path: root/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/code/nel/doc/coding.dxt?rev=1.7&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup&sortby=log
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+Revision <B>1.7</B>, <i>Fri Dec 1 15:57:25 2000 UTC</i> (19 months, 1 week ago) by <i>lecroart</i>
+<BR>Branch: <b>MAIN</b>
+<BR>CVS Tags: <b>proto_0_2, proto_0_1, nel_0_4, nel_0_3, nel_0_2, georges_v2, demo_0_1, HEAD</b><BR>Changes since <b>1.6: +0 -1
+ lines</b><PRE>
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+</td></tr></table><HR noshade><PRE>/**
+\page codinghowto Coding and presentation conventions
+\author Vincent Archer
+\author Vianney Lecroart
+\section introcode Introduction
+This document defines and formalises the presentation and redaction of all source
+files in the NeL platform. A strict adherence to these conventions is required
+to ensure a readable and understandable code.
+\section filename File naming
+There are very few restrictions on file names and locations. The following rules are
+- Files must end with the appropriate suffix:
+ &nbsp;- \c .cpp for ANSI C++ code
+ &nbsp;- \c .c for ANSI C code
+ &nbsp;- \c .h for included declarations
+ &nbsp;- \c .asm for assembly-level files
+ &nbsp;- \c .dxt for doxygen documentation source without code.
+- Significant, english, file names. Length is not capped, but should be kept within
+ &nbsp;resonable bounds.
+- No spaces or uppercase letters. If the name is composed of separate, discrete words,
+ &nbsp;the underline character is used instead of space as the separator.
+\section fileloc File locations
+A quick check of the CVS source directory will show how files are organised within the
+source tree. The sources are organised in two levels. The first level specifies which
+part of the platform the source belongs to
+- \c nel
+- \c client
+- \c server
+The second level specifies which logical part the file belongs to:
+- \c network
+- \c ai
+- \c 3d
+- \c database
+- \c file
+- \c system
+- \c misc
+This applies to basic source as well as include files, who are in a separate include
+tree and never along their source code files. Thus, an include declaration would be
+#include &quot;nel/misc/steam.h&quot;
+\section filehdrs File header
+All code files must begin with a specific header. The model of that header is defined
+in Headers.txt in the documentation directory. It is recommended that people include
+that file immediately when starting a new file.
+\section basetype Base types
+- Integral types
+ &nbsp;- The first letter specifies \c 's' for signed integers or \c 'u' for unsigned integers.
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;It is not possible to specify a 'dont care sign' integer
+ &nbsp;- The next three letters are \c 'int'
+ &nbsp;- The type ends with the number of bits used to represent the integral type, or
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;nothing to specify an integer that is *at least* 32 bits wide
+ &nbsp;- Examples: \c uint8 (unisgned 8 bits integer), \c sint64 (signed 64 bits integer), \c sint
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;(signed integer of at least 32 bits)
+- Classic types
+ &nbsp;- \c float (32 bits floating point number, use is discouraged)
+ &nbsp;- \c double (64 bits floating point number)
+ &nbsp;- \c bool (an equivalent to the hypothetical uint1 type)
+ &nbsp;- \c void (empty type)
+ &nbsp;- \c char (ASCII character, not to be confused with uint8/sint8)
+ &nbsp;- \c uchar (Unicode character, on 16 bits)
+ &nbsp;- \c string (ASCII string)
+ &nbsp;- \c ustring (Unicode character string)
+As a general rule, the classic and sloppy use of \c short / \c int / \c long is proscribed, as is using
+a \c 'char' to represent a 8-bit number, unless this is required to call an external API.
+\section nameconv Naming convention
+All elements will be in their own namespace, which is short, in all uppercase, and consist of
+a two letter code (\c NL for NeL), followed by the directory name. Thus an element of the NeL
+3D library will be declared in the \c NL3D namespace.
+The following conventions are applied to names within these namespaces:
+- All names must include one or more english words which have relevance to the entity
+ &nbsp;being named. If multiple words are used for a more descriptive naming, all words begin
+ &nbsp;with an uppercase letter, the underscore character is not used to separate words (e.g.
+ &nbsp;\c Word, \c FullWord, \c ComplexQualifiedWord)
+- Class methods start with a lowercase character, e.g. \c load(), \c store(), \c giveMoney()
+- Public attributes of a class start with an uppercase, e.g. Layer, Set, ResourceType
+- Private and Protected attributes of a class start with an underscore character, then an
+ &nbsp;uppercase letter, e.g. \c _State, \c _ResourceKind
+- Local variables and parameters start with a lowercase letter, e.g. \c size, \c x, \c i
+- Structures and Classes start with the uppercase \c C letter, then the name starting with
+ &nbsp;an uppercase letter as well, e.g. \c CTexture, \c CMyClass
+- Interfaces start with the uppercase \c I letter, then the name starting with an
+ &nbsp;uppercase letter as well
+- Iterators start with the prefix \c 'It' (uppercase I, lowercase t), then the name starting
+ &nbsp;with an uppercase letter, e.g. \c ItTexture
+- Other types, enums and the like are prefixed with an uppercase \c T, then the name.
+- Globals function and values are prefixed by their namespace values, then follow the
+ &nbsp;standard conventions, e.g. \c NLAI::createAttribut(), \c NLAI::ReactiveState
+- Preprocessor constants are in full uppercase, and consist of the namespace, an underscore
+ &nbsp;character, then a name, with underscores as separators, e.g. \c NLAI_MACRO, \c NL_OS_UNIX
+Note that there is no difference between variables and constants.
+\section codestyle Coding style
+\subsection indents Indentation
+A strong suggestion is to set your tabulation marks to 4 characters, rather than the usual 8.
+Indentation is always done using tabulations, never with spaces. Make sure your text editor
+does not replace tabulations with spaces.
+If possible, function, members and variable lists should align the first character of all
+their names.
+\subsection braces Braces
+Source code is written using a flat style. In this style, the opening and closing curly braces
+are placed on separate lines (never with code), and at the same indentation as the precedeing
+defining element, while the content of the block enclosed between the braces is indented once
+from the source. Your code source should look like this:
+class CDummy
+ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;void dummy (uint32 b)
+ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;{
+ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;if (b == 0xDEADBEEF)
+ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;{
+ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;...
+ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;}
+ &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;}
+\subsection commenting Comments
+Comments may use either the C++ style comments \c //, or the more classic C commenting method. If
+possible, the source must be heavily commented, and as many comments as possible must conform
+to the Doxygen commenting methods, to be extracted and reused as software documentation.
+Comment &quot;separators&quot; will be made with a line of repeated star \c '*' characters. You should not
+use more than 50 stars to separate.
+The practice of comment blocks, i.e. comments where each line begins and end with a star
+character, to create a &quot;text block&quot; is proscribed.
+\section final Final coding recommendations
+Even if most of these are obvious recommendations, it is useful to restate these basic
+- The use of \c #define must be restricted. Constants values and macro functions can be expressed
+ &nbsp;directly in C++ using constants and inline functions, and do not require pre-processor
+ &nbsp;definitions.
+- The \c 'using \c namespace' declaration is proscribed in includes, unless it is in a well
+ &nbsp;defined scope.
+- Include files paths, and all other file names should use the \c '/' character as the directory
+ &nbsp;separator, for portability purposes.
+</PRE> \ No newline at end of file