path: root/weechat/python/sshnotify.py
diff options
authorNeodarZ <neodarz@neodarz.net>2017-04-04 00:02:52 +0200
committerNeodarZ <neodarz@neodarz.net>2017-04-04 00:02:52 +0200
commit1361c93f4fc25f777dada92803190ade737e8224 (patch)
treec91a2c2e04f6bcf166779010a80c8c3d4e491d43 /weechat/python/sshnotify.py
parentab59c79c8b61d5443895d82f756a447fbebe91aa (diff)
parent139556cfa80861bd3f54f5836c5399850572c98b (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.neodarz.net/home/git/pub_repo/neodarz/scripts_shit/dotfiles_ascii
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/weechat/python/sshnotify.py b/weechat/python/sshnotify.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..64bdcdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weechat/python/sshnotify.py
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2011 delwin <delwin@skyehaven.net>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#based on the 'lnotify' script for weechat, which was based on 'notify'
+#the main reason to use this script would be if you use tmux or screen
+#with weechat and would like to receive desktop notifications on multiple
+#computers (regardless of whether or not you are connected to weechat on
+#any of those systems.) however, there is a reason to use this if you
+#only use one system for weechat. if you restart X and then reconnect
+#to weechat, notifications will no longer work because of dbus errors.
+#this solution solves that problem at the expense of some extra setup.
+#use of this script assumes that you have:
+#1) /usr/bin/notify-send
+#2) ssh configured to use key identification (including localhost!)
+#see comments below in the default settings section for description of options
+#and tips. pay particular attention to the addresses section if you need to
+#specify non-default ports or non-default display settings
+#NOT so important:
+#if you define icons to show up in the notifications, this script will expect
+#to find them in the same place on all systems. missing icons will not stop the
+#notification from displaying, however. (this also applies for any extra
+#commands you add to be executed after notify-send. sound files and utilities
+#have to exist on the machine receiving the command in order to work)
+#v0.2.3 - Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>
+# change hook_print callback argument type of displayed/highlight
+# (WeeChat >= 1.0)
+#v0.2.2 - <ldvx@freenode> fixed bug in (1) which didn't allow user to get
+# notifications on private messages if irc.look.nick_prefix or
+# irc.look.nick_suffix were used. (2012-04-27)
+#v0.2.1 - added help messages and hint for empty addresses option (2011-10-15)
+#v0.2.0 - added several options, including: proper weechat options
+# for multiple addresses, ignore strings, urgencies, images,
+# and extra commands to be sent along with notifications.
+# shifted handling of DISPLAY to the address portion of the command.
+# submitted to weechat scripts. (2011-10-14)
+#v0.1.0 - converted lnotify to work via ssh. accepts multiple addresses
+# hardcoded into the script. (2011-09-18)
+#TODO... if i get bored enough/anyone actually requests these things:
+# add notification whitelist, only send notifications matching whitelist
+# set up proper /sshnotify <args> command to manually send notifications
+# set up new definitions for messages so that extra_commands can use them?
+# toggle to suppress notifications when away
+# toggle to show server and channel names in notifications
+# toggle to show notifications for dcc?
+import weechat, string, subprocess, re
+weechat.register("sshnotify", "delwin", "0.2.3", "GPL3", "the overkill desktop notification solution", "", "")
+#options which can be defined with /set plugins.var.python.sshnotify.foo
+settings = {
+ "show_highlight" : "on", #trigger on highlighted nick/word
+ "show_priv_msg" : "on", #trigger on private message
+ "ignore" : "", #comma seperated list of strings to ignore,
+ #e.g. if using bitlbee, you might want to add
+ #'@root: jabber,@root: otr' to avoid spam on startup
+ "pm-urgency" : "critical", #notification urgency for private messages. valid values are: low,normal,critical
+ "pm-image" : "", #location of notification icon for private messages, optional
+ "mention-urgency" : "normal", #notification urgency for highlighted strings, valid values are: low,normal,critical
+ "mention-image" : "", #location of notification icon for highlighted strings, optional
+ "extra_commands" : "", #extra commands to pass via ssh, appeneded after notify command.
+ #note: you need to include && to execute the commands sequentially
+ #for example, in order to have espeak announce that you have a new message and then play an audio file:
+ #/set plugins.var.python.sshnotify.extra_commands && espeak 'hey, you have a new message' && aplay whatever.wav'
+ "addresses" : "localhost", #comma delimited lists of addresses (and options) to use via ssh
+ #default is localhost. if no address is specified, this script won't do anything for you
+ #if you set addresses to "", it will reset to localhost the next time it loads.
+ #if you need to specify a different display, add DISPLAY=:1 (or the appropriate number)
+ #by default, sshnotify will use DISPLAY=:0, so there is no need to specify that in your address string
+ #other ssh options can be added to each address:
+ #/set plugins.var.python.sshnotify.addresses localhost,foo@bar,-p 1234 bar@foo DISPLAY=:1
+ #will send a notification to 3 places, you@localhost, foot@bar, and bar@foo on port 1234 on display 1
+# Init everything
+for option, default_value in settings.items():
+ if weechat.config_get_plugin(option) == "":
+ weechat.config_set_plugin(option, default_value)
+# Hook privmsg/hilights
+weechat.hook_print("", "irc_privmsg", "", 1, "get_notified", "")
+# Functions
+def get_addresses():
+ addies = weechat.config_get_plugin('addresses')
+ if addies == '':
+ weechat.prnt("","You need to specify a destination if you want notifications sent. ")
+ weechat.prnt("","hint: /set plugins.var.python.sshnotify.addresses localhost")
+ return []
+ else:
+ return addies.split(',')
+#if there are any strings
+def get_ignore():
+ ignores = weechat.config_get_plugin('ignore')
+ if ignores == '':
+ return []
+ else:
+ return ignores.split(',')
+#notification routine
+def get_notified(data, bufferp, uber_empty, tagsn, isdisplayed,
+ ishilight, prefix, message):
+ #if message contains and ignored string, don't send the notification
+ ilist = get_ignore()
+ for i in ilist:
+ if re.search(i,prefix + ": " + message):
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+ extracommands = weechat.config_get_plugin('extra_commands')
+ #set a default value for DISPLAY. this should be fine for almost everyone
+ dispnum = "DISPLAY=:0"
+ #if the message came in via private message...
+ if (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "localvar_type") == "private" and
+ weechat.config_get_plugin('show_priv_msg') == "on"):
+ buffer = (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "short_name") or
+ weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name"))
+ #set notification image
+ if weechat.config_get_plugin('pm-image') != "":
+ imagestring = "--icon=" + str(weechat.config_get_plugin('pm-image')) + " "
+ else:
+ imagestring = ""
+ #set notification urgency
+ if weechat.config_get_plugin('pm-urgency') == "low":
+ urgencystring = "--urgency=low "
+ elif weechat.config_get_plugin('pm-urgency') == "critical":
+ urgencystring = "--urgency=critical "
+ else:
+ urgencystring = "--urgency=normal "
+ uistring = urgencystring + imagestring
+ # (1) if buffer == prefix was used here, pressumibly to avoid notifications when on own
+ # messages, checking for the tag notify_private has the same effect, and the user can
+ # set irc.look.nick_suffix or irc.look.nick_prefix this way.
+ if "notify_private" in tagsn.split(","):
+ #the ' character currently needs changed to something else or the message formatting fails
+ #substituting " for '
+ #notification title
+ prefix = re.sub("'",'"',prefix)
+ #escaping all special characters so that the message formatting doesn't fail
+ prefix = re.escape(prefix)
+ #notification message
+ message = re.sub("'",'"',message)
+ message = re.escape(message)
+ #setting the command which will be passed by ssh to push the notification
+ #note the DISPLAY variable is now accounted for in the ssh part of the command rather than this location
+ disp = '"/usr/bin/notify-send ' + uistring + '\'In PM\' \'' + prefix + ': ' + message + '\' ' + extracommands + '\"'
+ #fire when ready
+ alist = get_addresses()
+ for a in alist:
+ if a != '':
+ #first check to see if DISPLAY is set in an address listing
+ if re.search('DISPLAY\=',a):
+ #if yes, do not set the default value defined above
+ dispnum = ""
+ #generate the ssh portion of the command to send
+ com = "ssh -X " + a + " " + dispnum + " "
+ #add all the bits together and send the notification. time out if it can't connect in 5 seconds
+ weechat.hook_process(com + disp, 5000, "", "")
+ #just a debug message
+ #print(com + disp)
+ #if the message comes from a highlight rather than private message
+ elif (int(ishilight) and
+ weechat.config_get_plugin('show_highlight') == "on"):
+ buffer = (weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "short_name") or
+ weechat.buffer_get_string(bufferp, "name"))
+ #convert ' to " and escape special characters so the ssh command doesn't puke
+ buffer = re.sub("'",'"',buffer)
+ buffer = re.escape(buffer)
+ #notification title
+ prefix = re.sub("'",'"',prefix)
+ prefix = re.escape(prefix)
+ #notification message
+ message = re.sub("'",'"',message)
+ message = re.escape(message)
+ #set notification image
+ if weechat.config_get_plugin('mention-image') != "":
+ imagestring = "--icon=" + weechat.config_get_plugin('mention-image') + " "
+ else:
+ imagestring = ""
+ #set notification urgency
+ if weechat.config_get_plugin('mention-urgency') == "low":
+ urgencystring = "--urgency=low "
+ elif weechat.config_get_plugin('mention-urgency') == "critical":
+ urgencystring = "--urgency=critical "
+ else:
+ urgencystring = "--urgency=normal "
+ uistring = urgencystring + imagestring
+ #adding the notify-send command bits together
+ disp = '"/usr/bin/notify-send ' + uistring + '\'In ' + buffer + '\' \'' + prefix + ': ' + message + '\'' + extracommands + '\"'
+ #decide where to send the notification
+ alist = get_addresses()
+ for a in alist:
+ if a != '':
+ #if display is set in the address, do not apply default value defined above
+ if re.search('DISPLAY\=',a):
+ dispnum = ""
+ #adding the ssh command bits together
+ com = "ssh -X " + a + " " + dispnum + " "
+ #add all the bits together and send the notification. timeout in 5 seconds
+ weechat.hook_process(com + disp, 5000, "", "")
+ #just a debug message
+ #print(com + disp)
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+#right now this is just to enable /help sshnotify
+#might be a better way to do this but i might extend it
+#to allow /sshnotify to send notications directly with
+#arguments as the messages
+def notifying(data,buffer,args):
+ weechat.prnt("","the command /sshnotify won't do much for you...yet. see /help sshnotify for info on how to use this plugin")
+ return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
+#the help message from /help sshnotify
+hook = weechat.hook_command(
+ "sshnotify","overkill desktop notification","",
+ This script allows you to send desktop
+ notifications of private messages and
+ highlighted strings to one or more
+ computers via ssh. This script expects
+ ssh key identification to be set up and
+ /usr/bin/notify-send on the systems to
+ which you are sending notifications.
+ It is quite configurable, allowing you
+ to specify any ssh options you might find
+ necessary (e.g. custom ports and
+ non-default DISPLAY settings.) It allows
+ you to specify strings to be ignored to
+ help cut down on notification spam. Both
+ of these settings accept comma delimited lists.
+ Examples:
+ for multiple ssh connections:
+ /set plugins.var.python.sshnotify.addresses
+ localhost,foo@bar,-p 1234 bar@foo DISPLAY=:1
+ (sends notifications to you@localhost, foo@bar,
+ and bar@foo on port 1234 at DISPLAY 1)
+ for multiple ignore values:
+ /set plugins.var.python.sshnotify.ignore
+ @root: jabber,@root: otr,ignore this string
+ (I use these values to eliminate notification
+ spam from bitlbee when I connect)
+ It also allows you to chain extra commands
+ to be executed after the notify-send command,
+ like so:
+ /set plugins.var.python.sshnotify.extra_commands
+ && espeak 'you have a new message && aplay somerandom.wav
+ (note: this is not comma delimited and expects '&&'
+ in front of any command you wish to execute,
+ including the first one.)
+ You can also set the urgency level and icons
+ used for private messages or highlighted
+ strings (the 'mention' configure options.)
+ Valid urgency levels are 'low','normal', and
+ 'critical'. Icons need to be on the system
+ receiving the notification in order to display,
+ but if they are missing it does not interfere
+ with the functionality of this script.
+ I should also note that apostrophes in messages
+ will be converted to double quotes in your
+ notifications due to formatting issues with
+ the ssh/notify-send command.
+ """
+ ,"",'notifying','')