[Nel] here's the landscape.cpp patch I used

robert@paradox.got.net robert@paradox.got.net
Wed, 7 Mar 2001 01:33:34 -0800 (PST)

Thanks to Leighton's advice I was able to get running.  Here's the
patch I used:

$ cvs diff landscape.cpp
Index: landscape.cpp
RCS file: /home/cvsroot/code/nel/src/3d/landscape.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.48
diff -u -r1.48 landscape.cpp
--- landscape.cpp       2001/02/28 14:28:57     1.48
+++ landscape.cpp       2001/03/07 09:35:52
@@ -741,16 +741,21 @@
        // Fill rdrpass.
        CPatchRdrPass   pass;
        // The diffuse part for a tile is inevitable.
-       if(tile)
-               pass.TextureDiffuse= findTileTexture(TileBank.getAbsPath()+tile->getRelativeFileName(CTile::diffuse));
-       else
+       if(tile) {
+               textName= tile->getRelativeFileName (CTile::diffuse);
+               if(textName!="")
+                       pass.TextureDiffuse= findTileTexture(TileBank.getAbsPath()+textName);
+       } else {
                pass.TextureDiffuse= new CTextureCross;
+        }
                textName= tile->getRelativeFileName (CTile::alpha);
                        pass.TextureAlpha= findTileTexture(TileBank.getAbsPath()+textName);
-       }
+       } else {
+                pass.TextureAlpha= new CTextureCross;
+        }
        // Fill tileInfo.

As he said, this is not an actuall fix, merely a way to cover up the
problem.  This will probably make sense to someone there and in the
mean time I can learn about the rest of this system.

Woo hoo!

Robert de Forest      " meetings, n.:
System Administrator         A place where minutes are kept 
Got.net                                and hours are lost."
<robert@got.net>                    -- login fortune