Use slimmed icon font packaged by http://fontello.com/. I only need two
glyphs: RSS and CC. I ended up picking the glyphs from the Entypo v2.0
family (https://github.com/danielbruce/entypo), licensed under SIL. I
actually like the Font Awesome glyphs slightly better, but fontello
currently only supports FA v4.3.0, which doesn't include the circular CC
glyph I need.
Old web fonts are kept for now. They will be removed after a while. See
Open Sans is still in place and will be addressed later when the logo is
The entire fontello package I downloaded, including the license, will
be added to this repo as source/fonts/fontello/ later when I have
implemented an exclude list in pyblog to prevent the directory from
being copied to the deployment tree.