path: root/source
diff options
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42 files changed, 185 insertions, 7862 deletions
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index aa7f8194..92f06720 100644
--- a/source/_includes/article.html
+++ b/source/_includes/article.html
@@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
+ <h1><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></h1>
- <time>{{ page.date | ordinalize }}</time>
{% if site.author or site.author == page.author %}
- <span class="byline"><em>by</em> <span class="author">{{ site.author }}</span></span>
+ <span class="byline author vcard">By <span class="fn">{{ site.author }}</span></span>
{% elsif page.author %}
- <span class="byline"><em>by</em> <span class="author">{{ page.author }}</span></span>
+ <span class="byline author vcard">By <span class="fn">{{ page.author }}</span></span>
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+ {% if page.updated %}
+ <time class="updated" datetime="{{ page.updated | datetime }}" pubdate>Updated {{ page.updated | ordinalize }}</time>
{% endif %}
- <h1><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></h1>
{% if index %}
<div class="entry">{{ content | exerpt(content, page.url, 'Continue reading &raquo;') | smart_quotes }}</div>
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<div class="entry">{{ content | smart_quotes }}</div>
{% endif %}
-{% if page.updated %}<p class="updated"><em>updated</em> <time>{{ page.updated | ordinalize }}</time></p>{% endif %}
diff --git a/source/_includes/delicious.html b/source/_includes/delicious.html
index 8e97b0fd..02b9e6bd 100644
--- a/source/_includes/delicious.html
+++ b/source/_includes/delicious.html
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
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<script type="text/javascript" src="http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/js/{{ site.delicious_user }}?title=&count={{ site.delicious_count }}&sort=date&extended"></script>
<p><a href="http://delicious.com/{{ site.delicious_user }}">My Delicious Bookmarks &raquo;</a></p>
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index 4a3fb31c..1d3329ba 100644
--- a/source/_includes/head.html
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index 4c35d0b8..4e0519e6 100644
--- a/source/_includes/header.html
+++ b/source/_includes/header.html
@@ -1,10 +1 @@
<h1><a href="/">{{ site.title }}</a></h1>
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diff --git a/source/_includes/navigation.html b/source/_includes/navigation.html
index 97d95938..23f594eb 100644
--- a/source/_includes/navigation.html
+++ b/source/_includes/navigation.html
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
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index 602645c5..3cd269d0 100644
--- a/source/_includes/pinboard.html
+++ b/source/_includes/pinboard.html
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-<h4>My Pinboard</h4>
+<h1>My Pinboard</h1>
<ul id="pinboard_linkroll">Fetching linkroll...</ul>
<p><a href="http://pinboard.in/u:{{ site.pinboard_user }}">My Pinboard Bookmarks &raquo;</a></p>
diff --git a/source/_includes/sidebar.html b/source/_includes/sidebar.html
index 86f659b5..c5e3bd01 100644
--- a/source/_includes/sidebar.html
+++ b/source/_includes/sidebar.html
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-<h4>About Me</h4>
-<p> Yo everybody! </p>
+ <h1>About Me</h1>
+ <p>Hi, I'm Octopress!</p>
{% if site.recent_posts %}
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+ <h1>Recent Posts</h1>
<ul id="recent_posts">
{% for post in site.posts limit: site.recent_posts %}
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diff --git a/source/_includes/twitter.html b/source/_includes/twitter.html
index 4d688480..81f2cebd 100644
--- a/source/_includes/twitter.html
+++ b/source/_includes/twitter.html
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
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index 553c1bec..f69043b7 100644
--- a/source/_layouts/default.html
+++ b/source/_layouts/default.html
@@ -1,15 +1,26 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b568349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/_layouts/page.html
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+layout: default
+ {% include article.html %}
+ {% if site.disqus_short_name %}
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diff --git a/source/about.haml b/source/about.haml
index 0a5e431f..b0e9fd60 100644
--- a/source/about.haml
+++ b/source/about.haml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
layout: default
title: About Me
+layout: page
+date: May 14 2011
/ use the :mardown filter if you want to write pages with Markdown
- # About Me
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum.
Ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt.
- Dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent. \ No newline at end of file
+ Dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent.
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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+// https://gist.github.com/901295
+// By @mathias, @cheeaun and @jdalton
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+ * respond.js - A small and fast polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries
+ * Copyright 2011, Scott Jehl, scottjehl.com
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
+ * Usage: Check out the readme file or github.com/scottjehl/respond
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+ * selectivizr v1.0.2 - (c) Keith Clark, freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.
+ * selectivizr.com
+ */
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-}return null;};var o={d:/[0-2]?[0-9]|3[01]/,H:/[01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]/,I:/0?[1-9]|1[0-2]/,M:/[0-5]?\d/,s:/\d+/,o:/[a-z]*/,p:/[ap]\.?m\.?/,y:/\d{2}|\d{4}/,Y:/\d{4}/,T:/Z|[+-]\d{2}(?::?\d{2})?/};
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-if(!f){return"0s";}var a={s:60,m:60,h:24,d:365,y:0};var e,d=[];for(var c in a){if(!f){break;}if((e=a[c])){d.unshift((f%e)+c);f=(f/e).toInt();}else{d.unshift(f+c);
-}}return d.join(b||":");}});Date.alias("timeDiffInWords","timeAgoInWords");Date.extend({distanceOfTimeInWords:function(b,a){return Date.getTimePhrase(((a-b)/1000).toInt());
-},getTimePhrase:function(f){var d=(f<0)?"Until":"Ago";if(f<0){f*=-1;}var b={minute:60,hour:60,day:24,week:7,month:52/12,year:12,eon:Infinity};var e="lessThanMinute";
-for(var c in b){var a=b[c];if(f<1.5*a){if(f>0.75*a){e=c;}break;}f/=a;e=c+"s";}return Date.getMsg(e+d).substitute({delta:f.round()});}});Date.defineParsers({re:/^(?:tod|tom|yes)/i,handler:function(a){var b=new Date().clearTime();
-switch(a[0]){case"tom":return b.increment();case"yes":return b.decrement();default:return b;}}},{re:/^(next|last) ([a-z]+)$/i,handler:function(e){var f=new Date().clearTime();
-var b=f.getDay();var c=Date.parseDay(e[2],true);var a=c-b;if(c<=b){a+=7;}if(e[1]=="last"){a-=7;}return f.set("date",f.getDate()+a);}});Element.implement({measure:function(e){var g=function(h){return !!(!h||h.offsetHeight||h.offsetWidth);
-};if(g(this)){return e.apply(this);}var d=this.getParent(),f=[],b=[];while(!g(d)&&d!=document.body){b.push(d.expose());d=d.getParent();}var c=this.expose();
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-b.each(function(f){e[f]=this.getComputedStyle(f);},this);var d=[];$each(a.plains,function(g,f){var h=f.capitalize();c["total"+h]=c["computed"+h]=0;g.each(function(i){c["computed"+i.capitalize()]=0;
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-c["total"+g]=c[f]+c["total"+g];delete c["computed"+g];},this);return $extend(e,c);}});Element.implement({isDisplayed:function(){return this.getStyle("display")!="none";
-},isVisible:function(){var a=this.offsetWidth,b=this.offsetHeight;return(a==0&&b==0)?false:(a>0&&b>0)?true:this.isDisplayed();},toggle:function(){return this[this.isDisplayed()?"hide":"show"]();
-},hide:function(){var b;try{if((b=this.getStyle("display"))=="none"){b=null;}}catch(a){}return this.store("originalDisplay",b||"block").setStyle("display","none");
-},show:function(a){return this.setStyle("display",a||this.retrieve("originalDisplay")||"block");},swapClass:function(a,b){return this.removeClass(a).addClass(b);
-}});Fx.Reveal=new Class({Extends:Fx.Morph,options:{link:"cancel",styles:["padding","border","margin"],transitionOpacity:!Browser.Engine.trident4,mode:"vertical",display:"block",hideInputs:Browser.Engine.trident?"select, input, textarea, object, embed":false},dissolve:function(){try{if(!this.hiding&&!this.showing){if(this.element.getStyle("display")!="none"){this.hiding=true;
-this.showing=false;this.hidden=true;this.cssText=this.element.style.cssText;var d=this.element.getComputedSize({styles:this.options.styles,mode:this.options.mode});
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-this.fireEvent("hide",this.element);}return this;},reveal:function(){try{if(!this.showing&&!this.hiding){if(this.element.getStyle("display")=="none"||this.element.getStyle("visiblity")=="hidden"||this.element.getStyle("opacity")==0){this.showing=true;
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-}else{this.dissolve();}return this;},cancel:function(){this.parent.apply(this,arguments);this.element.style.cssText=this.cssText;this.hidding=false;this.showing=false;
-}});Element.Properties.reveal={set:function(a){var b=this.retrieve("reveal");if(b){b.cancel();}return this.eliminate("reveal").store("reveal:options",a);
-},get:function(a){if(a||!this.retrieve("reveal")){if(a||!this.retrieve("reveal:options")){this.set("reveal",a);}this.store("reveal",new Fx.Reveal(this,this.retrieve("reveal:options")));
-}return this.retrieve("reveal");}};Element.Properties.dissolve=Element.Properties.reveal;Element.implement({reveal:function(a){this.get("reveal",a).reveal();
-return this;},dissolve:function(a){this.get("reveal",a).dissolve();return this;},nix:function(){var a=Array.link(arguments,{destroy:Boolean.type,options:Object.type});
-this.get("reveal",a.options).dissolve().chain(function(){this[a.destroy?"destroy":"dispose"]();}.bind(this));return this;},wink:function(){var b=Array.link(arguments,{duration:Number.type,options:Object.type});
-var a=this.get("reveal",b.options);a.reveal().chain(function(){(function(){a.dissolve();}).delay(b.duration||2000);});}});MooTools.lang.set("en-US","Date",{months:["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],days:["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],dateOrder:["month","date","year"],shortDate:"%m/%d/%Y",shortTime:"%I:%M%p",AM:"AM",PM:"PM",ordinal:function(a){return(a>3&&a<21)?"th":["th","st","nd","rd","th"][Math.min(a%10,4)];
-},lessThanMinuteAgo:"less than a minute ago",minuteAgo:"about a minute ago",minutesAgo:"{delta} minutes ago",hourAgo:"about an hour ago",hoursAgo:"about {delta} hours ago",dayAgo:"1 day ago",daysAgo:"{delta} days ago",weekAgo:"1 week ago",weeksAgo:"{delta} weeks ago",monthAgo:"1 month ago",monthsAgo:"{delta} months ago",yearAgo:"1 year ago",yearsAgo:"{delta} years ago",lessThanMinuteUntil:"less than a minute from now",minuteUntil:"about a minute from now",minutesUntil:"{delta} minutes from now",hourUntil:"about an hour from now",hoursUntil:"about {delta} hours from now",dayUntil:"1 day from now",daysUntil:"{delta} days from now",weekUntil:"1 week from now",weeksUntil:"{delta} weeks from now",monthUntil:"1 month from now",monthsUntil:"{delta} months from now",yearUntil:"1 year from now",yearsUntil:"{delta} years from now"});
diff --git a/source/javascripts/mootools-more- b/source/javascripts/mootools-more-
deleted file mode 100644
index 582e4660..00000000
--- a/source/javascripts/mootools-more-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1322 +0,0 @@
-// MooTools: the javascript framework.
-// Load this file's selection again by visiting: http://mootools.net/more/0a2b8625655481363709ef8d9ab1d0f4
-// Or build this file again with packager using: packager build More/Date More/Date.Extras More/Hash More/Request.JSONP
-script: More.js
-name: More
-description: MooTools More
-license: MIT-style license
- - Guillermo Rauch
- - Thomas Aylott
- - Scott Kyle
- - Arian Stolwijk
- - Tim Wienk
- - Christoph Pojer
- - Aaron Newton
- - Core/MooTools
-provides: [MooTools.More]
-MooTools.More = {
- 'version': '',
- 'build': '0292a3af1eea242b817fecf9daa127417d10d4ce'
-script: Object.Extras.js
-name: Object.Extras
-description: Extra Object generics, like getFromPath which allows a path notation to child elements.
-license: MIT-style license
- - Aaron Newton
- - Core/Object
- - /MooTools.More
-provides: [Object.Extras]
-var defined = function(value){
- return value != null;
-var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
- getFromPath: function(source, parts){
- if (typeof parts == 'string') parts = parts.split('.');
- for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++){
- if (hasOwnProperty.call(source, parts[i])) source = source[parts[i]];
- else return null;
- }
- return source;
- },
- cleanValues: function(object, method){
- method = method || defined;
- for (var key in object) if (!method(object[key])){
- delete object[key];
- }
- return object;
- },
- erase: function(object, key){
- if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) delete object[key];
- return object;
- },
- run: function(object){
- var args = Array.slice(arguments, 1);
- for (var key in object) if (object[key].apply){
- object[key].apply(object, args);
- }
- return object;
- }
-script: Locale.js
-name: Locale
-description: Provides methods for localization.
-license: MIT-style license
- - Aaron Newton
- - Arian Stolwijk
- - Core/Events
- - /Object.Extras
- - /MooTools.More
-provides: [Locale, Lang]
-var current = null,
- locales = {},
- inherits = {};
-var getSet = function(set){
- if (instanceOf(set, Locale.Set)) return set;
- else return locales[set];
-var Locale = this.Locale = {
- define: function(locale, set, key, value){
- var name;
- if (instanceOf(locale, Locale.Set)){
- name = locale.name;
- if (name) locales[name] = locale;
- } else {
- name = locale;
- if (!locales[name]) locales[name] = new Locale.Set(name);
- locale = locales[name];
- }
- if (set) locale.define(set, key, value);
- if (!current) current = locale;
- return locale;
- },
- use: function(locale){
- locale = getSet(locale);
- if (locale){
- current = locale;
- this.fireEvent('change', locale);
- }
- return this;
- },
- getCurrent: function(){
- return current;
- },
- get: function(key, args){
- return (current) ? current.get(key, args) : '';
- },
- inherit: function(locale, inherits, set){
- locale = getSet(locale);
- if (locale) locale.inherit(inherits, set);
- return this;
- },
- list: function(){
- return Object.keys(locales);
- }
-Object.append(Locale, new Events);
-Locale.Set = new Class({
- sets: {},
- inherits: {
- locales: [],
- sets: {}
- },
- initialize: function(name){
- this.name = name || '';
- },
- define: function(set, key, value){
- var defineData = this.sets[set];
- if (!defineData) defineData = {};
- if (key){
- if (typeOf(key) == 'object') defineData = Object.merge(defineData, key);
- else defineData[key] = value;
- }
- this.sets[set] = defineData;
- return this;
- },
- get: function(key, args, _base){
- var value = Object.getFromPath(this.sets, key);
- if (value != null){
- var type = typeOf(value);
- if (type == 'function') value = value.apply(null, Array.from(args));
- else if (type == 'object') value = Object.clone(value);
- return value;
- }
- // get value of inherited locales
- var index = key.indexOf('.'),
- set = index < 0 ? key : key.substr(0, index),
- names = (this.inherits.sets[set] || []).combine(this.inherits.locales).include('en-US');
- if (!_base) _base = [];
- for (var i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++){
- if (_base.contains(names[i])) continue;
- _base.include(names[i]);
- var locale = locales[names[i]];
- if (!locale) continue;
- value = locale.get(key, args, _base);
- if (value != null) return value;
- }
- return '';
- },
- inherit: function(names, set){
- names = Array.from(names);
- if (set && !this.inherits.sets[set]) this.inherits.sets[set] = [];
- var l = names.length;
- while (l--) (set ? this.inherits.sets[set] : this.inherits.locales).unshift(names[l]);
- return this;
- }
-name: Locale.en-US.Date
-description: Date messages for US English.
-license: MIT-style license
- - Aaron Newton
- - /Locale
-provides: [Locale.en-US.Date]
-Locale.define('en-US', 'Date', {
- months: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
- months_abbr: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
- days: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
- days_abbr: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
- // Culture's date order: MM/DD/YYYY
- dateOrder: ['month', 'date', 'year'],
- shortDate: '%m/%d/%Y',
- shortTime: '%I:%M%p',
- AM: 'AM',
- PM: 'PM',
- firstDayOfWeek: 0,
- // Date.Extras
- ordinal: function(dayOfMonth){
- // 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
- return (dayOfMonth > 3 && dayOfMonth < 21) ? 'th' : ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min(dayOfMonth % 10, 4)];
- },
- lessThanMinuteAgo: 'less than a minute ago',
- minuteAgo: 'about a minute ago',
- minutesAgo: '{delta} minutes ago',
- hourAgo: 'about an hour ago',
- hoursAgo: 'about {delta} hours ago',
- dayAgo: '1 day ago',
- daysAgo: '{delta} days ago',
- weekAgo: '1 week ago',
- weeksAgo: '{delta} weeks ago',
- monthAgo: '1 month ago',
- monthsAgo: '{delta} months ago',
- yearAgo: '1 year ago',
- yearsAgo: '{delta} years ago',
- lessThanMinuteUntil: 'less than a minute from now',
- minuteUntil: 'about a minute from now',
- minutesUntil: '{delta} minutes from now',
- hourUntil: 'about an hour from now',
- hoursUntil: 'about {delta} hours from now',
- dayUntil: '1 day from now',
- daysUntil: '{delta} days from now',
- weekUntil: '1 week from now',
- weeksUntil: '{delta} weeks from now',
- monthUntil: '1 month from now',
- monthsUntil: '{delta} months from now',
- yearUntil: '1 year from now',
- yearsUntil: '{delta} years from now'
-script: Date.js
-name: Date
-description: Extends the Date native object to include methods useful in managing dates.
-license: MIT-style license
- - Aaron Newton
- - Nicholas Barthelemy - https://svn.nbarthelemy.com/date-js/
- - Harald Kirshner - mail [at] digitarald.de; http://digitarald.de
- - Scott Kyle - scott [at] appden.com; http://appden.com
- - Core/Array
- - Core/String
- - Core/Number
- - MooTools.More
- - Locale
- - Locale.en-US.Date
-provides: [Date]
-var Date = this.Date;
-var DateMethods = Date.Methods = {
- ms: 'Milliseconds',
- year: 'FullYear',
- min: 'Minutes',
- mo: 'Month',
- sec: 'Seconds',
- hr: 'Hours'
-['Date', 'Day', 'FullYear', 'Hours', 'Milliseconds', 'Minutes', 'Month', 'Seconds', 'Time', 'TimezoneOffset',
- 'Week', 'Timezone', 'GMTOffset', 'DayOfYear', 'LastMonth', 'LastDayOfMonth', 'UTCDate', 'UTCDay', 'UTCFullYear',
- 'AMPM', 'Ordinal', 'UTCHours', 'UTCMilliseconds', 'UTCMinutes', 'UTCMonth', 'UTCSeconds', 'UTCMilliseconds'].each(function(method){
- Date.Methods[method.toLowerCase()] = method;
-var pad = function(n, digits, string){
- if (digits == 1) return n;
- return n < Math.pow(10, digits - 1) ? (string || '0') + pad(n, digits - 1, string) : n;
- set: function(prop, value){
- prop = prop.toLowerCase();
- var method = DateMethods[prop] && 'set' + DateMethods[prop];
- if (method && this[method]) this[method](value);
- return this;
- }.overloadSetter(),
- get: function(prop){
- prop = prop.toLowerCase();
- var method = DateMethods[prop] && 'get' + DateMethods[prop];
- if (method && this[method]) return this[method]();
- return null;
- }.overloadGetter(),
- clone: function(){
- return new Date(this.get('time'));
- },
- increment: function(interval, times){
- interval = interval || 'day';
- times = times != null ? times : 1;
- switch (interval){
- case 'year':
- return this.increment('month', times * 12);
- case 'month':
- var d = this.get('date');
- this.set('date', 1).set('mo', this.get('mo') + times);
- return this.set('date', d.min(this.get('lastdayofmonth')));
- case 'week':
- return this.increment('day', times * 7);
- case 'day':
- return this.set('date', this.get('date') + times);
- }
- if (!Date.units[interval]) throw new Error(interval + ' is not a supported interval');
- return this.set('time', this.get('time') + times * Date.units[interval]());
- },
- decrement: function(interval, times){
- return this.increment(interval, -1 * (times != null ? times : 1));
- },
- isLeapYear: function(){
- return Date.isLeapYear(this.get('year'));
- },
- clearTime: function(){
- return this.set({hr: 0, min: 0, sec: 0, ms: 0});
- },
- diff: function(date, resolution){
- if (typeOf(date) == 'string') date = Date.parse(date);
- return ((date - this) / Date.units[resolution || 'day'](3, 3)).round(); // non-leap year, 30-day month
- },
- getLastDayOfMonth: function(){
- return Date.daysInMonth(this.get('mo'), this.get('year'));
- },
- getDayOfYear: function(){
- return (Date.UTC(this.get('year'), this.get('mo'), this.get('date') + 1)
- - Date.UTC(this.get('year'), 0, 1)) / Date.units.day();
- },
- setDay: function(day, firstDayOfWeek){
- if (firstDayOfWeek == null){
- firstDayOfWeek = Date.getMsg('firstDayOfWeek');
- if (firstDayOfWeek === '') firstDayOfWeek = 1;
- }
- day = (7 + Date.parseDay(day, true) - firstDayOfWeek) % 7;
- var currentDay = (7 + this.get('day') - firstDayOfWeek) % 7;
- return this.increment('day', day - currentDay);
- },
- getWeek: function(firstDayOfWeek){
- if (firstDayOfWeek == null){
- firstDayOfWeek = Date.getMsg('firstDayOfWeek');
- if (firstDayOfWeek === '') firstDayOfWeek = 1;
- }
- var date = this,
- dayOfWeek = (7 + date.get('day') - firstDayOfWeek) % 7,
- dividend = 0,
- firstDayOfYear;
- if (firstDayOfWeek == 1){
- // ISO-8601, week belongs to year that has the most days of the week (i.e. has the thursday of the week)
- var month = date.get('month'),
- startOfWeek = date.get('date') - dayOfWeek;
- if (month == 11 && startOfWeek > 28) return 1; // Week 1 of next year
- if (month == 0 && startOfWeek < -2){
- // Use a date from last year to determine the week
- date = new Date(date).decrement('day', dayOfWeek);
- dayOfWeek = 0;
- }
- firstDayOfYear = new Date(date.get('year'), 0, 1).get('day') || 7;
- if (firstDayOfYear > 4) dividend = -7; // First week of the year is not week 1
- } else {
- // In other cultures the first week of the year is always week 1 and the last week always 53 or 54.
- // Days in the same week can have a different weeknumber if the week spreads across two years.
- firstDayOfYear = new Date(date.get('year'), 0, 1).get('day');
- }
- dividend += date.get('dayofyear');
- dividend += 6 - dayOfWeek; // Add days so we calculate the current date's week as a full week
- dividend += (7 + firstDayOfYear - firstDayOfWeek) % 7; // Make up for first week of the year not being a full week
- return (dividend / 7);
- },
- getOrdinal: function(day){
- return Date.getMsg('ordinal', day || this.get('date'));
- },
- getTimezone: function(){
- return this.toString()
- .replace(/^.*? ([A-Z]{3}).[0-9]{4}.*$/, '$1')
- .replace(/^.*?\(([A-Z])[a-z]+ ([A-Z])[a-z]+ ([A-Z])[a-z]+\)$/, '$1$2$3');
- },
- getGMTOffset: function(){
- var off = this.get('timezoneOffset');
- return ((off > 0) ? '-' : '+') + pad((off.abs() / 60).floor(), 2) + pad(off % 60, 2);
- },
- setAMPM: function(ampm){
- ampm = ampm.toUpperCase();
- var hr = this.get('hr');
- if (hr > 11 && ampm == 'AM') return this.decrement('hour', 12);
- else if (hr < 12 && ampm == 'PM') return this.increment('hour', 12);
- return this;
- },
- getAMPM: function(){
- return (this.get('hr') < 12) ? 'AM' : 'PM';
- },
- parse: function(str){
- this.set('time', Date.parse(str));
- return this;
- },
- isValid: function(date){
- return !isNaN((date || this).valueOf());
- },
- format: function(f){
- if (!this.isValid()) return 'invalid date';
- if (!f) f = '%x %X';
- var formatLower = f.toLowerCase();
- if (formatters[formatLower]) return formatters[formatLower](this); // it's a formatter!
- f = formats[formatLower] || f; // replace short-hand with actual format
- var d = this;
- return f.replace(/%([a-z%])/gi,
- function($0, $1){
- switch ($1){
- case 'a': return Date.getMsg('days_abbr')[d.get('day')];
- case 'A': return Date.getMsg('days')[d.get('day')];
- case 'b': return Date.getMsg('months_abbr')[d.get('month')];
- case 'B': return Date.getMsg('months')[d.get('month')];
- case 'c': return d.format('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y');
- case 'd': return pad(d.get('date'), 2);
- case 'e': return pad(d.get('date'), 2, ' ');
- case 'H': return pad(d.get('hr'), 2);
- case 'I': return pad((d.get('hr') % 12) || 12, 2);
- case 'j': return pad(d.get('dayofyear'), 3);
- case 'k': return pad(d.get('hr'), 2, ' ');
- case 'l': return pad((d.get('hr') % 12) || 12, 2, ' ');
- case 'L': return pad(d.get('ms'), 3);
- case 'm': return pad((d.get('mo') + 1), 2);
- case 'M': return pad(d.get('min'), 2);
- case 'o': return d.get('ordinal');
- case 'p': return Date.getMsg(d.get('ampm'));
- case 's': return Math.round(d / 1000);
- case 'S': return pad(d.get('seconds'), 2);
- case 'T': return d.format('%H:%M:%S');
- case 'U': return pad(d.get('week'), 2);
- case 'w': return d.get('day');
- case 'x': return d.format(Date.getMsg('shortDate'));
- case 'X': return d.format(Date.getMsg('shortTime'));
- case 'y': return d.get('year').toString().substr(2);
- case 'Y': return d.get('year');
- case 'z': return d.get('GMTOffset');
- case 'Z': return d.get('Timezone');
- }
- return $1;
- }
- );
- },
- toISOString: function(){
- return this.format('iso8601');
- }
- toJSON: 'toISOString',
- compare: 'diff',
- strftime: 'format'
-var formats = {
- db: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
- compact: '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S',
- 'short': '%d %b %H:%M',
- 'long': '%B %d, %Y %H:%M'
-// The day and month abbreviations are standardized, so we cannot use simply %a and %b because they will get localized
-var rfcDayAbbr = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
- rfcMonthAbbr = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
-var formatters = {
- rfc822: function(date){
- return rfcDayAbbr[date.get('day')] + date.format(', %d ') + rfcMonthAbbr[date.get('month')] + date.format(' %Y %H:%M:%S %Z');
- },
- rfc2822: function(date){
- return rfcDayAbbr[date.get('day')] + date.format(', %d ') + rfcMonthAbbr[date.get('month')] + date.format(' %Y %H:%M:%S %z');
- },
- iso8601: function(date){
- return (
- date.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
- pad(date.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) + '-' +
- pad(date.getUTCDate(), 2) + 'T' +
- pad(date.getUTCHours(), 2) + ':' +
- pad(date.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + ':' +
- pad(date.getUTCSeconds(), 2) + '.' +
- pad(date.getUTCMilliseconds(), 3) + 'Z'
- );
- }
-var parsePatterns = [],
- nativeParse = Date.parse;
-var parseWord = function(type, word, num){
- var ret = -1,
- translated = Date.getMsg(type + 's');
- switch (typeOf(word)){
- case 'object':
- ret = translated[word.get(type)];
- break;
- case 'number':
- ret = translated[word];
- if (!ret) throw new Error('Invalid ' + type + ' index: ' + word);
- break;
- case 'string':
- var match = translated.filter(function(name){
- return this.test(name);
- }, new RegExp('^' + word, 'i'));
- if (!match.length) throw new Error('Invalid ' + type + ' string');
- if (match.length > 1) throw new Error('Ambiguous ' + type);
- ret = match[0];
- }
- return (num) ? translated.indexOf(ret) : ret;
-var startCentury = 1900,
- startYear = 70;
- getMsg: function(key, args){
- return Locale.get('Date.' + key, args);
- },
- units: {
- ms: Function.from(1),
- second: Function.from(1000),
- minute: Function.from(60000),
- hour: Function.from(3600000),
- day: Function.from(86400000),
- week: Function.from(608400000),
- month: function(month, year){
- var d = new Date;
- return Date.daysInMonth(month != null ? month : d.get('mo'), year != null ? year : d.get('year')) * 86400000;
- },
- year: function(year){
- year = year || new Date().get('year');
- return Date.isLeapYear(year) ? 31622400000 : 31536000000;
- }
- },
- daysInMonth: function(month, year){
- return [31, Date.isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month];
- },
- isLeapYear: function(year){
- return ((year % 4 === 0) && (year % 100 !== 0)) || (year % 400 === 0);
- },
- parse: function(from){
- var t = typeOf(from);
- if (t == 'number') return new Date(from);
- if (t != 'string') return from;
- from = from.clean();
- if (!from.length) return null;
- var parsed;
- parsePatterns.some(function(pattern){
- var bits = pattern.re.exec(from);
- return (bits) ? (parsed = pattern.handler(bits)) : false;
- });
- if (!(parsed && parsed.isValid())){
- parsed = new Date(nativeParse(from));
- if (!(parsed && parsed.isValid())) parsed = new Date(from.toInt());
- }
- return parsed;
- },
- parseDay: function(day, num){
- return parseWord('day', day, num);
- },
- parseMonth: function(month, num){
- return parseWord('month', month, num);
- },
- parseUTC: function(value){
- var localDate = new Date(value);
- var utcSeconds = Date.UTC(
- localDate.get('year'),
- localDate.get('mo'),
- localDate.get('date'),
- localDate.get('hr'),
- localDate.get('min'),
- localDate.get('sec'),
- localDate.get('ms')
- );
- return new Date(utcSeconds);
- },
- orderIndex: function(unit){
- return Date.getMsg('dateOrder').indexOf(unit) + 1;
- },
- defineFormat: function(name, format){
- formats[name] = format;
- return this;
- },
- defineFormats: function(formats){
- for (var name in formats) Date.defineFormat(name, formats[name]);
- return this;
- },
- defineParser: function(pattern){
- parsePatterns.push((pattern.re && pattern.handler) ? pattern : build(pattern));
- return this;
- },
- defineParsers: function(){
- Array.flatten(arguments).each(Date.defineParser);
- return this;
- },
- define2DigitYearStart: function(year){
- startYear = year % 100;
- startCentury = year - startYear;
- return this;
- }
-var regexOf = function(type){
- return new RegExp('(?:' + Date.getMsg(type).map(function(name){
- return name.substr(0, 3);
- }).join('|') + ')[a-z]*');
-var replacers = function(key){
- switch (key){
- case 'T':
- return '%H:%M:%S';
- case 'x': // iso8601 covers yyyy-mm-dd, so just check if month is first
- return ((Date.orderIndex('month') == 1) ? '%m[-./]%d' : '%d[-./]%m') + '([-./]%y)?';
- case 'X':
- return '%H([.:]%M)?([.:]%S([.:]%s)?)? ?%p? ?%z?';
- }
- return null;
-var keys = {
- d: /[0-2]?[0-9]|3[01]/,
- H: /[01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]/,
- I: /0?[1-9]|1[0-2]/,
- M: /[0-5]?\d/,
- s: /\d+/,
- o: /[a-z]*/,
- p: /[ap]\.?m\.?/,
- y: /\d{2}|\d{4}/,
- Y: /\d{4}/,
- z: /Z|[+-]\d{2}(?::?\d{2})?/
-keys.m = keys.I;
-keys.S = keys.M;
-var currentLanguage;
-var recompile = function(language){
- currentLanguage = language;
- keys.a = keys.A = regexOf('days');
- keys.b = keys.B = regexOf('months');
- parsePatterns.each(function(pattern, i){
- if (pattern.format) parsePatterns[i] = build(pattern.format);
- });
-var build = function(format){
- if (!currentLanguage) return {format: format};
- var parsed = [];
- var re = (format.source || format) // allow format to be regex
- .replace(/%([a-z])/gi,
- function($0, $1){
- return replacers($1) || $0;
- }
- ).replace(/\((?!\?)/g, '(?:') // make all groups non-capturing
- .replace(/ (?!\?|\*)/g, ',? ') // be forgiving with spaces and commas
- .replace(/%([a-z%])/gi,
- function($0, $1){
- var p = keys[$1];
- if (!p) return $1;
- parsed.push($1);
- return '(' + p.source + ')';
- }
- ).replace(/\[a-z\]/gi, '[a-z\\u00c0-\\uffff;\&]'); // handle unicode words
- return {
- format: format,
- re: new RegExp('^' + re + '$', 'i'),
- handler: function(bits){
- bits = bits.slice(1).associate(parsed);
- var date = new Date().clearTime(),
- year = bits.y || bits.Y;
- if (year != null) handle.call(date, 'y', year); // need to start in the right year
- if ('d' in bits) handle.call(date, 'd', 1);
- if ('m' in bits || bits.b || bits.B) handle.call(date, 'm', 1);
- for (var key in bits) handle.call(date, key, bits[key]);
- return date;
- }
- };
-var handle = function(key, value){
- if (!value) return this;
- switch (key){
- case 'a': case 'A': return this.set('day', Date.parseDay(value, true));
- case 'b': case 'B': return this.set('mo', Date.parseMonth(value, true));
- case 'd': return this.set('date', value);
- case 'H': case 'I': return this.set('hr', value);
- case 'm': return this.set('mo', value - 1);
- case 'M': return this.set('min', value);
- case 'p': return this.set('ampm', value.replace(/\./g, ''));
- case 'S': return this.set('sec', value);
- case 's': return this.set('ms', ('0.' + value) * 1000);
- case 'w': return this.set('day', value);
- case 'Y': return this.set('year', value);
- case 'y':
- value = +value;
- if (value < 100) value += startCentury + (value < startYear ? 100 : 0);
- return this.set('year', value);
- case 'z':
- if (value == 'Z') value = '+00';
- var offset = value.match(/([+-])(\d{2}):?(\d{2})?/);
- offset = (offset[1] + '1') * (offset[2] * 60 + (+offset[3] || 0)) + this.getTimezoneOffset();
- return this.set('time', this - offset * 60000);
- }
- return this;
- '%Y([-./]%m([-./]%d((T| )%X)?)?)?', // "1999-12-31", "1999-12-31 11:59pm", "1999-12-31 23:59:59", ISO8601
- '%Y%m%d(T%H(%M%S?)?)?', // "19991231", "19991231T1159", compact
- '%x( %X)?', // "12/31", "12.31.99", "12-31-1999", "12/31/2008 11:59 PM"
- '%d%o( %b( %Y)?)?( %X)?', // "31st", "31st December", "31 Dec 1999", "31 Dec 1999 11:59pm"
- '%b( %d%o)?( %Y)?( %X)?', // Same as above with month and day switched
- '%Y %b( %d%o( %X)?)?', // Same as above with year coming first
- '%o %b %d %X %z %Y', // "Thu Oct 22 08:11:23 +0000 2009"
- '%T', // %H:%M:%S
- '%H:%M( ?%p)?' // "11:05pm", "11:05 am" and "11:05"
-Locale.addEvent('change', function(language){
- if (Locale.get('Date')) recompile(language);
-}).fireEvent('change', Locale.getCurrent());
-script: Date.Extras.js
-name: Date.Extras
-description: Extends the Date native object to include extra methods (on top of those in Date.js).
-license: MIT-style license
- - Aaron Newton
- - Scott Kyle
- - /Date
-provides: [Date.Extras]
- timeDiffInWords: function(to){
- return Date.distanceOfTimeInWords(this, to || new Date);
- },
- timeDiff: function(to, separator){
- if (to == null) to = new Date;
- var delta = ((to - this) / 1000).floor();
- var vals = [],
- durations = [60, 60, 24, 365, 0],
- names = ['s', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'y'],
- value, duration;
- for (var item = 0; item < durations.length; item++){
- if (item && !delta) break;
- value = delta;
- if ((duration = durations[item])){
- value = (delta % duration);
- delta = (delta / duration).floor();
- }
- vals.unshift(value + (names[item] || ''));
- }
- return vals.join(separator || ':');
- }
- distanceOfTimeInWords: function(from, to){
- return Date.getTimePhrase(((to - from) / 1000).toInt());
- },
- getTimePhrase: function(delta){
- var suffix = (delta < 0) ? 'Until' : 'Ago';
- if (delta < 0) delta *= -1;
- var units = {
- minute: 60,
- hour: 60,
- day: 24,
- week: 7,
- month: 52 / 12,
- year: 12,
- eon: Infinity
- };
- var msg = 'lessThanMinute';
- for (var unit in units){
- var interval = units[unit];
- if (delta < 1.5 * interval){
- if (delta > 0.75 * interval) msg = unit;
- break;
- }
- delta /= interval;
- msg = unit + 's';
- }
- delta = delta.round();
- return Date.getMsg(msg + suffix, delta).substitute({delta: delta});
- }
- {
- // "today", "tomorrow", "yesterday"
- re: /^(?:tod|tom|yes)/i,
- handler: function(bits){
- var d = new Date().clearTime();
- switch (bits[0]){
- case 'tom': return d.increment();
- case 'yes': return d.decrement();
- default: return d;
- }
- }
- },
- {
- // "next Wednesday", "last Thursday"
- re: /^(next|last) ([a-z]+)$/i,
- handler: function(bits){
- var d = new Date().clearTime();
- var day = d.getDay();
- var newDay = Date.parseDay(bits[2], true);
- var addDays = newDay - day;
- if (newDay <= day) addDays += 7;
- if (bits[1] == 'last') addDays -= 7;
- return d.set('date', d.getDate() + addDays);
- }
- }
-).alias('timeAgoInWords', 'timeDiffInWords');
-name: Hash
-description: Contains Hash Prototypes. Provides a means for overcoming the JavaScript practical impossibility of extending native Objects.
-license: MIT-style license.
- - Core/Object
- - /MooTools.More
-provides: [Hash]
-if (this.Hash) return;
-var Hash = this.Hash = new Type('Hash', function(object){
- if (typeOf(object) == 'hash') object = Object.clone(object.getClean());
- for (var key in object) this[key] = object[key];
- return this;
-this.$H = function(object){
- return new Hash(object);
- forEach: function(fn, bind){
- Object.forEach(this, fn, bind);
- },
- getClean: function(){
- var clean = {};
- for (var key in this){
- if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) clean[key] = this[key];
- }
- return clean;
- },
- getLength: function(){
- var length = 0;
- for (var key in this){
- if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) length++;
- }
- return length;
- }
-Hash.alias('each', 'forEach');
- has: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
- keyOf: function(value){
- return Object.keyOf(this, value);
- },
- hasValue: function(value){
- return Object.contains(this, value);
- },
- extend: function(properties){
- Hash.each(properties || {}, function(value, key){
- Hash.set(this, key, value);
- }, this);
- return this;
- },
- combine: function(properties){
- Hash.each(properties || {}, function(value, key){
- Hash.include(this, key, value);
- }, this);
- return this;
- },
- erase: function(key){
- if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) delete this[key];
- return this;
- },
- get: function(key){
- return (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) ? this[key] : null;
- },
- set: function(key, value){
- if (!this[key] || this.hasOwnProperty(key)) this[key] = value;
- return this;
- },
- empty: function(){
- Hash.each(this, function(value, key){
- delete this[key];
- }, this);
- return this;
- },
- include: function(key, value){
- if (this[key] == undefined) this[key] = value;
- return this;
- },
- map: function(fn, bind){
- return new Hash(Object.map(this, fn, bind));
- },
- filter: function(fn, bind){
- return new Hash(Object.filter(this, fn, bind));
- },
- every: function(fn, bind){
- return Object.every(this, fn, bind);
- },
- some: function(fn, bind){
- return Object.some(this, fn, bind);
- },
- getKeys: function(){
- return Object.keys(this);
- },
- getValues: function(){
- return Object.values(this);
- },
- toQueryString: function(base){
- return Object.toQueryString(this, base);
- }
-Hash.alias({indexOf: 'keyOf', contains: 'hasValue'});
-script: Request.JSONP.js
-name: Request.JSONP
-description: Defines Request.JSONP, a class for cross domain javascript via script injection.
-license: MIT-style license
- - Aaron Newton
- - Guillermo Rauch
- - Arian Stolwijk
- - Core/Element
- - Core/Request
- - MooTools.More
-provides: [Request.JSONP]
-Request.JSONP = new Class({
- Implements: [Chain, Events, Options],
- options: {
- /*
- onRequest: function(src, scriptElement){},
- onComplete: function(data){},
- onSuccess: function(data){},
- onCancel: function(){},
- onTimeout: function(){},
- onError: function(){}, */
- onRequest: function(src){
- if (this.options.log && window.console && console.log){
- console.log('JSONP retrieving script with url:' + src);
- }
- },
- onError: function(src){
- if (this.options.log && window.console && console.warn){
- console.warn('JSONP '+ src +' will fail in Internet Explorer, which enforces a 2083 bytes length limit on URIs');
- }
- },
- url: '',
- callbackKey: 'callback',
- injectScript: document.head,
- data: '',
- link: 'ignore',
- timeout: 0,
- log: false
- },
- initialize: function(options){
- this.setOptions(options);
- },
- send: function(options){
- if (!Request.prototype.check.call(this, options)) return this;
- this.running = true;
- var type = typeOf(options);
- if (type == 'string' || type == 'element') options = {data: options};
- options = Object.merge(this.options, options || {});
- var data = options.data;
- switch (typeOf(data)){
- case 'element': data = document.id(data).toQueryString(); break;
- case 'object': case 'hash': data = Object.toQueryString(data);
- }
- var index = this.index = Request.JSONP.counter++;
- var src = options.url +
- (options.url.test('\\?') ? '&' :'?') +
- (options.callbackKey) +
- '=Request.JSONP.request_map.request_'+ index +
- (data ? '&' + data : '');
- if (src.length > 2083) this.fireEvent('error', src);
- Request.JSONP.request_map['request_' + index] = function(){
- this.success(arguments, index);
- }.bind(this);
- var script = this.getScript(src).inject(options.injectScript);
- this.fireEvent('request', [src, script]);
- if (options.timeout) this.timeout.delay(options.timeout, this);
- return this;
- },
- getScript: function(src){
- if (!this.script) this.script = new Element('script[type=text/javascript]', {
- async: true,
- src: src
- });
- return this.script;
- },
- success: function(args, index){
- if (!this.running) return false;
- this.clear()
- .fireEvent('complete', args).fireEvent('success', args)
- .callChain();
- },
- cancel: function(){
- if (this.running) this.clear().fireEvent('cancel');
- return this;
- },
- isRunning: function(){
- return !!this.running;
- },
- clear: function(){
- this.running = false;
- if (this.script){
- this.script.destroy();
- this.script = null;
- }
- return this;
- },
- timeout: function(){
- if (this.running){
- this.running = false;
- this.fireEvent('timeout', [this.script.get('src'), this.script]).fireEvent('failure').cancel();
- }
- return this;
- }
-Request.JSONP.counter = 0;
-Request.JSONP.request_map = {};
diff --git a/source/javascripts/mootools-yui-compressed.js b/source/javascripts/mootools-yui-compressed.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a20f066b..00000000
--- a/source/javascripts/mootools-yui-compressed.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5492 +0,0 @@
-MooTools: the javascript framework
-web build:
- - http://mootools.net/core/7c56cfef9dddcf170a5d68e3fb61cfd7
-packager build:
- - packager build Core/Core Core/Array Core/String Core/Number Core/Function Core/Object Core/Event Core/Browser Core/Class Core/Class.Extras Core/Slick.Parser Core/Slick.Finder Core/Element Core/Element.Style Core/Element.Event Core/Element.Dimensions Core/Fx Core/Fx.CSS Core/Fx.Tween Core/Fx.Morph Core/Fx.Transitions Core/Request Core/Request.HTML Core/Request.JSON Core/Cookie Core/JSON Core/DOMReady Core/Swiff
-name: Core
-description: The heart of MooTools.
-license: MIT-style license.
-copyright: Copyright (c) 2006-2010 [Valerio Proietti](http://mad4milk.net/).
-authors: The MooTools production team (http://mootools.net/developers/)
- - Class implementation inspired by [Base.js](http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2006/03/base/) Copyright (c) 2006 Dean Edwards, [GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)
- - Some functionality inspired by [Prototype.js](http://prototypejs.org) Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Sam Stephenson, [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
-provides: [Core, MooTools, Type, typeOf, instanceOf, Native]
-this.MooTools = {
- version: '1.3.1',
- build: 'af48c8d589f43f32212f9bb8ff68a127e6a3ba6c'
-// typeOf, instanceOf
-var typeOf = this.typeOf = function(item){
- if (item == null) return 'null';
- if (item.$family) return item.$family();
- if (item.nodeName){
- if (item.nodeType == 1) return 'element';
- if (item.nodeType == 3) return (/\S/).test(item.nodeValue) ? 'textnode' : 'whitespace';
- } else if (typeof item.length == 'number'){
- if (item.callee) return 'arguments';
- if ('item' in item) return 'collection';
- }
- return typeof item;
-var instanceOf = this.instanceOf = function(item, object){
- if (item == null) return false;
- var constructor = item.$constructor || item.constructor;
- while (constructor){
- if (constructor === object) return true;
- constructor = constructor.parent;
- }
- return item instanceof object;
-// Function overloading
-var Function = this.Function;
-var enumerables = true;
-for (var i in {toString: 1}) enumerables = null;
-if (enumerables) enumerables = ['hasOwnProperty', 'valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'toString', 'constructor'];
-Function.prototype.overloadSetter = function(usePlural){
- var self = this;
- return function(a, b){
- if (a == null) return this;
- if (usePlural || typeof a != 'string'){
- for (var k in a) self.call(this, k, a[k]);
- if (enumerables) for (var i = enumerables.length; i--;){
- k = enumerables[i];
- if (a.hasOwnProperty(k)) self.call(this, k, a[k]);
- }
- } else {
- self.call(this, a, b);
- }
- return this;
- };
-Function.prototype.overloadGetter = function(usePlural){
- var self = this;
- return function(a){
- var args, result;
- if (usePlural || typeof a != 'string') args = a;
- else if (arguments.length > 1) args = arguments;
- if (args){
- result = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) result[args[i]] = self.call(this, args[i]);
- } else {
- result = self.call(this, a);
- }
- return result;
- };
-Function.prototype.extend = function(key, value){
- this[key] = value;
-Function.prototype.implement = function(key, value){
- this.prototype[key] = value;
-// From
-var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
-Function.from = function(item){
- return (typeOf(item) == 'function') ? item : function(){
- return item;
- };
-Array.from = function(item){
- if (item == null) return [];
- return (Type.isEnumerable(item) && typeof item != 'string') ? (typeOf(item) == 'array') ? item : slice.call(item) : [item];
-Number.from = function(item){
- var number = parseFloat(item);
- return isFinite(number) ? number : null;
-String.from = function(item){
- return item + '';
-// hide, protect
- hide: function(){
- this.$hidden = true;
- return this;
- },
- protect: function(){
- this.$protected = true;
- return this;
- }
-// Type
-var Type = this.Type = function(name, object){
- if (name){
- var lower = name.toLowerCase();
- var typeCheck = function(item){
- return (typeOf(item) == lower);
- };
- Type['is' + name] = typeCheck;
- if (object != null){
- object.prototype.$family = (function(){
- return lower;
- }).hide();
- }
- }
- if (object == null) return null;
- object.extend(this);
- object.$constructor = Type;
- object.prototype.$constructor = object;
- return object;
-var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
-Type.isEnumerable = function(item){
- return (item != null && typeof item.length == 'number' && toString.call(item) != '[object Function]' );
-var hooks = {};
-var hooksOf = function(object){
- var type = typeOf(object.prototype);
- return hooks[type] || (hooks[type] = []);
-var implement = function(name, method){
- if (method && method.$hidden) return;
- var hooks = hooksOf(this);
- for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++){
- var hook = hooks[i];
- if (typeOf(hook) == 'type') implement.call(hook, name, method);
- else hook.call(this, name, method);
- }
- var previous = this.prototype[name];
- if (previous == null || !previous.$protected) this.prototype[name] = method;
- if (this[name] == null && typeOf(method) == 'function') extend.call(this, name, function(item){
- return method.apply(item, slice.call(arguments, 1));
- });
-var extend = function(name, method){
- if (method && method.$hidden) return;
- var previous = this[name];
- if (previous == null || !previous.$protected) this[name] = method;
- implement: implement.overloadSetter(),
- extend: extend.overloadSetter(),
- alias: function(name, existing){
- implement.call(this, name, this.prototype[existing]);
- }.overloadSetter(),
- mirror: function(hook){
- hooksOf(this).push(hook);
- return this;
- }
-new Type('Type', Type);
-// Default Types
-var force = function(name, object, methods){
- var isType = (object != Object),
- prototype = object.prototype;
- if (isType) object = new Type(name, object);
- for (var i = 0, l = methods.length; i < l; i++){
- var key = methods[i],
- generic = object[key],
- proto = prototype[key];
- if (generic) generic.protect();
- if (isType && proto){
- delete prototype[key];
- prototype[key] = proto.protect();
- }
- }
- if (isType) object.implement(prototype);
- return force;
-force('String', String, [
- 'charAt', 'charCodeAt', 'concat', 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf', 'match', 'quote', 'replace', 'search',
- 'slice', 'split', 'substr', 'substring', 'toLowerCase', 'toUpperCase'
-])('Array', Array, [
- 'pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift', 'concat', 'join', 'slice',
- 'indexOf', 'lastIndexOf', 'filter', 'forEach', 'every', 'map', 'some', 'reduce', 'reduceRight'
-])('Number', Number, [
- 'toExponential', 'toFixed', 'toLocaleString', 'toPrecision'
-])('Function', Function, [
- 'apply', 'call', 'bind'
-])('RegExp', RegExp, [
- 'exec', 'test'
-])('Object', Object, [
- 'create', 'defineProperty', 'defineProperties', 'keys',
- 'getPrototypeOf', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor', 'getOwnPropertyNames',
- 'preventExtensions', 'isExtensible', 'seal', 'isSealed', 'freeze', 'isFrozen'
-])('Date', Date, ['now']);
-Object.extend = extend.overloadSetter();
-Date.extend('now', function(){
- return +(new Date);
-new Type('Boolean', Boolean);
-// fixes NaN returning as Number
-Number.prototype.$family = function(){
- return isFinite(this) ? 'number' : 'null';
-// Number.random
-Number.extend('random', function(min, max){
- return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
-// forEach, each
-var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
-Object.extend('forEach', function(object, fn, bind){
- for (var key in object){
- if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) fn.call(bind, object[key], key, object);
- }
-Object.each = Object.forEach;
- forEach: function(fn, bind){
- for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){
- if (i in this) fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this);
- }
- },
- each: function(fn, bind){
- Array.forEach(this, fn, bind);
- return this;
- }
-// Array & Object cloning, Object merging and appending
-var cloneOf = function(item){
- switch (typeOf(item)){
- case 'array': return item.clone();
- case 'object': return Object.clone(item);
- default: return item;
- }
-Array.implement('clone', function(){
- var i = this.length, clone = new Array(i);
- while (i--) clone[i] = cloneOf(this[i]);
- return clone;
-var mergeOne = function(source, key, current){
- switch (typeOf(current)){
- case 'object':
- if (typeOf(source[key]) == 'object') Object.merge(source[key], current);
- else source[key] = Object.clone(current);
- break;
- case 'array': source[key] = current.clone(); break;
- default: source[key] = current;
- }
- return source;
- merge: function(source, k, v){
- if (typeOf(k) == 'string') return mergeOne(source, k, v);
- for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){
- var object = arguments[i];
- for (var key in object) mergeOne(source, key, object[key]);
- }
- return source;
- },
- clone: function(object){
- var clone = {};
- for (var key in object) clone[key] = cloneOf(object[key]);
- return clone;
- },
- append: function(original){
- for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){
- var extended = arguments[i] || {};
- for (var key in extended) original[key] = extended[key];
- }
- return original;
- }
-// Object-less types
-['Object', 'WhiteSpace', 'TextNode', 'Collection', 'Arguments'].each(function(name){
- new Type(name);
-// Unique ID
-var UID = Date.now();
-String.extend('uniqueID', function(){
- return (UID++).toString(36);
-name: Array
-description: Contains Array Prototypes like each, contains, and erase.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: Type
-provides: Array
- invoke: function(methodName){
- var args = Array.slice(arguments, 1);
- return this.map(function(item){
- return item[methodName].apply(item, args);
- });
- },
- every: function(fn, bind){
- for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){
- if ((i in this) && !fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this)) return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- filter: function(fn, bind){
- var results = [];
- for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){
- if ((i in this) && fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this)) results.push(this[i]);
- }
- return results;
- },
- clean: function(){
- return this.filter(function(item){
- return item != null;
- });
- },
- indexOf: function(item, from){
- var len = this.length;
- for (var i = (from < 0) ? Math.max(0, len + from) : from || 0; i < len; i++){
- if (this[i] === item) return i;
- }
- return -1;
- },
- map: function(fn, bind){
- var results = [];
- for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){
- if (i in this) results[i] = fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this);
- }
- return results;
- },
- some: function(fn, bind){
- for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){
- if ((i in this) && fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this)) return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- associate: function(keys){
- var obj = {}, length = Math.min(this.length, keys.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) obj[keys[i]] = this[i];
- return obj;
- },
- link: function(object){
- var result = {};
- for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){
- for (var key in object){
- if (object[key](this[i])){
- result[key] = this[i];
- delete object[key];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- },
- contains: function(item, from){
- return this.indexOf(item, from) != -1;
- },
- append: function(array){
- this.push.apply(this, array);
- return this;
- },
- getLast: function(){
- return (this.length) ? this[this.length - 1] : null;
- },
- getRandom: function(){
- return (this.length) ? this[Number.random(0, this.length - 1)] : null;
- },
- include: function(item){
- if (!this.contains(item)) this.push(item);
- return this;
- },
- combine: function(array){
- for (var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) this.include(array[i]);
- return this;
- },
- erase: function(item){
- for (var i = this.length; i--;){
- if (this[i] === item) this.splice(i, 1);
- }
- return this;
- },
- empty: function(){
- this.length = 0;
- return this;
- },
- flatten: function(){
- var array = [];
- for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){
- var type = typeOf(this[i]);
- if (type == 'null') continue;
- array = array.concat((type == 'array' || type == 'collection' || type == 'arguments' || instanceOf(this[i], Array)) ? Array.flatten(this[i]) : this[i]);
- }
- return array;
- },
- pick: function(){
- for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){
- if (this[i] != null) return this[i];
- }
- return null;
- },
- hexToRgb: function(array){
- if (this.length != 3) return null;
- var rgb = this.map(function(value){
- if (value.length == 1) value += value;
- return value.toInt(16);
- });
- return (array) ? rgb : 'rgb(' + rgb + ')';
- },
- rgbToHex: function(array){
- if (this.length < 3) return null;
- if (this.length == 4 && this[3] == 0 && !array) return 'transparent';
- var hex = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
- var bit = (this[i] - 0).toString(16);
- hex.push((bit.length == 1) ? '0' + bit : bit);
- }
- return (array) ? hex : '#' + hex.join('');
- }
-name: String
-description: Contains String Prototypes like camelCase, capitalize, test, and toInt.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: Type
-provides: String
- test: function(regex, params){
- return ((typeOf(regex) == 'regexp') ? regex : new RegExp('' + regex, params)).test(this);
- },
- contains: function(string, separator){
- return (separator) ? (separator + this + separator).indexOf(separator + string + separator) > -1 : this.indexOf(string) > -1;
- },
- trim: function(){
- return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
- },
- clean: function(){
- return this.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
- },
- camelCase: function(){
- return this.replace(/-\D/g, function(match){
- return match.charAt(1).toUpperCase();
- });
- },
- hyphenate: function(){
- return this.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(match){
- return ('-' + match.charAt(0).toLowerCase());
- });
- },
- capitalize: function(){
- return this.replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(match){
- return match.toUpperCase();
- });
- },
- escapeRegExp: function(){
- return this.replace(/([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
- },
- toInt: function(base){
- return parseInt(this, base || 10);
- },
- toFloat: function(){
- return parseFloat(this);
- },
- hexToRgb: function(array){
- var hex = this.match(/^#?(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})$/);
- return (hex) ? hex.slice(1).hexToRgb(array) : null;
- },
- rgbToHex: function(array){
- var rgb = this.match(/\d{1,3}/g);
- return (rgb) ? rgb.rgbToHex(array) : null;
- },
- substitute: function(object, regexp){
- return this.replace(regexp || (/\\?\{([^{}]+)\}/g), function(match, name){
- if (match.charAt(0) == '\\') return match.slice(1);
- return (object[name] != null) ? object[name] : '';
- });
- }
-name: Number
-description: Contains Number Prototypes like limit, round, times, and ceil.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: Type
-provides: Number
- limit: function(min, max){
- return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, this));
- },
- round: function(precision){
- precision = Math.pow(10, precision || 0).toFixed(precision < 0 ? -precision : 0);
- return Math.round(this * precision) / precision;
- },
- times: function(fn, bind){
- for (var i = 0; i < this; i++) fn.call(bind, i, this);
- },
- toFloat: function(){
- return parseFloat(this);
- },
- toInt: function(base){
- return parseInt(this, base || 10);
- }
-Number.alias('each', 'times');
- var methods = {};
- math.each(function(name){
- if (!Number[name]) methods[name] = function(){
- return Math[name].apply(null, [this].concat(Array.from(arguments)));
- };
- });
- Number.implement(methods);
-})(['abs', 'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'atan2', 'ceil', 'cos', 'exp', 'floor', 'log', 'max', 'min', 'pow', 'sin', 'sqrt', 'tan']);
-name: Function
-description: Contains Function Prototypes like create, bind, pass, and delay.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: Type
-provides: Function
- attempt: function(){
- for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){
- try {
- return arguments[i]();
- } catch (e){}
- }
- return null;
- }
- attempt: function(args, bind){
- try {
- return this.apply(bind, Array.from(args));
- } catch (e){}
- return null;
- },
- bind: function(bind){
- var self = this,
- args = (arguments.length > 1) ? Array.slice(arguments, 1) : null;
- return function(){
- if (!args && !arguments.length) return self.call(bind);
- if (args && arguments.length) return self.apply(bind, args.concat(Array.from(arguments)));
- return self.apply(bind, args || arguments);
- };
- },
- pass: function(args, bind){
- var self = this;
- if (args != null) args = Array.from(args);
- return function(){
- return self.apply(bind, args || arguments);
- };
- },
- delay: function(delay, bind, args){
- return setTimeout(this.pass((args == null ? [] : args), bind), delay);
- },
- periodical: function(periodical, bind, args){
- return setInterval(this.pass((args == null ? [] : args), bind), periodical);
- }
-name: Object
-description: Object generic methods
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: Type
-provides: [Object, Hash]
-var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
- subset: function(object, keys){
- var results = {};
- for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++){
- var k = keys[i];
- results[k] = object[k];
- }
- return results;
- },
- map: function(object, fn, bind){
- var results = {};
- for (var key in object){
- if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) results[key] = fn.call(bind, object[key], key, object);
- }
- return results;
- },
- filter: function(object, fn, bind){
- var results = {};
- Object.each(object, function(value, key){
- if (fn.call(bind, value, key, object)) results[key] = value;
- });
- return results;
- },
- every: function(object, fn, bind){
- for (var key in object){
- if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) && !fn.call(bind, object[key], key)) return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- some: function(object, fn, bind){
- for (var key in object){
- if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) && fn.call(bind, object[key], key)) return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- keys: function(object){
- var keys = [];
- for (var key in object){
- if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) keys.push(key);
- }
- return keys;
- },
- values: function(object){
- var values = [];
- for (var key in object){
- if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) values.push(object[key]);
- }
- return values;
- },
- getLength: function(object){
- return Object.keys(object).length;
- },
- keyOf: function(object, value){
- for (var key in object){
- if (hasOwnProperty.call(object, key) && object[key] === value) return key;
- }
- return null;
- },
- contains: function(object, value){
- return Object.keyOf(object, value) != null;
- },
- toQueryString: function(object, base){
- var queryString = [];
- Object.each(object, function(value, key){
- if (base) key = base + '[' + key + ']';
- var result;
- switch (typeOf(value)){
- case 'object': result = Object.toQueryString(value, key); break;
- case 'array':
- var qs = {};
- value.each(function(val, i){
- qs[i] = val;
- });
- result = Object.toQueryString(qs, key);
- break;
- default: result = key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);
- }
- if (value != null) queryString.push(result);
- });
- return queryString.join('&');
- }
-name: Browser
-description: The Browser Object. Contains Browser initialization, Window and Document, and the Browser Hash.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: [Array, Function, Number, String]
-provides: [Browser, Window, Document]
-var document = this.document;
-var window = document.window = this;
-var UID = 1;
-this.$uid = (window.ActiveXObject) ? function(item){
- return (item.uid || (item.uid = [UID++]))[0];
-} : function(item){
- return item.uid || (item.uid = UID++);
-var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
- platform = navigator.platform.toLowerCase(),
- UA = ua.match(/(opera|ie|firefox|chrome|version)[\s\/:]([\w\d\.]+)?.*?(safari|version[\s\/:]([\w\d\.]+)|$)/) || [null, 'unknown', 0],
- mode = UA[1] == 'ie' && document.documentMode;
-var Browser = this.Browser = {
- extend: Function.prototype.extend,
- name: (UA[1] == 'version') ? UA[3] : UA[1],
- version: mode || parseFloat((UA[1] == 'opera' && UA[4]) ? UA[4] : UA[2]),
- Platform: {
- name: ua.match(/ip(?:ad|od|hone)/) ? 'ios' : (ua.match(/(?:webos|android)/) || platform.match(/mac|win|linux/) || ['other'])[0]
- },
- Features: {
- xpath: !!(document.evaluate),
- air: !!(window.runtime),
- query: !!(document.querySelector),
- json: !!(window.JSON)
- },
- Plugins: {}
-Browser[Browser.name] = true;
-Browser[Browser.name + parseInt(Browser.version, 10)] = true;
-Browser.Platform[Browser.Platform.name] = true;
-// Request
-Browser.Request = (function(){
- var XMLHTTP = function(){
- return new XMLHttpRequest();
- };
- var MSXML2 = function(){
- return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP');
- };
- var MSXML = function(){
- return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
- };
- return Function.attempt(function(){
- return XMLHTTP;
- }, function(){
- MSXML2();
- return MSXML2;
- }, function(){
- MSXML();
- return MSXML;
- });
-Browser.Features.xhr = !!(Browser.Request);
-// Flash detection
-var version = (Function.attempt(function(){
- return navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash'].description;
-}, function(){
- return new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash').GetVariable('$version');
-}) || '0 r0').match(/\d+/g);
-Browser.Plugins.Flash = {
- version: Number(version[0] || '0.' + version[1]) || 0,
- build: Number(version[2]) || 0
-// String scripts
-Browser.exec = function(text){
- if (!text) return text;
- if (window.execScript){
- window.execScript(text);
- } else {
- var script = document.createElement('script');
- script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
- script.text = text;
- document.head.appendChild(script);
- document.head.removeChild(script);
- }
- return text;
-String.implement('stripScripts', function(exec){
- var scripts = '';
- var text = this.replace(/<script[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, function(all, code){
- scripts += code + '\n';
- return '';
- });
- if (exec === true) Browser.exec(scripts);
- else if (typeOf(exec) == 'function') exec(scripts, text);
- return text;
-// Window, Document
- Document: this.Document,
- Window: this.Window,
- Element: this.Element,
- Event: this.Event
-this.Window = this.$constructor = new Type('Window', function(){});
-this.$family = Function.from('window').hide();
-Window.mirror(function(name, method){
- window[name] = method;
-this.Document = document.$constructor = new Type('Document', function(){});
-document.$family = Function.from('document').hide();
-Document.mirror(function(name, method){
- document[name] = method;
-document.html = document.documentElement;
-document.head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
-if (document.execCommand) try {
- document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
-} catch (e){}
-if (this.attachEvent && !this.addEventListener){
- var unloadEvent = function(){
- this.detachEvent('onunload', unloadEvent);
- document.head = document.html = document.window = null;
- };
- this.attachEvent('onunload', unloadEvent);
-// IE fails on collections and <select>.options (refers to <select>)
-var arrayFrom = Array.from;
-try {
- arrayFrom(document.html.childNodes);
-} catch(e){
- Array.from = function(item){
- if (typeof item != 'string' && Type.isEnumerable(item) && typeOf(item) != 'array'){
- var i = item.length, array = new Array(i);
- while (i--) array[i] = item[i];
- return array;
- }
- return arrayFrom(item);
- };
- var prototype = Array.prototype,
- slice = prototype.slice;
- ['pop', 'push', 'reverse', 'shift', 'sort', 'splice', 'unshift', 'concat', 'join', 'slice'].each(function(name){
- var method = prototype[name];
- Array[name] = function(item){
- return method.apply(Array.from(item), slice.call(arguments, 1));
- };
- });
-name: Event
-description: Contains the Event Class, to make the event object cross-browser.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: [Window, Document, Array, Function, String, Object]
-provides: Event
-var Event = new Type('Event', function(event, win){
- if (!win) win = window;
- var doc = win.document;
- event = event || win.event;
- if (event.$extended) return event;
- this.$extended = true;
- var type = event.type,
- target = event.target || event.srcElement,
- page = {},
- client = {},
- related = null,
- rightClick, wheel, code, key;
- while (target && target.nodeType == 3) target = target.parentNode;
- if (type.indexOf('key') != -1){
- code = event.which || event.keyCode;
- key = Object.keyOf(Event.Keys, code);
- if (type == 'keydown'){
- var fKey = code - 111;
- if (fKey > 0 && fKey < 13) key = 'f' + fKey;
- }
- if (!key) key = String.fromCharCode(code).toLowerCase();
- } else if ((/click|mouse|menu/i).test(type)){
- doc = (!doc.compatMode || doc.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') ? doc.html : doc.body;
- page = {
- x: (event.pageX != null) ? event.pageX : event.clientX + doc.scrollLeft,
- y: (event.pageY != null) ? event.pageY : event.clientY + doc.scrollTop
- };
- client = {
- x: (event.pageX != null) ? event.pageX - win.pageXOffset : event.clientX,
- y: (event.pageY != null) ? event.pageY - win.pageYOffset : event.clientY
- };
- if ((/DOMMouseScroll|mousewheel/).test(type)){
- wheel = (event.wheelDelta) ? event.wheelDelta / 120 : -(event.detail || 0) / 3;
- }
- rightClick = (event.which == 3) || (event.button == 2);
- if ((/over|out/).test(type)){
- related = event.relatedTarget || event[(type == 'mouseover' ? 'from' : 'to') + 'Element'];
- var testRelated = function(){
- while (related && related.nodeType == 3) related = related.parentNode;
- return true;
- };
- var hasRelated = (Browser.firefox2) ? testRelated.attempt() : testRelated();
- related = (hasRelated) ? related : null;
- }
- } else if ((/gesture|touch/i).test(type)){
- this.rotation = event.rotation;
- this.scale = event.scale;
- this.targetTouches = event.targetTouches;
- this.changedTouches = event.changedTouches;
- var touches = this.touches = event.touches;
- if (touches && touches[0]){
- var touch = touches[0];
- page = {x: touch.pageX, y: touch.pageY};
- client = {x: touch.clientX, y: touch.clientY};
- }
- }
- return Object.append(this, {
- event: event,
- type: type,
- page: page,
- client: client,
- rightClick: rightClick,
- wheel: wheel,
- relatedTarget: document.id(related),
- target: document.id(target),
- code: code,
- key: key,
- shift: event.shiftKey,
- control: event.ctrlKey,
- alt: event.altKey,
- meta: event.metaKey
- });
-Event.Keys = {
- 'enter': 13,
- 'up': 38,
- 'down': 40,
- 'left': 37,
- 'right': 39,
- 'esc': 27,
- 'space': 32,
- 'backspace': 8,
- 'tab': 9,
- 'delete': 46
- stop: function(){
- return this.stopPropagation().preventDefault();
- },
- stopPropagation: function(){
- if (this.event.stopPropagation) this.event.stopPropagation();
- else this.event.cancelBubble = true;
- return this;
- },
- preventDefault: function(){
- if (this.event.preventDefault) this.event.preventDefault();
- else this.event.returnValue = false;
- return this;
- }
-name: Class
-description: Contains the Class Function for easily creating, extending, and implementing reusable Classes.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: [Array, String, Function, Number]
-provides: Class
-var Class = this.Class = new Type('Class', function(params){
- if (instanceOf(params, Function)) params = {initialize: params};
- var newClass = function(){
- reset(this);
- if (newClass.$prototyping) return this;
- this.$caller = null;
- var value = (this.initialize) ? this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) : this;
- this.$caller = this.caller = null;
- return value;
- }.extend(this).implement(params);
- newClass.$constructor = Class;
- newClass.prototype.$constructor = newClass;
- newClass.prototype.parent = parent;
- return newClass;
-var parent = function(){
- if (!this.$caller) throw new Error('The method "parent" cannot be called.');
- var name = this.$caller.$name,
- parent = this.$caller.$owner.parent,
- previous = (parent) ? parent.prototype[name] : null;
- if (!previous) throw new Error('The method "' + name + '" has no parent.');
- return previous.apply(this, arguments);
-var reset = function(object){
- for (var key in object){
- var value = object[key];
- switch (typeOf(value)){
- case 'object':
- var F = function(){};
- F.prototype = value;
- object[key] = reset(new F);
- break;
- case 'array': object[key] = value.clone(); break;
- }
- }
- return object;
-var wrap = function(self, key, method){
- if (method.$origin) method = method.$origin;
- var wrapper = function(){
- if (method.$protected && this.$caller == null) throw new Error('The method "' + key + '" cannot be called.');
- var caller = this.caller, current = this.$caller;
- this.caller = current; this.$caller = wrapper;
- var result = method.apply(this, arguments);
- this.$caller = current; this.caller = caller;
- return result;
- }.extend({$owner: self, $origin: method, $name: key});
- return wrapper;
-var implement = function(key, value, retain){
- if (Class.Mutators.hasOwnProperty(key)){
- value = Class.Mutators[key].call(this, value);
- if (value == null) return this;
- }
- if (typeOf(value) == 'function'){
- if (value.$hidden) return this;
- this.prototype[key] = (retain) ? value : wrap(this, key, value);
- } else {
- Object.merge(this.prototype, key, value);
- }
- return this;
-var getInstance = function(klass){
- klass.$prototyping = true;
- var proto = new klass;
- delete klass.$prototyping;
- return proto;
-Class.implement('implement', implement.overloadSetter());
-Class.Mutators = {
- Extends: function(parent){
- this.parent = parent;
- this.prototype = getInstance(parent);
- },
- Implements: function(items){
- Array.from(items).each(function(item){
- var instance = new item;
- for (var key in instance) implement.call(this, key, instance[key], true);
- }, this);
- }
-name: Class.Extras
-description: Contains Utility Classes that can be implemented into your own Classes to ease the execution of many common tasks.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: Class
-provides: [Class.Extras, Chain, Events, Options]
-this.Chain = new Class({
- $chain: [],
- chain: function(){
- this.$chain.append(Array.flatten(arguments));
- return this;
- },
- callChain: function(){
- return (this.$chain.length) ? this.$chain.shift().apply(this, arguments) : false;
- },
- clearChain: function(){
- this.$chain.empty();
- return this;
- }
-var removeOn = function(string){
- return string.replace(/^on([A-Z])/, function(full, first){
- return first.toLowerCase();
- });
-this.Events = new Class({
- $events: {},
- addEvent: function(type, fn, internal){
- type = removeOn(type);
- this.$events[type] = (this.$events[type] || []).include(fn);
- if (internal) fn.internal = true;
- return this;
- },
- addEvents: function(events){
- for (var type in events) this.addEvent(type, events[type]);
- return this;
- },
- fireEvent: function(type, args, delay){
- type = removeOn(type);
- var events = this.$events[type];
- if (!events) return this;
- args = Array.from(args);
- events.each(function(fn){
- if (delay) fn.delay(delay, this, args);
- else fn.apply(this, args);
- }, this);
- return this;
- },
- removeEvent: function(type, fn){
- type = removeOn(type);
- var events = this.$events[type];
- if (events && !fn.internal){
- var index = events.indexOf(fn);
- if (index != -1) delete events[index];
- }
- return this;
- },
- removeEvents: function(events){
- var type;
- if (typeOf(events) == 'object'){
- for (type in events) this.removeEvent(type, events[type]);
- return this;
- }
- if (events) events = removeOn(events);
- for (type in this.$events){
- if (events && events != type) continue;
- var fns = this.$events[type];
- for (var i = fns.length; i--;) if (i in fns){
- this.removeEvent(type, fns[i]);
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
-this.Options = new Class({
- setOptions: function(){
- var options = this.options = Object.merge.apply(null, [{}, this.options].append(arguments));
- if (this.addEvent) for (var option in options){
- if (typeOf(options[option]) != 'function' || !(/^on[A-Z]/).test(option)) continue;
- this.addEvent(option, options[option]);
- delete options[option];
- }
- return this;
- }
-name: Slick.Parser
-description: Standalone CSS3 Selector parser
-provides: Slick.Parser
-var parsed,
- separatorIndex,
- combinatorIndex,
- reversed,
- cache = {},
- reverseCache = {},
- reUnescape = /\\/g;
-var parse = function(expression, isReversed){
- if (expression == null) return null;
- if (expression.Slick === true) return expression;
- expression = ('' + expression).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
- reversed = !!isReversed;
- var currentCache = (reversed) ? reverseCache : cache;
- if (currentCache[expression]) return currentCache[expression];
- parsed = {
- Slick: true,
- expressions: [],
- raw: expression,
- reverse: function(){
- return parse(this.raw, true);
- }
- };
- separatorIndex = -1;
- while (expression != (expression = expression.replace(regexp, parser)));
- parsed.length = parsed.expressions.length;
- return currentCache[parsed.raw] = (reversed) ? reverse(parsed) : parsed;
-var reverseCombinator = function(combinator){
- if (combinator === '!') return ' ';
- else if (combinator === ' ') return '!';
- else if ((/^!/).test(combinator)) return combinator.replace(/^!/, '');
- else return '!' + combinator;
-var reverse = function(expression){
- var expressions = expression.expressions;
- for (var i = 0; i < expressions.length; i++){
- var exp = expressions[i];
- var last = {parts: [], tag: '*', combinator: reverseCombinator(exp[0].combinator)};
- for (var j = 0; j < exp.length; j++){
- var cexp = exp[j];
- if (!cexp.reverseCombinator) cexp.reverseCombinator = ' ';
- cexp.combinator = cexp.reverseCombinator;
- delete cexp.reverseCombinator;
- }
- exp.reverse().push(last);
- }
- return expression;
-var escapeRegExp = function(string){// Credit: XRegExp 0.6.1 (c) 2007-2008 Steven Levithan <http://stevenlevithan.com/regex/xregexp/> MIT License
- return string.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|,#\s]/g, function(match){
- return '\\' + match;
- });
-var regexp = new RegExp(
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-puts "\t\t" + DATA.read.gsub(/\(\?x\)|\s+#.*$|\s+|\\$|\\n/,'')
- "(?x)^(?:\
- \\s* ( , ) \\s* # Separator \n\
- | \\s* ( <combinator>+ ) \\s* # Combinator \n\
- | ( \\s+ ) # CombinatorChildren \n\
- | ( <unicode>+ | \\* ) # Tag \n\
- | \\# ( <unicode>+ ) # ID \n\
- | \\. ( <unicode>+ ) # ClassName \n\
- | # Attribute \n\
- \\[ \
- \\s* (<unicode1>+) (?: \
- \\s* ([*^$!~|]?=) (?: \
- \\s* (?:\
- ([\"']?)(.*?)\\9 \
- )\
- ) \
- )? \\s* \
- \\](?!\\]) \n\
- | :+ ( <unicode>+ )(?:\
- \\( (?:\
- (?:([\"'])([^\\12]*)\\12)|((?:\\([^)]+\\)|[^()]*)+)\
- ) \\)\
- )?\
- )"
- "^(?:\\s*(,)\\s*|\\s*(<combinator>+)\\s*|(\\s+)|(<unicode>+|\\*)|\\#(<unicode>+)|\\.(<unicode>+)|\\[\\s*(<unicode1>+)(?:\\s*([*^$!~|]?=)(?:\\s*(?:([\"']?)(.*?)\\9)))?\\s*\\](?!\\])|(:+)(<unicode>+)(?:\\((?:(?:([\"'])([^\\13]*)\\13)|((?:\\([^)]+\\)|[^()]*)+))\\))?)"
- .replace(/<combinator>/, '[' + escapeRegExp(">+~`!@$%^&={}\\;</") + ']')
- .replace(/<unicode>/g, '(?:[\\w\\u00a1-\\uFFFF-]|\\\\[^\\s0-9a-f])')
- .replace(/<unicode1>/g, '(?:[:\\w\\u00a1-\\uFFFF-]|\\\\[^\\s0-9a-f])')
-function parser(
- rawMatch,
- separator,
- combinator,
- combinatorChildren,
- tagName,
- id,
- className,
- attributeKey,
- attributeOperator,
- attributeQuote,
- attributeValue,
- pseudoMarker,
- pseudoClass,
- pseudoQuote,
- pseudoClassQuotedValue,
- pseudoClassValue
- if (separator || separatorIndex === -1){
- parsed.expressions[++separatorIndex] = [];
- combinatorIndex = -1;
- if (separator) return '';
- }
- if (combinator || combinatorChildren || combinatorIndex === -1){
- combinator = combinator || ' ';
- var currentSeparator = parsed.expressions[separatorIndex];
- if (reversed && currentSeparator[combinatorIndex])
- currentSeparator[combinatorIndex].reverseCombinator = reverseCombinator(combinator);
- currentSeparator[++combinatorIndex] = {combinator: combinator, tag: '*'};
- }
- var currentParsed = parsed.expressions[separatorIndex][combinatorIndex];
- if (tagName){
- currentParsed.tag = tagName.replace(reUnescape, '');
- } else if (id){
- currentParsed.id = id.replace(reUnescape, '');
- } else if (className){
- className = className.replace(reUnescape, '');
- if (!currentParsed.classList) currentParsed.classList = [];
- if (!currentParsed.classes) currentParsed.classes = [];
- currentParsed.classList.push(className);
- currentParsed.classes.push({
- value: className,
- regexp: new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + escapeRegExp(className) + '(\\s|$)')
- });
- } else if (pseudoClass){
- pseudoClassValue = pseudoClassValue || pseudoClassQuotedValue;
- pseudoClassValue = pseudoClassValue ? pseudoClassValue.replace(reUnescape, '') : null;
- if (!currentParsed.pseudos) currentParsed.pseudos = [];
- currentParsed.pseudos.push({
- key: pseudoClass.replace(reUnescape, ''),
- value: pseudoClassValue,
- type: pseudoMarker.length == 1 ? 'class' : 'element'
- });
- } else if (attributeKey){
- attributeKey = attributeKey.replace(reUnescape, '');
- attributeValue = (attributeValue || '').replace(reUnescape, '');
- var test, regexp;
- switch (attributeOperator){
- case '^=' : regexp = new RegExp( '^'+ escapeRegExp(attributeValue) ); break;
- case '$=' : regexp = new RegExp( escapeRegExp(attributeValue) +'$' ); break;
- case '~=' : regexp = new RegExp( '(^|\\s)'+ escapeRegExp(attributeValue) +'(\\s|$)' ); break;
- case '|=' : regexp = new RegExp( '^'+ escapeRegExp(attributeValue) +'(-|$)' ); break;
- case '=' : test = function(value){
- return attributeValue == value;
- }; break;
- case '*=' : test = function(value){
- return value && value.indexOf(attributeValue) > -1;
- }; break;
- case '!=' : test = function(value){
- return attributeValue != value;
- }; break;
- default : test = function(value){
- return !!value;
- };
- }
- if (attributeValue == '' && (/^[*$^]=$/).test(attributeOperator)) test = function(){
- return false;
- };
- if (!test) test = function(value){
- return value && regexp.test(value);
- };
- if (!currentParsed.attributes) currentParsed.attributes = [];
- currentParsed.attributes.push({
- key: attributeKey,
- operator: attributeOperator,
- value: attributeValue,
- test: test
- });
- }
- return '';
-// Slick NS
-var Slick = (this.Slick || {});
-Slick.parse = function(expression){
- return parse(expression);
-Slick.escapeRegExp = escapeRegExp;
-if (!this.Slick) this.Slick = Slick;
-}).apply(/*<CommonJS>*/(typeof exports != 'undefined') ? exports : /*</CommonJS>*/this);
-name: Slick.Finder
-description: The new, superfast css selector engine.
-provides: Slick.Finder
-requires: Slick.Parser
-var local = {},
- featuresCache = {},
- toString = Object.prototype.toString;
-// Feature / Bug detection
-local.isNativeCode = function(fn){
- return (/\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}/).test('' + fn);
-local.isXML = function(document){
- return (!!document.xmlVersion) || (!!document.xml) || (toString.call(document) == '[object XMLDocument]') ||
- (document.nodeType == 9 && document.documentElement.nodeName != 'HTML');
-local.setDocument = function(document){
- // convert elements / window arguments to document. if document cannot be extrapolated, the function returns.
- var nodeType = document.nodeType;
- if (nodeType == 9); // document
- else if (nodeType) document = document.ownerDocument; // node
- else if (document.navigator) document = document.document; // window
- else return;
- // check if it's the old document
- if (this.document === document) return;
- this.document = document;
- // check if we have done feature detection on this document before
- var root = document.documentElement,
- rootUid = this.getUIDXML(root),
- features = featuresCache[rootUid],
- feature;
- if (features){
- for (feature in features){
- this[feature] = features[feature];
- }
- return;
- }
- features = featuresCache[rootUid] = {};
- features.root = root;
- features.isXMLDocument = this.isXML(document);
- features.brokenStarGEBTN
- = features.starSelectsClosedQSA
- = features.idGetsName
- = features.brokenMixedCaseQSA
- = features.brokenGEBCN
- = features.brokenCheckedQSA
- = features.brokenEmptyAttributeQSA
- = features.isHTMLDocument
- = features.nativeMatchesSelector
- = false;
- var starSelectsClosed, starSelectsComments,
- brokenSecondClassNameGEBCN, cachedGetElementsByClassName,
- brokenFormAttributeGetter;
- var selected, id = 'slick_uniqueid';
- var testNode = document.createElement('div');
- var testRoot = document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] || root;
- testRoot.appendChild(testNode);
- // on non-HTML documents innerHTML and getElementsById doesnt work properly
- try {
- testNode.innerHTML = '<a id="'+id+'"></a>';
- features.isHTMLDocument = !!document.getElementById(id);
- } catch(e){};
- if (features.isHTMLDocument){
- testNode.style.display = 'none';
- // IE returns comment nodes for getElementsByTagName('*') for some documents
- testNode.appendChild(document.createComment(''));
- starSelectsComments = (testNode.getElementsByTagName('*').length > 1);
- // IE returns closed nodes (EG:"</foo>") for getElementsByTagName('*') for some documents
- try {
- testNode.innerHTML = 'foo</foo>';
- selected = testNode.getElementsByTagName('*');
- starSelectsClosed = (selected && !!selected.length && selected[0].nodeName.charAt(0) == '/');
- } catch(e){};
- features.brokenStarGEBTN = starSelectsComments || starSelectsClosed;
- // IE returns elements with the name instead of just id for getElementsById for some documents
- try {
- testNode.innerHTML = '<a name="'+ id +'"></a><b id="'+ id +'"></b>';
- features.idGetsName = document.getElementById(id) === testNode.firstChild;
- } catch(e){};
- if (testNode.getElementsByClassName){
- // Safari 3.2 getElementsByClassName caches results
- try {
- testNode.innerHTML = '<a class="f"></a><a class="b"></a>';
- testNode.getElementsByClassName('b').length;
- testNode.firstChild.className = 'b';
- cachedGetElementsByClassName = (testNode.getElementsByClassName('b').length != 2);
- } catch(e){};
- // Opera 9.6 getElementsByClassName doesnt detects the class if its not the first one
- try {
- testNode.innerHTML = '<a class="a"></a><a class="f b a"></a>';
- brokenSecondClassNameGEBCN = (testNode.getElementsByClassName('a').length != 2);
- } catch(e){};
- features.brokenGEBCN = cachedGetElementsByClassName || brokenSecondClassNameGEBCN;
- }
- if (testNode.querySelectorAll){
- // IE 8 returns closed nodes (EG:"</foo>") for querySelectorAll('*') for some documents
- try {
- testNode.innerHTML = 'foo</foo>';
- selected = testNode.querySelectorAll('*');
- features.starSelectsClosedQSA = (selected && !!selected.length && selected[0].nodeName.charAt(0) == '/');
- } catch(e){};
- // Safari 3.2 querySelectorAll doesnt work with mixedcase on quirksmode
- try {
- testNode.innerHTML = '<a class="MiX"></a>';
- features.brokenMixedCaseQSA = !testNode.querySelectorAll('.MiX').length;
- } catch(e){};
- // Webkit and Opera dont return selected options on querySelectorAll
- try {
- testNode.innerHTML = '<select><option selected="selected">a</option></select>';
- features.brokenCheckedQSA = (testNode.querySelectorAll(':checked').length == 0);
- } catch(e){};
- // IE returns incorrect results for attr[*^$]="" selectors on querySelectorAll
- try {
- testNode.innerHTML = '<a class=""></a>';
- features.brokenEmptyAttributeQSA = (testNode.querySelectorAll('[class*=""]').length != 0);
- } catch(e){};
- }
- // IE6-7, if a form has an input of id x, form.getAttribute(x) returns a reference to the input
- try {
- testNode.innerHTML = '<form action="s"><input id="action"/></form>';
- brokenFormAttributeGetter = (testNode.firstChild.getAttribute('action') != 's');
- } catch(e){};
- // native matchesSelector function
- features.nativeMatchesSelector = root.matchesSelector || /*root.msMatchesSelector ||*/ root.mozMatchesSelector || root.webkitMatchesSelector;
- if (features.nativeMatchesSelector) try {
- // if matchesSelector trows errors on incorrect sintaxes we can use it
- features.nativeMatchesSelector.call(root, ':slick');
- features.nativeMatchesSelector = null;
- } catch(e){};
- }
- try {
- root.slick_expando = 1;
- delete root.slick_expando;
- features.getUID = this.getUIDHTML;
- } catch(e) {
- features.getUID = this.getUIDXML;
- }
- testRoot.removeChild(testNode);
- testNode = selected = testRoot = null;
- // getAttribute
- features.getAttribute = (features.isHTMLDocument && brokenFormAttributeGetter) ? function(node, name){
- var method = this.attributeGetters[name];
- if (method) return method.call(node);
- var attributeNode = node.getAttributeNode(name);
- return (attributeNode) ? attributeNode.nodeValue : null;
- } : function(node, name){
- var method = this.attributeGetters[name];
- return (method) ? method.call(node) : node.getAttribute(name);
- };
- // hasAttribute
- features.hasAttribute = (root && this.isNativeCode(root.hasAttribute)) ? function(node, attribute) {
- return node.hasAttribute(attribute);
- } : function(node, attribute) {
- node = node.getAttributeNode(attribute);
- return !!(node && (node.specified || node.nodeValue));
- };
- // contains
- // FIXME: Add specs: local.contains should be different for xml and html documents?
- features.contains = (root && this.isNativeCode(root.contains)) ? function(context, node){
- return context.contains(node);
- } : (root && root.compareDocumentPosition) ? function(context, node){
- return context === node || !!(context.compareDocumentPosition(node) & 16);
- } : function(context, node){
- if (node) do {
- if (node === context) return true;
- } while ((node = node.parentNode));
- return false;
- };
- // document order sorting
- // credits to Sizzle (http://sizzlejs.com/)
- features.documentSorter = (root.compareDocumentPosition) ? function(a, b){
- if (!a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition) return 0;
- return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : a === b ? 0 : 1;
- } : ('sourceIndex' in root) ? function(a, b){
- if (!a.sourceIndex || !b.sourceIndex) return 0;
- return a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
- } : (document.createRange) ? function(a, b){
- if (!a.ownerDocument || !b.ownerDocument) return 0;
- var aRange = a.ownerDocument.createRange(), bRange = b.ownerDocument.createRange();
- aRange.setStart(a, 0);
- aRange.setEnd(a, 0);
- bRange.setStart(b, 0);
- bRange.setEnd(b, 0);
- return aRange.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_END, bRange);
- } : null ;
- root = null;
- for (feature in features){
- this[feature] = features[feature];
- }
-// Main Method
-var reSimpleSelector = /^([#.]?)((?:[\w-]+|\*))$/,
- reEmptyAttribute = /\[.+[*$^]=(?:""|'')?\]/,
- qsaFailExpCache = {};
-local.search = function(context, expression, append, first){
- var found = this.found = (first) ? null : (append || []);
- if (!context) return found;
- else if (context.navigator) context = context.document; // Convert the node from a window to a document
- else if (!context.nodeType) return found;
- // setup
- var parsed, i,
- uniques = this.uniques = {},
- hasOthers = !!(append && append.length),
- contextIsDocument = (context.nodeType == 9);
- if (this.document !== (contextIsDocument ? context : context.ownerDocument)) this.setDocument(context);
- // avoid duplicating items already in the append array
- if (hasOthers) for (i = found.length; i--;) uniques[this.getUID(found[i])] = true;
- // expression checks
- if (typeof expression == 'string'){ // expression is a string
- /*<simple-selectors-override>*/
- var simpleSelector = expression.match(reSimpleSelector);
- simpleSelectors: if (simpleSelector) {
- var symbol = simpleSelector[1],
- name = simpleSelector[2],
- node, nodes;
- if (!symbol){
- if (name == '*' && this.brokenStarGEBTN) break simpleSelectors;
- nodes = context.getElementsByTagName(name);
- if (first) return nodes[0] || null;
- for (i = 0; node = nodes[i++];){
- if (!(hasOthers && uniques[this.getUID(node)])) found.push(node);
- }
- } else if (symbol == '#'){
- if (!this.isHTMLDocument || !contextIsDocument) break simpleSelectors;
- node = context.getElementById(name);
- if (!node) return found;
- if (this.idGetsName && node.getAttributeNode('id').nodeValue != name) break simpleSelectors;
- if (first) return node || null;
- if (!(hasOthers && uniques[this.getUID(node)])) found.push(node);
- } else if (symbol == '.'){
- if (!this.isHTMLDocument || ((!context.getElementsByClassName || this.brokenGEBCN) && context.querySelectorAll)) break simpleSelectors;
- if (context.getElementsByClassName && !this.brokenGEBCN){
- nodes = context.getElementsByClassName(name);
- if (first) return nodes[0] || null;
- for (i = 0; node = nodes[i++];){
- if (!(hasOthers && uniques[this.getUID(node)])) found.push(node);
- }
- } else {
- var matchClass = new RegExp('(^|\\s)'+ Slick.escapeRegExp(name) +'(\\s|$)');
- nodes = context.getElementsByTagName('*');
- for (i = 0; node = nodes[i++];){
- className = node.className;
- if (!(className && matchClass.test(className))) continue;
- if (first) return node;
- if (!(hasOthers && uniques[this.getUID(node)])) found.push(node);
- }
- }
- }
- if (hasOthers) this.sort(found);
- return (first) ? null : found;
- }
- /*</simple-selectors-override>*/
- /*<query-selector-override>*/
- querySelector: if (context.querySelectorAll) {
- if (!this.isHTMLDocument || this.brokenMixedCaseQSA || qsaFailExpCache[expression] ||
- (this.brokenCheckedQSA && expression.indexOf(':checked') > -1) ||
- (this.brokenEmptyAttributeQSA && reEmptyAttribute.test(expression)) || Slick.disableQSA) break querySelector;
- var _expression = expression;
- if (!contextIsDocument){
- // non-document rooted QSA
- // credits to Andrew Dupont
- var currentId = context.getAttribute('id'), slickid = 'slickid__';
- context.setAttribute('id', slickid);
- _expression = '#' + slickid + ' ' + _expression;
- }
- try {
- if (first) return context.querySelector(_expression) || null;
- else nodes = context.querySelectorAll(_expression);
- } catch(e) {
- qsaFailExpCache[expression] = 1;
- break querySelector;
- } finally {
- if (!contextIsDocument){
- if (currentId) context.setAttribute('id', currentId);
- else context.removeAttribute('id');
- }
- }
- if (this.starSelectsClosedQSA) for (i = 0; node = nodes[i++];){
- if (node.nodeName > '@' && !(hasOthers && uniques[this.getUID(node)])) found.push(node);
- } else for (i = 0; node = nodes[i++];){
- if (!(hasOthers && uniques[this.getUID(node)])) found.push(node);
- }
- if (hasOthers) this.sort(found);
- return found;
- }
- /*</query-selector-override>*/
- parsed = this.Slick.parse(expression);
- if (!parsed.length) return found;
- } else if (expression == null){ // there is no expression
- return found;
- } else if (expression.Slick){ // expression is a parsed Slick object
- parsed = expression;
- } else if (this.contains(context.documentElement || context, expression)){ // expression is a node
- (found) ? found.push(expression) : found = expression;
- return found;
- } else { // other junk
- return found;
- }
- /*<pseudo-selectors>*//*<nth-pseudo-selectors>*/
- // cache elements for the nth selectors
- this.posNTH = {};
- this.posNTHLast = {};
- this.posNTHType = {};
- this.posNTHTypeLast = {};
- /*</nth-pseudo-selectors>*//*</pseudo-selectors>*/
- // if append is null and there is only a single selector with one expression use pushArray, else use pushUID
- this.push = (!hasOthers && (first || (parsed.length == 1 && parsed.expressions[0].length == 1))) ? this.pushArray : this.pushUID;
- if (found == null) found = [];
- // default engine
- var j, m, n;
- var combinator, tag, id, classList, classes, attributes, pseudos;
- var currentItems, currentExpression, currentBit, lastBit, expressions = parsed.expressions;
- search: for (i = 0; (currentExpression = expressions[i]); i++) for (j = 0; (currentBit = currentExpression[j]); j++){
- combinator = 'combinator:' + currentBit.combinator;
- if (!this[combinator]) continue search;
- tag = (this.isXMLDocument) ? currentBit.tag : currentBit.tag.toUpperCase();
- id = currentBit.id;
- classList = currentBit.classList;
- classes = currentBit.classes;
- attributes = currentBit.attributes;
- pseudos = currentBit.pseudos;
- lastBit = (j === (currentExpression.length - 1));
- this.bitUniques = {};
- if (lastBit){
- this.uniques = uniques;
- this.found = found;
- } else {
- this.uniques = {};
- this.found = [];
- }
- if (j === 0){
- this[combinator](context, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos, classList);
- if (first && lastBit && found.length) break search;
- } else {
- if (first && lastBit) for (m = 0, n = currentItems.length; m < n; m++){
- this[combinator](currentItems[m], tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos, classList);
- if (found.length) break search;
- } else for (m = 0, n = currentItems.length; m < n; m++) this[combinator](currentItems[m], tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos, classList);
- }
- currentItems = this.found;
- }
- // should sort if there are nodes in append and if you pass multiple expressions.
- if (hasOthers || (parsed.expressions.length > 1)) this.sort(found);
- return (first) ? (found[0] || null) : found;
-// Utils
-local.uidx = 1;
-local.uidk = 'slick-uniqueid';
-local.getUIDXML = function(node){
- var uid = node.getAttribute(this.uidk);
- if (!uid){
- uid = this.uidx++;
- node.setAttribute(this.uidk, uid);
- }
- return uid;
-local.getUIDHTML = function(node){
- return node.uniqueNumber || (node.uniqueNumber = this.uidx++);
-// sort based on the setDocument documentSorter method.
-local.sort = function(results){
- if (!this.documentSorter) return results;
- results.sort(this.documentSorter);
- return results;
-local.cacheNTH = {};
-local.matchNTH = /^([+-]?\d*)?([a-z]+)?([+-]\d+)?$/;
-local.parseNTHArgument = function(argument){
- var parsed = argument.match(this.matchNTH);
- if (!parsed) return false;
- var special = parsed[2] || false;
- var a = parsed[1] || 1;
- if (a == '-') a = -1;
- var b = +parsed[3] || 0;
- parsed =
- (special == 'n') ? {a: a, b: b} :
- (special == 'odd') ? {a: 2, b: 1} :
- (special == 'even') ? {a: 2, b: 0} : {a: 0, b: a};
- return (this.cacheNTH[argument] = parsed);
-local.createNTHPseudo = function(child, sibling, positions, ofType){
- return function(node, argument){
- var uid = this.getUID(node);
- if (!this[positions][uid]){
- var parent = node.parentNode;
- if (!parent) return false;
- var el = parent[child], count = 1;
- if (ofType){
- var nodeName = node.nodeName;
- do {
- if (el.nodeName != nodeName) continue;
- this[positions][this.getUID(el)] = count++;
- } while ((el = el[sibling]));
- } else {
- do {
- if (el.nodeType != 1) continue;
- this[positions][this.getUID(el)] = count++;
- } while ((el = el[sibling]));
- }
- }
- argument = argument || 'n';
- var parsed = this.cacheNTH[argument] || this.parseNTHArgument(argument);
- if (!parsed) return false;
- var a = parsed.a, b = parsed.b, pos = this[positions][uid];
- if (a == 0) return b == pos;
- if (a > 0){
- if (pos < b) return false;
- } else {
- if (b < pos) return false;
- }
- return ((pos - b) % a) == 0;
- };
-local.pushArray = function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){
- if (this.matchSelector(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos)) this.found.push(node);
-local.pushUID = function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){
- var uid = this.getUID(node);
- if (!this.uniques[uid] && this.matchSelector(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos)){
- this.uniques[uid] = true;
- this.found.push(node);
- }
-local.matchNode = function(node, selector){
- if (this.isHTMLDocument && this.nativeMatchesSelector){
- try {
- return this.nativeMatchesSelector.call(node, selector.replace(/\[([^=]+)=\s*([^'"\]]+?)\s*\]/g, '[$1="$2"]'));
- } catch(matchError) {}
- }
- var parsed = this.Slick.parse(selector);
- if (!parsed) return true;
- // simple (single) selectors
- var expressions = parsed.expressions, reversedExpressions, simpleExpCounter = 0, i;
- for (i = 0; (currentExpression = expressions[i]); i++){
- if (currentExpression.length == 1){
- var exp = currentExpression[0];
- if (this.matchSelector(node, (this.isXMLDocument) ? exp.tag : exp.tag.toUpperCase(), exp.id, exp.classes, exp.attributes, exp.pseudos)) return true;
- simpleExpCounter++;
- }
- }
- if (simpleExpCounter == parsed.length) return false;
- var nodes = this.search(this.document, parsed), item;
- for (i = 0; item = nodes[i++];){
- if (item === node) return true;
- }
- return false;
-local.matchPseudo = function(node, name, argument){
- var pseudoName = 'pseudo:' + name;
- if (this[pseudoName]) return this[pseudoName](node, argument);
- var attribute = this.getAttribute(node, name);
- return (argument) ? argument == attribute : !!attribute;
-local.matchSelector = function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){
- if (tag){
- var nodeName = (this.isXMLDocument) ? node.nodeName : node.nodeName.toUpperCase();
- if (tag == '*'){
- if (nodeName < '@') return false; // Fix for comment nodes and closed nodes
- } else {
- if (nodeName != tag) return false;
- }
- }
- if (id && node.getAttribute('id') != id) return false;
- var i, part, cls;
- if (classes) for (i = classes.length; i--;){
- cls = node.getAttribute('class') || node.className;
- if (!(cls && classes[i].regexp.test(cls))) return false;
- }
- if (attributes) for (i = attributes.length; i--;){
- part = attributes[i];
- if (part.operator ? !part.test(this.getAttribute(node, part.key)) : !this.hasAttribute(node, part.key)) return false;
- }
- if (pseudos) for (i = pseudos.length; i--;){
- part = pseudos[i];
- if (!this.matchPseudo(node, part.key, part.value)) return false;
- }
- return true;
-var combinators = {
- ' ': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos, classList){ // all child nodes, any level
- var i, item, children;
- if (this.isHTMLDocument){
- getById: if (id){
- item = this.document.getElementById(id);
- if ((!item && node.all) || (this.idGetsName && item && item.getAttributeNode('id').nodeValue != id)){
- // all[id] returns all the elements with that name or id inside node
- // if theres just one it will return the element, else it will be a collection
- children = node.all[id];
- if (!children) return;
- if (!children[0]) children = [children];
- for (i = 0; item = children[i++];){
- var idNode = item.getAttributeNode('id');
- if (idNode && idNode.nodeValue == id){
- this.push(item, tag, null, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- break;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- if (!item){
- // if the context is in the dom we return, else we will try GEBTN, breaking the getById label
- if (this.contains(this.root, node)) return;
- else break getById;
- } else if (this.document !== node && !this.contains(node, item)) return;
- this.push(item, tag, null, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- return;
- }
- getByClass: if (classes && node.getElementsByClassName && !this.brokenGEBCN){
- children = node.getElementsByClassName(classList.join(' '));
- if (!(children && children.length)) break getByClass;
- for (i = 0; item = children[i++];) this.push(item, tag, id, null, attributes, pseudos);
- return;
- }
- }
- getByTag: {
- children = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);
- if (!(children && children.length)) break getByTag;
- if (!this.brokenStarGEBTN) tag = null;
- for (i = 0; item = children[i++];) this.push(item, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- }
- },
- '>': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // direct children
- if ((node = node.firstChild)) do {
- if (node.nodeType == 1) this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- } while ((node = node.nextSibling));
- },
- '+': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // next sibling
- while ((node = node.nextSibling)) if (node.nodeType == 1){
- this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- break;
- }
- },
- '^': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // first child
- node = node.firstChild;
- if (node){
- if (node.nodeType == 1) this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- else this['combinator:+'](node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- }
- },
- '~': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // next siblings
- while ((node = node.nextSibling)){
- if (node.nodeType != 1) continue;
- var uid = this.getUID(node);
- if (this.bitUniques[uid]) break;
- this.bitUniques[uid] = true;
- this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- }
- },
- '++': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // next sibling and previous sibling
- this['combinator:+'](node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- this['combinator:!+'](node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- },
- '~~': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // next siblings and previous siblings
- this['combinator:~'](node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- this['combinator:!~'](node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- },
- '!': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // all parent nodes up to document
- while ((node = node.parentNode)) if (node !== this.document) this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- },
- '!>': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // direct parent (one level)
- node = node.parentNode;
- if (node !== this.document) this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- },
- '!+': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // previous sibling
- while ((node = node.previousSibling)) if (node.nodeType == 1){
- this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- break;
- }
- },
- '!^': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // last child
- node = node.lastChild;
- if (node){
- if (node.nodeType == 1) this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- else this['combinator:!+'](node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- }
- },
- '!~': function(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos){ // previous siblings
- while ((node = node.previousSibling)){
- if (node.nodeType != 1) continue;
- var uid = this.getUID(node);
- if (this.bitUniques[uid]) break;
- this.bitUniques[uid] = true;
- this.push(node, tag, id, classes, attributes, pseudos);
- }
- }
-for (var c in combinators) local['combinator:' + c] = combinators[c];
-var pseudos = {
- /*<pseudo-selectors>*/
- 'empty': function(node){
- var child = node.firstChild;
- return !(child && child.nodeType == 1) && !(node.innerText || node.textContent || '').length;
- },
- 'not': function(node, expression){
- return !this.matchNode(node, expression);
- },
- 'contains': function(node, text){
- return (node.innerText || node.textContent || '').indexOf(text) > -1;
- },
- 'first-child': function(node){
- while ((node = node.previousSibling)) if (node.nodeType == 1) return false;
- return true;
- },
- 'last-child': function(node){
- while ((node = node.nextSibling)) if (node.nodeType == 1) return false;
- return true;
- },
- 'only-child': function(node){
- var prev = node;
- while ((prev = prev.previousSibling)) if (prev.nodeType == 1) return false;
- var next = node;
- while ((next = next.nextSibling)) if (next.nodeType == 1) return false;
- return true;
- },
- /*<nth-pseudo-selectors>*/
- 'nth-child': local.createNTHPseudo('firstChild', 'nextSibling', 'posNTH'),
- 'nth-last-child': local.createNTHPseudo('lastChild', 'previousSibling', 'posNTHLast'),
- 'nth-of-type': local.createNTHPseudo('firstChild', 'nextSibling', 'posNTHType', true),
- 'nth-last-of-type': local.createNTHPseudo('lastChild', 'previousSibling', 'posNTHTypeLast', true),
- 'index': function(node, index){
- return this['pseudo:nth-child'](node, '' + index + 1);
- },
- 'even': function(node){
- return this['pseudo:nth-child'](node, '2n');
- },
- 'odd': function(node){
- return this['pseudo:nth-child'](node, '2n+1');
- },
- /*</nth-pseudo-selectors>*/
- /*<of-type-pseudo-selectors>*/
- 'first-of-type': function(node){
- var nodeName = node.nodeName;
- while ((node = node.previousSibling)) if (node.nodeName == nodeName) return false;
- return true;
- },
- 'last-of-type': function(node){
- var nodeName = node.nodeName;
- while ((node = node.nextSibling)) if (node.nodeName == nodeName) return false;
- return true;
- },
- 'only-of-type': function(node){
- var prev = node, nodeName = node.nodeName;
- while ((prev = prev.previousSibling)) if (prev.nodeName == nodeName) return false;
- var next = node;
- while ((next = next.nextSibling)) if (next.nodeName == nodeName) return false;
- return true;
- },
- /*</of-type-pseudo-selectors>*/
- // custom pseudos
- 'enabled': function(node){
- return !node.disabled;
- },
- 'disabled': function(node){
- return node.disabled;
- },
- 'checked': function(node){
- return node.checked || node.selected;
- },
- 'focus': function(node){
- return this.isHTMLDocument && this.document.activeElement === node && (node.href || node.type || this.hasAttribute(node, 'tabindex'));
- },
- 'root': function(node){
- return (node === this.root);
- },
- 'selected': function(node){
- return node.selected;
- }
- /*</pseudo-selectors>*/
-for (var p in pseudos) local['pseudo:' + p] = pseudos[p];
-// attributes methods
-local.attributeGetters = {
- 'class': function(){
- return this.getAttribute('class') || this.className;
- },
- 'for': function(){
- return ('htmlFor' in this) ? this.htmlFor : this.getAttribute('for');
- },
- 'href': function(){
- return ('href' in this) ? this.getAttribute('href', 2) : this.getAttribute('href');
- },
- 'style': function(){
- return (this.style) ? this.style.cssText : this.getAttribute('style');
- },
- 'tabindex': function(){
- var attributeNode = this.getAttributeNode('tabindex');
- return (attributeNode && attributeNode.specified) ? attributeNode.nodeValue : null;
- },
- 'type': function(){
- return this.getAttribute('type');
- }
-// Slick
-var Slick = local.Slick = (this.Slick || {});
-Slick.version = '1.1.5';
-// Slick finder
-Slick.search = function(context, expression, append){
- return local.search(context, expression, append);
-Slick.find = function(context, expression){
- return local.search(context, expression, null, true);
-// Slick containment checker
-Slick.contains = function(container, node){
- local.setDocument(container);
- return local.contains(container, node);
-// Slick attribute getter
-Slick.getAttribute = function(node, name){
- return local.getAttribute(node, name);
-// Slick matcher
-Slick.match = function(node, selector){
- if (!(node && selector)) return false;
- if (!selector || selector === node) return true;
- local.setDocument(node);
- return local.matchNode(node, selector);
-// Slick attribute accessor
-Slick.defineAttributeGetter = function(name, fn){
- local.attributeGetters[name] = fn;
- return this;
-Slick.lookupAttributeGetter = function(name){
- return local.attributeGetters[name];
-// Slick pseudo accessor
-Slick.definePseudo = function(name, fn){
- local['pseudo:' + name] = function(node, argument){
- return fn.call(node, argument);
- };
- return this;
-Slick.lookupPseudo = function(name){
- var pseudo = local['pseudo:' + name];
- if (pseudo) return function(argument){
- return pseudo.call(this, argument);
- };
- return null;
-// Slick overrides accessor
-Slick.override = function(regexp, fn){
- local.override(regexp, fn);
- return this;
-Slick.isXML = local.isXML;
-Slick.uidOf = function(node){
- return local.getUIDHTML(node);
-if (!this.Slick) this.Slick = Slick;
-}).apply(/*<CommonJS>*/(typeof exports != 'undefined') ? exports : /*</CommonJS>*/this);
-name: Element
-description: One of the most important items in MooTools. Contains the dollar function, the dollars function, and an handful of cross-browser, time-saver methods to let you easily work with HTML Elements.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: [Window, Document, Array, String, Function, Number, Slick.Parser, Slick.Finder]
-provides: [Element, Elements, $, $$, Iframe, Selectors]
-var Element = function(tag, props){
- var konstructor = Element.Constructors[tag];
- if (konstructor) return konstructor(props);
- if (typeof tag != 'string') return document.id(tag).set(props);
- if (!props) props = {};
- if (!(/^[\w-]+$/).test(tag)){
- var parsed = Slick.parse(tag).expressions[0][0];
- tag = (parsed.tag == '*') ? 'div' : parsed.tag;
- if (parsed.id && props.id == null) props.id = parsed.id;
- var attributes = parsed.attributes;
- if (attributes) for (var i = 0, l = attributes.length; i < l; i++){
- var attr = attributes[i];
- if (attr.value != null && attr.operator == '=' && props[attr.key] == null)
- props[attr.key] = attr.value;
- }
- if (parsed.classList && props['class'] == null) props['class'] = parsed.classList.join(' ');
- }
- return document.newElement(tag, props);
-if (Browser.Element) Element.prototype = Browser.Element.prototype;
-new Type('Element', Element).mirror(function(name){
- if (Array.prototype[name]) return;
- var obj = {};
- obj[name] = function(){
- var results = [], args = arguments, elements = true;
- for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++){
- var element = this[i], result = results[i] = element[name].apply(element, args);
- elements = (elements && typeOf(result) == 'element');
- }
- return (elements) ? new Elements(results) : results;
- };
- Elements.implement(obj);
-if (!Browser.Element){
- Element.parent = Object;
- Element.Prototype = {'$family': Function.from('element').hide()};
- Element.mirror(function(name, method){
- Element.Prototype[name] = method;
- });
-Element.Constructors = {};
-var IFrame = new Type('IFrame', function(){
- var params = Array.link(arguments, {
- properties: Type.isObject,
- iframe: function(obj){
- return (obj != null);
- }
- });
- var props = params.properties || {}, iframe;
- if (params.iframe) iframe = document.id(params.iframe);
- var onload = props.onload || function(){};
- delete props.onload;
- props.id = props.name = [props.id, props.name, iframe ? (iframe.id || iframe.name) : 'IFrame_' + String.uniqueID()].pick();
- iframe = new Element(iframe || 'iframe', props);
- var onLoad = function(){
- onload.call(iframe.contentWindow);
- };
- if (window.frames[props.id]) onLoad();
- else iframe.addListener('load', onLoad);
- return iframe;
-var Elements = this.Elements = function(nodes){
- if (nodes && nodes.length){
- var uniques = {}, node;
- for (var i = 0; node = nodes[i++];){
- var uid = Slick.uidOf(node);
- if (!uniques[uid]){
- uniques[uid] = true;
- this.push(node);
- }
- }
- }
-Elements.prototype = {length: 0};
-Elements.parent = Array;
-new Type('Elements', Elements).implement({
- filter: function(filter, bind){
- if (!filter) return this;
- return new Elements(Array.filter(this, (typeOf(filter) == 'string') ? function(item){
- return item.match(filter);
- } : filter, bind));
- }.protect(),
- push: function(){
- var length = this.length;
- for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){
- var item = document.id(arguments[i]);
- if (item) this[length++] = item;
- }
- return (this.length = length);
- }.protect(),
- unshift: function(){
- var items = [];
- for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){
- var item = document.id(arguments[i]);
- if (item) items.push(item);
- }
- return Array.prototype.unshift.apply(this, items);
- }.protect(),
- concat: function(){
- var newElements = new Elements(this);
- for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){
- var item = arguments[i];
- if (Type.isEnumerable(item)) newElements.append(item);
- else newElements.push(item);
- }
- return newElements;
- }.protect(),
- append: function(collection){
- for (var i = 0, l = collection.length; i < l; i++) this.push(collection[i]);
- return this;
- }.protect(),
- empty: function(){
- while (this.length) delete this[--this.length];
- return this;
- }.protect()
-// FF, IE
-var splice = Array.prototype.splice, object = {'0': 0, '1': 1, length: 2};
-splice.call(object, 1, 1);
-if (object[1] == 1) Elements.implement('splice', function(){
- var length = this.length;
- splice.apply(this, arguments);
- while (length >= this.length) delete this[length--];
- return this;
-var createElementAcceptsHTML;
-try {
- var x = document.createElement('<input name=x>');
- createElementAcceptsHTML = (x.name == 'x');
-} catch(e){}
-var escapeQuotes = function(html){
- return ('' + html).replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
- newElement: function(tag, props){
- if (props && props.checked != null) props.defaultChecked = props.checked;
- /*<ltIE8>*/// Fix for readonly name and type properties in IE < 8
- if (createElementAcceptsHTML && props){
- tag = '<' + tag;
- if (props.name) tag += ' name="' + escapeQuotes(props.name) + '"';
- if (props.type) tag += ' type="' + escapeQuotes(props.type) + '"';
- tag += '>';
- delete props.name;
- delete props.type;
- }
- /*</ltIE8>*/
- return this.id(this.createElement(tag)).set(props);
- }
- newTextNode: function(text){
- return this.createTextNode(text);
- },
- getDocument: function(){
- return this;
- },
- getWindow: function(){
- return this.window;
- },
- id: (function(){
- var types = {
- string: function(id, nocash, doc){
- id = Slick.find(doc, '#' + id.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1'));
- return (id) ? types.element(id, nocash) : null;
- },
- element: function(el, nocash){
- $uid(el);
- if (!nocash && !el.$family && !(/^(?:object|embed)$/i).test(el.tagName)){
- Object.append(el, Element.Prototype);
- }
- return el;
- },
- object: function(obj, nocash, doc){
- if (obj.toElement) return types.element(obj.toElement(doc), nocash);
- return null;
- }
- };
- types.textnode = types.whitespace = types.window = types.document = function(zero){
- return zero;
- };
- return function(el, nocash, doc){
- if (el && el.$family && el.uid) return el;
- var type = typeOf(el);
- return (types[type]) ? types[type](el, nocash, doc || document) : null;
- };
- })()
-if (window.$ == null) Window.implement('$', function(el, nc){
- return document.id(el, nc, this.document);
- getDocument: function(){
- return this.document;
- },
- getWindow: function(){
- return this;
- }
-[Document, Element].invoke('implement', {
- getElements: function(expression){
- return Slick.search(this, expression, new Elements);
- },
- getElement: function(expression){
- return document.id(Slick.find(this, expression));
- }
-if (window.$$ == null) Window.implement('$$', function(selector){
- if (arguments.length == 1){
- if (typeof selector == 'string') return Slick.search(this.document, selector, new Elements);
- else if (Type.isEnumerable(selector)) return new Elements(selector);
- }
- return new Elements(arguments);
-var collected = {}, storage = {};
-var formProps = {input: 'checked', option: 'selected', textarea: 'value'};
-var get = function(uid){
- return (storage[uid] || (storage[uid] = {}));
-var clean = function(item){
- var uid = item.uid;
- if (item.removeEvents) item.removeEvents();
- if (item.clearAttributes) item.clearAttributes();
- if (uid != null){
- delete collected[uid];
- delete storage[uid];
- }
- return item;
-var camels = ['defaultValue', 'accessKey', 'cellPadding', 'cellSpacing', 'colSpan', 'frameBorder', 'maxLength', 'readOnly',
- 'rowSpan', 'tabIndex', 'useMap'
-var bools = ['compact', 'nowrap', 'ismap', 'declare', 'noshade', 'checked', 'disabled', 'readOnly', 'multiple', 'selected',
- 'noresize', 'defer', 'defaultChecked'
- var attributes = {
- 'html': 'innerHTML',
- 'class': 'className',
- 'for': 'htmlFor',
- 'text': (function(){
- var temp = document.createElement('div');
- return (temp.textContent == null) ? 'innerText' : 'textContent';
- })()
-var readOnly = ['type'];
-var expandos = ['value', 'defaultValue'];
-var uriAttrs = /^(?:href|src|usemap)$/i;
-bools = bools.associate(bools);
-camels = camels.associate(camels.map(String.toLowerCase));
-readOnly = readOnly.associate(readOnly);
-Object.append(attributes, expandos.associate(expandos));
-var inserters = {
- before: function(context, element){
- var parent = element.parentNode;
- if (parent) parent.insertBefore(context, element);
- },
- after: function(context, element){
- var parent = element.parentNode;
- if (parent) parent.insertBefore(context, element.nextSibling);
- },
- bottom: function(context, element){
- element.appendChild(context);
- },
- top: function(context, element){
- element.insertBefore(context, element.firstChild);
- }
-inserters.inside = inserters.bottom;
-var injectCombinator = function(expression, combinator){
- if (!expression) return combinator;
- expression = Object.clone(Slick.parse(expression));
- var expressions = expression.expressions;
- for (var i = expressions.length; i--;)
- expressions[i][0].combinator = combinator;
- return expression;
- set: function(prop, value){
- var property = Element.Properties[prop];
- (property && property.set) ? property.set.call(this, value) : this.setProperty(prop, value);
- }.overloadSetter(),
- get: function(prop){
- var property = Element.Properties[prop];
- return (property && property.get) ? property.get.apply(this) : this.getProperty(prop);
- }.overloadGetter(),
- erase: function(prop){
- var property = Element.Properties[prop];
- (property && property.erase) ? property.erase.apply(this) : this.removeProperty(prop);
- return this;
- },
- setProperty: function(attribute, value){
- attribute = camels[attribute] || attribute;
- if (value == null) return this.removeProperty(attribute);
- var key = attributes[attribute];
- (key) ? this[key] = value :
- (bools[attribute]) ? this[attribute] = !!value : this.setAttribute(attribute, '' + value);
- return this;
- },
- setProperties: function(attributes){
- for (var attribute in attributes) this.setProperty(attribute, attributes[attribute]);
- return this;
- },
- getProperty: function(attribute){
- attribute = camels[attribute] || attribute;
- var key = attributes[attribute] || readOnly[attribute];
- return (key) ? this[key] :
- (bools[attribute]) ? !!this[attribute] :
- (uriAttrs.test(attribute) ? this.getAttribute(attribute, 2) :
- (key = this.getAttributeNode(attribute)) ? key.nodeValue : null) || null;
- },
- getProperties: function(){
- var args = Array.from(arguments);
- return args.map(this.getProperty, this).associate(args);
- },
- removeProperty: function(attribute){
- attribute = camels[attribute] || attribute;
- var key = attributes[attribute];
- (key) ? this[key] = '' :
- (bools[attribute]) ? this[attribute] = false : this.removeAttribute(attribute);
- return this;
- },
- removeProperties: function(){
- Array.each(arguments, this.removeProperty, this);
- return this;
- },
- hasClass: function(className){
- return this.className.clean().contains(className, ' ');
- },
- addClass: function(className){
- if (!this.hasClass(className)) this.className = (this.className + ' ' + className).clean();
- return this;
- },
- removeClass: function(className){
- this.className = this.className.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + className + '(?:\\s|$)'), '$1');
- return this;
- },
- toggleClass: function(className, force){
- if (force == null) force = !this.hasClass(className);
- return (force) ? this.addClass(className) : this.removeClass(className);
- },
- adopt: function(){
- var parent = this, fragment, elements = Array.flatten(arguments), length = elements.length;
- if (length > 1) parent = fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
- for (var i = 0; i < length; i++){
- var element = document.id(elements[i], true);
- if (element) parent.appendChild(element);
- }
- if (fragment) this.appendChild(fragment);
- return this;
- },
- appendText: function(text, where){
- return this.grab(this.getDocument().newTextNode(text), where);
- },
- grab: function(el, where){
- inserters[where || 'bottom'](document.id(el, true), this);
- return this;
- },
- inject: function(el, where){
- inserters[where || 'bottom'](this, document.id(el, true));
- return this;
- },
- replaces: function(el){
- el = document.id(el, true);
- el.parentNode.replaceChild(this, el);
- return this;
- },
- wraps: function(el, where){
- el = document.id(el, true);
- return this.replaces(el).grab(el, where);
- },
- getPrevious: function(expression){
- return document.id(Slick.find(this, injectCombinator(expression, '!~')));
- },
- getAllPrevious: function(expression){
- return Slick.search(this, injectCombinator(expression, '!~'), new Elements);
- },
- getNext: function(expression){
- return document.id(Slick.find(this, injectCombinator(expression, '~')));
- },
- getAllNext: function(expression){
- return Slick.search(this, injectCombinator(expression, '~'), new Elements);
- },
- getFirst: function(expression){
- return document.id(Slick.search(this, injectCombinator(expression, '>'))[0]);
- },
- getLast: function(expression){
- return document.id(Slick.search(this, injectCombinator(expression, '>')).getLast());
- },
- getParent: function(expression){
- return document.id(Slick.find(this, injectCombinator(expression, '!')));
- },
- getParents: function(expression){
- return Slick.search(this, injectCombinator(expression, '!'), new Elements);
- },
- getSiblings: function(expression){
- return Slick.search(this, injectCombinator(expression, '~~'), new Elements);
- },
- getChildren: function(expression){
- return Slick.search(this, injectCombinator(expression, '>'), new Elements);
- },
- getWindow: function(){
- return this.ownerDocument.window;
- },
- getDocument: function(){
- return this.ownerDocument;
- },
- getElementById: function(id){
- return document.id(Slick.find(this, '#' + ('' + id).replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1')));
- },
- getSelected: function(){
- this.selectedIndex; // Safari 3.2.1
- return new Elements(Array.from(this.options).filter(function(option){
- return option.selected;
- }));
- },
- toQueryString: function(){
- var queryString = [];
- this.getElements('input, select, textarea').each(function(el){
- var type = el.type;
- if (!el.name || el.disabled || type == 'submit' || type == 'reset' || type == 'file' || type == 'image') return;
- var value = (el.get('tag') == 'select') ? el.getSelected().map(function(opt){
- // IE
- return document.id(opt).get('value');
- }) : ((type == 'radio' || type == 'checkbox') && !el.checked) ? null : el.get('value');
- Array.from(value).each(function(val){
- if (typeof val != 'undefined') queryString.push(encodeURIComponent(el.name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val));
- });
- });
- return queryString.join('&');
- },
- destroy: function(){
- var children = clean(this).getElementsByTagName('*');
- Array.each(children, clean);
- Element.dispose(this);
- return null;
- },
- empty: function(){
- Array.from(this.childNodes).each(Element.dispose);
- return this;
- },
- dispose: function(){
- return (this.parentNode) ? this.parentNode.removeChild(this) : this;
- },
- match: function(expression){
- return !expression || Slick.match(this, expression);
- }
-var cleanClone = function(node, element, keepid){
- if (!keepid) node.setAttributeNode(document.createAttribute('id'));
- if (node.clearAttributes){
- node.clearAttributes();
- node.mergeAttributes(element);
- node.removeAttribute('uid');
- if (node.options){
- var no = node.options, eo = element.options;
- for (var i = no.length; i--;) no[i].selected = eo[i].selected;
- }
- }
- var prop = formProps[element.tagName.toLowerCase()];
- if (prop && element[prop]) node[prop] = element[prop];
-Element.implement('clone', function(contents, keepid){
- contents = contents !== false;
- var clone = this.cloneNode(contents), i;
- if (contents){
- var ce = clone.getElementsByTagName('*'), te = this.getElementsByTagName('*');
- for (i = ce.length; i--;) cleanClone(ce[i], te[i], keepid);
- }
- cleanClone(clone, this, keepid);
- if (Browser.ie){
- var co = clone.getElementsByTagName('object'), to = this.getElementsByTagName('object');
- for (i = co.length; i--;) co[i].outerHTML = to[i].outerHTML;
- }
- return document.id(clone);
-var contains = {contains: function(element){
- return Slick.contains(this, element);
-if (!document.contains) Document.implement(contains);
-if (!document.createElement('div').contains) Element.implement(contains);
-[Element, Window, Document].invoke('implement', {
- addListener: function(type, fn){
- if (type == 'unload'){
- var old = fn, self = this;
- fn = function(){
- self.removeListener('unload', fn);
- old();
- };
- } else {
- collected[$uid(this)] = this;
- }
- if (this.addEventListener) this.addEventListener(type, fn, !!arguments[2]);
- else this.attachEvent('on' + type, fn);
- return this;
- },
- removeListener: function(type, fn){
- if (this.removeEventListener) this.removeEventListener(type, fn, !!arguments[2]);
- else this.detachEvent('on' + type, fn);
- return this;
- },
- retrieve: function(property, dflt){
- var storage = get($uid(this)), prop = storage[property];
- if (dflt != null && prop == null) prop = storage[property] = dflt;
- return prop != null ? prop : null;
- },
- store: function(property, value){
- var storage = get($uid(this));
- storage[property] = value;
- return this;
- },
- eliminate: function(property){
- var storage = get($uid(this));
- delete storage[property];
- return this;
- }
-// IE purge
-if (window.attachEvent && !window.addEventListener) window.addListener('unload', function(){
- Object.each(collected, clean);
- if (window.CollectGarbage) CollectGarbage();
-Element.Properties = {};
-Element.Properties.style = {
- set: function(style){
- this.style.cssText = style;
- },
- get: function(){
- return this.style.cssText;
- },
- erase: function(){
- this.style.cssText = '';
- }
-Element.Properties.tag = {
- get: function(){
- return this.tagName.toLowerCase();
- }
- if (maxLength != null) Element.Properties.maxlength = Element.Properties.maxLength = {
- get: function(){
- var maxlength = this.getAttribute('maxLength');
- return maxlength == maxLength ? null : maxlength;
- }
- };
-Element.Properties.html = (function(){
- var tableTest = Function.attempt(function(){
- var table = document.createElement('table');
- table.innerHTML = '<tr><td></td></tr>';
- });
- var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
- var translations = {
- table: [1, '<table>', '</table>'],
- select: [1, '<select>', '</select>'],
- tbody: [2, '<table><tbody>', '</tbody></table>'],
- tr: [3, '<table><tbody><tr>', '</tr></tbody></table>']
- };
- translations.thead = translations.tfoot = translations.tbody;
- var html = {
- set: function(){
- var html = Array.flatten(arguments).join('');
- var wrap = (!tableTest && translations[this.get('tag')]);
- if (wrap){
- var first = wrapper;
- first.innerHTML = wrap[1] + html + wrap[2];
- for (var i = wrap[0]; i--;) first = first.firstChild;
- this.empty().adopt(first.childNodes);
- } else {
- this.innerHTML = html;
- }
- }
- };
- html.erase = html.set;
- return html;
-name: Element.Style
-description: Contains methods for interacting with the styles of Elements in a fashionable way.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: Element
-provides: Element.Style
-var html = document.html;
-Element.Properties.styles = {set: function(styles){
- this.setStyles(styles);
-var hasOpacity = (html.style.opacity != null);
-var reAlpha = /alpha\(opacity=([\d.]+)\)/i;
-var setOpacity = function(element, opacity){
- if (!element.currentStyle || !element.currentStyle.hasLayout) element.style.zoom = 1;
- if (hasOpacity){
- element.style.opacity = opacity;
- } else {
- opacity = (opacity == 1) ? '' : 'alpha(opacity=' + opacity * 100 + ')';
- var filter = element.style.filter || element.getComputedStyle('filter') || '';
- element.style.filter = reAlpha.test(filter) ? filter.replace(reAlpha, opacity) : filter + opacity;
- }
-Element.Properties.opacity = {
- set: function(opacity){
- var visibility = this.style.visibility;
- if (opacity == 0 && visibility != 'hidden') this.style.visibility = 'hidden';
- else if (opacity != 0 && visibility != 'visible') this.style.visibility = 'visible';
- setOpacity(this, opacity);
- },
- get: (hasOpacity) ? function(){
- var opacity = this.style.opacity || this.getComputedStyle('opacity');
- return (opacity == '') ? 1 : opacity;
- } : function(){
- var opacity, filter = (this.style.filter || this.getComputedStyle('filter'));
- if (filter) opacity = filter.match(reAlpha);
- return (opacity == null || filter == null) ? 1 : (opacity[1] / 100);
- }
-var floatName = (html.style.cssFloat == null) ? 'styleFloat' : 'cssFloat';
- getComputedStyle: function(property){
- if (this.currentStyle) return this.currentStyle[property.camelCase()];
- var defaultView = Element.getDocument(this).defaultView,
- computed = defaultView ? defaultView.getComputedStyle(this, null) : null;
- return (computed) ? computed.getPropertyValue((property == floatName) ? 'float' : property.hyphenate()) : null;
- },
- setOpacity: function(value){
- setOpacity(this, value);
- return this;
- },
- getOpacity: function(){
- return this.get('opacity');
- },
- setStyle: function(property, value){
- switch (property){
- case 'opacity': return this.set('opacity', parseFloat(value));
- case 'float': property = floatName;
- }
- property = property.camelCase();
- if (typeOf(value) != 'string'){
- var map = (Element.Styles[property] || '@').split(' ');
- value = Array.from(value).map(function(val, i){
- if (!map[i]) return '';
- return (typeOf(val) == 'number') ? map[i].replace('@', Math.round(val)) : val;
- }).join(' ');
- } else if (value == String(Number(value))){
- value = Math.round(value);
- }
- this.style[property] = value;
- return this;
- },
- getStyle: function(property){
- switch (property){
- case 'opacity': return this.get('opacity');
- case 'float': property = floatName;
- }
- property = property.camelCase();
- var result = this.style[property];
- if (!result || property == 'zIndex'){
- result = [];
- for (var style in Element.ShortStyles){
- if (property != style) continue;
- for (var s in Element.ShortStyles[style]) result.push(this.getStyle(s));
- return result.join(' ');
- }
- result = this.getComputedStyle(property);
- }
- if (result){
- result = String(result);
- var color = result.match(/rgba?\([\d\s,]+\)/);
- if (color) result = result.replace(color[0], color[0].rgbToHex());
- }
- if (Browser.opera || (Browser.ie && isNaN(parseFloat(result)))){
- if ((/^(height|width)$/).test(property)){
- var values = (property == 'width') ? ['left', 'right'] : ['top', 'bottom'], size = 0;
- values.each(function(value){
- size += this.getStyle('border-' + value + '-width').toInt() + this.getStyle('padding-' + value).toInt();
- }, this);
- return this['offset' + property.capitalize()] - size + 'px';
- }
- if (Browser.opera && String(result).indexOf('px') != -1) return result;
- if ((/^border(.+)Width|margin|padding/).test(property)) return '0px';
- }
- return result;
- },
- setStyles: function(styles){
- for (var style in styles) this.setStyle(style, styles[style]);
- return this;
- },
- getStyles: function(){
- var result = {};
- Array.flatten(arguments).each(function(key){
- result[key] = this.getStyle(key);
- }, this);
- return result;
- }
-Element.Styles = {
- left: '@px', top: '@px', bottom: '@px', right: '@px',
- width: '@px', height: '@px', maxWidth: '@px', maxHeight: '@px', minWidth: '@px', minHeight: '@px',
- backgroundColor: 'rgb(@, @, @)', backgroundPosition: '@px @px', color: 'rgb(@, @, @)',
- fontSize: '@px', letterSpacing: '@px', lineHeight: '@px', clip: 'rect(@px @px @px @px)',
- margin: '@px @px @px @px', padding: '@px @px @px @px', border: '@px @ rgb(@, @, @) @px @ rgb(@, @, @) @px @ rgb(@, @, @)',
- borderWidth: '@px @px @px @px', borderStyle: '@ @ @ @', borderColor: 'rgb(@, @, @) rgb(@, @, @) rgb(@, @, @) rgb(@, @, @)',
- zIndex: '@', 'zoom': '@', fontWeight: '@', textIndent: '@px', opacity: '@'
-Element.ShortStyles = {margin: {}, padding: {}, border: {}, borderWidth: {}, borderStyle: {}, borderColor: {}};
-['Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'Left'].each(function(direction){
- var Short = Element.ShortStyles;
- var All = Element.Styles;
- ['margin', 'padding'].each(function(style){
- var sd = style + direction;
- Short[style][sd] = All[sd] = '@px';
- });
- var bd = 'border' + direction;
- Short.border[bd] = All[bd] = '@px @ rgb(@, @, @)';
- var bdw = bd + 'Width', bds = bd + 'Style', bdc = bd + 'Color';
- Short[bd] = {};
- Short.borderWidth[bdw] = Short[bd][bdw] = All[bdw] = '@px';
- Short.borderStyle[bds] = Short[bd][bds] = All[bds] = '@';
- Short.borderColor[bdc] = Short[bd][bdc] = All[bdc] = 'rgb(@, @, @)';
-name: Element.Event
-description: Contains Element methods for dealing with events. This file also includes mouseenter and mouseleave custom Element Events.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: [Element, Event]
-provides: Element.Event
-Element.Properties.events = {set: function(events){
- this.addEvents(events);
-[Element, Window, Document].invoke('implement', {
- addEvent: function(type, fn){
- var events = this.retrieve('events', {});
- if (!events[type]) events[type] = {keys: [], values: []};
- if (events[type].keys.contains(fn)) return this;
- events[type].keys.push(fn);
- var realType = type,
- custom = Element.Events[type],
- condition = fn,
- self = this;
- if (custom){
- if (custom.onAdd) custom.onAdd.call(this, fn);
- if (custom.condition){
- condition = function(event){
- if (custom.condition.call(this, event)) return fn.call(this, event);
- return true;
- };
- }
- realType = custom.base || realType;
- }
- var defn = function(){
- return fn.call(self);
- };
- var nativeEvent = Element.NativeEvents[realType];
- if (nativeEvent){
- if (nativeEvent == 2){
- defn = function(event){
- event = new Event(event, self.getWindow());
- if (condition.call(self, event) === false) event.stop();
- };
- }
- this.addListener(realType, defn, arguments[2]);
- }
- events[type].values.push(defn);
- return this;
- },
- removeEvent: function(type, fn){
- var events = this.retrieve('events');
- if (!events || !events[type]) return this;
- var list = events[type];
- var index = list.keys.indexOf(fn);
- if (index == -1) return this;
- var value = list.values[index];
- delete list.keys[index];
- delete list.values[index];
- var custom = Element.Events[type];
- if (custom){
- if (custom.onRemove) custom.onRemove.call(this, fn);
- type = custom.base || type;
- }
- return (Element.NativeEvents[type]) ? this.removeListener(type, value, arguments[2]) : this;
- },
- addEvents: function(events){
- for (var event in events) this.addEvent(event, events[event]);
- return this;
- },
- removeEvents: function(events){
- var type;
- if (typeOf(events) == 'object'){
- for (type in events) this.removeEvent(type, events[type]);
- return this;
- }
- var attached = this.retrieve('events');
- if (!attached) return this;
- if (!events){
- for (type in attached) this.removeEvents(type);
- this.eliminate('events');
- } else if (attached[events]){
- attached[events].keys.each(function(fn){
- this.removeEvent(events, fn);
- }, this);
- delete attached[events];
- }
- return this;
- },
- fireEvent: function(type, args, delay){
- var events = this.retrieve('events');
- if (!events || !events[type]) return this;
- args = Array.from(args);
- events[type].keys.each(function(fn){
- if (delay) fn.delay(delay, this, args);
- else fn.apply(this, args);
- }, this);
- return this;
- },
- cloneEvents: function(from, type){
- from = document.id(from);
- var events = from.retrieve('events');
- if (!events) return this;
- if (!type){
- for (var eventType in events) this.cloneEvents(from, eventType);
- } else if (events[type]){
- events[type].keys.each(function(fn){
- this.addEvent(type, fn);
- }, this);
- }
- return this;
- }
-Element.NativeEvents = {
- click: 2, dblclick: 2, mouseup: 2, mousedown: 2, contextmenu: 2, //mouse buttons
- mousewheel: 2, DOMMouseScroll: 2, //mouse wheel
- mouseover: 2, mouseout: 2, mousemove: 2, selectstart: 2, selectend: 2, //mouse movement
- keydown: 2, keypress: 2, keyup: 2, //keyboard
- orientationchange: 2, // mobile
- touchstart: 2, touchmove: 2, touchend: 2, touchcancel: 2, // touch
- gesturestart: 2, gesturechange: 2, gestureend: 2, // gesture
- focus: 2, blur: 2, change: 2, reset: 2, select: 2, submit: 2, //form elements
- load: 2, unload: 1, beforeunload: 2, resize: 1, move: 1, DOMContentLoaded: 1, readystatechange: 1, //window
- error: 1, abort: 1, scroll: 1 //misc
-var check = function(event){
- var related = event.relatedTarget;
- if (related == null) return true;
- if (!related) return false;
- return (related != this && related.prefix != 'xul' && typeOf(this) != 'document' && !this.contains(related));
-Element.Events = {
- mouseenter: {
- base: 'mouseover',
- condition: check
- },
- mouseleave: {
- base: 'mouseout',
- condition: check
- },
- mousewheel: {
- base: (Browser.firefox) ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel'
- }
-name: Element.Dimensions
-description: Contains methods to work with size, scroll, or positioning of Elements and the window object.
-license: MIT-style license.
- - Element positioning based on the [qooxdoo](http://qooxdoo.org/) code and smart browser fixes, [LGPL License](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html).
- - Viewport dimensions based on [YUI](http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/) code, [BSD License](http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html).
-requires: [Element, Element.Style]
-provides: [Element.Dimensions]
-var element = document.createElement('div'),
- child = document.createElement('div');
-element.style.height = '0';
-var brokenOffsetParent = (child.offsetParent === element);
-element = child = null;
-var isOffset = function(el){
- return styleString(el, 'position') != 'static' || isBody(el);
-var isOffsetStatic = function(el){
- return isOffset(el) || (/^(?:table|td|th)$/i).test(el.tagName);
- scrollTo: function(x, y){
- if (isBody(this)){
- this.getWindow().scrollTo(x, y);
- } else {
- this.scrollLeft = x;
- this.scrollTop = y;
- }
- return this;
- },
- getSize: function(){
- if (isBody(this)) return this.getWindow().getSize();
- return {x: this.offsetWidth, y: this.offsetHeight};
- },
- getScrollSize: function(){
- if (isBody(this)) return this.getWindow().getScrollSize();
- return {x: this.scrollWidth, y: this.scrollHeight};
- },
- getScroll: function(){
- if (isBody(this)) return this.getWindow().getScroll();
- return {x: this.scrollLeft, y: this.scrollTop};
- },
- getScrolls: function(){
- var element = this.parentNode, position = {x: 0, y: 0};
- while (element && !isBody(element)){
- position.x += element.scrollLeft;
- position.y += element.scrollTop;
- element = element.parentNode;
- }
- return position;
- },
- getOffsetParent: brokenOffsetParent ? function(){
- var element = this;
- if (isBody(element) || styleString(element, 'position') == 'fixed') return null;
- var isOffsetCheck = (styleString(element, 'position') == 'static') ? isOffsetStatic : isOffset;
- while ((element = element.parentNode)){
- if (isOffsetCheck(element)) return element;
- }
- return null;
- } : function(){
- var element = this;
- if (isBody(element) || styleString(element, 'position') == 'fixed') return null;
- try {
- return element.offsetParent;
- } catch(e) {}
- return null;
- },
- getOffsets: function(){
- if (this.getBoundingClientRect && !Browser.Platform.ios){
- var bound = this.getBoundingClientRect(),
- html = document.id(this.getDocument().documentElement),
- htmlScroll = html.getScroll(),
- elemScrolls = this.getScrolls(),
- isFixed = (styleString(this, 'position') == 'fixed');
- return {
- x: bound.left.toInt() + elemScrolls.x + ((isFixed) ? 0 : htmlScroll.x) - html.clientLeft,
- y: bound.top.toInt() + elemScrolls.y + ((isFixed) ? 0 : htmlScroll.y) - html.clientTop
- };
- }
- var element = this, position = {x: 0, y: 0};
- if (isBody(this)) return position;
- while (element && !isBody(element)){
- position.x += element.offsetLeft;
- position.y += element.offsetTop;
- if (Browser.firefox){
- if (!borderBox(element)){
- position.x += leftBorder(element);
- position.y += topBorder(element);
- }
- var parent = element.parentNode;
- if (parent && styleString(parent, 'overflow') != 'visible'){
- position.x += leftBorder(parent);
- position.y += topBorder(parent);
- }
- } else if (element != this && Browser.safari){
- position.x += leftBorder(element);
- position.y += topBorder(element);
- }
- element = element.offsetParent;
- }
- if (Browser.firefox && !borderBox(this)){
- position.x -= leftBorder(this);
- position.y -= topBorder(this);
- }
- return position;
- },
- getPosition: function(relative){
- if (isBody(this)) return {x: 0, y: 0};
- var offset = this.getOffsets(),
- scroll = this.getScrolls();
- var position = {
- x: offset.x - scroll.x,
- y: offset.y - scroll.y
- };
- if (relative && (relative = document.id(relative))){
- var relativePosition = relative.getPosition();
- return {x: position.x - relativePosition.x - leftBorder(relative), y: position.y - relativePosition.y - topBorder(relative)};
- }
- return position;
- },
- getCoordinates: function(element){
- if (isBody(this)) return this.getWindow().getCoordinates();
- var position = this.getPosition(element),
- size = this.getSize();
- var obj = {
- left: position.x,
- top: position.y,
- width: size.x,
- height: size.y
- };
- obj.right = obj.left + obj.width;
- obj.bottom = obj.top + obj.height;
- return obj;
- },
- computePosition: function(obj){
- return {
- left: obj.x - styleNumber(this, 'margin-left'),
- top: obj.y - styleNumber(this, 'margin-top')
- };
- },
- setPosition: function(obj){
- return this.setStyles(this.computePosition(obj));
- }
-[Document, Window].invoke('implement', {
- getSize: function(){
- var doc = getCompatElement(this);
- return {x: doc.clientWidth, y: doc.clientHeight};
- },
- getScroll: function(){
- var win = this.getWindow(), doc = getCompatElement(this);
- return {x: win.pageXOffset || doc.scrollLeft, y: win.pageYOffset || doc.scrollTop};
- },
- getScrollSize: function(){
- var doc = getCompatElement(this),
- min = this.getSize(),
- body = this.getDocument().body;
- return {x: Math.max(doc.scrollWidth, body.scrollWidth, min.x), y: Math.max(doc.scrollHeight, body.scrollHeight, min.y)};
- },
- getPosition: function(){
- return {x: 0, y: 0};
- },
- getCoordinates: function(){
- var size = this.getSize();
- return {top: 0, left: 0, bottom: size.y, right: size.x, height: size.y, width: size.x};
- }
-// private methods
-var styleString = Element.getComputedStyle;
-function styleNumber(element, style){
- return styleString(element, style).toInt() || 0;
-function borderBox(element){
- return styleString(element, '-moz-box-sizing') == 'border-box';
-function topBorder(element){
- return styleNumber(element, 'border-top-width');
-function leftBorder(element){
- return styleNumber(element, 'border-left-width');
-function isBody(element){
- return (/^(?:body|html)$/i).test(element.tagName);
-function getCompatElement(element){
- var doc = element.getDocument();
- return (!doc.compatMode || doc.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') ? doc.html : doc.body;
-Element.alias({position: 'setPosition'}); //compatability
-[Window, Document, Element].invoke('implement', {
- getHeight: function(){
- return this.getSize().y;
- },
- getWidth: function(){
- return this.getSize().x;
- },
- getScrollTop: function(){
- return this.getScroll().y;
- },
- getScrollLeft: function(){
- return this.getScroll().x;
- },
- getScrollHeight: function(){
- return this.getScrollSize().y;
- },
- getScrollWidth: function(){
- return this.getScrollSize().x;
- },
- getTop: function(){
- return this.getPosition().y;
- },
- getLeft: function(){
- return this.getPosition().x;
- }
-name: Fx
-description: Contains the basic animation logic to be extended by all other Fx Classes.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: [Chain, Events, Options]
-provides: Fx
-var Fx = this.Fx = new Class({
- Implements: [Chain, Events, Options],
- options: {
- /*
- onStart: nil,
- onCancel: nil,
- onComplete: nil,
- */
- fps: 60,
- unit: false,
- duration: 500,
- frames: null,
- frameSkip: true,
- link: 'ignore'
- },
- initialize: function(options){
- this.subject = this.subject || this;
- this.setOptions(options);
- },
- getTransition: function(){
- return function(p){
- return -(Math.cos(Math.PI * p) - 1) / 2;
- };
- },
- step: function(now){
- if (this.options.frameSkip){
- var diff = (this.time != null) ? (now - this.time) : 0, frames = diff / this.frameInterval;
- this.time = now;
- this.frame += frames;
- } else {
- this.frame++;
- }
- if (this.frame < this.frames){
- var delta = this.transition(this.frame / this.frames);
- this.set(this.compute(this.from, this.to, delta));
- } else {
- this.frame = this.frames;
- this.set(this.compute(this.from, this.to, 1));
- this.stop();
- }
- },
- set: function(now){
- return now;
- },
- compute: function(from, to, delta){
- return Fx.compute(from, to, delta);
- },
- check: function(){
- if (!this.isRunning()) return true;
- switch (this.options.link){
- case 'cancel': this.cancel(); return true;
- case 'chain': this.chain(this.caller.pass(arguments, this)); return false;
- }
- return false;
- },
- start: function(from, to){
- if (!this.check(from, to)) return this;
- this.from = from;
- this.to = to;
- this.frame = (this.options.frameSkip) ? 0 : -1;
- this.time = null;
- this.transition = this.getTransition();
- var frames = this.options.frames, fps = this.options.fps, duration = this.options.duration;
- this.duration = Fx.Durations[duration] || duration.toInt();
- this.frameInterval = 1000 / fps;
- this.frames = frames || Math.round(this.duration / this.frameInterval);
- this.fireEvent('start', this.subject);
- pushInstance.call(this, fps);
- return this;
- },
- stop: function(){
- if (this.isRunning()){
- this.time = null;
- pullInstance.call(this, this.options.fps);
- if (this.frames == this.frame){
- this.fireEvent('complete', this.subject);
- if (!this.callChain()) this.fireEvent('chainComplete', this.subject);
- } else {
- this.fireEvent('stop', this.subject);
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- cancel: function(){
- if (this.isRunning()){
- this.time = null;
- pullInstance.call(this, this.options.fps);
- this.frame = this.frames;
- this.fireEvent('cancel', this.subject).clearChain();
- }
- return this;
- },
- pause: function(){
- if (this.isRunning()){
- this.time = null;
- pullInstance.call(this, this.options.fps);
- }
- return this;
- },
- resume: function(){
- if ((this.frame < this.frames) && !this.isRunning()) pushInstance.call(this, this.options.fps);
- return this;
- },
- isRunning: function(){
- var list = instances[this.options.fps];
- return list && list.contains(this);
- }
-Fx.compute = function(from, to, delta){
- return (to - from) * delta + from;
-Fx.Durations = {'short': 250, 'normal': 500, 'long': 1000};
-// global timers
-var instances = {}, timers = {};
-var loop = function(){
- var now = Date.now();
- for (var i = this.length; i--;){
- var instance = this[i];
- if (instance) instance.step(now);
- }
-var pushInstance = function(fps){
- var list = instances[fps] || (instances[fps] = []);
- list.push(this);
- if (!timers[fps]) timers[fps] = loop.periodical(Math.round(1000 / fps), list);
-var pullInstance = function(fps){
- var list = instances[fps];
- if (list){
- list.erase(this);
- if (!list.length && timers[fps]){
- delete instances[fps];
- timers[fps] = clearInterval(timers[fps]);
- }
- }
-name: Fx.CSS
-description: Contains the CSS animation logic. Used by Fx.Tween, Fx.Morph, Fx.Elements.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: [Fx, Element.Style]
-provides: Fx.CSS
-Fx.CSS = new Class({
- Extends: Fx,
- //prepares the base from/to object
- prepare: function(element, property, values){
- values = Array.from(values);
- if (values[1] == null){
- values[1] = values[0];
- values[0] = element.getStyle(property);
- }
- var parsed = values.map(this.parse);
- return {from: parsed[0], to: parsed[1]};
- },
- //parses a value into an array
- parse: function(value){
- value = Function.from(value)();
- value = (typeof value == 'string') ? value.split(' ') : Array.from(value);
- return value.map(function(val){
- val = String(val);
- var found = false;
- Object.each(Fx.CSS.Parsers, function(parser, key){
- if (found) return;
- var parsed = parser.parse(val);
- if (parsed || parsed === 0) found = {value: parsed, parser: parser};
- });
- found = found || {value: val, parser: Fx.CSS.Parsers.String};
- return found;
- });
- },
- //computes by a from and to prepared objects, using their parsers.
- compute: function(from, to, delta){
- var computed = [];
- (Math.min(from.length, to.length)).times(function(i){
- computed.push({value: from[i].parser.compute(from[i].value, to[i].value, delta), parser: from[i].parser});
- });
- computed.$family = Function.from('fx:css:value');
- return computed;
- },
- //serves the value as settable
- serve: function(value, unit){
- if (typeOf(value) != 'fx:css:value') value = this.parse(value);
- var returned = [];
- value.each(function(bit){
- returned = returned.concat(bit.parser.serve(bit.value, unit));
- });
- return returned;
- },
- //renders the change to an element
- render: function(element, property, value, unit){
- element.setStyle(property, this.serve(value, unit));
- },
- //searches inside the page css to find the values for a selector
- search: function(selector){
- if (Fx.CSS.Cache[selector]) return Fx.CSS.Cache[selector];
- var to = {}, selectorTest = new RegExp('^' + selector.escapeRegExp() + '$');
- Array.each(document.styleSheets, function(sheet, j){
- var href = sheet.href;
- if (href && href.contains('://') && !href.contains(document.domain)) return;
- var rules = sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules;
- Array.each(rules, function(rule, i){
- if (!rule.style) return;
- var selectorText = (rule.selectorText) ? rule.selectorText.replace(/^\w+/, function(m){
- return m.toLowerCase();
- }) : null;
- if (!selectorText || !selectorTest.test(selectorText)) return;
- Object.each(Element.Styles, function(value, style){
- if (!rule.style[style] || Element.ShortStyles[style]) return;
- value = String(rule.style[style]);
- to[style] = ((/^rgb/).test(value)) ? value.rgbToHex() : value;
- });
- });
- });
- return Fx.CSS.Cache[selector] = to;
- }
-Fx.CSS.Cache = {};
-Fx.CSS.Parsers = {
- Color: {
- parse: function(value){
- if (value.match(/^#[0-9a-f]{3,6}$/i)) return value.hexToRgb(true);
- return ((value = value.match(/(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)/))) ? [value[1], value[2], value[3]] : false;
- },
- compute: function(from, to, delta){
- return from.map(function(value, i){
- return Math.round(Fx.compute(from[i], to[i], delta));
- });
- },
- serve: function(value){
- return value.map(Number);
- }
- },
- Number: {
- parse: parseFloat,
- compute: Fx.compute,
- serve: function(value, unit){
- return (unit) ? value + unit : value;
- }
- },
- String: {
- parse: Function.from(false),
- compute: function(zero, one){
- return one;
- },
- serve: function(zero){
- return zero;
- }
- }
-name: Fx.Tween
-description: Formerly Fx.Style, effect to transition any CSS property for an element.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: Fx.CSS
-provides: [Fx.Tween, Element.fade, Element.highlight]
-Fx.Tween = new Class({
- Extends: Fx.CSS,
- initialize: function(element, options){
- this.element = this.subject = document.id(element);
- this.parent(options);
- },
- set: function(property, now){
- if (arguments.length == 1){
- now = property;
- property = this.property || this.options.property;
- }
- this.render(this.element, property, now, this.options.unit);
- return this;
- },
- start: function(property, from, to){
- if (!this.check(property, from, to)) return this;
- var args = Array.flatten(arguments);
- this.property = this.options.property || args.shift();
- var parsed = this.prepare(this.element, this.property, args);
- return this.parent(parsed.from, parsed.to);
- }
-Element.Properties.tween = {
- set: function(options){
- this.get('tween').cancel().setOptions(options);
- return this;
- },
- get: function(){
- var tween = this.retrieve('tween');
- if (!tween){
- tween = new Fx.Tween(this, {link: 'cancel'});
- this.store('tween', tween);
- }
- return tween;
- }
- tween: function(property, from, to){
- this.get('tween').start(arguments);
- return this;
- },
- fade: function(how){
- var fade = this.get('tween'), o = 'opacity', toggle;
- how = [how, 'toggle'].pick();
- switch (how){
- case 'in': fade.start(o, 1); break;
- case 'out': fade.start(o, 0); break;
- case 'show': fade.set(o, 1); break;
- case 'hide': fade.set(o, 0); break;
- case 'toggle':
- var flag = this.retrieve('fade:flag', this.get('opacity') == 1);
- fade.start(o, (flag) ? 0 : 1);
- this.store('fade:flag', !flag);
- toggle = true;
- break;
- default: fade.start(o, arguments);
- }
- if (!toggle) this.eliminate('fade:flag');
- return this;
- },
- highlight: function(start, end){
- if (!end){
- end = this.retrieve('highlight:original', this.getStyle('background-color'));
- end = (end == 'transparent') ? '#fff' : end;
- }
- var tween = this.get('tween');
- tween.start('background-color', start || '#ffff88', end).chain(function(){
- this.setStyle('background-color', this.retrieve('highlight:original'));
- tween.callChain();
- }.bind(this));
- return this;
- }
-name: Fx.Morph
-description: Formerly Fx.Styles, effect to transition any number of CSS properties for an element using an object of rules, or CSS based selector rules.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: Fx.CSS
-provides: Fx.Morph
-Fx.Morph = new Class({
- Extends: Fx.CSS,
- initialize: function(element, options){
- this.element = this.subject = document.id(element);
- this.parent(options);
- },
- set: function(now){
- if (typeof now == 'string') now = this.search(now);
- for (var p in now) this.render(this.element, p, now[p], this.options.unit);
- return this;
- },
- compute: function(from, to, delta){
- var now = {};
- for (var p in from) now[p] = this.parent(from[p], to[p], delta);
- return now;
- },
- start: function(properties){
- if (!this.check(properties)) return this;
- if (typeof properties == 'string') properties = this.search(properties);
- var from = {}, to = {};
- for (var p in properties){
- var parsed = this.prepare(this.element, p, properties[p]);
- from[p] = parsed.from;
- to[p] = parsed.to;
- }
- return this.parent(from, to);
- }
-Element.Properties.morph = {
- set: function(options){
- this.get('morph').cancel().setOptions(options);
- return this;
- },
- get: function(){
- var morph = this.retrieve('morph');
- if (!morph){
- morph = new Fx.Morph(this, {link: 'cancel'});
- this.store('morph', morph);
- }
- return morph;
- }
- morph: function(props){
- this.get('morph').start(props);
- return this;
- }
-name: Fx.Transitions
-description: Contains a set of advanced transitions to be used with any of the Fx Classes.
-license: MIT-style license.
- - Easing Equations by Robert Penner, <http://www.robertpenner.com/easing/>, modified and optimized to be used with MooTools.
-requires: Fx
-provides: Fx.Transitions
- getTransition: function(){
- var trans = this.options.transition || Fx.Transitions.Sine.easeInOut;
- if (typeof trans == 'string'){
- var data = trans.split(':');
- trans = Fx.Transitions;
- trans = trans[data[0]] || trans[data[0].capitalize()];
- if (data[1]) trans = trans['ease' + data[1].capitalize() + (data[2] ? data[2].capitalize() : '')];
- }
- return trans;
- }
-Fx.Transition = function(transition, params){
- params = Array.from(params);
- var easeIn = function(pos){
- return transition(pos, params);
- };
- return Object.append(easeIn, {
- easeIn: easeIn,
- easeOut: function(pos){
- return 1 - transition(1 - pos, params);
- },
- easeInOut: function(pos){
- return (pos <= 0.5 ? transition(2 * pos, params) : (2 - transition(2 * (1 - pos), params))) / 2;
- }
- });
-Fx.Transitions = {
- linear: function(zero){
- return zero;
- }
-Fx.Transitions.extend = function(transitions){
- for (var transition in transitions) Fx.Transitions[transition] = new Fx.Transition(transitions[transition]);
- Pow: function(p, x){
- return Math.pow(p, x && x[0] || 6);
- },
- Expo: function(p){
- return Math.pow(2, 8 * (p - 1));
- },
- Circ: function(p){
- return 1 - Math.sin(Math.acos(p));
- },
- Sine: function(p){
- return 1 - Math.cos(p * Math.PI / 2);
- },
- Back: function(p, x){
- x = x && x[0] || 1.618;
- return Math.pow(p, 2) * ((x + 1) * p - x);
- },
- Bounce: function(p){
- var value;
- for (var a = 0, b = 1; 1; a += b, b /= 2){
- if (p >= (7 - 4 * a) / 11){
- value = b * b - Math.pow((11 - 6 * a - 11 * p) / 4, 2);
- break;
- }
- }
- return value;
- },
- Elastic: function(p, x){
- return Math.pow(2, 10 * --p) * Math.cos(20 * p * Math.PI * (x && x[0] || 1) / 3);
- }
-['Quad', 'Cubic', 'Quart', 'Quint'].each(function(transition, i){
- Fx.Transitions[transition] = new Fx.Transition(function(p){
- return Math.pow(p, i + 2);
- });
-name: Request
-description: Powerful all purpose Request Class. Uses XMLHTTPRequest.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: [Object, Element, Chain, Events, Options, Browser]
-provides: Request
-var empty = function(){},
- progressSupport = ('onprogress' in new Browser.Request);
-var Request = this.Request = new Class({
- Implements: [Chain, Events, Options],
- options: {/*
- onRequest: function(){},
- onLoadstart: function(event, xhr){},
- onProgress: function(event, xhr){},
- onComplete: function(){},
- onCancel: function(){},
- onSuccess: function(responseText, responseXML){},
- onFailure: function(xhr){},
- onException: function(headerName, value){},
- onTimeout: function(){},
- user: '',
- password: '',*/
- url: '',
- data: '',
- headers: {
- 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
- 'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'
- },
- async: true,
- format: false,
- method: 'post',
- link: 'ignore',
- isSuccess: null,
- emulation: true,
- urlEncoded: true,
- encoding: 'utf-8',
- evalScripts: false,
- evalResponse: false,
- timeout: 0,
- noCache: false
- },
- initialize: function(options){
- this.xhr = new Browser.Request();
- this.setOptions(options);
- this.headers = this.options.headers;
- },
- onStateChange: function(){
- var xhr = this.xhr;
- if (xhr.readyState != 4 || !this.running) return;
- this.running = false;
- this.status = 0;
- Function.attempt(function(){
- var status = xhr.status;
- this.status = (status == 1223) ? 204 : status;
- }.bind(this));
- xhr.onreadystatechange = empty;
- if (progressSupport) xhr.onprogress = xhr.onloadstart = empty;
- clearTimeout(this.timer);
- this.response = {text: this.xhr.responseText || '', xml: this.xhr.responseXML};
- if (this.options.isSuccess.call(this, this.status))
- this.success(this.response.text, this.response.xml);
- else
- this.failure();
- },
- isSuccess: function(){
- var status = this.status;
- return (status >= 200 && status < 300);
- },
- isRunning: function(){
- return !!this.running;
- },
- processScripts: function(text){
- if (this.options.evalResponse || (/(ecma|java)script/).test(this.getHeader('Content-type'))) return Browser.exec(text);
- return text.stripScripts(this.options.evalScripts);
- },
- success: function(text, xml){
- this.onSuccess(this.processScripts(text), xml);
- },
- onSuccess: function(){
- this.fireEvent('complete', arguments).fireEvent('success', arguments).callChain();
- },
- failure: function(){
- this.onFailure();
- },
- onFailure: function(){
- this.fireEvent('complete').fireEvent('failure', this.xhr);
- },
- loadstart: function(event){
- this.fireEvent('loadstart', [event, this.xhr]);
- },
- progress: function(event){
- this.fireEvent('progress', [event, this.xhr]);
- },
- timeout: function(){
- this.fireEvent('timeout', this.xhr);
- },
- setHeader: function(name, value){
- this.headers[name] = value;
- return this;
- },
- getHeader: function(name){
- return Function.attempt(function(){
- return this.xhr.getResponseHeader(name);
- }.bind(this));
- },
- check: function(){
- if (!this.running) return true;
- switch (this.options.link){
- case 'cancel': this.cancel(); return true;
- case 'chain': this.chain(this.caller.pass(arguments, this)); return false;
- }
- return false;
- },
- send: function(options){
- if (!this.check(options)) return this;
- this.options.isSuccess = this.options.isSuccess || this.isSuccess;
- this.running = true;
- var type = typeOf(options);
- if (type == 'string' || type == 'element') options = {data: options};
- var old = this.options;
- options = Object.append({data: old.data, url: old.url, method: old.method}, options);
- var data = options.data, url = String(options.url), method = options.method.toLowerCase();
- switch (typeOf(data)){
- case 'element': data = document.id(data).toQueryString(); break;
- case 'object': case 'hash': data = Object.toQueryString(data);
- }
- if (this.options.format){
- var format = 'format=' + this.options.format;
- data = (data) ? format + '&' + data : format;
- }
- if (this.options.emulation && !['get', 'post'].contains(method)){
- var _method = '_method=' + method;
- data = (data) ? _method + '&' + data : _method;
- method = 'post';
- }
- if (this.options.urlEncoded && ['post', 'put'].contains(method)){
- var encoding = (this.options.encoding) ? '; charset=' + this.options.encoding : '';
- this.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' + encoding;
- }
- if (!url) url = document.location.pathname;
- var trimPosition = url.lastIndexOf('/');
- if (trimPosition > -1 && (trimPosition = url.indexOf('#')) > -1) url = url.substr(0, trimPosition);
- if (this.options.noCache)
- url += (url.contains('?') ? '&' : '?') + String.uniqueID();
- if (data && method == 'get'){
- url += (url.contains('?') ? '&' : '?') + data;
- data = null;
- }
- var xhr = this.xhr;
- if (progressSupport){
- xhr.onloadstart = this.loadstart.bind(this);
- xhr.onprogress = this.progress.bind(this);
- }
- xhr.open(method.toUpperCase(), url, this.options.async, this.options.user, this.options.password);
- if (this.options.user && 'withCredentials' in xhr) xhr.withCredentials = true;
- xhr.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this);
- Object.each(this.headers, function(value, key){
- try {
- xhr.setRequestHeader(key, value);
- } catch (e){
- this.fireEvent('exception', [key, value]);
- }
- }, this);
- this.fireEvent('request');
- xhr.send(data);
- if (!this.options.async) this.onStateChange();
- if (this.options.timeout) this.timer = this.timeout.delay(this.options.timeout, this);
- return this;
- },
- cancel: function(){
- if (!this.running) return this;
- this.running = false;
- var xhr = this.xhr;
- xhr.abort();
- clearTimeout(this.timer);
- xhr.onreadystatechange = empty;
- if (progressSupport) xhr.onprogress = xhr.onloadstart = empty;
- this.xhr = new Browser.Request();
- this.fireEvent('cancel');
- return this;
- }
-var methods = {};
-['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'].each(function(method){
- methods[method] = function(data){
- var object = {
- method: method
- };
- if (data != null) object.data = data;
- return this.send(object);
- };
-Element.Properties.send = {
- set: function(options){
- var send = this.get('send').cancel();
- send.setOptions(options);
- return this;
- },
- get: function(){
- var send = this.retrieve('send');
- if (!send){
- send = new Request({
- data: this, link: 'cancel', method: this.get('method') || 'post', url: this.get('action')
- });
- this.store('send', send);
- }
- return send;
- }
- send: function(url){
- var sender = this.get('send');
- sender.send({data: this, url: url || sender.options.url});
- return this;
- }
-name: Request.HTML
-description: Extends the basic Request Class with additional methods for interacting with HTML responses.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: [Element, Request]
-provides: Request.HTML
-Request.HTML = new Class({
- Extends: Request,
- options: {
- update: false,
- append: false,
- evalScripts: true,
- filter: false,
- headers: {
- Accept: 'text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'
- }
- },
- success: function(text){
- var options = this.options, response = this.response;
- response.html = text.stripScripts(function(script){
- response.javascript = script;
- });
- var match = response.html.match(/<body[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/body>/i);
- if (match) response.html = match[1];
- var temp = new Element('div').set('html', response.html);
- response.tree = temp.childNodes;
- response.elements = temp.getElements('*');
- if (options.filter) response.tree = response.elements.filter(options.filter);
- if (options.update) document.id(options.update).empty().set('html', response.html);
- else if (options.append) document.id(options.append).adopt(temp.getChildren());
- if (options.evalScripts) Browser.exec(response.javascript);
- this.onSuccess(response.tree, response.elements, response.html, response.javascript);
- }
-Element.Properties.load = {
- set: function(options){
- var load = this.get('load').cancel();
- load.setOptions(options);
- return this;
- },
- get: function(){
- var load = this.retrieve('load');
- if (!load){
- load = new Request.HTML({data: this, link: 'cancel', update: this, method: 'get'});
- this.store('load', load);
- }
- return load;
- }
- load: function(){
- this.get('load').send(Array.link(arguments, {data: Type.isObject, url: Type.isString}));
- return this;
- }
-name: JSON
-description: JSON encoder and decoder.
-license: MIT-style license.
-See Also: <http://www.json.org/>
-requires: [Array, String, Number, Function]
-provides: JSON
-if (typeof JSON == 'undefined') this.JSON = {};
-var special = {'\b': '\\b', '\t': '\\t', '\n': '\\n', '\f': '\\f', '\r': '\\r', '"' : '\\"', '\\': '\\\\'};
-var escape = function(chr){
- return special[chr] || '\\u' + ('0000' + chr.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
-JSON.validate = function(string){
- string = string.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@').
- replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']').
- replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, '');
- return (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/).test(string);
-JSON.encode = JSON.stringify ? function(obj){
- return JSON.stringify(obj);
-} : function(obj){
- if (obj && obj.toJSON) obj = obj.toJSON();
- switch (typeOf(obj)){
- case 'string':
- return '"' + obj.replace(/[\x00-\x1f\\"]/g, escape) + '"';
- case 'array':
- return '[' + obj.map(JSON.encode).clean() + ']';
- case 'object': case 'hash':
- var string = [];
- Object.each(obj, function(value, key){
- var json = JSON.encode(value);
- if (json) string.push(JSON.encode(key) + ':' + json);
- });
- return '{' + string + '}';
- case 'number': case 'boolean': return '' + obj;
- case 'null': return 'null';
- }
- return null;
-JSON.decode = function(string, secure){
- if (!string || typeOf(string) != 'string') return null;
- if (secure || JSON.secure){
- if (JSON.parse) return JSON.parse(string);
- if (!JSON.validate(string)) throw new Error('JSON could not decode the input; security is enabled and the value is not secure.');
- }
- return eval('(' + string + ')');
-name: Request.JSON
-description: Extends the basic Request Class with additional methods for sending and receiving JSON data.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: [Request, JSON]
-provides: Request.JSON
-Request.JSON = new Class({
- Extends: Request,
- options: {
- /*onError: function(text, error){},*/
- secure: true
- },
- initialize: function(options){
- this.parent(options);
- Object.append(this.headers, {
- 'Accept': 'application/json',
- 'X-Request': 'JSON'
- });
- },
- success: function(text){
- var json;
- try {
- json = this.response.json = JSON.decode(text, this.options.secure);
- } catch (error){
- this.fireEvent('error', [text, error]);
- return;
- }
- if (json == null) this.onFailure();
- else this.onSuccess(json, text);
- }
-name: Cookie
-description: Class for creating, reading, and deleting browser Cookies.
-license: MIT-style license.
- - Based on the functions by Peter-Paul Koch (http://quirksmode.org).
-requires: [Options, Browser]
-provides: Cookie
-var Cookie = new Class({
- Implements: Options,
- options: {
- path: '/',
- domain: false,
- duration: false,
- secure: false,
- document: document,
- encode: true
- },
- initialize: function(key, options){
- this.key = key;
- this.setOptions(options);
- },
- write: function(value){
- if (this.options.encode) value = encodeURIComponent(value);
- if (this.options.domain) value += '; domain=' + this.options.domain;
- if (this.options.path) value += '; path=' + this.options.path;
- if (this.options.duration){
- var date = new Date();
- date.setTime(date.getTime() + this.options.duration * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
- value += '; expires=' + date.toGMTString();
- }
- if (this.options.secure) value += '; secure';
- this.options.document.cookie = this.key + '=' + value;
- return this;
- },
- read: function(){
- var value = this.options.document.cookie.match('(?:^|;)\\s*' + this.key.escapeRegExp() + '=([^;]*)');
- return (value) ? decodeURIComponent(value[1]) : null;
- },
- dispose: function(){
- new Cookie(this.key, Object.merge({}, this.options, {duration: -1})).write('');
- return this;
- }
-Cookie.write = function(key, value, options){
- return new Cookie(key, options).write(value);
-Cookie.read = function(key){
- return new Cookie(key).read();
-Cookie.dispose = function(key, options){
- return new Cookie(key, options).dispose();
-name: DOMReady
-description: Contains the custom event domready.
-license: MIT-style license.
-requires: [Browser, Element, Element.Event]
-provides: [DOMReady, DomReady]
-(function(window, document){
-var ready,
- loaded,
- checks = [],
- shouldPoll,
- timer,
- isFramed = true;
-// Thanks to Rich Dougherty <http://www.richdougherty.com/>
-try {
- isFramed = window.frameElement != null;
-} catch(e){}
-var domready = function(){
- clearTimeout(timer);
- if (ready) return;
- Browser.loaded = ready = true;
- document.removeListener('DOMContentLoaded', domready).removeListener('readystatechange', check);
- document.fireEvent('domready');
- window.fireEvent('domready');
-var check = function(){
- for (var i = checks.length; i--;) if (checks[i]()){
- domready();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-var poll = function(){
- clearTimeout(timer);
- if (!check()) timer = setTimeout(poll, 10);
-document.addListener('DOMContentLoaded', domready);
-// doScroll technique by Diego Perini http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
-var testElement = document.createElement('div');
-if (testElement.doScroll && !isFramed){
- checks.push(function(){
- try {
- testElement.doScroll();
- return true;
- } catch (e){}
- return false;
- });
- shouldPoll = true;
-if (document.readyState) checks.push(function(){
- var state = document.readyState;
- return (state == 'loaded' || state == 'complete');
-if ('onreadystatechange' in document) document.addListener('readystatechange', check);
-else shouldPoll = true;
-if (shouldPoll) poll();
-Element.Events.domready = {
- onAdd: function(fn){
- if (ready) fn.call(this);
- }
-// Make sure that domready fires before load
-Element.Events.load = {
- base: 'load',
- onAdd: function(fn){
- if (loaded && this == window) fn.call(this);
- },
- condition: function(){
- if (this == window){
- domready();
- delete Element.Events.load;
- }
- return true;
- }
-// This is based on the custom load event
-window.addEvent('load', function(){
- loaded = true;
-})(window, document);
-name: Swiff
-description: Wrapper for embedding SWF movies. Supports External Interface Communication.
-license: MIT-style license.
- - Flash detection & Internet Explorer + Flash Player 9 fix inspired by SWFObject.
-requires: [Options, Object, Element]
-provides: Swiff
-var Swiff = this.Swiff = new Class({
- Implements: Options,
- options: {
- id: null,
- height: 1,
- width: 1,
- container: null,
- properties: {},
- params: {
- quality: 'high',
- allowScriptAccess: 'always',
- wMode: 'window',
- swLiveConnect: true
- },
- callBacks: {},
- vars: {}
- },
- toElement: function(){
- return this.object;
- },
- initialize: function(path, options){
- this.instance = 'Swiff_' + String.uniqueID();
- this.setOptions(options);
- options = this.options;
- var id = this.id = options.id || this.instance;
- var container = document.id(options.container);
- Swiff.CallBacks[this.instance] = {};
- var params = options.params, vars = options.vars, callBacks = options.callBacks;
- var properties = Object.append({height: options.height, width: options.width}, options.properties);
- var self = this;
- for (var callBack in callBacks){
- Swiff.CallBacks[this.instance][callBack] = (function(option){
- return function(){
- return option.apply(self.object, arguments);
- };
- })(callBacks[callBack]);
- vars[callBack] = 'Swiff.CallBacks.' + this.instance + '.' + callBack;
- }
- params.flashVars = Object.toQueryString(vars);
- if (Browser.ie){
- properties.classid = 'clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000';
- params.movie = path;
- } else {
- properties.type = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
- }
- properties.data = path;
- var build = '<object id="' + id + '"';
- for (var property in properties) build += ' ' + property + '="' + properties[property] + '"';
- build += '>';
- for (var param in params){
- if (params[param]) build += '<param name="' + param + '" value="' + params[param] + '" />';
- }
- build += '</object>';
- this.object = ((container) ? container.empty() : new Element('div')).set('html', build).firstChild;
- },
- replaces: function(element){
- element = document.id(element, true);
- element.parentNode.replaceChild(this.toElement(), element);
- return this;
- },
- inject: function(element){
- document.id(element, true).appendChild(this.toElement());
- return this;
- },
- remote: function(){
- return Swiff.remote.apply(Swiff, [this.toElement()].append(arguments));
- }
-Swiff.CallBacks = {};
-Swiff.remote = function(obj, fn){
- var rs = obj.CallFunction('<invoke name="' + fn + '" returntype="javascript">' + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments, 2) + '</invoke>');
- return eval(rs);
diff --git a/source/javascripts/octopress.js b/source/javascripts/octopress.js
index bf94ebe4..e69de29b 100644
--- a/source/javascripts/octopress.js
+++ b/source/javascripts/octopress.js
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-window.addEvent('domready', function() {
- codeblocks = $$('div.highlight');
- codeblocks.each(addExpander);
- domready: function(){
- if(twitter_user){
- new Request.Twitter(twitter_user, {
- include_replies: false,
- data: { count: 3 },
- onSuccess: function(tweets){
- $('tweets').empty();
- for (var i = tweets.length; i--; ){
- new Element('li', {
- 'class': 'tweet'
- }).adopt(
- new Element('p', { 'html': tweets[i].text+' ' }).adopt(
- new Element('a', {
- 'href': 'http://twitter.com/'+twitter_user+'/status/'+tweets[i].id_str,
- 'text': new Date(tweets[i].created_at).timeDiffInWords()
- }))
- ).inject('tweets', 'top');
- }
- }
- }).send();
- }
- $$('#recent_posts time').each(function(date){
- date.set('text', new Date(date.get('text')).timeDiffInWords());
- });
- },
-function addExpander(div){
- new Element('span',{
- html: 'expand &raquo;',
- 'class': 'pre_expander',
- 'events': {
- 'click': function(){
- toggleExpander(this);
- }
- }
- }).inject(div, 'top');
-function toggleExpander(expander){
- var html = '';
- var expanderPos = expander.getPosition().y;
- if($('page').toggleClass('expanded').hasClass('expanded'))
- html = '&laquo; contract';
- else
- html = 'expand &raquo;';
- $$('div.highlight span.pre_expander').each(function(span){
- span.set('html',html);
- });
- fixScroll(expander, expanderPos);
-function fixScroll(el, position){
- pos = el.getPosition().y - position;
- window.scrollTo(window.getScroll().x ,window.getScroll().y + pos);
-function enableCompressedLayout(codeblocks){
- if(!codeblocks.length) return;
- new Element('span',{
- html: 'Collapse layout',
- 'id': 'collapser',
- 'events': {
- 'click': function(){
- if($('page').toggleClass('collapsed').hasClass('collapsed'))
- this.set('html','Expand layout');
- else
- this.set('html','Collapse layout');
- }
- }
- }).inject($('main'), 'top');
diff --git a/source/javascripts/pinboard.js b/source/javascripts/pinboard.js
index 01d43621..9a69e0a6 100644
--- a/source/javascripts/pinboard.js
+++ b/source/javascripts/pinboard.js
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function Pinboard_Linkroll() {
var str = this.format_item(item);
- $(linkroll).set('html', lines.join("\n"));
+ document.getElementById(linkroll).innerHTML = lines.join("\n");
this.cook = function(v) {
return v.replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt>');
diff --git a/source/javascripts/twitter.js b/source/javascripts/twitter.js
index d633a781..d50efe1c 100644
--- a/source/javascripts/twitter.js
+++ b/source/javascripts/twitter.js
@@ -1,52 +1,70 @@
-Request.Twitter = new Class({
+/* http://www.JSON.org/json2.js 2009-09-29 Public Domain. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. See http://www.JSON.org/js.html */
+if(!this.JSON){this.JSON={}}(function(){function l(c){return c<10?'0'+c:c}if(typeof Date.prototype.toJSON!=='function'){Date.prototype.toJSON=function(c){return isFinite(this.valueOf())?this.getUTCFullYear()+'-'+l(this.getUTCMonth()+1)+'-'+l(this.getUTCDate())+'T'+l(this.getUTCHours())+':'+l(this.getUTCMinutes())+':'+l(this.getUTCSeconds())+'Z':null};String.prototype.toJSON=Number.prototype.toJSON=Boolean.prototype.toJSON=function(c){return this.valueOf()}}var o=/[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,p=/[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,h,m,r={'\b':'\\b','\t':'\\t','\n':'\\n','\f':'\\f','\r':'\\r','"':'\\"','\\':'\\\\'},j;function q(a){p.lastIndex=0;return p.test(a)?'"'+a.replace(p,function(c){var f=r[c];return typeof f==='string'?f:'\\u'+('0000'+c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})+'"':'"'+a+'"'}function n(c,f){var a,e,d,i,k=h,g,b=f[c];if(b&&typeof b==='object'&&typeof b.toJSON==='function'){b=b.toJSON(c)}if(typeof j==='function'){b=j.call(f,c,b)}switch(typeof b){case'string':return q(b);case'number':return isFinite(b)?String(b):'null';case'boolean':case'null':return String(b);case'object':if(!b){return'null'}h+=m;g=[];if(Object.prototype.toString.apply(b)==='[object Array]'){i=b.length;for(a=0;a<i;a+=1){g[a]=n(a,b)||'null'}d=g.length===0?'[]':h?'[\n'+h+g.join(',\n'+h)+'\n'+k+']':'['+g.join(',')+']';h=k;return d}if(j&&typeof j==='object'){i=j.length;for(a=0;a<i;a+=1){e=j[a];if(typeof e==='string'){d=n(e,b);if(d){g.push(q(e)+(h?': ':':')+d)}}}}else{for(e in b){if(Object.hasOwnProperty.call(b,e)){d=n(e,b);if(d){g.push(q(e)+(h?': ':':')+d)}}}}d=g.length===0?'{}':h?'{\n'+h+g.join(',\n'+h)+'\n'+k+'}':'{'+g.join(',')+'}';h=k;return d}}if(typeof JSON.stringify!=='function'){JSON.stringify=function(c,f,a){var e;h='';m='';if(typeof a==='number'){for(e=0;e<a;e+=1){m+=' '}}else if(typeof a==='string'){m=a}j=f;if(f&&typeof f!=='function'&&(typeof f!=='object'||typeof f.length!=='number')){throw new Error('JSON.stringify');}return n('',{'':c})}}if(typeof JSON.parse!=='function'){JSON.parse=function(i,k){var g;function b(c,f){var a,e,d=c[f];if(d&&typeof d==='object'){for(a in d){if(Object.hasOwnProperty.call(d,a)){e=b(d,a);if(e!==undefined){d[a]=e}else{delete d[a]}}}}return k.call(c,f,d)}o.lastIndex=0;if(o.test(i)){i=i.replace(o,function(c){return'\\u'+('0000'+c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})}if(/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(i.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,'@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,']').replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,''))){g=eval('('+i+')');return typeof k==='function'?b({'':g},''):g}throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse');}}}());
- Extends: Request.JSONP,
+// jXHR.js (JSON-P XHR) | v0.1 (c) Kyle Simpson | MIT License
+(function(c){var b=c.setTimeout,d=c.document,a=0;c.jXHR=function(){var e,g,n,h,m=null;function l(){try{h.parentNode.removeChild(h)}catch(o){}}function k(){g=false;e="";l();h=null;i(0)}function f(p){try{m.onerror.call(m,p,e)}catch(o){throw new Error(p)}}function j(){if((this.readyState&&this.readyState!=="complete"&&this.readyState!=="loaded")||g){return}this.onload=this.onreadystatechange=null;g=true;if(m.readyState!==4){f("Script failed to load ["+e+"].")}l()}function i(o,p){p=p||[];m.readyState=o;if(typeof m.onreadystatechange==="function"){m.onreadystatechange.apply(m,p)}}m={onerror:null,onreadystatechange:null,readyState:0,open:function(p,o){k();internal_callback="cb"+(a++);(function(q){c.jXHR[q]=function(){try{i.call(m,4,arguments)}catch(r){m.readyState=-1;f("Script failed to run ["+e+"].")}c.jXHR[q]=null}})(internal_callback);e=o.replace(/=\?/,"=jXHR."+internal_callback);i(1)},send:function(){b(function(){h=d.createElement("script");h.setAttribute("type","text/javascript");h.onload=h.onreadystatechange=function(){j.call(h)};h.setAttribute("src",e);d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(h)},0);i(2)},setRequestHeader:function(){},getResponseHeader:function(){return""},getAllResponseHeaders:function(){return[]}};k();return m}})(window);
- options: {
- linkify: true,
- url: 'http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/{term}.json',
- include_replies: true,
- data: {
- count: 5,
- trim_user: true
+function getTwitterFeed(success, user, count, replies) {
+ feed = new jXHR();
+ feed.onerror = function (msg,url) { alert(msg); }
+ feed.onreadystatechange = function(data){
+ if (feed.readyState === 4) {
+ var tweets = new Array();
+ for (i in data){
+ if(tweets.length < count){
+ if(replies || data[i].in_reply_to_user_id == null){
+ tweets.push(data[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ success(tweets);
- },
+ };
+ feed.open("GET","http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/"+user+".json?trim_user=true&count="+parseInt(count)+25+"&callback=?");
+ feed.send();
- initialize: function(term, options){
- this.parent(options);
- if(this.options.include_replies == false){
- this.options.count = this.options.data.count
- this.options.data.count += 30; // adds 30 tweets to request for filtering
- }
- this.options.url = this.options.url.substitute({term: term});
- console.log(this.options.url);
- },
- success: function(args, index){
- if(!this.options.include_replies){
- args[0] = args[0].filter(function(item, index, array){
- return item.in_reply_to_screen_name == null;
- });
- if(args[0].length > this.options.count){ args[0].length = this.options.count; }
- }
- var data = args[0];
- if (this.options.linkify) data.each(function(tweet){
- tweet.text = this.linkify(tweet.text);
- }, this);
- if (data[0]) this.options.data.since_id = data[0].id; // keep subsequent calls newer
- this.parent(args, index);
- },
+getTwitterFeed(showTwitterFeed, twitter_user, tweet_count, show_replies);
- linkify: function(text){
- // modified from TwitterGitter by David Walsh (davidwalsh.name)
- // courtesy of Jeremy Parrish (rrish.org)
- return text.replace(/(https?:\/\/[\w\-:;?&=+.%#\/]+)/gi, '<a href="$1">$1</a>')
- .replace(/(^|\W)@(\w+)/g, '$1<a href="http://twitter.com/$2">@$2</a>')
- .replace(/(^|\W)#(\w+)/g, '$1#<a href="http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23$2">$2</a>');
+function showTwitterFeed(tweets){
+ var timeline = document.getElementById('tweets');
+ timeline.innerHTML='';
+ for (t in tweets){
+ timeline.innerHTML+='<li>'+'<p>'+linkifyTweet(tweets[t].text)+'<a href="http://twitter.com/'+twitter_user+'/status/'+tweets[t].id_str+'">'+prettyDate(tweets[t].created_at)+'</a></p>'+'</li>';
+function linkifyTweet(text){
+ return text.replace(/(https?:\/\/[\w\-:;?&=+.%#\/]+)/gi, '<a href="$1">$1</a>')
+ .replace(/(^|\W)@(\w+)/g, '$1<a href="http://twitter.com/$2">@$2</a>')
+ .replace(/(^|\W)#(\w+)/g, '$1#<a href="http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23$2">$2</a>');
+function prettyDate(date_str){
+ var time_formats = [
+ [60, 'just now', 1], // 60
+ [120, '1 min', '1 minute from now'], // 60*2
+ [3600, 'mins', 60], // 60*60, 60
+ [7200, '1 hour', '1 hour from now'], // 60*60*2
+ [86400, 'hours', 3600], // 60*60*24, 60*60
+ [172800, '1 day', 'tomorrow'], // 60*60*24*2
+ [2903040000, 'days', 86400], // 60*60*24*7, 60*60*24
+ ];
+ var time = ('' + date_str).replace(/-/g,"/").replace(/[TZ]/g," ").replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
+ if(time.substr(time.length-4,1)==".") time =time.substr(0,time.length-4);
+ var seconds = (new Date - new Date(time)) / 1000;
+ var token = 'ago', list_choice = 1;
+ if (seconds < 0) {
+ seconds = Math.abs(seconds);
+ token = 'from now';
+ list_choice = 2;
+ }
+ var i = 0, format;
+ while (format = time_formats[i++])
+ if (seconds < format[0]) {
+ if (typeof format[2] == 'string')
+ return format[list_choice];
+ else
+ return Math.floor(seconds / format[2]) + ' ' + format[1];
+ }
+ return time;
diff --git a/source/sass/screen.scss b/source/sass/screen.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 4edf7422..00000000
--- a/source/sass/screen.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-@import "compass";
-@import "compass/layout";
-@include global-reset;
-@include reset-html5;
-/* SASS mixins */
-//@import "library/typography";
-/* primary SASS */
-//@import "theme";
-//@import "typography";
-@import "themes/classic/style";
-/* specific SASS */
-//@import "partials";
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/_partials.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/_partials.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index c88faaac..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/_partials.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-@import "partials/shared";
-@import "partials/syntax";
-@import "partials/search";
-@import "partials/sidebar";
-@import "partials/twitter";
-/* layout partials */
-@import "partials/header";
-@import "partials/navigation";
-@import "partials/page";
-@import "partials/sidebar";
-@import "partials/blog";
-@import "partials/footer";
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/_style.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/_style.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index f36aaa18..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/_style.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-@import "core/layout";
-@import "core/theme";
-@import "core/typography";
-//@import "partials";
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/core/_layout.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/core/_layout.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 265af3af..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/core/_layout.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-$page-pad: 40px;
-$min-width: 320px;
-$max-width: 1440px;
-$sidebar-width: 320px;
-$sidebar-pad: 30px;
-$default-border-radius: 4px;
-//html { background-color: $body_bg; }
-//body { color: $body_color; }
-//a {
- //color: $link_color;
- //&:hover, &:focus {
- //color: saturate(darken($link_color, 15), 20); }
- //&:visited {
- //color: darken(adjust_hue($link_color, 70), 10); } }
-.group { @include pie-clearfix; }
-.inner-wrap {
- position: relative;
- margin: 0 auto;
- padding: 0 $page_pad;
- max-width: $max-width;
- @extend .group;
-.core-layout { > div { @extend .inner-wrap; } }
-body { > header, > nav, > footer {
- @extend .core-layout;
- min-width: $min-width;
- }
-#page {
- @extend .group;
- padding: 0;
- max-width: $max-width + $page-pad*2;
- margin: 0 auto;
- > div {
- @extend .group;
- //min-width: 480px;
- margin-right: $sidebar-width;
- > aside {
- float: left;
- width: $sidebar-width - $sidebar-pad*2;
- margin: 0 -100% 0 0;
- padding: $sidebar-pad;
- }
- }
-#main {
- float: left;
- width: 100%;
- padding-top: 25px;
- padding-bottom: 25px;
- > * {
- padding-right: $page-pad;
- padding-left: $page-pad;
- }
-@media (min-device-width:1024px) and (max-width:800px),
- screen and (max-device-width:480px), (max-device-width:480px) and (orientation:landscape),
- (min-device-width:481px) and (max-device-width:1024px) and (orientation:portrait) {
- #page > div { margin-right: 0;
- #main { float: none; }
- > aside { margin: 0; float: none; }
- }
- page > div > aside { float: none; }
- body { > header, > nav, > footer { > div { padding: 0 15px; }}}
- #main > * { padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; }
-@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-width: 480px) {
- body { > header, > nav, > footer { > div { padding: 0 10px; }}}
- #main > * { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; }
- #page > div { margin: none; > aside { float: none; }}
- //transition: width .5s;
- //-moz-transition: width .5s;
- //-webkit-transition: margin .5s;
-//#search { left: $page-width + $sidebar-margin - $sidebar-width; }
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/core/_theme.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/core/_theme.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index a69b11d7..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/core/_theme.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// Link Colors
-$link_color: lighten(#165b94, 0.3);
-// Main Section Colors
-$body_color: #333333;
-$light_text: #999999;
-$body_bg: #323232;
-$header_bg: #323232;
-$header_border: #181818;
-$title_color: #dddddd;
-$nav_color: #555555;
-$nav_color_hover: black;
-$nav_bg: #e8e8e8;
-$nav_border_top: white;
-$nav_border_bottom: #aaaaaa;
-$nav_border_left: #cccccc;
-$nav_border_right: white;
-$sidebar_bg: #f2f2f2;
-$sidebar_border: #d5d5d5;
-// Blog
-$article_border: #eeeeee;
-$main_bg: #fff;
-$footer_color: #999999;
-$footer_bg: #444444;
-// Form Colors
-$fieldset_bg: #ececec;
-$fieldset_border: #c3c3c3;
-$textinput_color: #333333;
-$textinput_bg: #f4f4f4;
-$textinput_bg_focus: #fefeee;
-$textinput_border_top: #aaaaaa;
-$textinput_border_bottom: #c6c6c6;
-$textinput_border_left: #c3c3c3;
-$textinput_border_right: #c3c3c3;
-$textinput_border_focus: #989898;
-$twitter_topic: #888888;
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/core/_typography.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/core/_typography.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 473f0744..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/core/_typography.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-$type-border: #ddd;
-$type-color-light: #555;
-$type-color: #000;
-$blockquote: $type-border !default; //darken($type-border, 20) !default;
-// Fonts
-@include font-face("Adelle", font-files("adellebasic_bold-webfont.woff", woff, "adellebasic_bold-webfont.ttf", truetype, "adellebasic_bold-webfont.svg#webfontKykxqSyz", svg), $eot: "adellebasic_bold-webfont.eot" );
-.heading-font { font-family: Adelle, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans; }
-body > header h1 {
- font-size: 3em;
- @extend .heading-font;
- line-height: 1.2em;
- margin-bottom: 0.6667em;
-body {
- font-size: 1em;
- line-height: 1.5em;
- color: $type-color;
- font-family: Georgia, Times, serif;
-article {
- margin-bottom: 1.5em;
- padding-bottom: 1.5em;
- padding-top: 1em;
- + article { border-top: 3px solid $type-color-light; }
- &:last-child { border-bottom: none; }
- h2 {
- padding-top: 0.8em;
- border-top: 3px double $type-border;
- }
- .author, time { text-transform: uppercase; }
- .updated { font-size: .8em; color: $type-color-light; }
- time span {
- font-size: .7em;
- line-height: 0;
- position: relative;
- top: -.4em;
- }
- header {
- p {
- padding: 0 0 1.5em;
- font-size: .8em;
- color: $type-color-light;
- font-family: Palatino, Times, "Times New Roman";
- //margin-top: -1.2em;
- //border: {
- top-width: 1px;
- //bottom-width: 1px;
- //style: dashed;
- //color: $type-border;
- //}
- }
- }
- @extend .heading-font; font-weight: normal;
- line-height: 1em;
- text-rendering: optimizelegibility;
-h1 {
- font-size: 2.6em;
- margin-bottom: 0.6667em;
-h2, section h1 {
- font-size: 1.8em;
- margin-bottom: 0.6667em;
-h3, section h2, section section h1 {
- font-size: 1.6em;
- margin-bottom: 0.875em;
-h4, section h3, section section h2, section section section h1 {
- font-size: 1.3em;
- margin-bottom: 0.875em;
-h5, section h4, section section h3 {
- font-size: 1.1em;
- margin-bottom: 0.75em;
-h6, section h5, section section h4, section section section h3 {
- font-size: 1em;
- margin-bottom: 0.5em;
-p, blockquote, ul, ol { margin-bottom: 1.5em; }
-ul{ list-style-type: disc; }
-ol{ list-style-type: decimal; ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } }
-ul ul, ol ol { margin-left: 1.75em; }
-li { margin-bottom: .5em; }
-strong { font-weight: bold; }
-em { font-style: italic; }
-sup, sub { font-size: 0.8em; position: relative; display: inline-block; }
-sup { top: -.5em; }
-sub { bottom: -.5em; }
-q { font-style: italic;
- &:before { content: "\201C"; }
- &:after { content: "\201D"; }
-em, dfn { font-style: italic; }
-strong, dfn { font-weight: bold; }
-del, s { text-decoration: line-through; }
-abbr, acronym { border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor: help; }
-pre, code, tt { @extend .mono-font; }
-sub, sup { line-height: 0; }
-hr { margin-bottom: 0.2em; }
-small { font-size: .8em; }
-big { font-size: 1.2em; }
-blockquote {
- $bq-margin: 2em;
- font-style: italic;
- position: relative;
- margin-left: $bq-margin;
- > p {
- &:first-child:before {
- content: "\201C";
- position: absolute;
- top: 0.1em;
- left: -.7em;
- font-size: 3em;
- color: $blockquote;
- }
- &:last-child:after {
- content: "\201D";
- position: relative;
- top: 0.3em;
- line-height: 0;
- font-size: 2em;
- color: $blockquote;
- }
- }
- + p > cite {
- margin-left: $bq-margin;
- text-align: right;
- &:before { content: '– '; color: $type-color-light; }
- a { font-style: italic; }
- }
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_blog.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_blog.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 47b48878..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_blog.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-article {
- h2 {
- padding-top: 0;
- margin-bottom: 0.1em; }
- .title {
- text-decoration: none;
- &:hover {
- text-decoration: underline; } }
- .entry {
- border-bottom: 1px solid $article-border;
- &:first-child {
- padding-top: 0; } }
- #disqus_thread { }
- .meta {
- border-bottom: 1px dashed #dddddd;
- text-transform: uppercase;
- color: #777777;
- padding: 8px 0 5px;
- margin-bottom: 1.5em;
- font-size: 75%;
- letter-spacing: 1px; }
- .footer {
- padding-top: 15px; } }
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_footer.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_footer.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 08e6138c..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_footer.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-footer {
- @include background(linear-gradient(darken($body-bg, 5), $body-bg));
- //color: $footer-color;
- //border-top: 10px solid $footer-bg;
- padding: 15px 0;
- position: relative;
- z-index: 2;
- a {
- color: #dddddd;
- &:hover {
- color: white; } } }
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_header.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_header.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index a4964af9..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_header.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-body > header {
- background-color: $header_bg;
- border-bottom: 1px solid $header_border;
- padding: 25px 0;
- h1 {
- display: inline-block;
- margin: 0;
- a, a:visited {
- font-weight: normal;
- color: $title_color;
- text-decoration: none; } } }
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_navigation.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_navigation.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d8a09d2..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_navigation.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#nav {
- @extend .group;
- position: relative;
- z-index: 1;
- background-color: $nav-bg;
- @include background-image(linear-gradient(#fcfcfc, #f4f4f4 0.3, #dddddd));
- border: {
- top: 1px solid $nav-border-top;
- bottom: 1px solid $nav-border-bottom; };
- ul {
- position: relative;
- @include horizontal-list;
- margin: 0 auto;
- padding: 6px 0;
- li {
- padding: 0 15px;
- border-left: 1px solid $nav-border-left;
- border-right: 1px solid $nav-border-right;
- &:first-child {
- border-left: none;
- padding-left: 0; }
- &:last-child {
- border-right: 0; }
- a {
- display: inline-block;
- color: $nav-color;
- line-height: 150%;
- text-decoration: none;
- &:hover {
- color: $nav-color-hover; } } } } }
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_page.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_page.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a1503b4..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_page.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-body {
- background-color: $sidebar_bg;
-#page > div {
- background-color: $main_bg; border-right: 1px solid $sidebar_border;
- @include box-shadow(rgba(#000, .1) 0 0 18px);
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_search.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_search.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index d44c3803..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_search.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#search {
- position: absolute;
- top: 30%;
- form {
- background: image-url("search_bg.png") no-repeat;
- padding: 0;
- height: 28px;
- width: 218px; }
- #q {
- background: none;
- position: relative;
- top: 1px;
- width: 160px;
- margin-left: 30px;
- font-size: 15px;
- border: none;
- color: #aaaaaa;
- &:focus {
- outline: none; } } }
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_shared.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_shared.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index a97b6051..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_shared.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#collapser {
- display: block;
- cursor: pointer;
- background: #f8f8f8;
- color: #888888;
- padding: 5px 10px;
- font-size: 10px;
- line-height: 150%;
- cursor: pointer;
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- right: 0; }
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_sidebar.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_sidebar.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index ebeec9b0..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_sidebar.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-.subscribe a {
- display: inline-block;
- padding-left: 28px;
- background: image-url("rss.png") left top no-repeat; }
-#sidebar {
- line-height: 1.45em;
- font-size: 90%;
- h3 {
- margin: 20px -15px 10px;
- padding: 12px 15px;
- background: white;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
- border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
- &:first-child {
- margin-top: 0; } } }
-#twitter, #delicious {
- @include border-radius;
- background: #f8f8f8;
- border: 1px solid #eeeeee;
- padding: 5px 0;
- ul {
- list-style-type: none;
- margin: 0; }
- li {
- margin: 0 15px;
- padding: 10px 0 0;
- border-bottom: #dddddd 1px dashed;
- &:last-child {
- border-bottom: 0; } } }
-#delicious {
- p {
- font-style: italic; }
- li {
- color: #666666;
- font-style: normal;
- padding-bottom: 8px; } }
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_syntax.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_syntax.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index b06a5a10..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_syntax.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-.code_window {
- @include border-top-radius(5px);
- @include border-bottom-radius(2px);
- background: #aaaaaa image-url("code_bg.png") top repeat-x;
- position: relative;
- margin: 0.3em 0 1.3em;
- padding: 0 3px 3px;
- font-size: 14px;
- border: 1px solid #898989;
- border-top-color: #cbcbcb;
- border-left-color: #a5a5a5;
- border-right-color: #a5a5a5;
- em {
- text-align: center;
- text-shadow: #cccccc 1px 1px 1px;
- display: block;
- padding: 1px 0;
- color: #333333;
- font-style: normal; }
- .highlight {
- margin: 0; } }
-pre {
- color: #cccccc;
- font-size: 13px;
- background: #222222;
- line-height: 1.5em;
- border: #aaaaaa 1px solid;
- overflow-x: auto;
- overflow-y: hidden;
- padding: 25px 20px;
- .lineno {
- color: #888888;
- background: #e3e3e3;
- display: inline-block;
- padding: 0 0 0 10px;
- &:first-child {
- padding-top: 15px;
- display: inline-block; } } }
-.highlight {
- position: relative;
- .pre_expander {
- font-size: 10px;
- text-align: right;
- padding: 4px 8px;
- line-height: 150%;
- position: absolute;
- cursor: pointer;
- top: 2px;
- right: 2px;
- @include border-bottom-left-radius;
- display: block;
- color: #777777;
- background: #333333;
- &:hover {
- background: #444444;
- color: #cccccc; } } }
-// based on: http://github.com/mojombo/tpw/raw/master/css/syntax.css
-.editor {
- background: rgb(0, 22, 41);
- line-height: 1.25; }
-pre.console {
- background-color: black;
- color: lighten(green, 25);
- letter-spacing: 1px;
- padding: 0.5em;
- .prompt {
- color: lighten(navy, 50);
- &:before {
- color: white;
- content: "["; }
- &:after {
- color: white;
- content: "]"; } }
- .stdin {
- font-weight: bold;
- color: lighten(green, 75); } }
-.highlight {
- padding: 0 0 0.1em;
- color: white;
- // Comment
- .c {
- color: #999988;
- font-style: italic; }
- // Error
- .err {
- color: #a61717;
- background-color: #e3d2d2; }
- // Name
- .n {
- color: white; }
- // Keyword
- .k {
- color: rgb(255, 157, 0); }
- // Paren
- .p {
- color: darken(#ff9d00, 33); }
- // Operator
- .o {
- color: rgb(255, 157, 0); }
- // Comment.Multiline
- .cm {
- color: #999988;
- font-style: italic; }
- // Comment.Preproc
- .cp {
- color: #999999; }
- // Comment.Single
- .c1 {
- color: #999988;
- font-style: italic; }
- // Comment.Special
- .cs {
- color: #999999;
- font-style: italic; }
- // Generic.Deleted
- .gd {
- color: black;
- background-color: #ffdddd; }
- // Generic.Deleted.Specific
- .gd .x {
- color: black;
- background-color: #ffaaaa; }
- // Generic.Emph
- .ge {
- font-style: italic; }
- // Generic.Error
- .gr {
- color: #aa0000; }
- // Generic.Heading
- .gh {
- color: #999999; }
- // Generic.Inserted
- .gi {
- color: black;
- background-color: #ddffdd; }
- // Generic.Inserted.Specific
- .gi .x {
- color: black;
- background-color: #aaffaa; }
- // Generic.Output
- .go {
- color: #888888; }
- // Generic.Prompt
- .gp {
- color: #555555; }
- // Generic.Strong
- .gs {
- color: white; }
- // Generic.Subheading
- .gu {
- color: #aaaaaa; }
- // Generic.Traceback
- .gt {
- color: #aa0000; }
- // Keyword.Constant
- .kc {
- color: white; }
- // Keyword.Declaration
- .kd {
- color: white; }
- // Keyword.Pseudo
- .kp {
- color: white; }
- // Keyword.Reserved
- .kr {
- color: white; }
- // Keyword.Type
- .kt {
- color: #445588; }
- // Literal.Number
- .m {
- color: rgb(255, 98, 140); }
- // Literal.String
- .s {
- color: #dd1144; }
- // Name.Attribute
- .na {
- color: teal; }
- // Name.Builtin
- .nb {
- color: darken(rgb(128, 255, 187), 20); }
- // Name.Class
- .nc {
- color: darken(rgb(128, 255, 187), 20); }
- // Name.Constant
- .no {
- color: rgb(128, 255, 187); }
- // Name.Entity
- .ni {
- color: purple; }
- // Name.Exception
- .ne {
- color: rgb(255, 221, 0); }
- // Name.Function
- .nf {
- color: rgb(255, 221, 0); }
- // Name.Namespace
- .nn {
- color: #555555; }
- // Name.Tag
- .nt {
- color: white; }
- // Name.Variable
- .nv {
- color: teal; }
- // Operator.Word
- .ow {
- color: white; }
- // Text.Whitespace
- .w {
- color: #bbbbbb; }
- // Literal.Number
- .nl {
- color: rgb(255, 98, 140); }
- // Literal.Number.Float
- .mf {
- color: rgb(255, 98, 140); }
- // Literal.Number.Hex
- .mh {
- color: rgb(255, 98, 140); }
- // Literal.Number.Integer
- .mi {
- color: rgb(255, 98, 140); }
- // Literal.Number.Oct
- .mo {
- color: rgb(255, 98, 140); }
- // Literal.String.Backtick
- .sb {
- color: rgb(58, 217, 0); }
- // Literal.String.Char
- .sc {
- color: rgb(58, 217, 0); }
- // Literal.String.Doc
- .sd {
- color: rgb(58, 217, 0); }
- // Literal.String.Double
- .s2 {
- color: rgb(58, 217, 0); }
- // Literal.String.Escape
- .se {
- color: rgb(58, 217, 0); }
- // Literal.String.Heredoc
- .sh {
- color: rgb(58, 217, 0); }
- // Literal.String.Interpol
- .si {
- color: rgb(158, 255, 128); }
- // Literal.String.Other
- .sx {
- color: rgb(58, 217, 0); }
- // Literal.String.Regex
- .sr {
- color: #009926; }
- // Literal.String.Single
- .s1 {
- color: rgb(58, 217, 0); }
- // Literal.String.Symbol
- .ss {
- color: rgb(255, 98, 140); }
- // Name.Builtin.Pseudo
- .bp {
- color: #999999; }
- // Name.Variable.Class
- .vc {
- color: teal; }
- // Name.Variable.Global
- .vg {
- color: teal; }
- // Name.Variable.Instance
- .vi {
- color: teal; }
- // Literal.Number.Integer.Long
- .il {
- color: rgb(255, 98, 140); } }
diff --git a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_twitter.scss b/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_twitter.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d8b7d97..00000000
--- a/source/sass/themes/classic/partials/_twitter.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#twitter {
- p {
- padding-bottom: 10px;
- a.topic {
- color: $twitter_topic; } }
- .meta {
- color: $light_text;
- font-size: 80%;
- display: block;
- padding: 8px 0 0;
- a {
- color: inherit;
- text-decoration: none;
- &:hover {
- text-decoration: underline; } } } }
diff --git a/source/test/typography.haml b/source/test/typography.haml
index f7e7b17b..bc524620 100644
--- a/source/test/typography.haml
+++ b/source/test/typography.haml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-layout: default
-title: Typography Debug
+layout: page
+title: Typography Testing
+no_sidebar: true
%h1 Level 01 Heading
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ title: Typography Debug
%abbr(title="For The Win!") FTW!
%h3 Unordered lists
%li Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ title: Typography Debug
%li Consectetur adipisicing elit
%li Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
%li Et dolore magna aliqua
%h3 Blockquotes
@@ -113,4 +114,4 @@ title: Typography Debug
Pellentesque tempor, dui ut ultrices viverra, neque urna blandit nisi, id accumsan dolor est vitae risus.
-%hr \ No newline at end of file