path: root/fun/pipesx.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/fun/pipesx.sh b/fun/pipesx.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 02ed325..0000000
--- a/fun/pipesx.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-W=$(tput cols) H=$(tput lines)
-# maximal random value + 1
-SETS=('╱╲' '/\')
-COLORS=(31 32 33 34 35 36 37)
-# default values
-R=$((W * H / 4))
-HELP="Usage: $(basename $0) [OPTIONS]
-Animated pipes.sh terminal screensaver at an angle.
- -n [1-] number of pipes. (Default: $N)
- -t [0-$((${#SETS[@]} - 1))] type of pipes. (Default: $T)
- -i [float] piping interval or maze generation interval. (Default: $I)
- -P [0-100] probability of a turning pipe or of \\ in maze generation. (Default: $P)
- -r [LIMIT] reset after x characters, 0 if no limit. (Default: $R)
- -R random starting point.
- -C no color.
- -X maze generation.
- -h this help message.
-while getopts "n:t:i:P:r:RCXh" arg; do
- case $arg in
- n)
- ((N = OPTARG > 0 ? OPTARG : N))
- ;;
- t)
- ((T = (OPTARG >= 0 && OPTARG < ${#SETS[@]}) ? OPTARG : T))
- ;;
- i)
- ;;
- P)
- ((P = (OPTARG >= 0 && OPTARG <= 100) ? OPTARG : P))
- ;;
- r)
- ((R = OPTARG >= 0 ? OPTARG : R))
- ;;
- R)
- ;;
- C)
- ;;
- X)
- MAZE=1
- ;;
- h)
- echo -e "$HELP"
- exit 0
- ;;
- esac
-do_exit() {
- # Show cursor and echo stdin
- echo -ne "\e[?25h"
- stty echo
- clear
- exit 0
- }
-trap do_exit INT TERM
-# No echo stdin and hide the cursor
-stty -echo
-echo -ne "\e[?25l"
-# maze geneartion
-while [[ $MAZE ]] && clear; do
- [[ $NOCOLOR ]] || echo -ne "\e[1;${COLORS[${#COLORS[@]} * RANDOM / M]}m"
- for ((i = 0; i < W * H; i++ )); do
- echo -ne ${SETS[T]:100 * RANDOM / M < P:1}
- done
- read -t $I -n 1 && [[ $REPLY =~ q|Q ]] && do_exit
-# initialze values
-for ((n = 0; n < N; n++)); do
- ((X[n] = RNDSTART ? (W + 2) * RANDOM / M : W / 2))
- ((Y[n] = RNDSTART ? (H + 2) * RANDOM / M : H / 2))
- D[n]=$((4 * RANDOM / M))
- C[n]=${COLORS[${#COLORS[@]} * RANDOM / M]}
-while :; do
- for ((n = 0; n < N; n++, CC = 0)); do
- x=${X[n]} y=${Y[n]}
- d=${D[n]} c=${C[n]}
- # calculate new direction `d`
- # 1 0
- # \/ 4 directions 0 to 3
- # /\
- # 2 3
- # valid directions: d: dd', d' is the new direction
- # d
- # 0: / 00 \ 01 03
- # / / /\
- # 1: / 10 \ 11 12
- # \ \ /\
- # 2: \/ 21 / 22 / 23
- # / \
- # 3: \/ 30 \ 32 \ 33
- # / \
- ((d = (100 * RANDOM / M) < P ? ((d + 1) + 2 * (RANDOM % 2)) % 4 : d))
- ((e = (d + 1) % 4))
- # calculate new position
- # d' x' y'
- # 0: x+1 y-1
- # 1: x-1 y-1
- # 2: x-1 y+1
- # 3: x+1 y+1
- ((xn = e < 2 ? x + 1 : x - 1))
- ((yn = d < 2 ? y - 1 : y + 1))
- # adjust position and change color?
- ((d < 2 && y == 0)) && ((yn--, CC=1))
- ((e > 1 && x == 0)) && ((xn--, CC=1))
- ((d > 1 && y == H)) && ((yn++, CC=1))
- ((e < 2 && x == W)) && ((xn++, CC=1))
- ((CC)) && c=${COLORS[${#COLORS[@]} * RANDOM / M]}
- # warp pipe
- ((xn = (xn + W + 1) % (W + 1)))
- ((yn = (yn + H + 1) % (H + 1)))
- # calculate position in terminal
- # d' xt yt
- # 0: x' y'+1
- # 1: x'+1 y'+1
- # 2: x'+1 y'
- # 3: x' y'
- ((xt = e < 2 ? xn : xn + 1))
- ((yt = d < 2 ? yn + 1 : yn))
- echo -ne "\e[${yt};${xt}H"
- [[ $NOCOLOR ]] || echo -ne "\e[1;${c}m"
- echo -n "${SETS[T]:d%2:1}"
- X[n]=$xn Y[n]=$yn
- D[n]=$d C[n]=$c
- done
- read -t $I -n 1 && [[ $REPLY =~ q|Q ]] && do_exit
- ((R)) && ((r += N, r >= R)) && r=0 && clear
-do_exit \ No newline at end of file