path: root/.config/awesome/lain/util/init.lua
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Diffstat (limited to '.config/awesome/lain/util/init.lua')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.config/awesome/lain/util/init.lua b/.config/awesome/lain/util/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f28b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/awesome/lain/util/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ Lain
+ Layouts, widgets and utilities for Awesome WM
+ Utilities section
+ Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
+ * (c) 2013, Luke Bonham
+ * (c) 2010-2012, Peter Hofmann
+local awful = require("awful")
+local beautiful = require("beautiful")
+local math = { sqrt = math.sqrt }
+local mouse = mouse
+local pairs = pairs
+local string = { gsub = string.gsub }
+local client = client
+local screen = screen
+local tonumber = tonumber
+local wrequire = require("lain.helpers").wrequire
+local setmetatable = setmetatable
+-- Lain utilities submodule
+-- lain.util
+local util = { _NAME = "lain.util" }
+-- Like awful.menu.clients, but only show clients of currently selected
+-- tags.
+function util.menu_clients_current_tags(menu, args)
+ -- List of currently selected tags.
+ local cls_tags = awful.tag.selectedlist(mouse.screen)
+ -- Final list of menu items.
+ local cls_t = {}
+ if cls_tags == nil then return nil end
+ -- For each selected tag get all clients of that tag and add them to
+ -- the menu. A click on a menu item will raise that client.
+ for i = 1,#cls_tags
+ do
+ local t = cls_tags[i]
+ local cls = t:clients()
+ for k, c in pairs(cls)
+ do
+ cls_t[#cls_t + 1] = { awful.util.escape(c.name) or "",
+ function ()
+ c.minimized = false
+ client.focus = c
+ c:raise()
+ end,
+ c.icon }
+ end
+ end
+ -- No clients? Then quit.
+ if #cls_t <= 0 then return nil end
+ -- menu may contain some predefined values, otherwise start with a
+ -- fresh menu.
+ if not menu then menu = {} end
+ -- Set the list of items and show the menu.
+ menu.items = cls_t
+ local m = awful.menu.new(menu)
+ m:show(args)
+ return m
+-- Magnify a client: Set it to "float" and resize it.
+function util.magnify_client(c)
+ if not awful.client.floating.get(c) then
+ awful.client.floating.set(c, true)
+ local mg = screen[mouse.screen].geometry
+ local tag = awful.tag.selected(mouse.screen)
+ local mwfact = awful.tag.getmwfact(tag)
+ local g = {}
+ g.width = math.sqrt(mwfact) * mg.width
+ g.height = math.sqrt(mwfact) * mg.height
+ g.x = mg.x + (mg.width - g.width) / 2
+ g.y = mg.y + (mg.height - g.height) / 2
+ c:geometry(g)
+ else
+ awful.client.floating.set(c, false)
+ end
+-- Read the nice value of pid from /proc.
+local function get_nice_value(pid)
+ local n = first_line('/proc/' .. pid .. '/stat')
+ if n == nil
+ then
+ -- This should not happen. But I don't want to crash, either.
+ return 0
+ end
+ -- Remove pid and tcomm. This is necessary because tcomm may contain
+ -- nasty stuff such as whitespace or additional parentheses...
+ n = string.gsub(n, '.*%) ', '')
+ -- Field number 17 now is the nice value.
+ fields = split(n, ' ')
+ return tonumber(fields[17])
+-- To be used as a signal handler for "focus"
+-- This requires beautiful.border_focus{,_highprio,_lowprio}.
+function util.niceborder_focus(c)
+ local n = get_nice_value(c.pid)
+ if n == 0
+ then
+ c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus
+ elseif n < 0
+ then
+ c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus_highprio
+ else
+ c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus_lowprio
+ end
+-- To be used as a signal handler for "unfocus"
+-- This requires beautiful.border_normal{,_highprio,_lowprio}.
+function util.niceborder_unfocus(c)
+ local n = get_nice_value(c.pid)
+ if n == 0
+ then
+ c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal
+ elseif n < 0
+ then
+ c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal_highprio
+ else
+ c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal_lowprio
+ end
+-- Non-empty tag browsing
+-- direction in {-1, 1} <-> {previous, next} non-empty tag
+function util.tag_view_nonempty(direction, sc)
+ local s = sc or mouse.screen or 1
+ local scr = screen[s]
+ for i = 1, #awful.tag.gettags(s) do
+ awful.tag.viewidx(direction,s)
+ if #awful.client.visible(s) > 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+-- {{{ Dynamic tagging
+-- Add a new tag
+function util.add_tag(mypromptbox)
+ awful.prompt.run({prompt="New tag name: "}, mypromptbox[mouse.screen].widget,
+ function(text)
+ if text:len() > 0 then
+ props = { selected = true }
+ tag = awful.tag.add(new_name, props)
+ tag.name = text
+ tag:emit_signal("property::name")
+ end
+ end)
+-- Rename current tag
+-- @author: minism
+function util.rename_tag(mypromptbox)
+ local tag = awful.tag.selected(mouse.screen)
+ awful.prompt.run({prompt="Rename tag: "}, mypromptbox[mouse.screen].widget,
+ function(text)
+ if text:len() > 0 then
+ tag.name = text
+ tag:emit_signal("property::name")
+ end
+ end)
+-- Move current tag
+-- pos in {-1, 1} <-> {previous, next} tag position
+function util.move_tag(pos)
+ local tag = awful.tag.selected(mouse.screen)
+ local idx = awful.tag.getidx(tag)
+ if tonumber(pos) <= -1 then
+ awful.tag.move(idx - 1, tag)
+ else
+ awful.tag.move(idx + 1, tag)
+ end
+-- Remove current tag (if empty)
+-- Any rule set on the tag shall be broken
+function util.remove_tag()
+ local tag = awful.tag.selected(mouse.screen)
+ local prevtag = awful.tag.gettags(mouse.screen)[awful.tag.getidx(tag) - 1]
+ awful.tag.delete(tag, prevtag)
+-- }}}
+-- On the fly useless gaps change
+function util.useless_gaps_resize(thatmuch)
+ beautiful.useless_gap_width = tonumber(beautiful.useless_gap_width) + thatmuch
+ awful.layout.arrange(mouse.screen)
+return setmetatable(util, { __index = wrequire })