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+<hr><a name="nelsamples"><h2>NeL Samples</h2></a>
+ <dl compact><dt><b>
+Id: </b><dd>
+ nel_samples.dxt,v 1.3 2002/04/16 13:54:27 lecroart Exp </dl>
+<dl compact><dt><b>
+Author: </b><dd>
+Olivier Cado, Vianney Lecroart</dl><dl compact><dt><b>
+Date: </b><dd>
+06/15/2001</dl><a name="samisc"><h2>NeL Misc Samples</h2></a>
+Theses samples illustrates the usage of the miscellaneous library. This is the based library used by all other Nevrax libraries. It contains all usefull class and features that are not specific for one or another library.
+<a name="samisccommand"><h3>command</h3></a>
+This samples describes how to create commands and execute them using ICommand class. It's a generic system to create and execute command at run time (it is used in all services, snowballs client and so on).
+<a name="samiscconfigfile"><h3>configfile</h3></a>
+This samples describes how to use NeL configuration file. (This system is used in all services, snowballs client and so on).
+<a name="samiscdebug"><h3>debug</h3></a>
+This program shows you how to use basic debug stuffs that are used everywhere in NeL.
+<a name="samisclog"><h3>log</h3></a>
+This sample uses the log and displayer system that is a generic way to generate output (on screen, file, network and so one).
+<a name="sanetwork"><h2>NeL Net Samples</h2></a>
+Theses samples illustrate the usage of network library
+<a name="sanetlogin_system"><h3>login_system</h3></a>
+This examples shows you how to use the login system provided by NeL to connects/check/identify clients.
+<a name="sanetservice"><h3>service</h3></a>
+This is a very simple service example to describes the architecture to create services.
+<a name="sanetlayer3"><h3>net_layer3</h3></a>
+This project demonstrates the usage of layer 3 (<a class="el" href="classNLNET_1_1CCallbackClient.html">NLNET::CCallbackClient</a>, <a class="el" href="classNLNET_1_1CCallbackServer.html">NLNET::CCallbackServer</a>) and the service framework (<a class="el" href="classNLNET_1_1IService.html">NLNET::IService</a>). It contains three programs: a client, a front-end service and a ping service.
+<li>The client connects to a front-end server at localhost:37000. It sends pings and expects pongs (ping replies).<li>The front-end server expects pings, and forward them to the real ping server (known as "PS" in the naming service). When the ping server sends a pong back, the front-end server forwards it to the client.<li>The ping service (PS) expects pings and sends pongs back.</ul>
+To run the front-end service and the ping service, ensure their config files, frontend_service.cfg and ping_service.cfg, are located in the directory where they are run. These files state the address of the naming service.
+<a name="sanetlayer4"><h3>net_layer4</h3></a>
+This project demonstrates the usage of layer 4 (<a class="el" href="classNLNET_1_1CNetManager.html">NLNET::CNetManager</a>), the service framework (<a class="el" href="classNLNET_1_1IService.html">NLNET::IService</a>), and the connection and disconnection callbacks. It contains three programs: a client, a front-end service and a ping service. The functionalities are close to the ones of the previous sample.
+<li>The client connects to a front-end server at localhost:37000. It sends pings and expects pongs (ping replies).<li>This front-end server expects pings, and forward them to the real ping server. When the ping server sends a pong back, the front-end server forwards it to the client. Even if the connection to the ping server is broken, our front-end server will keep storing the ping messages and will forward them when the connection is restored, thanks to layer 4.<li>The ping service (PS) expects pings and sends pongs back.</ul>
+To run the front-end service and the ping service, ensure their config files, frontend_service.cfg and ping_service.cfg, are located in the directory where they are run. These files state the address of the naming service.
+<a name="sanetlayer5"><h3>net_layer5</h3></a>
+This project demonstrates the usage of layer 5 (<a class="el" href="classNLNET_1_1CUnifiedNetwork.html">NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork</a>), the service framework (<a class="el" href="classNLNET_1_1IService.html">NLNET::IService</a>), and the connection and disconnection callbacks. It contains a set of services that communicate between them. The functionalities are close to the ones of the previous sample but they add some features like unified callback array, and so on.
+<a name="sanetudp"><h3>udp</h3></a>
+This project demonstrates the usage of a client/server architecture for benching an UDP connection. The server listen on TCP port and UDP port for new incoming client. When a client is connected, it communicates on the TCP port to set the bench and after it uses the UDP port to bench the connection. The server log information on text file and send some info on the client using the TCP connection.
+<a name="sanetclasstransport"><h3>class_transport</h3></a>
+This project demonstrates the usage of the CTransportClass class. This class allows services to send easily some class to another service. It manages different class version (For example, the sender class can have different variables than the receiver class)
+<a name="sa3d"><h2>NeL 3D Samples</h2></a>
+<em>Document</em> <em>under</em> <em>construction</em>
+<a name="sa3dfont"><h3>font</h3></a>
+<em>Document</em> <em>under</em> <em>construction</em>
+<a name="sapacs"><h2>NeL PACS Samples</h2></a>
+<em>Document</em> <em>under</em> <em>construction</em>
+<a name="saai"><h2>NeL AI Samples</h2></a>
+<em>Document</em> <em>under</em> <em>construction</em>
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