Suggested task list for free software comunity | |
What can you do to help us in the development of NeL? Here is a suggested task list for the free software community.
Feel free to send us more ideas on the mailing list (nel@nevrax.org).
Suggested task list |
Last updated: April 10th 2002 |
- Add sounds in Snowballs
- Add water in Snowballs
- Add particule effects in Snowballs
- Implement the gtk_displayer based on win_displayer for linux
- Port NeL on mac os x (work in progress by vianney lecroart)
- Add NeL in Crystal Space engine (suggested by loic dachary)
- Plugins to make/export 3d NeL datas
- 3d samples for nel/samples directory (water, animation, etc...)
- Pacs sample for nel/samples directory (landscape collision, dynamic collision)
- Write a NeL FAQ that we'll include on the nevrax.org
- Fix the font problem on 3d card that haven't GL_EXT_texture_env_combine extension
- Optimize/improve 3d GNU/Linux driver
- Doc, Tutorials, Samples...