
00728 {
00729         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
00730         m_ctrl.Texture = 1;
00731         LoadInThread();
00732         m_ctrl.RedrawWindow();
00733 }
00735 void Browse::OnNuit ()
00736 {
00737         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
00738         m_ctrl.Texture = 2;
00739         LoadInThread();
00740         m_ctrl.RedrawWindow();
00741 }
00743 void Browse::OnNum() 
00744 {
00745         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
00746         m_ctrl.Sort = 1;        
00747         m_ctrl.SendMessage(WM_PAINT);
00748 }
00750 void Browse::OnCancel() 
00751 {
00752         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
00753         if (thread_actif) return;
00755         if (::MessageBox (NULL, "Are you sure you want to cancel?", "Cancel", MB_OK|MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO)==IDYES)
00756         {
00757                 this->SendMessage(WM_CLOSE);
00758                 CDialog::OnCancel();
00759                 /*
00760                 EndDialog(0);*/
00761         }
00762 }
00764 void Browse::UpdateAll(void)
00765 {
00767 }
00769 void Browse::OnDestroy()
00770 {
00771         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
00772         HKEY regkey;
00773         WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl;
00774         this->GetWindowPlacement(&wndpl);
00775         char sWindowpl[256];
00776         sprintf(sWindowpl,"%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d",
00777                                                 wndpl.flags,
00778                                                 wndpl.ptMaxPosition.x,wndpl.ptMaxPosition.y,
00779                                                 wndpl.ptMinPosition.x,wndpl.ptMinPosition.y,
00780                                                 wndpl.rcNormalPosition.bottom,wndpl.rcNormalPosition.left,wndpl.rcNormalPosition.right,wndpl.rcNormalPosition.top,
00781                                                 wndpl.showCmd);
00782         if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,REGKEY_TILEDIT,&regkey)==ERROR_SUCCESS)
00783         {       
00784                 //int sel = ((CComboBox*)GetDlgItem(IDC_LISTTYPE))->GetCurSel();
00785                 RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_WNDPL,0,REG_SZ,(const unsigned char*)sWindowpl,strlen(sWindowpl));
00786                 RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_LASTPATH,0,REG_SZ,(const unsigned char*)m_ctrl.LastPath.c_str(),strlen(m_ctrl.LastPath.c_str()));
00787                 RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONZOOM,0,REG_DWORD,(const unsigned char*)&m_ctrl.Zoom,4);
00788                 RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONVARIETY,0,REG_DWORD,(const unsigned char*)&m_128x128,4);
00789                 RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONTEXTURE,0,REG_DWORD,(const unsigned char*)&m_ctrl.Texture,4);
00790                 RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONSORT,0,REG_DWORD,(const unsigned char*)&m_ctrl.Sort,4);
00791                 RegSetValueEx(regkey,REGKEY_BUTTONTEXTINFO,0,REG_DWORD,(const unsigned char*)&m_ctrl.InfoTexte,4);
00792                 RegCloseKey(regkey);
00793         }
00794 }
00796 void Browse::OnOk() 
00797 {
00798         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
00799         if (thread_actif) return;
00801         this->SendMessage(WM_CLOSE);
00802         EndDialog(1);
00803 }
00805 void Browse::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 
00806 {
00807         // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
00808         m_ctrl.PostMessage(WM_RBUTTONDOWN,point.x,point.y);
00809         CDialog::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point);
00810 }
00812 void Browse::OnSelchangeListtype() 
00813 {
00814 }
00816 void Browse::OnUpdateTiles() 
00817 {
00818         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
00819         LoadInThread();
00820 }
00823 void Browse::OnChangeVariety()
00824 {
00825         UpdateData();
00826         m_ctrl.UpdateSize (m_128x128);
00828         // Enable window
00829         GetDlgItem (IDC_JOUR)->EnableWindow (m_128x128!=3);
00830         GetDlgItem (IDC_NUIT)->EnableWindow (m_128x128!=3);
00831         GetDlgItem (IDC_ALPHA)->EnableWindow (m_128x128==2);
00832         GetDlgItem (IDC_BATCH_LOAD)->EnableWindow (m_128x128==2);
00834         if ((m_ctrl.Texture==3)&&(m_128x128!=2))
00835         {
00836                 m_ctrl.Texture=2;
00837                 ((CButton*)GetDlgItem (IDC_ALPHA))->SetCheck (0);
00838                 ((CButton*)GetDlgItem (IDC_NUIT))->SetCheck (1);
00839         }
00841         if ((m_ctrl.Texture!=1)&&(m_128x128==3))
00842         {
00843                 m_ctrl.Texture=1;
00844                 ((CButton*)GetDlgItem (IDC_ALPHA))->SetCheck (0);
00845                 ((CButton*)GetDlgItem (IDC_NUIT))->SetCheck (0);
00846                 ((CButton*)GetDlgItem (IDC_JOUR))->SetCheck (1);
00847         }
00849         m_ctrl.Invalidate ();
00850         UpdateData(FALSE);
00851 }
00853 void Browse::OnBatchLoad ()
00854 {
00855         CFileDialog sFile (true, NULL, NULL, OFN_ENABLESIZING,
00856                 "Targa bitmap (*.tga)|*.tga|All files (*.*)|*.*||",NULL);
00858         if (sFile.DoModal()==IDOK)
00859         {
00860                 char sDrive[256];
00861                 char sPath[256];
00862                 char sName[256];
00863                 char sExt[256];
00864                 _splitpath (sFile.GetPathName(), sDrive, sPath, sName, sExt);
00866                 // look for some numbers..
00867                 char *sNumber=sName+strlen(sName)-1;
00868                 while ((sNumber>sName)&&(*sNumber>='0')&&(*sNumber<='9'))
00869                 {
00870                         sNumber--;
00871                 }
00872                 sNumber[1]=0;
00874                 bool rotate=false;
00875                 if (::MessageBox (NULL, "Do you want to use rotation to reuse alpha tiles ?", "Import rotated tiles", MB_OK|MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO)==IDYES)
00876                         rotate=true;
00878                 for (int i=0; i<CTileSet::count; i++)
00879                 {
00880                         if (m_ctrl.Texture==3)
00881                         {
00882                                 // Current transition
00883                                 CTileSet::TTransition transition=(CTileSet::TTransition)i;
00885                                 // Transition to patch
00886                                 CTileSetTransition* trans=tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getTransition (transition);
00887                                 if (tileBank2.getTile (trans->getTile())->getRelativeFileName (CTile::alpha)=="")
00888                                 {
00889                                         // Try to load transition with rotation
00890                                         for (int rot=0; rot<4; rot++)
00891                                         {
00892                                                 // Try to load a tile with a file name like /tiletransition0.tga
00893                                                 char sName2[256];
00894                                                 char sFinal[256];
00895                                                 sprintf (sName2, "%s%02d", sName, (int)transition);
00896                                                 _makepath (sFinal, sDrive, sPath, sName2, sExt);
00897                                                 FILE *pFile=fopen (sFinal, "rb");
00899                                                 // Close the file and add the tile if opened
00900                                                 if (pFile)
00901                                                 {
00902                                                         fclose (pFile);
00903                                                         m_ctrl.InfoList.setTileTransitionAlpha (i, sFinal, (4-rot)%4);
00905                                                         // End
00906                                                         break;
00907                                                 }
00909                                                 // Rotate the transition
00910                                                 transition=CTileSet::rotateTransition (transition);
00912                                                 if (!rotate)
00913                                                         break;
00914                                         }
00915                                 }
00916                         }
00917                         else
00918                         {
00919                                 // Current transition
00920                                 CTileSet::TTransition transition=(CTileSet::TTransition)i;
00922                                 // Transition to patch
00923                                 CTileSetTransition* trans=tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getTransition (transition);
00924                                 if (tileBank2.getTile (trans->getTile())->getRelativeFileName (m_ctrl.Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:CTile::additive)=="")
00925                                 {
00926                                         // Try to load a tile with a file name like /tiletransition0.tga
00927                                         char sName2[256];
00928                                         char sFinal[256];
00929                                         sprintf (sName2, "%s%02d", sName, (int)transition);
00930                                         _makepath (sFinal, sDrive, sPath, sName2, sExt);
00931                                         FILE *pFile=fopen (sFinal, "rb");
00933                                         // Close the file and add the tile if opened
00934                                         if (pFile)
00935                                         {
00936                                                 fclose (pFile);
00937                                                 m_ctrl.InfoList.setTileTransition (i, sFinal, m_ctrl.Texture==1?CTile::diffuse:CTile::additive);
00938                                         }
00939                                 }
00940                         }
00941                 }
00942                 m_ctrl.Invalidate ();
00944         }
00945 }
00947 void Browse::UpdateFlags ()
00948 {
00949         SubGroup0=0;
00950         SubGroup1=0;
00951         SubGroup2=0;
00952         SubGroup3=0;
00953         SubGroup4=0;
00954         SubGroup5=0;
00955         SubGroup6=0;
00956         SubGroup7=0;
00957         SubGroup8=0;
00958         SubGroup9=0;
00959         SubGroup10=0;
00960         SubGroup11=0;
00962         // Flags
00963         uint or=0, and=0xffffffff;
00964         bool find=false;
00966         // For each 
00967         for (int i=0;i<m_ctrl.InfoList.GetSize(m_128x128);i++)
00968         {
00969                 // Selected ?
00970                 if (m_ctrl.InfoList.theList[m_128x128][i].Selected)
00971                 {
00972                         // Tile index
00973                         sint index;
00975                         // get flags
00976                         switch (m_128x128)
00977                         {
00978                         case 0:
00979                                 // Tile index
00980                                 index=tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getTile128 (i);
00981                                 break;
00982                         case 1:
00983                                 // Tile index
00984                                 index=tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getTile256 (i);
00985                                 break;
00986                         case 2:
00987                                 // Tile index
00988                                 index=tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getTransition (i)->getTile ();
00989                                 break;
00990                         case 3:
00991                                 // not found
00992                                 index=-1;
00993                                 break;
00994                         default:
00995                                 nlassert (0);   // no!
00996                         }
00998                         // valid flags
00999                         if (index!=-1)
01000                         {
01001                                 // Get flags
01002                                 or|=tileBank2.getTile (index)->getGroupFlags ();
01003                                 and&=tileBank2.getTile (index)->getGroupFlags ();
01005                                 // Find one
01006                                 find=true;
01007                         }
01008                 }
01009         }
01011         // Valid ctrl
01012         GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP0)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE);
01013         GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP1)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE);
01014         GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP2)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE);
01015         GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP3)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE);
01016         GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP4)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE);
01017         GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP5)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE);
01018         GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP6)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE);
01019         GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP7)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE);
01020         GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP8)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE);
01021         GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP9)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE);
01022         GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP10)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE);
01023         GetDlgItem (IDC_SUBGROUP11)->EnableWindow (find?TRUE:FALSE);
01025         // Find at least one tile ?
01026         if (find)
01027         {
01028                 // Set UI
01029                 SubGroup0=(and&0x1)?1:(or&0x1)?2:0;
01030                 SubGroup1=(and&0x2)?1:(or&0x2)?2:0;
01031                 SubGroup2=(and&0x4)?1:(or&0x4)?2:0;
01032                 SubGroup3=(and&0x8)?1:(or&0x8)?2:0;
01033                 SubGroup4=(and&0x10)?1:(or&0x10)?2:0;
01034                 SubGroup5=(and&0x20)?1:(or&0x20)?2:0;
01035                 SubGroup6=(and&0x40)?1:(or&0x40)?2:0;
01036                 SubGroup7=(and&0x80)?1:(or&0x80)?2:0;
01037                 SubGroup8=(and&0x100)?1:(or&0x100)?2:0;
01038                 SubGroup9=(and&0x200)?1:(or&0x200)?2:0;
01039                 SubGroup10=(and&0x400)?1:(or&0x400)?2:0;
01040                 SubGroup11=(and&0x800)?1:(or&0x800)?2:0;
01041         }
01043         // Update UI data
01044         UpdateData (FALSE);
01045 }
01047 void Browse::Flags (int flagNumber, bool go)
01048 {
01049         // For each 
01050         for (int i=0;i<m_ctrl.InfoList.GetSize(m_128x128);i++)
01051         {
01052                 // Selected ?
01053                 if (m_ctrl.InfoList.theList[m_128x128][i].Selected)
01054                 {
01055                         // Tile index
01056                         sint index;
01058                         // get flags
01059                         switch (m_128x128)
01060                         {
01061                         case 0:
01062                                 // Tile index
01063                                 index=tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getTile128 (i);
01064                                 break;
01065                         case 1:
01066                                 // Tile index
01067                                 index=tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getTile256 (i);
01068                                 break;
01069                         case 2:
01070                                 // Tile index
01071                                 index=tileBank2.getTileSet (land)->getTransition (i)->getTile ();
01072                                 break;
01073                         default:
01074                                 nlassert (0);   // no!
01075                         }
01077                         // valid flags
01078                         if (index!=-1)
01079                         {
01080                                 // Get flags
01081                                 uint value=tileBank2.getTile (index)->getGroupFlags ();
01083                                 // Clear flag
01084                                 value&=~(1<<flagNumber);
01086                                 // Set the flag
01087                                 if (go)
01088                                         value|=(1<<flagNumber);
01090                                 // Setup
01091                                 tileBank2.getTile (index)->setGroupFlags (value);
01092                         }
01093                 }
01094         }
01095 }
01098 void Browse::OnSubgroup0() 
01099 {
01100         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
01102         // Check if clicked
01103         UpdateData ();
01104         if (SubGroup0==2)
01105         {
01106                 SubGroup0=0;
01107                 UpdateData (FALSE);
01108         }
01110         nlassert (SubGroup0!=2);
01111         if (SubGroup0==0)
01112                 Flags (0, false);
01113         if (SubGroup0==1)
01114                 Flags (0, true);
01115 }
01117 void Browse::OnSubgroup1() 
01118 {
01119         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
01121         // Check if clicked
01122         UpdateData ();
01123         if (SubGroup1==2)
01124         {
01125                 SubGroup1=0;
01126                 UpdateData (FALSE);
01127         }
01129         nlassert (SubGroup1!=2);
01130         if (SubGroup1==0)
01131                 Flags (1, false);
01132         if (SubGroup1==1)
01133                 Flags (1, true);
01134 }
01136 void Browse::OnSubgroup2() 
01137 {
01138         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
01140         // Check if clicked
01141         UpdateData ();
01142         if (SubGroup2==2)
01143         {
01144                 SubGroup2=0;
01145                 UpdateData (FALSE);
01146         }
01148         nlassert (SubGroup2!=2);
01149         if (SubGroup2==0)
01150                 Flags (2, false);
01151         if (SubGroup2==1)
01152                 Flags (2, true);
01153 }
01155 void Browse::OnSubgroup3() 
01156 {
01157         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
01159         // Check if clicked
01160         UpdateData ();
01161         if (SubGroup3==2)
01162         {
01163                 SubGroup3=0;
01164                 UpdateData (FALSE);
01165         }
01167         nlassert (SubGroup3!=2);
01168         if (SubGroup3==0)
01169                 Flags (3, false);
01170         if (SubGroup3==1)
01171                 Flags (3, true);
01172 }
01174 void Browse::OnSubgroup4() 
01175 {
01176         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
01178         // Check if clicked
01179         UpdateData ();
01180         if (SubGroup4==2)
01181         {
01182                 SubGroup4=0;
01183                 UpdateData (FALSE);
01184         }
01186         nlassert (SubGroup4!=2);
01187         if (SubGroup4==0)
01188                 Flags (4, false);
01189         if (SubGroup4==1)
01190                 Flags (4, true);
01191 }
01193 void Browse::OnSubgroup5() 
01194 {
01195         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
01197         // Check if clicked
01198         UpdateData ();
01199         if (SubGroup5==2)
01200         {
01201                 SubGroup5=0;
01202                 UpdateData (FALSE);
01203         }
01205         nlassert (SubGroup5!=2);
01206         if (SubGroup5==0)
01207                 Flags (5, false);
01208         if (SubGroup5==1)
01209                 Flags (5, true);
01210 }
01212 void Browse::OnSubgroup6() 
01213 {
01214         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
01216         // Check if clicked
01217         UpdateData ();
01218         if (SubGroup6==2)
01219         {
01220                 SubGroup6=0;
01221                 UpdateData (FALSE);
01222         }
01224         nlassert (SubGroup6!=2);
01225         if (SubGroup6==0)
01226                 Flags (6, false);
01227         if (SubGroup6==1)
01228                 Flags (6, true);
01229 }
01231 void Browse::OnSubgroup7() 
01232 {
01233         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
01235         // Check if clicked
01236         UpdateData ();
01237         if (SubGroup7==2)
01238         {
01239                 SubGroup7=0;
01240                 UpdateData (FALSE);
01241         }
01243         nlassert (SubGroup7!=2);
01244         if (SubGroup7==0)
01245                 Flags (7, false);
01246         if (SubGroup7==1)
01247                 Flags (7, true);
01248 }
01250 void Browse::OnSubgroup8() 
01251 {
01252         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
01254         // Check if clicked
01255         UpdateData ();
01256         if (SubGroup8==2)
01257         {
01258                 SubGroup8=0;
01259                 UpdateData (FALSE);
01260         }
01262         nlassert (SubGroup8!=2);
01263         if (SubGroup8==0)
01264                 Flags (8, false);
01265         if (SubGroup8==1)
01266                 Flags (8, true);
01267 }
01269 void Browse::OnSubgroup9() 
01270 {
01271         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
01273         // Check if clicked
01274         UpdateData ();
01275         if (SubGroup9==2)
01276         {
01277                 SubGroup9=0;
01278                 UpdateData (FALSE);
01279         }
01281         nlassert (SubGroup9!=2);
01282         if (SubGroup9==0)
01283                 Flags (9, false);
01284         if (SubGroup9==1)
01285                 Flags (9, true);
01286 }
01288 void Browse::OnSubgroup10() 
01289 {
01290         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
01292         // Check if clicked
01293         UpdateData ();
01294         if (SubGroup10==2)
01295         {
01296                 SubGroup10=0;
01297                 UpdateData (FALSE);
01298         }
01300         nlassert (SubGroup10!=2);
01301         if (SubGroup10==0)
01302                 Flags (10, false);
01303         if (SubGroup10==1)
01304                 Flags (10, true);
01305 }
01307 void Browse::OnSubgroup11() 
01308 {
01309         // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
01311         // Check if clicked
01312         UpdateData ();
01313         if (SubGroup11==2)
01314         {
01315                 SubGroup11=0;
01316                 UpdateData (FALSE);
01317         }
01319         nlassert (SubGroup11!=2);
01320         if (SubGroup11==0)
01321                 Flags (11, false);
01322         if (SubGroup11==1)
01323                 Flags (11, true);
01324 }