path: root/vim/.vim/bundle
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
-rw-r--r--vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/screenshot.pngbin38279 -> 0 bytes
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 458 deletions
diff --git a/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/Makefile b/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f91e3b..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-.PHONY: all clean install uninstall
-FILES=plugin/colorizer.vim autoload/colorizer.vim
- @echo "Available phony targets: install, uninstall"
- for f in $(FILES); do install -m644 $$f $(DOTVIM)/$$f; done
- rm -f $(FILES)
diff --git a/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/README.mkd b/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/README.mkd
deleted file mode 100644
index f8c4598..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/README.mkd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-A Vim plugin to colorize all text in the form #rrggbb or #rgb. See the comment at the beginning of the [plugin](https://github.com/lilydjwg/colorizer/tree/master/plugin/colorizer.vim) for more.
-The `Makefile` is used to quickly install/uninstall the script.
-[colorizer.vim on vim.org](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3567)
diff --git a/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/autoload/colorizer.vim b/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/autoload/colorizer.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 985c9f7..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/autoload/colorizer.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-" colorizer.vim Colorize all text in the form #rrggbb or #rgb; autoload functions
-" Maintainer: lilydjwg <lilydjwg@gmail.com>
-" Version: 1.4.1
-" License: Vim License (see vim's :help license)
-" See plugin/colorizer.vim for more info.
-let s:keepcpo = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-function! s:FGforBG(bg) "{{{1
- " takes a 6hex color code and returns a matching color that is visible
- let pure = substitute(a:bg,'^#','','')
- let r = str2nr(pure[0:1], 16)
- let g = str2nr(pure[2:3], 16)
- let b = str2nr(pure[4:5], 16)
- let fgc = g:colorizer_fgcontrast
- if r*30 + g*59 + b*11 > 12000
- return s:predefined_fgcolors['dark'][fgc]
- else
- return s:predefined_fgcolors['light'][fgc]
- end
-function! s:Rgb2xterm(color) "{{{1
- " selects the nearest xterm color for a rgb value like #FF0000
- let best_match=0
- let smallest_distance = 10000000000
- let r = str2nr(a:color[0:1], 16)
- let g = str2nr(a:color[2:3], 16)
- let b = str2nr(a:color[4:5], 16)
- let colortable = s:GetXterm2rgbTable()
- for c in range(0,254)
- let d = pow(colortable[c][0]-r,2) + pow(colortable[c][1]-g,2) + pow(colortable[c][2]-b,2)
- if d<smallest_distance
- let smallest_distance = d
- let best_match = c
- endif
- endfor
- return best_match
-"" the 6 value iterations in the xterm color cube {{{1
-let s:valuerange = [0x00, 0x5F, 0x87, 0xAF, 0xD7, 0xFF]
-"" 16 basic colors {{{1
-let s:basic16 = [
- \ [0x00, 0x00, 0x00], [0xCD, 0x00, 0x00],
- \ [0x00, 0xCD, 0x00], [0xCD, 0xCD, 0x00],
- \ [0x00, 0x00, 0xEE], [0xCD, 0x00, 0xCD],
- \ [0x00, 0xCD, 0xCD], [0xE5, 0xE5, 0xE5],
- \ [0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7F], [0xFF, 0x00, 0x00],
- \ [0x00, 0xFF, 0x00], [0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00],
- \ [0x5C, 0x5C, 0xFF], [0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF],
- \ [0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF], [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]]
-function! s:Xterm2rgb(color) "{{{1
- " 16 basic colors
- let r = 0
- let g = 0
- let b = 0
- if a:color<16
- let r = s:basic16[a:color][0]
- let g = s:basic16[a:color][1]
- let b = s:basic16[a:color][2]
- endif
- " color cube color
- if a:color>=16 && a:color<=232
- let l:color=a:color-16
- let r = s:valuerange[(l:color/36)%6]
- let g = s:valuerange[(l:color/6)%6]
- let b = s:valuerange[l:color%6]
- endif
- " gray tone
- if a:color>=233 && a:color<=253
- let r=8+(a:color-232)*0x0a
- let g=r
- let b=r
- endif
- let rgb=[r,g,b]
- return rgb
-function! s:SetMatcher(color, pat) "{{{1
- " "color" is the converted color and "pat" is what to highlight
- let group = 'Color' . strpart(a:color, 1)
- if !hlexists(group) || s:force_group_update
- let fg = g:colorizer_fgcontrast < 0 ? a:color : s:FGforBG(a:color)
- if &t_Co == 256
- exe 'hi '.group.' ctermfg='.s:Rgb2xterm(fg).' ctermbg='.s:Rgb2xterm(a:color)
- endif
- " Always set gui* as user may switch to GUI version and it's cheap
- exe 'hi '.group.' guifg='.fg.' guibg='.a:color
- endif
- if !exists("w:colormatches[a:pat]")
- let w:colormatches[a:pat] = matchadd(group, a:pat)
- endif
-"ColorFinders {{{1
-function! s:HexCode(str, lineno) "{{{2
- let ret = []
- let place = 0
- let colorpat = '#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{3\}\>\|#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\>'
- while 1
- let foundcolor = matchstr(a:str, colorpat, place)
- if foundcolor == ''
- break
- endif
- let place = matchend(a:str, colorpat, place)
- let pat = foundcolor . '\>'
- if len(foundcolor) == 4
- let foundcolor = substitute(foundcolor, '[[:xdigit:]]', '&&', 'g')
- endif
- call add(ret, [foundcolor, pat])
- endwhile
- return ret
-function! s:RgbColor(str, lineno) "{{{2
- let ret = []
- let place = 0
- let colorpat = '\<rgb(\v\s*(\d+(\%)?)\s*,\s*(\d+%(\2))\s*,\s*(\d+%(\2))\s*\)'
- while 1
- let foundcolor = matchlist(a:str, colorpat, place)
- if empty(foundcolor)
- break
- endif
- let place = matchend(a:str, colorpat, place)
- if foundcolor[2] == '%'
- let r = foundcolor[1] * 255 / 100
- let g = foundcolor[3] * 255 / 100
- let b = foundcolor[4] * 255 / 100
- else
- let r = foundcolor[1]
- let g = foundcolor[3]
- let b = foundcolor[4]
- endif
- if r > 255 || g > 255 || b > 255
- break
- endif
- let pat = printf('\<rgb(\v\s*%s\s*,\s*%s\s*,\s*%s\s*\)', foundcolor[1], foundcolor[3], foundcolor[4])
- if foundcolor[2] == '%'
- let pat = substitute(pat, '%', '\\%', 'g')
- endif
- let l:color = printf('#%02x%02x%02x', r, g, b)
- call add(ret, [l:color, pat])
- endwhile
- return ret
-function! s:RgbaColor(str, lineno) "{{{2
- if has("gui_running")
- let bg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID("Normal")), "bg")
- let bg_r = str2nr(bg[1].bg[2], 16)
- let bg_g = str2nr(bg[3].bg[4], 16)
- let bg_b = str2nr(bg[5].bg[6], 16)
- else
- " translucent colors would display incorrectly, so ignore the alpha value
- return s:RgbaColorForTerm(a:str, a:lineno)
- endif
- let ret = []
- let place = 0
- let colorpat = '\<rgba(\v\s*(\d+(\%)?)\s*,\s*(\d+%(\2))\s*,\s*(\d+%(\2))\s*,\s*(-?[.[:digit:]]+)\s*\)'
- while 1
- let foundcolor = matchlist(a:str, colorpat, place)
- if empty(foundcolor)
- break
- endif
- let place = matchend(a:str, colorpat, place)
- if foundcolor[2] == '%'
- let ar = foundcolor[1] * 255 / 100
- let ag = foundcolor[3] * 255 / 100
- let ab = foundcolor[4] * 255 / 100
- else
- let ar = foundcolor[1]
- let ag = foundcolor[3]
- let ab = foundcolor[4]
- endif
- if ar > 255 || ag > 255 || ab > 255
- break
- endif
- let alpha = str2float(foundcolor[5])
- if alpha < 0
- let alpha = 0.0
- elseif alpha > 1
- let alpha = 1.0
- endif
- let pat = printf('\<rgba(\v\s*%s\s*,\s*%s\s*,\s*%s\s*,\s*%s0*\s*\)', foundcolor[1], foundcolor[3], foundcolor[4], foundcolor[5])
- if foundcolor[2] == '%'
- let pat = substitute(pat, '%', '\\%', 'g')
- endif
- let r = float2nr(ceil(ar * alpha) + ceil(bg_r * (1 - alpha)))
- let g = float2nr(ceil(ag * alpha) + ceil(bg_g * (1 - alpha)))
- let b = float2nr(ceil(ab * alpha) + ceil(bg_b * (1 - alpha)))
- if r > 255
- let r = 255
- endif
- if g > 255
- let g = 255
- endif
- if b > 255
- let b = 255
- endif
- let l:color = printf('#%02x%02x%02x', r, g, b)
- call add(ret, [l:color, pat])
- endwhile
- return ret
-function! s:RgbaColorForTerm(str, lineno) "{{{2
- let ret = []
- let place = 0
- let colorpat = '\<rgba(\v\s*(\d+(\%)?)\s*,\s*(\d+%(\2))\s*,\s*(\d+%(\2))\s*,\s*(-?[.[:digit:]]+)\s*\)'
- while 1
- let foundcolor = matchlist(a:str, colorpat, place)
- if empty(foundcolor)
- break
- endif
- let place = matchend(a:str, colorpat, place)
- if foundcolor[2] == '%'
- let ar = foundcolor[1] * 255 / 100
- let ag = foundcolor[3] * 255 / 100
- let ab = foundcolor[4] * 255 / 100
- else
- let ar = foundcolor[1]
- let ag = foundcolor[3]
- let ab = foundcolor[4]
- endif
- if ar > 255 || ag > 255 || ab > 255
- break
- endif
- let pat = printf('\<rgba(\v\s*%s\s*,\s*%s\s*,\s*%s\s*,\ze\s*(-?[.[:digit:]]+)\s*\)', foundcolor[1], foundcolor[3], foundcolor[4])
- if foundcolor[2] == '%'
- let pat = substitute(pat, '%', '\\%', 'g')
- endif
- let l:color = printf('#%02x%02x%02x', ar, ag, ab)
- call add(ret, [l:color, pat])
- endwhile
- return ret
-function! s:PreviewColorInLine(where) "{{{1
- let line = getline(a:where)
- for Func in s:ColorFinder
- let ret = Func(line, a:where)
- " returned a list of a list: color as #rrggbb, text pattern to highlight
- for r in ret
- call s:SetMatcher(r[0], r[1])
- endfor
- endfor
-function! s:CursorMoved() "{{{1
- if !exists('w:colormatches')
- return
- endif
- if exists('b:colorizer_last_update')
- if b:colorizer_last_update == b:changedtick
- " Nothing changed
- return
- endif
- endif
- call s:PreviewColorInLine('.')
- let b:colorizer_last_update = b:changedtick
-function! s:TextChanged() "{{{1
- if !exists('w:colormatches')
- return
- endif
- echomsg "TextChanged"
- call s:PreviewColorInLine('.')
-function! colorizer#ColorHighlight(update, ...) "{{{1
- if exists('w:colormatches')
- if !a:update
- return
- endif
- call s:ClearMatches()
- endif
- let w:colormatches = {}
- if g:colorizer_fgcontrast != s:saved_fgcontrast || (exists("a:1") && a:1 == '!')
- let s:force_group_update = 1
- endif
- for i in range(1, line("$"))
- call s:PreviewColorInLine(i)
- endfor
- let s:force_group_update = 0
- let s:saved_fgcontrast = g:colorizer_fgcontrast
- augroup Colorizer
- au!
- if exists('##TextChanged')
- autocmd TextChanged * silent call s:TextChanged()
- if v:version > 704 || v:version == 704 && has('patch143')
- autocmd TextChangedI * silent call s:TextChanged()
- else
- " TextChangedI does not work as expected
- autocmd CursorMovedI * silent call s:CursorMoved()
- endif
- else
- autocmd CursorMoved,CursorMovedI * silent call s:CursorMoved()
- endif
- " rgba handles differently, so need updating
- autocmd GUIEnter * silent call colorizer#ColorHighlight(1)
- autocmd BufRead * silent call colorizer#ColorHighlight(1)
- autocmd WinEnter * silent call colorizer#ColorHighlight(1)
- autocmd ColorScheme * let s:force_group_update=1 | silent call colorizer#ColorHighlight(1)
- augroup END
-function! colorizer#ColorClear() "{{{1
- augroup Colorizer
- au!
- augroup END
- let save_tab = tabpagenr()
- let save_win = winnr()
- tabdo windo call s:ClearMatches()
- exe 'tabn '.save_tab
- exe save_win . 'wincmd w'
-function! s:ClearMatches() "{{{1
- if !exists('w:colormatches')
- return
- endif
- for i in values(w:colormatches)
- call matchdelete(i)
- endfor
- unlet w:colormatches
-function! colorizer#ColorToggle() "{{{1
- if exists('#Colorizer#BufRead')
- call colorizer#ColorClear()
- echomsg 'Disabled color code highlighting.'
- else
- call colorizer#ColorHighlight(0)
- echomsg 'Enabled color code highlighting.'
- endif
-function! s:GetXterm2rgbTable()
- if !exists('s:table_xterm2rgb')
- let s:table_xterm2rgb = []
- for c in range(0, 254)
- let s:color = s:Xterm2rgb(c)
- call add(s:table_xterm2rgb, s:color)
- endfor
- endif
- return s:table_xterm2rgb
-" Setups {{{1
-let s:ColorFinder = [function('s:HexCode'), function('s:RgbColor'), function('s:RgbaColor')]
-let s:force_group_update = 0
-let s:predefined_fgcolors = {}
-let s:predefined_fgcolors['dark'] = ['#444444', '#222222', '#000000']
-let s:predefined_fgcolors['light'] = ['#bbbbbb', '#dddddd', '#ffffff']
-if !exists("g:colorizer_fgcontrast")
- " Default to black / white
- let g:colorizer_fgcontrast = len(s:predefined_fgcolors['dark']) - 1
-elseif g:colorizer_fgcontrast >= len(s:predefined_fgcolors['dark'])
- echohl WarningMsg
- echo "g:colorizer_fgcontrast value invalid, using default"
- echohl None
- let g:colorizer_fgcontrast = len(s:predefined_fgcolors['dark']) - 1
-let s:saved_fgcontrast = g:colorizer_fgcontrast
-" Restoration and modelines {{{1
-let &cpo = s:keepcpo
-unlet s:keepcpo
-" vim:ft=vim:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:
diff --git a/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/plugin/colorizer.vim b/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/plugin/colorizer.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 431098c..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/plugin/colorizer.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-" colorizer.vim Colorize all text in the form #rrggbb or #rgb; entrance
-" Maintainer: lilydjwg <lilydjwg@gmail.com>
-" Version: 1.4.1
-" Licence: Vim license. See ':help license'
-" Derived From: css_color.vim
-" http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2150
-" Thanks To: Niklas Hofer (Author of css_color.vim), Ingo Karkat, rykka,
-" KrzysztofUrban, blueyed, shanesmith, UncleBill
-" Usage:
-" This plugin defines three commands:
-" ColorHighlight - start/update highlighting
-" ColorClear - clear all highlights
-" ColorToggle - toggle highlights
-" By default, <leader>tc is mapped to ColorToggle. If you want to use another
-" key map, do like this:
-" nmap ,tc <Plug>Colorizer
-" If you want completely not to map it, set the following in your vimrc:
-" let g:colorizer_nomap = 1
-" To use solid color highlight, set this in your vimrc (later change won't
-" probably take effect unless you use ':ColorHighlight!' to force update):
-" let g:colorizer_fgcontrast = -1
-" set it to 0 or 1 to use a softened foregroud color.
-" If you don't want to enable colorizer at startup, set the following:
-" let g:colorizer_startup = 0
-" Note: if you modify a color string in normal mode, if the cursor is still on
-" that line, it'll take 'updatetime' seconds to update. You can use
-" :ColorHighlight (or your key mapping) again to force update.
-" Performace Notice: In terminal, it may take several seconds to highlight 240
-" different colors. GUI version is much quicker.
-" Reload guard and 'compatible' handling {{{1
-if exists("loaded_colorizer") || v:version < 700 || !(has("gui_running") || &t_Co == 256)
- finish
-let loaded_colorizer = 1
-let s:save_cpo = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-"Define commands {{{1
-command! -bar -bang ColorHighlight call colorizer#ColorHighlight(1, "<bang>")
-command! -bar ColorClear call colorizer#ColorClear()
-command! -bar ColorToggle call colorizer#ColorToggle()
-nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Colorizer :ColorToggle<CR>
-if !hasmapto("<Plug>Colorizer") && (!exists("g:colorizer_nomap") || g:colorizer_nomap == 0)
- nmap <unique> <Leader>tc <Plug>Colorizer
-if !exists('g:colorizer_startup') || g:colorizer_startup
- call colorizer#ColorHighlight(0)
-" Cleanup and modelines {{{1
-let &cpo = s:save_cpo
-" vim:ft=vim:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}:
diff --git a/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/screenshot.png b/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/screenshot.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e400ea2..0000000
--- a/vim/.vim/bundle/colorizer/screenshot.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ